
3143 lines
137 KiB

create table pkeys (pkey1 int4 not null, pkey2 text not null);
create table fkeys (fkey1 int4, fkey2 text, fkey3 int);
create table fkeys2 (fkey21 int4, fkey22 text, pkey23 int not null);
create index fkeys_i on fkeys (fkey1, fkey2);
create index fkeys2_i on fkeys2 (fkey21, fkey22);
create index fkeys2p_i on fkeys2 (pkey23);
insert into pkeys values (10, '1');
insert into pkeys values (20, '2');
insert into pkeys values (30, '3');
insert into pkeys values (40, '4');
insert into pkeys values (50, '5');
insert into pkeys values (60, '6');
create unique index pkeys_i on pkeys (pkey1, pkey2);
-- For fkeys:
-- (fkey1, fkey2) --> pkeys (pkey1, pkey2)
-- (fkey3) --> fkeys2 (pkey23)
create trigger check_fkeys_pkey_exist
before insert or update on fkeys
for each row
execute function
check_primary_key ('fkey1', 'fkey2', 'pkeys', 'pkey1', 'pkey2');
create trigger check_fkeys_pkey2_exist
before insert or update on fkeys
for each row
execute function check_primary_key ('fkey3', 'fkeys2', 'pkey23');
-- For fkeys2:
-- (fkey21, fkey22) --> pkeys (pkey1, pkey2)
create trigger check_fkeys2_pkey_exist
before insert or update on fkeys2
for each row
execute procedure
check_primary_key ('fkey21', 'fkey22', 'pkeys', 'pkey1', 'pkey2');
-- Test comments
COMMENT ON TRIGGER check_fkeys2_pkey_bad ON fkeys2 IS 'wrong';
ERROR: trigger "check_fkeys2_pkey_bad" for table "fkeys2" does not exist
COMMENT ON TRIGGER check_fkeys2_pkey_exist ON fkeys2 IS 'right';
COMMENT ON TRIGGER check_fkeys2_pkey_exist ON fkeys2 IS NULL;
-- For pkeys:
-- ON DELETE/UPDATE (pkey1, pkey2) CASCADE:
-- fkeys (fkey1, fkey2) and fkeys2 (fkey21, fkey22)
create trigger check_pkeys_fkey_cascade
before delete or update on pkeys
for each row
execute procedure
check_foreign_key (2, 'cascade', 'pkey1', 'pkey2',
'fkeys', 'fkey1', 'fkey2', 'fkeys2', 'fkey21', 'fkey22');
-- For fkeys2:
-- fkeys (fkey3)
create trigger check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict
before delete or update on fkeys2
for each row
execute procedure check_foreign_key (1, 'restrict', 'pkey23', 'fkeys', 'fkey3');
insert into fkeys2 values (10, '1', 1);
insert into fkeys2 values (30, '3', 2);
insert into fkeys2 values (40, '4', 5);
insert into fkeys2 values (50, '5', 3);
-- no key in pkeys
insert into fkeys2 values (70, '5', 3);
ERROR: tuple references non-existent key
DETAIL: Trigger "check_fkeys2_pkey_exist" found tuple referencing non-existent key in "pkeys".
insert into fkeys values (10, '1', 2);
insert into fkeys values (30, '3', 3);
insert into fkeys values (40, '4', 2);
insert into fkeys values (50, '5', 2);
-- no key in pkeys
insert into fkeys values (70, '5', 1);
ERROR: tuple references non-existent key
DETAIL: Trigger "check_fkeys_pkey_exist" found tuple referencing non-existent key in "pkeys".
-- no key in fkeys2
insert into fkeys values (60, '6', 4);
ERROR: tuple references non-existent key
DETAIL: Trigger "check_fkeys_pkey2_exist" found tuple referencing non-existent key in "fkeys2".
delete from pkeys where pkey1 = 30 and pkey2 = '3';
NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted
ERROR: "check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict": tuple is referenced in "fkeys"
CONTEXT: SQL statement "delete from fkeys2 where fkey21 = $1 and fkey22 = $2 "
delete from pkeys where pkey1 = 40 and pkey2 = '4';
NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted
NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys2 are deleted
update pkeys set pkey1 = 7, pkey2 = '70' where pkey1 = 50 and pkey2 = '5';
NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted
ERROR: "check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict": tuple is referenced in "fkeys"
CONTEXT: SQL statement "delete from fkeys2 where fkey21 = $1 and fkey22 = $2 "
update pkeys set pkey1 = 7, pkey2 = '70' where pkey1 = 10 and pkey2 = '1';
NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted
NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys2 are deleted
SELECT trigger_name, event_manipulation, event_object_schema, event_object_table,
action_order, action_condition, action_orientation, action_timing,
action_reference_old_table, action_reference_new_table
FROM information_schema.triggers
WHERE event_object_table in ('pkeys', 'fkeys', 'fkeys2')
ORDER BY trigger_name COLLATE "C", 2;
trigger_name | event_manipulation | event_object_schema | event_object_table | action_order | action_condition | action_orientation | action_timing | action_reference_old_table | action_reference_new_table
check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict | DELETE | public | fkeys2 | 1 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict | UPDATE | public | fkeys2 | 1 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_fkeys2_pkey_exist | INSERT | public | fkeys2 | 1 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_fkeys2_pkey_exist | UPDATE | public | fkeys2 | 2 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_fkeys_pkey2_exist | INSERT | public | fkeys | 1 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_fkeys_pkey2_exist | UPDATE | public | fkeys | 1 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_fkeys_pkey_exist | INSERT | public | fkeys | 2 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_fkeys_pkey_exist | UPDATE | public | fkeys | 2 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_pkeys_fkey_cascade | DELETE | public | pkeys | 1 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
check_pkeys_fkey_cascade | UPDATE | public | pkeys | 1 | | ROW | BEFORE | |
(10 rows)
DROP TABLE fkeys2;
-- Check behavior when trigger returns unmodified trigtuple
create table trigtest (f1 int, f2 text);
create trigger trigger_return_old
before insert or delete or update on trigtest
for each row execute procedure trigger_return_old();
insert into trigtest values(1, 'foo');
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
1 | foo
(1 row)
update trigtest set f2 = f2 || 'bar';
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
1 | foo
(1 row)
delete from trigtest;
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
(0 rows)
-- Also check what happens when such a trigger runs before or after others
create function f1_times_10() returns trigger as
$$ begin new.f1 := new.f1 * 10; return new; end $$ language plpgsql;
create trigger trigger_alpha
before insert or update on trigtest
for each row execute procedure f1_times_10();
insert into trigtest values(1, 'foo');
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
10 | foo
(1 row)
update trigtest set f2 = f2 || 'bar';
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
10 | foo
(1 row)
delete from trigtest;
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
(0 rows)
create trigger trigger_zed
before insert or update on trigtest
for each row execute procedure f1_times_10();
insert into trigtest values(1, 'foo');
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
100 | foo
(1 row)
update trigtest set f2 = f2 || 'bar';
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
1000 | foo
(1 row)
delete from trigtest;
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
(0 rows)
drop trigger trigger_alpha on trigtest;
insert into trigtest values(1, 'foo');
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
10 | foo
(1 row)
update trigtest set f2 = f2 || 'bar';
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
100 | foo
(1 row)
delete from trigtest;
select * from trigtest;
f1 | f2
(0 rows)
drop table trigtest;
-- Check behavior with an implicit column default, too (bug #16644)
create table trigtest (a integer);
create trigger trigger_return_old
before insert or delete or update on trigtest
for each row execute procedure trigger_return_old();
insert into trigtest values(1);
select * from trigtest;
(1 row)
alter table trigtest add column b integer default 42 not null;
select * from trigtest;
a | b
1 | 42
(1 row)
update trigtest set a = 2 where a = 1 returning *;
a | b
1 | 42
(1 row)
select * from trigtest;
a | b
1 | 42
(1 row)
drop table trigtest;
create sequence ttdummy_seq increment 10 start 0 minvalue 0;
create table tttest (
price_id int4,
price_val int4,
price_on int4,
price_off int4 default 999999
create trigger ttdummy
before delete or update on tttest
for each row
execute procedure
ttdummy (price_on, price_off);
create trigger ttserial
before insert or update on tttest
for each row
execute procedure
autoinc (price_on, ttdummy_seq);
insert into tttest values (1, 1, null);
insert into tttest values (2, 2, null);
insert into tttest values (3, 3, 0);
select * from tttest;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
1 | 1 | 10 | 999999
2 | 2 | 20 | 999999
3 | 3 | 30 | 999999
(3 rows)
delete from tttest where price_id = 2;
select * from tttest;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
1 | 1 | 10 | 999999
3 | 3 | 30 | 999999
2 | 2 | 20 | 40
(3 rows)
-- what do we see ?
-- get current prices
select * from tttest where price_off = 999999;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
1 | 1 | 10 | 999999
3 | 3 | 30 | 999999
(2 rows)
-- change price for price_id == 3
update tttest set price_val = 30 where price_id = 3;
select * from tttest;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
1 | 1 | 10 | 999999
2 | 2 | 20 | 40
3 | 30 | 50 | 999999
3 | 3 | 30 | 50
(4 rows)
-- now we want to change pric_id in ALL tuples
-- this gets us not what we need
update tttest set price_id = 5 where price_id = 3;
select * from tttest;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
1 | 1 | 10 | 999999
2 | 2 | 20 | 40
3 | 3 | 30 | 50
5 | 30 | 60 | 999999
3 | 30 | 50 | 60
(5 rows)
-- restore data as before last update:
select set_ttdummy(0);
(1 row)
delete from tttest where price_id = 5;
update tttest set price_off = 999999 where price_val = 30;
select * from tttest;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
1 | 1 | 10 | 999999
2 | 2 | 20 | 40
3 | 3 | 30 | 50
3 | 30 | 50 | 999999
(4 rows)
-- and try change price_id now!
update tttest set price_id = 5 where price_id = 3;
select * from tttest;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
1 | 1 | 10 | 999999
2 | 2 | 20 | 40
5 | 3 | 30 | 50
5 | 30 | 50 | 999999
(4 rows)
-- isn't it what we need ?
select set_ttdummy(1);
(1 row)
-- we want to correct some "date"
update tttest set price_on = -1 where price_id = 1;
ERROR: ttdummy (tttest): you cannot change price_on and/or price_off columns (use set_ttdummy)
-- but this doesn't work
-- try in this way
select set_ttdummy(0);
(1 row)
update tttest set price_on = -1 where price_id = 1;
select * from tttest;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
2 | 2 | 20 | 40
5 | 3 | 30 | 50
5 | 30 | 50 | 999999
1 | 1 | -1 | 999999
(4 rows)
-- isn't it what we need ?
-- get price for price_id == 5 as it was @ "date" 35
select * from tttest where price_on <= 35 and price_off > 35 and price_id = 5;
price_id | price_val | price_on | price_off
5 | 3 | 30 | 50
(1 row)
drop table tttest;
drop sequence ttdummy_seq;
-- tests for per-statement triggers
CREATE TABLE log_table (tstamp timestamp default timeofday()::timestamp);
CREATE TABLE main_table (a int unique, b int);
COPY main_table (a,b) FROM stdin;
CREATE FUNCTION trigger_func() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS '
RAISE NOTICE ''trigger_func(%) called: action = %, when = %, level = %'', TG_ARGV[0], TG_OP, TG_WHEN, TG_LEVEL;
CREATE TRIGGER before_ins_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT ON main_table
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_ins_stmt');
CREATE TRIGGER after_ins_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT ON main_table
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('after_ins_stmt');
-- if neither 'FOR EACH ROW' nor 'FOR EACH STATEMENT' was specified,
CREATE TRIGGER after_upd_stmt_trig AFTER UPDATE ON main_table
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('after_upd_stmt');
-- Both insert and update statement level triggers (before and after) should
-- fire. Doesn't fire UPDATE before trigger, but only because one isn't
-- defined.
