Alvaro Herrera 0ac5ad5134 Improve concurrency of foreign key locking
This patch introduces two additional lock modes for tuples: "SELECT FOR
KEY SHARE" and "SELECT FOR NO KEY UPDATE".  These don't block each
other, in contrast with already existing "SELECT FOR SHARE" and "SELECT
FOR UPDATE".  UPDATE commands that do not modify the values stored in
the columns that are part of the key of the tuple now grab a SELECT FOR
NO KEY UPDATE lock on the tuple, allowing them to proceed concurrently
with tuple locks of the FOR KEY SHARE variety.

Foreign key triggers now use FOR KEY SHARE instead of FOR SHARE; this
means the concurrency improvement applies to them, which is the whole
point of this patch.

The added tuple lock semantics require some rejiggering of the multixact
module, so that the locking level that each transaction is holding can
be stored alongside its Xid.  Also, multixacts now need to persist
across server restarts and crashes, because they can now represent not
only tuple locks, but also tuple updates.  This means we need more
careful tracking of lifetime of pg_multixact SLRU files; since they now
persist longer, we require more infrastructure to figure out when they
can be removed.  pg_upgrade also needs to be careful to copy
pg_multixact files over from the old server to the new, or at least part
of multixact.c state, depending on the versions of the old and new

Tuple time qualification rules (HeapTupleSatisfies routines) need to be
careful not to consider tuples with the "is multi" infomask bit set as
being only locked; they might need to look up MultiXact values (i.e.
possibly do pg_multixact I/O) to find out the Xid that updated a tuple,
whereas they previously were assured to only use information readily
available from the tuple header.  This is considered acceptable, because
the extra I/O would involve cases that would previously cause some
commands to block waiting for concurrent transactions to finish.

Another important change is the fact that locking tuples that have
previously been updated causes the future versions to be marked as
locked, too; this is essential for correctness of foreign key checks.
This causes additional WAL-logging, also (there was previously a single
WAL record for a locked tuple; now there are as many as updated copies
of the tuple there exist.)

With all this in place, contention related to tuples being checked by
foreign key rules should be much reduced.

As a bonus, the old behavior that a subtransaction grabbing a stronger
tuple lock than the parent (sub)transaction held on a given tuple and
later aborting caused the weaker lock to be lost, has been fixed.

Many new spec files were added for isolation tester framework, to ensure
overall behavior is sane.  There's probably room for several more tests.

There were several reviewers of this patch; in particular, Noah Misch
and Andres Freund spent considerable time in it.  Original idea for the
patch came from Simon Riggs, after a problem report by Joel Jacobson.
Most code is from me, with contributions from Marti Raudsepp, Alexander
Shulgin, Noah Misch and Andres Freund.

This patch was discussed in several pgsql-hackers threads; the most
important start at the following message-ids:
2013-01-23 12:04:59 -03:00

2943 lines
85 KiB

* autovacuum.c
* PostgreSQL Integrated Autovacuum Daemon
* The autovacuum system is structured in two different kinds of processes: the
* autovacuum launcher and the autovacuum worker. The launcher is an
* always-running process, started by the postmaster when the autovacuum GUC
* parameter is set. The launcher schedules autovacuum workers to be started
* when appropriate. The workers are the processes which execute the actual
* vacuuming; they connect to a database as determined in the launcher, and
* once connected they examine the catalogs to select the tables to vacuum.
* The autovacuum launcher cannot start the worker processes by itself,
* because doing so would cause robustness issues (namely, failure to shut
* them down on exceptional conditions, and also, since the launcher is
* connected to shared memory and is thus subject to corruption there, it is
* not as robust as the postmaster). So it leaves that task to the postmaster.
* There is an autovacuum shared memory area, where the launcher stores
* information about the database it wants vacuumed. When it wants a new
* worker to start, it sets a flag in shared memory and sends a signal to the
* postmaster. Then postmaster knows nothing more than it must start a worker;
* so it forks a new child, which turns into a worker. This new process
* connects to shared memory, and there it can inspect the information that the
* launcher has set up.
* If the fork() call fails in the postmaster, it sets a flag in the shared
* memory area, and sends a signal to the launcher. The launcher, upon
* noticing the flag, can try starting the worker again by resending the
* signal. Note that the failure can only be transient (fork failure due to
* high load, memory pressure, too many processes, etc); more permanent
* problems, like failure to connect to a database, are detected later in the
* worker and dealt with just by having the worker exit normally. The launcher
* will launch a new worker again later, per schedule.
* When the worker is done vacuuming it sends SIGUSR2 to the launcher. The
* launcher then wakes up and is able to launch another worker, if the schedule
* is so tight that a new worker is needed immediately. At this time the
* launcher can also balance the settings for the various remaining workers'
* cost-based vacuum delay feature.
* Note that there can be more than one worker in a database concurrently.
* They will store the table they are currently vacuuming in shared memory, so
* that other workers avoid being blocked waiting for the vacuum lock for that
* table. They will also reload the pgstats data just before vacuuming each
* table, to avoid vacuuming a table that was just finished being vacuumed by
* another worker and thus is no longer noted in shared memory. However,
* there is a window (caused by pgstat delay) on which a worker may choose a
* table that was already vacuumed; this is a bug in the current design.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2013, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/postmaster/autovacuum.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/multixact.h"
#include "access/reloptions.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "catalog/dependency.h"
#include "catalog/namespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_database.h"
#include "commands/dbcommands.h"
#include "commands/vacuum.h"
#include "lib/ilist.h"
#include "libpq/pqsignal.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "postmaster/autovacuum.h"
#include "postmaster/fork_process.h"
#include "postmaster/postmaster.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/ipc.h"
#include "storage/latch.h"
#include "storage/pmsignal.h"
#include "storage/proc.h"
#include "storage/procsignal.h"
#include "storage/sinvaladt.h"
#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/ps_status.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/timeout.h"
#include "utils/timestamp.h"
#include "utils/tqual.h"
* GUC parameters
bool autovacuum_start_daemon = false;
int autovacuum_max_workers;
int autovacuum_naptime;
int autovacuum_vac_thresh;
double autovacuum_vac_scale;
int autovacuum_anl_thresh;
double autovacuum_anl_scale;
int autovacuum_freeze_max_age;
int autovacuum_vac_cost_delay;
int autovacuum_vac_cost_limit;
int Log_autovacuum_min_duration = -1;
/* how long to keep pgstat data in the launcher, in milliseconds */
#define STATS_READ_DELAY 1000
/* the minimum allowed time between two awakenings of the launcher */
#define MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME 100.0 /* milliseconds */
/* Flags to tell if we are in an autovacuum process */
static bool am_autovacuum_launcher = false;
static bool am_autovacuum_worker = false;
/* Flags set by signal handlers */
static volatile sig_atomic_t got_SIGHUP = false;
static volatile sig_atomic_t got_SIGUSR2 = false;
static volatile sig_atomic_t got_SIGTERM = false;
/* Comparison points for determining whether freeze_max_age is exceeded */
static TransactionId recentXid;
static MultiXactId recentMulti;
/* Default freeze ages to use for autovacuum (varies by database) */
static int default_freeze_min_age;
static int default_freeze_table_age;
/* Memory context for long-lived data */
static MemoryContext AutovacMemCxt;
/* struct to keep track of databases in launcher */
typedef struct avl_dbase
Oid adl_datid; /* hash key -- must be first */
TimestampTz adl_next_worker;
int adl_score;
dlist_node adl_node;
} avl_dbase;
/* struct to keep track of databases in worker */
typedef struct avw_dbase
Oid adw_datid;
char *adw_name;
TransactionId adw_frozenxid;
MultiXactId adw_frozenmulti;
PgStat_StatDBEntry *adw_entry;
} avw_dbase;
/* struct to keep track of tables to vacuum and/or analyze, in 1st pass */
typedef struct av_relation
Oid ar_toastrelid; /* hash key - must be first */
Oid ar_relid;
bool ar_hasrelopts;
AutoVacOpts ar_reloptions; /* copy of AutoVacOpts from the main table's
* reloptions, or NULL if none */
} av_relation;
/* struct to keep track of tables to vacuum and/or analyze, after rechecking */
typedef struct autovac_table
Oid at_relid;
bool at_dovacuum;
bool at_doanalyze;
int at_freeze_min_age;
int at_freeze_table_age;
int at_vacuum_cost_delay;
int at_vacuum_cost_limit;
bool at_wraparound;
char *at_relname;
char *at_nspname;
char *at_datname;
} autovac_table;
* This struct holds information about a single worker's whereabouts. We keep
* an array of these in shared memory, sized according to
* autovacuum_max_workers.
