1999-05-26 12:57:23 +00:00

1199 lines
27 KiB

* fd.c
* Virtual file descriptor code.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: fd.c,v 1.42 1999/05/26 12:55:51 momjian Exp $
* This code manages a cache of 'virtual' file descriptors (VFDs).
* The server opens many file descriptors for a variety of reasons,
* including base tables, scratch files (e.g., sort and hash spool
* files), and random calls to C library routines like system(3); it
* is quite easy to exceed system limits on the number of open files a
* single process can have. (This is around 256 on many modern
* operating systems, but can be as low as 32 on others.)
* VFDs are managed as an LRU pool, with actual OS file descriptors
* being opened and closed as needed. Obviously, if a routine is
* opened using these interfaces, all subsequent operations must also
* be through these interfaces (the File type is not a real file
* descriptor).
* For this scheme to work, most (if not all) routines throughout the
* server should use these interfaces instead of calling the C library
* routines (e.g., open(2) and fopen(3)) themselves. Otherwise, we
* may find ourselves short of real file descriptors anyway.
* This file used to contain a bunch of stuff to support RAID levels 0
* (jbod), 1 (duplex) and 5 (xor parity). That stuff is all gone
* because the parallel query processing code that called it is all
* gone. If you really need it you could get it from the original
* POSTGRES source.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include "miscadmin.h" /* for DataDir */
#include "utils/palloc.h"
#include "storage/fd.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
* Problem: Postgres does a system(ld...) to do dynamic loading.
* This will open several extra files in addition to those used by
* Postgres. We need to guarantee that there are file descriptors free
* for ld to use.
* The current solution is to limit the number of file descriptors
* that this code will allocate at one time: it leaves RESERVE_FOR_LD free.
* (Even though most dynamic loaders now use dlopen(3) or the
* equivalent, the OS must still open several files to perform the
* dynamic loading. Keep this here.)
#define RESERVE_FOR_LD 10
* We need to ensure that we have at least some file descriptors
* available to postgreSQL after we've reserved the ones for LD,
* so we set that value here.
* I think 10 is an appropriate value so that's what it'll be
* for now.
#ifndef FD_MINFREE
#define FD_MINFREE 10
/* Debugging.... */
#ifdef FDDEBUG
#define DO_DB(A) A
#define DO_DB(A) /* A */
#define VFD_CLOSED (-1)
#define FileIsValid(file) \
((file) > 0 && (file) < SizeVfdCache && VfdCache[file].fileName != NULL)
#define FileIsNotOpen(file) (VfdCache[file].fd == VFD_CLOSED)
typedef struct vfd
signed short fd; /* current FD, or VFD_CLOSED if none */
unsigned short fdstate; /* bitflags for VFD's state */
/* these are the assigned bits in fdstate: */
#define FD_DIRTY (1 << 0)/* written to, but not yet fsync'd */
#define FD_TEMPORARY (1 << 1)/* should be unlinked when closed */
File nextFree; /* link to next free VFD, if in freelist */
File lruMoreRecently;/* doubly linked recency-of-use list */
File lruLessRecently;
long seekPos; /* current logical file position */
char *fileName; /* name of file, or NULL for unused VFD */
/* NB: fileName is malloc'd, and must be free'd when closing the VFD */
int fileFlags; /* open(2) flags for opening the file */
int fileMode; /* mode to pass to open(2) */
} Vfd;
* Virtual File Descriptor array pointer and size. This grows as
* needed. 'File' values are indexes into this array.
* Note that VfdCache[0] is not a usable VFD, just a list header.
static Vfd *VfdCache;
static Size SizeVfdCache = 0;
* Number of file descriptors known to be in use by VFD entries.
static int nfile = 0;
* List of stdio FILEs opened with AllocateFile.