INSERT INTO main_table (a, b) VALUES (5, 10) ON CONFLICT (a)
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
CREATE TRIGGER after_upd_row_trig AFTER UPDATE ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('after_upd_row');
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
UPDATE main_table SET a = a + 1 WHERE b < 30;
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
-- UPDATE that effects zero rows should still call per-statement trigger
UPDATE main_table SET a = a + 2 WHERE b > 100;
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
-- constraint now unneeded
ALTER TABLE main_table DROP CONSTRAINT main_table_a_key;
-- COPY should fire per-row and per-statement INSERT triggers
COPY main_table (a, b) FROM stdin;
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
SELECT * FROM main_table ORDER BY a, b;
a | b
6 | 10
21 | 20
30 | 40
31 | 10
50 | 35
50 | 60
81 | 15
(8 rows)
-- test triggers with WHEN clause
CREATE TRIGGER modified_a BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.a <> NEW.a) EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('modified_a');
CREATE TRIGGER modified_any BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.a = 123) EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('insert_a');
FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.a = 123) EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('delete_a');
CREATE TRIGGER insert_when BEFORE INSERT ON main_table
FOR EACH STATEMENT WHEN (true) EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('insert_when');
CREATE TRIGGER delete_when AFTER DELETE ON main_table
FOR EACH STATEMENT WHEN (true) EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('delete_when');
SELECT trigger_name, event_manipulation, event_object_schema, event_object_table,
action_order, action_condition, action_orientation, action_timing,
action_reference_old_table, action_reference_new_table
FROM information_schema.triggers
WHERE event_object_table IN ('main_table')
ORDER BY trigger_name COLLATE "C", 2;
trigger_name | event_manipulation | event_object_schema | event_object_table | action_order | action_condition | action_orientation | action_timing | action_reference_old_table | action_reference_new_table
after_ins_stmt_trig | INSERT | public | main_table | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | |
after_upd_row_trig | UPDATE | public | main_table | 1 | | ROW | AFTER | |
after_upd_stmt_trig | UPDATE | public | main_table | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | |
before_ins_stmt_trig | INSERT | public | main_table | 1 | | STATEMENT | BEFORE | |
delete_a | DELETE | public | main_table | 1 | (old.a = 123) | ROW | AFTER | |
delete_when | DELETE | public | main_table | 1 | true | STATEMENT | AFTER | |
insert_a | INSERT | public | main_table | 1 | (new.a = 123) | ROW | AFTER | |
insert_when | INSERT | public | main_table | 2 | true | STATEMENT | BEFORE | |
modified_a | UPDATE | public | main_table | 1 | (old.a <> new.a) | ROW | BEFORE | |
modified_any | UPDATE | public | main_table | 2 | (old.* IS DISTINCT FROM new.*) | ROW | BEFORE | |
(10 rows)
INSERT INTO main_table (a) VALUES (123), (456);
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(insert_when) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(insert_a) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
COPY main_table FROM stdin;
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(insert_when) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(insert_a) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
DELETE FROM main_table WHERE a IN (123, 456);
NOTICE: trigger_func(delete_a) called: action = DELETE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(delete_a) called: action = DELETE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(delete_when) called: action = DELETE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
UPDATE main_table SET a = 50, b = 60;
NOTICE: trigger_func(modified_any) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(modified_any) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(modified_a) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(modified_a) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(modified_a) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(modified_a) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(modified_a) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
SELECT * FROM main_table ORDER BY a, b;
a | b
6 | 10
21 | 20
30 | 40
31 | 10
50 | 35
50 | 60
81 | 15
(8 rows)
SELECT pg_get_triggerdef(oid, true) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = 'main_table'::regclass AND tgname = 'modified_a';
CREATE TRIGGER modified_a BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON main_table FOR EACH ROW WHEN (old.a <> new.a) EXECUTE FUNCTION trigger_func('modified_a')
(1 row)
SELECT pg_get_triggerdef(oid, false) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = 'main_table'::regclass AND tgname = 'modified_a';
CREATE TRIGGER modified_a BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON public.main_table FOR EACH ROW WHEN ((old.a <> new.a)) EXECUTE FUNCTION trigger_func('modified_a')
(1 row)
SELECT pg_get_triggerdef(oid, true) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = 'main_table'::regclass AND tgname = 'modified_any';
CREATE TRIGGER modified_any BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON main_table FOR EACH ROW WHEN (old.* IS DISTINCT FROM new.*) EXECUTE FUNCTION trigger_func('modified_any')
(1 row)
ALTER TRIGGER modified_a ON main_table RENAME TO modified_modified_a;
SELECT count(*) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = 'main_table'::regclass AND tgname = 'modified_a';
(1 row)
SELECT count(*) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = 'main_table'::regclass AND tgname = 'modified_modified_a';
(1 row)
DROP TRIGGER modified_modified_a ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER modified_any ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER insert_a ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER delete_a ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER insert_when ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER delete_when ON main_table;
-- Test WHEN condition accessing system columns.
create table table_with_oids(a int);
insert into table_with_oids values (1);
create trigger oid_unchanged_trig after update on table_with_oids
for each row
when (new.tableoid = old.tableoid AND new.tableoid <> 0)
execute procedure trigger_func('after_upd_oid_unchanged');
update table_with_oids set a = a + 1;
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_oid_unchanged) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
drop table table_with_oids;
-- Test column-level triggers
DROP TRIGGER after_upd_row_trig ON main_table;
CREATE TRIGGER before_upd_a_row_trig BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_upd_a_row');
CREATE TRIGGER after_upd_b_row_trig AFTER UPDATE OF b ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('after_upd_b_row');
CREATE TRIGGER after_upd_a_b_row_trig AFTER UPDATE OF a, b ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('after_upd_a_b_row');
CREATE TRIGGER before_upd_a_stmt_trig BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON main_table
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_upd_a_stmt');
CREATE TRIGGER after_upd_b_stmt_trig AFTER UPDATE OF b ON main_table
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('after_upd_b_stmt');
SELECT pg_get_triggerdef(oid) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = 'main_table'::regclass AND tgname = 'after_upd_a_b_row_trig';
CREATE TRIGGER after_upd_a_b_row_trig AFTER UPDATE OF a, b ON public.main_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION trigger_func('after_upd_a_b_row')
(1 row)
UPDATE main_table SET a = 50;
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
UPDATE main_table SET b = 10;
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
-- Test case for bug with BEFORE trigger followed by AFTER trigger with WHEN
CREATE TABLE some_t (some_col boolean NOT NULL);
CREATE FUNCTION dummy_update_func() RETURNS trigger AS $$
RAISE NOTICE 'dummy_update_func(%) called: action = %, old = %, new = %',
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE dummy_update_func('before');
WHEN (NOT OLD.some_col AND NEW.some_col)
EXECUTE PROCEDURE dummy_update_func('aftera');
WHEN (NOT NEW.some_col)
EXECUTE PROCEDURE dummy_update_func('afterb');
UPDATE some_t SET some_col = TRUE;
NOTICE: dummy_update_func(before) called: action = UPDATE, old = (t), new = (t)
UPDATE some_t SET some_col = FALSE;
NOTICE: dummy_update_func(before) called: action = UPDATE, old = (t), new = (f)
NOTICE: dummy_update_func(afterb) called: action = UPDATE, old = (t), new = (f)
UPDATE some_t SET some_col = TRUE;
NOTICE: dummy_update_func(before) called: action = UPDATE, old = (f), new = (t)
NOTICE: dummy_update_func(aftera) called: action = UPDATE, old = (f), new = (t)
DROP TABLE some_t;
-- bogus cases
CREATE TRIGGER error_upd_and_col BEFORE UPDATE OR UPDATE OF a ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('error_upd_and_col');
ERROR: duplicate trigger events specified at or near "ON"
LINE 1: ...ER error_upd_and_col BEFORE UPDATE OR UPDATE OF a ON main_ta...
CREATE TRIGGER error_upd_a_a BEFORE UPDATE OF a, a ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('error_upd_a_a');
ERROR: column "a" specified more than once
CREATE TRIGGER error_ins_a BEFORE INSERT OF a ON main_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('error_ins_a');
ERROR: syntax error at or near "OF"
LINE 1: CREATE TRIGGER error_ins_a BEFORE INSERT OF a ON main_table
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('error_ins_old');
ERROR: INSERT trigger's WHEN condition cannot reference OLD values
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('error_del_new');
ERROR: DELETE trigger's WHEN condition cannot reference NEW values
FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.tableoid <> 0)
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('error_when_sys_column');
ERROR: BEFORE trigger's WHEN condition cannot reference NEW system columns
LINE 2: FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.tableoid <> 0)
CREATE TRIGGER error_stmt_when BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON main_table
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('error_stmt_when');
ERROR: statement trigger's WHEN condition cannot reference column values
-- check dependency restrictions
ERROR: cannot drop column b of table main_table because other objects depend on it
DETAIL: trigger after_upd_b_row_trig on table main_table depends on column b of table main_table
trigger after_upd_a_b_row_trig on table main_table depends on column b of table main_table
trigger after_upd_b_stmt_trig on table main_table depends on column b of table main_table
HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
-- this should succeed, but we'll roll it back to keep the triggers around
DROP TRIGGER after_upd_a_b_row_trig ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER after_upd_b_row_trig ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER after_upd_b_stmt_trig ON main_table;
-- Test enable/disable triggers
create table trigtest (i serial primary key);
-- test that disabling RI triggers works
create table trigtest2 (i int references trigtest(i) on delete cascade);
create function trigtest() returns trigger as $$
raise notice '% % % %', TG_RELNAME, TG_OP, TG_WHEN, TG_LEVEL;
return new;
end;$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger trigtest_b_row_tg before insert or update or delete on trigtest
for each row execute procedure trigtest();
create trigger trigtest_a_row_tg after insert or update or delete on trigtest
for each row execute procedure trigtest();
create trigger trigtest_b_stmt_tg before insert or update or delete on trigtest
for each statement execute procedure trigtest();
create trigger trigtest_a_stmt_tg after insert or update or delete on trigtest
for each statement execute procedure trigtest();
insert into trigtest default values;
alter table trigtest disable trigger trigtest_b_row_tg;
insert into trigtest default values;
alter table trigtest disable trigger user;
insert into trigtest default values;
alter table trigtest enable trigger trigtest_a_stmt_tg;
insert into trigtest default values;
set session_replication_role = replica;
insert into trigtest default values; -- does not trigger
alter table trigtest enable always trigger trigtest_a_stmt_tg;
insert into trigtest default values; -- now it does
reset session_replication_role;
insert into trigtest2 values(1);
insert into trigtest2 values(2);
delete from trigtest where i=2;
select * from trigtest2;
(1 row)
alter table trigtest disable trigger all;
delete from trigtest where i=1;
select * from trigtest2;
(1 row)
-- ensure we still insert, even when all triggers are disabled
insert into trigtest default values;
select * from trigtest;
(5 rows)
drop table trigtest2;
drop table trigtest;
-- dump trigger data
CREATE TABLE trigger_test (
i int,
v varchar
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
argstr text;
relid text;
relid := TG_relid::regclass;
-- plpgsql can't discover its trigger data in a hash like perl and python
-- can, or by a sort of reflection like tcl can,
-- so we have to hard code the names.
