Tom Lane 6c91eef7b7 Fix handling of pg_type.typdefault per bug report from Dave Blasby.
If there's anyone out there who's actually using datatype-defined
default values, this will be an incompatible change in behavior ...
but the old behavior was so broken that I doubt anyone was using it.
2001-09-06 02:07:42 +00:00

2089 lines
55 KiB

Documentation of the system catalogs, directed toward PostgreSQL developers
$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml,v 2.23 2001/09/06 02:07:41 tgl Exp $
<chapter id="catalogs">
<title>System Catalogs</title>
<section id="catalogs-overview">
The system catalogs are the place where a relational database
management system stores schema metadata, such as information about
tables and columns, and internal bookkeeping information.
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname>'s system catalogs are regular
tables. You can drop and recreate the tables, add columns, insert
and update values, and severely mess up your system that way.
Normally one should not change the system catalogs by hand, there
are always SQL commands to do that. (For example, <command>CREATE
DATABASE</command> inserts a row into the
<structname>pg_database</structname> catalog -- and actually
creates the database on disk.) There are some exceptions for
esoteric operations, such as adding index access methods.
<title>System Catalogs</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Catalog Name</entry>
<entry>aggregate functions</entry>
<entry>index access methods</entry>
<entry>access method operators</entry>
<entry>access method support procedures</entry>
<entry>column default values</entry>
<entry>table columns (attributes, fields)</entry>
<entry>tables, indexes, sequences (<quote>relations</quote>)</entry>
<entry>descriptions or comments on database objects</entry>
<entry>user groups</entry>
<entry>additional index information</entry>
<entry>table inheritance hierarchy</entry>
<entry>languages for writing functions</entry>
<entry>large objects</entry>
<entry>asynchronous notification</entry>
<entry>index access method operator classes</entry>
<entry>functions and procedures</entry>
<entry>check constraints</entry>
<entry>query rewriter rules</entry>
<entry>database users</entry>
<entry>optimizer statistics</entry>
<entry>data types</entry>
More detailed documentation of most catalogs follow below. The
catalogs that relate to index access methods are explained in the
<citetitle>Programmer's Guide</citetitle>. Some catalogs don't
have any documentation, yet.
<section id="catalog-pg-aggregate">
<structname>pg_aggregate</structname> stores information about
aggregate functions. An aggregate function is a function that
operates on a set of values (typically one column from each row
that matches a query condition) and returns a single value computed
from all these values. Typical aggregate functions are
<function>sum</function>, <function>count</function>, and
<title>pg_aggregate Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>Name of the aggregate function</entry>
<entry>Owner (creator) of the aggregate function</entry>
<entry><type>regproc</type> (function)</entry>
<entry>Transition function</entry>
<entry><type>regproc</type> (function)</entry>
<entry>Final function</entry>
<entry>The input datatype for this aggregate function</entry>
<entry>The type of the aggregate function's internal transition (state) data</entry>
<entry>The type of the result</entry>
The initial value of the transition state. This is a text
field containing the initial value in its external string
representation. If the field is NULL, the transition state
value starts out NULL.
New aggregate functions are registered with the <command>CREATE
AGGREGATE</command> command. See the <citetitle>Programmer's
Guide</citetitle> for more information about writing aggregate
functions and the meaning of the transition functions, etc.
An aggregate function is identified through name
<emphasis>and</emphasis> argument type. Hence aggname and aggbasetype
are the composite primary key.
<section id="catalog-pg-attrdef">
This catalog stores column default values. The main information
about columns is stored in <structname>pg_attribute</structname>
(see below). Only columns that explicitly specify a default value
(when the table is created or the column is added) will have an
entry here.
<title>pg_attrdef Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>The table this column belongs to</entry>
<entry>The number of the column</entry>
<entry>An internal representation of the column default value</entry>
<entry>A human-readable representation of the default value</entry>
<section id="catalog-pg-attribute">
<structname>pg_attribute</structname> stores information about
table columns. There will be exactly one
<structname>pg_attribute</structname> row for every column in every
table in the database. (There will also be attribute entries for
indexes and other objects. See <structname>pg_class</structname>.)
The term attribute is equivalent to column and is used for
historical reasons.
