
681 lines
17 KiB

* pg_backup_db.c
* Implements the basic DB functions used by the archiver.
* src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_db.c
#include "postgres_fe.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include "common/connect.h"
#include "common/string.h"
#include "dumputils.h"
#include "fe_utils/string_utils.h"
#include "parallel.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
#include "pg_backup_db.h"
#include "pg_backup_utils.h"
static void _check_database_version(ArchiveHandle *AH);
static void notice_processor(void *arg, const char *message);
static void
_check_database_version(ArchiveHandle *AH)
const char *remoteversion_str;
int remoteversion;
PGresult *res;
remoteversion_str = PQparameterStatus(AH->connection, "server_version");
remoteversion = PQserverVersion(AH->connection);
if (remoteversion == 0 || !remoteversion_str)
pg_fatal("could not get server_version from libpq");
AH->public.remoteVersionStr = pg_strdup(remoteversion_str);
AH->public.remoteVersion = remoteversion;
if (!AH->archiveRemoteVersion)
AH->archiveRemoteVersion = AH->public.remoteVersionStr;
if (remoteversion != PG_VERSION_NUM
&& (remoteversion < AH->public.minRemoteVersion ||
remoteversion > AH->public.maxRemoteVersion))
pg_log_error("aborting because of server version mismatch");
pg_log_error_detail("server version: %s; %s version: %s",
remoteversion_str, progname, PG_VERSION);
* Check if server is in recovery mode, which means we are on a hot
* standby.
res = ExecuteSqlQueryForSingleRow((Archive *) AH,
"SELECT pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery()");
AH->public.isStandby = (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), "t") == 0);
* Reconnect to the server. If dbname is not NULL, use that database,
* else the one associated with the archive handle.
ReconnectToServer(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *dbname)
PGconn *oldConn = AH->connection;
RestoreOptions *ropt = AH->public.ropt;
* Save the dbname, if given, in override_dbname so that it will also
* affect any later reconnection attempt.
if (dbname)
ropt->cparams.override_dbname = pg_strdup(dbname);
* Note: we want to establish the new connection, and in particular update
* ArchiveHandle's connCancel, before closing old connection. Otherwise
* an ill-timed SIGINT could try to access a dead connection.
AH->connection = NULL; /* dodge error check in ConnectDatabase */
ConnectDatabase((Archive *) AH, &ropt->cparams, true);
* Make, or remake, a database connection with the given parameters.
* The resulting connection handle is stored in AHX->connection.
* An interactive password prompt is automatically issued if required.
* We store the results of that in AHX->savedPassword.
* Note: it's not really all that sensible to use a single-entry password
* cache if the username keeps changing. In current usage, however, the
* username never does change, so one savedPassword is sufficient.
ConnectDatabase(Archive *AHX,
const ConnParams *cparams,
bool isReconnect)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
trivalue prompt_password;
char *password;
bool new_pass;
if (AH->connection)
pg_fatal("already connected to a database");
/* Never prompt for a password during a reconnection */
prompt_password = isReconnect ? TRI_NO : cparams->promptPassword;
password = AH->savedPassword;
if (prompt_password == TRI_YES && password == NULL)
password = simple_prompt("Password: ", false);
* Start the connection. Loop until we have a password if requested by
* backend.
const char *keywords[8];
const char *values[8];
int i = 0;
* If dbname is a connstring, its entries can override the other
* values obtained from cparams; but in turn, override_dbname can
* override the dbname component of it.