* wi_links entry into free list or running list
* wi_dboid OID of the database this worker is supposed to work on
* wi_tableoid OID of the table currently being vacuumed, if any
* wi_proc pointer to PGPROC of the running worker, NULL if not started
* wi_launchtime Time at which this worker was launched
* wi_cost_* Vacuum cost-based delay parameters current in this worker
* All fields are protected by AutovacuumLock, except for wi_tableoid which is
* protected by AutovacuumScheduleLock (which is read-only for everyone except
* that worker itself).
typedef struct WorkerInfoData
dlist_node wi_links;
Oid wi_dboid;
Oid wi_tableoid;
PGPROC *wi_proc;
TimestampTz wi_launchtime;
int wi_cost_delay;
int wi_cost_limit;
int wi_cost_limit_base;
} WorkerInfoData;
typedef struct WorkerInfoData *WorkerInfo;
* Possible signals received by the launcher from remote processes. These are
* stored atomically in shared memory so that other processes can set them
* without locking.
typedef enum
AutoVacForkFailed, /* failed trying to start a worker */
AutoVacRebalance, /* rebalance the cost limits */
AutoVacNumSignals /* must be last */
} AutoVacuumSignal;
* The main autovacuum shmem struct. On shared memory we store this main
* struct and the array of WorkerInfo structs. This struct keeps:
* av_signal set by other processes to indicate various conditions
* av_launcherpid the PID of the autovacuum launcher
* av_freeWorkers the WorkerInfo freelist
* av_runningWorkers the WorkerInfo non-free queue
* av_startingWorker pointer to WorkerInfo currently being started (cleared by
* the worker itself as soon as it's up and running)
* This struct is protected by AutovacuumLock, except for av_signal and parts
* of the worker list (see above).
typedef struct
sig_atomic_t av_signal[AutoVacNumSignals];
pid_t av_launcherpid;
dlist_head av_freeWorkers;
dlist_head av_runningWorkers;
WorkerInfo av_startingWorker;
} AutoVacuumShmemStruct;
static AutoVacuumShmemStruct *AutoVacuumShmem;
* the database list (of avl_dbase elements) in the launcher, and the context
* that contains it
static dlist_head DatabaseList = DLIST_STATIC_INIT(DatabaseList);
static MemoryContext DatabaseListCxt = NULL;
/* Pointer to my own WorkerInfo, valid on each worker */
static WorkerInfo MyWorkerInfo = NULL;
/* PID of launcher, valid only in worker while shutting down */
int AutovacuumLauncherPid = 0;
static pid_t avlauncher_forkexec(void);
static pid_t avworker_forkexec(void);
NON_EXEC_STATIC void AutoVacWorkerMain(int argc, char *argv[]) __attribute__((noreturn));
NON_EXEC_STATIC void AutoVacLauncherMain(int argc, char *argv[]) __attribute__((noreturn));
static Oid do_start_worker(void);
static void launcher_determine_sleep(bool canlaunch, bool recursing,
struct timeval * nap);
static void launch_worker(TimestampTz now);
static List *get_database_list(void);
static void rebuild_database_list(Oid newdb);
static int db_comparator(const void *a, const void *b);
static void autovac_balance_cost(void);
static void do_autovacuum(void);
static void FreeWorkerInfo(int code, Datum arg);
static autovac_table *table_recheck_autovac(Oid relid, HTAB *table_toast_map,
TupleDesc pg_class_desc);
static void relation_needs_vacanalyze(Oid relid, AutoVacOpts *relopts,
Form_pg_class classForm,
PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry,
bool *dovacuum, bool *doanalyze, bool *wraparound);
static void autovacuum_do_vac_analyze(autovac_table *tab,
BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);
static AutoVacOpts *extract_autovac_opts(HeapTuple tup,
TupleDesc pg_class_desc);
static PgStat_StatTabEntry *get_pgstat_tabentry_relid(Oid relid, bool isshared,
PgStat_StatDBEntry *shared,
PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry);
static void autovac_report_activity(autovac_table *tab);
static void avl_sighup_handler(SIGNAL_ARGS);
static void avl_sigusr2_handler(SIGNAL_ARGS);
static void avl_sigterm_handler(SIGNAL_ARGS);
static void autovac_refresh_stats(void);
* forkexec routine for the autovacuum launcher process.
* Format up the arglist, then fork and exec.
static pid_t
char *av[10];
int ac = 0;
av[ac++] = "postgres";
av[ac++] = "--forkavlauncher";
av[ac++] = NULL; /* filled in by postmaster_forkexec */
av[ac] = NULL;
Assert(ac < lengthof(av));
return postmaster_forkexec(ac, av);
* We need this set from the outside, before InitProcess is called
am_autovacuum_launcher = true;
* Main entry point for autovacuum launcher process, to be called from the
* postmaster.
pid_t AutoVacPID;
switch ((AutoVacPID = avlauncher_forkexec()))
switch ((AutoVacPID = fork_process()))
case -1:
(errmsg("could not fork autovacuum launcher process: %m")));
return 0;
case 0:
/* in postmaster child ... */
/* Close the postmaster's sockets */
/* Lose the postmaster's on-exit routines */
AutoVacLauncherMain(0, NULL);
return (int) AutoVacPID;
/* shouldn't get here */
return 0;
* Main loop for the autovacuum launcher process.
AutoVacLauncherMain(int argc, char *argv[])
sigjmp_buf local_sigjmp_buf;
/* we are a postmaster subprocess now */
IsUnderPostmaster = true;
am_autovacuum_launcher = true;
/* reset MyProcPid */
MyProcPid = getpid();
/* record Start Time for logging */
MyStartTime = time(NULL);
/* Identify myself via ps */
init_ps_display("autovacuum launcher process", "", "", "");
(errmsg("autovacuum launcher started")));
if (PostAuthDelay)
pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);
* If possible, make this process a group leader, so that the postmaster
* can signal any child processes too. (autovacuum probably never has any
* child processes, but for consistency we make all postmaster child
* processes do this.)
if (setsid() < 0)
elog(FATAL, "setsid() failed: %m");
* Set up signal handlers. We operate on databases much like a regular
* backend, so we use the same signal handling. See equivalent code in
* tcop/postgres.c.
pqsignal(SIGHUP, avl_sighup_handler);
pqsignal(SIGINT, StatementCancelHandler);
pqsignal(SIGTERM, avl_sigterm_handler);
pqsignal(SIGQUIT, quickdie);
InitializeTimeouts(); /* establishes SIGALRM handler */
pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
pqsignal(SIGUSR1, procsignal_sigusr1_handler);
pqsignal(SIGUSR2, avl_sigusr2_handler);
pqsignal(SIGFPE, FloatExceptionHandler);
pqsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
/* Early initialization */
* Create a per-backend PGPROC struct in shared memory, except in the
* EXEC_BACKEND case where this was done in SubPostmasterMain. We must do
* this before we can use LWLocks (and in the EXEC_BACKEND case we already
* had to do some stuff with LWLocks).
InitPostgres(NULL, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL);
* Create a memory context that we will do all our work in. We do this so
* that we can reset the context during error recovery and thereby avoid
* possible memory leaks.
AutovacMemCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
"Autovacuum Launcher",
* If an exception is encountered, processing resumes here.
* This code is a stripped down version of PostgresMain error recovery.
if (sigsetjmp(local_sigjmp_buf, 1) != 0)
/* since not using PG_TRY, must reset error stack by hand */
error_context_stack = NULL;
/* Prevents interrupts while cleaning up */
/* Forget any pending QueryCancel or timeout request */
QueryCancelPending = false;
QueryCancelPending = false; /* again in case timeout occurred */
/* Report the error to the server log */
/* Abort the current transaction in order to recover */
* Now return to normal top-level context and clear ErrorContext for
* next time.
/* Flush any leaked data in the top-level context */
/* don't leave dangling pointers to freed memory */
DatabaseListCxt = NULL;
* Make sure pgstat also considers our stat data as gone. Note: we
* mustn't use autovac_refresh_stats here.
/* Now we can allow interrupts again */
* Sleep at least 1 second after any error. We don't want to be
* filling the error logs as fast as we can.
/* We can now handle ereport(ERROR) */
PG_exception_stack = &local_sigjmp_buf;
/* must unblock signals before calling rebuild_database_list */
* Force zero_damaged_pages OFF in the autovac process, even if it is set
* in postgresql.conf. We don't really want such a dangerous option being
* applied non-interactively.
SetConfigOption("zero_damaged_pages", "false", PGC_SUSET, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
* Force statement_timeout to zero to avoid a timeout setting from
* preventing regular maintenance from being executed.
SetConfigOption("statement_timeout", "0", PGC_SUSET, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
* Force default_transaction_isolation to READ COMMITTED. We don't want
* to pay the overhead of serializable mode, nor add any risk of causing
* deadlocks or delaying other transactions.
SetConfigOption("default_transaction_isolation", "read committed",
/* in emergency mode, just start a worker and go away */
if (!AutoVacuumingActive())
proc_exit(0); /* done */
AutoVacuumShmem->av_launcherpid = MyProcPid;
* Create the initial database list. The invariant we want this list to
* keep is that it's ordered by decreasing next_time. As soon as an entry
* is updated to a higher time, it will be moved to the front (which is
* correct because the only operation is to add autovacuum_naptime to the
* entry, and time always increases).
for (;;)
struct timeval nap;
TimestampTz current_time = 0;
bool can_launch;
int rc;
* This loop is a bit different from the normal use of WaitLatch,
* because we'd like to sleep before the first launch of a child
* process. So it's WaitLatch, then ResetLatch, then check for
* wakening conditions.
false, &nap);
/* Allow sinval catchup interrupts while sleeping */
* Wait until naptime expires or we get some type of signal (all the
* signal handlers will wake us by calling SetLatch).
rc = WaitLatch(&MyProc->procLatch,
(nap.tv_sec * 1000L) + (nap.tv_usec / 1000L));
* Emergency bailout if postmaster has died. This is to avoid the
* necessity for manual cleanup of all postmaster children.
