
142 lines
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-- Regular expression tests
-- Don't want to have to double backslashes in regexes
set standard_conforming_strings = on;
-- Test simple quantified backrefs
select 'bbbbb' ~ '^([bc])\1*$' as t;
select 'ccc' ~ '^([bc])\1*$' as t;
select 'xxx' ~ '^([bc])\1*$' as f;
select 'bbc' ~ '^([bc])\1*$' as f;
select 'b' ~ '^([bc])\1*$' as t;
-- Test quantified backref within a larger expression
select 'abc abc abc' ~ '^(\w+)( \1)+$' as t;
select 'abc abd abc' ~ '^(\w+)( \1)+$' as f;
select 'abc abc abd' ~ '^(\w+)( \1)+$' as f;
select 'abc abc abc' ~ '^(.+)( \1)+$' as t;
select 'abc abd abc' ~ '^(.+)( \1)+$' as f;
select 'abc abc abd' ~ '^(.+)( \1)+$' as f;
-- Test some cases that crashed in 9.2beta1 due to pmatch[] array overrun
select substring('asd TO foo' from ' TO (([a-z0-9._]+|"([^"]+|"")+")+)');
select substring('a' from '((a))+');
select substring('a' from '((a)+)');
-- Test regexp_match()
select regexp_match('abc', '');
select regexp_match('abc', 'bc');
select regexp_match('abc', 'd') is null;
select regexp_match('abc', '(B)(c)', 'i');
select regexp_match('abc', 'Bd', 'ig'); -- error
-- Test lookahead constraints
select regexp_matches('ab', 'a(?=b)b*');
select regexp_matches('a', 'a(?=b)b*');
select regexp_matches('abc', 'a(?=b)b*(?=c)c*');
select regexp_matches('ab', 'a(?=b)b*(?=c)c*');
select regexp_matches('ab', 'a(?!b)b*');
select regexp_matches('a', 'a(?!b)b*');
select regexp_matches('b', '(?=b)b');
select regexp_matches('a', '(?=b)b');
-- Test lookbehind constraints
select regexp_matches('abb', '(?<=a)b*');
select regexp_matches('a', 'a(?<=a)b*');
select regexp_matches('abc', 'a(?<=a)b*(?<=b)c*');
select regexp_matches('ab', 'a(?<=a)b*(?<=b)c*');
select regexp_matches('ab', 'a*(?<!a)b*');
select regexp_matches('ab', 'a*(?<!a)b+');
select regexp_matches('b', 'a*(?<!a)b+');
select regexp_matches('a', 'a(?<!a)b*');
select regexp_matches('b', '(?<=b)b');
select regexp_matches('foobar', '(?<=f)b+');
select regexp_matches('foobar', '(?<=foo)b+');
select regexp_matches('foobar', '(?<=oo)b+');
-- Test optimization of single-chr-or-bracket-expression lookaround constraints
select 'xz' ~ 'x(?=[xy])';
select 'xy' ~ 'x(?=[xy])';
select 'xz' ~ 'x(?![xy])';
select 'xy' ~ 'x(?![xy])';
select 'x' ~ 'x(?![xy])';
select 'xyy' ~ '(?<=[xy])yy+';
select 'zyy' ~ '(?<=[xy])yy+';
select 'xyy' ~ '(?<![xy])yy+';
select 'zyy' ~ '(?<![xy])yy+';
-- Test conversion of regex patterns to indexable conditions
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ 'abc';
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ '^abc';
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ '^abc$';
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ '^abcd*e';
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ '^abc+d';
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ '^(abc)(def)';
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ '^(abc)$';
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ '^(abc)?d';
explain (costs off) select * from pg_proc where proname ~ '^abcd(x|(?=\w\w)q)';
-- Test for infinite loop in pullback() (CVE-2007-4772)
select 'a' ~ '($|^)*';
-- These cases expose a bug in the original fix for CVE-2007-4772
select 'a' ~ '(^)+^';
select 'a' ~ '$($$)+';
-- More cases of infinite loop in pullback(), not fixed by CVE-2007-4772 fix
select 'a' ~ '($^)+';
select 'a' ~ '(^$)*';
select 'aa bb cc' ~ '(^(?!aa))+';
select 'aa x' ~ '(^(?!aa)(?!bb)(?!cc))+';
select 'bb x' ~ '(^(?!aa)(?!bb)(?!cc))+';
select 'cc x' ~ '(^(?!aa)(?!bb)(?!cc))+';
select 'dd x' ~ '(^(?!aa)(?!bb)(?!cc))+';
-- Test for infinite loop in fixempties() (Tcl bugs 3604074, 3606683)
select 'a' ~ '((((((a)*)*)*)*)*)*';
select 'a' ~ '((((((a+|)+|)+|)+|)+|)+|)';
-- These cases used to give too-many-states failures
select 'x' ~ 'abcd(\m)+xyz';
select 'a' ~ '^abcd*(((((^(a c(e?d)a+|)+|)+|)+|)+|a)+|)';
select 'x' ~ 'a^(^)bcd*xy(((((($a+|)+|)+|)+$|)+|)+|)^$';
select 'x' ~ 'xyz(\Y\Y)+';
select 'x' ~ 'x|(?:\M)+';
-- This generates O(N) states but O(N^2) arcs, so it causes problems
-- if arc count is not constrained
select 'x' ~ repeat('x*y*z*', 1000);
-- Test backref in combination with non-greedy quantifier
select 'Programmer' ~ '(\w).*?\1' as t;
select regexp_matches('Programmer', '(\w)(.*?\1)', 'g');
-- Test for proper matching of non-greedy iteration (bug #11478)
select regexp_matches('foo/bar/baz',
'^([^/]+?)(?:/([^/]+?))(?:/([^/]+?))?$', '');
-- Test that greediness can be overridden by outer quantifier
select regexp_matches('llmmmfff', '^(l*)(.*)(f*)$');
select regexp_matches('llmmmfff', '^(l*){1,1}(.*)(f*)$');
select regexp_matches('llmmmfff', '^(l*){1,1}?(.*)(f*)$');
select regexp_matches('llmmmfff', '^(l*){1,1}?(.*){1,1}?(f*)$');
select regexp_matches('llmmmfff', '^(l*?)(.*)(f*)$');
select regexp_matches('llmmmfff', '^(l*?){1,1}(.*)(f*)$');
select regexp_matches('llmmmfff', '^(l*?){1,1}?(.*)(f*)$');
select regexp_matches('llmmmfff', '^(l*?){1,1}?(.*){1,1}?(f*)$');
-- Test for infinite loop in cfindloop with zero-length possible match
-- but no actual match (can only happen in the presence of backrefs)
select 'a' ~ '$()|^\1';
select 'a' ~ '.. ()|\1';
select 'a' ~ '()*\1';
select 'a' ~ '()+\1';
-- Error conditions
select 'xyz' ~ 'x(\w)(?=\1)'; -- no backrefs in LACONs
select 'xyz' ~ 'x(\w)(?=(\1))';
select 'a' ~ '\x7fffffff'; -- invalid chr code