
437 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008001;
use Cwd qw(abs_path getcwd);
use File::Find;
use File::Spec qw(devnull);
use File::Temp;
use IO::Handle;
use Getopt::Long;
# Update for pg_bsd_indent version
my $INDENT_VERSION = "2.1.1";
# Our standard indent settings
my $indent_opts =
"-bad -bap -bbb -bc -bl -cli1 -cp33 -cdb -nce -d0 -di12 -nfc1 -i4 -l79 -lp -lpl -nip -npro -sac -tpg -ts4";
my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull;
my ($typedefs_file, $typedef_str, $code_base, $excludes, $indent, $build);
my %options = (
"typedefs=s" => \$typedefs_file,
"list-of-typedefs=s" => \$typedef_str,
"code-base=s" => \$code_base,
"excludes=s" => \$excludes,
"indent=s" => \$indent,
"build" => \$build,);
GetOptions(%options) || die "bad command line argument\n";
run_build($code_base) if ($build);
# command line option wins, then first non-option arg,
# then environment (which is how --build sets it) ,
# then locations. based on current dir, then default location
$typedefs_file ||= shift if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ /\.[ch]$/;
$typedefs_file ||= $ENV{PGTYPEDEFS};
# build mode sets PGINDENT
$indent ||= $ENV{PGINDENT} || $ENV{INDENT} || "pg_bsd_indent";
# no non-option arguments given. so do everything in the current directory
$code_base ||= '.' unless @ARGV;
# if it's the base of a postgres tree, we will exclude the files
# postgres wants excluded
$excludes ||= "$code_base/src/tools/pgindent/exclude_file_patterns"
if $code_base && -f "$code_base/src/tools/pgindent/exclude_file_patterns";
# The typedef list that's mechanically extracted by the buildfarm may omit
# some names we want to treat like typedefs, e.g. "bool" (which is a macro
# according to <stdbool.h>), and may include some names we don't want
# treated as typedefs, although various headers that some builds include
# might make them so. For the moment we just hardwire a list of names
# to add and a list of names to exclude; eventually this may need to be
# easier to configure. Note that the typedefs need trailing newlines.
my @additional = ("bool\n");
my %excluded = map { +"$_\n" => 1 } qw(
ANY FD_SET U abs allocfunc boolean date digit ilist interval iterator other
pointer printfunc reference string timestamp type wrap
# globals
my @files;
my $filtered_typedefs_fh;
sub check_indent
system("$indent -? < $devnull > $devnull 2>&1");
if ($? >> 8 != 1)
print STDERR
"You do not appear to have $indent installed on your system.\n";
exit 1;
if (`$indent --version` !~ m/ $INDENT_VERSION /)
print STDERR
"You do not appear to have $indent version $INDENT_VERSION installed on your system.\n";
exit 1;
system("$indent -gnu < $devnull > $devnull 2>&1");
if ($? == 0)
print STDERR
"You appear to have GNU indent rather than BSD indent.\n";
exit 1;
sub load_typedefs
# try fairly hard to find the typedefs file if it's not set
foreach my $try ('.', 'src/tools/pgindent', '/usr/local/etc')
$typedefs_file ||= "$try/typedefs.list"
if (-f "$try/typedefs.list");
# try to find typedefs by moving up directory levels
my $tdtry = "..";
foreach (1 .. 5)
$typedefs_file ||= "$tdtry/src/tools/pgindent/typedefs.list"
if (-f "$tdtry/src/tools/pgindent/typedefs.list");
$tdtry = "$tdtry/..";
die "cannot locate typedefs file \"$typedefs_file\"\n"
unless $typedefs_file && -f $typedefs_file;
open(my $typedefs_fh, '<', $typedefs_file)
|| die "cannot open typedefs file \"$typedefs_file\": $!\n";
my @typedefs = <$typedefs_fh>;
# add command-line-supplied typedefs?
if (defined($typedef_str))
foreach my $typedef (split(m/[, \t\n]+/, $typedef_str))
push(@typedefs, $typedef . "\n");
# add additional entries
push(@typedefs, @additional);
# remove excluded entries
@typedefs = grep { !$excluded{$_} } @typedefs;
# write filtered typedefs
my $filter_typedefs_fh = new File::Temp(TEMPLATE => "pgtypedefXXXXX");
print $filter_typedefs_fh @typedefs;
# temp file remains because we return a file handle reference
return $filter_typedefs_fh;
sub process_exclude
if ($excludes && @files)
open(my $eh, '<', $excludes)
|| die "cannot open exclude file \"$excludes\"\n";
while (my $line = <$eh>)
chomp $line;
next if $line =~ m/^#/;
my $rgx = qr!$line!;
@files = grep { $_ !~ /$rgx/ } @files if $rgx;
sub read_source
my $source_filename = shift;
my $source;
open(my $src_fd, '<', $source_filename)
|| die "cannot open file \"$source_filename\": $!\n";
local ($/) = undef;
$source = <$src_fd>;
return $source;
sub write_source
my $source = shift;
my $source_filename = shift;
open(my $src_fh, '>', $source_filename)
|| die "cannot open file \"$source_filename\": $!\n";
print $src_fh $source;
sub pre_indent
my $source = shift;
## Comments
# Convert // comments to /* */
$source =~ s!^([ \t]*)//(.*)$!$1/* $2 */!gm;
# Adjust dash-protected block comments so indent won't change them
$source =~ s!/\* +---!/*---X_X!g;