raise NOTICE 'TG_NAME: %', TG_name;
raise NOTICE 'TG_WHEN: %', TG_when;
raise NOTICE 'TG_LEVEL: %', TG_level;
raise NOTICE 'TG_OP: %', TG_op;
raise NOTICE 'TG_RELID::regclass: %', relid;
raise NOTICE 'TG_RELNAME: %', TG_relname;
raise NOTICE 'TG_TABLE_NAME: %', TG_table_name;
raise NOTICE 'TG_TABLE_SCHEMA: %', TG_table_schema;
raise NOTICE 'TG_NARGS: %', TG_nargs;
argstr := '[';
for i in 0 .. TG_nargs - 1 loop
if i > 0 then
argstr := argstr || ', ';
end if;
argstr := argstr || TG_argv[i];
end loop;
argstr := argstr || ']';
raise NOTICE 'TG_ARGV: %', argstr;
if TG_OP != 'INSERT' then
raise NOTICE 'OLD: %', OLD;
end if;
if TG_OP != 'DELETE' then
raise NOTICE 'NEW: %', NEW;
end if;
if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
return OLD;
return NEW;
end if;
CREATE TRIGGER show_trigger_data_trig
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
insert into trigger_test values(1,'insert');
NOTICE: TG_NAME: show_trigger_data_trig
NOTICE: TG_RELID::regclass: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_RELNAME: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_TABLE_NAME: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_ARGV: [23, skidoo]
NOTICE: NEW: (1,insert)
update trigger_test set v = 'update' where i = 1;
NOTICE: TG_NAME: show_trigger_data_trig
NOTICE: TG_RELID::regclass: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_RELNAME: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_TABLE_NAME: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_ARGV: [23, skidoo]
NOTICE: OLD: (1,insert)
NOTICE: NEW: (1,update)
delete from trigger_test;
NOTICE: TG_NAME: show_trigger_data_trig
NOTICE: TG_RELID::regclass: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_RELNAME: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_TABLE_NAME: trigger_test
NOTICE: TG_ARGV: [23, skidoo]
NOTICE: OLD: (1,update)
DROP TRIGGER show_trigger_data_trig on trigger_test;
DROP FUNCTION trigger_data();
DROP TABLE trigger_test;
-- Test use of row comparisons on OLD/NEW
CREATE TABLE trigger_test (f1 int, f2 text, f3 text);
-- this is the obvious (and wrong...) way to compare rows
CREATE FUNCTION mytrigger() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql as $$
if row(old.*) = row(new.*) then
raise notice 'row % not changed', new.f1;
raise notice 'row % changed', new.f1;
end if;
return new;
BEFORE UPDATE ON trigger_test
INSERT INTO trigger_test VALUES(1, 'foo', 'bar');
INSERT INTO trigger_test VALUES(2, 'baz', 'quux');
UPDATE trigger_test SET f3 = 'bar';
NOTICE: row 1 not changed
NOTICE: row 2 changed
UPDATE trigger_test SET f3 = NULL;
NOTICE: row 1 changed
NOTICE: row 2 changed
-- this demonstrates that the above isn't really working as desired:
UPDATE trigger_test SET f3 = NULL;
NOTICE: row 1 changed
NOTICE: row 2 changed
-- the right way when considering nulls is
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mytrigger() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql as $$
if row(old.*) is distinct from row(new.*) then
raise notice 'row % changed', new.f1;
raise notice 'row % not changed', new.f1;
end if;
return new;
UPDATE trigger_test SET f3 = 'bar';
NOTICE: row 1 changed
NOTICE: row 2 changed
UPDATE trigger_test SET f3 = NULL;
NOTICE: row 1 changed
NOTICE: row 2 changed
UPDATE trigger_test SET f3 = NULL;
NOTICE: row 1 not changed
NOTICE: row 2 not changed
DROP TABLE trigger_test;
DROP FUNCTION mytrigger();
-- Test snapshot management in serializable transactions involving triggers
-- per bug report in
CREATE FUNCTION serializable_update_trig() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
rec record;
new.description = 'updated in trigger';
return new;
CREATE TABLE serializable_update_tab (
id int,
filler text,
description text
CREATE TRIGGER serializable_update_trig BEFORE UPDATE ON serializable_update_tab
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE serializable_update_trig();
INSERT INTO serializable_update_tab SELECT a, repeat('xyzxz', 100), 'new'
FROM generate_series(1, 50) a;
UPDATE serializable_update_tab SET description = 'no no', id = 1 WHERE id = 1;
SELECT description FROM serializable_update_tab WHERE id = 1;
updated in trigger
(1 row)
DROP TABLE serializable_update_tab;
-- minimal update trigger
CREATE TABLE min_updates_test (
f1 text,
f2 int,
f3 int);
INSERT INTO min_updates_test VALUES ('a',1,2),('b','2',null);
CREATE TRIGGER z_min_update
BEFORE UPDATE ON min_updates_test
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE suppress_redundant_updates_trigger();
\set QUIET false
UPDATE min_updates_test SET f1 = f1;
UPDATE min_updates_test SET f2 = f2 + 1;
UPDATE min_updates_test SET f3 = 2 WHERE f3 is null;
\set QUIET true
SELECT * FROM min_updates_test;
f1 | f2 | f3
a | 2 | 2
b | 3 | 2
(2 rows)
DROP TABLE min_updates_test;
-- Test triggers on views
CREATE VIEW main_view AS SELECT a, b FROM main_table;
-- VIEW trigger function
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
argstr text := '';
for i in 0 .. TG_nargs - 1 loop
if i > 0 then
argstr := argstr || ', ';
end if;
argstr := argstr || TG_argv[i];
end loop;
raise notice '% % % % (%)', TG_RELNAME, TG_WHEN, TG_OP, TG_LEVEL, argstr;
if TG_LEVEL = 'ROW' then
if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
raise NOTICE 'NEW: %', NEW;
INSERT INTO main_table VALUES (NEW.a, NEW.b);
end if;
if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
raise NOTICE 'OLD: %, NEW: %', OLD, NEW;
UPDATE main_table SET a = NEW.a, b = NEW.b WHERE a = OLD.a AND b = OLD.b;
if NOT FOUND then RETURN NULL; end if;
end if;
if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
raise NOTICE 'OLD: %', OLD;
DELETE FROM main_table WHERE a = OLD.a AND b = OLD.b;
if NOT FOUND then RETURN NULL; end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Before row triggers aren't allowed on views
CREATE TRIGGER invalid_trig BEFORE INSERT ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_ins_row');
ERROR: "main_view" is a view
DETAIL: Views cannot have row-level BEFORE or AFTER triggers.
CREATE TRIGGER invalid_trig BEFORE UPDATE ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_upd_row');
ERROR: "main_view" is a view
DETAIL: Views cannot have row-level BEFORE or AFTER triggers.
CREATE TRIGGER invalid_trig BEFORE DELETE ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_del_row');
ERROR: "main_view" is a view
DETAIL: Views cannot have row-level BEFORE or AFTER triggers.
-- After row triggers aren't allowed on views
CREATE TRIGGER invalid_trig AFTER INSERT ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_ins_row');
ERROR: "main_view" is a view
DETAIL: Views cannot have row-level BEFORE or AFTER triggers.
CREATE TRIGGER invalid_trig AFTER UPDATE ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_upd_row');
ERROR: "main_view" is a view
DETAIL: Views cannot have row-level BEFORE or AFTER triggers.
CREATE TRIGGER invalid_trig AFTER DELETE ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_del_row');
ERROR: "main_view" is a view
DETAIL: Views cannot have row-level BEFORE or AFTER triggers.
-- Truncate triggers aren't allowed on views
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_tru_row');
ERROR: "main_view" is a view
DETAIL: Views cannot have TRUNCATE triggers.
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_func('before_tru_row');
ERROR: "main_view" is a view
DETAIL: Views cannot have TRUNCATE triggers.
-- INSTEAD OF triggers aren't allowed on tables
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_ins');
ERROR: "main_table" is a table
DETAIL: Tables cannot have INSTEAD OF triggers.
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_upd');
ERROR: "main_table" is a table
DETAIL: Tables cannot have INSTEAD OF triggers.
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_del');
ERROR: "main_table" is a table
DETAIL: Tables cannot have INSTEAD OF triggers.
-- Don't support WHEN clauses with INSTEAD OF triggers
FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.a <> NEW.a) EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_upd');
ERROR: INSTEAD OF triggers cannot have WHEN conditions
-- Don't support column-level INSTEAD OF triggers
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_upd');
ERROR: INSTEAD OF triggers cannot have column lists
-- Don't support statement-level INSTEAD OF triggers
EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_upd');
-- Valid INSTEAD OF triggers
CREATE TRIGGER instead_of_insert_trig INSTEAD OF INSERT ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_ins');
CREATE TRIGGER instead_of_update_trig INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_upd');
CREATE TRIGGER instead_of_delete_trig INSTEAD OF DELETE ON main_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('instead_of_del');
-- Valid BEFORE statement VIEW triggers
CREATE TRIGGER before_ins_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT ON main_view
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('before_view_ins_stmt');
CREATE TRIGGER before_upd_stmt_trig BEFORE UPDATE ON main_view
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('before_view_upd_stmt');
CREATE TRIGGER before_del_stmt_trig BEFORE DELETE ON main_view
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('before_view_del_stmt');
-- Valid AFTER statement VIEW triggers
CREATE TRIGGER after_ins_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT ON main_view
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('after_view_ins_stmt');
CREATE TRIGGER after_upd_stmt_trig AFTER UPDATE ON main_view
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('after_view_upd_stmt');
CREATE TRIGGER after_del_stmt_trig AFTER DELETE ON main_view
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE view_trigger('after_view_del_stmt');
\set QUIET false
-- Insert into view using trigger
INSERT INTO main_view VALUES (20, 30);
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE INSERT STATEMENT (before_view_ins_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF INSERT ROW (instead_of_ins)
NOTICE: NEW: (20,30)
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: main_view AFTER INSERT STATEMENT (after_view_ins_stmt)
INSERT INTO main_view VALUES (21, 31) RETURNING a, b;
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE INSERT STATEMENT (before_view_ins_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF INSERT ROW (instead_of_ins)
NOTICE: NEW: (21,31)
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_ins_stmt) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: main_view AFTER INSERT STATEMENT (after_view_ins_stmt)
a | b
21 | 31
(1 row)
-- Table trigger will prevent updates
UPDATE main_view SET b = 31 WHERE a = 20;
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE UPDATE STATEMENT (before_view_upd_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF UPDATE ROW (instead_of_upd)
NOTICE: OLD: (20,30), NEW: (20,31)
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: main_view AFTER UPDATE STATEMENT (after_view_upd_stmt)
UPDATE main_view SET b = 32 WHERE a = 21 AND b = 31 RETURNING a, b;
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE UPDATE STATEMENT (before_view_upd_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF UPDATE ROW (instead_of_upd)
NOTICE: OLD: (21,31), NEW: (21,32)
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: main_view AFTER UPDATE STATEMENT (after_view_upd_stmt)
a | b
(0 rows)
-- Remove table trigger to allow updates
DROP TRIGGER before_upd_a_row_trig ON main_table;
UPDATE main_view SET b = 31 WHERE a = 20;
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE UPDATE STATEMENT (before_view_upd_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF UPDATE ROW (instead_of_upd)
NOTICE: OLD: (20,30), NEW: (20,31)
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: main_view AFTER UPDATE STATEMENT (after_view_upd_stmt)
UPDATE main_view SET b = 32 WHERE a = 21 AND b = 31 RETURNING a, b;
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE UPDATE STATEMENT (before_view_upd_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF UPDATE ROW (instead_of_upd)
NOTICE: OLD: (21,31), NEW: (21,32)
NOTICE: trigger_func(before_upd_a_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_a_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_row) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_b_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_stmt) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: main_view AFTER UPDATE STATEMENT (after_view_upd_stmt)
a | b
21 | 32
(1 row)
-- Before and after stmt triggers should fire even when no rows are affected
UPDATE main_view SET b = 0 WHERE false;
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE UPDATE STATEMENT (before_view_upd_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view AFTER UPDATE STATEMENT (after_view_upd_stmt)
-- Delete from view using trigger
DELETE FROM main_view WHERE a IN (20,21);
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE DELETE STATEMENT (before_view_del_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF DELETE ROW (instead_of_del)
NOTICE: OLD: (21,10)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF DELETE ROW (instead_of_del)
NOTICE: OLD: (20,31)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF DELETE ROW (instead_of_del)
NOTICE: OLD: (21,32)
NOTICE: main_view AFTER DELETE STATEMENT (after_view_del_stmt)
DELETE FROM main_view WHERE a = 31 RETURNING a, b;
NOTICE: main_view BEFORE DELETE STATEMENT (before_view_del_stmt)
NOTICE: main_view INSTEAD OF DELETE ROW (instead_of_del)
NOTICE: OLD: (31,10)
NOTICE: main_view AFTER DELETE STATEMENT (after_view_del_stmt)
a | b
31 | 10
(1 row)
\set QUIET true
-- Describe view should list triggers
\d main_view
View "public.main_view"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
a | integer | | |
b | integer | | |
after_del_stmt_trig AFTER DELETE ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('after_view_del_stmt')
after_ins_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('after_view_ins_stmt')
after_upd_stmt_trig AFTER UPDATE ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('after_view_upd_stmt')
before_del_stmt_trig BEFORE DELETE ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('before_view_del_stmt')
before_ins_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('before_view_ins_stmt')
before_upd_stmt_trig BEFORE UPDATE ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('before_view_upd_stmt')
instead_of_delete_trig INSTEAD OF DELETE ON main_view FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('instead_of_del')
instead_of_insert_trig INSTEAD OF INSERT ON main_view FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('instead_of_ins')
instead_of_update_trig INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON main_view FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('instead_of_upd')
-- Test dropping view triggers
DROP TRIGGER instead_of_insert_trig ON main_view;
DROP TRIGGER instead_of_delete_trig ON main_view;
\d+ main_view
View "public.main_view"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description
a | integer | | | | plain |
b | integer | | | | plain |
View definition:
SELECT main_table.a,
FROM main_table;
after_del_stmt_trig AFTER DELETE ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('after_view_del_stmt')
after_ins_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('after_view_ins_stmt')
after_upd_stmt_trig AFTER UPDATE ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('after_view_upd_stmt')
before_del_stmt_trig BEFORE DELETE ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('before_view_del_stmt')