* Since we don't want to encourage heavy use of AllocateFile, it seems
* OK to put a pretty small maximum limit on the number of simultaneously
* allocated files.
static int numAllocatedFiles = 0;
static FILE *allocatedFiles[MAX_ALLOCATED_FILES];
* Number of temporary files opened during the current transaction;
* this is used in generation of tempfile names.
static long tempFileCounter = 0;
* Private Routines
* Delete - delete a file from the Lru ring
* LruDelete - remove a file from the Lru ring and close its FD
* Insert - put a file at the front of the Lru ring
* LruInsert - put a file at the front of the Lru ring and open it
* ReleaseLruFile - Release an fd by closing the last entry in the Lru ring
* AllocateVfd - grab a free (or new) file record (from VfdArray)
* FreeVfd - free a file record
* The Least Recently Used ring is a doubly linked list that begins and
* ends on element zero. Element zero is special -- it doesn't represent
* a file and its "fd" field always == VFD_CLOSED. Element zero is just an
* anchor that shows us the beginning/end of the ring.
* Only VFD elements that are currently really open (have an FD assigned) are
* in the Lru ring. Elements that are "virtually" open can be recognized
* by having a non-null fileName field.
* example:
* /--less----\ /---------\
* v \ v \
* #0 --more---> LeastRecentlyUsed --more-\ \
* ^\ | |
* \\less--> MostRecentlyUsedFile <---/ |
* \more---/ \--less--/
static void Delete(File file);
static void LruDelete(File file);
static void Insert(File file);
static int LruInsert(File file);
static void ReleaseLruFile(void);
static File AllocateVfd(void);
static void FreeVfd(File file);
static int FileAccess(File file);
static File fileNameOpenFile(FileName fileName, int fileFlags, int fileMode);
static char *filepath(char *filename);
static long pg_nofile(void);
static int BufFileFlush(BufFile *file);
* pg_fsync --- same as fsync except does nothing if -F switch was given
pg_fsync(int fd)
return disableFsync ? 0 : fsync(fd);
* pg_nofile: determine number of filedescriptors that fd.c is allowed to use
static long
static long no_files = 0;
if (no_files == 0)
/* need do this calculation only once */
no_files = (long) NOFILE;
no_files = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
if (no_files == -1)
elog(DEBUG, "pg_nofile: Unable to get _SC_OPEN_MAX using sysconf(); using %d", NOFILE);
no_files = (long) NOFILE;
if ((no_files - RESERVE_FOR_LD) < FD_MINFREE)
elog(FATAL, "pg_nofile: insufficient File Descriptors in postmaster to start backend (%ld).\n"
" O/S allows %ld, Postmaster reserves %d, We need %d (MIN) after that.",
no_files -= RESERVE_FOR_LD;
return no_files;
#if defined(FDDEBUG)
static void
int mru = VfdCache[0].lruLessRecently;
Vfd *vfdP = &VfdCache[mru];
char buf[2048];
sprintf(buf, "LRU: MOST %d ", mru);
while (mru != 0)
mru = vfdP->lruLessRecently;
vfdP = &VfdCache[mru];
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%d ", mru);
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "LEAST");
elog(DEBUG, buf);
#endif /* FDDEBUG */
static void
Delete(File file)
Vfd *vfdP;
Assert(file != 0);
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "Delete %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
vfdP = &VfdCache[file];
VfdCache[vfdP->lruLessRecently].lruMoreRecently = vfdP->lruMoreRecently;
VfdCache[vfdP->lruMoreRecently].lruLessRecently = vfdP->lruLessRecently;
static void
LruDelete(File file)
Vfd *vfdP;
int returnValue;
Assert(file != 0);
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "LruDelete %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
vfdP = &VfdCache[file];
/* delete the vfd record from the LRU ring */
/* save the seek position */
vfdP->seekPos = (long) lseek(vfdP->fd, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
Assert(vfdP->seekPos != -1);
/* if we have written to the file, sync it */
if (vfdP->fdstate & FD_DIRTY)
returnValue = pg_fsync(vfdP->fd);
Assert(returnValue != -1);
vfdP->fdstate &= ~FD_DIRTY;
/* close the file */
returnValue = close(vfdP->fd);
Assert(returnValue != -1);
vfdP->fd = VFD_CLOSED;
static void
Insert(File file)
Vfd *vfdP;
Assert(file != 0);
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "Insert %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
vfdP = &VfdCache[file];
vfdP->lruMoreRecently = 0;
vfdP->lruLessRecently = VfdCache[0].lruLessRecently;
VfdCache[0].lruLessRecently = file;
VfdCache[vfdP->lruLessRecently].lruMoreRecently = file;
static int
LruInsert(File file)
Vfd *vfdP;
int returnValue;
Assert(file != 0);
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "LruInsert %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
vfdP = &VfdCache[file];
if (FileIsNotOpen(file))
while (nfile + numAllocatedFiles >= pg_nofile())
* The open could still fail for lack of file descriptors, eg due
* to overall system file table being full. So, be prepared to
* release another FD if necessary...
