
298 lines
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-- insert...on conflict do unique index inference
create table insertconflicttest(key int4, fruit text);
-- Test unique index inference with operator class specifications and
-- named collations
create unique index op_index_key on insertconflicttest(key, fruit text_pattern_ops);
create unique index collation_index_key on insertconflicttest(key, fruit collate "C");
create unique index both_index_key on insertconflicttest(key, fruit collate "C" text_pattern_ops);
create unique index both_index_expr_key on insertconflicttest(key, lower(fruit) collate "C" text_pattern_ops);
-- fails
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key) do nothing;
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (fruit) do nothing;
-- succeeds
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key, fruit) do nothing;
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (fruit, key, fruit, key) do nothing;
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (lower(fruit), key, lower(fruit), key) do nothing;
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key, fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit
where exists (select 1 from insertconflicttest ii where ii.key = excluded.key);
-- Neither collation nor operator class specifications are required --
-- supplying them merely *limits* matches to indexes with matching opclasses
-- used for relevant indexes
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key, fruit text_pattern_ops) do nothing;
-- Okay, arbitrates using both index where text_pattern_ops opclass does and
-- does not appear.
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key, fruit collate "C") do nothing;
-- Okay, but only accepts the single index where both opclass and collation are
-- specified
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (fruit collate "C" text_pattern_ops, key) do nothing;
-- Okay, but only accepts the single index where both opclass and collation are
-- specified (plus expression variant)
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (lower(fruit) collate "C", key, key) do nothing;
-- Attribute appears twice, while not all attributes/expressions on attributes
-- appearing within index definition match in terms of both opclass and
-- collation.
-- Works because every attribute in inference specification needs to be
-- satisfied once or more by cataloged index attribute, and as always when an
-- attribute in the cataloged definition has a non-default opclass/collation,
-- it still satisfied some inference attribute lacking any particular
-- opclass/collation specification.
-- The implementation is liberal in accepting inference specifications on the
-- assumption that multiple inferred unique indexes will prevent problematic
-- cases. It rolls with unique indexes where attributes redundantly appear
-- multiple times, too (which is not tested here).
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (fruit, key, fruit text_pattern_ops, key) do nothing;
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (lower(fruit) collate "C" text_pattern_ops, key, key) do nothing;
drop index op_index_key;
drop index collation_index_key;
drop index both_index_key;
drop index both_index_expr_key;
-- Make sure that cross matching of attribute opclass/collation does not occur
create unique index cross_match on insertconflicttest(lower(fruit) collate "C", upper(fruit) text_pattern_ops);
-- fails:
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (lower(fruit) text_pattern_ops, upper(fruit) collate "C") do nothing;
-- works:
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (lower(fruit) collate "C", upper(fruit) text_pattern_ops) do nothing;
drop index cross_match;
-- Single key tests
create unique index key_index on insertconflicttest(key);
-- Explain tests
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values (0, 'Bilberry') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- Should display qual actually attributable to internal sequential scan:
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values (0, 'Bilberry') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit where insertconflicttest.fruit != 'Cawesh';
-- With EXCLUDED.* expression in scan node:
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit where excluded.fruit != 'Elderberry';
-- Does the same, but JSON format shows "Conflict Arbiter Index" as JSON array:
explain (costs off, format json) insert into insertconflicttest values (0, 'Bilberry') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit where insertconflicttest.fruit != 'Lime' returning *;
-- Fails (no unique index inference specification, required for do update variant):
insert into insertconflicttest values (1, 'Apple') on conflict do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- inference succeeds:
insert into insertconflicttest values (1, 'Apple') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (2, 'Orange') on conflict (key, key, key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- Succeed, since multi-assignment does not involve subquery:
insert into insertconflicttest
values (1, 'Apple'), (2, 'Orange')
on conflict (key) do update set (fruit, key) = (excluded.fruit, excluded.key);
-- Give good diagnostic message when EXCLUDED.* spuriously referenced from
insert into insertconflicttest values (1, 'Apple') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit RETURNING excluded.fruit;
-- Only suggest <table>.* column when inference element misspelled:
insert into insertconflicttest values (1, 'Apple') on conflict (keyy) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- Have useful HINT for EXCLUDED.* RTE within UPDATE:
insert into insertconflicttest values (1, 'Apple') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruitt;
-- inference fails:
insert into insertconflicttest values (3, 'Kiwi') on conflict (key, fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (4, 'Mango') on conflict (fruit, key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (5, 'Lemon') on conflict (fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (6, 'Passionfruit') on conflict (lower(fruit)) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- Check the target relation can be aliased
insert into insertconflicttest AS ict values (6, 'Passionfruit') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit; -- ok, no reference to target table
insert into insertconflicttest AS ict values (6, 'Passionfruit') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = ict.fruit; -- ok, alias
insert into insertconflicttest AS ict values (6, 'Passionfruit') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = insertconflicttest.fruit; -- error, references aliased away name
drop index key_index;
-- Composite key tests
create unique index comp_key_index on insertconflicttest(key, fruit);
-- inference succeeds:
insert into insertconflicttest values (7, 'Raspberry') on conflict (key, fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (8, 'Lime') on conflict (fruit, key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- inference fails:
insert into insertconflicttest values (9, 'Banana') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (10, 'Blueberry') on conflict (key, key, key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (11, 'Cherry') on conflict (key, lower(fruit)) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (12, 'Date') on conflict (lower(fruit), key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
drop index comp_key_index;
-- Partial index tests, no inference predicate specificied
create unique index part_comp_key_index on insertconflicttest(key, fruit) where key < 5;
create unique index expr_part_comp_key_index on insertconflicttest(key, lower(fruit)) where key < 5;
-- inference fails:
insert into insertconflicttest values (13, 'Grape') on conflict (key, fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (14, 'Raisin') on conflict (fruit, key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (15, 'Cranberry') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (16, 'Melon') on conflict (key, key, key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (17, 'Mulberry') on conflict (key, lower(fruit)) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (18, 'Pineapple') on conflict (lower(fruit), key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
drop index part_comp_key_index;
drop index expr_part_comp_key_index;
-- Expression index tests
create unique index expr_key_index on insertconflicttest(lower(fruit));
-- inference succeeds:
insert into insertconflicttest values (20, 'Quince') on conflict (lower(fruit)) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (21, 'Pomegranate') on conflict (lower(fruit), lower(fruit)) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- inference fails:
insert into insertconflicttest values (22, 'Apricot') on conflict (upper(fruit)) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (23, 'Blackberry') on conflict (fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
drop index expr_key_index;
-- Expression index tests (with regular column)
create unique index expr_comp_key_index on insertconflicttest(key, lower(fruit));
create unique index tricky_expr_comp_key_index on insertconflicttest(key, lower(fruit), upper(fruit));
-- inference succeeds:
insert into insertconflicttest values (24, 'Plum') on conflict (key, lower(fruit)) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (25, 'Peach') on conflict (lower(fruit), key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- Should not infer "tricky_expr_comp_key_index" index:
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values (26, 'Fig') on conflict (lower(fruit), key, lower(fruit), key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- inference fails:
insert into insertconflicttest values (27, 'Prune') on conflict (key, upper(fruit)) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (28, 'Redcurrant') on conflict (fruit, key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (29, 'Nectarine') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
drop index expr_comp_key_index;
drop index tricky_expr_comp_key_index;
-- Non-spurious duplicate violation tests
create unique index key_index on insertconflicttest(key);
create unique index fruit_index on insertconflicttest(fruit);
-- succeeds, since UPDATE happens to update "fruit" to existing value:
insert into insertconflicttest values (26, 'Fig') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- fails, since UPDATE is to row with key value 26, and we're updating "fruit"
-- to a value that happens to exist in another row ('peach'):
insert into insertconflicttest values (26, 'Peach') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
-- succeeds, since "key" isn't repeated/referenced in UPDATE, and "fruit"
-- arbitrates that statement updates existing "Fig" row:
insert into insertconflicttest values (25, 'Fig') on conflict (fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
drop index key_index;
drop index fruit_index;
-- Test partial unique index inference
create unique index partial_key_index on insertconflicttest(key) where fruit like '%berry';
-- Succeeds
insert into insertconflicttest values (23, 'Blackberry') on conflict (key) where fruit like '%berry' do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (23, 'Blackberry') on conflict (key) where fruit like '%berry' and fruit = 'inconsequential' do nothing;
-- fails
insert into insertconflicttest values (23, 'Blackberry') on conflict (key) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
insert into insertconflicttest values (23, 'Blackberry') on conflict (key) where fruit like '%berry' or fruit = 'consequential' do nothing;
insert into insertconflicttest values (23, 'Blackberry') on conflict (fruit) where fruit like '%berry' do update set fruit = excluded.fruit;
drop index partial_key_index;
-- Cleanup
drop table insertconflicttest;
-- ******************************************************************
-- * *
-- * Test inheritance (example taken from tutorial) *
-- * *
-- ******************************************************************
create table cities (
name text,
population float8,
altitude int -- (in ft)
create table capitals (
state char(2)
) inherits (cities);
-- Create unique indexes. Due to a general limitation of inheritance,
-- uniqueness is only enforced per-relation. Unique index inference
-- specification will do the right thing, though.
create unique index cities_names_unique on cities (name);
create unique index capitals_names_unique on capitals (name);
-- prepopulate the tables.
insert into cities values ('San Francisco', 7.24E+5, 63);
insert into cities values ('Las Vegas', 2.583E+5, 2174);
insert into cities values ('Mariposa', 1200, 1953);
insert into capitals values ('Sacramento', 3.694E+5, 30, 'CA');
insert into capitals values ('Madison', 1.913E+5, 845, 'WI');
-- Tests proper for inheritance:
select * from capitals;
-- Succeeds:
insert into cities values ('Las Vegas', 2.583E+5, 2174) on conflict do nothing;
insert into capitals values ('Sacramento', 4664.E+5, 30, 'CA') on conflict (name) do update set population = excluded.population;
-- Wrong "Sacramento", so do nothing:
insert into capitals values ('Sacramento', 50, 2267, 'NE') on conflict (name) do nothing;
select * from capitals;
insert into cities values ('Las Vegas', 5.83E+5, 2001) on conflict (name) do update set population = excluded.population, altitude = excluded.altitude;
select tableoid::regclass, * from cities;
insert into capitals values ('Las Vegas', 5.83E+5, 2222, 'NV') on conflict (name) do update set population = excluded.population;
-- Capitals will contain new capital, Las Vegas:
select * from capitals;
-- Cities contains two instances of "Las Vegas", since unique constraints don't
-- work across inheritance:
select tableoid::regclass, * from cities;
-- This only affects "cities" version of "Las Vegas":
insert into cities values ('Las Vegas', 5.86E+5, 2223) on conflict (name) do update set population = excluded.population, altitude = excluded.altitude;
select tableoid::regclass, * from cities;
-- clean up
drop table capitals;
drop table cities;
-- Make sure a table named excluded is handled properly
create table excluded(key int primary key, data text);
insert into excluded values(1, '1');
-- error, ambiguous
insert into excluded values(1, '2') on conflict (key) do update set data = RETURNING *;
-- ok, aliased
insert into excluded AS target values(1, '2') on conflict (key) do update set data = RETURNING *;
-- ok, aliased
insert into excluded AS target values(1, '2') on conflict (key) do update set data = RETURNING *;
-- make sure excluded isn't a problem in returning clause
insert into excluded values(1, '2') on conflict (key) do update set data = 3 RETURNING excluded.*;
-- clean up
drop table excluded;