before_ins_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('before_view_ins_stmt')
before_upd_stmt_trig BEFORE UPDATE ON main_view FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('before_view_upd_stmt')
instead_of_update_trig INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON main_view FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION view_trigger('instead_of_upd')
DROP VIEW main_view;
-- Test triggers on a join view
CREATE TABLE country_table (
country_id serial primary key,
country_name text unique not null,
continent text not null
INSERT INTO country_table (country_name, continent)
VALUES ('Japan', 'Asia'),
('UK', 'Europe'),
('USA', 'North America')
country_id | country_name | continent
1 | Japan | Asia
2 | UK | Europe
3 | USA | North America
(3 rows)
CREATE TABLE city_table (
city_id serial primary key,
city_name text not null,
population bigint,
country_id int references country_table
CREATE VIEW city_view AS
SELECT city_id, city_name, population, country_name, continent
FROM city_table ci
LEFT JOIN country_table co ON co.country_id = ci.country_id;
CREATE FUNCTION city_insert() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
ctry_id int;
if NEW.country_name IS NOT NULL then
SELECT country_id, continent INTO ctry_id, NEW.continent
FROM country_table WHERE country_name = NEW.country_name;
if NOT FOUND then
raise exception 'No such country: "%"', NEW.country_name;
end if;
NEW.continent := NULL;
end if;
if NEW.city_id IS NOT NULL then
INSERT INTO city_table
VALUES(NEW.city_id, NEW.city_name, NEW.population, ctry_id);
INSERT INTO city_table(city_name, population, country_id)
VALUES(NEW.city_name, NEW.population, ctry_id)
RETURNING city_id INTO NEW.city_id;
end if;
CREATE TRIGGER city_insert_trig INSTEAD OF INSERT ON city_view
CREATE FUNCTION city_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
DELETE FROM city_table WHERE city_id = OLD.city_id;
if NOT FOUND then RETURN NULL; end if;
CREATE TRIGGER city_delete_trig INSTEAD OF DELETE ON city_view
CREATE FUNCTION city_update() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
ctry_id int;
if NEW.country_name IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.country_name then
SELECT country_id, continent INTO ctry_id, NEW.continent
FROM country_table WHERE country_name = NEW.country_name;
if NOT FOUND then
raise exception 'No such country: "%"', NEW.country_name;
end if;
UPDATE city_table SET city_name = NEW.city_name,
population = NEW.population,
country_id = ctry_id
WHERE city_id = OLD.city_id;
UPDATE city_table SET city_name = NEW.city_name,
population = NEW.population
WHERE city_id = OLD.city_id;
NEW.continent := OLD.continent;
end if;
if NOT FOUND then RETURN NULL; end if;
CREATE TRIGGER city_update_trig INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON city_view
\set QUIET false
INSERT INTO city_view(city_name) VALUES('Tokyo') RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
1 | Tokyo | | |
(1 row)
INSERT INTO city_view(city_name, population) VALUES('London', 7556900) RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
2 | London | 7556900 | |
(1 row)
INSERT INTO city_view(city_name, country_name) VALUES('Washington DC', 'USA') RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
3 | Washington DC | | USA | North America
(1 row)
INSERT INTO city_view(city_id, city_name) VALUES(123456, 'New York') RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
123456 | New York | | |
(1 row)
INSERT INTO city_view VALUES(234567, 'Birmingham', 1016800, 'UK', 'EU') RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
234567 | Birmingham | 1016800 | UK | Europe
(1 row)
UPDATE city_view SET country_name = 'Japon' WHERE city_name = 'Tokyo'; -- error
ERROR: No such country: "Japon"
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function city_update() line 9 at RAISE
UPDATE city_view SET country_name = 'Japan' WHERE city_name = 'Takyo'; -- no match
UPDATE city_view SET country_name = 'Japan' WHERE city_name = 'Tokyo' RETURNING *; -- OK
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
1 | Tokyo | | Japan | Asia
(1 row)
UPDATE city_view SET population = 13010279 WHERE city_name = 'Tokyo' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
1 | Tokyo | 13010279 | Japan | Asia
(1 row)
UPDATE city_view SET country_name = 'UK' WHERE city_name = 'New York' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
123456 | New York | | UK | Europe
(1 row)
UPDATE city_view SET country_name = 'USA', population = 8391881 WHERE city_name = 'New York' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
123456 | New York | 8391881 | USA | North America
(1 row)
UPDATE city_view SET continent = 'EU' WHERE continent = 'Europe' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
234567 | Birmingham | 1016800 | UK | Europe
(1 row)
UPDATE city_view v1 SET country_name = v2.country_name FROM city_view v2
WHERE v2.city_name = 'Birmingham' AND v1.city_name = 'London' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent | city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
2 | London | 7556900 | UK | Europe | 234567 | Birmingham | 1016800 | UK | Europe
(1 row)
DELETE FROM city_view WHERE city_name = 'Birmingham' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
234567 | Birmingham | 1016800 | UK | Europe
(1 row)
\set QUIET true
-- read-only view with WHERE clause
CREATE VIEW european_city_view AS
SELECT * FROM city_view WHERE continent = 'Europe';
SELECT count(*) FROM european_city_view;
(1 row)
CREATE FUNCTION no_op_trig_fn() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS 'begin RETURN NULL; end';
ON european_city_view FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE no_op_trig_fn();
\set QUIET false
INSERT INTO european_city_view VALUES (0, 'x', 10000, 'y', 'z');
UPDATE european_city_view SET population = 10000;
DELETE FROM european_city_view;
\set QUIET true
-- rules bypassing no-op triggers
CREATE RULE european_city_insert_rule AS ON INSERT TO european_city_view
VALUES (NEW.city_id, NEW.city_name, NEW.population, NEW.country_name, NEW.continent)
CREATE RULE european_city_update_rule AS ON UPDATE TO european_city_view
city_name = NEW.city_name,
population = NEW.population,
country_name = NEW.country_name
WHERE city_id = OLD.city_id
CREATE RULE european_city_delete_rule AS ON DELETE TO european_city_view
DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM city_view WHERE city_id = OLD.city_id RETURNING *;
\set QUIET false
-- INSERT not limited by view's WHERE clause, but UPDATE AND DELETE are
INSERT INTO european_city_view(city_name, country_name)
VALUES ('Cambridge', 'USA') RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
4 | Cambridge | | USA | North America
(1 row)
UPDATE european_city_view SET country_name = 'UK'
WHERE city_name = 'Cambridge';
DELETE FROM european_city_view WHERE city_name = 'Cambridge';
-- UPDATE and DELETE via rule and trigger
UPDATE city_view SET country_name = 'UK'
WHERE city_name = 'Cambridge' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
4 | Cambridge | | UK | Europe
(1 row)
UPDATE european_city_view SET population = 122800
WHERE city_name = 'Cambridge' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
4 | Cambridge | 122800 | UK | Europe
(1 row)
DELETE FROM european_city_view WHERE city_name = 'Cambridge' RETURNING *;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
4 | Cambridge | 122800 | UK | Europe
(1 row)
-- join UPDATE test
UPDATE city_view v SET population = 599657
FROM city_table ci, country_table co
WHERE ci.city_name = 'Washington DC' and co.country_name = 'USA'
AND v.city_id = ci.city_id AND v.country_name = co.country_name
RETURNING co.country_id, v.country_name,
v.city_id, v.city_name, v.population;
country_id | country_name | city_id | city_name | population
3 | USA | 3 | Washington DC | 599657
(1 row)
\set QUIET true
SELECT * FROM city_view;
city_id | city_name | population | country_name | continent
1 | Tokyo | 13010279 | Japan | Asia
123456 | New York | 8391881 | USA | North America
2 | London | 7556900 | UK | Europe
3 | Washington DC | 599657 | USA | North America
(4 rows)
NOTICE: drop cascades to 2 other objects
DETAIL: drop cascades to view city_view
drop cascades to view european_city_view
DROP TABLE country_table;
-- Test pg_trigger_depth()
create table depth_a (id int not null primary key);
create table depth_b (id int not null primary key);
create table depth_c (id int not null primary key);
create function depth_a_tf() returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
raise notice '%: depth = %', tg_name, pg_trigger_depth();
insert into depth_b values (;
raise notice '%: depth = %', tg_name, pg_trigger_depth();
return new;
create trigger depth_a_tr before insert on depth_a
for each row execute procedure depth_a_tf();
create function depth_b_tf() returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
raise notice '%: depth = %', tg_name, pg_trigger_depth();
execute 'insert into depth_c values (' || || ')';
when sqlstate 'U9999' then
raise notice 'SQLSTATE = U9999: depth = %', pg_trigger_depth();
raise notice '%: depth = %', tg_name, pg_trigger_depth();
if = 1 then
execute 'insert into depth_c values (' || || ')';
end if;
return new;
create trigger depth_b_tr before insert on depth_b
for each row execute procedure depth_b_tf();
create function depth_c_tf() returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
raise notice '%: depth = %', tg_name, pg_trigger_depth();
if = 1 then
raise exception sqlstate 'U9999';
end if;
raise notice '%: depth = %', tg_name, pg_trigger_depth();
return new;
create trigger depth_c_tr before insert on depth_c
for each row execute procedure depth_c_tf();
select pg_trigger_depth();
(1 row)
insert into depth_a values (1);
NOTICE: depth_a_tr: depth = 1
NOTICE: depth_b_tr: depth = 2
NOTICE: depth_c_tr: depth = 3
NOTICE: SQLSTATE = U9999: depth = 2
NOTICE: depth_b_tr: depth = 2
NOTICE: depth_c_tr: depth = 3
ERROR: U9999
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function depth_c_tf() line 5 at RAISE
SQL statement "insert into depth_c values (1)"
PL/pgSQL function depth_b_tf() line 12 at EXECUTE
SQL statement "insert into depth_b values ("
PL/pgSQL function depth_a_tf() line 4 at SQL statement
select pg_trigger_depth();
(1 row)
insert into depth_a values (2);
NOTICE: depth_a_tr: depth = 1
NOTICE: depth_b_tr: depth = 2
NOTICE: depth_c_tr: depth = 3
NOTICE: depth_c_tr: depth = 3
NOTICE: depth_b_tr: depth = 2
NOTICE: depth_a_tr: depth = 1
select pg_trigger_depth();
(1 row)
drop table depth_a, depth_b, depth_c;
drop function depth_a_tf();
drop function depth_b_tf();
drop function depth_c_tf();
-- Test updates to rows during firing of BEFORE ROW triggers.
-- As of 9.2, such cases should be rejected (see bug #6123).
create temp table parent (
aid int not null primary key,
val1 text,
val2 text,
val3 text,
val4 text,
bcnt int not null default 0);
create temp table child (
bid int not null primary key,
aid int not null,
val1 text);
create function parent_upd_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
if old.val1 <> new.val1 then
new.val2 = new.val1;
delete from child where child.aid = new.aid and child.val1 = new.val1;
end if;
return new;
create trigger parent_upd_trig before update on parent
for each row execute procedure parent_upd_func();
create function parent_del_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
delete from child where aid = old.aid;
return old;
create trigger parent_del_trig before delete on parent
for each row execute procedure parent_del_func();
create function child_ins_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
update parent set bcnt = bcnt + 1 where aid = new.aid;
return new;
create trigger child_ins_trig after insert on child
for each row execute procedure child_ins_func();
create function child_del_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
update parent set bcnt = bcnt - 1 where aid = old.aid;
return old;
create trigger child_del_trig after delete on child
for each row execute procedure child_del_func();
insert into parent values (1, 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 0);
insert into child values (10, 1, 'b');
select * from parent; select * from child;
aid | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 | bcnt
1 | a | a | a | a | 1
(1 row)
bid | aid | val1
10 | 1 | b
(1 row)
update parent set val1 = 'b' where aid = 1; -- should fail
ERROR: tuple to be updated was already modified by an operation triggered by the current command
HINT: Consider using an AFTER trigger instead of a BEFORE trigger to propagate changes to other rows.
select * from parent; select * from child;
aid | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 | bcnt
1 | a | a | a | a | 1
(1 row)
bid | aid | val1
10 | 1 | b
(1 row)
delete from parent where aid = 1; -- should fail
ERROR: tuple to be deleted was already modified by an operation triggered by the current command
HINT: Consider using an AFTER trigger instead of a BEFORE trigger to propagate changes to other rows.
select * from parent; select * from child;
aid | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 | bcnt
1 | a | a | a | a | 1
(1 row)
bid | aid | val1
10 | 1 | b
(1 row)
-- replace the trigger function with one that restarts the deletion after
-- having modified a child
create or replace function parent_del_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
delete from child where aid = old.aid;
if found then
delete from parent where aid = old.aid;
return null; -- cancel outer deletion
end if;
return old;
delete from parent where aid = 1;
select * from parent; select * from child;
aid | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 | bcnt
(0 rows)
bid | aid | val1
(0 rows)
drop table parent, child;
drop function parent_upd_func();
drop function parent_del_func();
drop function child_ins_func();
drop function child_del_func();
-- similar case, but with a self-referencing FK so that parent and child
-- rows can be affected by a single operation
create temp table self_ref_trigger (
id int primary key,
parent int references self_ref_trigger,
data text,
nchildren int not null default 0
create function self_ref_trigger_ins_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
if new.parent is not null then
update self_ref_trigger set nchildren = nchildren + 1
where id = new.parent;
end if;
return new;
create trigger self_ref_trigger_ins_trig before insert on self_ref_trigger
for each row execute procedure self_ref_trigger_ins_func();
create function self_ref_trigger_del_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
if old.parent is not null then
update self_ref_trigger set nchildren = nchildren - 1
where id = old.parent;
end if;
return old;
create trigger self_ref_trigger_del_trig before delete on self_ref_trigger
for each row execute procedure self_ref_trigger_del_func();
insert into self_ref_trigger values (1, null, 'root');
insert into self_ref_trigger values (2, 1, 'root child A');
insert into self_ref_trigger values (3, 1, 'root child B');
insert into self_ref_trigger values (4, 2, 'grandchild 1');
insert into self_ref_trigger values (5, 3, 'grandchild 2');
update self_ref_trigger set data = 'root!' where id = 1;
select * from self_ref_trigger;
id | parent | data | nchildren
2 | 1 | root child A | 1
4 | 2 | grandchild 1 | 0
3 | 1 | root child B | 1
5 | 3 | grandchild 2 | 0
1 | | root! | 2
(5 rows)
delete from self_ref_trigger;
ERROR: tuple to be updated was already modified by an operation triggered by the current command
HINT: Consider using an AFTER trigger instead of a BEFORE trigger to propagate changes to other rows.