/* the normal shutdown case */
if (got_SIGTERM)
if (got_SIGHUP)
got_SIGHUP = false;
/* shutdown requested in config file? */
if (!AutoVacuumingActive())
/* rebalance in case the default cost parameters changed */
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
/* rebuild the list in case the naptime changed */
* a worker finished, or postmaster signalled failure to start a
* worker
if (got_SIGUSR2)
got_SIGUSR2 = false;
/* rebalance cost limits, if needed */
if (AutoVacuumShmem->av_signal[AutoVacRebalance])
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
AutoVacuumShmem->av_signal[AutoVacRebalance] = false;
if (AutoVacuumShmem->av_signal[AutoVacForkFailed])
* If the postmaster failed to start a new worker, we sleep
* for a little while and resend the signal. The new worker's
* state is still in memory, so this is sufficient. After
* that, we restart the main loop.
* XXX should we put a limit to the number of times we retry?
* I don't think it makes much sense, because a future start
* of a worker will continue to fail in the same way.
AutoVacuumShmem->av_signal[AutoVacForkFailed] = false;
pg_usleep(1000000L); /* 1s */
* There are some conditions that we need to check before trying to
* start a launcher. First, we need to make sure that there is a
* launcher slot available. Second, we need to make sure that no
* other worker failed while starting up.
current_time = GetCurrentTimestamp();
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_SHARED);
can_launch = !dlist_is_empty(&AutoVacuumShmem->av_freeWorkers);
if (AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker != NULL)
int waittime;
WorkerInfo worker = AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker;
* We can't launch another worker when another one is still
* starting up (or failed while doing so), so just sleep for a bit
* more; that worker will wake us up again as soon as it's ready.
* We will only wait autovacuum_naptime seconds (up to a maximum
* of 60 seconds) for this to happen however. Note that failure
* to connect to a particular database is not a problem here,
* because the worker removes itself from the startingWorker
* pointer before trying to connect. Problems detected by the
* postmaster (like fork() failure) are also reported and handled
* differently. The only problems that may cause this code to
* fire are errors in the earlier sections of AutoVacWorkerMain,
* before the worker removes the WorkerInfo from the
* startingWorker pointer.
waittime = Min(autovacuum_naptime, 60) * 1000;
if (TimestampDifferenceExceeds(worker->wi_launchtime, current_time,
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
* No other process can put a worker in starting mode, so if
* startingWorker is still INVALID after exchanging our lock,
* we assume it's the same one we saw above (so we don't
* recheck the launch time).
if (AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker != NULL)
worker = AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker;
worker->wi_dboid = InvalidOid;
worker->wi_tableoid = InvalidOid;
worker->wi_proc = NULL;
worker->wi_launchtime = 0;
AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker = NULL;
elog(WARNING, "worker took too long to start; canceled");
can_launch = false;
LWLockRelease(AutovacuumLock); /* either shared or exclusive */
/* if we can't do anything, just go back to sleep */
if (!can_launch)
/* We're OK to start a new worker */
if (dlist_is_empty(&DatabaseList))
* Special case when the list is empty: start a worker right away.
* This covers the initial case, when no database is in pgstats
* (thus the list is empty). Note that the constraints in
* launcher_determine_sleep keep us from starting workers too
* quickly (at most once every autovacuum_naptime when the list is
* empty).
* because rebuild_database_list constructs a list with most
* distant adl_next_worker first, we obtain our database from the
* tail of the list.
avl_dbase *avdb;
avdb = dlist_tail_element(avl_dbase, adl_node, &DatabaseList);
* launch a worker if next_worker is right now or it is in the
* past
if (TimestampDifferenceExceeds(avdb->adl_next_worker,
current_time, 0))
/* Normal exit from the autovac launcher is here */
(errmsg("autovacuum launcher shutting down")));
AutoVacuumShmem->av_launcherpid = 0;
proc_exit(0); /* done */
* Determine the time to sleep, based on the database list.
* The "canlaunch" parameter indicates whether we can start a worker right now,
* for example due to the workers being all busy. If this is false, we will
* cause a long sleep, which will be interrupted when a worker exits.
static void
launcher_determine_sleep(bool canlaunch, bool recursing, struct timeval * nap)
* We sleep until the next scheduled vacuum. We trust that when the
* database list was built, care was taken so that no entries have times
* in the past; if the first entry has too close a next_worker value, or a
* time in the past, we will sleep a small nominal time.
if (!canlaunch)
nap->tv_sec = autovacuum_naptime;
nap->tv_usec = 0;
else if (!dlist_is_empty(&DatabaseList))
TimestampTz current_time = GetCurrentTimestamp();
TimestampTz next_wakeup;
avl_dbase *avdb;
long secs;
int usecs;
avdb = dlist_tail_element(avl_dbase, adl_node, &DatabaseList);
next_wakeup = avdb->adl_next_worker;
TimestampDifference(current_time, next_wakeup, &secs, &usecs);
nap->tv_sec = secs;
nap->tv_usec = usecs;
/* list is empty, sleep for whole autovacuum_naptime seconds */
nap->tv_sec = autovacuum_naptime;
nap->tv_usec = 0;
* If the result is exactly zero, it means a database had an entry with
* time in the past. Rebuild the list so that the databases are evenly
* distributed again, and recalculate the time to sleep. This can happen
* if there are more tables needing vacuum than workers, and they all take
* longer to vacuum than autovacuum_naptime.
* We only recurse once. rebuild_database_list should always return times
* in the future, but it seems best not to trust too much on that.
if (nap->tv_sec == 0 && nap->tv_usec == 0 && !recursing)
launcher_determine_sleep(canlaunch, true, nap);
/* The smallest time we'll allow the launcher to sleep. */
if (nap->tv_sec <= 0 && nap->tv_usec <= MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME * 1000)
nap->tv_sec = 0;
nap->tv_usec = MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME * 1000;
* Build an updated DatabaseList. It must only contain databases that appear
* in pgstats, and must be sorted by next_worker from highest to lowest,
* distributed regularly across the next autovacuum_naptime interval.
* Receives the Oid of the database that made this list be generated (we call
* this the "new" database, because when the database was already present on
* the list, we expect that this function is not called at all). The
* preexisting list, if any, will be used to preserve the order of the
* databases in the autovacuum_naptime period. The new database is put at the
* end of the interval. The actual values are not saved, which should not be
* much of a problem.
static void
rebuild_database_list(Oid newdb)
List *dblist;
ListCell *cell;
MemoryContext newcxt;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
MemoryContext tmpcxt;
int score;
int nelems;
HTAB *dbhash;
dlist_iter iter;
/* use fresh stats */
newcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(AutovacMemCxt,
"AV dblist",
tmpcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(newcxt,
"tmp AV dblist",
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(tmpcxt);
* Implementing this is not as simple as it sounds, because we need to put
* the new database at the end of the list; next the databases that were
* already on the list, and finally (at the tail of the list) all the
* other databases that are not on the existing list.
* To do this, we build an empty hash table of scored databases. We will
* start with the lowest score (zero) for the new database, then
* increasing scores for the databases in the existing list, in order, and
* lastly increasing scores for all databases gotten via
* get_database_list() that are not already on the hash.
* Then we will put all the hash elements into an array, sort the array by
* score, and finally put the array elements into the new doubly linked
* list.
hctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
hctl.entrysize = sizeof(avl_dbase);
hctl.hash = oid_hash;
hctl.hcxt = tmpcxt;
dbhash = hash_create("db hash", 20, &hctl, /* magic number here FIXME */
/* start by inserting the new database */
score = 0;
if (OidIsValid(newdb))
avl_dbase *db;
PgStat_StatDBEntry *entry;
/* only consider this database if it has a pgstat entry */
entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(newdb);
if (entry != NULL)
/* we assume it isn't found because the hash was just created */
db = hash_search(dbhash, &newdb, HASH_ENTER, NULL);
/* hash_search already filled in the key */
db->adl_score = score++;
/* next_worker is filled in later */
/* Now insert the databases from the existing list */
dlist_foreach(iter, &DatabaseList)
avl_dbase *avdb = dlist_container(avl_dbase, adl_node, iter.cur);
avl_dbase *db;
bool found;
PgStat_StatDBEntry *entry;
* skip databases with no stat entries -- in particular, this gets
* rid of dropped databases
entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adl_datid);
if (entry == NULL)
db = hash_search(dbhash, &(avdb->adl_datid), HASH_ENTER, &found);
if (!found)
/* hash_search already filled in the key */
db->adl_score = score++;
/* next_worker is filled in later */
/* finally, insert all qualifying databases not previously inserted */
dblist = get_database_list();
foreach(cell, dblist)
avw_dbase *avdb = lfirst(cell);
avl_dbase *db;
bool found;
PgStat_StatDBEntry *entry;
/* only consider databases with a pgstat entry */
entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);
if (entry == NULL)
db = hash_search(dbhash, &(avdb->adw_datid), HASH_ENTER, &found);
/* only update the score if the database was not already on the hash */
if (!found)
/* hash_search already filled in the key */
db->adl_score = score++;
/* next_worker is filled in later */
nelems = score;
/* from here on, the allocated memory belongs to the new list */
if (nelems > 0)
TimestampTz current_time;
int millis_increment;
avl_dbase *dbary;
avl_dbase *db;
int i;
/* put all the hash elements into an array */
dbary = palloc(nelems * sizeof(avl_dbase));
i = 0;
hash_seq_init(&seq, dbhash);
while ((db = hash_seq_search(&seq)) != NULL)
memcpy(&(dbary[i++]), db, sizeof(avl_dbase));
/* sort the array */
qsort(dbary, nelems, sizeof(avl_dbase), db_comparator);
* Determine the time interval between databases in the schedule. If
* we see that the configured naptime would take us to sleep times
* lower than our min sleep time (which launcher_determine_sleep is
* coded not to allow), silently use a larger naptime (but don't touch
* the GUC variable).
