
695 lines
17 KiB

* nbtree.c
* Implementation of Lehman and Yao's btree management algorithm for
* Postgres.
* This file contains only the public interface routines.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtree.c,v 1.48 1999/11/14 16:22:59 momjian Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/nbtree.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#define ShowExecutorStats pg_options[TRACE_EXECUTORSTATS]
bool BuildingBtree = false; /* see comment in btbuild() */
bool FastBuild = true; /* use sort/build instead of insertion
* build */
static void _bt_restscan(IndexScanDesc scan);
* btbuild() -- build a new btree index.
* We use a global variable to record the fact that we're creating
* a new index. This is used to avoid high-concurrency locking,
* since the index won't be visible until this transaction commits
* and since building is guaranteed to be single-threaded.
btbuild(Relation heap,
Relation index,
int natts,
AttrNumber *attnum,
IndexStrategy istrat,
uint16 pcount,
Datum *params,
FuncIndexInfo *finfo,
PredInfo *predInfo)
HeapScanDesc hscan;
HeapTuple htup;
IndexTuple itup;
TupleDesc htupdesc,
Datum *attdata;
bool *nulls;
InsertIndexResult res = 0;
int nhtups,
int i;
BTItem btitem;
ExprContext *econtext = (ExprContext *) NULL;
TupleTable tupleTable = (TupleTable) NULL;
TupleTableSlot *slot = (TupleTableSlot *) NULL;
Node *pred,
BTSpool *spool = NULL;
bool isunique;
bool usefast;
/* note that this is a new btree */
BuildingBtree = true;
pred = predInfo->pred;
oldPred = predInfo->oldPred;
* bootstrap processing does something strange, so don't use
* sort/build for initial catalog indices. at some point i need to
* look harder at this. (there is some kind of incremental processing
* going on there.) -- pma 08/29/95
usefast = (FastBuild && IsNormalProcessingMode());
if (ShowExecutorStats)
/* see if index is unique */
isunique = IndexIsUniqueNoCache(RelationGetRelid(index));
/* initialize the btree index metadata page (if this is a new index) */
if (oldPred == NULL)
/* get tuple descriptors for heap and index relations */
htupdesc = RelationGetDescr(heap);
itupdesc = RelationGetDescr(index);
/* get space for data items that'll appear in the index tuple */
attdata = (Datum *) palloc(natts * sizeof(Datum));
nulls = (bool *) palloc(natts * sizeof(bool));
* If this is a predicate (partial) index, we will need to evaluate
* the predicate using ExecQual, which requires the current tuple to
* be in a slot of a TupleTable. In addition, ExecQual must have an
* ExprContext referring to that slot. Here, we initialize dummy
* TupleTable and ExprContext objects for this purpose. --Nels, Feb
* '92
if (pred != NULL || oldPred != NULL)
tupleTable = ExecCreateTupleTable(1);
slot = ExecAllocTableSlot(tupleTable);
econtext = makeNode(ExprContext);
FillDummyExprContext(econtext, slot, htupdesc, InvalidBuffer);
* we never want to use sort/build if we are extending an existing
* partial index -- it works by inserting the newly-qualifying
* tuples into the existing index. (sort/build would overwrite the
* existing index with one consisting of the newly-qualifying
* tuples.)
usefast = false;
/* start a heap scan */
/* build the index */
nhtups = nitups = 0;
if (usefast)
spool = _bt_spoolinit(index, isunique);
res = (InsertIndexResult) NULL;
hscan = heap_beginscan(heap, 0, SnapshotNow, 0, (ScanKey) NULL);
while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = heap_getnext(hscan, 0)))
* If oldPred != NULL, this is an EXTEND INDEX command, so skip
* this tuple if it was already in the existing partial index
if (oldPred != NULL)
/* SetSlotContents(slot, htup); */
slot->val = htup;
if (ExecQual((List *) oldPred, econtext) == true)
* Skip this tuple if it doesn't satisfy the partial-index
* predicate
if (pred != NULL)
/* SetSlotContents(slot, htup); */
slot->val = htup;
if (ExecQual((List *) pred, econtext) == false)
* For the current heap tuple, extract all the attributes we use
* in this index, and note which are null.
for (i = 1; i <= natts; i++)
int attoff;
bool attnull;
* Offsets are from the start of the tuple, and are
* zero-based; indices are one-based. The next call returns i
* - 1. That's data hiding for you.
attoff = AttrNumberGetAttrOffset(i);
attdata[attoff] = GetIndexValue(htup,
nulls[attoff] = (attnull ? 'n' : ' ');
/* form an index tuple and point it at the heap tuple */
itup = index_formtuple(itupdesc, attdata, nulls);
* If the single index key is null, we don't insert it into the
* index. Btrees support scans on <, <=, =, >=, and >. Relational
* algebra says that A op B (where op is one of the operators
* above) returns null if either A or B is null. This means that
* no qualification used in an index scan could ever return true
* on a null attribute. It also means that indices can't be used
* by ISNULL or NOTNULL scans, but that's an artifact of the
* strategy map architecture chosen in 1986, not of the way nulls
* are handled here.