<title>pg_attribute Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>The table this column belongs to</entry>
<entry>Column name</entry>
<entry>The data type of this column</entry>
<structfield>attstattarget</structfield> controls the level of detail
of statistics accumulated for this column by
A zero value indicates that no statistics should be collected.
The exact meaning of positive values is datatype-dependent.
For scalar datatypes, <structfield>attstattarget</structfield>
is both the target number of <quote>most common values</quote>
to collect, and the target number of histogram bins to create.
This is a copy of the
for this column's type.
The number of the column. Ordinary columns are numbered from 1
up. System columns, such as <structfield>oid</structfield>,
have (arbitrary) negative numbers.
Number of dimensions, if the column is an array; otherwise 0.
Always -1 in storage, but when loaded into a tuple descriptor
in memory this may be updated cache the offset of the attribute
within the tuple.
<structfield>atttypmod</structfield> records type-specific data
supplied at table creation time (for example, the maximum
length of a <type>varchar</type> column). It is passed to
type-specific input and output functions as the third
argument. The value will generally be -1 for types that do not
need typmod.
A copy of
of this column's type
A copy of
of this column's type
If true, this attribute is a set. In that case, what is really
stored in the attribute is the OID of a tuple in the
<structname>pg_proc</structname> catalog. The
<structname>pg_proc</structname> tuple contains the query
string that defines this set - i.e., the query to run to get
the set. So the <structfield>atttypid</structfield> (see
above) refers to the type returned by this query, but the
actual length of this attribute is the length (size) of an
<type>oid</type>. --- At least this is the theory. All this
is probably quite broken these days.
A copy of
of this column's type
This represents a NOT NULL constraint. It is possible to
change this field to enable or disable the constraint.
This column has a default value, in which case there will be a
corresponding entry in the <structname>pg_attrdef</structname>
catalog that actually defines the value.
<section id="catalog-pg-class">
<structname>pg_class</structname> catalogues tables and mostly
everything else that has columns or is otherwise similar to a
table. This includes indexes (but see also
<structname>pg_index</structname>), sequences, views, and some
kinds of special relation. Below, when we mean all of these
kinds of objects we speak of <quote>relations</quote>. Not all
fields are meaningful for all relation types.
<title>pg_class Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>Name of the table, index, view, etc.</entry>
The OID of the data type that corresponds to this table, if any
(zero for indexes, which have no pg_type entry)
<entry>Owner of the relation</entry>
<entry>If this is an index, the access method used (btree, hash, etc.)</entry>
<entry>Name of the on-disk file of this relation</entry>
Size of the on-disk representation of this table in pages (size
This is only an estimate used by the planner.
It is updated by <command>VACUUM</command>,
<command>ANALYZE</command>, and <command>CREATE INDEX</command>.
Number of tuples in the table.
This is only an estimate used by the planner.
It is updated by <command>VACUUM</command>,
<command>ANALYZE</command>, and <command>CREATE INDEX</command>.
Oid of the TOAST table associated with this table, 0 if none.
The TOAST table stores large attributes <quote>out of
line</quote> in a secondary table.
For a TOAST table, the OID of its index. 0 if not a TOAST table.
<entry>True if this is a table and it has (or recently had) any indexes.
This is set by CREATE INDEX, but not cleared immediately by DROP INDEX.
VACUUM clears relhasindex if it finds the table has no indexes.
<entry>True if this table is shared across all databases in the
'r' = ordinary table, 'i' = index, 'S' = sequence, 'v' = view,
's' = special, 't' = secondary TOAST table
Number of user columns in the relation (system columns not counted).
There must be this many corresponding entries in
<structname>pg_attribute</structname>. See also
Number of check constraints on the table; see
<structname>pg_relcheck</structname> catalog
Number of triggers on the table; see
<structname>pg_trigger</structname> catalog
<entry>unused (<emphasis>Not</emphasis> the number of unique keys)</entry>
<entry>unused (<emphasis>Not</emphasis> the number of foreign keys on the table)</entry>
True if we generate an OID for each row of the relation.
True if the table has (or once had) a primary key.
<entry>Table has rules</entry>
<entry>At least one table inherits from this one</entry>
Access permissions. See the descriptions of
<command>GRANT</command> and <command>REVOKE</command> for
<section id="catalog-pg-database">
The <structname>pg_database</structname> catalog stores information
about the available databases. The
<structname>pg_database</structname> table is shared between all
databases of a cluster. Databases are created with the
<command>CREATE DATABASE</command>. Consult the
<citetitle>Administrator's Guide</citetitle> for details about the
meaning of some of the parameters.