millis_increment = 1000.0 * autovacuum_naptime / nelems;
if (millis_increment <= MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME)
millis_increment = MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME * 1.1;
current_time = GetCurrentTimestamp();
* move the elements from the array into the dllist, setting the
* next_worker while walking the array
for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++)
avl_dbase *db = &(dbary[i]);
current_time = TimestampTzPlusMilliseconds(current_time,
db->adl_next_worker = current_time;
/* later elements should go closer to the head of the list */
dlist_push_head(&DatabaseList, &db->adl_node);
/* all done, clean up memory */
if (DatabaseListCxt != NULL)
DatabaseListCxt = newcxt;
/* qsort comparator for avl_dbase, using adl_score */
static int
db_comparator(const void *a, const void *b)
if (((const avl_dbase *) a)->adl_score == ((const avl_dbase *) b)->adl_score)
return 0;
return (((const avl_dbase *) a)->adl_score < ((const avl_dbase *) b)->adl_score) ? 1 : -1;
* do_start_worker
* Bare-bones procedure for starting an autovacuum worker from the launcher.
* It determines what database to work on, sets up shared memory stuff and
* signals postmaster to start the worker. It fails gracefully if invoked when
* autovacuum_workers are already active.
* Return value is the OID of the database that the worker is going to process,
* or InvalidOid if no worker was actually started.
static Oid
List *dblist;
ListCell *cell;
TransactionId xidForceLimit;
MultiXactId multiForceLimit;
bool for_xid_wrap;
bool for_multi_wrap;
avw_dbase *avdb;
TimestampTz current_time;
bool skipit = false;
Oid retval = InvalidOid;
MemoryContext tmpcxt,
/* return quickly when there are no free workers */
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_SHARED);
if (dlist_is_empty(&AutoVacuumShmem->av_freeWorkers))
return InvalidOid;
* Create and switch to a temporary context to avoid leaking the memory
* allocated for the database list.
tmpcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
"Start worker tmp cxt",
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(tmpcxt);
/* use fresh stats */
/* Get a list of databases */
dblist = get_database_list();
* Determine the oldest datfrozenxid/relfrozenxid that we will allow to
* pass without forcing a vacuum. (This limit can be tightened for
* particular tables, but not loosened.)
recentXid = ReadNewTransactionId();
xidForceLimit = recentXid - autovacuum_freeze_max_age;
/* ensure it's a "normal" XID, else TransactionIdPrecedes misbehaves */
/* this can cause the limit to go backwards by 3, but that's OK */
if (xidForceLimit < FirstNormalTransactionId)
xidForceLimit -= FirstNormalTransactionId;
/* Also determine the oldest datminmxid we will consider. */
recentMulti = ReadNextMultiXactId();
multiForceLimit = recentMulti - autovacuum_freeze_max_age;
if (multiForceLimit < FirstMultiXactId)
multiForceLimit -= FirstMultiXactId;
* Choose a database to connect to. We pick the database that was least
* recently auto-vacuumed, or one that needs vacuuming to prevent Xid
* wraparound-related data loss. If any db at risk of Xid wraparound is
* found, we pick the one with oldest datfrozenxid, independently of
* autovacuum times; similarly we pick the one with the oldest datminmxid
* if any is in MultiXactId wraparound. Note that those in Xid wraparound
* danger are given more priority than those in multi wraparound danger.
* Note that a database with no stats entry is not considered, except for
* Xid wraparound purposes. The theory is that if no one has ever
* connected to it since the stats were last initialized, it doesn't need
* vacuuming.
* XXX This could be improved if we had more info about whether it needs
* vacuuming before connecting to it. Perhaps look through the pgstats
* data for the database's tables? One idea is to keep track of the
* number of new and dead tuples per database in pgstats. However it
* isn't clear how to construct a metric that measures that and not cause
* starvation for less busy databases.
avdb = NULL;
for_xid_wrap = false;
for_multi_wrap = false;
current_time = GetCurrentTimestamp();
foreach(cell, dblist)
avw_dbase *tmp = lfirst(cell);
dlist_iter iter;
/* Check to see if this one is at risk of wraparound */
if (TransactionIdPrecedes(tmp->adw_frozenxid, xidForceLimit))
if (avdb == NULL ||
avdb = tmp;
for_xid_wrap = true;
else if (for_xid_wrap)
continue; /* ignore not-at-risk DBs */
else if (MultiXactIdPrecedes(tmp->adw_frozenmulti, multiForceLimit))
if (avdb == NULL ||
avdb = tmp;
for_multi_wrap = true;
else if (for_multi_wrap)
continue; /* ignore not-at-risk DBs */
/* Find pgstat entry if any */
tmp->adw_entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(tmp->adw_datid);
* Skip a database with no pgstat entry; it means it hasn't seen any
* activity.
if (!tmp->adw_entry)
* Also, skip a database that appears on the database list as having
* been processed recently (less than autovacuum_naptime seconds ago).
* We do this so that we don't select a database which we just
* selected, but that pgstat hasn't gotten around to updating the last
* autovacuum time yet.
skipit = false;
dlist_reverse_foreach(iter, &DatabaseList)
avl_dbase *dbp = dlist_container(avl_dbase, adl_node, iter.cur);
if (dbp->adl_datid == tmp->adw_datid)
* Skip this database if its next_worker value falls between
* the current time and the current time plus naptime.
if (!TimestampDifferenceExceeds(dbp->adl_next_worker,
current_time, 0) &&
autovacuum_naptime * 1000))
skipit = true;
if (skipit)
* Remember the db with oldest autovac time. (If we are here, both
* tmp->entry and db->entry must be non-null.)
if (avdb == NULL ||
tmp->adw_entry->last_autovac_time < avdb->adw_entry->last_autovac_time)
avdb = tmp;
/* Found a database -- process it */
if (avdb != NULL)
WorkerInfo worker;
dlist_node *wptr;
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
* Get a worker entry from the freelist. We checked above, so there
* really should be a free slot.
wptr = dlist_pop_head_node(&AutoVacuumShmem->av_freeWorkers);
worker = dlist_container(WorkerInfoData, wi_links, wptr);
worker->wi_dboid = avdb->adw_datid;
worker->wi_proc = NULL;
worker->wi_launchtime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker = worker;
retval = avdb->adw_datid;
else if (skipit)
* If we skipped all databases on the list, rebuild it, because it
* probably contains a dropped database.
return retval;
* launch_worker
* Wrapper for starting a worker from the launcher. Besides actually starting
* it, update the database list to reflect the next time that another one will
* need to be started on the selected database. The actual database choice is
* left to do_start_worker.
* This routine is also expected to insert an entry into the database list if
* the selected database was previously absent from the list.
static void
launch_worker(TimestampTz now)
Oid dbid;
dlist_iter iter;
dbid = do_start_worker();
if (OidIsValid(dbid))
bool found = false;
* Walk the database list and update the corresponding entry. If the
* database is not on the list, we'll recreate the list.
dlist_foreach(iter, &DatabaseList)
avl_dbase *avdb = dlist_container(avl_dbase, adl_node, iter.cur);
if (avdb->adl_datid == dbid)
found = true;
* add autovacuum_naptime seconds to the current time, and use
* that as the new "next_worker" field for this database.
avdb->adl_next_worker =
TimestampTzPlusMilliseconds(now, autovacuum_naptime * 1000);
dlist_move_head(&DatabaseList, iter.cur);
* If the database was not present in the database list, we rebuild
* the list. It's possible that the database does not get into the
* list anyway, for example if it's a database that doesn't have a
* pgstat entry, but this is not a problem because we don't want to
* schedule workers regularly into those in any case.
if (!found)
* Called from postmaster to signal a failure to fork a process to become
* worker. The postmaster should kill(SIGUSR2) the launcher shortly
* after calling this function.
AutoVacuumShmem->av_signal[AutoVacForkFailed] = true;
/* SIGHUP: set flag to re-read config file at next convenient time */
static void
int save_errno = errno;
got_SIGHUP = true;
if (MyProc)
errno = save_errno;
/* SIGUSR2: a worker is up and running, or just finished, or failed to fork */
static void
int save_errno = errno;
got_SIGUSR2 = true;
if (MyProc)
errno = save_errno;
/* SIGTERM: time to die */
static void
int save_errno = errno;
got_SIGTERM = true;
if (MyProc)
errno = save_errno;
* forkexec routines for the autovacuum worker.
