Stephen Frost 143b39c185 Rename pg_rowsecurity -> pg_policy and other fixes
As pointed out by Robert, we should really have named pg_rowsecurity
pg_policy, as the objects stored in that catalog are policies.  This
patch fixes that and updates the column names to start with 'pol' to
match the new catalog name.

The security consideration for COPY with row level security, also
pointed out by Robert, has also been addressed by remembering and
re-checking the OID of the relation initially referenced during COPY
processing, to make sure it hasn't changed under us by the time we
finish planning out the query which has been built.

Robert and Alvaro also commented on missing OCLASS and OBJECT entries
for POLICY (formerly ROWSECURITY or POLICY, depending) in various
places.  This patch fixes that too, which also happens to add the
ability to COMMENT on policies.

In passing, attempt to improve the consistency of messages, comments,
and documentation as well.  This removes various incarnations of
'row-security', 'row-level security', 'Row-security', etc, in favor
of 'policy', 'row level security' or 'row_security' as appropriate.

Happy Thanksgiving!
2014-11-27 01:15:57 -05:00

555 lines
17 KiB

* pg_dump.h
* Common header file for the pg_dump utility
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2014, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.h
#ifndef PG_DUMP_H
#define PG_DUMP_H
#include "pg_backup.h"
#define oidcmp(x,y) ( ((x) < (y) ? -1 : ((x) > (y)) ? 1 : 0) )
#define oideq(x,y) ( (x) == (y) )
#define oidle(x,y) ( (x) <= (y) )
#define oidge(x,y) ( (x) >= (y) )
#define oidzero(x) ( (x) == 0 )
* The data structures used to store system catalog information. Every
* dumpable object is a subclass of DumpableObject.
* NOTE: the structures described here live for the entire pg_dump run;
* and in most cases we make a struct for every object we can find in the
* catalogs, not only those we are actually going to dump. Hence, it's
* best to store a minimal amount of per-object info in these structs,
* and retrieve additional per-object info when and if we dump a specific
* object. In particular, try to avoid retrieving expensive-to-compute
* information until it's known to be needed. We do, however, have to
* store enough info to determine whether an object should be dumped and
* what order to dump in.
typedef enum
/* When modifying this enum, update priority tables in pg_dump_sort.c! */
DO_FK_CONSTRAINT, /* see note for ConstraintInfo */
} DumpableObjectType;
typedef struct _dumpableObject
DumpableObjectType objType;
CatalogId catId; /* zero if not a cataloged object */
DumpId dumpId; /* assigned by AssignDumpId() */
char *name; /* object name (should never be NULL) */
struct _namespaceInfo *namespace; /* containing namespace, or NULL */
bool dump; /* true if we want to dump this object */
bool ext_member; /* true if object is member of extension */
DumpId *dependencies; /* dumpIds of objects this one depends on */
int nDeps; /* number of valid dependencies */
int allocDeps; /* allocated size of dependencies[] */
} DumpableObject;
typedef struct _namespaceInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname; /* name of owner, or empty string */
char *nspacl;
} NamespaceInfo;
typedef struct _extensionInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *namespace; /* schema containing extension's objects */
bool relocatable;
char *extversion;
char *extconfig; /* info about configuration tables */
char *extcondition;
} ExtensionInfo;
typedef struct _typeInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
* Note: is the pg_type.typname entry. format_type() might
* produce something different than typname
char *rolname; /* name of owner, or empty string */
char *typacl;
Oid typelem;
Oid typrelid;
char typrelkind; /* 'r', 'v', 'c', etc */
char typtype; /* 'b', 'c', etc */
bool isArray; /* true if auto-generated array type */
bool isDefined; /* true if typisdefined */
/* If it's a dumpable base type, we create a "shell type" entry for it */
struct _shellTypeInfo *shellType; /* shell-type entry, or NULL */
/* If it's a domain, we store links to its constraints here: */
int nDomChecks;
struct _constraintInfo *domChecks;
} TypeInfo;
typedef struct _shellTypeInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
TypeInfo *baseType; /* back link to associated base type */
} ShellTypeInfo;
typedef struct _funcInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname; /* name of owner, or empty string */
Oid lang;
int nargs;
Oid *argtypes;
Oid prorettype;
char *proacl;
char *proiargs;
} FuncInfo;
/* AggInfo is a superset of FuncInfo */
typedef struct _aggInfo
FuncInfo aggfn;
/* we don't require any other fields at the moment */
} AggInfo;
typedef struct _oprInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
char oprkind;
Oid oprcode;
} OprInfo;
typedef struct _opclassInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
} OpclassInfo;
typedef struct _opfamilyInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
} OpfamilyInfo;
typedef struct _collInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
} CollInfo;
typedef struct _convInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
} ConvInfo;
typedef struct _tableInfo
* These fields are collected for every table in the database.
