Tom Lane 4dd2048a47 Get rid of ExecAssignResultTypeFromOuterPlan() and make all plan node types
generate their output tuple descriptors from their target lists (ie, using
ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL()).  We long ago fixed things so that all node
types have minimally valid tlists, so there's no longer any good reason to
have two different ways of doing it.  This change is needed to fix bug
reported by Hayden James: the fix of 2005-11-03 to emit the correct column
names after optimizing away a SubqueryScan node didn't work if the new
top-level plan node used ExecAssignResultTypeFromOuterPlan to generate its
tupdesc, since the next plan node down won't have the correct column labels.
2005-11-23 20:27:58 +00:00

839 lines
21 KiB

* nodeHash.c
* Routines to hash relations for hashjoin
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2005, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/executor/nodeHash.c,v 1.99 2005/11/23 20:27:57 tgl Exp $
* MultiExecHash - generate an in-memory hash table of the relation
* ExecInitHash - initialize node and subnodes
* ExecEndHash - shutdown node and subnodes
#include "postgres.h"
#include "executor/execdebug.h"
#include "executor/hashjoin.h"
#include "executor/instrument.h"
#include "executor/nodeHash.h"
#include "executor/nodeHashjoin.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
static void ExecHashIncreaseNumBatches(HashJoinTable hashtable);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecHash
* stub for pro forma compliance
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecHash(HashState *node)
elog(ERROR, "Hash node does not support ExecProcNode call convention");
return NULL;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* MultiExecHash
* build hash table for hashjoin, doing partitioning if more
* than one batch is required.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
Node *
MultiExecHash(HashState *node)
PlanState *outerNode;
List *hashkeys;
HashJoinTable hashtable;
TupleTableSlot *slot;
ExprContext *econtext;
uint32 hashvalue;
/* must provide our own instrumentation support */
if (node->ps.instrument)
* get state info from node
outerNode = outerPlanState(node);
hashtable = node->hashtable;
* set expression context
hashkeys = node->hashkeys;
econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;
* get all inner tuples and insert into the hash table (or temp files)
for (;;)
slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode);
if (TupIsNull(slot))
hashtable->totalTuples += 1;
/* We have to compute the hash value */
econtext->ecxt_innertuple = slot;
hashvalue = ExecHashGetHashValue(hashtable, econtext, hashkeys);
ExecHashTableInsert(hashtable, ExecFetchSlotTuple(slot), hashvalue);
/* must provide our own instrumentation support */
if (node->ps.instrument)
InstrStopNodeMulti(node->ps.instrument, hashtable->totalTuples);
* We do not return the hash table directly because it's not a subtype of
* Node, and so would violate the MultiExecProcNode API. Instead, our
* parent Hashjoin node is expected to know how to fish it out of our node
* state. Ugly but not really worth cleaning up, since Hashjoin knows
* quite a bit more about Hash besides that.
return NULL;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecInitHash
* Init routine for Hash node
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
HashState *
ExecInitHash(Hash *node, EState *estate)
HashState *hashstate;
SO_printf("ExecInitHash: initializing hash node\n");
* create state structure
hashstate = makeNode(HashState);
hashstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
hashstate->ps.state = estate;
hashstate->hashtable = NULL;
hashstate->hashkeys = NIL; /* will be set by parent HashJoin */
* Miscellaneous initialization
* create expression context for node
ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &hashstate->ps);
#define HASH_NSLOTS 1
* initialize our result slot
ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &hashstate->ps);
* initialize child expressions
hashstate->ps.targetlist = (List *)
ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->plan.targetlist,
(PlanState *) hashstate);
hashstate->ps.qual = (List *)
ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->plan.qual,
(PlanState *) hashstate);
* initialize child nodes
outerPlanState(hashstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate);
* initialize tuple type. no need to initialize projection info because
* this node doesn't do projections
hashstate->ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL;
return hashstate;
ExecCountSlotsHash(Hash *node)
return ExecCountSlotsNode(outerPlan(node)) +
ExecCountSlotsNode(innerPlan(node)) +
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecEndHash
* clean up routine for Hash node
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndHash(HashState *node)
PlanState *outerPlan;
* free exprcontext
* shut down the subplan
outerPlan = outerPlanState(node);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecHashTableCreate
* create an empty hashtable data structure for hashjoin.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecHashTableCreate(Hash *node, List *hashOperators)
HashJoinTable hashtable;
Plan *outerNode;
int nbuckets;
int nbatch;
int nkeys;
int i;
ListCell *ho;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
* Get information about the size of the relation to be hashed (it's the
* "outer" subtree of this node, but the inner relation of the hashjoin).