* Format up the arglist, then fork and exec.
static pid_t
char *av[10];
int ac = 0;
av[ac++] = "postgres";
av[ac++] = "--forkavworker";
av[ac++] = NULL; /* filled in by postmaster_forkexec */
av[ac] = NULL;
Assert(ac < lengthof(av));
return postmaster_forkexec(ac, av);
* We need this set from the outside, before InitProcess is called
am_autovacuum_worker = true;
* Main entry point for autovacuum worker process.
* This code is heavily based on pgarch.c, q.v.
pid_t worker_pid;
switch ((worker_pid = avworker_forkexec()))
switch ((worker_pid = fork_process()))
case -1:
(errmsg("could not fork autovacuum worker process: %m")));
return 0;
case 0:
/* in postmaster child ... */
/* Close the postmaster's sockets */
/* Lose the postmaster's on-exit routines */
AutoVacWorkerMain(0, NULL);
return (int) worker_pid;
/* shouldn't get here */
return 0;
* AutoVacWorkerMain
AutoVacWorkerMain(int argc, char *argv[])
sigjmp_buf local_sigjmp_buf;
Oid dbid;
/* we are a postmaster subprocess now */
IsUnderPostmaster = true;
am_autovacuum_worker = true;
/* reset MyProcPid */
MyProcPid = getpid();
/* record Start Time for logging */
MyStartTime = time(NULL);
/* Identify myself via ps */
init_ps_display("autovacuum worker process", "", "", "");
* If possible, make this process a group leader, so that the postmaster
* can signal any child processes too. (autovacuum probably never has any
* child processes, but for consistency we make all postmaster child
* processes do this.)
if (setsid() < 0)
elog(FATAL, "setsid() failed: %m");
* Set up signal handlers. We operate on databases much like a regular
* backend, so we use the same signal handling. See equivalent code in
* tcop/postgres.c.
* Currently, we don't pay attention to postgresql.conf changes that
* happen during a single daemon iteration, so we can ignore SIGHUP.
pqsignal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
* SIGINT is used to signal canceling the current table's vacuum; SIGTERM
* means abort and exit cleanly, and SIGQUIT means abandon ship.
pqsignal(SIGINT, StatementCancelHandler);
pqsignal(SIGTERM, die);
pqsignal(SIGQUIT, quickdie);
InitializeTimeouts(); /* establishes SIGALRM handler */
pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
pqsignal(SIGUSR1, procsignal_sigusr1_handler);
pqsignal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);
pqsignal(SIGFPE, FloatExceptionHandler);
pqsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
/* Early initialization */
* Create a per-backend PGPROC struct in shared memory, except in the
* EXEC_BACKEND case where this was done in SubPostmasterMain. We must do
* this before we can use LWLocks (and in the EXEC_BACKEND case we already
* had to do some stuff with LWLocks).
* If an exception is encountered, processing resumes here.
* See notes in postgres.c about the design of this coding.
if (sigsetjmp(local_sigjmp_buf, 1) != 0)
/* Prevents interrupts while cleaning up */
/* Report the error to the server log */
* We can now go away. Note that because we called InitProcess, a
* callback was registered to do ProcKill, which will clean up
* necessary state.
/* We can now handle ereport(ERROR) */
PG_exception_stack = &local_sigjmp_buf;
* Force zero_damaged_pages OFF in the autovac process, even if it is set
* in postgresql.conf. We don't really want such a dangerous option being
* applied non-interactively.
SetConfigOption("zero_damaged_pages", "false", PGC_SUSET, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
* Force statement_timeout to zero to avoid a timeout setting from
* preventing regular maintenance from being executed.
SetConfigOption("statement_timeout", "0", PGC_SUSET, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
* Force default_transaction_isolation to READ COMMITTED. We don't want
* to pay the overhead of serializable mode, nor add any risk of causing
* deadlocks or delaying other transactions.
SetConfigOption("default_transaction_isolation", "read committed",
* Force synchronous replication off to allow regular maintenance even if
* we are waiting for standbys to connect. This is important to ensure we
* aren't blocked from performing anti-wraparound tasks.
if (synchronous_commit > SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT_LOCAL_FLUSH)
SetConfigOption("synchronous_commit", "local",
* Get the info about the database we're going to work on.
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
* beware of startingWorker being INVALID; this should normally not
* happen, but if a worker fails after forking and before this, the
* launcher might have decided to remove it from the queue and start
* again.
if (AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker != NULL)
MyWorkerInfo = AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker;
dbid = MyWorkerInfo->wi_dboid;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_proc = MyProc;
/* insert into the running list */
* remove from the "starting" pointer, so that the launcher can start
* a new worker if required
AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker = NULL;
on_shmem_exit(FreeWorkerInfo, 0);
/* wake up the launcher */
if (AutoVacuumShmem->av_launcherpid != 0)
kill(AutoVacuumShmem->av_launcherpid, SIGUSR2);
/* no worker entry for me, go away */
elog(WARNING, "autovacuum worker started without a worker entry");
dbid = InvalidOid;
if (OidIsValid(dbid))
char dbname[NAMEDATALEN];
* Report autovac startup to the stats collector. We deliberately do
* this before InitPostgres, so that the last_autovac_time will get
* updated even if the connection attempt fails. This is to prevent
* autovac from getting "stuck" repeatedly selecting an unopenable
* database, rather than making any progress on stuff it can connect
* to.
* Connect to the selected database
* Note: if we have selected a just-deleted database (due to using
* stale stats info), we'll fail and exit here.
InitPostgres(NULL, dbid, NULL, dbname);
set_ps_display(dbname, false);
(errmsg("autovacuum: processing database \"%s\"", dbname)));
if (PostAuthDelay)
pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);
/* And do an appropriate amount of work */
recentXid = ReadNewTransactionId();
recentMulti = ReadNextMultiXactId();
* The launcher will be notified of my death in ProcKill, *if* we managed
* to get a worker slot at all
/* All done, go away */
* Return a WorkerInfo to the free list
static void
FreeWorkerInfo(int code, Datum arg)
if (MyWorkerInfo != NULL)
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
* Wake the launcher up so that he can launch a new worker immediately
* if required. We only save the launcher's PID in local memory here;
* the actual signal will be sent when the PGPROC is recycled. Note
* that we always do this, so that the launcher can rebalance the cost
* limit setting of the remaining workers.
* We somewhat ignore the risk that the launcher changes its PID
* between us reading it and the actual kill; we expect ProcKill to be
* called shortly after us, and we assume that PIDs are not reused too
* quickly after a process exits.
AutovacuumLauncherPid = AutoVacuumShmem->av_launcherpid;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_dboid = InvalidOid;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_tableoid = InvalidOid;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_proc = NULL;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_launchtime = 0;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_cost_delay = 0;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_cost_limit = 0;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_cost_limit_base = 0;
/* not mine anymore */
MyWorkerInfo = NULL;
* now that we're inactive, cause a rebalancing of the surviving
* workers
AutoVacuumShmem->av_signal[AutoVacRebalance] = true;
* Update the cost-based delay parameters, so that multiple workers consume
* each a fraction of the total available I/O.
if (MyWorkerInfo)
VacuumCostDelay = MyWorkerInfo->wi_cost_delay;
VacuumCostLimit = MyWorkerInfo->wi_cost_limit;
* autovac_balance_cost
* Recalculate the cost limit setting for each active worker.
* Caller must hold the AutovacuumLock in exclusive mode.
static void
* The idea here is that we ration out I/O equally. The amount of I/O
* that a worker can consume is determined by cost_limit/cost_delay, so we
* try to equalize those ratios rather than the raw limit settings.
* note: in cost_limit, zero also means use value from elsewhere, because
* zero is not a valid value.
int vac_cost_limit = (autovacuum_vac_cost_limit > 0 ?
autovacuum_vac_cost_limit : VacuumCostLimit);
int vac_cost_delay = (autovacuum_vac_cost_delay >= 0 ?
autovacuum_vac_cost_delay : VacuumCostDelay);
double cost_total;
double cost_avail;
dlist_iter iter;
/* not set? nothing to do */
if (vac_cost_limit <= 0 || vac_cost_delay <= 0)
/* caculate the total base cost limit of active workers */
cost_total = 0.0;
dlist_foreach(iter, &AutoVacuumShmem->av_runningWorkers)
WorkerInfo worker = dlist_container(WorkerInfoData, wi_links, iter.cur);
if (worker->wi_proc != NULL &&
worker->wi_cost_limit_base > 0 && worker->wi_cost_delay > 0)
cost_total +=
(double) worker->wi_cost_limit_base / worker->wi_cost_delay;
/* there are no cost limits -- nothing to do */
if (cost_total <= 0)
* Adjust cost limit of each active worker to balance the total of cost
* limit to autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit.
cost_avail = (double) vac_cost_limit / vac_cost_delay;
dlist_foreach(iter, &AutoVacuumShmem->av_runningWorkers)
WorkerInfo worker = dlist_container(WorkerInfoData, wi_links, iter.cur);
if (worker->wi_proc != NULL &&
worker->wi_cost_limit_base > 0 && worker->wi_cost_delay > 0)
int limit = (int)
(cost_avail * worker->wi_cost_limit_base / cost_total);
* We put a lower bound of 1 on the cost_limit, to avoid division-
* by-zero in the vacuum code. Also, in case of roundoff trouble
* in these calculations, let's be sure we don't ever set
* cost_limit to more than the base value.
worker->wi_cost_limit = Max(Min(limit,
elog(DEBUG2, "autovac_balance_cost(pid=%u db=%u, rel=%u, cost_limit=%d, cost_limit_base=%d, cost_delay=%d)",
worker->wi_proc->pid, worker->wi_dboid, worker->wi_tableoid,
worker->wi_cost_limit, worker->wi_cost_limit_base,
* get_database_list
* Return a list of all databases found in pg_database.