vfdP->fd = open(vfdP->fileName, vfdP->fileFlags, vfdP->fileMode);
if (vfdP->fd < 0 && (errno == EMFILE || errno == ENFILE))
errno = 0;
goto tryAgain;
if (vfdP->fd < 0)
return vfdP->fd;
/* seek to the right position */
if (vfdP->seekPos != 0L)
returnValue = lseek(vfdP->fd, vfdP->seekPos, SEEK_SET);
Assert(returnValue != -1);
/* Update state as appropriate for re-open (needed?) */
vfdP->fdstate &= ~FD_DIRTY;
* put it at the head of the Lru ring
return 0;
static void
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "ReleaseLruFile. Opened %d", nfile));
if (nfile <= 0)
elog(FATAL, "ReleaseLruFile: No opened files - no one can be closed");
* There are opened files and so there should be at least one used vfd
* in the ring.
Assert(VfdCache[0].lruMoreRecently != 0);
static File
Index i;
File file;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "AllocateVfd. Size %d", SizeVfdCache));
if (SizeVfdCache == 0)
/* initialize header entry first time through */
VfdCache = (Vfd *) malloc(sizeof(Vfd));
Assert(VfdCache != NULL);
MemSet((char *) &(VfdCache[0]), 0, sizeof(Vfd));
VfdCache->fd = VFD_CLOSED;
SizeVfdCache = 1;
if (VfdCache[0].nextFree == 0)
* The free list is empty so it is time to increase the size of
* the array. We choose to double it each time this happens.
* However, there's not much point in starting *real* small.
Size newCacheSize = SizeVfdCache * 2;
if (newCacheSize < 32)
newCacheSize = 32;
VfdCache = (Vfd *) realloc(VfdCache, sizeof(Vfd) * newCacheSize);
Assert(VfdCache != NULL);
* Initialize the new entries and link them into the free list.
for (i = SizeVfdCache; i < newCacheSize; i++)
MemSet((char *) &(VfdCache[i]), 0, sizeof(Vfd));
VfdCache[i].nextFree = i + 1;
VfdCache[i].fd = VFD_CLOSED;
VfdCache[newCacheSize - 1].nextFree = 0;
VfdCache[0].nextFree = SizeVfdCache;
* Record the new size
SizeVfdCache = newCacheSize;
file = VfdCache[0].nextFree;
VfdCache[0].nextFree = VfdCache[file].nextFree;
return file;
static void
FreeVfd(File file)
Vfd *vfdP = &VfdCache[file];
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FreeVfd: %d (%s)",
file, vfdP->fileName ? vfdP->fileName : ""));
if (vfdP->fileName != NULL)
vfdP->fileName = NULL;
vfdP->nextFree = VfdCache[0].nextFree;
VfdCache[0].nextFree = file;
/* filepath()
* Convert given pathname to absolute.
* (Is this actually necessary, considering that we should be cd'd
* into the database directory??)
static char *
filepath(char *filename)
char *buf;
int len;
/* Not an absolute path name? Then fill in with database path... */
if (*filename != SEP_CHAR)
len = strlen(DatabasePath) + strlen(filename) + 2;
buf = (char *) palloc(len);
sprintf(buf, "%s%c%s", DatabasePath, SEP_CHAR, filename);
buf = (char *) palloc(strlen(filename) + 1);
strcpy(buf, filename);
printf("filepath: path is %s\n", buf);
return buf;
static int
FileAccess(File file)
int returnValue;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FileAccess %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
* Is the file open? If not, open it and put it at the head of the
* LRU ring (possibly closing the least recently used file to get an
* FD).
if (FileIsNotOpen(file))
returnValue = LruInsert(file);
if (returnValue != 0)
return returnValue;
else if (VfdCache[0].lruLessRecently != file)
* We now know that the file is open and that it is not the last
* one accessed, so we need to move it to the head of the Lru
* ring.
return 0;
* Called when we get a shared invalidation message on some relation.