keywords[i] = "host";
values[i++] = cparams->pghost;
keywords[i] = "port";
values[i++] = cparams->pgport;
keywords[i] = "user";
values[i++] = cparams->username;
keywords[i] = "password";
values[i++] = password;
keywords[i] = "dbname";
values[i++] = cparams->dbname;
if (cparams->override_dbname)
keywords[i] = "dbname";
values[i++] = cparams->override_dbname;
keywords[i] = "fallback_application_name";
values[i++] = progname;
keywords[i] = NULL;
values[i++] = NULL;
Assert(i <= lengthof(keywords));
new_pass = false;
AH->connection = PQconnectdbParams(keywords, values, true);
if (!AH->connection)
pg_fatal("could not connect to database");
if (PQstatus(AH->connection) == CONNECTION_BAD &&
PQconnectionNeedsPassword(AH->connection) &&
password == NULL &&
prompt_password != TRI_NO)
password = simple_prompt("Password: ", false);
new_pass = true;
} while (new_pass);
/* check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
if (PQstatus(AH->connection) == CONNECTION_BAD)
if (isReconnect)
pg_fatal("reconnection failed: %s",
/* Start strict; later phases may override this. */
PQclear(ExecuteSqlQueryForSingleRow((Archive *) AH,
if (password && password != AH->savedPassword)
* We want to remember connection's actual password, whether or not we got
* it by prompting. So we don't just store the password variable.
if (PQconnectionUsedPassword(AH->connection))
AH->savedPassword = pg_strdup(PQpass(AH->connection));
/* check for version mismatch */
PQsetNoticeProcessor(AH->connection, notice_processor, NULL);
/* arrange for SIGINT to issue a query cancel on this connection */
set_archive_cancel_info(AH, AH->connection);
* Close the connection to the database and also cancel off the query if we
* have one running.
DisconnectDatabase(Archive *AHX)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
char errbuf[1];
if (!AH->connection)
if (AH->connCancel)
* If we have an active query, send a cancel before closing, ignoring
* any errors. This is of no use for a normal exit, but might be
* helpful during pg_fatal().
if (PQtransactionStatus(AH->connection) == PQTRANS_ACTIVE)
(void) PQcancel(AH->connCancel, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
* Prevent signal handler from sending a cancel after this.
set_archive_cancel_info(AH, NULL);
AH->connection = NULL;
PGconn *
GetConnection(Archive *AHX)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
return AH->connection;
static void
notice_processor(void *arg, const char *message)
pg_log_info("%s", message);
/* Like pg_fatal(), but with a complaint about a particular query. */
static void
die_on_query_failure(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *query)
pg_log_error("query failed: %s",
pg_log_error_detail("Query was: %s", query);
ExecuteSqlStatement(Archive *AHX, const char *query)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
PGresult *res;
res = PQexec(AH->connection, query);
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
die_on_query_failure(AH, query);
PGresult *
ExecuteSqlQuery(Archive *AHX, const char *query, ExecStatusType status)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
PGresult *res;
res = PQexec(AH->connection, query);
if (PQresultStatus(res) != status)
die_on_query_failure(AH, query);
return res;
* Execute an SQL query and verify that we got exactly one row back.
PGresult *
ExecuteSqlQueryForSingleRow(Archive *fout, const char *query)
PGresult *res;
int ntups;
res = ExecuteSqlQuery(fout, query, PGRES_TUPLES_OK);
/* Expecting a single result only */
ntups = PQntuples(res);
if (ntups != 1)
pg_fatal(ngettext("query returned %d row instead of one: %s",
"query returned %d rows instead of one: %s",
ntups, query);
return res;
* Convenience function to send a query.
* Monitors result to detect COPY statements
static void
ExecuteSqlCommand(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *qry, const char *desc)
PGconn *conn = AH->connection;
PGresult *res;
#ifdef NOT_USED
fprintf(stderr, "Executing: '%s'\n\n", qry);
res = PQexec(conn, qry);
switch (PQresultStatus(res))
/* A-OK */
/* Assume this is an expected result */
AH->pgCopyIn = true;
/* trouble */
warn_or_exit_horribly(AH, "%s: %sCommand was: %s",
desc, PQerrorMessage(conn), qry);
* Process non-COPY table data (that is, INSERT commands).
