David Rowley 5352ca22e0 Rename force_parallel_mode to debug_parallel_query
force_parallel_mode is meant to be used to allow us to exercise the
parallel query infrastructure to ensure that it's working as we expect.
It seems some users think this GUC is for forcing the query planner into
picking a parallel plan regardless of the costs.  A quick look at the
documentation would have made them realize that they were wrong, but the
GUC is likely too conveniently named which, evidently, seems to often
result in users expecting that it forces the planner into usefully
parallelizing queries.

Here we rename the GUC to something which casual users are less likely to
mistakenly think is what they need to make their query run more quickly.

For now, the old name can still be used.  We'll revisit if the old name
mapping can be removed once the buildfarm configs are all updated.

Reviewed-by: John Naylor
2023-02-15 21:21:59 +13:00

465 lines
15 KiB

create function sp_parallel_restricted(int) returns int as
$$begin return $1; end$$ language plpgsql parallel restricted;
-- encourage use of parallel plans
set parallel_setup_cost=0;
set parallel_tuple_cost=0;
set min_parallel_table_scan_size=0;
set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=4;
-- Parallel Append with partial-subplans
explain (costs off)
select round(avg(aa)), sum(aa) from a_star;
select round(avg(aa)), sum(aa) from a_star a1;
-- Parallel Append with both partial and non-partial subplans
alter table c_star set (parallel_workers = 0);
alter table d_star set (parallel_workers = 0);
explain (costs off)
select round(avg(aa)), sum(aa) from a_star;
select round(avg(aa)), sum(aa) from a_star a2;
-- Parallel Append with only non-partial subplans
alter table a_star set (parallel_workers = 0);
alter table b_star set (parallel_workers = 0);
alter table e_star set (parallel_workers = 0);
alter table f_star set (parallel_workers = 0);
explain (costs off)
select round(avg(aa)), sum(aa) from a_star;
select round(avg(aa)), sum(aa) from a_star a3;
-- Disable Parallel Append
alter table a_star reset (parallel_workers);
alter table b_star reset (parallel_workers);
alter table c_star reset (parallel_workers);
alter table d_star reset (parallel_workers);
alter table e_star reset (parallel_workers);
alter table f_star reset (parallel_workers);
set enable_parallel_append to off;
explain (costs off)
select round(avg(aa)), sum(aa) from a_star;
select round(avg(aa)), sum(aa) from a_star a4;
reset enable_parallel_append;
-- Parallel Append that runs serially
create function sp_test_func() returns setof text as
$$ select 'foo'::varchar union all select 'bar'::varchar $$
language sql stable;
select sp_test_func() order by 1;
-- Parallel Append is not to be used when the subpath depends on the outer param
create table part_pa_test(a int, b int) partition by range(a);
create table part_pa_test_p1 partition of part_pa_test for values from (minvalue) to (0);
create table part_pa_test_p2 partition of part_pa_test for values from (0) to (maxvalue);
explain (costs off)
select (select max((select pa1.b from part_pa_test pa1 where pa1.a = pa2.a)))
from part_pa_test pa2;
drop table part_pa_test;
-- test with leader participation disabled
set parallel_leader_participation = off;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1 where stringu1 = 'GRAAAA';
select count(*) from tenk1 where stringu1 = 'GRAAAA';
-- test with leader participation disabled, but no workers available (so
-- the leader will have to run the plan despite the setting)
set max_parallel_workers = 0;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1 where stringu1 = 'GRAAAA';
select count(*) from tenk1 where stringu1 = 'GRAAAA';
reset max_parallel_workers;
reset parallel_leader_participation;
-- test that parallel_restricted function doesn't run in worker
alter table tenk1 set (parallel_workers = 4);
explain (verbose, costs off)
select sp_parallel_restricted(unique1) from tenk1
where stringu1 = 'GRAAAA' order by 1;
-- test parallel plan when group by expression is in target list.
explain (costs off)
select length(stringu1) from tenk1 group by length(stringu1);
select length(stringu1) from tenk1 group by length(stringu1);
explain (costs off)
select stringu1, count(*) from tenk1 group by stringu1 order by stringu1;
-- test that parallel plan for aggregates is not selected when
-- target list contains parallel restricted clause.
explain (costs off)
select sum(sp_parallel_restricted(unique1)) from tenk1
group by(sp_parallel_restricted(unique1));
-- test prepared statement
prepare tenk1_count(integer) As select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > $1;
explain (costs off) execute tenk1_count(1);
execute tenk1_count(1);
deallocate tenk1_count;
-- test parallel plans for queries containing un-correlated subplans.
alter table tenk2 set (parallel_workers = 0);
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1 where (two, four) not in
(select hundred, thousand from tenk2 where thousand > 100);
select count(*) from tenk1 where (two, four) not in
(select hundred, thousand from tenk2 where thousand > 100);