#ifdef NOT_USED
FileInvalidate(File file)
if (!FileIsNotOpen(file))
static File
fileNameOpenFile(FileName fileName,
int fileFlags,
int fileMode)
File file;
Vfd *vfdP;
if (fileName == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "fileNameOpenFile: NULL fname");
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "fileNameOpenFile: %s %x %o",
fileName, fileFlags, fileMode));
file = AllocateVfd();
vfdP = &VfdCache[file];
while (nfile + numAllocatedFiles >= pg_nofile())
vfdP->fd = open(fileName, fileFlags, fileMode);
if (vfdP->fd < 0 && (errno == EMFILE || errno == ENFILE))
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "fileNameOpenFile: not enough descs, retry, er= %d",
errno = 0;
goto tryAgain;
if (vfdP->fd < 0)
return -1;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "fileNameOpenFile: success %d",
vfdP->fileName = malloc(strlen(fileName) + 1);
strcpy(vfdP->fileName, fileName);
vfdP->fileFlags = fileFlags & ~(O_TRUNC | O_EXCL);
vfdP->fileMode = fileMode;
vfdP->seekPos = 0;
vfdP->fdstate = 0x0;
return file;
* open a file in the database directory ($PGDATA/base/...)
FileNameOpenFile(FileName fileName, int fileFlags, int fileMode)
File fd;
char *fname;
fname = filepath(fileName);
fd = fileNameOpenFile(fname, fileFlags, fileMode);
return fd;
* open a file in an arbitrary directory
PathNameOpenFile(FileName fileName, int fileFlags, int fileMode)
return fileNameOpenFile(fileName, fileFlags, fileMode);
* Open a temporary file that will disappear when we close it.
* This routine takes care of generating an appropriate tempfile name.
* There's no need to pass in fileFlags or fileMode either, since only
* one setting makes any sense for a temp file.
char tempfilename[64];
File file;
* Generate a tempfile name that's unique within the current
* transaction
snprintf(tempfilename, sizeof(tempfilename),
"pg_temp%d.%ld", (int) getpid(), tempFileCounter++);
/* Open the file */
#ifndef __CYGWIN32__
file = FileNameOpenFile(tempfilename,
O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600);
file = FileNameOpenFile(tempfilename,
if (file <= 0)
elog(ERROR, "Failed to create temporary file %s", tempfilename);
/* Mark it for deletion at close or EOXact */
VfdCache[file].fdstate |= FD_TEMPORARY;
return file;
* close a file when done with it
FileClose(File file)
int returnValue;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FileClose: %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
if (!FileIsNotOpen(file))
/* remove the file from the lru ring */
/* if we did any writes, sync the file before closing */
if (VfdCache[file].fdstate & FD_DIRTY)
returnValue = pg_fsync(VfdCache[file].fd);
Assert(returnValue != -1);
VfdCache[file].fdstate &= ~FD_DIRTY;
/* close the file */
returnValue = close(VfdCache[file].fd);
Assert(returnValue != -1);
VfdCache[file].fd = VFD_CLOSED;
* Delete the file if it was temporary
if (VfdCache[file].fdstate & FD_TEMPORARY)
* Return the Vfd slot to the free list
* close a file and forcibly delete the underlying Unix file
FileUnlink(File file)
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FileUnlink: %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
/* force FileClose to delete it */
VfdCache[file].fdstate |= FD_TEMPORARY;
FileRead(File file, char *buffer, int amount)
int returnCode;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FileRead: %d (%s) %d %p",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName, amount, buffer));
returnCode = read(VfdCache[file].fd, buffer, amount);
if (returnCode > 0)
VfdCache[file].seekPos += returnCode;
return returnCode;
FileWrite(File file, char *buffer, int amount)
int returnCode;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FileWrite: %d (%s) %d %p",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName, amount, buffer));
returnCode = write(VfdCache[file].fd, buffer, amount);
if (returnCode > 0)
VfdCache[file].seekPos += returnCode;
/* record the write */
VfdCache[file].fdstate |= FD_DIRTY;
return returnCode;
FileSeek(File file, long offset, int whence)
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FileSeek: %d (%s) %ld %d",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName, offset, whence));
if (FileIsNotOpen(file))
switch (whence)
case SEEK_SET:
VfdCache[file].seekPos = offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
VfdCache[file].seekPos += offset;
case SEEK_END:
VfdCache[file].seekPos = lseek(VfdCache[file].fd, offset, whence);
elog(ERROR, "FileSeek: invalid whence: %d", whence);
VfdCache[file].seekPos = lseek(VfdCache[file].fd, offset, whence);
return VfdCache[file].seekPos;
* XXX not actually used but here for completeness
#ifdef NOT_USED
FileTell(File file)
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FileTell %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
return VfdCache[file].seekPos;
FileTruncate(File file, int offset)
int returnCode;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FileTruncate %d (%s)",
file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
returnCode = ftruncate(VfdCache[file].fd, offset);
return returnCode;
FileSync(File file)
int returnCode;
* If the file isn't open, then we don't need to sync it; we always
* sync files when we close them. Also, if we haven't done any writes
* that we haven't already synced, we can ignore the request.