<title>pg_database Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>Database name</entry>
<entry>Owner of the database, initially who created it</entry>
<entry>Character/multibyte encoding for this database</entry>
If true then this database can be used in the
<quote>TEMPLATE</quote> clause of <command>CREATE
DATABASE</command> to create the new database as a clone of
this one.
If false then no one can connect to this database. This is
used to protect the template0 database from being altered.
Last system OID in the database; useful
particularly to <application>pg_dump</application>
All tuples inserted or deleted by transaction IDs before this one
have been marked as known committed or known aborted in this database.
This is used to determine when commit-log space can be recycled.
All tuples inserted by transaction IDs before this one have been
relabeled with a permanent (<quote>frozen</>) transaction ID in this
database. This is useful to check whether a database must be vacuumed
soon to avoid transaction ID wraparound problems.
If the database is stored at an alternative location then this
records the location. It's either an environment variable name
or an absolute path, depending how it was entered.
<section id="catalog-pg-description">
The pg_description table can store an optional description or
comment for each database object. Descriptions can be manipulated
with the <command>COMMENT</command> command. Client applications
can view the descriptions by joining with this table. Many builtin
system objects have comments associated with them that are shown by
<application>psql</application>'s <literal>\d</literal> commands.
<title>pg_description Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>any oid attribute</entry>
<entry>The oid of the object this description pertains to</entry>
<entry>The oid of the system catalog this object appears in</entry>
<entry>For a comment on a table attribute, this is the attribute's
column number (the objoid and classoid refer to the table itself).
For all other object types, this field is presently zero.
<entry>Arbitrary text that serves as the description of this object.</entry>
<section id="catalog-pg-group">
This catalog defines groups and stores what users belong to what
groups. Groups are created with the <command>CREATE
GROUP</command> command. Consult the <citetitle>Administrator's
Guide</citetitle> for information about user permission management.
<title>pg_group Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>Name of the group</entry>
<entry>An arbitrary number to identify this group</entry>
<entry>An array containing the ids of the users in this group</entry>
<section id="catalog-pg-index">
<structname>pg_index</structname> contains part of the information
about indexes. The rest is mostly in
<title>pg_index Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>The oid of the pg_class entry for this index</entry>
<entry>The oid of the pg_class entry for the table this index is for</entry>
<entry>The registered procedure if this is a functional index</entry>
This is an vector (array) of up to
<symbol>INDEX_MAX_KEYS</symbol> values that indicate which
table columns this index pertains to. For example a value of
<literal>1 3</literal> would mean that the first and the third
column make up the index key.
For each column in the index key this contains a reference to
the <quote>operator class</quote> to use. See
<structname>pg_opclass</structname> for details.
<entry>If true, this is a unique index.</entry>
<entry>If true, this index is a unique index that represents the primary key of the table.</entry>
<entry>Expression tree (in the form of a nodeToString representation)
for partial index predicate</entry>
<section id="catalog-pg-inherits">
This catalog records information about table inheritance hierarchies.
<title>pg_inherits Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
This is the reference to the subtable, that is, it records the
fact that the identified table is inherited from some other
This is the reference to the parent table, from which the table
referenced by <structfield>inhrelid</structfield> inherited
If there is more than one subtable/parent pair (multiple
inheritance), this number tells the order in which the
inherited columns are to be arranged. The count starts at 1.
<section id="catalog-pg-language">
<structname>pg_language</structname> registers call interfaces or
languages in which you can write functions or stored procedures.
See under <command>CREATE LANGUAGE</command> and in the
<citetitle>Programmer's Guide</citetitle> for more information
about language handlers.
<title>pg_language Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>Name of the language (to be specified when creating a function)</entry>
This is false for internal languages (such as SQL) and true for
dynamically loaded language handler modules. It essentially
means that, if it is true, the language may be dropped.
This is a trusted language. See under <command>CREATE
LANGUAGE</command> what this means. If this is an internal
language (<structfield>lanispl</structfield> is false) then
this field is meaningless.
For non-internal languages this references the language
handler, which is a special function that is responsible for
executing all functions that are written in the particular
<entry>not currently used</entry>
<section id="catalog-pg-operator">
See <command>CREATE OPERATOR</command> and the
<citetitle>Programmer's Guide</citetitle> for details on these
operator parameters.