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname; /* name of owner, or empty string */
char *relacl;
char relkind;
char relpersistence; /* relation persistence */
bool relispopulated; /* relation is populated */
bool relreplident; /* replica identifier */
char *reltablespace; /* relation tablespace */
char *reloptions; /* options specified by WITH (...) */
char *checkoption; /* WITH CHECK OPTION */
char *toast_reloptions; /* WITH options for the TOAST table */
bool hasindex; /* does it have any indexes? */
bool hasrules; /* does it have any rules? */
bool hastriggers; /* does it have any triggers? */
bool rowsec; /* is row security enabled? */
bool hasoids; /* does it have OIDs? */
uint32 frozenxid; /* for restore frozen xid */
uint32 minmxid; /* for restore min multi xid */
Oid toast_oid; /* for restore toast frozen xid */
uint32 toast_frozenxid; /* for restore toast frozen xid */
uint32 toast_minmxid; /* for restore toast min multi xid */
int ncheck; /* # of CHECK expressions */
char *reloftype; /* underlying type for typed table */
/* these two are set only if table is a sequence owned by a column: */
Oid owning_tab; /* OID of table owning sequence */
int owning_col; /* attr # of column owning sequence */
int relpages; /* table's size in pages (from pg_class) */
bool interesting; /* true if need to collect more data */
bool postponed_def; /* matview must be postponed into post-data */
* These fields are computed only if we decide the table is interesting
* (it's either a table to dump, or a direct parent of a dumpable table).
int numatts; /* number of attributes */
char **attnames; /* the attribute names */
char **atttypnames; /* attribute type names */
int *atttypmod; /* type-specific type modifiers */
int *attstattarget; /* attribute statistics targets */
char *attstorage; /* attribute storage scheme */
char *typstorage; /* type storage scheme */
bool *attisdropped; /* true if attr is dropped; don't dump it */
int *attlen; /* attribute length, used by binary_upgrade */
char *attalign; /* attribute align, used by binary_upgrade */
bool *attislocal; /* true if attr has local definition */
char **attoptions; /* per-attribute options */
Oid *attcollation; /* per-attribute collation selection */
char **attfdwoptions; /* per-attribute fdw options */
bool *notnull; /* NOT NULL constraints on attributes */
bool *inhNotNull; /* true if NOT NULL is inherited */
struct _attrDefInfo **attrdefs; /* DEFAULT expressions */
struct _constraintInfo *checkexprs; /* CHECK constraints */
* Stuff computed only for dumpable tables.
