Tom Lane bc8393cf27 Further adjust SPITupleTable to provide a public row-count field.
Now that commit fec0778c8 drew a clear line between public and private
fields in SPITupleTable, it seems pretty silly that the count of valid
tuples isn't on the public side of that line.  The reason why not was
that there wasn't such a count.  For reasons lost in the mists of time,
spi.c preferred to keep a count of remaining free entries in the array.
But that seems pretty pointless: it's unlike the way we handle similar
code everywhere else, and it involves extra subtractions that surely
outweigh having to do a comparison rather than test-for-zero to check
for array-full.

Hence, rearrange so that this code does the expansible array logic
the same as everywhere else, with a count of valid entries alongside
the allocated array length.  And document the count as public.

I looked for core-code callers where it would make sense to start
relying on tuptable->numvals rather than the separate SPI_processed
variable.  Right now there don't seem to be places where it'd be
a win to do so without more code restructuring than I care to
undertake today.  In principle, though, having SPITupleTables be
fully self-contained should be helpful down the line.

2019-07-18 10:37:13 -04:00

4753 lines
129 KiB

<!-- doc/src/sgml/spi.sgml -->
<chapter id="spi">
<title>Server Programming Interface</title>
<indexterm zone="spi">
The <firstterm>Server Programming Interface</firstterm>
(<acronym>SPI</acronym>) gives writers of user-defined
<acronym>C</acronym> functions the ability to run
<acronym>SQL</acronym> commands inside their functions.
<acronym>SPI</acronym> is a set of
interface functions to simplify access to the parser, planner,
and executor. <acronym>SPI</acronym> also does some
memory management.
The available procedural languages provide various means to
execute SQL commands from functions. Most of these facilities are
based on SPI, so this documentation might be of use for users
of those languages as well.
Note that if a command invoked via SPI fails, then control will not be
returned to your C function. Rather, the
transaction or subtransaction in which your C function executes will be
rolled back. (This might seem surprising given that the SPI functions mostly
have documented error-return conventions. Those conventions only apply
for errors detected within the SPI functions themselves, however.)
It is possible to recover control after an error by establishing your own
subtransaction surrounding SPI calls that might fail.
<acronym>SPI</acronym> functions return a nonnegative result on
success (either via a returned integer value or in the global
variable <varname>SPI_result</varname>, as described below). On
error, a negative result or <symbol>NULL</symbol> will be returned.
Source code files that use SPI must include the header file
<sect1 id="spi-interface">
<title>Interface Functions</title>
<refentry id="spi-spi-connect">
<refpurpose>connect a C function to the SPI manager</refpurpose>
int SPI_connect(void)
int SPI_connect_ext(int <parameter>options</parameter>)
<function>SPI_connect</function> opens a connection from a
C function invocation to the SPI manager. You must call this
function if you want to execute commands through SPI. Some utility
SPI functions can be called from unconnected C functions.
<function>SPI_connect_ext</function> does the same but has an argument that
allows passing option flags. Currently, the following option values are
Sets the SPI connection to be <firstterm>nonatomic</firstterm>, which
means that transaction control calls <function>SPI_commit</function>,
<function>SPI_rollback</function>, and
<function>SPI_start_transaction</function> are allowed. Otherwise,
calling these functions will result in an immediate error.
<literal>SPI_connect()</literal> is equivalent to
<title>Return Value</title>
on success
on error
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-finish">
<refpurpose>disconnect a C function from the SPI manager</refpurpose>
int SPI_finish(void)
<function>SPI_finish</function> closes an existing connection to
the SPI manager. You must call this function after completing the
SPI operations needed during your C function's current invocation.
You do not need to worry about making this happen, however, if you
abort the transaction via <literal>elog(ERROR)</literal>. In that
case SPI will clean itself up automatically.
<title>Return Value</title>
if properly disconnected
if called from an unconnected C function
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-execute">
<refpurpose>execute a command</refpurpose>
int SPI_execute(const char * <parameter>command</parameter>, bool <parameter>read_only</parameter>, long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_execute</function> executes the specified SQL command
for <parameter>count</parameter> rows. If <parameter>read_only</parameter>
is <literal>true</literal>, the command must be read-only, and execution overhead
is somewhat reduced.
This function can only be called from a connected C function.
If <parameter>count</parameter> is zero then the command is executed
for all rows that it applies to. If <parameter>count</parameter>
is greater than zero, then no more than <parameter>count</parameter> rows
will be retrieved; execution stops when the count is reached, much like
adding a <literal>LIMIT</literal> clause to the query. For example,
SPI_execute("SELECT * FROM foo", true, 5);
will retrieve at most 5 rows from the table. Note that such a limit
is only effective when the command actually returns rows. For example,
SPI_execute("INSERT INTO foo SELECT * FROM bar", false, 5);
inserts all rows from <structname>bar</structname>, ignoring the
<parameter>count</parameter> parameter. However, with
SPI_execute("INSERT INTO foo SELECT * FROM bar RETURNING *", false, 5);
at most 5 rows would be inserted, since execution would stop after the
fifth <literal>RETURNING</literal> result row is retrieved.
You can pass multiple commands in one string;
<function>SPI_execute</function> returns the
result for the command executed last. The <parameter>count</parameter>
limit applies to each command separately (even though only the last
result will actually be returned). The limit is not applied to any
hidden commands generated by rules.
When <parameter>read_only</parameter> is <literal>false</literal>,
<function>SPI_execute</function> increments the command
counter and computes a new <firstterm>snapshot</firstterm> before executing each
command in the string. The snapshot does not actually change if the
current transaction isolation level is <literal>SERIALIZABLE</literal> or <literal>REPEATABLE READ</literal>, but in
<literal>READ COMMITTED</literal> mode the snapshot update allows each command to
see the results of newly committed transactions from other sessions.
This is essential for consistent behavior when the commands are modifying
the database.
When <parameter>read_only</parameter> is <literal>true</literal>,
<function>SPI_execute</function> does not update either the snapshot
or the command counter, and it allows only plain <command>SELECT</command>
commands to appear in the command string. The commands are executed
using the snapshot previously established for the surrounding query.
This execution mode is somewhat faster than the read/write mode due
to eliminating per-command overhead. It also allows genuinely
<firstterm>stable</firstterm> functions to be built: since successive executions
will all use the same snapshot, there will be no change in the results.
It is generally unwise to mix read-only and read-write commands within
a single function using SPI; that could result in very confusing behavior,
since the read-only queries would not see the results of any database
updates done by the read-write queries.
The actual number of rows for which the (last) command was executed
is returned in the global variable <varname>SPI_processed</varname>.
If the return value of the function is <symbol>SPI_OK_SELECT</symbol>,
<symbol>SPI_OK_DELETE_RETURNING</symbol>, or
then you can use the
global pointer <literal>SPITupleTable *SPI_tuptable</literal> to
access the result rows. Some utility commands (such as
<command>EXPLAIN</command>) also return row sets, and <literal>SPI_tuptable</literal>
will contain the result in these cases too. Some utility commands
(<command>COPY</command>, <command>CREATE TABLE AS</command>) don't return a row set, so
<literal>SPI_tuptable</literal> is NULL, but they still return the number of
rows processed in <varname>SPI_processed</varname>.
The structure <structname>SPITupleTable</structname> is defined
typedef struct SPITupleTable
/* Public members */
TupleDesc tupdesc; /* tuple descriptor */
HeapTuple *vals; /* array of tuples */
uint64 numvals; /* number of valid tuples */
/* Private members, not intended for external callers */
uint64 alloced; /* allocated length of vals array */
MemoryContext tuptabcxt; /* memory context of result table */
slist_node next; /* link for internal bookkeeping */
SubTransactionId subid; /* subxact in which tuptable was created */
} SPITupleTable;
<structfield>vals</structfield>, and
can be used by SPI callers; the remaining fields are internal.
<structfield>vals</structfield> is an array of pointers to rows.
The number of rows is given by <structfield>numvals</structfield>
(for somewhat historical reasons, this count is also returned
in <varname>SPI_processed</varname>).
<structfield>tupdesc</structfield> is a row descriptor which you can pass to
SPI functions dealing with rows.