if (VfdCache[file].fd < 0 || !(VfdCache[file].fdstate & FD_DIRTY))
returnCode = 0;
returnCode = pg_fsync(VfdCache[file].fd);
VfdCache[file].fdstate &= ~FD_DIRTY;
return returnCode;
FileNameUnlink(char *filename)
int retval;
char *fname;
fname = filepath(filename);
retval = unlink(fname);
return retval;
* Routines that want to use stdio (ie, FILE*) should use AllocateFile
* rather than plain fopen(). This lets fd.c deal with freeing FDs if
* necessary to open the file. When done, call FreeFile rather than fclose.
* Note that files that will be open for any significant length of time
* should NOT be handled this way, since they cannot share kernel file
* descriptors with other files; there is grave risk of running out of FDs
* if anyone locks down too many FDs. Most callers of this routine are
* simply reading a config file that they will read and close immediately.
* fd.c will automatically close all files opened with AllocateFile at
* transaction commit or abort; this prevents FD leakage if a routine
* that calls AllocateFile is terminated prematurely by elog(ERROR).
AllocateFile(char *name, char *mode)
FILE *file;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "AllocateFile: Allocated %d.", numAllocatedFiles));
if (numAllocatedFiles >= MAX_ALLOCATED_FILES)
elog(ERROR, "AllocateFile: too many private FDs demanded");
if ((file = fopen(name, mode)) == NULL)
if (errno == EMFILE || errno == ENFILE)
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "AllocateFile: not enough descs, retry, er= %d",
errno = 0;
goto TryAgain;
allocatedFiles[numAllocatedFiles++] = file;
return file;
FreeFile(FILE *file)
int i;
DO_DB(elog(DEBUG, "FreeFile: Allocated %d.", numAllocatedFiles));
/* Remove file from list of allocated files, if it's present */
for (i = numAllocatedFiles; --i >= 0;)
if (allocatedFiles[i] == file)
allocatedFiles[i] = allocatedFiles[--numAllocatedFiles];
if (i < 0)
elog(NOTICE, "FreeFile: file was not obtained from AllocateFile");
* closeAllVfds
* Force all VFDs into the physically-closed state, so that the fewest
* possible number of kernel file descriptors are in use. There is no
* change in the logical state of the VFDs.
Index i;
if (SizeVfdCache > 0)
Assert(FileIsNotOpen(0)); /* Make sure ring not corrupted */
for (i = 1; i < SizeVfdCache; i++)
if (!FileIsNotOpen(i))
* AtEOXact_Files
* This routine is called during transaction commit or abort (it doesn't
* particularly care which). All still-open temporary-file VFDs are closed,
* which also causes the underlying files to be deleted. Furthermore,
* all "allocated" stdio files are closed.