* The list and associated data is allocated in the caller's memory context,
* which is in charge of ensuring that it's properly cleaned up afterwards.
* Note: this is the only function in which the autovacuum launcher uses a
* transaction. Although we aren't attached to any particular database and
* therefore can't access most catalogs, we do have enough infrastructure
* to do a seqscan on pg_database.
static List *
List *dblist = NIL;
Relation rel;
HeapScanDesc scan;
HeapTuple tup;
MemoryContext resultcxt;
/* This is the context that we will allocate our output data in */
resultcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
* Start a transaction so we can access pg_database, and get a snapshot.
* We don't have a use for the snapshot itself, but we're interested in
* the secondary effect that it sets RecentGlobalXmin. (This is critical
* for anything that reads heap pages, because HOT may decide to prune
* them even if the process doesn't attempt to modify any tuples.)
(void) GetTransactionSnapshot();
rel = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, AccessShareLock);
scan = heap_beginscan(rel, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
while (HeapTupleIsValid(tup = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)))
Form_pg_database pgdatabase = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tup);
avw_dbase *avdb;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
* Allocate our results in the caller's context, not the
* transaction's. We do this inside the loop, and restore the original
* context at the end, so that leaky things like heap_getnext() are
* not called in a potentially long-lived context.
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(resultcxt);
avdb = (avw_dbase *) palloc(sizeof(avw_dbase));
avdb->adw_datid = HeapTupleGetOid(tup);
avdb->adw_name = pstrdup(NameStr(pgdatabase->datname));
avdb->adw_frozenxid = pgdatabase->datfrozenxid;
avdb->adw_frozenmulti = pgdatabase->datminmxid;
/* this gets set later: */
avdb->adw_entry = NULL;
dblist = lappend(dblist, avdb);
heap_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
return dblist;
* Process a database table-by-table
* Note that CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS is supposed to be used in certain spots in
* order not to ignore shutdown commands for too long.
static void
Relation classRel;
HeapTuple tuple;
HeapScanDesc relScan;
Form_pg_database dbForm;
List *table_oids = NIL;
HTAB *table_toast_map;
ListCell *volatile cell;
PgStat_StatDBEntry *shared;
PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy;
ScanKeyData key;
TupleDesc pg_class_desc;
* StartTransactionCommand and CommitTransactionCommand will automatically
* switch to other contexts. We need this one to keep the list of
* relations to vacuum/analyze across transactions.
AutovacMemCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
"AV worker",
* may be NULL if we couldn't find an entry (only happens if we are
* forcing a vacuum for anti-wrap purposes).
dbentry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(MyDatabaseId);
/* Start a transaction so our commands have one to play into. */
* Clean up any dead statistics collector entries for this DB. We always
* want to do this exactly once per DB-processing cycle, even if we find
* nothing worth vacuuming in the database.
* Find the pg_database entry and select the default freeze ages. We use
* zero in template and nonconnectable databases, else the system-wide
* default.
tuple = SearchSysCache1(DATABASEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(MyDatabaseId));
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for database %u", MyDatabaseId);
dbForm = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
if (dbForm->datistemplate || !dbForm->datallowconn)
default_freeze_min_age = 0;
default_freeze_table_age = 0;
default_freeze_min_age = vacuum_freeze_min_age;
default_freeze_table_age = vacuum_freeze_table_age;
/* StartTransactionCommand changed elsewhere */
/* The database hash where pgstat keeps shared relations */
shared = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(InvalidOid);
classRel = heap_open(RelationRelationId, AccessShareLock);
/* create a copy so we can use it after closing pg_class */
pg_class_desc = CreateTupleDescCopy(RelationGetDescr(classRel));
/* create hash table for toast <-> main relid mapping */
MemSet(&ctl, 0, sizeof(ctl));
ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
ctl.entrysize = sizeof(av_relation);
ctl.hash = oid_hash;
table_toast_map = hash_create("TOAST to main relid map",
* Scan pg_class to determine which tables to vacuum.
* We do this in two passes: on the first one we collect the list of plain
* relations, and on the second one we collect TOAST tables. The reason
* for doing the second pass is that during it we want to use the main
* relation's pg_class.reloptions entry if the TOAST table does not have
* any, and we cannot obtain it unless we know beforehand what's the main
* table OID.
* We need to check TOAST tables separately because in cases with short,
* wide tables there might be proportionally much more activity in the
* TOAST table than in its parent.
BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_CHAREQ,
relScan = heap_beginscan(classRel, SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
* On the first pass, we collect main tables to vacuum, and also the main
* table relid to TOAST relid mapping.
while ((tuple = heap_getnext(relScan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
Form_pg_class classForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry;
AutoVacOpts *relopts;
Oid relid;
bool dovacuum;
bool doanalyze;
bool wraparound;
relid = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
/* Fetch reloptions and the pgstat entry for this table */
relopts = extract_autovac_opts(tuple, pg_class_desc);
tabentry = get_pgstat_tabentry_relid(relid, classForm->relisshared,
shared, dbentry);
/* Check if it needs vacuum or analyze */
relation_needs_vacanalyze(relid, relopts, classForm, tabentry,
&dovacuum, &doanalyze, &wraparound);
* Check if it is a temp table (presumably, of some other backend's).
* We cannot safely process other backends' temp tables.
if (classForm->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
int backendID;
backendID = GetTempNamespaceBackendId(classForm->relnamespace);
/* We just ignore it if the owning backend is still active */
if (backendID == MyBackendId || BackendIdGetProc(backendID) == NULL)
* We found an orphan temp table (which was probably left
* behind by a crashed backend). If it's so old as to need
* vacuum for wraparound, forcibly drop it. Otherwise just
* log a complaint.
if (wraparound)
ObjectAddress object;
(errmsg("autovacuum: dropping orphan temp table \"%s\".\"%s\" in database \"%s\"",
object.classId = RelationRelationId;
object.objectId = relid;
object.objectSubId = 0;
(errmsg("autovacuum: found orphan temp table \"%s\".\"%s\" in database \"%s\"",
/* relations that need work are added to table_oids */
if (dovacuum || doanalyze)
table_oids = lappend_oid(table_oids, relid);
* Remember the association for the second pass. Note: we must do
* this even if the table is going to be vacuumed, because we
* don't automatically vacuum toast tables along the parent table.
if (OidIsValid(classForm->reltoastrelid))
av_relation *hentry;
bool found;
hentry = hash_search(table_toast_map,
HASH_ENTER, &found);
if (!found)
/* hash_search already filled in the key */
hentry->ar_relid = relid;
hentry->ar_hasrelopts = false;
if (relopts != NULL)
hentry->ar_hasrelopts = true;
memcpy(&hentry->ar_reloptions, relopts,
/* second pass: check TOAST tables */
BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_CHAREQ,
relScan = heap_beginscan(classRel, SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
while ((tuple = heap_getnext(relScan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
Form_pg_class classForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry;
Oid relid;
AutoVacOpts *relopts = NULL;
bool dovacuum;
bool doanalyze;
bool wraparound;
* We cannot safely process other backends' temp tables, so skip 'em.
if (classForm->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
relid = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
* fetch reloptions -- if this toast table does not have them, try the
* main rel
relopts = extract_autovac_opts(tuple, pg_class_desc);
if (relopts == NULL)
av_relation *hentry;
bool found;
hentry = hash_search(table_toast_map, &relid, HASH_FIND, &found);
if (found && hentry->ar_hasrelopts)
relopts = &hentry->ar_reloptions;
/* Fetch the pgstat entry for this table */
tabentry = get_pgstat_tabentry_relid(relid, classForm->relisshared,
shared, dbentry);
relation_needs_vacanalyze(relid, relopts, classForm, tabentry,
&dovacuum, &doanalyze, &wraparound);
/* ignore analyze for toast tables */
if (dovacuum)
table_oids = lappend_oid(table_oids, relid);
heap_close(classRel, AccessShareLock);
* Create a buffer access strategy object for VACUUM to use. We want to
* use the same one across all the vacuum operations we perform, since the
* point is for VACUUM not to blow out the shared cache.
bstrategy = GetAccessStrategy(BAS_VACUUM);
* create a memory context to act as fake PortalContext, so that the
* contexts created in the vacuum code are cleaned up for each table.
PortalContext = AllocSetContextCreate(AutovacMemCxt,
"Autovacuum Portal",
* Perform operations on collected tables.
foreach(cell, table_oids)
Oid relid = lfirst_oid(cell);
autovac_table *tab;
bool skipit;
int stdVacuumCostDelay;
int stdVacuumCostLimit;
dlist_iter iter;
* hold schedule lock from here until we're sure that this table still
* needs vacuuming. We also need the AutovacuumLock to walk the
* worker array, but we'll let go of that one quickly.