<function>SPI_finish</function> frees all
<structname>SPITupleTable</structname>s allocated during the current
C function. You can free a particular result table earlier, if you
are done with it, by calling <function>SPI_freetuptable</function>.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>command</parameter></literal></term>
string containing command to execute
<term><literal>bool <parameter>read_only</parameter></literal></term>
<para><literal>true</literal> for read-only execution</para>
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
maximum number of rows to return,
or <literal>0</literal> for no limit
<title>Return Value</title>
If the execution of the command was successful then one of the
following (nonnegative) values will be returned:
if a <command>SELECT</command> (but not <command>SELECT
INTO</command>) was executed
if a <command>SELECT INTO</command> was executed
if an <command>INSERT</command> was executed
if a <command>DELETE</command> was executed
if an <command>UPDATE</command> was executed
if an <command>INSERT RETURNING</command> was executed
if a <command>DELETE RETURNING</command> was executed
if an <command>UPDATE RETURNING</command> was executed
if a utility command (e.g., <command>CREATE TABLE</command>)
was executed
if the command was rewritten into another kind of command (e.g.,
<command>UPDATE</command> became an <command>INSERT</command>) by a <link linkend="rules">rule</link>.
On error, one of the following negative values is returned:
if <parameter>command</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or
<parameter>count</parameter> is less than 0
if <command>COPY TO stdout</command> or <command>COPY FROM stdin</command>
was attempted
if a transaction manipulation command was attempted
<command>PREPARE TRANSACTION</command>,
<command>COMMIT PREPARED</command>,
<command>ROLLBACK PREPARED</command>,
or any variant thereof)
if the command type is unknown (shouldn't happen)
if called from an unconnected C function
All SPI query-execution functions set both
<varname>SPI_processed</varname> and
<varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> (just the pointer, not the contents
of the structure). Save these two global variables into local
C function variables if you need to access the result table of
<function>SPI_execute</function> or another query-execution function
across later calls.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-exec">
<refpurpose>execute a read/write command</refpurpose>
int SPI_exec(const char * <parameter>command</parameter>, long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_exec</function> is the same as
<function>SPI_execute</function>, with the latter's
<parameter>read_only</parameter> parameter always taken as
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>command</parameter></literal></term>
string containing command to execute
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
maximum number of rows to return,
or <literal>0</literal> for no limit
<title>Return Value</title>
See <function>SPI_execute</function>.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-execute-with-args">
<refpurpose>execute a command with out-of-line parameters</refpurpose>
int SPI_execute_with_args(const char *<parameter>command</parameter>,
int <parameter>nargs</parameter>, Oid *<parameter>argtypes</parameter>,
Datum *<parameter>values</parameter>, const char *<parameter>nulls</parameter>,
bool <parameter>read_only</parameter>, long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_execute_with_args</function> executes a command that might
include references to externally supplied parameters. The command text
refers to a parameter as <literal>$<replaceable>n</replaceable></literal>, and
the call specifies data types and values for each such symbol.
<parameter>read_only</parameter> and <parameter>count</parameter> have
the same interpretation as in <function>SPI_execute</function>.
The main advantage of this routine compared to
<function>SPI_execute</function> is that data values can be inserted
into the command without tedious quoting/escaping, and thus with much
less risk of SQL-injection attacks.
Similar results can be achieved with <function>SPI_prepare</function> followed by
<function>SPI_execute_plan</function>; however, when using this function
the query plan is always customized to the specific parameter values
For one-time query execution, this function should be preferred.
If the same command is to be executed with many different parameters,
either method might be faster, depending on the cost of re-planning
versus the benefit of custom plans.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>command</parameter></literal></term>
command string
<term><literal>int <parameter>nargs</parameter></literal></term>
number of input parameters (<literal>$1</literal>, <literal>$2</literal>, etc.)
<term><literal>Oid * <parameter>argtypes</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>nargs</parameter>, containing the
<acronym>OID</acronym>s of the data types of the parameters
<term><literal>Datum * <parameter>values</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>nargs</parameter>, containing the actual
parameter values
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>nargs</parameter>, describing which
parameters are null
If <parameter>nulls</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> then
<function>SPI_execute_with_args</function> assumes that no parameters
are null. Otherwise, each entry of the <parameter>nulls</parameter>
array should be <literal>'&nbsp;'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is non-null, or <literal>'n'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is null. (In the latter case, the actual value in the
corresponding <parameter>values</parameter> entry doesn't matter.) Note
that <parameter>nulls</parameter> is not a text string, just an array:
it does not need a <literal>'\0'</literal> terminator.
<term><literal>bool <parameter>read_only</parameter></literal></term>
<para><literal>true</literal> for read-only execution</para>
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
maximum number of rows to return,
or <literal>0</literal> for no limit
<title>Return Value</title>
The return value is the same as for <function>SPI_execute</function>.
<varname>SPI_processed</varname> and
<varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> are set as in
<function>SPI_execute</function> if successful.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-prepare">
<refpurpose>prepare a statement, without executing it yet</refpurpose>
SPIPlanPtr SPI_prepare(const char * <parameter>command</parameter>, int <parameter>nargs</parameter>, Oid * <parameter>argtypes</parameter>)
<function>SPI_prepare</function> creates and returns a prepared
statement for the specified command, but doesn't execute the command.
The prepared statement can later be executed repeatedly using
When the same or a similar command is to be executed repeatedly, it
is generally advantageous to perform parse analysis only once, and
might furthermore be advantageous to re-use an execution plan for the
<function>SPI_prepare</function> converts a command string into a
prepared statement that encapsulates the results of parse analysis.
The prepared statement also provides a place for caching an execution plan
if it is found that generating a custom plan for each execution is not
A prepared command can be generalized by writing parameters
(<literal>$1</literal>, <literal>$2</literal>, etc.) in place of what would be
constants in a normal command. The actual values of the parameters
are then specified when <function>SPI_execute_plan</function> is called.
This allows the prepared command to be used over a wider range of
situations than would be possible without parameters.
The statement returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function> can be used
only in the current invocation of the C function, since
<function>SPI_finish</function> frees memory allocated for such a
statement. But the statement can be saved for longer using the functions
<function>SPI_keepplan</function> or <function>SPI_saveplan</function>.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>command</parameter></literal></term>
command string
<term><literal>int <parameter>nargs</parameter></literal></term>
number of input parameters (<literal>$1</literal>, <literal>$2</literal>, etc.)
<term><literal>Oid * <parameter>argtypes</parameter></literal></term>
pointer to an array containing the <acronym>OID</acronym>s of
the data types of the parameters
<title>Return Value</title>
<function>SPI_prepare</function> returns a non-null pointer to an
<type>SPIPlan</type>, which is an opaque struct representing a prepared
statement. On error, <symbol>NULL</symbol> will be returned,
and <varname>SPI_result</varname> will be set to one of the same
error codes used by <function>SPI_execute</function>, except that
it is set to <symbol>SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT</symbol> if
<parameter>command</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol>, or if
<parameter>nargs</parameter> is less than 0, or if <parameter>nargs</parameter> is
greater than 0 and <parameter>argtypes</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol>.
If no parameters are defined, a generic plan will be created at the
first use of <function>SPI_execute_plan</function>, and used for all
subsequent executions as well. If there are parameters, the first few uses
of <function>SPI_execute_plan</function> will generate custom plans
that are specific to the supplied parameter values. After enough uses
of the same prepared statement, <function>SPI_execute_plan</function> will
build a generic plan, and if that is not too much more expensive than the
custom plans, it will start using the generic plan instead of re-planning
each time. If this default behavior is unsuitable, you can alter it by
passing the <literal>CURSOR_OPT_GENERIC_PLAN</literal> or
<literal>CURSOR_OPT_CUSTOM_PLAN</literal> flag to
<function>SPI_prepare_cursor</function>, to force use of generic or custom
plans respectively.
