
98 lines
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Executable File

# Installs the passed in packages via macports. To make it fast enough
# for CI, cache the installation as a .dmg file. To avoid
# unnecessarily updating the cache, the cached image is only modified
# when packages are installed or removed. Any package this script is
# not instructed to install, will be removed again.
# This currently expects to be run in a macos cirrus-ci environment.
set -e
# set -x
if [ "$CIRRUS_CI" != "true" ]; then
echo "expect to be called within cirrus-ci" 1>2
exit 1
sudo mkdir -p /opt/local
mkdir -p ${MACPORTS_CACHE}/
# If we are starting from clean cache, perform a fresh macports
# install. Otherwise decompress the .dmg we created previously.
# After this we have a working macports installation, with an unknown set of
# packages installed.
if [ -e ${MACPORTS_CACHE}/${cache_dmg}.zstd ]; then
time zstd -T0 -d ${MACPORTS_CACHE}/${cache_dmg}.zstd -o ${cache_dmg}
time sudo hdiutil attach -kernel ${cache_dmg} -owners on -shadow ${cache_dmg}.shadow -mountpoint /opt/local
curl -fsSL -o macports.pkg "$macports_url"
time sudo installer -pkg macports.pkg -target /
# this is a throwaway environment, and it'd be a few lines to gin
# up a correct user / group when using the cache.
echo macportsuser root | sudo tee -a /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf
export PATH=/opt/local/sbin/:/opt/local/bin/:$PATH
# mark all installed packages unrequested, that allows us to detect
# packages that aren't needed anymore
if [ -n "$(port -q installed installed)" ] ; then
sudo port unsetrequested installed
# if setting all the required packages as requested fails, we need
# to install at least one of them
if ! sudo port setrequested $packages > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo not all required packages installed, doing so now
# to keep the image small, we deleted the ports tree from the image...
sudo port selfupdate
# XXX likely we'll need some other way to force an upgrade at some
# point...
sudo port upgrade outdated
sudo port install -N $packages
sudo port setrequested $packages
# check if any ports should be uninstalled
if [ -n "$(port -q installed rleaves)" ] ; then
echo superfluous packages installed
sudo port uninstall --follow-dependencies rleaves
# remove prior cache contents, don't want to increase size
# Shrink installation if we created / modified it
if [ "$new_install" -eq 1 -o "$update_cached_image" -eq 1 ]; then
sudo /opt/local/bin/port clean --all installed
sudo rm -rf /opt/local/var/macports/{software,sources}/*
# If we're starting from a clean cache, start a new image. If we have
# an image, but the contents changed, update the image in the cache
# location.
if [ "$new_install" -eq 1 ]; then
# use a generous size, so additional software can be installed later
time sudo hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -format UDRO -size 10g -layout NONE -srcfolder /opt/local/ ${cache_dmg}
time zstd -T -10 -z ${cache_dmg} -o ${MACPORTS_CACHE}/${cache_dmg}.zstd
elif [ "$update_cached_image" -eq 1 ]; then
sudo hdiutil detach /opt/local/
time hdiutil convert -format UDRO ${cache_dmg} -shadow ${cache_dmg}.shadow -o updated.hfs.dmg
rm ${cache_dmg}.shadow
mv updated.hfs.dmg ${cache_dmg}
time zstd --force -T -10 -z ${cache_dmg} -o ${MACPORTS_CACHE}/${cache_dmg}.zstd
time sudo hdiutil attach -kernel ${cache_dmg} -owners on -shadow ${cache_dmg}.shadow -mountpoint /opt/local