-- this is not parallel-safe due to use of random() within SubLink's testexpr:
explain (costs off)
select * from tenk1 where (unique1 + random())::integer not in
(select ten from tenk2);
alter table tenk2 reset (parallel_workers);
-- test parallel plan for a query containing initplan.
set enable_indexscan = off;
set enable_indexonlyscan = off;
set enable_bitmapscan = off;
alter table tenk2 set (parallel_workers = 2);
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1
where tenk1.unique1 = (Select max(tenk2.unique1) from tenk2);
select count(*) from tenk1
where tenk1.unique1 = (Select max(tenk2.unique1) from tenk2);
reset enable_indexscan;
reset enable_indexonlyscan;
reset enable_bitmapscan;
alter table tenk2 reset (parallel_workers);
-- test parallel index scans.
set enable_seqscan to off;
set enable_bitmapscan to off;
explain (costs off)
select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > 1;
select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > 1;
-- test parallel index-only scans.
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1 where thousand > 95;
select count(*) from tenk1 where thousand > 95;
-- test rescan cases too
set enable_material = false;
explain (costs off)
select * from
(select count(unique1) from tenk1 where hundred > 10) ss
right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true;
select * from
(select count(unique1) from tenk1 where hundred > 10) ss
right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true;
explain (costs off)
select * from
(select count(*) from tenk1 where thousand > 99) ss
right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true;
select * from
(select count(*) from tenk1 where thousand > 99) ss
right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true;
-- test rescans for a Limit node with a parallel node beneath it.
reset enable_seqscan;
set enable_indexonlyscan to off;
set enable_indexscan to off;
alter table tenk1 set (parallel_workers = 0);
alter table tenk2 set (parallel_workers = 1);
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1
left join (select tenk2.unique1 from tenk2 order by 1 limit 1000) ss
on tenk1.unique1 < ss.unique1 + 1
where tenk1.unique1 < 2;
select count(*) from tenk1
left join (select tenk2.unique1 from tenk2 order by 1 limit 1000) ss
on tenk1.unique1 < ss.unique1 + 1
where tenk1.unique1 < 2;
--reset the value of workers for each table as it was before this test.
alter table tenk1 set (parallel_workers = 4);
alter table tenk2 reset (parallel_workers);
reset enable_material;
reset enable_bitmapscan;
reset enable_indexonlyscan;
reset enable_indexscan;
-- test parallel bitmap heap scan.
set enable_seqscan to off;
set enable_indexscan to off;
set enable_hashjoin to off;
set enable_mergejoin to off;
set enable_material to off;
-- test prefetching, if the platform allows it
DO $$
SET effective_io_concurrency = 50;
EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_parameter_value THEN
END $$;
set work_mem='64kB'; --set small work mem to force lossy pages
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.hundred > 1 and tenk2.thousand=0;
select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.hundred > 1 and tenk2.thousand=0;
create table bmscantest (a int, t text);
insert into bmscantest select r, 'fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' FROM generate_series(1,100000) r;
create index i_bmtest ON bmscantest(a);
select count(*) from bmscantest where a>1;
-- test accumulation of stats for parallel nodes
reset enable_seqscan;
alter table tenk2 set (parallel_workers = 0);
explain (analyze, timing off, summary off, costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.hundred > 1
and tenk2.thousand=0;
alter table tenk2 reset (parallel_workers);
reset work_mem;
create function explain_parallel_sort_stats() returns setof text
language plpgsql as
declare ln text;
for ln in
explain (analyze, timing off, summary off, costs off)
select * from
(select ten from tenk1 where ten < 100 order by ten) ss
right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true
ln := regexp_replace(ln, 'Memory: \S*', 'Memory: xxx');
return next ln;
end loop;
select * from explain_parallel_sort_stats();
reset enable_indexscan;
reset enable_hashjoin;
reset enable_mergejoin;
reset enable_material;
reset effective_io_concurrency;
drop table bmscantest;
drop function explain_parallel_sort_stats();
-- test parallel merge join path.
set enable_hashjoin to off;
set enable_nestloop to off;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.unique1 = tenk2.unique1;
select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.unique1 = tenk2.unique1;
reset enable_hashjoin;
reset enable_nestloop;
-- test gather merge
set enable_hashagg = false;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1 group by twenty;
select count(*) from tenk1 group by twenty;
--test expressions in targetlist are pushed down for gather merge
create function sp_simple_func(var1 integer) returns integer
as $$
return var1 + 10;
$$ language plpgsql PARALLEL SAFE;
explain (costs off, verbose)
select ten, sp_simple_func(ten) from tenk1 where ten < 100 order by ten;
drop function sp_simple_func(integer);