select * from self_ref_trigger;
id | parent | data | nchildren
2 | 1 | root child A | 1
4 | 2 | grandchild 1 | 0
3 | 1 | root child B | 1
5 | 3 | grandchild 2 | 0
1 | | root! | 2
(5 rows)
drop table self_ref_trigger;
drop function self_ref_trigger_ins_func();
drop function self_ref_trigger_del_func();
-- Check that statement triggers work correctly even with all children excluded
create table stmt_trig_on_empty_upd (a int);
create table stmt_trig_on_empty_upd1 () inherits (stmt_trig_on_empty_upd);
create function update_stmt_notice() returns trigger as $$
raise notice 'updating %', TG_TABLE_NAME;
return null;
$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger before_stmt_trigger
before update on stmt_trig_on_empty_upd
execute procedure update_stmt_notice();
create trigger before_stmt_trigger
before update on stmt_trig_on_empty_upd1
execute procedure update_stmt_notice();
-- inherited no-op update
update stmt_trig_on_empty_upd set a = a where false returning a+1 as aa;
NOTICE: updating stmt_trig_on_empty_upd
(0 rows)
-- simple no-op update
update stmt_trig_on_empty_upd1 set a = a where false returning a+1 as aa;
NOTICE: updating stmt_trig_on_empty_upd1
(0 rows)
drop table stmt_trig_on_empty_upd cascade;
NOTICE: drop cascades to table stmt_trig_on_empty_upd1
drop function update_stmt_notice();
-- Check that index creation (or DDL in general) is prohibited in a trigger
create table trigger_ddl_table (
col1 integer,
col2 integer
create function trigger_ddl_func() returns trigger as $$
alter table trigger_ddl_table add primary key (col1);
return new;
end$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger trigger_ddl_func before insert on trigger_ddl_table for each row
execute procedure trigger_ddl_func();
insert into trigger_ddl_table values (1, 42); -- fail
ERROR: cannot ALTER TABLE "trigger_ddl_table" because it is being used by active queries in this session
CONTEXT: SQL statement "alter table trigger_ddl_table add primary key (col1)"
PL/pgSQL function trigger_ddl_func() line 3 at SQL statement
create or replace function trigger_ddl_func() returns trigger as $$
create index on trigger_ddl_table (col2);
return new;
end$$ language plpgsql;
insert into trigger_ddl_table values (1, 42); -- fail
ERROR: cannot CREATE INDEX "trigger_ddl_table" because it is being used by active queries in this session
CONTEXT: SQL statement "create index on trigger_ddl_table (col2)"
PL/pgSQL function trigger_ddl_func() line 3 at SQL statement
drop table trigger_ddl_table;
drop function trigger_ddl_func();
-- Verify behavior of before and after triggers with INSERT...ON CONFLICT
create table upsert (key int4 primary key, color text);
create function upsert_before_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
if (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then
raise warning 'before update (old): %', old.*::text;
raise warning 'before update (new): %', new.*::text;
elsif (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then
raise warning 'before insert (new): %', new.*::text;
if new.key % 2 = 0 then
new.key := new.key + 1;
new.color := new.color || ' trig modified';
raise warning 'before insert (new, modified): %', new.*::text;
end if;
end if;
return new;
create trigger upsert_before_trig before insert or update on upsert
for each row execute procedure upsert_before_func();
create function upsert_after_func()
returns trigger language plpgsql as
if (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then
raise warning 'after update (old): %', old.*::text;
raise warning 'after update (new): %', new.*::text;
elsif (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then
raise warning 'after insert (new): %', new.*::text;
end if;
return null;
create trigger upsert_after_trig after insert or update on upsert
for each row execute procedure upsert_after_func();
insert into upsert values(1, 'black') on conflict (key) do update set color = 'updated ' || upsert.color;
WARNING: before insert (new): (1,black)
WARNING: after insert (new): (1,black)
insert into upsert values(2, 'red') on conflict (key) do update set color = 'updated ' || upsert.color;
WARNING: before insert (new): (2,red)
WARNING: before insert (new, modified): (3,"red trig modified")
WARNING: after insert (new): (3,"red trig modified")
insert into upsert values(3, 'orange') on conflict (key) do update set color = 'updated ' || upsert.color;
WARNING: before insert (new): (3,orange)
WARNING: before update (old): (3,"red trig modified")
WARNING: before update (new): (3,"updated red trig modified")
WARNING: after update (old): (3,"red trig modified")
WARNING: after update (new): (3,"updated red trig modified")
insert into upsert values(4, 'green') on conflict (key) do update set color = 'updated ' || upsert.color;
WARNING: before insert (new): (4,green)
WARNING: before insert (new, modified): (5,"green trig modified")
WARNING: after insert (new): (5,"green trig modified")
insert into upsert values(5, 'purple') on conflict (key) do update set color = 'updated ' || upsert.color;
WARNING: before insert (new): (5,purple)
WARNING: before update (old): (5,"green trig modified")
WARNING: before update (new): (5,"updated green trig modified")
WARNING: after update (old): (5,"green trig modified")
WARNING: after update (new): (5,"updated green trig modified")
insert into upsert values(6, 'white') on conflict (key) do update set color = 'updated ' || upsert.color;
WARNING: before insert (new): (6,white)
WARNING: before insert (new, modified): (7,"white trig modified")
WARNING: after insert (new): (7,"white trig modified")
insert into upsert values(7, 'pink') on conflict (key) do update set color = 'updated ' || upsert.color;
WARNING: before insert (new): (7,pink)
WARNING: before update (old): (7,"white trig modified")
WARNING: before update (new): (7,"updated white trig modified")
WARNING: after update (old): (7,"white trig modified")
WARNING: after update (new): (7,"updated white trig modified")
insert into upsert values(8, 'yellow') on conflict (key) do update set color = 'updated ' || upsert.color;
WARNING: before insert (new): (8,yellow)
WARNING: before insert (new, modified): (9,"yellow trig modified")
WARNING: after insert (new): (9,"yellow trig modified")
select * from upsert;
key | color
1 | black
3 | updated red trig modified
5 | updated green trig modified
7 | updated white trig modified
9 | yellow trig modified
(5 rows)
drop table upsert;
drop function upsert_before_func();
drop function upsert_after_func();
-- Verify that triggers with transition tables are not allowed on
-- views
create table my_table (i int);
create view my_view as select * from my_table;
create function my_trigger_function() returns trigger as $$ begin end; $$ language plpgsql;
create trigger my_trigger after update on my_view referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure my_trigger_function();
ERROR: "my_view" is a view
DETAIL: Triggers on views cannot have transition tables.
drop function my_trigger_function();
drop view my_view;
drop table my_table;
-- Verify cases that are unsupported with partitioned tables
create table parted_trig (a int) partition by list (a);
create function trigger_nothing() returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$ begin end; $$;
create trigger failed instead of update on parted_trig
for each row execute procedure trigger_nothing();
ERROR: "parted_trig" is a table
DETAIL: Tables cannot have INSTEAD OF triggers.
create trigger failed after update on parted_trig
referencing old table as old_table
for each row execute procedure trigger_nothing();
ERROR: "parted_trig" is a partitioned table
DETAIL: Triggers on partitioned tables cannot have transition tables.
drop table parted_trig;
-- Verify trigger creation for partitioned tables, and drop behavior
create table trigpart (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table trigpart1 partition of trigpart for values from (0) to (1000);
create trigger trg1 after insert on trigpart for each row execute procedure trigger_nothing();
create table trigpart2 partition of trigpart for values from (1000) to (2000);
create table trigpart3 (like trigpart);
alter table trigpart attach partition trigpart3 for values from (2000) to (3000);
create table trigpart4 partition of trigpart for values from (3000) to (4000) partition by range (a);
create table trigpart41 partition of trigpart4 for values from (3000) to (3500);
create table trigpart42 (like trigpart);
alter table trigpart4 attach partition trigpart42 for values from (3500) to (4000);
select tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgfoid::regproc from pg_trigger
where tgrelid::regclass::text like 'trigpart%' order by tgrelid::regclass::text;
tgrelid | tgname | tgfoid
trigpart | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart1 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart2 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart3 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart4 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart41 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart42 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
(7 rows)
drop trigger trg1 on trigpart1; -- fail
ERROR: cannot drop trigger trg1 on table trigpart1 because trigger trg1 on table trigpart requires it
HINT: You can drop trigger trg1 on table trigpart instead.
drop trigger trg1 on trigpart2; -- fail
ERROR: cannot drop trigger trg1 on table trigpart2 because trigger trg1 on table trigpart requires it
HINT: You can drop trigger trg1 on table trigpart instead.
drop trigger trg1 on trigpart3; -- fail
ERROR: cannot drop trigger trg1 on table trigpart3 because trigger trg1 on table trigpart requires it
HINT: You can drop trigger trg1 on table trigpart instead.
drop table trigpart2; -- ok, trigger should be gone in that partition
select tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgfoid::regproc from pg_trigger
where tgrelid::regclass::text like 'trigpart%' order by tgrelid::regclass::text;
tgrelid | tgname | tgfoid
trigpart | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart1 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart3 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart4 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart41 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
trigpart42 | trg1 | trigger_nothing
(6 rows)
drop trigger trg1 on trigpart; -- ok, all gone
select tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgfoid::regproc from pg_trigger
where tgrelid::regclass::text like 'trigpart%' order by tgrelid::regclass::text;
tgrelid | tgname | tgfoid
(0 rows)
-- check detach behavior
create trigger trg1 after insert on trigpart for each row execute procedure trigger_nothing();
\d trigpart3
Table "public.trigpart3"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
a | integer | | |
b | integer | | |
Partition of: trigpart FOR VALUES FROM (2000) TO (3000)
trg1 AFTER INSERT ON trigpart3 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION trigger_nothing(), ON TABLE trigpart
alter table trigpart detach partition trigpart3;
drop trigger trg1 on trigpart3; -- fail due to "does not exist"
ERROR: trigger "trg1" for table "trigpart3" does not exist
alter table trigpart detach partition trigpart4;
drop trigger trg1 on trigpart41; -- fail due to "does not exist"
ERROR: trigger "trg1" for table "trigpart41" does not exist
drop table trigpart4;
alter table trigpart attach partition trigpart3 for values from (2000) to (3000);
alter table trigpart detach partition trigpart3;
alter table trigpart attach partition trigpart3 for values from (2000) to (3000);
drop table trigpart3;
select tgrelid::regclass::text, tgname, tgfoid::regproc, tgenabled, tgisinternal from pg_trigger
where tgname ~ '^trg1' order by 1;
tgrelid | tgname | tgfoid | tgenabled | tgisinternal
trigpart | trg1 | trigger_nothing | O | f
trigpart1 | trg1 | trigger_nothing | O | t
(2 rows)
create table trigpart3 (like trigpart);
create trigger trg1 after insert on trigpart3 for each row execute procedure trigger_nothing();
\d trigpart3
Table "public.trigpart3"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
a | integer | | |
b | integer | | |
trg1 AFTER INSERT ON trigpart3 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION trigger_nothing()
alter table trigpart attach partition trigpart3 FOR VALUES FROM (2000) to (3000); -- fail
ERROR: trigger "trg1" for relation "trigpart3" already exists
drop table trigpart3;
drop table trigpart;
drop function trigger_nothing();
-- Verify that triggers are fired for partitioned tables
create table parted_stmt_trig (a int) partition by list (a);
create table parted_stmt_trig1 partition of parted_stmt_trig for values in (1);
create table parted_stmt_trig2 partition of parted_stmt_trig for values in (2);
create table parted2_stmt_trig (a int) partition by list (a);
create table parted2_stmt_trig1 partition of parted2_stmt_trig for values in (1);
create table parted2_stmt_trig2 partition of parted2_stmt_trig for values in (2);
create or replace function trigger_notice() returns trigger as $$
raise notice 'trigger % on % % % for %', TG_NAME, TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_WHEN, TG_OP, TG_LEVEL;
if TG_LEVEL = 'ROW' then
return NEW;
end if;
return null;
$$ language plpgsql;
-- insert/update/delete statement-level triggers on the parent
create trigger trig_ins_before before insert on parted_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_ins_after after insert on parted_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_upd_before before update on parted_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_upd_after after update on parted_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_del_before before delete on parted_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_del_after after delete on parted_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
-- insert/update/delete row-level triggers on the parent
create trigger trig_ins_after_parent after insert on parted_stmt_trig
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_upd_after_parent after update on parted_stmt_trig
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_del_after_parent after delete on parted_stmt_trig
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
-- insert/update/delete row-level triggers on the first partition
create trigger trig_ins_before_child before insert on parted_stmt_trig1
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_ins_after_child after insert on parted_stmt_trig1
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_upd_before_child before update on parted_stmt_trig1
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_upd_after_child after update on parted_stmt_trig1
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_del_before_child before delete on parted_stmt_trig1
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_del_after_child after delete on parted_stmt_trig1
