CREATE TABLE test1 (x int, y int[]); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1, ARRAY[11, 111]); CREATE INDEX test1_y_idx ON test1 USING gin (y) WITH (fastupdate = off); \x SELECT * FROM gin_metapage_info(get_raw_page('test1_y_idx', 0)); SELECT * FROM gin_metapage_info(get_raw_page('test1_y_idx', 1)); SELECT * FROM gin_page_opaque_info(get_raw_page('test1_y_idx', 1)); SELECT * FROM gin_leafpage_items(get_raw_page('test1_y_idx', 1)); INSERT INTO test1 SELECT x, ARRAY[1,10] FROM generate_series(2,10000) x; SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM gin_leafpage_items(get_raw_page('test1_y_idx', (pg_relation_size('test1_y_idx') / current_setting('block_size')::bigint)::int - 1)); -- Failure with various modes. -- Suppress the DETAIL message, to allow the tests to work across various -- page sizes and architectures. \set VERBOSITY terse -- invalid page size SELECT gin_leafpage_items('aaa'::bytea); SELECT gin_metapage_info('bbb'::bytea); SELECT gin_page_opaque_info('ccc'::bytea); -- invalid special area size SELECT * FROM gin_metapage_info(get_raw_page('test1', 0)); SELECT * FROM gin_page_opaque_info(get_raw_page('test1', 0)); SELECT * FROM gin_leafpage_items(get_raw_page('test1', 0)); \set VERBOSITY default -- Tests with all-zero pages. SHOW block_size \gset SELECT gin_leafpage_items(decode(repeat('00', :block_size), 'hex')); SELECT gin_metapage_info(decode(repeat('00', :block_size), 'hex')); SELECT gin_page_opaque_info(decode(repeat('00', :block_size), 'hex'));