Although the main point of a prepared statement is to avoid repeated parse
analysis and planning of the statement, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> will
force re-analysis and re-planning of the statement before using it
whenever database objects used in the statement have undergone
definitional (DDL) changes since the previous use of the prepared
statement. Also, if the value of <xref linkend="guc-search-path"/> changes
from one use to the next, the statement will be re-parsed using the new
<varname>search_path</varname>. (This latter behavior is new as of
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 9.3.) See <xref
linkend="sql-prepare"/> for more information about the behavior of prepared
This function should only be called from a connected C function.
<type>SPIPlanPtr</type> is declared as a pointer to an opaque struct type in
<filename>spi.h</filename>. It is unwise to try to access its contents
directly, as that makes your code much more likely to break in
future revisions of <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>.
The name <type>SPIPlanPtr</type> is somewhat historical, since the data
structure no longer necessarily contains an execution plan.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-prepare-cursor">
<refpurpose>prepare a statement, without executing it yet</refpurpose>
SPIPlanPtr SPI_prepare_cursor(const char * <parameter>command</parameter>, int <parameter>nargs</parameter>,
Oid * <parameter>argtypes</parameter>, int <parameter>cursorOptions</parameter>)
<function>SPI_prepare_cursor</function> is identical to
<function>SPI_prepare</function>, except that it also allows specification
of the planner's <quote>cursor options</quote> parameter. This is a bit mask
having the values shown in <filename>nodes/parsenodes.h</filename>
for the <structfield>options</structfield> field of <structname>DeclareCursorStmt</structname>.
<function>SPI_prepare</function> always takes the cursor options as zero.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>command</parameter></literal></term>
command string
<term><literal>int <parameter>nargs</parameter></literal></term>
number of input parameters (<literal>$1</literal>, <literal>$2</literal>, etc.)
<term><literal>Oid * <parameter>argtypes</parameter></literal></term>
pointer to an array containing the <acronym>OID</acronym>s of
the data types of the parameters
<term><literal>int <parameter>cursorOptions</parameter></literal></term>
integer bit mask of cursor options; zero produces default behavior
<title>Return Value</title>
<function>SPI_prepare_cursor</function> has the same return conventions as
Useful bits to set in <parameter>cursorOptions</parameter> include
<symbol>CURSOR_OPT_GENERIC_PLAN</symbol>, and
<symbol>CURSOR_OPT_CUSTOM_PLAN</symbol>. Note in particular that
<symbol>CURSOR_OPT_HOLD</symbol> is ignored.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-prepare-params">
<refpurpose>prepare a statement, without executing it yet</refpurpose>
SPIPlanPtr SPI_prepare_params(const char * <parameter>command</parameter>,
ParserSetupHook <parameter>parserSetup</parameter>,
void * <parameter>parserSetupArg</parameter>,
int <parameter>cursorOptions</parameter>)
<function>SPI_prepare_params</function> creates and returns a prepared
statement for the specified command, but doesn't execute the command.
This function is equivalent to <function>SPI_prepare_cursor</function>,
with the addition that the caller can specify parser hook functions
to control the parsing of external parameter references.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>command</parameter></literal></term>
command string
<term><literal>ParserSetupHook <parameter>parserSetup</parameter></literal></term>
Parser hook setup function
<term><literal>void * <parameter>parserSetupArg</parameter></literal></term>
pass-through argument for <parameter>parserSetup</parameter>
<term><literal>int <parameter>cursorOptions</parameter></literal></term>
integer bit mask of cursor options; zero produces default behavior
<title>Return Value</title>
<function>SPI_prepare_params</function> has the same return conventions as
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-getargcount">
<refpurpose>return the number of arguments needed by a statement
prepared by <function>SPI_prepare</function></refpurpose>
int SPI_getargcount(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>)
<function>SPI_getargcount</function> returns the number of arguments needed
to execute a statement prepared by <function>SPI_prepare</function>.
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
prepared statement (returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function>)
<title>Return Value</title>
The count of expected arguments for the <parameter>plan</parameter>.
If the <parameter>plan</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or invalid,
<varname>SPI_result</varname> is set to <symbol>SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT</symbol>
and -1 is returned.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-getargtypeid">
<refpurpose>return the data type OID for an argument of
a statement prepared by <function>SPI_prepare</function></refpurpose>
Oid SPI_getargtypeid(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>, int <parameter>argIndex</parameter>)
<function>SPI_getargtypeid</function> returns the OID representing the type
for the <parameter>argIndex</parameter>'th argument of a statement prepared by
<function>SPI_prepare</function>. First argument is at index zero.
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
prepared statement (returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function>)
<term><literal>int <parameter>argIndex</parameter></literal></term>
zero based index of the argument
<title>Return Value</title>
The type OID of the argument at the given index.
If the <parameter>plan</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or invalid,
or <parameter>argIndex</parameter> is less than 0 or
not less than the number of arguments declared for the
<varname>SPI_result</varname> is set to <symbol>SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT</symbol>
and <symbol>InvalidOid</symbol> is returned.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-is-cursor-plan">
<refpurpose>return <symbol>true</symbol> if a statement
prepared by <function>SPI_prepare</function> can be used with
bool SPI_is_cursor_plan(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>)
<function>SPI_is_cursor_plan</function> returns <symbol>true</symbol>
if a statement prepared by <function>SPI_prepare</function> can be passed
as an argument to <function>SPI_cursor_open</function>, or
<symbol>false</symbol> if that is not the case. The criteria are that the
<parameter>plan</parameter> represents one single command and that this
command returns tuples to the caller; for example, <command>SELECT</command>
is allowed unless it contains an <literal>INTO</literal> clause, and
<command>UPDATE</command> is allowed only if it contains a <literal>RETURNING</literal>
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
prepared statement (returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function>)
<title>Return Value</title>
<symbol>true</symbol> or <symbol>false</symbol> to indicate if the
<parameter>plan</parameter> can produce a cursor or not, with
<varname>SPI_result</varname> set to zero.
If it is not possible to determine the answer (for example,
if the <parameter>plan</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or invalid,
or if called when not connected to SPI), then
<varname>SPI_result</varname> is set to a suitable error code
and <symbol>false</symbol> is returned.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-execute-plan">
<refpurpose>execute a statement prepared by <function>SPI_prepare</function></refpurpose>
int SPI_execute_plan(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>, Datum * <parameter>values</parameter>, const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter>,
bool <parameter>read_only</parameter>, long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_execute_plan</function> executes a statement prepared by
<function>SPI_prepare</function> or one of its siblings.
<parameter>read_only</parameter> and
<parameter>count</parameter> have the same interpretation as in
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
prepared statement (returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function>)
<term><literal>Datum * <parameter>values</parameter></literal></term>
An array of actual parameter values. Must have same length as the
statement's number of arguments.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter></literal></term>
An array describing which parameters are null. Must have same length as
the statement's number of arguments.
If <parameter>nulls</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> then
<function>SPI_execute_plan</function> assumes that no parameters
are null. Otherwise, each entry of the <parameter>nulls</parameter>
array should be <literal>'&nbsp;'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is non-null, or <literal>'n'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is null. (In the latter case, the actual value in the
corresponding <parameter>values</parameter> entry doesn't matter.) Note
that <parameter>nulls</parameter> is not a text string, just an array:
it does not need a <literal>'\0'</literal> terminator.
<term><literal>bool <parameter>read_only</parameter></literal></term>
<para><literal>true</literal> for read-only execution</para>
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
maximum number of rows to return,
or <literal>0</literal> for no limit
<title>Return Value</title>
The return value is the same as for <function>SPI_execute</function>,
with the following additional possible error (negative) results:
if <parameter>plan</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or invalid,
or <parameter>count</parameter> is less than 0
if <parameter>values</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> and
<parameter>plan</parameter> was prepared with some parameters
<varname>SPI_processed</varname> and
<varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> are set as in
<function>SPI_execute</function> if successful.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-execute-plan-with-paramlist">
<refpurpose>execute a statement prepared by <function>SPI_prepare</function></refpurpose>
int SPI_execute_plan_with_paramlist(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>,
ParamListInfo <parameter>params</parameter>,
bool <parameter>read_only</parameter>,
long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_execute_plan_with_paramlist</function> executes a statement
prepared by <function>SPI_prepare</function>.
