Bruce Momjian bd61a623ac Update copyrights for 2013
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2013-01-01 17:15:01 -05:00

198 lines
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# Perl module that extracts info from catalog headers into Perl
# data structures
# Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2013, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# src/backend/catalog/
package Catalog;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(Catalogs RenameTempFile);
# Call this function with an array of names of header files to parse.
# Returns a nested data structure describing the data in the headers.
sub Catalogs
my (%catalogs, $catname, $declaring_attributes, $most_recent);
$catalogs{names} = [];
# There are a few types which are given one name in the C source, but a
# different name at the SQL level. These are enumerated here.
'int16' => 'int2',
'int32' => 'int4',
'Oid' => 'oid',
'NameData' => 'name',
'TransactionId' => 'xid');
foreach my $input_file (@_)
my %catalog;
$catalog{columns} = [];
$catalog{data} = [];
open(INPUT_FILE, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!";
# Scan the input file.
while (<INPUT_FILE>)
# Strip C-style comments.
if (m;/\*;)
# handle multi-line comments properly.
my $next_line = <INPUT_FILE>;
die "$input_file: ends within C-style comment\n"
if !defined $next_line;
$_ .= $next_line;
# Strip useless whitespace and trailing semicolons.
s/\s+/ /g;
# Push the data into the appropriate data structure.
if (/^DATA\(insert(\s+OID\s+=\s+(\d+))?\s+\(\s*(.*)\s*\)\s*\)$/)
push @{ $catalog{data} }, { oid => $2, bki_values => $3 };
elsif (/^DESCR\(\"(.*)\"\)$/)
$most_recent = $catalog{data}->[-1];
# this tests if most recent line is not a DATA() statement
if (ref $most_recent ne 'HASH')
die "DESCR() does not apply to any catalog ($input_file)";
if (!defined $most_recent->{oid})
die "DESCR() does not apply to any oid ($input_file)";
elsif ($1 ne '')
$most_recent->{descr} = $1;
elsif (/^SHDESCR\(\"(.*)\"\)$/)
$most_recent = $catalog{data}->[-1];
# this tests if most recent line is not a DATA() statement
if (ref $most_recent ne 'HASH')
"SHDESCR() does not apply to any catalog ($input_file)";
if (!defined $most_recent->{oid})
die "SHDESCR() does not apply to any oid ($input_file)";
elsif ($1 ne '')
$most_recent->{shdescr} = $1;
elsif (/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/)
$catname = 'toasting';
my ($toast_name, $toast_oid, $index_oid) = ($1, $2, $3);
push @{ $catalog{data} },
"declare toast $toast_oid $index_oid on $toast_name\n";
elsif (/^DECLARE_(UNIQUE_)?INDEX\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(.+)\)/)
$catname = 'indexing';
my ($is_unique, $index_name, $index_oid, $using) =
($1, $2, $3, $4);
push @{ $catalog{data} },
"declare %sindex %s %s %s\n",
$is_unique ? 'unique ' : '',
$index_name, $index_oid, $using);
elsif (/^BUILD_INDICES/)
push @{ $catalog{data} }, "build indices\n";
elsif (/^CATALOG\(([^,]*),(\d+)\)/)
$catname = $1;
$catalog{relation_oid} = $2;
# Store pg_* catalog names in the same order we receive them
push @{ $catalogs{names} }, $catname;
$catalog{bootstrap} = /BKI_BOOTSTRAP/ ? ' bootstrap' : '';
$catalog{shared_relation} =
/BKI_SHARED_RELATION/ ? ' shared_relation' : '';
$catalog{without_oids} =
/BKI_WITHOUT_OIDS/ ? ' without_oids' : '';
$catalog{rowtype_oid} =
/BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+)\)/ ? " rowtype_oid $1" : '';
$catalog{schema_macro} = /BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO/ ? 'True' : '';
$declaring_attributes = 1;
elsif ($declaring_attributes)
next if (/^{|^$/);
next if (/^#/);
if (/^}/)
undef $declaring_attributes;
my ($atttype, $attname) = split /\s+/, $_;
die "parse error ($input_file)" unless $attname;
if (exists $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype})
$atttype = $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype};
if ($attname =~ /(.*)\[.*\]/) # array attribute
$attname = $1;
$atttype .= '[]'; # variable-length only
push @{ $catalog{columns} }, { $attname => $atttype };
$catalogs{$catname} = \%catalog;
return \%catalogs;
# Rename temporary files to final names.
# Call this function with the final file name and the .tmp extension
# Note: recommended extension is ".tmp$$", so that parallel make steps
# can't use the same temp files
sub RenameTempFile
my $final_name = shift;
my $extension = shift;
my $temp_name = $final_name . $extension;
print "Writing $final_name\n";
rename($temp_name, $final_name) || die "rename: $temp_name: $!";