
60 lines
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-- Test assorted system views
-- This test is mainly meant to provide some code coverage for the
-- set-returning functions that underlie certain system views.
-- The output of most of these functions is very environment-dependent,
-- so our ability to test with fixed expected output is pretty limited;
-- but even a trivial check of count(*) will exercise the normal code path
-- through the SRF.
select count(*) >= 0 as ok from pg_available_extension_versions;
select count(*) >= 0 as ok from pg_available_extensions;
-- The entire output of pg_backend_memory_contexts is not stable,
-- we test only the existance and basic condition of TopMemoryContext.
select name, ident, parent, level, total_bytes >= free_bytes
from pg_backend_memory_contexts where level = 0;
-- At introduction, pg_config had 23 entries; it may grow
select count(*) > 20 as ok from pg_config;
-- We expect no cursors in this test; see also portals.sql
select count(*) = 0 as ok from pg_cursors;
select count(*) >= 0 as ok from pg_file_settings;
-- There will surely be at least one rule
select count(*) > 0 as ok from pg_hba_file_rules;
-- There will surely be at least one active lock
select count(*) > 0 as ok from pg_locks;
-- We expect no prepared statements in this test; see also prepare.sql
select count(*) = 0 as ok from pg_prepared_statements;
-- See also prepared_xacts.sql
select count(*) >= 0 as ok from pg_prepared_xacts;
-- There must be only one record
select count(*) = 1 as ok from pg_stat_wal;
-- This is to record the prevailing planner enable_foo settings during
-- a regression test run.
select name, setting from pg_settings where name like 'enable%';
-- Test that the pg_timezone_names and pg_timezone_abbrevs views are
-- more-or-less working. We can't test their contents in any great detail
-- without the outputs changing anytime IANA updates the underlying data,
-- but it seems reasonable to expect at least one entry per major meridian.
-- (At the time of writing, the actual counts are around 38 because of
-- zones using fractional GMT offsets, so this is a pretty loose test.)
select count(distinct utc_offset) >= 24 as ok from pg_timezone_names;
select count(distinct utc_offset) >= 24 as ok from pg_timezone_abbrevs;
-- Let's check the non-default timezone abbreviation sets, too
set timezone_abbreviations = 'Australia';
select count(distinct utc_offset) >= 24 as ok from pg_timezone_abbrevs;
set timezone_abbreviations = 'India';
select count(distinct utc_offset) >= 24 as ok from pg_timezone_abbrevs;