
266 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
use Test::More;
my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('main');
$ENV{PGOPTIONS} = '--client-min-messages=WARNING';
# Create a tablespace for testing.
my $tbspace_path = $node->basedir . '/regress_reindex_tbspace';
mkdir $tbspace_path or die "cannot create directory $tbspace_path";
my $tbspace_name = 'reindex_tbspace';
"CREATE TABLESPACE $tbspace_name LOCATION '$tbspace_path';");
# Use text as data type to get a toast table.
'CREATE TABLE test1 (a text); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a);');
# Collect toast table and index names of this relation, for later use.
my $toast_table = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT reltoastrelid::regclass FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'test1'::regclass;"
my $toast_index = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT indexrelid::regclass FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid = '$toast_table'::regclass;"
# Set of SQL queries to cross-check the state of relfilenodes across
# REINDEX operations. A set of relfilenodes is saved from the catalogs
# and then compared with pg_class.
'CREATE TABLE index_relfilenodes (parent regclass, indname text, indoid oid, relfilenode oid);'
# Save the relfilenode of a set of toast indexes, one from the catalog
# pg_constraint and one from the test table.
my $fetch_toast_relfilenodes =
qq{SELECT b.oid::regclass, c.oid::regclass::text, c.oid, c.relfilenode
FROM pg_class a
JOIN pg_class b ON (a.oid = b.reltoastrelid)
JOIN pg_index i on (a.oid = i.indrelid)
JOIN pg_class c on (i.indexrelid = c.oid)
WHERE b.oid IN ('pg_constraint'::regclass, 'test1'::regclass)};
# Same for relfilenodes of normal indexes. This saves the relfilenode
# from an index of pg_constraint, and from the index of the test table.
my $fetch_index_relfilenodes =
qq{SELECT i.indrelid, a.oid::regclass::text, a.oid, a.relfilenode
FROM pg_class a
JOIN pg_index i ON (i.indexrelid = a.oid)
WHERE a.relname IN ('pg_constraint_oid_index', 'test1x')};
my $save_relfilenodes =
"INSERT INTO index_relfilenodes $fetch_toast_relfilenodes;"
. "INSERT INTO index_relfilenodes $fetch_index_relfilenodes;";
# Query to compare a set of relfilenodes saved with the contents of pg_class.
# Note that this does not join using OIDs, as CONCURRENTLY would change them
# when reindexing. A filter is applied on the toast index names, even if this
# does not make a difference between the catalog and normal ones. The ordering
# based on the name is enough to ensure a fixed output, where the name of the
# parent table is included to provide more context.
my $compare_relfilenodes = qq(SELECT b.parent::regclass,
regexp_replace(b.indname::text, '(pg_toast.pg_toast_)\\d+(_index)', '\\1<oid>\\2'),
CASE WHEN a.oid = b.indoid THEN 'OID is unchanged'
ELSE 'OID has changed' END,
CASE WHEN a.relfilenode = b.relfilenode THEN 'relfilenode is unchanged'
ELSE 'relfilenode has changed' END
FROM index_relfilenodes b
JOIN pg_class a ON b.indname::text = a.oid::regclass::text
ORDER BY b.parent::text, b.indname::text);
# Save the set of relfilenodes and compare them.
$node->safe_psql('postgres', $save_relfilenodes);
[ 'reindexdb', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX DATABASE postgres;/,
my $relnode_info = $node->safe_psql('postgres', $compare_relfilenodes);
is( $relnode_info,
qq(pg_constraint|pg_constraint_oid_index|OID is unchanged|relfilenode is unchanged
pg_constraint|pg_toast.pg_toast_<oid>_index|OID is unchanged|relfilenode is unchanged
test1|pg_toast.pg_toast_<oid>_index|OID is unchanged|relfilenode has changed
test1|test1x|OID is unchanged|relfilenode has changed),
'relfilenode change after REINDEX DATABASE');
# Re-save and run the second one.
"TRUNCATE index_relfilenodes; $save_relfilenodes");
[ 'reindexdb', '-s', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX SYSTEM postgres;/,
'reindex system tables');
$relnode_info = $node->safe_psql('postgres', $compare_relfilenodes);
is( $relnode_info,
qq(pg_constraint|pg_constraint_oid_index|OID is unchanged|relfilenode has changed
pg_constraint|pg_toast.pg_toast_<oid>_index|OID is unchanged|relfilenode has changed
test1|pg_toast.pg_toast_<oid>_index|OID is unchanged|relfilenode is unchanged
test1|test1x|OID is unchanged|relfilenode is unchanged),
'relfilenode change after REINDEX SYSTEM');
[ 'reindexdb', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX TABLE public\.test1;/,
'reindex specific table');
[ 'reindexdb', '-t', 'test1', '--tablespace', $tbspace_name, 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX \(TABLESPACE $tbspace_name\) TABLE public\.test1;/,
'reindex specific table on tablespace');
[ 'reindexdb', '-i', 'test1x', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX INDEX public\.test1x;/,
'reindex specific index');
[ 'reindexdb', '-S', 'pg_catalog', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX SCHEMA pg_catalog;/,
'reindex specific schema');
[ 'reindexdb', '-v', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX \(VERBOSE\) TABLE public\.test1;/,
'reindex with verbose output');
'reindexdb', '-v', '-t', 'test1',
'--tablespace', $tbspace_name, 'postgres'
qr/statement: REINDEX \(VERBOSE, TABLESPACE $tbspace_name\) TABLE public\.test1;/,
'reindex with verbose output and tablespace');