-- test handling of SRFs in targetlist (bug in 10.0)
explain (costs off)
select count(*), generate_series(1,2) from tenk1 group by twenty;
select count(*), generate_series(1,2) from tenk1 group by twenty;
-- test gather merge with parallel leader participation disabled
set parallel_leader_participation = off;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1 group by twenty;
select count(*) from tenk1 group by twenty;
reset parallel_leader_participation;
--test rescan behavior of gather merge
set enable_material = false;
explain (costs off)
select * from
(select string4, count(unique2)
from tenk1 group by string4 order by string4) ss
right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true;
select * from
(select string4, count(unique2)
from tenk1 group by string4 order by string4) ss
right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true;
reset enable_material;
reset enable_hashagg;
-- check parallelized int8 aggregate (bug #14897)
explain (costs off)
select avg(unique1::int8) from tenk1;
select avg(unique1::int8) from tenk1;
-- gather merge test with a LIMIT
explain (costs off)
select fivethous from tenk1 order by fivethous limit 4;
select fivethous from tenk1 order by fivethous limit 4;
-- gather merge test with 0 worker
set max_parallel_workers = 0;
explain (costs off)
select string4 from tenk1 order by string4 limit 5;
select string4 from tenk1 order by string4 limit 5;
-- gather merge test with 0 workers, with parallel leader
-- participation disabled (the leader will have to run the plan
-- despite the setting)
set parallel_leader_participation = off;
explain (costs off)
select string4 from tenk1 order by string4 limit 5;
select string4 from tenk1 order by string4 limit 5;
reset parallel_leader_participation;
reset max_parallel_workers;
SAVEPOINT settings;
SET LOCAL debug_parallel_query = 1;
explain (costs off)
select stringu1::int2 from tenk1 where unique1 = 1;
-- exercise record typmod remapping between backends
CREATE FUNCTION make_record(n int)
WHEN 3 THEN ROW(1, 2, 3)
WHEN 4 THEN ROW(1, 2, 3, 4)
ELSE ROW(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
SAVEPOINT settings;
SET LOCAL debug_parallel_query = 1;
SELECT make_record(x) FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 5) x) ss ORDER BY x;
DROP function make_record(n int);
-- test the sanity of parallel query after the active role is dropped.
drop role if exists regress_parallel_worker;
create role regress_parallel_worker;
set role regress_parallel_worker;
reset session authorization;
drop role regress_parallel_worker;
set debug_parallel_query = 1;
select count(*) from tenk1;
reset debug_parallel_query;
reset role;
-- Window function calculation can't be pushed to workers.
explain (costs off, verbose)
select count(*) from tenk1 a where (unique1, two) in
(select unique1, row_number() over() from tenk1 b);
-- LIMIT/OFFSET within sub-selects can't be pushed to workers.
explain (costs off)
select * from tenk1 a where two in
(select two from tenk1 b where stringu1 like '%AAAA' limit 3);
-- to increase the parallel query test coverage
SAVEPOINT settings;
SET LOCAL debug_parallel_query = 1;
EXPLAIN (analyze, timing off, summary off, costs off) SELECT * FROM tenk1;
-- provoke error in worker
-- (make the error message long enough to require multiple bufferloads)
SAVEPOINT settings;
SET LOCAL debug_parallel_query = 1;
select (stringu1 || repeat('abcd', 5000))::int2 from tenk1 where unique1 = 1;
-- test interaction with set-returning functions
SAVEPOINT settings;
-- multiple subqueries under a single Gather node
-- must set parallel_setup_cost > 0 to discourage multiple Gather nodes
SET LOCAL parallel_setup_cost = 10;
SELECT unique1 FROM tenk1 WHERE fivethous = tenthous + 1
SELECT unique1 FROM tenk1 WHERE fivethous = tenthous + 1;
-- can't use multiple subqueries under a single Gather node due to initPlans
SELECT unique1 FROM tenk1 WHERE fivethous =
(SELECT unique1 FROM tenk1 WHERE fivethous = 1 LIMIT 1)
SELECT unique1 FROM tenk1 WHERE fivethous =
(SELECT unique2 FROM tenk1 WHERE fivethous = 1 LIMIT 1)
-- test interaction with SRFs
SELECT * FROM information_schema.foreign_data_wrapper_options
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
SELECT generate_series(1, two), array(select generate_series(1, two))
FROM tenk1 ORDER BY tenthous;
-- must disallow pushing sort below gather when pathkey contains an SRF
SELECT unnest(ARRAY[]::integer[]) + 1 AS pathkey
FROM tenk1 t1 JOIN tenk1 t2 ON TRUE
ORDER BY pathkey;
-- test passing expanded-value representations to workers
CREATE FUNCTION make_some_array(int,int) returns int[] as
$$declare x int[];
x[1] := $1;
x[2] := $2;
return x;
end$$ language plpgsql parallel safe;
CREATE TABLE fooarr(f1 text, f2 int[], f3 text);
INSERT INTO fooarr VALUES('1', ARRAY[1,2], 'one');
PREPARE pstmt(text, int[]) AS SELECT * FROM fooarr WHERE f1 = $1 AND f2 = $2;
EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
-- test interaction between subquery and partial_paths
CREATE VIEW tenk1_vw_sec WITH (security_barrier) AS SELECT * FROM tenk1;
SELECT 1 FROM tenk1_vw_sec
WHERE (SELECT sum(f1) FROM int4_tbl WHERE f1 < unique1) < 100;