
172 lines
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-- There are many test cases elsewhere that use EXPLAIN as a vehicle for
-- checking something else (usually planner behavior). This file is
-- concerned with testing EXPLAIN in its own right.
-- To produce stable regression test output, it's usually necessary to
-- ignore details such as exact costs or row counts. These filter
-- functions replace changeable output details with fixed strings.
create function explain_filter(text) returns setof text
language plpgsql as
ln text;
for ln in execute $1
-- Replace any numeric word with just 'N'
ln := regexp_replace(ln, '-?\m\d+\M', 'N', 'g');
-- In sort output, the above won't match units-suffixed numbers
ln := regexp_replace(ln, '\m\d+kB', 'NkB', 'g');
-- Ignore text-mode buffers output because it varies depending
-- on the system state
CONTINUE WHEN (ln ~ ' +Buffers: .*');
-- Ignore text-mode "Planning:" line because whether it's output
-- varies depending on the system state
CONTINUE WHEN (ln = 'Planning:');
return next ln;
end loop;
-- To produce valid JSON output, replace numbers with "0" or "0.0" not "N"
create function explain_filter_to_json(text) returns jsonb
language plpgsql as
data text := '';
ln text;
for ln in execute $1
-- Replace any numeric word with just '0'
ln := regexp_replace(ln, '\m\d+\M', '0', 'g');
data := data || ln;
end loop;
return data::jsonb;
-- Disable JIT, or we'll get different output on machines where that's been
-- forced on
set jit = off;
-- Similarly, disable track_io_timing, to avoid output differences when
-- enabled.
set track_io_timing = off;
-- Simple cases
select explain_filter('explain select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (analyze) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (analyze, verbose) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (analyze, buffers, format text) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (analyze, buffers, format xml) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (analyze, serialize, buffers, format yaml) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (buffers, format text) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (buffers, format json) select * from int8_tbl i8');
-- Check output including I/O timings. These fields are conditional
-- but always set in JSON format, so check them only in this case.
set track_io_timing = on;
select explain_filter('explain (analyze, buffers, format json) select * from int8_tbl i8');
set track_io_timing = off;
-- SETTINGS option
-- We have to ignore other settings that might be imposed by the environment,
-- so printing the whole Settings field unfortunately won't do.
set local plan_cache_mode = force_generic_plan;
select true as "OK"
from explain_filter('explain (settings) select * from int8_tbl i8') ln
where ln ~ '^ *Settings: .*plan_cache_mode = ''force_generic_plan''';
select explain_filter_to_json('explain (settings, format json) select * from int8_tbl i8') #> '{0,Settings,plan_cache_mode}';
-- GENERIC_PLAN option
select explain_filter('explain (generic_plan) select unique1 from tenk1 where thousand = $1');
-- should fail
select explain_filter('explain (analyze, generic_plan) select unique1 from tenk1 where thousand = $1');
-- MEMORY option
select explain_filter('explain (memory) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (memory, analyze) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (memory, summary, format yaml) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (memory, analyze, format json) select * from int8_tbl i8');
prepare int8_query as select * from int8_tbl i8;
select explain_filter('explain (memory) execute int8_query');
-- Test EXPLAIN (GENERIC_PLAN) with partition pruning
-- partitions should be pruned at plan time, based on constants,
-- but there should be no pruning based on parameter placeholders
create table gen_part (
key1 integer not null,
key2 integer not null
) partition by list (key1);
create table gen_part_1
partition of gen_part for values in (1)
partition by range (key2);
create table gen_part_1_1
partition of gen_part_1 for values from (1) to (2);
create table gen_part_1_2
partition of gen_part_1 for values from (2) to (3);
create table gen_part_2
partition of gen_part for values in (2);
-- should scan gen_part_1_1 and gen_part_1_2, but not gen_part_2
select explain_filter('explain (generic_plan) select key1, key2 from gen_part where key1 = 1 and key2 = $1');
drop table gen_part;
-- Test production of per-worker data
-- Unfortunately, because we don't know how many worker processes we'll
-- actually get (maybe none at all), we can't examine the "Workers" output
-- in any detail. We can check that it parses correctly as JSON, and then
-- remove it from the displayed results.
-- encourage use of parallel plans
set parallel_setup_cost=0;
set parallel_tuple_cost=0;
set min_parallel_table_scan_size=0;
set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=4;
select jsonb_pretty(
explain_filter_to_json('explain (analyze, verbose, buffers, format json)
select * from tenk1 order by tenthous')
-- remove "Workers" node of the Seq Scan plan node
#- '{0,Plan,Plans,0,Plans,0,Workers}'
-- remove "Workers" node of the Sort plan node
#- '{0,Plan,Plans,0,Workers}'
-- Also remove its sort-type fields, as those aren't 100% stable
#- '{0,Plan,Plans,0,Sort Method}'
#- '{0,Plan,Plans,0,Sort Space Type}'
-- Test display of temporary objects
create temp table t1(f1 float8);
create function pg_temp.mysin(float8) returns float8 language plpgsql
as 'begin return sin($1); end';
select explain_filter('explain (verbose) select * from t1 where pg_temp.mysin(f1) < 0.5');
-- Test compute_query_id
set compute_query_id = on;
select explain_filter('explain (verbose) select * from int8_tbl i8');
-- Test SERIALIZE option
select explain_filter('explain (analyze,serialize) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (analyze,serialize text,buffers,timing off) select * from int8_tbl i8');
select explain_filter('explain (analyze,serialize binary,buffers,timing) select * from int8_tbl i8');
-- this tests an edge case where we have no data to return
select explain_filter('explain (analyze,serialize) create temp table explain_temp as select * from int8_tbl i8');