* Compute the appropriate size of the hash table.
outerNode = outerPlan(node);
ExecChooseHashTableSize(outerNode->plan_rows, outerNode->plan_width,
&nbuckets, &nbatch);
#ifdef HJDEBUG
printf("nbatch = %d, nbuckets = %d\n", nbatch, nbuckets);
* Initialize the hash table control block.
* The hashtable control block is just palloc'd from the executor's
* per-query memory context.
hashtable = (HashJoinTable) palloc(sizeof(HashJoinTableData));
hashtable->nbuckets = nbuckets;
hashtable->buckets = NULL;
hashtable->nbatch = nbatch;
hashtable->curbatch = 0;
hashtable->nbatch_original = nbatch;
hashtable->nbatch_outstart = nbatch;
hashtable->growEnabled = true;
hashtable->totalTuples = 0;
hashtable->innerBatchFile = NULL;
hashtable->outerBatchFile = NULL;
hashtable->spaceUsed = 0;
hashtable->spaceAllowed = work_mem * 1024L;
* Get info about the hash functions to be used for each hash key.
nkeys = list_length(hashOperators);
hashtable->hashfunctions = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
i = 0;
foreach(ho, hashOperators)
Oid hashfn;
hashfn = get_op_hash_function(lfirst_oid(ho));
if (!OidIsValid(hashfn))
elog(ERROR, "could not find hash function for hash operator %u",
fmgr_info(hashfn, &hashtable->hashfunctions[i]);
* Create temporary memory contexts in which to keep the hashtable working
* storage. See notes in executor/hashjoin.h.
hashtable->hashCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
hashtable->batchCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(hashtable->hashCxt,
/* Allocate data that will live for the life of the hashjoin */
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->hashCxt);
if (nbatch > 1)
* allocate and initialize the file arrays in hashCxt
hashtable->innerBatchFile = (BufFile **)
palloc0(nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));
hashtable->outerBatchFile = (BufFile **)
palloc0(nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));
/* The files will not be opened until needed... */
* Prepare context for the first-scan space allocations; allocate the
* hashbucket array therein, and set each bucket "empty".
hashtable->buckets = (HashJoinTuple *)
palloc0(nbuckets * sizeof(HashJoinTuple));
return hashtable;
* Compute appropriate size for hashtable given the estimated size of the
* relation to be hashed (number of rows and average row width).
* This is exported so that the planner's costsize.c can use it.
/* Target bucket loading (tuples per bucket) */
#define NTUP_PER_BUCKET 10
/* Prime numbers that we like to use as nbuckets values */
static const int hprimes[] = {
1033, 2063, 4111, 8219, 16417, 32779, 65539, 131111,
262151, 524341, 1048589, 2097211, 4194329, 8388619, 16777289, 33554473,
67108913, 134217773, 268435463, 536870951, 1073741831
ExecChooseHashTableSize(double ntuples, int tupwidth,
int *numbuckets,
int *numbatches)
int tupsize;
double inner_rel_bytes;
long hash_table_bytes;
int nbatch;
int nbuckets;
int i;
/* Force a plausible relation size if no info */
if (ntuples <= 0.0)
ntuples = 1000.0;
* Estimate tupsize based on footprint of tuple in hashtable... note this
* does not allow for any palloc overhead. The manipulations of spaceUsed
* don't count palloc overhead either.