* The commands have been run together as one long string for compressibility,
* and we are receiving them in bufferloads with arbitrary boundaries, so we
* have to locate command boundaries and save partial commands across calls.
* All state must be kept in AH->sqlparse, not in local variables of this
* routine. We assume that AH->sqlparse was filled with zeroes when created.
* We have to lex the data to the extent of identifying literals and quoted
* identifiers, so that we can recognize statement-terminating semicolons.
* We assume that INSERT data will not contain SQL comments, E'' literals,
* or dollar-quoted strings, so this is much simpler than a full SQL lexer.
* Note: when restoring from a pre-9.0 dump file, this code is also used to
* process BLOB COMMENTS data, which has the same problem of containing
* multiple SQL commands that might be split across bufferloads. Fortunately,
* that data won't contain anything complicated to lex either.
static void
ExecuteSimpleCommands(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *buf, size_t bufLen)
const char *qry = buf;
const char *eos = buf + bufLen;
/* initialize command buffer if first time through */
if (AH->sqlparse.curCmd == NULL)
AH->sqlparse.curCmd = createPQExpBuffer();
for (; qry < eos; qry++)
char ch = *qry;
/* For neatness, we skip any newlines between commands */
if (!(ch == '\n' && AH->sqlparse.curCmd->len == 0))
appendPQExpBufferChar(AH->sqlparse.curCmd, ch);
switch (AH->sqlparse.state)
case SQL_SCAN: /* Default state == 0, set in _allocAH */
if (ch == ';')
* We've found the end of a statement. Send it and reset
* the buffer.
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, AH->sqlparse.curCmd->data,
"could not execute query");
else if (ch == '\'')
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_IN_SINGLE_QUOTE;
AH->sqlparse.backSlash = false;
else if (ch == '"')
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE;
/* We needn't handle '' specially */
if (ch == '\'' && !AH->sqlparse.backSlash)
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_SCAN;
else if (ch == '\\' && !AH->public.std_strings)
AH->sqlparse.backSlash = !AH->sqlparse.backSlash;
AH->sqlparse.backSlash = false;
/* We needn't handle "" specially */
if (ch == '"')
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_SCAN;
* Implement ahwrite() for direct-to-DB restore
ExecuteSqlCommandBuf(Archive *AHX, const char *buf, size_t bufLen)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
if (AH->outputKind == OUTPUT_COPYDATA)
* COPY data.
* We drop the data on the floor if libpq has failed to enter COPY
* mode; this allows us to behave reasonably when trying to continue
* after an error in a COPY command.
if (AH->pgCopyIn &&
PQputCopyData(AH->connection, buf, bufLen) <= 0)
pg_fatal("error returned by PQputCopyData: %s",
else if (AH->outputKind == OUTPUT_OTHERDATA)
* Table data expressed as INSERT commands; or, in old dump files,
* BLOB COMMENTS data (which is expressed as COMMENT ON commands).
ExecuteSimpleCommands(AH, buf, bufLen);
* General SQL commands; we assume that commands will not be split
* across calls.
* In most cases the data passed to us will be a null-terminated
* string, but if it's not, we have to add a trailing null.
if (buf[bufLen] == '\0')
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, buf, "could not execute query");
char *str = (char *) pg_malloc(bufLen + 1);
memcpy(str, buf, bufLen);
str[bufLen] = '\0';
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, str, "could not execute query");
return bufLen;
* Terminate a COPY operation during direct-to-DB restore
EndDBCopyMode(Archive *AHX, const char *tocEntryTag)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
if (AH->pgCopyIn)
PGresult *res;
if (PQputCopyEnd(AH->connection, NULL) <= 0)
pg_fatal("error returned by PQputCopyEnd: %s",
/* Check command status and return to normal libpq state */
res = PQgetResult(AH->connection);
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
warn_or_exit_horribly(AH, "COPY failed for table \"%s\": %s",
tocEntryTag, PQerrorMessage(AH->connection));
/* Do this to ensure we've pumped libpq back to idle state */
if (PQgetResult(AH->connection) != NULL)
pg_log_warning("unexpected extra results during COPY of table \"%s\"",
AH->pgCopyIn = false;
StartTransaction(Archive *AHX)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, "BEGIN", "could not start database transaction");
CommitTransaction(Archive *AHX)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle *) AHX;
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, "COMMIT", "could not commit database transaction");
* Issue per-blob commands for the large object(s) listed in the TocEntry
* The TocEntry's defn string is assumed to consist of large object OIDs,
* one per line. Wrap these in the given SQL command fragments and issue
* the commands. (cmdEnd need not include a semicolon.)