<title>pg_operator Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>Name of the operator</entry>
<entry>Owner (creator) of the operator</entry>
'b' = infix (<quote>both</quote>), 'l' = prefix
(<quote>left</quote>), 'r' = postfix (<quote>right</quote>)
<entry>This operator supports hash joins.</entry>
<entry>Type of the left operand</entry>
<entry>Type of the right operand</entry>
<entry>Type of the result</entry>
<entry>Commutator of this operator, if any</entry>
<entry>Negator of this operator, if any</entry>
If this operator supports merge joins, the operator that sorts
the type of the left-hand operand
If this operator supports merge joins, the operator that sorts
the type of the right-hand operand
<entry>Function that implements this operator</entry>
<entry>Restriction selectivity estimation function for this operator</entry>
<entry>Join selectivity estimation function for this operator</entry>
<section id="catalog-pg-proc">
This catalog stores information about functions (or procedures).
The description of <command>CREATE FUNCTION</command> and the
<citetitle>Programmer's Guide</citetitle> contain more information
about the meaning of some fields.
<title>pg_proc Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>Name of the function</entry>
<entry>Owner (creator) of the function</entry>
<entry>Implementation language or call interface of this function</entry>
<entry>not functional</entry>
<entry>Function returns same result for same input values</entry>
Function returns null if any call argument is null. In that
case the function won't actually be called at all. Functions
that are not <quote>strict</quote> must be prepared to handle
null inputs.
<entry>Number of arguments</entry>
<entry>Function returns a set (probably not functional)</entry>
<entry>Data type of the return value (0 if the function does not return a value)</entry>
<entry>A vector with the data types of the function arguments</entry>
<entry>dead code</entry>
<entry>dead code</entry>
<entry>dead code</entry>
<entry>dead code</entry>
This tells the function handler how to invoke the function. It
might be the actual source code of the function for interpreted
languages, a link symbol, a file name, or just about anything
else, depending the implementation language/call convention.
<section id="catalog-pg-relcheck">
This system catalog stores CHECK constraints on tables. (Column
constraints are not treated specially. Every column constraint is
equivalent to some table constraint.) See under <command>CREATE
TABLE</command> for more information.
<title>pg_relcheck Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>The table this check constraint is on</entry>
<entry>Constraint name</entry>
<entry>An internal representation of the constraint expression</entry>
<entry>A human-readable representation of the consraint expression</entry>
needs to match up with the entries in this table.
<section id="catalog-pg-shadow">
<structname>pg_shadow</structname> contains information about
database users. The name stems from the fact that this table
should not be readable by the public since it contains passwords.
<structname>pg_user</structname> is a view on
<structname>pg_shadow</structname> that blanks out the password field.
The <citetitle>Administrator's Guide</citetitle> contains detailed
information about user and permission management.
<title>pg_shadow Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>User name</entry>
<entry>User id (arbitrary number used to reference this user)</entry>
<entry>User may create databases</entry>
<entry>not used</entry>
<entry>User is a superuser</entry>
User may update system catalogs. (Even a superuser may not do
this unless this attribute is true.)
<entry>Account expiry time (only used for password authentication)</entry>
<section id="catalog-pg-statistic">
<structname>pg_statistic</structname> stores statistical data about
the contents of the database. Entries are created by
<command>ANALYZE</command> and subsequently used by the query planner.
There is one entry for each table column that has been analyzed.
Note that all the statistical data is inherently approximate,
even assuming that it is up-to-date.
Since different kinds of statistics may be appropriate for different
kinds of data, <structname>pg_statistic</structname> is designed not
to assume very much about what sort of statistics it stores. Only
extremely general statistics (such as NULL-ness) are given dedicated
columns in <structname>pg_statistic</structname>. Everything else
is stored in "slots", which are groups of associated columns whose
content is identified by a code number in one of the slot's columns.
For more information see
<title>pg_statistic Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>The table that the described column belongs to</entry>
<entry>The number of the described column</entry>
<entry>The fraction of the column's entries that are NULL</entry>
<entry>The average stored width, in bytes, of non-NULL entries</entry>
<entry>The number of distinct non-NULL data values in the column.
A value greater than zero is the actual number of distinct values.