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumScheduleLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_SHARED);
* Check whether the table is being vacuumed concurrently by another
* worker.
skipit = false;
dlist_foreach(iter, &AutoVacuumShmem->av_runningWorkers)
WorkerInfo worker = dlist_container(WorkerInfoData, wi_links, iter.cur);
/* ignore myself */
if (worker == MyWorkerInfo)
/* ignore workers in other databases */
if (worker->wi_dboid != MyDatabaseId)
if (worker->wi_tableoid == relid)
skipit = true;
if (skipit)
* Check whether pgstat data still says we need to vacuum this table.
* It could have changed if something else processed the table while
* we weren't looking.
* Note: we have a special case in pgstat code to ensure that the
* stats we read are as up-to-date as possible, to avoid the problem
* that somebody just finished vacuuming this table. The window to
* the race condition is not closed but it is very small.
tab = table_recheck_autovac(relid, table_toast_map, pg_class_desc);
if (tab == NULL)
/* someone else vacuumed the table, or it went away */
* Ok, good to go. Store the table in shared memory before releasing
* the lock so that other workers don't vacuum it concurrently.
MyWorkerInfo->wi_tableoid = relid;
* Remember the prevailing values of the vacuum cost GUCs. We have to
* restore these at the bottom of the loop, else we'll compute wrong
* values in the next iteration of autovac_balance_cost().
stdVacuumCostDelay = VacuumCostDelay;
stdVacuumCostLimit = VacuumCostLimit;
/* Must hold AutovacuumLock while mucking with cost balance info */
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
/* advertise my cost delay parameters for the balancing algorithm */
MyWorkerInfo->wi_cost_delay = tab->at_vacuum_cost_delay;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_cost_limit = tab->at_vacuum_cost_limit;
MyWorkerInfo->wi_cost_limit_base = tab->at_vacuum_cost_limit;
/* do a balance */
/* set the active cost parameters from the result of that */
/* done */
/* clean up memory before each iteration */
* Save the relation name for a possible error message, to avoid a
* catalog lookup in case of an error. If any of these return NULL,
* then the relation has been dropped since last we checked; skip it.
* Note: they must live in a long-lived memory context because we call
* vacuum and analyze in different transactions.
tab->at_relname = get_rel_name(tab->at_relid);
tab->at_nspname = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(tab->at_relid));
tab->at_datname = get_database_name(MyDatabaseId);
if (!tab->at_relname || !tab->at_nspname || !tab->at_datname)
goto deleted;
* We will abort vacuuming the current table if something errors out,
* and continue with the next one in schedule; in particular, this
* happens if we are interrupted with SIGINT.
/* have at it */
autovacuum_do_vac_analyze(tab, bstrategy);
* Clear a possible query-cancel signal, to avoid a late reaction
* to an automatically-sent signal because of vacuuming the
* current table (we're done with it, so it would make no sense to
* cancel at this point.)
QueryCancelPending = false;
* Abort the transaction, start a new one, and proceed with the
* next table in our list.
if (tab->at_dovacuum)
errcontext("automatic vacuum of table \"%s.%s.%s\"",
tab->at_datname, tab->at_nspname, tab->at_relname);
errcontext("automatic analyze of table \"%s.%s.%s\"",
tab->at_datname, tab->at_nspname, tab->at_relname);
/* this resets the PGXACT flags too */
/* restart our transaction for the following operations */
/* the PGXACT flags are reset at the next end of transaction */
/* be tidy */
if (tab->at_datname != NULL)
if (tab->at_nspname != NULL)
if (tab->at_relname != NULL)
* Remove my info from shared memory. We could, but intentionally
* don't, clear wi_cost_limit and friends --- this is on the
* assumption that we probably have more to do with similar cost
* settings, so we don't want to give up our share of I/O for a very
* short interval and thereby thrash the global balance.
LWLockAcquire(AutovacuumLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
MyWorkerInfo->wi_tableoid = InvalidOid;
/* restore vacuum cost GUCs for the next iteration */
VacuumCostDelay = stdVacuumCostDelay;
VacuumCostLimit = stdVacuumCostLimit;
* We leak table_toast_map here (among other things), but since we're
* going away soon, it's not a problem.
* Update pg_database.datfrozenxid, and truncate pg_clog if possible. We
* only need to do this once, not after each table.
/* Finally close out the last transaction. */
* extract_autovac_opts
* Given a relation's pg_class tuple, return the AutoVacOpts portion of
* reloptions, if set; otherwise, return NULL.
static AutoVacOpts *
extract_autovac_opts(HeapTuple tup, TupleDesc pg_class_desc)
bytea *relopts;
AutoVacOpts *av;
Assert(((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tup))->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tup))->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE);
relopts = extractRelOptions(tup, pg_class_desc, InvalidOid);
if (relopts == NULL)
return NULL;
av = palloc(sizeof(AutoVacOpts));
memcpy(av, &(((StdRdOptions *) relopts)->autovacuum), sizeof(AutoVacOpts));
return av;
* get_pgstat_tabentry_relid
* Fetch the pgstat entry of a table, either local to a database or shared.
static PgStat_StatTabEntry *
get_pgstat_tabentry_relid(Oid relid, bool isshared, PgStat_StatDBEntry *shared,
PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry)
PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry = NULL;
if (isshared)
if (PointerIsValid(shared))
tabentry = hash_search(shared->tables, &relid,
else if (PointerIsValid(dbentry))
tabentry = hash_search(dbentry->tables, &relid,
return tabentry;
* table_recheck_autovac
* Recheck whether a table still needs vacuum or analyze. Return value is a
* valid autovac_table pointer if it does, NULL otherwise.
* Note that the returned autovac_table does not have the name fields set.
static autovac_table *
table_recheck_autovac(Oid relid, HTAB *table_toast_map,
TupleDesc pg_class_desc)
Form_pg_class classForm;
HeapTuple classTup;
bool dovacuum;
bool doanalyze;
autovac_table *tab = NULL;
PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry;
PgStat_StatDBEntry *shared;
PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
bool wraparound;
AutoVacOpts *avopts;
/* use fresh stats */
shared = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(InvalidOid);
dbentry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(MyDatabaseId);
/* fetch the relation's relcache entry */
classTup = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(classTup))
return NULL;
classForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(classTup);
* Get the applicable reloptions. If it is a TOAST table, try to get the
* main table reloptions if the toast table itself doesn't have.
avopts = extract_autovac_opts(classTup, pg_class_desc);
if (classForm->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE &&
avopts == NULL && table_toast_map != NULL)
av_relation *hentry;
bool found;
hentry = hash_search(table_toast_map, &relid, HASH_FIND, &found);
if (found && hentry->ar_hasrelopts)
avopts = &hentry->ar_reloptions;
/* fetch the pgstat table entry */
tabentry = get_pgstat_tabentry_relid(relid, classForm->relisshared,
shared, dbentry);
relation_needs_vacanalyze(relid, avopts, classForm, tabentry,
&dovacuum, &doanalyze, &wraparound);
/* ignore ANALYZE for toast tables */
if (classForm->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE)
doanalyze = false;
/* OK, it needs something done */
if (doanalyze || dovacuum)
int freeze_min_age;
int freeze_table_age;
int vac_cost_limit;
int vac_cost_delay;
* Calculate the vacuum cost parameters and the freeze ages. If there
* are options set in pg_class.reloptions, use them; in the case of a
* toast table, try the main table too. Otherwise use the GUC
* defaults, autovacuum's own first and plain vacuum second.
/* -1 in autovac setting means use plain vacuum_cost_delay */
vac_cost_delay = (avopts && avopts->vacuum_cost_delay >= 0)
? avopts->vacuum_cost_delay
: (autovacuum_vac_cost_delay >= 0)
? autovacuum_vac_cost_delay
: VacuumCostDelay;
/* 0 or -1 in autovac setting means use plain vacuum_cost_limit */
vac_cost_limit = (avopts && avopts->vacuum_cost_limit > 0)
? avopts->vacuum_cost_limit
: (autovacuum_vac_cost_limit > 0)
? autovacuum_vac_cost_limit
: VacuumCostLimit;
/* these do not have autovacuum-specific settings */
freeze_min_age = (avopts && avopts->freeze_min_age >= 0)
? avopts->freeze_min_age
: default_freeze_min_age;
freeze_table_age = (avopts && avopts->freeze_table_age >= 0)
? avopts->freeze_table_age
: default_freeze_table_age;
tab = palloc(sizeof(autovac_table));
tab->at_relid = relid;
tab->at_dovacuum = dovacuum;
tab->at_doanalyze = doanalyze;
tab->at_freeze_min_age = freeze_min_age;
tab->at_freeze_table_age = freeze_table_age;
tab->at_vacuum_cost_limit = vac_cost_limit;
tab->at_vacuum_cost_delay = vac_cost_delay;
tab->at_wraparound = wraparound;
tab->at_relname = NULL;
tab->at_nspname = NULL;
tab->at_datname = NULL;
return tab;
* relation_needs_vacanalyze
* Check whether a relation needs to be vacuumed or analyzed; return each into
* "dovacuum" and "doanalyze", respectively. Also return whether the vacuum is
* being forced because of Xid wraparound.