This function is equivalent to <function>SPI_execute_plan</function>
except that information about the parameter values to be passed to the
query is presented differently. The <literal>ParamListInfo</literal>
representation can be convenient for passing down values that are
already available in that format. It also supports use of dynamic
parameter sets via hook functions specified in <literal>ParamListInfo</literal>.
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
prepared statement (returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function>)
<term><literal>ParamListInfo <parameter>params</parameter></literal></term>
data structure containing parameter types and values; NULL if none
<term><literal>bool <parameter>read_only</parameter></literal></term>
<para><literal>true</literal> for read-only execution</para>
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
maximum number of rows to return,
or <literal>0</literal> for no limit
<title>Return Value</title>
The return value is the same as for <function>SPI_execute_plan</function>.
<varname>SPI_processed</varname> and
<varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> are set as in
<function>SPI_execute_plan</function> if successful.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-execp">
<refpurpose>execute a statement in read/write mode</refpurpose>
int SPI_execp(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>, Datum * <parameter>values</parameter>, const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter>, long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_execp</function> is the same as
<function>SPI_execute_plan</function>, with the latter's
<parameter>read_only</parameter> parameter always taken as
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
prepared statement (returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function>)
<term><literal>Datum * <parameter>values</parameter></literal></term>
An array of actual parameter values. Must have same length as the
statement's number of arguments.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter></literal></term>
An array describing which parameters are null. Must have same length as
the statement's number of arguments.
If <parameter>nulls</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> then
<function>SPI_execp</function> assumes that no parameters
are null. Otherwise, each entry of the <parameter>nulls</parameter>
array should be <literal>'&nbsp;'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is non-null, or <literal>'n'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is null. (In the latter case, the actual value in the
corresponding <parameter>values</parameter> entry doesn't matter.) Note
that <parameter>nulls</parameter> is not a text string, just an array:
it does not need a <literal>'\0'</literal> terminator.
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
maximum number of rows to return,
or <literal>0</literal> for no limit
<title>Return Value</title>
See <function>SPI_execute_plan</function>.
<varname>SPI_processed</varname> and
<varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> are set as in
<function>SPI_execute</function> if successful.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-cursor-open">
<refpurpose>set up a cursor using a statement created with <function>SPI_prepare</function></refpurpose>
Portal SPI_cursor_open(const char * <parameter>name</parameter>, SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>,
Datum * <parameter>values</parameter>, const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter>,
bool <parameter>read_only</parameter>)
<function>SPI_cursor_open</function> sets up a cursor (internally,
a portal) that will execute a statement prepared by
<function>SPI_prepare</function>. The parameters have the same
meanings as the corresponding parameters to
Using a cursor instead of executing the statement directly has two
benefits. First, the result rows can be retrieved a few at a time,
avoiding memory overrun for queries that return many rows. Second,
a portal can outlive the current C function (it can, in fact, live
to the end of the current transaction). Returning the portal name
to the C function's caller provides a way of returning a row set as
The passed-in parameter data will be copied into the cursor's portal, so it
can be freed while the cursor still exists.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>name</parameter></literal></term>
name for portal, or <symbol>NULL</symbol> to let the system
select a name
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
prepared statement (returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function>)
<term><literal>Datum * <parameter>values</parameter></literal></term>
An array of actual parameter values. Must have same length as the
statement's number of arguments.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter></literal></term>
An array describing which parameters are null. Must have same length as
the statement's number of arguments.
If <parameter>nulls</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> then
<function>SPI_cursor_open</function> assumes that no parameters
are null. Otherwise, each entry of the <parameter>nulls</parameter>
array should be <literal>'&nbsp;'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is non-null, or <literal>'n'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is null. (In the latter case, the actual value in the
corresponding <parameter>values</parameter> entry doesn't matter.) Note
that <parameter>nulls</parameter> is not a text string, just an array:
it does not need a <literal>'\0'</literal> terminator.
<term><literal>bool <parameter>read_only</parameter></literal></term>
<para><literal>true</literal> for read-only execution</para>
<title>Return Value</title>
Pointer to portal containing the cursor. Note there is no error
return convention; any error will be reported via <function>elog</function>.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-cursor-open-with-args">
<refpurpose>set up a cursor using a query and parameters</refpurpose>
Portal SPI_cursor_open_with_args(const char *<parameter>name</parameter>,
const char *<parameter>command</parameter>,
int <parameter>nargs</parameter>, Oid *<parameter>argtypes</parameter>,
Datum *<parameter>values</parameter>, const char *<parameter>nulls</parameter>,
bool <parameter>read_only</parameter>, int <parameter>cursorOptions</parameter>)
<function>SPI_cursor_open_with_args</function> sets up a cursor
(internally, a portal) that will execute the specified query.
Most of the parameters have the same meanings as the corresponding
parameters to <function>SPI_prepare_cursor</function>
and <function>SPI_cursor_open</function>.
For one-time query execution, this function should be preferred
over <function>SPI_prepare_cursor</function> followed by
If the same command is to be executed with many different parameters,
either method might be faster, depending on the cost of re-planning
versus the benefit of custom plans.
The passed-in parameter data will be copied into the cursor's portal, so it
can be freed while the cursor still exists.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>name</parameter></literal></term>
name for portal, or <symbol>NULL</symbol> to let the system
select a name
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>command</parameter></literal></term>
command string
<term><literal>int <parameter>nargs</parameter></literal></term>
number of input parameters (<literal>$1</literal>, <literal>$2</literal>, etc.)
<term><literal>Oid * <parameter>argtypes</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>nargs</parameter>, containing the
<acronym>OID</acronym>s of the data types of the parameters
<term><literal>Datum * <parameter>values</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>nargs</parameter>, containing the actual
parameter values
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>nargs</parameter>, describing which
parameters are null
If <parameter>nulls</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> then
<function>SPI_cursor_open_with_args</function> assumes that no parameters
are null. Otherwise, each entry of the <parameter>nulls</parameter>
array should be <literal>'&nbsp;'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is non-null, or <literal>'n'</literal> if the corresponding parameter
value is null. (In the latter case, the actual value in the
corresponding <parameter>values</parameter> entry doesn't matter.) Note
that <parameter>nulls</parameter> is not a text string, just an array:
it does not need a <literal>'\0'</literal> terminator.
<term><literal>bool <parameter>read_only</parameter></literal></term>
<para><literal>true</literal> for read-only execution</para>
<term><literal>int <parameter>cursorOptions</parameter></literal></term>
integer bit mask of cursor options; zero produces default behavior
<title>Return Value</title>
Pointer to portal containing the cursor. Note there is no error
return convention; any error will be reported via <function>elog</function>.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-cursor-open-with-paramlist">
<refpurpose>set up a cursor using parameters</refpurpose>
Portal SPI_cursor_open_with_paramlist(const char *<parameter>name</parameter>,
SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>,
ParamListInfo <parameter>params</parameter>,
bool <parameter>read_only</parameter>)
<function>SPI_cursor_open_with_paramlist</function> sets up a cursor
(internally, a portal) that will execute a statement prepared by
This function is equivalent to <function>SPI_cursor_open</function>
except that information about the parameter values to be passed to the
query is presented differently. The <literal>ParamListInfo</literal>
representation can be convenient for passing down values that are
already available in that format. It also supports use of dynamic
parameter sets via hook functions specified in <literal>ParamListInfo</literal>.
The passed-in parameter data will be copied into the cursor's portal, so it
can be freed while the cursor still exists.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>name</parameter></literal></term>
name for portal, or <symbol>NULL</symbol> to let the system
select a name
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
prepared statement (returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function>)
<term><literal>ParamListInfo <parameter>params</parameter></literal></term>
data structure containing parameter types and values; NULL if none
<term><literal>bool <parameter>read_only</parameter></literal></term>
<para><literal>true</literal> for read-only execution</para>
<title>Return Value</title>
Pointer to portal containing the cursor. Note there is no error
return convention; any error will be reported via <function>elog</function>.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-cursor-find">
<refpurpose>find an existing cursor by name</refpurpose>
Portal SPI_cursor_find(const char * <parameter>name</parameter>)
<function>SPI_cursor_find</function> finds an existing portal by
name. This is primarily useful to resolve a cursor name returned
as text by some other function.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>name</parameter></literal></term>
name of the portal
<title>Return Value</title>
pointer to the portal with the specified name, or
<symbol>NULL</symbol> if none was found
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-cursor-fetch">
<refpurpose>fetch some rows from a cursor</refpurpose>
void SPI_cursor_fetch(Portal <parameter>portal</parameter>, bool <parameter>forward</parameter>, long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_cursor_fetch</function> fetches some rows from a
cursor. This is equivalent to a subset of the SQL command
<command>FETCH</command> (see <function>SPI_scroll_cursor_fetch</function>
for more functionality).
