
234 lines
6.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
use Test::More;
if ($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::is_msys2)
plan skip_all => 'High bit name tests fail on Msys2';
# We're going to use byte sequences that aren't valid UTF-8 strings. Use
# LATIN1, which accepts any byte and has a conversion from each byte to UTF-8.
$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
# Create database and user names covering the range of LATIN1
# characters, for use in a connection string by pg_dumpall. Skip ','
# because of pg_regress --create-role, skip [\n\r] because pg_dumpall
# does not allow them. We also skip many ASCII letters, to keep the
# total number of tested characters to what will fit in four names.
# The odds of finding something interesting by testing all ASCII letters
# seem too small to justify the cycles of testing a fifth name.
my $dbname1 =
. generate_ascii_string(1, 9)
. generate_ascii_string(11, 12)
. generate_ascii_string(14, 33)
. (
? ''
: '"x"') # IPC::Run mishandles '"' on Windows
. generate_ascii_string(35, 43) # skip ','
. generate_ascii_string(45, 54);
my $dbname2 = 'regression' . generate_ascii_string(55, 65) # skip 'B'-'W'
. generate_ascii_string(88, 99) # skip 'd'-'w'
. generate_ascii_string(120, 149);
my $dbname3 = 'regression' . generate_ascii_string(150, 202);
my $dbname4 = 'regression' . generate_ascii_string(203, 255);
(my $username1 = $dbname1) =~ s/^regression/regress_/;
(my $username2 = $dbname2) =~ s/^regression/regress_/;
(my $username3 = $dbname3) =~ s/^regression/regress_/;
(my $username4 = $dbname4) =~ s/^regression/regress_/;
my $src_bootstrap_super = 'regress_postgres';
my $dst_bootstrap_super = 'boot';
my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('main');
$node->init(extra =>
[ '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, '--locale=C', '--encoding=LATIN1' ]);
# prep pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf
$ENV{PG_REGRESS}, '--config-auth',
$node->data_dir, '--user',
$src_bootstrap_super, '--create-role',
my $backupdir = $node->backup_dir;
my $discard = "$backupdir/discard.sql";
my $plain = "$backupdir/plain.sql";
my $dirfmt = "$backupdir/dirfmt";
$node->run_log([ 'createdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, $dbname1 ]);
[ 'createuser', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, '-s', $username1 ]);
$node->run_log([ 'createdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, $dbname2 ]);
[ 'createuser', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, '-s', $username2 ]);
$node->run_log([ 'createdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, $dbname3 ]);
[ 'createuser', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, '-s', $username3 ]);
$node->run_log([ 'createdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, $dbname4 ]);
[ 'createuser', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, '-s', $username4 ]);
# For these tests, pg_dumpall -r is used because it produces a short
# dump.
'pg_dumpall', '-r', '-f', $discard, '--dbname',
'-U', $username4
'pg_dumpall with long ASCII name 1');
'pg_dumpall', '--no-sync', '-r', '-f', $discard, '--dbname',
'-U', $username3
'pg_dumpall with long ASCII name 2');
'pg_dumpall', '--no-sync', '-r', '-f', $discard, '--dbname',
'-U', $username2
'pg_dumpall with long ASCII name 3');
'pg_dumpall', '--no-sync', '-r', '-f', $discard, '--dbname',
'-U', $username1
'pg_dumpall with long ASCII name 4');
'pg_dumpall', '-U',
$src_bootstrap_super, '--no-sync',
'-r', '-l',
'pg_dumpall -l accepts connection string');
$node->run_log([ 'createdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, "foo\n\rbar" ]);
# not sufficient to use -r here
[ 'pg_dumpall', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, '--no-sync', '-f', $discard ],
'pg_dumpall with \n\r in database name');
$node->run_log([ 'dropdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, "foo\n\rbar" ]);
# make a table, so the parallel worker has something to dump
extra_params => [ '-U', $src_bootstrap_super ]);
# XXX no printed message when this fails, just SIGPIPE termination
'pg_dump', '-Fd', '--no-sync', '-j2', '-f', $dirfmt, '-U', $username1,
'parallel dump');
# recreate $dbname1 for restore test
$node->run_log([ 'dropdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, $dbname1 ]);
$node->run_log([ 'createdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, $dbname1 ]);
'pg_restore', '-v', '-d', 'template1',
'-j2', '-U', $username1, $dirfmt
'parallel restore');
$node->run_log([ 'dropdb', '-U', $src_bootstrap_super, $dbname1 ]);
'pg_restore', '-C', '-v', '-d',
'template1', '-j2', '-U', $username1,
'parallel restore with create');
[ 'pg_dumpall', '--no-sync', '-f', $plain, '-U', $username1 ],
'take full dump');
system_log('cat', $plain);
my ($stderr, $result);
my $restore_super = qq{regress_a'b\\c=d\\ne"f};
$restore_super =~ s/"//g
$PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::windows_os; # IPC::Run mishandles '"' on Windows
# Restore full dump through psql using environment variables for
# dbname/user connection parameters
my $envar_node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('destination_envar');
extra =>
[ '-U', $dst_bootstrap_super, '--locale=C', '--encoding=LATIN1' ],
auth_extra =>
[ '--user', $dst_bootstrap_super, '--create-role', $restore_super ]);
# make superuser for restore
[ 'createuser', '-U', $dst_bootstrap_super, '-s', $restore_super ]);
local $ENV{PGPORT} = $envar_node->port;
local $ENV{PGUSER} = $restore_super;
$result = run_log([ 'psql', '-X', '-f', $plain ], '2>', \$stderr);
'restore full dump using environment variables for connection parameters'
is($stderr, '', 'no dump errors');
# Restore full dump through psql using command-line options for
# dbname/user connection parameters. "\connect dbname=" forgets
# user/port from command line.
my $cmdline_node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('destination_cmdline');
extra =>
[ '-U', $dst_bootstrap_super, '--locale=C', '--encoding=LATIN1' ],
auth_extra =>
[ '--user', $dst_bootstrap_super, '--create-role', $restore_super ]);
[ 'createuser', '-U', $dst_bootstrap_super, '-s', $restore_super ]);
$result = run_log(
'psql', '-p', $cmdline_node->port, '-U',
$restore_super, '-X', '-f', $plain
'restore full dump with command-line options for connection parameters');
is($stderr, '', 'no dump errors');