* New comments: NULLs handling. While we can't do NULL
* comparison, we can follow simple rule for ordering items on
* btree pages - NULLs greater NOT_NULLs and NULL = NULL is TRUE.
* Sure, it's just rule for placing/finding items and no more -
* keytest'll return FALSE for a = 5 for items having 'a' isNULL.
* Look at _bt_skeycmp, _bt_compare and _bt_itemcmp for how it
* works. - vadim 03/23/97
* if (itup->t_info & INDEX_NULL_MASK) { pfree(itup); continue; }
itup->t_tid = htup->t_self;
btitem = _bt_formitem(itup);
* if we are doing bottom-up btree build, we insert the index into
* a spool file for subsequent processing. otherwise, we insert
* into the btree.
if (usefast)
_bt_spool(btitem, spool);
res = _bt_doinsert(index, btitem, isunique, heap);
if (res)
/* okay, all heap tuples are indexed */
if (pred != NULL || oldPred != NULL)
ExecDestroyTupleTable(tupleTable, true);
* if we are doing bottom-up btree build, finish the build by
* (1) completing the sort of the spool file, (2) inserting the
* sorted tuples into btree pages and (3) building the upper levels.
if (usefast)
if (ShowExecutorStats)
fprintf(stderr, "! BtreeBuild Stats:\n");
* Since we just counted the tuples in the heap, we update its stats
* in pg_class to guarantee that the planner takes advantage of the
* index we just created. But, only update statistics during
* normal index definitions, not for indices on system catalogs
* created during bootstrap processing. We must close the relations
* before updating statistics to guarantee that the relcache entries
* are flushed when we increment the command counter in UpdateStats().
* But we do not release any locks on the relations; those will be
* held until end of transaction.
if (IsNormalProcessingMode())
Oid hrelid = RelationGetRelid(heap);
Oid irelid = RelationGetRelid(index);
heap_close(heap, NoLock);
UpdateStats(hrelid, nhtups, true);
UpdateStats(irelid, nitups, false);
if (oldPred != NULL)
if (nitups == nhtups)
pred = NULL;
UpdateIndexPredicate(irelid, oldPred, pred);
/* all done */
BuildingBtree = false;
* btinsert() -- insert an index tuple into a btree.
* Descend the tree recursively, find the appropriate location for our
* new tuple, put it there, set its unique OID as appropriate, and
* return an InsertIndexResult to the caller.
btinsert(Relation rel, Datum *datum, char *nulls, ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel)
BTItem btitem;
IndexTuple itup;
InsertIndexResult res;
/* generate an index tuple */
itup = index_formtuple(RelationGetDescr(rel), datum, nulls);
itup->t_tid = *ht_ctid;
* See comments in btbuild.
* if (itup->t_info & INDEX_NULL_MASK) return (InsertIndexResult) NULL;
btitem = _bt_formitem(itup);
res = _bt_doinsert(rel, btitem,
IndexIsUnique(RelationGetRelid(rel)), heapRel);
return res;
* btgettuple() -- Get the next tuple in the scan.
char *
btgettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
RetrieveIndexResult res;
* If we've already initialized this scan, we can just advance it in
* the appropriate direction. If we haven't done so yet, we call a
* routine to get the first item in the scan.
if (ItemPointerIsValid(&(scan->currentItemData)))
* Restore scan position using heap TID returned by previous call
* to btgettuple(). _bt_restscan() locks buffer.
res = _bt_next(scan, dir);
res = _bt_first(scan, dir);
* Save heap TID to use it in _bt_restscan. Unlock buffer before
* leaving index !
