/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * gindesc.c * rmgr descriptor routines for access/transam/gin/ginxlog.c * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2014, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/access/rmgrdesc/gindesc.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/gin_private.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" #include "storage/relfilenode.h" static void desc_node(StringInfo buf, RelFileNode node, BlockNumber blkno) { appendStringInfo(buf, "node: %u/%u/%u blkno: %u", node.spcNode, node.dbNode, node.relNode, blkno); } static void desc_recompress_leaf(StringInfo buf, ginxlogRecompressDataLeaf *insertData) { int i; char *walbuf = ((char *) insertData) + sizeof(ginxlogRecompressDataLeaf); appendStringInfo(buf, " %d segments:", (int) insertData->nactions); for (i = 0; i < insertData->nactions; i++) { uint8 a_segno = *((uint8 *) (walbuf++)); uint8 a_action = *((uint8 *) (walbuf++)); uint16 nitems = 0; int newsegsize = 0; if (a_action == GIN_SEGMENT_INSERT || a_action == GIN_SEGMENT_REPLACE) { newsegsize = SizeOfGinPostingList((GinPostingList *) walbuf); walbuf += SHORTALIGN(newsegsize); } if (a_action == GIN_SEGMENT_ADDITEMS) { memcpy(&nitems, walbuf, sizeof(uint16)); walbuf += sizeof(uint16); walbuf += nitems * sizeof(ItemPointerData); } switch(a_action) { case GIN_SEGMENT_ADDITEMS: appendStringInfo(buf, " %d (add %d items)", a_segno, nitems); break; case GIN_SEGMENT_DELETE: appendStringInfo(buf, " %d (delete)", a_segno); break; case GIN_SEGMENT_INSERT: appendStringInfo(buf, " %d (insert)", a_segno); break; case GIN_SEGMENT_REPLACE: appendStringInfo(buf, " %d (replace)", a_segno); break; default: appendStringInfo(buf, " %d unknown action %d ???", a_segno, a_action); /* cannot decode unrecognized actions further */ return; } } } void gin_desc(StringInfo buf, uint8 xl_info, char *rec) { uint8 info = xl_info & ~XLR_INFO_MASK; switch (info) { case XLOG_GIN_CREATE_INDEX: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Create index, "); desc_node(buf, *(RelFileNode *) rec, GIN_ROOT_BLKNO); break; case XLOG_GIN_CREATE_PTREE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Create posting tree, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogCreatePostingTree *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogCreatePostingTree *) rec)->blkno); break; case XLOG_GIN_INSERT: { ginxlogInsert *xlrec = (ginxlogInsert *) rec; char *payload = rec + sizeof(ginxlogInsert); appendStringInfoString(buf, "Insert item, "); desc_node(buf, xlrec->node, xlrec->blkno); appendStringInfo(buf, " isdata: %c isleaf: %c", (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISDATA) ? 'T' : 'F', (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF) ? 'T' : 'F'); if (!(xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF)) { BlockNumber leftChildBlkno; BlockNumber rightChildBlkno; leftChildBlkno = BlockIdGetBlockNumber((BlockId) payload); payload += sizeof(BlockIdData); rightChildBlkno = BlockIdGetBlockNumber((BlockId) payload); payload += sizeof(BlockNumber); appendStringInfo(buf, " children: %u/%u", leftChildBlkno, rightChildBlkno); } if (!(xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISDATA)) appendStringInfo(buf, " isdelete: %c", (((ginxlogInsertEntry *) payload)->isDelete) ? 'T' : 'F'); else if (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF) { ginxlogRecompressDataLeaf *insertData = (ginxlogRecompressDataLeaf *) payload; if (xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) appendStringInfo(buf, " (full page image)"); else desc_recompress_leaf(buf, insertData); } else { ginxlogInsertDataInternal *insertData = (ginxlogInsertDataInternal *) payload; appendStringInfo(buf, " pitem: %u-%u/%u", PostingItemGetBlockNumber(&insertData->newitem), ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&insertData->newitem.key), ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&insertData->newitem.key)); } } break; case XLOG_GIN_SPLIT: { ginxlogSplit *xlrec = (ginxlogSplit *) rec; appendStringInfoString(buf, "Page split, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogSplit *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogSplit *) rec)->lblkno); appendStringInfo(buf, " isrootsplit: %c", (((ginxlogSplit *) rec)->flags & GIN_SPLIT_ROOT) ? 'T' : 'F'); appendStringInfo(buf, " isdata: %c isleaf: %c", (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISDATA) ? 'T' : 'F', (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF) ? 'T' : 'F'); } break; case XLOG_GIN_VACUUM_PAGE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Vacuum page, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogVacuumPage *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogVacuumPage *) rec)->blkno); break; case XLOG_GIN_VACUUM_DATA_LEAF_PAGE: { ginxlogVacuumDataLeafPage *xlrec = (ginxlogVacuumDataLeafPage *) rec; appendStringInfoString(buf, "Vacuum data leaf page, "); desc_node(buf, xlrec->node, xlrec->blkno); if (xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) appendStringInfo(buf, " (full page image)"); else desc_recompress_leaf(buf, &xlrec->data); } break; case XLOG_GIN_DELETE_PAGE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Delete page, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogDeletePage *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogDeletePage *) rec)->blkno); break; case XLOG_GIN_UPDATE_META_PAGE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Update metapage, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogUpdateMeta *) rec)->node, GIN_METAPAGE_BLKNO); break; case XLOG_GIN_INSERT_LISTPAGE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Insert new list page, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogInsertListPage *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogInsertListPage *) rec)->blkno); break; case XLOG_GIN_DELETE_LISTPAGE: appendStringInfo(buf, "Delete list pages (%d), ", ((ginxlogDeleteListPages *) rec)->ndeleted); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogDeleteListPages *) rec)->node, GIN_METAPAGE_BLKNO); break; default: appendStringInfo(buf, "unknown gin op code %u", info); break; } }