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
-- insert/update/delete statement-level triggers on the parent
create trigger trig_ins_before_3 before insert on parted2_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_ins_after_3 after insert on parted2_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_upd_before_3 before update on parted2_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_upd_after_3 after update on parted2_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_del_before_3 before delete on parted2_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger trig_del_after_3 after delete on parted2_stmt_trig
for each statement execute procedure trigger_notice();
with ins (a) as (
insert into parted2_stmt_trig values (1), (2) returning a
) insert into parted_stmt_trig select a from ins returning tableoid::regclass, a;
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before on parted_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before_3 on parted2_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before_child on parted_stmt_trig1 BEFORE INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_child on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig2 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_3 on parted2_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after on parted_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT for STATEMENT
tableoid | a
parted_stmt_trig1 | 1
parted_stmt_trig2 | 2
(2 rows)
with upd as (
update parted2_stmt_trig set a = a
) update parted_stmt_trig set a = a;
NOTICE: trigger trig_upd_before on parted_stmt_trig BEFORE UPDATE for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_upd_before_child on parted_stmt_trig1 BEFORE UPDATE for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_upd_before_3 on parted2_stmt_trig BEFORE UPDATE for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_upd_after_child on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER UPDATE for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_upd_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER UPDATE for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_upd_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig2 AFTER UPDATE for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_upd_after on parted_stmt_trig AFTER UPDATE for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_upd_after_3 on parted2_stmt_trig AFTER UPDATE for STATEMENT
delete from parted_stmt_trig;
NOTICE: trigger trig_del_before on parted_stmt_trig BEFORE DELETE for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_del_before_child on parted_stmt_trig1 BEFORE DELETE for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_del_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig2 AFTER DELETE for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_del_after on parted_stmt_trig AFTER DELETE for STATEMENT
-- insert via copy on the parent
copy parted_stmt_trig(a) from stdin;
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before on parted_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before_child on parted_stmt_trig1 BEFORE INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_child on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig2 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after on parted_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT for STATEMENT
-- insert via copy on the first partition
copy parted_stmt_trig1(a) from stdin;
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before_child on parted_stmt_trig1 BEFORE INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_child on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
-- Disabling a trigger in the parent table should disable children triggers too
alter table parted_stmt_trig disable trigger trig_ins_after_parent;
insert into parted_stmt_trig values (1);
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before on parted_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before_child on parted_stmt_trig1 BEFORE INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_child on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after on parted_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT for STATEMENT
alter table parted_stmt_trig enable trigger trig_ins_after_parent;
insert into parted_stmt_trig values (1);
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before on parted_stmt_trig BEFORE INSERT for STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_before_child on parted_stmt_trig1 BEFORE INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_child on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after_parent on parted_stmt_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger trig_ins_after on parted_stmt_trig AFTER INSERT for STATEMENT
drop table parted_stmt_trig, parted2_stmt_trig;
-- Verify that triggers fire in alphabetical order
create table parted_trig (a int) partition by range (a);
create table parted_trig_1 partition of parted_trig for values from (0) to (1000)
partition by range (a);
create table parted_trig_1_1 partition of parted_trig_1 for values from (0) to (100);
create table parted_trig_2 partition of parted_trig for values from (1000) to (2000);
create trigger zzz after insert on parted_trig for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger mmm after insert on parted_trig_1_1 for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger aaa after insert on parted_trig_1 for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger bbb after insert on parted_trig for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
create trigger qqq after insert on parted_trig_1_1 for each row execute procedure trigger_notice();
insert into parted_trig values (50), (1500);
NOTICE: trigger aaa on parted_trig_1_1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger bbb on parted_trig_1_1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger mmm on parted_trig_1_1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger qqq on parted_trig_1_1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger zzz on parted_trig_1_1 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger bbb on parted_trig_2 AFTER INSERT for ROW
NOTICE: trigger zzz on parted_trig_2 AFTER INSERT for ROW
drop table parted_trig;
-- Verify propagation of trigger arguments to partitions
create table parted_trig (a int) partition by list (a);
create table parted_trig1 partition of parted_trig for values in (1);
create or replace function trigger_notice() returns trigger as $$
arg1 text = TG_ARGV[0];
arg2 integer = TG_ARGV[1];
raise notice 'trigger % on % % % for % args % %',
return null;
$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger aaa after insert on parted_trig
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice('quirky', 1);
-- Verify propagation of trigger arguments to partitions attached after creating trigger
create table parted_trig2 partition of parted_trig for values in (2);
create table parted_trig3 (like parted_trig);
alter table parted_trig attach partition parted_trig3 for values in (3);
insert into parted_trig values (1), (2), (3);
NOTICE: trigger aaa on parted_trig1 AFTER INSERT for ROW args quirky 1
NOTICE: trigger aaa on parted_trig2 AFTER INSERT for ROW args quirky 1
NOTICE: trigger aaa on parted_trig3 AFTER INSERT for ROW args quirky 1
drop table parted_trig;
-- test irregular partitions (i.e., different column definitions),
-- including that the WHEN clause works
create function bark(text) returns bool language plpgsql immutable
as $$ begin raise notice '% <- woof!', $1; return true; end; $$;
create or replace function trigger_notice_ab() returns trigger as $$
raise notice 'trigger % on % % % for %: (a,b)=(%,%)',
NEW.a, NEW.b;
if TG_LEVEL = 'ROW' then
return NEW;
end if;
return null;
$$ language plpgsql;
create table parted_irreg_ancestor (fd text, b text, fd2 int, fd3 int, a int)
partition by range (b);
alter table parted_irreg_ancestor drop column fd,
drop column fd2, drop column fd3;
create table parted_irreg (fd int, a int, fd2 int, b text)
partition by range (b);
alter table parted_irreg drop column fd, drop column fd2;
alter table parted_irreg_ancestor attach partition parted_irreg
for values from ('aaaa') to ('zzzz');
create table parted1_irreg (b text, fd int, a int);
alter table parted1_irreg drop column fd;
alter table parted_irreg attach partition parted1_irreg
for values from ('aaaa') to ('bbbb');
create trigger parted_trig after insert on parted_irreg
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice_ab();
create trigger parted_trig_odd after insert on parted_irreg for each row
when (bark(new.b) AND new.a % 2 = 1) execute procedure trigger_notice_ab();
-- we should hear barking for every insert, but parted_trig_odd only emits
-- noise for odd values of a. parted_trig does it for all inserts.
insert into parted_irreg values (1, 'aardvark'), (2, 'aanimals');
NOTICE: aardvark <- woof!
NOTICE: aanimals <- woof!
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_irreg AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(1,aardvark)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig_odd on parted1_irreg AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(1,aardvark)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_irreg AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(2,aanimals)
insert into parted1_irreg values ('aardwolf', 2);
NOTICE: aardwolf <- woof!
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_irreg AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(2,aardwolf)
insert into parted_irreg_ancestor values ('aasvogel', 3);
NOTICE: aasvogel <- woof!
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_irreg AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(3,aasvogel)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig_odd on parted1_irreg AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(3,aasvogel)
drop table parted_irreg_ancestor;
-- Before triggers and partitions
create table parted (a int, b int, c text) partition by list (a);
create table parted_1 partition of parted for values in (1)
partition by list (b);
create table parted_1_1 partition of parted_1 for values in (1);
create function parted_trigfunc() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
new.a = new.a + 1;
return new;
insert into parted values (1, 1, 'uno uno v1'); -- works
create trigger t before insert or update or delete on parted
for each row execute function parted_trigfunc();
insert into parted values (1, 1, 'uno uno v2'); -- fail
ERROR: moving row to another partition during a BEFORE FOR EACH ROW trigger is not supported
DETAIL: Before executing trigger "t", the row was to be in partition "public.parted_1_1".
update parted set c = c || 'v3'; -- fail
ERROR: moving row to another partition during a BEFORE trigger is not supported
DETAIL: Before executing trigger "t", the row was to be in partition "public.parted_1_1".
create or replace function parted_trigfunc() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
new.b = new.b + 1;
return new;
insert into parted values (1, 1, 'uno uno v4'); -- fail
ERROR: moving row to another partition during a BEFORE FOR EACH ROW trigger is not supported
DETAIL: Before executing trigger "t", the row was to be in partition "public.parted_1_1".
update parted set c = c || 'v5'; -- fail
ERROR: moving row to another partition during a BEFORE trigger is not supported
DETAIL: Before executing trigger "t", the row was to be in partition "public.parted_1_1".
create or replace function parted_trigfunc() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
new.c = new.c || ' and so';
return new;
insert into parted values (1, 1, 'uno uno'); -- works
update parted set c = c || ' v6'; -- works
select tableoid::regclass, * from parted;
tableoid | a | b | c
parted_1_1 | 1 | 1 | uno uno v1 v6 and so
parted_1_1 | 1 | 1 | uno uno and so v6 and so
(2 rows)
drop table parted;
create table parted (a int, b int, c text) partition by list ((a + b));
create or replace function parted_trigfunc() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
new.a = new.a + new.b;
return new;
create table parted_1 partition of parted for values in (1, 2);
create table parted_2 partition of parted for values in (3, 4);
create trigger t before insert or update on parted
for each row execute function parted_trigfunc();
insert into parted values (0, 1, 'zero win');
insert into parted values (1, 1, 'one fail');
ERROR: moving row to another partition during a BEFORE FOR EACH ROW trigger is not supported
DETAIL: Before executing trigger "t", the row was to be in partition "public.parted_1".
insert into parted values (1, 2, 'two fail');
ERROR: moving row to another partition during a BEFORE FOR EACH ROW trigger is not supported
DETAIL: Before executing trigger "t", the row was to be in partition "public.parted_2".
select * from parted;
a | b | c
1 | 1 | zero win
(1 row)
drop table parted;
drop function parted_trigfunc();
-- Constraint triggers and partitioned tables
create table parted_constr_ancestor (a int, b text)
partition by range (b);
create table parted_constr (a int, b text)
partition by range (b);
alter table parted_constr_ancestor attach partition parted_constr
for values from ('aaaa') to ('zzzz');
create table parted1_constr (a int, b text);
alter table parted_constr attach partition parted1_constr
for values from ('aaaa') to ('bbbb');
create constraint trigger parted_trig after insert on parted_constr_ancestor
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice_ab();
create constraint trigger parted_trig_two after insert on parted_constr
deferrable initially deferred
for each row when (bark(new.b) AND new.a % 2 = 1)
execute procedure trigger_notice_ab();
-- The immediate constraint is fired immediately; the WHEN clause of the
-- deferred constraint is also called immediately. The deferred constraint
-- is fired at commit time.
insert into parted_constr values (1, 'aardvark');
NOTICE: aardvark <- woof!
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(1,aardvark)
insert into parted1_constr values (2, 'aardwolf');
NOTICE: aardwolf <- woof!
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(2,aardwolf)
insert into parted_constr_ancestor values (3, 'aasvogel');
NOTICE: aasvogel <- woof!
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(3,aasvogel)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig_two on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(1,aardvark)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig_two on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(3,aasvogel)
-- The WHEN clause is immediate, and both constraint triggers are fired at
-- commit time.
set constraints parted_trig deferred;
insert into parted_constr values (1, 'aardvark');
NOTICE: aardvark <- woof!
insert into parted1_constr values (2, 'aardwolf'), (3, 'aasvogel');
NOTICE: aardwolf <- woof!
NOTICE: aasvogel <- woof!