if (res)
((BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque)->curHeapIptr = res->heap_iptr;
LockBuffer(((BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque)->btso_curbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
return (char *) res;
* btbeginscan() -- start a scan on a btree index
char *
btbeginscan(Relation rel, bool fromEnd, uint16 keysz, ScanKey scankey)
IndexScanDesc scan;
/* get the scan */
scan = RelationGetIndexScan(rel, fromEnd, keysz, scankey);
/* register scan in case we change pages it's using */
return (char *) scan;
* btrescan() -- rescan an index relation
btrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, bool fromEnd, ScanKey scankey)
ItemPointer iptr;
BTScanOpaque so;
so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
/* we don't hold a read lock on the current page in the scan */
if (ItemPointerIsValid(iptr = &(scan->currentItemData)))
so->btso_curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
/* and we don't hold a read lock on the last marked item in the scan */
if (ItemPointerIsValid(iptr = &(scan->currentMarkData)))
so->btso_mrkbuf = InvalidBuffer;
if (so == NULL) /* if called from btbeginscan */
so = (BTScanOpaque) palloc(sizeof(BTScanOpaqueData));
so->btso_curbuf = so->btso_mrkbuf = InvalidBuffer;
so->keyData = (ScanKey) NULL;
if (scan->numberOfKeys > 0)
so->keyData = (ScanKey) palloc(scan->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
scan->opaque = so;
scan->flags = 0x0;
* Reset the scan keys. Note that keys ordering stuff moved to
* _bt_first. - vadim 05/05/97
so->numberOfKeys = scan->numberOfKeys;
if (scan->numberOfKeys > 0)
scan->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
so->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
btmovescan(IndexScanDesc scan, Datum v)
ItemPointer iptr;
BTScanOpaque so;
so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
/* we don't hold a read lock on the current page in the scan */
if (ItemPointerIsValid(iptr = &(scan->currentItemData)))
so->btso_curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
/* scan->keyData[0].sk_argument = v; */
so->keyData[0].sk_argument = v;
* btendscan() -- close down a scan
btendscan(IndexScanDesc scan)
ItemPointer iptr;
BTScanOpaque so;
so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
/* we don't hold any read locks */
if (ItemPointerIsValid(iptr = &(scan->currentItemData)))
if (BufferIsValid(so->btso_curbuf))
so->btso_curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
if (ItemPointerIsValid(iptr = &(scan->currentMarkData)))
if (BufferIsValid(so->btso_mrkbuf))
so->btso_mrkbuf = InvalidBuffer;
if (so->keyData != (ScanKey) NULL)
* btmarkpos() -- save current scan position
btmarkpos(IndexScanDesc scan)
ItemPointer iptr;
BTScanOpaque so;
so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
/* we don't hold any read locks */
if (ItemPointerIsValid(iptr = &(scan->currentMarkData)))
so->btso_mrkbuf = InvalidBuffer;
/* bump pin on current buffer */
if (ItemPointerIsValid(&(scan->currentItemData)))
so->btso_mrkbuf = ReadBuffer(scan->relation,
scan->currentMarkData = scan->currentItemData;
so->mrkHeapIptr = so->curHeapIptr;
* btrestrpos() -- restore scan to last saved position
btrestrpos(IndexScanDesc scan)
ItemPointer iptr;
BTScanOpaque so;
so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
/* we don't hold any read locks */
if (ItemPointerIsValid(iptr = &(scan->currentItemData)))
so->btso_curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
/* bump pin on marked buffer */
if (ItemPointerIsValid(&(scan->currentMarkData)))
so->btso_curbuf = ReadBuffer(scan->relation,
scan->currentItemData = scan->currentMarkData;
so->curHeapIptr = so->mrkHeapIptr;
/* stubs */
btdelete(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid)
/* adjust any active scans that will be affected by this deletion */
_bt_adjscans(rel, tid);
/* delete the data from the page */
_bt_pagedel(rel, tid);
static void
_bt_restscan(IndexScanDesc scan)
Relation rel = scan->relation;
BTScanOpaque so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
Buffer buf = so->btso_curbuf;
Page page;
ItemPointer current = &(scan->currentItemData);
OffsetNumber offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(current),
BTPageOpaque opaque;
ItemPointerData target = so->curHeapIptr;
BTItem item;
BlockNumber blkno;
LockBuffer(buf, BT_READ); /* lock buffer first! */
page = BufferGetPage(buf);
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
* We use this as flag when first index tuple on page is deleted but
* we do not move left (this would slowdown vacuum) - so we set
* current->ip_posid before first index tuple on the current page
* (_bt_step will move it right)...
if (!ItemPointerIsValid(&target))
OffsetNumberPrev(P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) ? P_HIKEY : P_FIRSTKEY));
if (maxoff >= offnum)
* if the item is where we left it or has just moved right on this
* page, we're done
for (;
offnum <= maxoff;
offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
item = (BTItem) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offnum));
if (item->bti_itup.t_tid.ip_blkid.bi_hi == \
target.ip_blkid.bi_hi && \
item->bti_itup.t_tid.ip_blkid.bi_lo == \
target.ip_blkid.bi_lo && \
item->bti_itup.t_tid.ip_posid == target.ip_posid)
current->ip_posid = offnum;
* By here, the item we're looking for moved right at least one page
for (;;)
if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque))
elog(FATAL, "_bt_restscan: my bits moved right off the end of the world!\nTry recreating the index.");
blkno = opaque->btpo_next;
_bt_relbuf(rel, buf, BT_READ);
buf = _bt_getbuf(rel, blkno, BT_READ);
page = BufferGetPage(buf);
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
/* see if it's on this page */
for (offnum = P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) ? P_HIKEY : P_FIRSTKEY;
offnum <= maxoff;
offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
item = (BTItem) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offnum));
if (item->bti_itup.t_tid.ip_blkid.bi_hi == \
target.ip_blkid.bi_hi && \
item->bti_itup.t_tid.ip_blkid.bi_lo == \
target.ip_blkid.bi_lo && \
item->bti_itup.t_tid.ip_posid == target.ip_posid)
ItemPointerSet(current, blkno, offnum);
so->btso_curbuf = buf;