int numParents; /* number of (immediate) parent tables */
struct _tableInfo **parents; /* TableInfos of immediate parents */
struct _tableDataInfo *dataObj; /* TableDataInfo, if dumping its data */
} TableInfo;
typedef struct _attrDefInfo
DumpableObject dobj; /* note: is name of table */
TableInfo *adtable; /* link to table of attribute */
int adnum;
char *adef_expr; /* decompiled DEFAULT expression */
bool separate; /* TRUE if must dump as separate item */
} AttrDefInfo;
typedef struct _tableDataInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
TableInfo *tdtable; /* link to table to dump */
bool oids; /* include OIDs in data? */
char *filtercond; /* WHERE condition to limit rows dumped */
} TableDataInfo;
typedef struct _indxInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
TableInfo *indextable; /* link to table the index is for */
char *indexdef;
char *tablespace; /* tablespace in which index is stored */
char *options; /* options specified by WITH (...) */
int indnkeys;
Oid *indkeys;
bool indisclustered;
bool indisreplident;
/* if there is an associated constraint object, its dumpId: */
DumpId indexconstraint;
int relpages; /* relpages of the underlying table */
} IndxInfo;
typedef struct _ruleInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
TableInfo *ruletable; /* link to table the rule is for */
char ev_type;
bool is_instead;
char ev_enabled;
bool separate; /* TRUE if must dump as separate item */
/* separate is always true for non-ON SELECT rules */
char *reloptions; /* options specified by WITH (...) */
/* reloptions is only set if we need to dump the options with the rule */
} RuleInfo;
typedef struct _triggerInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
TableInfo *tgtable; /* link to table the trigger is for */
char *tgfname;
int tgtype;
int tgnargs;
char *tgargs;
bool tgisconstraint;
char *tgconstrname;
Oid tgconstrrelid;
char *tgconstrrelname;
char tgenabled;
bool tgdeferrable;
bool tginitdeferred;
char *tgdef;
} TriggerInfo;
typedef struct _evttriggerInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *evtname;
char *evtevent;
char *evtowner;
char *evttags;
char *evtfname;
char evtenabled;
} EventTriggerInfo;
* struct ConstraintInfo is used for all constraint types. However we
* use a different objType for foreign key constraints, to make it easier
* to sort them the way we want.
* Note: condeferrable and condeferred are currently only valid for
* unique/primary-key constraints. Otherwise that info is in condef.
typedef struct _constraintInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
TableInfo *contable; /* NULL if domain constraint */
TypeInfo *condomain; /* NULL if table constraint */
char contype;
char *condef; /* definition, if CHECK or FOREIGN KEY */
Oid confrelid; /* referenced table, if FOREIGN KEY */
DumpId conindex; /* identifies associated index if any */
bool condeferrable; /* TRUE if constraint is DEFERRABLE */
bool condeferred; /* TRUE if constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED */
bool conislocal; /* TRUE if constraint has local definition */
bool separate; /* TRUE if must dump as separate item */
} ConstraintInfo;
typedef struct _procLangInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
bool lanpltrusted;
Oid lanplcallfoid;
Oid laninline;
Oid lanvalidator;
char *lanacl;
char *lanowner; /* name of owner, or empty string */
} ProcLangInfo;
typedef struct _castInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
Oid castsource;
Oid casttarget;
Oid castfunc;
char castcontext;
char castmethod;
} CastInfo;
/* InhInfo isn't a DumpableObject, just temporary state */
typedef struct _inhInfo
Oid inhrelid; /* OID of a child table */
Oid inhparent; /* OID of its parent */
} InhInfo;
typedef struct _prsInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
Oid prsstart;
Oid prstoken;
Oid prsend;
Oid prsheadline;
Oid prslextype;
} TSParserInfo;
typedef struct _dictInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
Oid dicttemplate;
char *dictinitoption;
} TSDictInfo;
typedef struct _tmplInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
Oid tmplinit;
Oid tmpllexize;
} TSTemplateInfo;
typedef struct _cfgInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
Oid cfgparser;
} TSConfigInfo;
typedef struct _fdwInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
char *fdwhandler;
char *fdwvalidator;
char *fdwoptions;
char *fdwacl;
} FdwInfo;
typedef struct _foreignServerInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
Oid srvfdw;
char *srvtype;
char *srvversion;
char *srvacl;
char *srvoptions;
} ForeignServerInfo;
typedef struct _defaultACLInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *defaclrole;
char defaclobjtype;
char *defaclacl;
} DefaultACLInfo;
typedef struct _blobInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
char *rolname;
char *blobacl;
} BlobInfo;
* The PolicyInfo struct is used to represent policies on a table and
* to indicate if a table has RLS enabled (ENABLE ROW SECURITY). If
* polname is NULL, then the record indicates ENABLE ROW SECURITY, while if
* it's non-NULL then this is a regular policy definition.