IssueCommandPerBlob(ArchiveHandle *AH, TocEntry *te,
const char *cmdBegin, const char *cmdEnd)
/* Make a writable copy of the command string */
char *buf = pg_strdup(te->defn);
RestoreOptions *ropt = AH->public.ropt;
char *st;
char *en;
st = buf;
while ((en = strchr(st, '\n')) != NULL)
*en++ = '\0';
ahprintf(AH, "%s%s%s;\n", cmdBegin, st, cmdEnd);
/* In --transaction-size mode, count each command as an action */
if (ropt && ropt->txn_size > 0)
if (++AH->txnCount >= ropt->txn_size)
if (AH->connection)
ahprintf(AH, "COMMIT;\nBEGIN;\n\n");
AH->txnCount = 0;
st = en;
ahprintf(AH, "\n");
* Process a "LARGE OBJECTS" ACL TocEntry.
* To save space in the dump file, the TocEntry contains only one copy
* of the required GRANT/REVOKE commands, written to apply to the first
* blob in the group (although we do not depend on that detail here).
* We must expand the text to generate commands for all the blobs listed
* in the associated BLOB METADATA entry.
IssueACLPerBlob(ArchiveHandle *AH, TocEntry *te)
TocEntry *blobte = getTocEntryByDumpId(AH, te->dependencies[0]);
char *buf;
char *st;
char *st2;
char *en;
bool inquotes;
if (!blobte)
pg_fatal("could not find entry for ID %d", te->dependencies[0]);
Assert(strcmp(blobte->desc, "BLOB METADATA") == 0);
/* Make a writable copy of the ACL commands string */
buf = pg_strdup(te->defn);
* We have to parse out the commands sufficiently to locate the blob OIDs
* and find the command-ending semicolons. The commands should not
* contain anything hard to parse except for double-quoted role names,
* which are easy to ignore. Once we've split apart the first and second
* halves of a command, apply IssueCommandPerBlob. (This means the
* updates on the blobs are interleaved if there's multiple commands, but
* that should cause no trouble.)
inquotes = false;
st = en = buf;
st2 = NULL;
while (*en)
/* Ignore double-quoted material */
if (*en == '"')
inquotes = !inquotes;
if (inquotes)
/* If we found "LARGE OBJECT", that's the end of the first half */
if (strncmp(en, "LARGE OBJECT ", 13) == 0)
/* Terminate the first-half string */
en += 13;
Assert(isdigit((unsigned char) *en));
*en++ = '\0';
/* Skip the rest of the blob OID */
while (isdigit((unsigned char) *en))
/* Second half starts here */
Assert(st2 == NULL);
st2 = en;
/* If we found semicolon, that's the end of the second half */
else if (*en == ';')
/* Terminate the second-half string */
*en++ = '\0';
Assert(st2 != NULL);
/* Issue this command for each blob */
IssueCommandPerBlob(AH, blobte, st, st2);
/* For neatness, skip whitespace before the next command */
while (isspace((unsigned char) *en))
/* Reset for new command */
st = en;
st2 = NULL;
DropLOIfExists(ArchiveHandle *AH, Oid oid)
"SELECT pg_catalog.lo_unlink(oid) "
"FROM pg_catalog.pg_largeobject_metadata "
"WHERE oid = '%u';\n",