tupsize = MAXALIGN(sizeof(HashJoinTupleData)) +
MAXALIGN(sizeof(HeapTupleHeaderData)) +
inner_rel_bytes = ntuples * tupsize;
* Target in-memory hashtable size is work_mem kilobytes.
hash_table_bytes = work_mem * 1024L;
* Set nbuckets to achieve an average bucket load of NTUP_PER_BUCKET when
* memory is filled. Set nbatch to the smallest power of 2 that appears
* sufficient.
if (inner_rel_bytes > hash_table_bytes)
/* We'll need multiple batches */
long lbuckets;
double dbatch;
int minbatch;
lbuckets = (hash_table_bytes / tupsize) / NTUP_PER_BUCKET;
lbuckets = Min(lbuckets, INT_MAX);
nbuckets = (int) lbuckets;
dbatch = ceil(inner_rel_bytes / hash_table_bytes);
dbatch = Min(dbatch, INT_MAX / 2);
minbatch = (int) dbatch;
nbatch = 2;
while (nbatch < minbatch)
nbatch <<= 1;
/* We expect the hashtable to fit in memory */
double dbuckets;
dbuckets = ceil(ntuples / NTUP_PER_BUCKET);
dbuckets = Min(dbuckets, INT_MAX);
nbuckets = (int) dbuckets;
nbatch = 1;
* We want nbuckets to be prime so as to avoid having bucket and batch
* numbers depend on only some bits of the hash code. Choose the next
* larger prime from the list in hprimes[]. (This also enforces that
* nbuckets is not very small, by the simple expedient of not putting any
* very small entries in hprimes[].)
for (i = 0; i < (int) lengthof(hprimes); i++)
if (hprimes[i] >= nbuckets)
nbuckets = hprimes[i];
*numbuckets = nbuckets;
*numbatches = nbatch;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecHashTableDestroy
* destroy a hash table
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecHashTableDestroy(HashJoinTable hashtable)
int i;
* Make sure all the temp files are closed. We skip batch 0, since it
* can't have any temp files (and the arrays might not even exist if
* nbatch is only 1).
for (i = 1; i < hashtable->nbatch; i++)
if (hashtable->innerBatchFile[i])
if (hashtable->outerBatchFile[i])
/* Release working memory (batchCxt is a child, so it goes away too) */
/* And drop the control block */
* ExecHashIncreaseNumBatches
* increase the original number of batches in order to reduce
* current memory consumption
static void
ExecHashIncreaseNumBatches(HashJoinTable hashtable)
int oldnbatch = hashtable->nbatch;
int curbatch = hashtable->curbatch;
int nbatch;
int i;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
long ninmemory;
long nfreed;
/* do nothing if we've decided to shut off growth */
if (!hashtable->growEnabled)
/* safety check to avoid overflow */
if (oldnbatch > INT_MAX / 2)
nbatch = oldnbatch * 2;
Assert(nbatch > 1);
#ifdef HJDEBUG
printf("Increasing nbatch to %d because space = %lu\n",
nbatch, (unsigned long) hashtable->spaceUsed);
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->hashCxt);
if (hashtable->innerBatchFile == NULL)
/* we had no file arrays before */
hashtable->innerBatchFile = (BufFile **)
palloc0(nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));
hashtable->outerBatchFile = (BufFile **)
palloc0(nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));
/* enlarge arrays and zero out added entries */
hashtable->innerBatchFile = (BufFile **)
repalloc(hashtable->innerBatchFile, nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));
hashtable->outerBatchFile = (BufFile **)
repalloc(hashtable->outerBatchFile, nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));
MemSet(hashtable->innerBatchFile + oldnbatch, 0,
(nbatch - oldnbatch) * sizeof(BufFile *));
MemSet(hashtable->outerBatchFile + oldnbatch, 0,
(nbatch - oldnbatch) * sizeof(BufFile *));
hashtable->nbatch = nbatch;
* Scan through the existing hash table entries and dump out any that are
* no longer of the current batch.