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(1,aardvark)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig_two on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(1,aardvark)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(2,aardwolf)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(3,aasvogel)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trig_two on parted1_constr AFTER INSERT for ROW: (a,b)=(3,aasvogel)
drop table parted_constr_ancestor;
drop function bark(text);
-- Test that the WHEN clause is set properly to partitions
create table parted_trigger (a int, b text) partition by range (a);
create table parted_trigger_1 partition of parted_trigger for values from (0) to (1000);
create table parted_trigger_2 (drp int, a int, b text);
alter table parted_trigger_2 drop column drp;
alter table parted_trigger attach partition parted_trigger_2 for values from (1000) to (2000);
create trigger parted_trigger after update on parted_trigger
for each row when (new.a % 2 = 1 and length(old.b) >= 2) execute procedure trigger_notice_ab();
create table parted_trigger_3 (b text, a int) partition by range (length(b));
create table parted_trigger_3_1 partition of parted_trigger_3 for values from (1) to (3);
create table parted_trigger_3_2 partition of parted_trigger_3 for values from (3) to (5);
alter table parted_trigger attach partition parted_trigger_3 for values from (2000) to (3000);
insert into parted_trigger values
(0, 'a'), (1, 'bbb'), (2, 'bcd'), (3, 'c'),
(1000, 'c'), (1001, 'ddd'), (1002, 'efg'), (1003, 'f'),
(2000, 'e'), (2001, 'fff'), (2002, 'ghi'), (2003, 'h');
update parted_trigger set a = a + 2; -- notice for odd 'a' values, long 'b' values
NOTICE: trigger parted_trigger on parted_trigger_1 AFTER UPDATE for ROW: (a,b)=(3,bbb)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trigger on parted_trigger_2 AFTER UPDATE for ROW: (a,b)=(1003,ddd)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trigger on parted_trigger_3_2 AFTER UPDATE for ROW: (a,b)=(2003,fff)
drop table parted_trigger;
-- try a constraint trigger, also
create table parted_referenced (a int);
create table unparted_trigger (a int, b text); -- for comparison purposes
create table parted_trigger (a int, b text) partition by range (a);
create table parted_trigger_1 partition of parted_trigger for values from (0) to (1000);
create table parted_trigger_2 (drp int, a int, b text);
alter table parted_trigger_2 drop column drp;
alter table parted_trigger attach partition parted_trigger_2 for values from (1000) to (2000);
create constraint trigger parted_trigger after update on parted_trigger
from parted_referenced
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice_ab();
create constraint trigger parted_trigger after update on unparted_trigger
from parted_referenced
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice_ab();
create table parted_trigger_3 (b text, a int) partition by range (length(b));
create table parted_trigger_3_1 partition of parted_trigger_3 for values from (1) to (3);
create table parted_trigger_3_2 partition of parted_trigger_3 for values from (3) to (5);
alter table parted_trigger attach partition parted_trigger_3 for values from (2000) to (3000);
select tgname, conname, t.tgrelid::regclass, t.tgconstrrelid::regclass,
c.conrelid::regclass, c.confrelid::regclass
from pg_trigger t join pg_constraint c on (t.tgconstraint = c.oid)
where tgname = 'parted_trigger'
order by t.tgrelid::regclass::text;
tgname | conname | tgrelid | tgconstrrelid | conrelid | confrelid
parted_trigger | parted_trigger | parted_trigger | parted_referenced | parted_trigger | -
parted_trigger | parted_trigger | parted_trigger_1 | parted_referenced | parted_trigger_1 | -
parted_trigger | parted_trigger | parted_trigger_2 | parted_referenced | parted_trigger_2 | -
parted_trigger | parted_trigger | parted_trigger_3 | parted_referenced | parted_trigger_3 | -
parted_trigger | parted_trigger | parted_trigger_3_1 | parted_referenced | parted_trigger_3_1 | -
parted_trigger | parted_trigger | parted_trigger_3_2 | parted_referenced | parted_trigger_3_2 | -
parted_trigger | parted_trigger | unparted_trigger | parted_referenced | unparted_trigger | -
(7 rows)
drop table parted_referenced, parted_trigger, unparted_trigger;
-- verify that the "AFTER UPDATE OF columns" event is propagated correctly
create table parted_trigger (a int, b text) partition by range (a);
create table parted_trigger_1 partition of parted_trigger for values from (0) to (1000);
create table parted_trigger_2 (drp int, a int, b text);
alter table parted_trigger_2 drop column drp;
alter table parted_trigger attach partition parted_trigger_2 for values from (1000) to (2000);
create trigger parted_trigger after update of b on parted_trigger
for each row execute procedure trigger_notice_ab();
create table parted_trigger_3 (b text, a int) partition by range (length(b));
create table parted_trigger_3_1 partition of parted_trigger_3 for values from (1) to (4);
create table parted_trigger_3_2 partition of parted_trigger_3 for values from (4) to (8);
alter table parted_trigger attach partition parted_trigger_3 for values from (2000) to (3000);
insert into parted_trigger values (0, 'a'), (1000, 'c'), (2000, 'e'), (2001, 'eeee');
update parted_trigger set a = a + 2; -- no notices here
update parted_trigger set b = b || 'b'; -- all triggers should fire
NOTICE: trigger parted_trigger on parted_trigger_1 AFTER UPDATE for ROW: (a,b)=(2,ab)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trigger on parted_trigger_2 AFTER UPDATE for ROW: (a,b)=(1002,cb)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trigger on parted_trigger_3_1 AFTER UPDATE for ROW: (a,b)=(2002,eb)
NOTICE: trigger parted_trigger on parted_trigger_3_2 AFTER UPDATE for ROW: (a,b)=(2003,eeeeb)
drop table parted_trigger;
drop function trigger_notice_ab();
-- Make sure we don't end up with unnecessary copies of triggers, when
-- cloning them.
create table trg_clone (a int) partition by range (a);
create table trg_clone1 partition of trg_clone for values from (0) to (1000);
alter table trg_clone add constraint uniq unique (a) deferrable;
create table trg_clone2 partition of trg_clone for values from (1000) to (2000);
create table trg_clone3 partition of trg_clone for values from (2000) to (3000)
partition by range (a);
create table trg_clone_3_3 partition of trg_clone3 for values from (2000) to (2100);
select tgrelid::regclass, count(*) from pg_trigger
where tgrelid::regclass in ('trg_clone', 'trg_clone1', 'trg_clone2',
'trg_clone3', 'trg_clone_3_3')
group by tgrelid::regclass order by tgrelid::regclass;
tgrelid | count
trg_clone | 1
trg_clone1 | 1
trg_clone2 | 1
trg_clone3 | 1
trg_clone_3_3 | 1
(5 rows)
drop table trg_clone;
-- Test the interaction between ALTER TABLE .. DISABLE TRIGGER and
-- both kinds of inheritance. Historically, legacy inheritance has
-- not recursed to children, so that behavior is preserved.
create table parent (a int);
create table child1 () inherits (parent);
create function trig_nothing() returns trigger language plpgsql
as $$ begin return null; end $$;
create trigger tg after insert on parent
for each row execute function trig_nothing();
create trigger tg after insert on child1
for each row execute function trig_nothing();
alter table parent disable trigger tg;
select tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgenabled from pg_trigger
where tgrelid in ('parent'::regclass, 'child1'::regclass)
order by tgrelid::regclass::text;
tgrelid | tgname | tgenabled
child1 | tg | O
parent | tg | D
(2 rows)
alter table only parent enable always trigger tg;
select tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgenabled from pg_trigger
where tgrelid in ('parent'::regclass, 'child1'::regclass)
order by tgrelid::regclass::text;
tgrelid | tgname | tgenabled
child1 | tg | O
parent | tg | A
(2 rows)
drop table parent, child1;
create table parent (a int) partition by list (a);
create table child1 partition of parent for values in (1);
create trigger tg after insert on parent
for each row execute procedure trig_nothing();
select tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgenabled from pg_trigger
where tgrelid in ('parent'::regclass, 'child1'::regclass)
order by tgrelid::regclass::text;
tgrelid | tgname | tgenabled
child1 | tg | O
parent | tg | O
(2 rows)
alter table only parent enable always trigger tg;
select tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgenabled from pg_trigger
where tgrelid in ('parent'::regclass, 'child1'::regclass)
order by tgrelid::regclass::text;
tgrelid | tgname | tgenabled
child1 | tg | O
parent | tg | A
(2 rows)
drop table parent, child1;
-- Test the interaction between transition tables and both kinds of
-- inheritance. We'll dump the contents of the transition tables in a
-- format that shows the attribute order, so that we can distinguish
-- tuple formats (though not dropped attributes).
create or replace function dump_insert() returns trigger language plpgsql as
raise notice 'trigger = %, new table = %',
(select string_agg(new_table::text, ', ' order by a) from new_table);
return null;
create or replace function dump_update() returns trigger language plpgsql as
raise notice 'trigger = %, old table = %, new table = %',
(select string_agg(old_table::text, ', ' order by a) from old_table),
(select string_agg(new_table::text, ', ' order by a) from new_table);
return null;
create or replace function dump_delete() returns trigger language plpgsql as
raise notice 'trigger = %, old table = %',
(select string_agg(old_table::text, ', ' order by a) from old_table);
return null;
-- Verify behavior of statement triggers on partition hierarchy with
-- transition tables. Tuples should appear to each trigger in the
-- format of the relation the trigger is attached to.
-- set up a partition hierarchy with some different TupleDescriptors
create table parent (a text, b int) partition by list (a);
-- a child matching parent
create table child1 partition of parent for values in ('AAA');
-- a child with a dropped column
create table child2 (x int, a text, b int);
alter table child2 drop column x;
alter table parent attach partition child2 for values in ('BBB');
-- a child with a different column order
create table child3 (b int, a text);
alter table parent attach partition child3 for values in ('CCC');
create trigger parent_insert_trig
after insert on parent referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger parent_update_trig
after update on parent referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger parent_delete_trig
after delete on parent referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
create trigger child1_insert_trig
after insert on child1 referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger child1_update_trig
after update on child1 referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger child1_delete_trig
after delete on child1 referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
create trigger child2_insert_trig
after insert on child2 referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger child2_update_trig
after update on child2 referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger child2_delete_trig
after delete on child2 referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
create trigger child3_insert_trig
after insert on child3 referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger child3_update_trig
after update on child3 referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger child3_delete_trig
after delete on child3 referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
SELECT trigger_name, event_manipulation, event_object_schema, event_object_table,
action_order, action_condition, action_orientation, action_timing,
action_reference_old_table, action_reference_new_table
FROM information_schema.triggers
WHERE event_object_table IN ('parent', 'child1', 'child2', 'child3')
ORDER BY trigger_name COLLATE "C", 2;
trigger_name | event_manipulation | event_object_schema | event_object_table | action_order | action_condition | action_orientation | action_timing | action_reference_old_table | action_reference_new_table
child1_delete_trig | DELETE | public | child1 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | old_table |
child1_insert_trig | INSERT | public | child1 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | | new_table
child1_update_trig | UPDATE | public | child1 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | old_table | new_table
child2_delete_trig | DELETE | public | child2 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | old_table |
child2_insert_trig | INSERT | public | child2 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | | new_table
child2_update_trig | UPDATE | public | child2 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | old_table | new_table
child3_delete_trig | DELETE | public | child3 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | old_table |
child3_insert_trig | INSERT | public | child3 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | | new_table
child3_update_trig | UPDATE | public | child3 | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | old_table | new_table
parent_delete_trig | DELETE | public | parent | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | old_table |
parent_insert_trig | INSERT | public | parent | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | | new_table
parent_update_trig | UPDATE | public | parent | 1 | | STATEMENT | AFTER | old_table | new_table
(12 rows)
-- insert directly into children sees respective child-format tuples
insert into child1 values ('AAA', 42);
NOTICE: trigger = child1_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42)
insert into child2 values ('BBB', 42);
NOTICE: trigger = child2_insert_trig, new table = (BBB,42)
insert into child3 values (42, 'CCC');
NOTICE: trigger = child3_insert_trig, new table = (42,CCC)
-- update via parent sees parent-format tuples
update parent set b = b + 1;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_update_trig, old table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42), new table = (AAA,43), (BBB,43), (CCC,43)
-- delete via parent sees parent-format tuples
delete from parent;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_delete_trig, old table = (AAA,43), (BBB,43), (CCC,43)
-- insert into parent sees parent-format tuples
insert into parent values ('AAA', 42);
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42)
insert into parent values ('BBB', 42);
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (BBB,42)
insert into parent values ('CCC', 42);
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (CCC,42)
-- delete from children sees respective child-format tuples
delete from child1;
NOTICE: trigger = child1_delete_trig, old table = (AAA,42)
delete from child2;
NOTICE: trigger = child2_delete_trig, old table = (BBB,42)
delete from child3;
NOTICE: trigger = child3_delete_trig, old table = (42,CCC)
-- copy into parent sees parent-format tuples
copy parent (a, b) from stdin;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42)
-- DML affecting parent sees tuples collected from children even if
-- there is no transition table trigger on the children
drop trigger child1_insert_trig on child1;
drop trigger child1_update_trig on child1;
drop trigger child1_delete_trig on child1;
drop trigger child2_insert_trig on child2;
drop trigger child2_update_trig on child2;
drop trigger child2_delete_trig on child2;
drop trigger child3_insert_trig on child3;
drop trigger child3_update_trig on child3;
drop trigger child3_delete_trig on child3;
delete from parent;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_delete_trig, old table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42)
-- copy into parent sees tuples collected from children even if there
-- is no transition-table trigger on the children
copy parent (a, b) from stdin;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42)
-- insert into parent with a before trigger on a child tuple before
-- insertion, and we capture the newly modified row in parent format
create or replace function intercept_insert() returns trigger language plpgsql as
new.b = new.b + 1000;
return new;
create trigger intercept_insert_child3
before insert on child3
for each row execute procedure intercept_insert();
-- insert, parent trigger sees post-modification parent-format tuple
insert into parent values ('AAA', 42), ('BBB', 42), ('CCC', 66);
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,1066)
-- copy, parent trigger sees post-modification parent-format tuple
copy parent (a, b) from stdin;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,1234)
drop table child1, child2, child3, parent;
drop function intercept_insert();
-- Verify prohibition of row triggers with transition triggers on
-- partitions
create table parent (a text, b int) partition by list (a);
create table child partition of parent for values in ('AAA');
-- adding row trigger with transition table fails
create trigger child_row_trig
after insert on child referencing new table as new_table
for each row execute procedure dump_insert();
ERROR: ROW triggers with transition tables are not supported on partitions
-- detaching it first works
alter table parent detach partition child;
create trigger child_row_trig
after insert on child referencing new table as new_table
for each row execute procedure dump_insert();
-- but now we're not allowed to reattach it
alter table parent attach partition child for values in ('AAA');
ERROR: trigger "child_row_trig" prevents table "child" from becoming a partition
DETAIL: ROW triggers with transition tables are not supported on partitions
-- drop the trigger, and now we're allowed to attach it again
drop trigger child_row_trig on child;
alter table parent attach partition child for values in ('AAA');
drop table child, parent;
-- Verify behavior of statement triggers on (non-partition)
-- inheritance hierarchy with transition tables; similar to the
-- partition case, except there is no rerouting on insertion and child
-- tables can have extra columns
-- set up inheritance hierarchy with different TupleDescriptors
create table parent (a text, b int);
-- a child matching parent
create table child1 () inherits (parent);
-- a child with a different column order
create table child2 (b int, a text);
alter table child2 inherit parent;
-- a child with an extra column
create table child3 (c text) inherits (parent);
create trigger parent_insert_trig
after insert on parent referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger parent_update_trig
after update on parent referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger parent_delete_trig
after delete on parent referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
create trigger child1_insert_trig
after insert on child1 referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger child1_update_trig
after update on child1 referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger child1_delete_trig
after delete on child1 referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
create trigger child2_insert_trig
after insert on child2 referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger child2_update_trig
after update on child2 referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger child2_delete_trig
after delete on child2 referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
create trigger child3_insert_trig
after insert on child3 referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger child3_update_trig
after update on child3 referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger child3_delete_trig
after delete on child3 referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
-- insert directly into children sees respective child-format tuples
insert into child1 values ('AAA', 42);
NOTICE: trigger = child1_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42)
insert into child2 values (42, 'BBB');
NOTICE: trigger = child2_insert_trig, new table = (42,BBB)
insert into child3 values ('CCC', 42, 'foo');
NOTICE: trigger = child3_insert_trig, new table = (CCC,42,foo)
-- update via parent sees parent-format tuples
update parent set b = b + 1;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_update_trig, old table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42), new table = (AAA,43), (BBB,43), (CCC,43)
-- delete via parent sees parent-format tuples
delete from parent;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_delete_trig, old table = (AAA,43), (BBB,43), (CCC,43)
-- reinsert values into children for next test...