A value less than zero is the negative of a fraction of the number
of rows in the table (for example, a column in which values appear about
twice on the average could be represented by stadistinct = -0.5).
A zero value means the number of distinct values is unknown.
<entry>A code number indicating the kind of statistics stored in the Nth
"slot" of the <structname>pg_statistic</structname> row.
<entry>An operator used to derive the statistics stored in the
Nth "slot". For example, a histogram slot would show the "&lt;"
operator that defines the sort order of the data.
<entry>Numerical statistics of the appropriate kind for the Nth
"slot", or NULL if the slot kind does not involve numerical values.
<entry>Column data values of the appropriate kind for the Nth
"slot", or NULL if the slot kind does not store any data values.
For datatype independence, all column data values are converted
to external textual form and stored as TEXT datums.
<section id="catalog-pg-type">
<title>pg_type Columns</title>
<tgroup cols=4>
<entry>Data type name</entry>
<entry>Owner (creator) of the type</entry>
<entry>Length of the storage representation of the type, -1 if variable length</entry>
<structfield>typbyval</structfield> determines whether internal
routines pass a value of this type by value or by reference.
Only <type>char</type>, <type>short</type>, and
<type>int</type> equivalent items can be passed by value, so if
the type is not 1, 2, or 4 bytes long, Postgres does not have
the option of passing by value and so
<structfield>typbyval</structfield> had better be false.
Variable-length types are always passed by reference. Note that
<structfield>typbyval</structfield> can be false even if the
length would allow pass-by-value; this is currently true for
type <type>float4</type>, for example.
<structfield>typtype</structfield> is <literal>b</literal> for
a basic type and <literal>c</literal> for a catalog type (i.e.,
a table). If <structfield>typtype</structfield> is
<literal>c</literal>, <structfield>typrelid</structfield> is
the OID of the type's entry in
<entry>Character that separates two values of this type when parsing array input</entry>
If this is a catalog type (see
<structfield>typtype</structfield>), then this field points to
the <structfield>pg_class</structfield> entry that defines the
corresponding table. A table could theoretically be used as a
composite data type, but this is not fully functional.
If <structfield>typelem</structfield> is not 0 then it
identifies another row in <structname>pg_type</structname>.
The current type can then be subscripted like an array yielding
values of type <structfield>typelem</structfield>. A non-zero
<structfield>typelem</structfield> does not guarantee this type
to be a <quote>real</quote> array type; some ordinary
fixed-length types can also be subscripted (e.g.,
<type>oidvector</type>). Variable-length types can
<emphasis>not</emphasis> be turned into pseudo-arrays like
that. Hence, the way to determine whether a type is a
<quote>true</quote> array type is typelem != 0 and typlen < 0.
<entry>Input function</entry>
<entry>Output function</entry>
<structfield>typalign</structfield> is the alignment required
when storing a value of this type. It applies to storage on
disk as well as most representations of the value inside
Postgres. When multiple values are stored consecutively, such
as in the representation of a complete row on disk, padding is
inserted before a datum of this type so that it begins on the
specified boundary. The alignment reference is the beginning
of the first datum in the sequence.
Possible values are:
<para>'c' = CHAR alignment, i.e., no alignment needed.</para>
<para>'s' = SHORT alignment (2 bytes on most machines).</para>
<para>'i' = INT alignment (4 bytes on most machines).</para>
<para>'d' = DOUBLE alignment (8 bytes on many machines, but by no means all).</para>
For types used in system tables, it is critical that the size
and alignment defined in <structname>pg_type</structname>
agree with the way that the compiler will lay out the field in
a struct representing a table row.
<structfield>typstorage</structfield> tells for variable-length
types (those with <structfield>typlen</structfield> = -1) if
the type is prepared for toasting and what the default strategy
for attributes of this type should be.
Possible values are
<para>'p': Value must always be stored plain.</para>
'e': Value can be stored in a <quote>secondary</quote>
relation (if relation has one, see
<para>'m': Value can be stored compressed inline.</para>
<para>'x': Value can be stored compressed inline or in <quote>secondary</quote>.</para>
Note that 'm' fields can also be moved out to secondary
storage, but only as a last resort ('e' and 'x' fields are
moved first).
<structfield>typdefault</structfield> is NULL for types without a
default value. If it's not NULL, it contains the external string
representation of the type's default value.