ninmemory = nfreed = 0;
for (i = 0; i < hashtable->nbuckets; i++)
HashJoinTuple prevtuple;
HashJoinTuple tuple;
prevtuple = NULL;
tuple = hashtable->buckets[i];
while (tuple != NULL)
/* save link in case we delete */
HashJoinTuple nexttuple = tuple->next;
int bucketno;
int batchno;
ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch(hashtable, tuple->hashvalue,
&bucketno, &batchno);
Assert(bucketno == i);
if (batchno == curbatch)
/* keep tuple */
prevtuple = tuple;
/* dump it out */
Assert(batchno > curbatch);
ExecHashJoinSaveTuple(&tuple->htup, tuple->hashvalue,
/* and remove from hash table */
if (prevtuple)
prevtuple->next = nexttuple;
hashtable->buckets[i] = nexttuple;
/* prevtuple doesn't change */
hashtable->spaceUsed -=
MAXALIGN(sizeof(HashJoinTupleData)) + tuple->htup.t_len;
tuple = nexttuple;
#ifdef HJDEBUG
printf("Freed %ld of %ld tuples, space now %lu\n",
nfreed, ninmemory, (unsigned long) hashtable->spaceUsed);
* If we dumped out either all or none of the tuples in the table, disable
* further expansion of nbatch. This situation implies that we have
* enough tuples of identical hashvalues to overflow spaceAllowed.
* Increasing nbatch will not fix it since there's no way to subdivide the
* group any more finely. We have to just gut it out and hope the server
* has enough RAM.
if (nfreed == 0 || nfreed == ninmemory)
hashtable->growEnabled = false;
#ifdef HJDEBUG
printf("Disabling further increase of nbatch\n");
* ExecHashTableInsert
* insert a tuple into the hash table depending on the hash value
* it may just go to a temp file for later batches
ExecHashTableInsert(HashJoinTable hashtable,
HeapTuple tuple,
uint32 hashvalue)
int bucketno;
int batchno;
ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch(hashtable, hashvalue,
&bucketno, &batchno);
* decide whether to put the tuple in the hash table or a temp file
if (batchno == hashtable->curbatch)
* put the tuple in hash table
HashJoinTuple hashTuple;
int hashTupleSize;
hashTupleSize = MAXALIGN(sizeof(HashJoinTupleData)) + tuple->t_len;
hashTuple = (HashJoinTuple) MemoryContextAlloc(hashtable->batchCxt,
hashTuple->hashvalue = hashvalue;
memcpy((char *) &hashTuple->htup,
(char *) tuple,
hashTuple->htup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader)
(((char *) hashTuple) + MAXALIGN(sizeof(HashJoinTupleData)));
memcpy((char *) hashTuple->htup.t_data,
(char *) tuple->t_data,
hashTuple->next = hashtable->buckets[bucketno];
hashtable->buckets[bucketno] = hashTuple;
hashtable->spaceUsed += hashTupleSize;
if (hashtable->spaceUsed > hashtable->spaceAllowed)
* put the tuple into a temp file for later batches
Assert(batchno > hashtable->curbatch);
ExecHashJoinSaveTuple(tuple, hashvalue,
* ExecHashGetHashValue
* Compute the hash value for a tuple
* The tuple to be tested must be in either econtext->ecxt_outertuple or
* econtext->ecxt_innertuple. Vars in the hashkeys expressions reference
* either OUTER or INNER.