<term><literal>Portal <parameter>portal</parameter></literal></term>
portal containing the cursor
<term><literal>bool <parameter>forward</parameter></literal></term>
true for fetch forward, false for fetch backward
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
maximum number of rows to fetch
<title>Return Value</title>
<varname>SPI_processed</varname> and
<varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> are set as in
<function>SPI_execute</function> if successful.
Fetching backward may fail if the cursor's plan was not created
with the <symbol>CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL</symbol> option.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-cursor-move">
<refpurpose>move a cursor</refpurpose>
void SPI_cursor_move(Portal <parameter>portal</parameter>, bool <parameter>forward</parameter>, long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_cursor_move</function> skips over some number of rows
in a cursor. This is equivalent to a subset of the SQL command
<command>MOVE</command> (see <function>SPI_scroll_cursor_move</function>
for more functionality).
<term><literal>Portal <parameter>portal</parameter></literal></term>
portal containing the cursor
<term><literal>bool <parameter>forward</parameter></literal></term>
true for move forward, false for move backward
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
maximum number of rows to move
Moving backward may fail if the cursor's plan was not created
with the <symbol>CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL</symbol> option.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-scroll-cursor-fetch">
<refpurpose>fetch some rows from a cursor</refpurpose>
void SPI_scroll_cursor_fetch(Portal <parameter>portal</parameter>, FetchDirection <parameter>direction</parameter>,
long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_scroll_cursor_fetch</function> fetches some rows from a
cursor. This is equivalent to the SQL command <command>FETCH</command>.
<term><literal>Portal <parameter>portal</parameter></literal></term>
portal containing the cursor
<term><literal>FetchDirection <parameter>direction</parameter></literal></term>
one of <symbol>FETCH_FORWARD</symbol>,
<symbol>FETCH_ABSOLUTE</symbol> or
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
number of rows to fetch for
<symbol>FETCH_FORWARD</symbol> or
<symbol>FETCH_BACKWARD</symbol>; absolute row number to fetch for
<symbol>FETCH_ABSOLUTE</symbol>; or relative row number to fetch for
<title>Return Value</title>
<varname>SPI_processed</varname> and
<varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> are set as in
<function>SPI_execute</function> if successful.
See the SQL <xref linkend="sql-fetch"/> command
for details of the interpretation of the
<parameter>direction</parameter> and
<parameter>count</parameter> parameters.
Direction values other than <symbol>FETCH_FORWARD</symbol>
may fail if the cursor's plan was not created
with the <symbol>CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL</symbol> option.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-scroll-cursor-move">
<refpurpose>move a cursor</refpurpose>
void SPI_scroll_cursor_move(Portal <parameter>portal</parameter>, FetchDirection <parameter>direction</parameter>,
long <parameter>count</parameter>)
<function>SPI_scroll_cursor_move</function> skips over some number of rows
in a cursor. This is equivalent to the SQL command
<term><literal>Portal <parameter>portal</parameter></literal></term>
portal containing the cursor
<term><literal>FetchDirection <parameter>direction</parameter></literal></term>
one of <symbol>FETCH_FORWARD</symbol>,
<symbol>FETCH_ABSOLUTE</symbol> or
<term><literal>long <parameter>count</parameter></literal></term>
number of rows to move for
<symbol>FETCH_FORWARD</symbol> or
<symbol>FETCH_BACKWARD</symbol>; absolute row number to move to for
<symbol>FETCH_ABSOLUTE</symbol>; or relative row number to move to for
<title>Return Value</title>
<varname>SPI_processed</varname> is set as in
<function>SPI_execute</function> if successful.
<varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> is set to <symbol>NULL</symbol>, since
no rows are returned by this function.
See the SQL <xref linkend="sql-fetch"/> command
for details of the interpretation of the
<parameter>direction</parameter> and
<parameter>count</parameter> parameters.
Direction values other than <symbol>FETCH_FORWARD</symbol>
may fail if the cursor's plan was not created
with the <symbol>CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL</symbol> option.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-cursor-close">
<refpurpose>close a cursor</refpurpose>
void SPI_cursor_close(Portal <parameter>portal</parameter>)
<function>SPI_cursor_close</function> closes a previously created
cursor and releases its portal storage.
All open cursors are closed automatically at the end of a
transaction. <function>SPI_cursor_close</function> need only be
invoked if it is desirable to release resources sooner.
<term><literal>Portal <parameter>portal</parameter></literal></term>
portal containing the cursor
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-keepplan">
<refpurpose>save a prepared statement</refpurpose>
int SPI_keepplan(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>)
<function>SPI_keepplan</function> saves a passed statement (prepared by
<function>SPI_prepare</function>) so that it will not be freed
by <function>SPI_finish</function> nor by the transaction manager.
This gives you the ability to reuse prepared statements in the subsequent
invocations of your C function in the current session.
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
the prepared statement to be saved
<title>Return Value</title>
0 on success;
<symbol>SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT</symbol> if <parameter>plan</parameter>
is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or invalid
The passed-in statement is relocated to permanent storage by means
of pointer adjustment (no data copying is required). If you later
wish to delete it, use <function>SPI_freeplan</function> on it.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-saveplan">
<refpurpose>save a prepared statement</refpurpose>
SPIPlanPtr SPI_saveplan(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>)
<function>SPI_saveplan</function> copies a passed statement (prepared by
<function>SPI_prepare</function>) into memory that will not be freed
by <function>SPI_finish</function> nor by the transaction manager,
and returns a pointer to the copied statement. This gives you the
ability to reuse prepared statements in the subsequent invocations of
your C function in the current session.
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
the prepared statement to be saved
<title>Return Value</title>
Pointer to the copied statement; or <symbol>NULL</symbol> if unsuccessful.
On error, <varname>SPI_result</varname> is set thus:
if <parameter>plan</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or invalid
if called from an unconnected C function
The originally passed-in statement is not freed, so you might wish to do
<function>SPI_freeplan</function> on it to avoid leaking memory
until <function>SPI_finish</function>.
In most cases, <function>SPI_keepplan</function> is preferred to this
function, since it accomplishes largely the same result without needing
to physically copy the prepared statement's data structures.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-register-relation">
<primary>ephemeral named relation</primary>
<secondary>registering with SPI</secondary>
<refpurpose>make an ephemeral named relation available by name in SPI queries</refpurpose>
int SPI_register_relation(EphemeralNamedRelation <parameter>enr</parameter>)
<function>SPI_register_relation</function> makes an ephemeral named
relation, with associated information, available to queries planned and
executed through the current SPI connection.
<term><literal>EphemeralNamedRelation <parameter>enr</parameter></literal></term>
the ephemeral named relation registry entry
<title>Return Value</title>
If the execution of the command was successful then the following
(nonnegative) value will be returned:
if the relation has been successfully registered by name
On error, one of the following negative values is returned:
if <parameter>enr</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or its
<varname>name</varname> field is <symbol>NULL</symbol>
if called from an unconnected C function
if the name specified in the <varname>name</varname> field of
<parameter>enr</parameter> is already registered for this connection
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-unregister-relation">
<primary>ephemeral named relation</primary>
<secondary>unregistering from SPI</secondary>
<refpurpose>remove an ephemeral named relation from the registry</refpurpose>
int SPI_unregister_relation(const char * <parameter>name</parameter>)
<function>SPI_unregister_relation</function> removes an ephemeral named
relation from the registry for the current connection.