Index i;
if (SizeVfdCache > 0)
Assert(FileIsNotOpen(0)); /* Make sure ring not corrupted */
for (i = 1; i < SizeVfdCache; i++)
if ((VfdCache[i].fdstate & FD_TEMPORARY) &&
VfdCache[i].fileName != NULL)
while (numAllocatedFiles > 0)
* Reset the tempfile name counter to 0; not really necessary, but
* helps keep the names from growing unreasonably long.
tempFileCounter = 0;
* Operations on BufFiles --- a very incomplete emulation of stdio
* atop virtual Files. Currently, we only support the buffered-I/O
* aspect of stdio: a read or write of the low-level File occurs only
* when the buffer is filled or emptied. This is an even bigger win
* for virtual Files than ordinary kernel files, since reducing the
* frequency with which a virtual File is touched reduces "thrashing"
* of opening/closing file descriptors.
* Note that BufFile structs are allocated with palloc(), and therefore
* will go away automatically at transaction end. If the underlying
* virtual File is made with OpenTemporaryFile, then all resources for
* the file are certain to be cleaned up even if processing is aborted
* by elog(ERROR).
struct BufFile
File file; /* the underlying virtual File */
bool dirty; /* does buffer need to be written? */
int pos; /* next read/write position in buffer */
int nbytes; /* total # of valid bytes in buffer */
char buffer[BLCKSZ];
* Create a BufFile and attach it to an (already opened) virtual File.
* This is comparable to fdopen() in stdio.
BufFile *
BufFileCreate(File file)
BufFile *bfile = (BufFile *) palloc(sizeof(BufFile));
bfile->file = file;
bfile->dirty = false;
bfile->pos = 0;
bfile->nbytes = 0;
return bfile;
* Close a BufFile
* Like fclose(), this also implicitly FileCloses the underlying File.
BufFileClose(BufFile *file)
/* flush any unwritten data */
/* close the underlying (with delete if it's a temp file) */
/* release the buffer space */
/* BufFileRead
* Like fread() except we assume 1-byte element size.
BufFileRead(BufFile *file, void *ptr, size_t size)
size_t nread = 0;
size_t nthistime;
if (file->dirty)
elog(NOTICE, "BufFileRead: should have flushed after writing");
while (size > 0)
if (file->pos >= file->nbytes)
/* Try to load more data into buffer */
file->pos = 0;
file->nbytes = FileRead(file->file, file->buffer,
if (file->nbytes < 0)
file->nbytes = 0;
if (file->nbytes <= 0)
break; /* no more data available */
nthistime = file->nbytes - file->pos;
if (nthistime > size)
nthistime = size;
Assert(nthistime > 0);
memcpy(ptr, file->buffer + file->pos, nthistime);
file->pos += nthistime;
ptr = (void *) ((char *) ptr + nthistime);
size -= nthistime;
nread += nthistime;
return nread;
/* BufFileWrite
* Like fwrite() except we assume 1-byte element size.
BufFileWrite(BufFile *file, void *ptr, size_t size)
size_t nwritten = 0;
size_t nthistime;
while (size > 0)
if (file->pos >= BLCKSZ)
/* Buffer full, dump it out */
if (file->dirty)
if (FileWrite(file->file, file->buffer, file->nbytes) < 0)
break; /* I/O error */
file->dirty = false;
file->pos = 0;
file->nbytes = 0;
nthistime = BLCKSZ - file->pos;
if (nthistime > size)
nthistime = size;
Assert(nthistime > 0);
memcpy(file->buffer + file->pos, ptr, nthistime);
file->dirty = true;
file->pos += nthistime;
if (file->nbytes < file->pos)
file->nbytes = file->pos;
ptr = (void *) ((char *) ptr + nthistime);
size -= nthistime;
nwritten += nthistime;
return nwritten;
/* BufFileFlush
* Like fflush()
static int
BufFileFlush(BufFile *file)
if (file->dirty)
if (FileWrite(file->file, file->buffer, file->nbytes) < 0)
return EOF;
file->dirty = false;
return 0;
/* BufFileSeek
* Like fseek(), or really more like lseek() since the return value is
* the new file offset (or -1 in case of error).
BufFileSeek(BufFile *file, long offset, int whence)
if (BufFileFlush(file) < 0)
return -1L;
file->pos = 0;
file->nbytes = 0;
return FileSeek(file->file, offset, whence);