typedef struct _policyInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
TableInfo *poltable;
char *polname; /* null indicates RLS is enabled on rel */
char *polcmd;
char *polroles;
char *polqual;
char *polwithcheck;
} PolicyInfo;
/* global decls */
extern bool force_quotes; /* double-quotes for identifiers flag */
extern bool g_verbose; /* verbose flag */
/* placeholders for comment starting and ending delimiters */
extern char g_comment_start[10];
extern char g_comment_end[10];
extern char g_opaque_type[10]; /* name for the opaque type */
* common utility functions
extern TableInfo *getSchemaData(Archive *, DumpOptions *dopt, int *numTablesPtr);
extern void AssignDumpId(DumpableObject *dobj);
extern DumpId createDumpId(void);
extern DumpId getMaxDumpId(void);
extern DumpableObject *findObjectByDumpId(DumpId dumpId);
extern DumpableObject *findObjectByCatalogId(CatalogId catalogId);
extern void getDumpableObjects(DumpableObject ***objs, int *numObjs);
extern void addObjectDependency(DumpableObject *dobj, DumpId refId);
extern void removeObjectDependency(DumpableObject *dobj, DumpId refId);
extern TableInfo *findTableByOid(Oid oid);
extern TypeInfo *findTypeByOid(Oid oid);
extern FuncInfo *findFuncByOid(Oid oid);
extern OprInfo *findOprByOid(Oid oid);
extern CollInfo *findCollationByOid(Oid oid);
extern NamespaceInfo *findNamespaceByOid(Oid oid);
extern void simple_oid_list_append(SimpleOidList *list, Oid val);
extern bool simple_oid_list_member(SimpleOidList *list, Oid val);
extern void parseOidArray(const char *str, Oid *array, int arraysize);
extern void sortDumpableObjects(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs,
DumpId preBoundaryId, DumpId postBoundaryId);
extern void sortDumpableObjectsByTypeName(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs);
extern void sortDumpableObjectsByTypeOid(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs);
extern void sortDataAndIndexObjectsBySize(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs);
* version specific routines
extern NamespaceInfo *getNamespaces(Archive *fout, int *numNamespaces);
extern ExtensionInfo *getExtensions(Archive *fout, DumpOptions *dopt, int *numExtensions);
extern TypeInfo *getTypes(Archive *fout, int *numTypes);
extern FuncInfo *getFuncs(Archive *fout, DumpOptions *dopt, int *numFuncs);
extern AggInfo *getAggregates(Archive *fout, DumpOptions *dopt, int *numAggregates);
extern OprInfo *getOperators(Archive *fout, int *numOperators);
extern OpclassInfo *getOpclasses(Archive *fout, int *numOpclasses);
extern OpfamilyInfo *getOpfamilies(Archive *fout, int *numOpfamilies);
extern CollInfo *getCollations(Archive *fout, int *numCollations);
extern ConvInfo *getConversions(Archive *fout, int *numConversions);
extern TableInfo *getTables(Archive *fout, DumpOptions *dopt, int *numTables);
extern void getOwnedSeqs(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
extern InhInfo *getInherits(Archive *fout, int *numInherits);
extern void getIndexes(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
extern void getConstraints(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
extern RuleInfo *getRules(Archive *fout, int *numRules);
extern void getTriggers(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
extern ProcLangInfo *getProcLangs(Archive *fout, int *numProcLangs);
extern CastInfo *getCasts(Archive *fout, int *numCasts);
extern void getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, DumpOptions *dopt, TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables);
extern bool shouldPrintColumn(DumpOptions *dopt, TableInfo *tbinfo, int colno);
extern TSParserInfo *getTSParsers(Archive *fout, int *numTSParsers);
extern TSDictInfo *getTSDictionaries(Archive *fout, int *numTSDicts);
extern TSTemplateInfo *getTSTemplates(Archive *fout, int *numTSTemplates);
extern TSConfigInfo *getTSConfigurations(Archive *fout, int *numTSConfigs);
extern FdwInfo *getForeignDataWrappers(Archive *fout,
int *numForeignDataWrappers);
extern ForeignServerInfo *getForeignServers(Archive *fout,
int *numForeignServers);
extern DefaultACLInfo *getDefaultACLs(Archive *fout, DumpOptions *dopt, int *numDefaultACLs);
extern void getExtensionMembership(Archive *fout, DumpOptions *dopt, ExtensionInfo extinfo[],
int numExtensions);
extern EventTriggerInfo *getEventTriggers(Archive *fout, int *numEventTriggers);
extern void getPolicies(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
#endif /* PG_DUMP_H */