## Other
# Prevent indenting of code in 'extern "C"' blocks.
# we replace the braces with comments which we'll reverse later
my $extern_c_start = '/* Open extern "C" */';
my $extern_c_stop = '/* Close extern "C" */';
$source =~
s!(^#ifdef[ \t]+__cplusplus.*\nextern[ \t]+"C"[ \t]*\n)\{[ \t]*$!$1$extern_c_start!gm;
$source =~ s!(^#ifdef[ \t]+__cplusplus.*\n)\}[ \t]*$!$1$extern_c_stop!gm;
# Protect wrapping in CATALOG()
$source =~ s!^(CATALOG\(.*)$!/*$1*/!gm;
return $source;
sub post_indent
my $source = shift;
my $source_filename = shift;
# Restore CATALOG lines
$source =~ s!^/\*(CATALOG\(.*)\*/$!$1!gm;
# Put back braces for extern "C"
$source =~ s!^/\* Open extern "C" \*/$!{!gm;
$source =~ s!^/\* Close extern "C" \*/$!}!gm;
## Comments
# Undo change of dash-protected block comments
$source =~ s!/\*---X_X!/* ---!g;
# Fix run-together comments to have a tab between them
$source =~ s!\*/(/\*.*\*/)$!*/\t$1!gm;
## Functions
# Use a single space before '*' in function return types
$source =~ s!^([A-Za-z_]\S*)[ \t]+\*$!$1 *!gm;
return $source;
sub run_indent
my $source = shift;
my $error_message = shift;
my $cmd = "$indent $indent_opts -U" . $filtered_typedefs_fh->filename;
my $tmp_fh = new File::Temp(TEMPLATE => "pgsrcXXXXX");
my $filename = $tmp_fh->filename;
print $tmp_fh $source;
$$error_message = `$cmd $filename 2>&1`;
return "" if ($? || length($$error_message) > 0);
unlink "$filename.BAK";
open(my $src_out, '<', $filename);
local ($/) = undef;
$source = <$src_out>;
return $source;
# for development diagnostics
sub diff
my $pre = shift;
my $post = shift;
my $flags = shift || "";
print STDERR "running diff\n";
my $pre_fh = new File::Temp(TEMPLATE => "pgdiffbXXXXX");
my $post_fh = new File::Temp(TEMPLATE => "pgdiffaXXXXX");
print $pre_fh $pre;
print $post_fh $post;
system( "diff $flags "
. $pre_fh->filename . " "
. $post_fh->filename
. " >&2");
sub run_build
eval "use LWP::Simple;"; ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval);
my $code_base = shift || '.';
my $save_dir = getcwd();
# look for the code root
foreach (1 .. 5)
last if -d "$code_base/src/tools/pgindent";
$code_base = "$code_base/..";
die "cannot locate src/tools/pgindent directory in \"$code_base\"\n"
unless -d "$code_base/src/tools/pgindent";
chdir "$code_base/src/tools/pgindent";
my $typedefs_list_url =
my $rv = getstore($typedefs_list_url, "tmp_typedefs.list");
die "cannot fetch typedefs list from $typedefs_list_url\n"
unless is_success($rv);
$ENV{PGTYPEDEFS} = abs_path('tmp_typedefs.list');
my $indentrepo = "";
system("git clone $indentrepo >$devnull 2>&1");
die "could not fetch pg_bsd_indent sources from $indentrepo\n"
unless $? == 0;
chdir "pg_bsd_indent" || die;
system("make all check >$devnull");
die "could not build pg_bsd_indent from source\n"
unless $? == 0;
$ENV{PGINDENT} = abs_path('pg_bsd_indent');
chdir $save_dir;
sub build_clean
my $code_base = shift || '.';
# look for the code root
foreach (1 .. 5)
last if -d "$code_base/src/tools/pgindent";
$code_base = "$code_base/..";
die "cannot locate src/tools/pgindent directory in \"$code_base\"\n"
unless -d "$code_base/src/tools/pgindent";
chdir "$code_base";
system("rm -rf src/tools/pgindent/pg_bsd_indent");
system("rm -f src/tools/pgindent/tmp_typedefs.list");
# main
# get the list of files under code base, if it's set
wanted => sub {
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid);
(($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid) = lstat($_))
&& -f _
&& /^.*\.[ch]\z/s
&& push(@files, $File::Find::name);
$code_base) if $code_base;
$filtered_typedefs_fh = load_typedefs();
# any non-option arguments are files to be processed
push(@files, @ARGV);
foreach my $source_filename (@files)
# Automatically ignore .c and .h files that correspond to a .y or .l
# file. indent tends to get badly confused by Bison/flex output,
# and there's no value in indenting derived files anyway.
my $otherfile = $source_filename;
$otherfile =~ s/\.[ch]$/.y/;
next if $otherfile ne $source_filename && -f $otherfile;
$otherfile =~ s/\.y$/.l/;
next if $otherfile ne $source_filename && -f $otherfile;
my $source = read_source($source_filename);
my $orig_source = $source;
my $error_message = '';
$source = pre_indent($source);
$source = run_indent($source, \$error_message);
if ($source eq "")
print STDERR "Failure in $source_filename: " . $error_message . "\n";
$source = post_indent($source, $source_filename);
write_source($source, $source_filename) if $source ne $orig_source;
build_clean($code_base) if $build;