# Same with --concurrently.
# Save the state of the relations and compare them after the DATABASE
# rebuild.
"TRUNCATE index_relfilenodes; $save_relfilenodes");
[ 'reindexdb', '--concurrently', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX DATABASE CONCURRENTLY postgres;/,
$relnode_info = $node->safe_psql('postgres', $compare_relfilenodes);
is( $relnode_info,
qq(pg_constraint|pg_constraint_oid_index|OID is unchanged|relfilenode is unchanged
pg_constraint|pg_toast.pg_toast_<oid>_index|OID is unchanged|relfilenode is unchanged
test1|pg_toast.pg_toast_<oid>_index|OID has changed|relfilenode has changed
test1|test1x|OID has changed|relfilenode has changed),
[ 'reindexdb', '--concurrently', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX TABLE CONCURRENTLY public\.test1;/,
'reindex specific table concurrently');
[ 'reindexdb', '--concurrently', '-i', 'test1x', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX INDEX CONCURRENTLY public\.test1x;/,
'reindex specific index concurrently');
[ 'reindexdb', '--concurrently', '-S', 'public', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX SCHEMA CONCURRENTLY public;/,
'reindex specific schema concurrently');
$node->command_fails([ 'reindexdb', '--concurrently', '-s', 'postgres' ],
'reindex system tables concurrently');
[ 'reindexdb', '--concurrently', '-v', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX \(VERBOSE\) TABLE CONCURRENTLY public\.test1;/,
'reindex with verbose output concurrently');
'reindexdb', '--concurrently', '-v', '-t',
'test1', '--tablespace', $tbspace_name, 'postgres'
qr/statement: REINDEX \(VERBOSE, TABLESPACE $tbspace_name\) TABLE CONCURRENTLY public\.test1;/,
'reindex concurrently with verbose output and tablespace');
# REINDEX TABLESPACE on toast indexes and tables fails. This is not
# part of the main regression test suite as these have unpredictable
# names, and CONCURRENTLY cannot be used in transaction blocks, preventing
# the use of TRY/CATCH blocks in a custom function to filter error
# messages.
'reindexdb', '-t', $toast_table, '--tablespace',
$tbspace_name, 'postgres'
[qr/cannot move system relation/],
'reindex toast table with tablespace');
'reindexdb', '--concurrently', '-t', $toast_table,
'--tablespace', $tbspace_name, 'postgres'
[qr/cannot move system relation/],
'reindex toast table concurrently with tablespace');
'reindexdb', '-i', $toast_index, '--tablespace',
$tbspace_name, 'postgres'
[qr/cannot move system relation/],
'reindex toast index with tablespace');
'reindexdb', '--concurrently', '-i', $toast_index,
'--tablespace', $tbspace_name, 'postgres'
[qr/cannot move system relation/],
'reindex toast index concurrently with tablespace');
# connection strings
$node->command_ok([qw(reindexdb --echo --table=pg_am dbname=template1)],
'reindexdb table with connection string');
[qw(reindexdb --echo dbname=template1)],
'reindexdb database with connection string');
[qw(reindexdb --echo --system dbname=template1)],
'reindexdb system with connection string');
# parallel processing
'postgres', q|
CREATE TABLE s1.t1(id integer);
CREATE INDEX ON s1.t1(id);
CREATE TABLE s2.t2(id integer);
CREATE INDEX ON s2.t2(id);
-- empty schema
[ 'reindexdb', '-j', '2', '-s', 'postgres' ],
'parallel reindexdb cannot process system catalogs');
[ 'reindexdb', '-j', '2', '-i', 'i1', 'postgres' ],
'parallel reindexdb cannot process indexes');
# Note that the ordering of the commands is not stable, so the second
# command for s2.t2 is not checked after.
[ 'reindexdb', '-j', '2', '-S', 's1', '-S', 's2', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement:\ REINDEX TABLE s1.t1;/,
'parallel reindexdb for schemas does a per-table REINDEX');
[ 'reindexdb', '-j', '2', '-S', 's3' ],
'parallel reindexdb with empty schema');
[ 'reindexdb', '-j', '2', '--concurrently', '-d', 'postgres' ],
'parallel reindexdb on database, concurrently');