insert into child1 values ('AAA', 42);
NOTICE: trigger = child1_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42)
insert into child2 values (42, 'BBB');
NOTICE: trigger = child2_insert_trig, new table = (42,BBB)
insert into child3 values ('CCC', 42, 'foo');
NOTICE: trigger = child3_insert_trig, new table = (CCC,42,foo)
-- delete from children sees respective child-format tuples
delete from child1;
NOTICE: trigger = child1_delete_trig, old table = (AAA,42)
delete from child2;
NOTICE: trigger = child2_delete_trig, old table = (42,BBB)
delete from child3;
NOTICE: trigger = child3_delete_trig, old table = (CCC,42,foo)
-- copy into parent sees parent-format tuples (no rerouting, so these
-- are really inserted into the parent)
copy parent (a, b) from stdin;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42)
-- same behavior for copy if there is an index (interesting because rows are
-- captured by a different code path in copy.c if there are indexes)
create index on parent(b);
copy parent (a, b) from stdin;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (DDD,42)
-- DML affecting parent sees tuples collected from children even if
-- there is no transition table trigger on the children
drop trigger child1_insert_trig on child1;
drop trigger child1_update_trig on child1;
drop trigger child1_delete_trig on child1;
drop trigger child2_insert_trig on child2;
drop trigger child2_update_trig on child2;
drop trigger child2_delete_trig on child2;
drop trigger child3_insert_trig on child3;
drop trigger child3_update_trig on child3;
drop trigger child3_delete_trig on child3;
delete from parent;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_delete_trig, old table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42), (DDD,42)
drop table child1, child2, child3, parent;
-- Verify prohibition of row triggers with transition triggers on
-- inheritance children
create table parent (a text, b int);
create table child () inherits (parent);
-- adding row trigger with transition table fails
create trigger child_row_trig
after insert on child referencing new table as new_table
for each row execute procedure dump_insert();
ERROR: ROW triggers with transition tables are not supported on inheritance children
-- disinheriting it first works
alter table child no inherit parent;
create trigger child_row_trig
after insert on child referencing new table as new_table
for each row execute procedure dump_insert();
-- but now we're not allowed to make it inherit anymore
alter table child inherit parent;
ERROR: trigger "child_row_trig" prevents table "child" from becoming an inheritance child
DETAIL: ROW triggers with transition tables are not supported in inheritance hierarchies.
-- drop the trigger, and now we're allowed to make it inherit again
drop trigger child_row_trig on child;
alter table child inherit parent;
drop table child, parent;
-- Verify behavior of queries with wCTEs, where multiple transition
-- tuplestores can be active at the same time because there are
-- multiple DML statements that might fire triggers with transition
-- tables
create table table1 (a int);
create table table2 (a text);
create trigger table1_trig
after insert on table1 referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger table2_trig
after insert on table2 referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
with wcte as (insert into table1 values (42))
insert into table2 values ('hello world');
NOTICE: trigger = table2_trig, new table = ("hello world")
NOTICE: trigger = table1_trig, new table = (42)
with wcte as (insert into table1 values (43))
insert into table1 values (44);
NOTICE: trigger = table1_trig, new table = (43), (44)
select * from table1;
(3 rows)
select * from table2;
hello world
(1 row)
drop table table1;
drop table table2;
-- Verify behavior of INSERT ... ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE ... with
-- transition tables.
create table my_table (a int primary key, b text);
create trigger my_table_insert_trig
after insert on my_table referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger my_table_update_trig
after update on my_table referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
-- inserts only
insert into my_table values (1, 'AAA'), (2, 'BBB')
on conflict (a) do
update set b = my_table.b || ':' || excluded.b;
NOTICE: trigger = my_table_update_trig, old table = <NULL>, new table = <NULL>
NOTICE: trigger = my_table_insert_trig, new table = (1,AAA), (2,BBB)
-- mixture of inserts and updates
insert into my_table values (1, 'AAA'), (2, 'BBB'), (3, 'CCC'), (4, 'DDD')
on conflict (a) do
update set b = my_table.b || ':' || excluded.b;
NOTICE: trigger = my_table_update_trig, old table = (1,AAA), (2,BBB), new table = (1,AAA:AAA), (2,BBB:BBB)
NOTICE: trigger = my_table_insert_trig, new table = (3,CCC), (4,DDD)
-- updates only
insert into my_table values (3, 'CCC'), (4, 'DDD')
on conflict (a) do
update set b = my_table.b || ':' || excluded.b;
NOTICE: trigger = my_table_update_trig, old table = (3,CCC), (4,DDD), new table = (3,CCC:CCC), (4,DDD:DDD)
NOTICE: trigger = my_table_insert_trig, new table = <NULL>
-- now using a partitioned table
create table iocdu_tt_parted (a int primary key, b text) partition by list (a);
create table iocdu_tt_parted1 partition of iocdu_tt_parted for values in (1);
create table iocdu_tt_parted2 partition of iocdu_tt_parted for values in (2);
create table iocdu_tt_parted3 partition of iocdu_tt_parted for values in (3);
create table iocdu_tt_parted4 partition of iocdu_tt_parted for values in (4);
create trigger iocdu_tt_parted_insert_trig
after insert on iocdu_tt_parted referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger iocdu_tt_parted_update_trig
after update on iocdu_tt_parted referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
-- inserts only
insert into iocdu_tt_parted values (1, 'AAA'), (2, 'BBB')
on conflict (a) do
update set b = iocdu_tt_parted.b || ':' || excluded.b;
NOTICE: trigger = iocdu_tt_parted_update_trig, old table = <NULL>, new table = <NULL>
NOTICE: trigger = iocdu_tt_parted_insert_trig, new table = (1,AAA), (2,BBB)
-- mixture of inserts and updates
insert into iocdu_tt_parted values (1, 'AAA'), (2, 'BBB'), (3, 'CCC'), (4, 'DDD')
on conflict (a) do
update set b = iocdu_tt_parted.b || ':' || excluded.b;
NOTICE: trigger = iocdu_tt_parted_update_trig, old table = (1,AAA), (2,BBB), new table = (1,AAA:AAA), (2,BBB:BBB)
NOTICE: trigger = iocdu_tt_parted_insert_trig, new table = (3,CCC), (4,DDD)
-- updates only
insert into iocdu_tt_parted values (3, 'CCC'), (4, 'DDD')
on conflict (a) do
update set b = iocdu_tt_parted.b || ':' || excluded.b;
NOTICE: trigger = iocdu_tt_parted_update_trig, old table = (3,CCC), (4,DDD), new table = (3,CCC:CCC), (4,DDD:DDD)
NOTICE: trigger = iocdu_tt_parted_insert_trig, new table = <NULL>
drop table iocdu_tt_parted;
-- Verify that you can't create a trigger with transition tables for
-- more than one event.
create trigger my_table_multievent_trig
after insert or update on my_table referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
ERROR: transition tables cannot be specified for triggers with more than one event
-- Verify that you can't create a trigger with transition tables with
-- a column list.
create trigger my_table_col_update_trig
after update of b on my_table referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
ERROR: transition tables cannot be specified for triggers with column lists
drop table my_table;
-- Test firing of triggers with transition tables by foreign key cascades
create table refd_table (a int primary key, b text);
create table trig_table (a int, b text,
foreign key (a) references refd_table on update cascade on delete cascade
create trigger trig_table_before_trig
before insert or update or delete on trig_table
for each statement execute procedure trigger_func('trig_table');
create trigger trig_table_insert_trig
after insert on trig_table referencing new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_insert();
create trigger trig_table_update_trig
after update on trig_table referencing old table as old_table new table as new_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_update();
create trigger trig_table_delete_trig
after delete on trig_table referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
insert into refd_table values
(1, 'one'),
(2, 'two'),
(3, 'three');
insert into trig_table values
(1, 'one a'),
(1, 'one b'),
(2, 'two a'),
(2, 'two b'),
(3, 'three a'),
(3, 'three b');
NOTICE: trigger_func(trig_table) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger = trig_table_insert_trig, new table = (1,"one a"), (1,"one b"), (2,"two a"), (2,"two b"), (3,"three a"), (3,"three b")
update refd_table set a = 11 where b = 'one';
NOTICE: trigger_func(trig_table) called: action = UPDATE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger = trig_table_update_trig, old table = (1,"one a"), (1,"one b"), new table = (11,"one a"), (11,"one b")
select * from trig_table;
a | b
2 | two a
2 | two b
3 | three a
3 | three b
11 | one a
11 | one b
(6 rows)
delete from refd_table where length(b) = 3;
NOTICE: trigger_func(trig_table) called: action = DELETE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger = trig_table_delete_trig, old table = (2,"two a"), (2,"two b"), (11,"one a"), (11,"one b")
select * from trig_table;
a | b
3 | three a
3 | three b
(2 rows)
drop table refd_table, trig_table;
-- self-referential FKs are even more fun
create table self_ref (a int primary key,
b int references self_ref(a) on delete cascade);
create trigger self_ref_before_trig
before delete on self_ref
for each statement execute procedure trigger_func('self_ref');
create trigger self_ref_r_trig
after delete on self_ref referencing old table as old_table
for each row execute procedure dump_delete();
create trigger self_ref_s_trig
after delete on self_ref referencing old table as old_table
for each statement execute procedure dump_delete();
insert into self_ref values (1, null), (2, 1), (3, 2);
delete from self_ref where a = 1;
NOTICE: trigger_func(self_ref) called: action = DELETE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger = self_ref_r_trig, old table = (1,), (2,1)
NOTICE: trigger_func(self_ref) called: action = DELETE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger = self_ref_r_trig, old table = (1,), (2,1)
NOTICE: trigger = self_ref_s_trig, old table = (1,), (2,1)
NOTICE: trigger = self_ref_r_trig, old table = (3,2)
NOTICE: trigger = self_ref_s_trig, old table = (3,2)
-- without AR trigger, cascaded deletes all end up in one transition table
drop trigger self_ref_r_trig on self_ref;
insert into self_ref values (1, null), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3);
delete from self_ref where a = 1;
NOTICE: trigger_func(self_ref) called: action = DELETE, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
NOTICE: trigger = self_ref_s_trig, old table = (1,), (2,1), (3,2), (4,3)
drop table self_ref;
-- cleanup
drop function dump_insert();
drop function dump_update();
drop function dump_delete();
-- Leave around some objects for other tests
create table trigger_parted (a int primary key) partition by list (a);
create function trigger_parted_trigfunc() returns trigger language plpgsql as
$$ begin end; $$;
create trigger aft_row after insert or update on trigger_parted
for each row execute function trigger_parted_trigfunc();
create table trigger_parted_p1 partition of trigger_parted for values in (1)
partition by list (a);
create table trigger_parted_p1_1 partition of trigger_parted_p1 for values in (1);