* relopts is a pointer to the AutoVacOpts options (either for itself in the
* case of a plain table, or for either itself or its parent table in the case
* of a TOAST table), NULL if none; tabentry is the pgstats entry, which can be
* A table needs to be vacuumed if the number of dead tuples exceeds a
* threshold. This threshold is calculated as
* threshold = vac_base_thresh + vac_scale_factor * reltuples
* For analyze, the analysis done is that the number of tuples inserted,
* deleted and updated since the last analyze exceeds a threshold calculated
* in the same fashion as above. Note that the collector actually stores
* the number of tuples (both live and dead) that there were as of the last
* analyze. This is asymmetric to the VACUUM case.
* We also force vacuum if the table's relfrozenxid is more than freeze_max_age
* transactions back.
* A table whose autovacuum_enabled option is false is
* automatically skipped (unless we have to vacuum it due to freeze_max_age).
* Thus autovacuum can be disabled for specific tables. Also, when the stats
* collector does not have data about a table, it will be skipped.
* A table whose vac_base_thresh value is < 0 takes the base value from the
* autovacuum_vacuum_threshold GUC variable. Similarly, a vac_scale_factor
* value < 0 is substituted with the value of
* autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor GUC variable. Ditto for analyze.
static void
relation_needs_vacanalyze(Oid relid,
AutoVacOpts *relopts,
Form_pg_class classForm,
PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry,
/* output params below */
bool *dovacuum,
bool *doanalyze,
bool *wraparound)
bool force_vacuum;
bool av_enabled;
float4 reltuples; /* pg_class.reltuples */
/* constants from reloptions or GUC variables */
int vac_base_thresh,
float4 vac_scale_factor,
/* thresholds calculated from above constants */
float4 vacthresh,
/* number of vacuum (resp. analyze) tuples at this time */
float4 vactuples,
/* freeze parameters */
int freeze_max_age;
TransactionId xidForceLimit;
MultiXactId multiForceLimit;
AssertArg(classForm != NULL);
* Determine vacuum/analyze equation parameters. We have two possible
* sources: the passed reloptions (which could be a main table or a toast
* table), or the autovacuum GUC variables.
/* -1 in autovac setting means use plain vacuum_cost_delay */
vac_scale_factor = (relopts && relopts->vacuum_scale_factor >= 0)
? relopts->vacuum_scale_factor
: autovacuum_vac_scale;
vac_base_thresh = (relopts && relopts->vacuum_threshold >= 0)
? relopts->vacuum_threshold
: autovacuum_vac_thresh;
anl_scale_factor = (relopts && relopts->analyze_scale_factor >= 0)
? relopts->analyze_scale_factor
: autovacuum_anl_scale;
anl_base_thresh = (relopts && relopts->analyze_threshold >= 0)
? relopts->analyze_threshold
: autovacuum_anl_thresh;
freeze_max_age = (relopts && relopts->freeze_max_age >= 0)
? Min(relopts->freeze_max_age, autovacuum_freeze_max_age)
: autovacuum_freeze_max_age;
av_enabled = (relopts ? relopts->enabled : true);
/* Force vacuum if table is at risk of wraparound */
xidForceLimit = recentXid - freeze_max_age;
if (xidForceLimit < FirstNormalTransactionId)
xidForceLimit -= FirstNormalTransactionId;
force_vacuum = (TransactionIdIsNormal(classForm->relfrozenxid) &&
if (!force_vacuum)
multiForceLimit = recentMulti - autovacuum_freeze_max_age;
if (multiForceLimit < FirstMultiXactId)
multiForceLimit -= FirstMultiXactId;
force_vacuum = MultiXactIdPrecedes(classForm->relminmxid,
*wraparound = force_vacuum;
/* User disabled it in pg_class.reloptions? (But ignore if at risk) */
if (!force_vacuum && !av_enabled)
*doanalyze = false;
*dovacuum = false;
if (PointerIsValid(tabentry))
reltuples = classForm->reltuples;
vactuples = tabentry->n_dead_tuples;
anltuples = tabentry->changes_since_analyze;
vacthresh = (float4) vac_base_thresh + vac_scale_factor * reltuples;
anlthresh = (float4) anl_base_thresh + anl_scale_factor * reltuples;
* Note that we don't need to take special consideration for stat
* reset, because if that happens, the last vacuum and analyze counts
* will be reset too.
elog(DEBUG3, "%s: vac: %.0f (threshold %.0f), anl: %.0f (threshold %.0f)",
vactuples, vacthresh, anltuples, anlthresh);
/* Determine if this table needs vacuum or analyze. */
*dovacuum = force_vacuum || (vactuples > vacthresh);
*doanalyze = (anltuples > anlthresh);
* Skip a table not found in stat hash, unless we have to force vacuum
* for anti-wrap purposes. If it's not acted upon, there's no need to
* vacuum it.
*dovacuum = force_vacuum;
*doanalyze = false;
/* ANALYZE refuses to work with pg_statistics */
if (relid == StatisticRelationId)
*doanalyze = false;
* autovacuum_do_vac_analyze
* Vacuum and/or analyze the specified table
static void
autovacuum_do_vac_analyze(autovac_table *tab,
BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
VacuumStmt vacstmt;
RangeVar rangevar;
/* Set up command parameters --- use local variables instead of palloc */
MemSet(&vacstmt, 0, sizeof(vacstmt));
MemSet(&rangevar, 0, sizeof(rangevar));
rangevar.schemaname = tab->at_nspname;
rangevar.relname = tab->at_relname;
rangevar.location = -1;
vacstmt.type = T_VacuumStmt;
if (!tab->at_wraparound)
vacstmt.options = VACOPT_NOWAIT;
if (tab->at_dovacuum)
vacstmt.options |= VACOPT_VACUUM;
if (tab->at_doanalyze)
vacstmt.options |= VACOPT_ANALYZE;
vacstmt.freeze_min_age = tab->at_freeze_min_age;
vacstmt.freeze_table_age = tab->at_freeze_table_age;
/* we pass the OID, but might need this anyway for an error message */
vacstmt.relation = &rangevar;
vacstmt.va_cols = NIL;
/* Let pgstat know what we're doing */
vacuum(&vacstmt, tab->at_relid, false, bstrategy, tab->at_wraparound, true);
* autovac_report_activity
* Report to pgstat what autovacuum is doing
* We send a SQL string corresponding to what the user would see if the
* equivalent command was to be issued manually.
* Note we assume that we are going to report the next command as soon as we're
* done with the current one, and exit right after the last one, so we don't
* bother to report "<IDLE>" or some such.
static void
autovac_report_activity(autovac_table *tab)
char activity[MAX_AUTOVAC_ACTIV_LEN];
int len;
/* Report the command and possible options */
if (tab->at_dovacuum)
snprintf(activity, MAX_AUTOVAC_ACTIV_LEN,
"autovacuum: VACUUM%s",
tab->at_doanalyze ? " ANALYZE" : "");
snprintf(activity, MAX_AUTOVAC_ACTIV_LEN,
"autovacuum: ANALYZE");
* Report the qualified name of the relation.
len = strlen(activity);
snprintf(activity + len, MAX_AUTOVAC_ACTIV_LEN - len,
" %s.%s%s", tab->at_nspname, tab->at_relname,
tab->at_wraparound ? " (to prevent wraparound)" : "");
/* Set statement_timestamp() to current time for pg_stat_activity */
pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, activity);
* AutoVacuumingActive
* Check GUC vars and report whether the autovacuum process should be
* running.
if (!autovacuum_start_daemon || !pgstat_track_counts)
return false;
return true;
* autovac_init
* This is called at postmaster initialization.
* All we do here is annoy the user if he got it wrong.
if (autovacuum_start_daemon && !pgstat_track_counts)
(errmsg("autovacuum not started because of misconfiguration"),
errhint("Enable the \"track_counts\" option.")));
* IsAutoVacuum functions
* Return whether this is either a launcher autovacuum process or a worker
* process.
return am_autovacuum_launcher;
return am_autovacuum_worker;
* AutoVacuumShmemSize
* Compute space needed for autovacuum-related shared memory
Size size;
* Need the fixed struct and the array of WorkerInfoData.
size = sizeof(AutoVacuumShmemStruct);
size = MAXALIGN(size);
size = add_size(size, mul_size(autovacuum_max_workers,
return size;
* AutoVacuumShmemInit
* Allocate and initialize autovacuum-related shared memory
bool found;
AutoVacuumShmem = (AutoVacuumShmemStruct *)
ShmemInitStruct("AutoVacuum Data",
if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
WorkerInfo worker;
int i;
AutoVacuumShmem->av_launcherpid = 0;
AutoVacuumShmem->av_startingWorker = NULL;
worker = (WorkerInfo) ((char *) AutoVacuumShmem +
/* initialize the WorkerInfo free list */
for (i = 0; i < autovacuum_max_workers; i++)
* autovac_refresh_stats
* Refresh pgstats data for an autovacuum process
* Cause the next pgstats read operation to obtain fresh data, but throttle
* such refreshing in the autovacuum launcher. This is mostly to avoid
* rereading the pgstats files too many times in quick succession when there
* are many databases.
* Note: we avoid throttling in the autovac worker, as it would be
* counterproductive in the recheck logic.
static void
if (IsAutoVacuumLauncherProcess())
static TimestampTz last_read = 0;
TimestampTz current_time;
current_time = GetCurrentTimestamp();
if (!TimestampDifferenceExceeds(last_read, current_time,
last_read = current_time;