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>name</parameter></literal></term>
the relation registry entry name
<title>Return Value</title>
If the execution of the command was successful then the following
(nonnegative) value will be returned:
if the tuplestore has been successfully removed from the registry
On error, one of the following negative values is returned:
if <parameter>name</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol>
if called from an unconnected C function
if <parameter>name</parameter> is not found in the registry for the
current connection
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-register-trigger-data">
<primary>ephemeral named relation</primary>
<secondary>registering with SPI</secondary>
<primary>transition tables</primary>
<secondary>implementation in PLs</secondary>
<refpurpose>make ephemeral trigger data available in SPI queries</refpurpose>
int SPI_register_trigger_data(TriggerData *<parameter>tdata</parameter>)
<function>SPI_register_trigger_data</function> makes any ephemeral
relations captured by a trigger available to queries planned and executed
through the current SPI connection. Currently, this means the transition
tables captured by an <literal>AFTER</literal> trigger defined with a
<literal>REFERENCING OLD/NEW TABLE AS</literal> ... clause. This function
should be called by a PL trigger handler function after connecting.
<term><literal>TriggerData *<parameter>tdata</parameter></literal></term>
the <structname>TriggerData</structname> object passed to a trigger
handler function as <literal>fcinfo->context</literal>
<title>Return Value</title>
If the execution of the command was successful then the following
(nonnegative) value will be returned:
if the captured trigger data (if any) has been successfully registered
On error, one of the following negative values is returned:
if <parameter>tdata</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol>
if called from an unconnected C function
if the name of any trigger data transient relation is already
registered for this connection
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<sect1 id="spi-interface-support">
<title>Interface Support Functions</title>
The functions described here provide an interface for extracting
information from result sets returned by <function>SPI_execute</function> and
other SPI functions.
All functions described in this section can be used by both
connected and unconnected C functions.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-fname">
<refpurpose>determine the column name for the specified column number</refpurpose>
char * SPI_fname(TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter>, int <parameter>colnumber</parameter>)
<function>SPI_fname</function> returns a copy of the column name of the
specified column. (You can use <function>pfree</function> to
release the copy of the name when you don't need it anymore.)
<term><literal>TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter></literal></term>
input row description
<term><literal>int <parameter>colnumber</parameter></literal></term>
column number (count starts at 1)
<title>Return Value</title>
The column name; <symbol>NULL</symbol> if
<parameter>colnumber</parameter> is out of range.
<varname>SPI_result</varname> set to
<symbol>SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE</symbol> on error.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-fnumber">
<refpurpose>determine the column number for the specified column name</refpurpose>
int SPI_fnumber(TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter>, const char * <parameter>colname</parameter>)
<function>SPI_fnumber</function> returns the column number for the
column with the specified name.
If <parameter>colname</parameter> refers to a system column (e.g.,
<literal>ctid</literal>) then the appropriate negative column number will
be returned. The caller should be careful to test the return value
for exact equality to <symbol>SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE</symbol> to
detect an error; testing the result for less than or equal to 0 is
not correct unless system columns should be rejected.
<term><literal>TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter></literal></term>
input row description
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>colname</parameter></literal></term>
column name
<title>Return Value</title>
Column number (count starts at 1 for user-defined columns), or
<symbol>SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE</symbol> if the named column was not
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-getvalue">
<refpurpose>return the string value of the specified column</refpurpose>
char * SPI_getvalue(HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter>, TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter>, int <parameter>colnumber</parameter>)
<function>SPI_getvalue</function> returns the string representation
of the value of the specified column.
The result is returned in memory allocated using
<function>palloc</function>. (You can use
<function>pfree</function> to release the memory when you don't
need it anymore.)
<term><literal>HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter></literal></term>
input row to be examined
<term><literal>TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter></literal></term>
input row description
<term><literal>int <parameter>colnumber</parameter></literal></term>
column number (count starts at 1)
<title>Return Value</title>
Column value, or <symbol>NULL</symbol> if the column is null,
<parameter>colnumber</parameter> is out of range
(<varname>SPI_result</varname> is set to
<symbol>SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE</symbol>), or no output function is
available (<varname>SPI_result</varname> is set to
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-getbinval">
<refpurpose>return the binary value of the specified column</refpurpose>
Datum SPI_getbinval(HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter>, TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter>, int <parameter>colnumber</parameter>,
bool * <parameter>isnull</parameter>)
<function>SPI_getbinval</function> returns the value of the
specified column in the internal form (as type <type>Datum</type>).
This function does not allocate new space for the datum. In the
case of a pass-by-reference data type, the return value will be a
pointer into the passed row.
<term><literal>HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter></literal></term>
input row to be examined
<term><literal>TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter></literal></term>
input row description
<term><literal>int <parameter>colnumber</parameter></literal></term>
column number (count starts at 1)
<term><literal>bool * <parameter>isnull</parameter></literal></term>
flag for a null value in the column
<title>Return Value</title>
The binary value of the column is returned. The variable pointed
to by <parameter>isnull</parameter> is set to true if the column is
null, else to false.
<varname>SPI_result</varname> is set to
<symbol>SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE</symbol> on error.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-gettype">
<refpurpose>return the data type name of the specified column</refpurpose>
char * SPI_gettype(TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter>, int <parameter>colnumber</parameter>)
<function>SPI_gettype</function> returns a copy of the data type name of the
specified column. (You can use <function>pfree</function> to
release the copy of the name when you don't need it anymore.)
<term><literal>TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter></literal></term>
input row description
<term><literal>int <parameter>colnumber</parameter></literal></term>
column number (count starts at 1)
<title>Return Value</title>
The data type name of the specified column, or
<symbol>NULL</symbol> on error. <varname>SPI_result</varname> is
set to <symbol>SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE</symbol> on error.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-gettypeid">
<refpurpose>return the data type <acronym>OID</acronym> of the specified column</refpurpose>
Oid SPI_gettypeid(TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter>, int <parameter>colnumber</parameter>)
<function>SPI_gettypeid</function> returns the
<acronym>OID</acronym> of the data type of the specified column.
<term><literal>TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter></literal></term>
input row description
<term><literal>int <parameter>colnumber</parameter></literal></term>
column number (count starts at 1)
<title>Return Value</title>
The <acronym>OID</acronym> of the data type of the specified column
or <symbol>InvalidOid</symbol> on error. On error,
<varname>SPI_result</varname> is set to
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-getrelname">
<refpurpose>return the name of the specified relation</refpurpose>
char * SPI_getrelname(Relation <parameter>rel</parameter>)
<function>SPI_getrelname</function> returns a copy of the name of the
specified relation. (You can use <function>pfree</function> to
release the copy of the name when you don't need it anymore.)
<term><literal>Relation <parameter>rel</parameter></literal></term>
input relation
<title>Return Value</title>
The name of the specified relation.
<refentry id="spi-spi-getnspname">
<refpurpose>return the namespace of the specified relation</refpurpose>
char * SPI_getnspname(Relation <parameter>rel</parameter>)
<function>SPI_getnspname</function> returns a copy of the name of
the namespace that the specified <structname>Relation</structname>
belongs to. This is equivalent to the relation's schema. You should
<function>pfree</function> the return value of this function when
you are finished with it.
<term><literal>Relation <parameter>rel</parameter></literal></term>
input relation
<title>Return Value</title>
The name of the specified relation's namespace.
<refentry id="spi-spi-result-code-string">
<refpurpose>return error code as string</refpurpose>
const char * SPI_result_code_string(int <parameter>code</parameter>);
<function>SPI_result_code_string</function> returns a string representation
of the result code returned by various SPI functions or stored
in <varname>SPI_result</varname>.
<term><literal>int <parameter>code</parameter></literal></term>
result code
<title>Return Value</title>
A string representation of the result code.
<sect1 id="spi-memory">
<title>Memory Management</title>
<primary>memory context</primary>
<secondary>in SPI</secondary>
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> allocates memory within
<firstterm>memory contexts</firstterm>, which provide a convenient method of
managing allocations made in many different places that need to
live for differing amounts of time. Destroying a context releases
all the memory that was allocated in it. Thus, it is not necessary
to keep track of individual objects to avoid memory leaks; instead
only a relatively small number of contexts have to be managed.