ExecHashGetHashValue(HashJoinTable hashtable,
ExprContext *econtext,
List *hashkeys)
uint32 hashkey = 0;
ListCell *hk;
int i = 0;
MemoryContext oldContext;
* We reset the eval context each time to reclaim any memory leaked in the
* hashkey expressions.
oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
foreach(hk, hashkeys)
ExprState *keyexpr = (ExprState *) lfirst(hk);
Datum keyval;
bool isNull;
/* rotate hashkey left 1 bit at each step */
hashkey = (hashkey << 1) | ((hashkey & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0);
* Get the join attribute value of the tuple
keyval = ExecEvalExpr(keyexpr, econtext, &isNull, NULL);
* Compute the hash function
if (!isNull) /* treat nulls as having hash key 0 */
uint32 hkey;
hkey = DatumGetUInt32(FunctionCall1(&hashtable->hashfunctions[i],
hashkey ^= hkey;
return hashkey;
* ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch
* Determine the bucket number and batch number for a hash value
* Note: on-the-fly increases of nbatch must not change the bucket number
* for a given hash code (since we don't move tuples to different hash
* chains), and must only cause the batch number to remain the same or
* increase. Our algorithm is
* bucketno = hashvalue MOD nbuckets
* batchno = (hashvalue DIV nbuckets) MOD nbatch
* where nbuckets should preferably be prime so that all bits of the
* hash value can affect both bucketno and batchno.
* nbuckets doesn't change over the course of the join.
* nbatch is always a power of 2; we increase it only by doubling it. This
* effectively adds one more bit to the top of the batchno.
ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch(HashJoinTable hashtable,
uint32 hashvalue,
int *bucketno,
int *batchno)
uint32 nbuckets = (uint32) hashtable->nbuckets;
uint32 nbatch = (uint32) hashtable->nbatch;
if (nbatch > 1)
*bucketno = hashvalue % nbuckets;
/* since nbatch is a power of 2, can do MOD by masking */
*batchno = (hashvalue / nbuckets) & (nbatch - 1);
*bucketno = hashvalue % nbuckets;
*batchno = 0;
* ExecScanHashBucket
* scan a hash bucket for matches to the current outer tuple
* The current outer tuple must be stored in econtext->ecxt_outertuple.
ExecScanHashBucket(HashJoinState *hjstate,
ExprContext *econtext)
List *hjclauses = hjstate->hashclauses;
HashJoinTable hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable;
HashJoinTuple hashTuple = hjstate->hj_CurTuple;
uint32 hashvalue = hjstate->hj_CurHashValue;
* hj_CurTuple is NULL to start scanning a new bucket, or the address of
* the last tuple returned from the current bucket.
if (hashTuple == NULL)
hashTuple = hashtable->buckets[hjstate->hj_CurBucketNo];
hashTuple = hashTuple->next;
while (hashTuple != NULL)
if (hashTuple->hashvalue == hashvalue)
HeapTuple heapTuple = &hashTuple->htup;
TupleTableSlot *inntuple;
/* insert hashtable's tuple into exec slot so ExecQual sees it */
inntuple = ExecStoreTuple(heapTuple,
false); /* do not pfree */
econtext->ecxt_innertuple = inntuple;
/* reset temp memory each time to avoid leaks from qual expr */
if (ExecQual(hjclauses, econtext, false))
hjstate->hj_CurTuple = hashTuple;
return heapTuple;
hashTuple = hashTuple->next;
* no match
return NULL;
* ExecHashTableReset
* reset hash table header for new batch
ExecHashTableReset(HashJoinTable hashtable)
MemoryContext oldcxt;
int nbuckets = hashtable->nbuckets;
* Release all the hash buckets and tuples acquired in the prior pass, and
* reinitialize the context for a new pass.
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->batchCxt);
/* Reallocate and reinitialize the hash bucket headers. */
hashtable->buckets = (HashJoinTuple *)
palloc0(nbuckets * sizeof(HashJoinTuple));
hashtable->spaceUsed = 0;
ExecReScanHash(HashState *node, ExprContext *exprCtxt)
* if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by
* first ExecProcNode.
if (((PlanState *) node)->lefttree->chgParam == NULL)
ExecReScan(((PlanState *) node)->lefttree, exprCtxt);