<function>palloc</function> and related functions allocate memory
from the <quote>current</quote> context.
<function>SPI_connect</function> creates a new memory context and
makes it current. <function>SPI_finish</function> restores the
previous current memory context and destroys the context created by
<function>SPI_connect</function>. These actions ensure that
transient memory allocations made inside your C function are
reclaimed at C function exit, avoiding memory leakage.
However, if your C function needs to return an object in allocated
memory (such as a value of a pass-by-reference data type), you
cannot allocate that memory using <function>palloc</function>, at
least not while you are connected to SPI. If you try, the object
will be deallocated by <function>SPI_finish</function>, and your
C function will not work reliably. To solve this problem, use
<function>SPI_palloc</function> to allocate memory for your return
object. <function>SPI_palloc</function> allocates memory in the
<quote>upper executor context</quote>, that is, the memory context
that was current when <function>SPI_connect</function> was called,
which is precisely the right context for a value returned from your
C function. Several of the other utility functions described in
this section also return objects created in the upper executor context.
When <function>SPI_connect</function> is called, the private
context of the C function, which is created by
<function>SPI_connect</function>, is made the current context. All
allocations made by <function>palloc</function>,
<function>repalloc</function>, or SPI utility functions (except as
described in this section) are made in this context. When a
C function disconnects from the SPI manager (via
<function>SPI_finish</function>) the current context is restored to
the upper executor context, and all allocations made in the
C function memory context are freed and cannot be used any more.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-palloc">
<refpurpose>allocate memory in the upper executor context</refpurpose>
void * SPI_palloc(Size <parameter>size</parameter>)
<function>SPI_palloc</function> allocates memory in the upper
executor context.
This function can only be used while connected to SPI.
Otherwise, it throws an error.
<term><literal>Size <parameter>size</parameter></literal></term>
size in bytes of storage to allocate
<title>Return Value</title>
pointer to new storage space of the specified size
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-realloc">
<refpurpose>reallocate memory in the upper executor context</refpurpose>
void * SPI_repalloc(void * <parameter>pointer</parameter>, Size <parameter>size</parameter>)
<function>SPI_repalloc</function> changes the size of a memory
segment previously allocated using <function>SPI_palloc</function>.
This function is no longer different from plain
<function>repalloc</function>. It's kept just for backward
compatibility of existing code.
<term><literal>void * <parameter>pointer</parameter></literal></term>
pointer to existing storage to change
<term><literal>Size <parameter>size</parameter></literal></term>
size in bytes of storage to allocate
<title>Return Value</title>
pointer to new storage space of specified size with the contents
copied from the existing area
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-pfree">
<refpurpose>free memory in the upper executor context</refpurpose>
void SPI_pfree(void * <parameter>pointer</parameter>)
<function>SPI_pfree</function> frees memory previously allocated
using <function>SPI_palloc</function> or
This function is no longer different from plain
<function>pfree</function>. It's kept just for backward
compatibility of existing code.
<term><literal>void * <parameter>pointer</parameter></literal></term>
pointer to existing storage to free
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-copytuple">
<refpurpose>make a copy of a row in the upper executor context</refpurpose>
HeapTuple SPI_copytuple(HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter>)
<function>SPI_copytuple</function> makes a copy of a row in the
upper executor context. This is normally used to return a modified
row from a trigger. In a function declared to return a composite
type, use <function>SPI_returntuple</function> instead.
This function can only be used while connected to SPI.
Otherwise, it returns NULL and sets <varname>SPI_result</varname> to
<term><literal>HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter></literal></term>
row to be copied
<title>Return Value</title>
the copied row, or <symbol>NULL</symbol> on error
(see <varname>SPI_result</varname> for an error indication)
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-returntuple">
<refpurpose>prepare to return a tuple as a Datum</refpurpose>
HeapTupleHeader SPI_returntuple(HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter>, TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter>)
<function>SPI_returntuple</function> makes a copy of a row in
the upper executor context, returning it in the form of a row type <type>Datum</type>.
The returned pointer need only be converted to <type>Datum</type> via <function>PointerGetDatum</function>
before returning.
This function can only be used while connected to SPI.
Otherwise, it returns NULL and sets <varname>SPI_result</varname> to
Note that this should be used for functions that are declared to return
composite types. It is not used for triggers; use
<function>SPI_copytuple</function> for returning a modified row in a trigger.
<term><literal>HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter></literal></term>
row to be copied
<term><literal>TupleDesc <parameter>rowdesc</parameter></literal></term>
descriptor for row (pass the same descriptor each time for most
effective caching)
<title>Return Value</title>
<type>HeapTupleHeader</type> pointing to copied row,
or <symbol>NULL</symbol> on error
(see <varname>SPI_result</varname> for an error indication)
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-modifytuple">
<refpurpose>create a row by replacing selected fields of a given row</refpurpose>
HeapTuple SPI_modifytuple(Relation <parameter>rel</parameter>, HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter>, int <parameter>ncols</parameter>,
int * <parameter>colnum</parameter>, Datum * <parameter>values</parameter>, const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter>)
<function>SPI_modifytuple</function> creates a new row by
substituting new values for selected columns, copying the original
row's columns at other positions. The input row is not modified.
The new row is returned in the upper executor context.
This function can only be used while connected to SPI.
Otherwise, it returns NULL and sets <varname>SPI_result</varname> to
<term><literal>Relation <parameter>rel</parameter></literal></term>
Used only as the source of the row descriptor for the row.
(Passing a relation rather than a row descriptor is a
<term><literal>HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter></literal></term>
row to be modified
<term><literal>int <parameter>ncols</parameter></literal></term>
number of columns to be changed
<term><literal>int * <parameter>colnum</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>ncols</parameter>, containing the numbers
of the columns that are to be changed (column numbers start at 1)
<term><literal>Datum * <parameter>values</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>ncols</parameter>, containing the
new values for the specified columns
<term><literal>const char * <parameter>nulls</parameter></literal></term>
an array of length <parameter>ncols</parameter>, describing which
new values are null
If <parameter>nulls</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol> then
<function>SPI_modifytuple</function> assumes that no new values
are null. Otherwise, each entry of the <parameter>nulls</parameter>
array should be <literal>'&nbsp;'</literal> if the corresponding new value is
non-null, or <literal>'n'</literal> if the corresponding new value is
null. (In the latter case, the actual value in the corresponding
<parameter>values</parameter> entry doesn't matter.) Note that
<parameter>nulls</parameter> is not a text string, just an array: it
does not need a <literal>'\0'</literal> terminator.
<title>Return Value</title>
new row with modifications, allocated in the upper executor
context, or <symbol>NULL</symbol> on error
(see <varname>SPI_result</varname> for an error indication)
On error, <varname>SPI_result</varname> is set as follows:
if <parameter>rel</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol>, or if
<parameter>row</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol>, or if <parameter>ncols</parameter>
is less than or equal to 0, or if <parameter>colnum</parameter> is
<symbol>NULL</symbol>, or if <parameter>values</parameter> is <symbol>NULL</symbol>.
if <parameter>colnum</parameter> contains an invalid column number (less
than or equal to 0 or greater than the number of columns in
if SPI is not active
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-freetuple">
<refpurpose>free a row allocated in the upper executor context</refpurpose>
void SPI_freetuple(HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter>)
<function>SPI_freetuple</function> frees a row previously allocated
in the upper executor context.
This function is no longer different from plain
<function>heap_freetuple</function>. It's kept just for backward
compatibility of existing code.
<term><literal>HeapTuple <parameter>row</parameter></literal></term>
row to free
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-freetupletable">
<refpurpose>free a row set created by <function>SPI_execute</function> or a similar
void SPI_freetuptable(SPITupleTable * <parameter>tuptable</parameter>)
<function>SPI_freetuptable</function> frees a row set created by a
prior SPI command execution function, such as
<function>SPI_execute</function>. Therefore, this function is often called
with the global variable <varname>SPI_tuptable</varname> as
This function is useful if an SPI-using C function needs to execute
multiple commands and does not want to keep the results of earlier
commands around until it ends. Note that any unfreed row sets will
be freed anyway at <function>SPI_finish</function>.
Also, if a subtransaction is started and then aborted within execution
of an SPI-using C function, SPI automatically frees any row sets created while
the subtransaction was running.
Beginning in <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 9.3,
<function>SPI_freetuptable</function> contains guard logic to protect
against duplicate deletion requests for the same row set. In previous
releases, duplicate deletions would lead to crashes.
<term><literal>SPITupleTable * <parameter>tuptable</parameter></literal></term>
pointer to row set to free, or NULL to do nothing
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-freeplan">
<refpurpose>free a previously saved prepared statement</refpurpose>
int SPI_freeplan(SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter>)
<function>SPI_freeplan</function> releases a prepared statement
previously returned by <function>SPI_prepare</function> or saved by
<function>SPI_keepplan</function> or <function>SPI_saveplan</function>.
<term><literal>SPIPlanPtr <parameter>plan</parameter></literal></term>
pointer to statement to free
<title>Return Value</title>
0 on success;
<symbol>SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT</symbol> if <parameter>plan</parameter>
is <symbol>NULL</symbol> or invalid
<sect1 id="spi-transaction">
<title>Transaction Management</title>
It is not possible to run transaction control commands such
as <command>COMMIT</command> and <command>ROLLBACK</command> through SPI
functions such as <function>SPI_execute</function>. There are, however,
separate interface functions that allow transaction control through SPI.
It is not generally safe and sensible to start and end transactions in
arbitrary user-defined SQL-callable functions without taking into account
the context in which they are called. For example, a transaction boundary
in the middle of a function that is part of a complex SQL expression that
is part of some SQL command will probably result in obscure internal errors
or crashes. The interface functions presented here are primarily intended
to be used by procedural language implementations to support transaction
management in SQL-level procedures that are invoked by the <command>CALL</command>
command, taking the context of the <command>CALL</command> invocation into
account. SPI-using procedures implemented in C can implement the same logic, but
the details of that are beyond the scope of this documentation.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-commit">
<refpurpose>commit the current transaction</refpurpose>
void SPI_commit(void)
void SPI_commit_and_chain(void)
<function>SPI_commit</function> commits the current transaction. It is
approximately equivalent to running the SQL
command <command>COMMIT</command>. After a transaction is committed, a new
transaction has to be started
using <function>SPI_start_transaction</function> before further database
actions can be executed.
<function>SPI_commit_and_chain</function> is the same, but a new
transaction is immediately started with the same transaction
characteristics as the just finished one, like with the SQL command
<command>COMMIT AND CHAIN</command>.
These functions can only be executed if the SPI connection has been set as
nonatomic in the call to <function>SPI_connect_ext</function>.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-rollback">
<refpurpose>abort the current transaction</refpurpose>
void SPI_rollback(void)
void SPI_rollback_and_chain(void)
<function>SPI_rollback</function> rolls back the current transaction. It
is approximately equivalent to running the SQL
command <command>ROLLBACK</command>. After a transaction is rolled back, a
new transaction has to be started
using <function>SPI_start_transaction</function> before further database
actions can be executed.
<function>SPI_rollback_and_chain</function> is the same, but a new
transaction is immediately started with the same transaction
characteristics as the just finished one, like with the SQL command
<command>ROLLBACK AND CHAIN</command>.
These functions can only be executed if the SPI connection has been set as
nonatomic in the call to <function>SPI_connect_ext</function>.
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<refentry id="spi-spi-start-transaction">
<refpurpose>start a new transaction</refpurpose>
void SPI_start_transaction(void)
<function>SPI_start_transaction</function> starts a new transaction. It
can only be called after <function>SPI_commit</function>
or <function>SPI_rollback</function>, as there is no transaction active at
that point. Normally, when an SPI-using procedure is called, there is already a
transaction active, so attempting to start another one before closing out
the current one will result in an error.
This function can only be executed if the SPI connection has been set as
nonatomic in the call to <function>SPI_connect_ext</function>.
<sect1 id="spi-visibility">
<title>Visibility of Data Changes</title>
The following rules govern the visibility of data changes in
functions that use SPI (or any other C function):
During the execution of an SQL command, any data changes made by
the command are invisible to the command itself. For
example, in:
the inserted rows are invisible to the <command>SELECT</command>
Changes made by a command C are visible to all commands that are
started after C, no matter whether they are started inside C
(during the execution of C) or after C is done.
Commands executed via SPI inside a function called by an SQL command
(either an ordinary function or a trigger) follow one or the
other of the above rules depending on the read/write flag passed
to SPI. Commands executed in read-only mode follow the first
rule: they cannot see changes of the calling command. Commands executed
in read-write mode follow the second rule: they can see all changes made
so far.
All standard procedural languages set the SPI read-write mode
depending on the volatility attribute of the function. Commands of
<literal>STABLE</literal> and <literal>IMMUTABLE</literal> functions are done in
read-only mode, while commands of <literal>VOLATILE</literal> functions are
done in read-write mode. While authors of C functions are able to
violate this convention, it's unlikely to be a good idea to do so.
The next section contains an example that illustrates the
application of these rules.
<sect1 id="spi-examples">
This section contains a very simple example of SPI usage. The
C function <function>execq</function> takes an SQL command as its
first argument and a row count as its second, executes the command
using <function>SPI_exec</function> and returns the number of rows
that were processed by the command. You can find more complex
examples for SPI in the source tree in
<filename>src/test/regress/regress.c</filename> and in the
<xref linkend="contrib-spi"/> module.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
char *command;
int cnt;
int ret;
uint64 proc;
/* Convert given text object to a C string */
command = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0));
cnt = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
ret = SPI_exec(command, cnt);
proc = SPI_processed;
* If some rows were fetched, print them via elog(INFO).
if (ret &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; SPI_tuptable != NULL)
SPITupleTable *tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
TupleDesc tupdesc = tuptable-&gt;tupdesc;
char buf[8192];
uint64 j;
for (j = 0; j &lt; tuptable-&gt;numvals; j++)
HeapTuple tuple = tuptable-&gt;vals[j];
int i;
for (i = 1, buf[0] = 0; i &lt;= tupdesc-&gt;natts; i++)
snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), " %s%s",
SPI_getvalue(tuple, tupdesc, i),
(i == tupdesc-&gt;natts) ? " " : " |");
elog(INFO, "EXECQ: %s", buf);
This is how you declare the function after having compiled it into
a shared library (details are in <xref linkend="dfunc"/>.):
CREATE FUNCTION execq(text, integer) RETURNS int8
AS '<replaceable>filename</replaceable>'
Here is a sample session:
=&gt; SELECT execq('CREATE TABLE a (x integer)', 0);
(1 row)
=&gt; INSERT INTO a VALUES (execq('INSERT INTO a VALUES (0)', 0));
=&gt; SELECT execq('SELECT * FROM a', 0);
INFO: EXECQ: 0 -- inserted by execq
INFO: EXECQ: 1 -- returned by execq and inserted by upper INSERT
(1 row)
=&gt; SELECT execq('INSERT INTO a SELECT x + 2 FROM a', 1);
(1 row)
=&gt; SELECT execq('SELECT * FROM a', 10);
INFO: EXECQ: 2 -- 0 + 2, only one row inserted - as specified
3 -- 10 is the max value only, 3 is the real number of rows
(1 row)
=&gt; DELETE FROM a;
=&gt; INSERT INTO a VALUES (execq('SELECT * FROM a', 0) + 1);
=&gt; SELECT * FROM a;
1 -- no rows in a (0) + 1
(1 row)
=&gt; INSERT INTO a VALUES (execq('SELECT * FROM a', 0) + 1);
=&gt; SELECT * FROM a;
2 -- there was one row in a + 1
(2 rows)
-- This demonstrates the data changes visibility rule:
=&gt; INSERT INTO a SELECT execq('SELECT * FROM a', 0) * x FROM a;
=&gt; SELECT * FROM a;
2 -- 2 rows * 1 (x in first row)
6 -- 3 rows (2 + 1 just inserted) * 2 (x in second row)
(4 rows) ^^^^^^
rows visible to execq() in different invocations