Tom Lane 389af07cf0 Clean up rewriter routines to use expression_tree_walker and
expression_tree_mutator rather than ad-hoc tree walking code.  This shortens
the code materially and fixes a fair number of sins of omission.  Also,
change modifyAggrefQual to *not* recurse into subselects, since its mission
is satisfied if it removes aggregate functions from the top level of a
WHERE clause.  This cures problems with queries of the form SELECT ...
WHERE x IN (SELECT ... HAVING something-using-an-aggregate), which would
formerly get mucked up by modifyAggrefQual.  The routine is still
fundamentally broken, of course, but I don't think there's any way to get
rid of it before we implement subselects in FROM ...
1999-10-01 04:08:24 +00:00

657 lines
16 KiB

* rewriteManip.c
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteManip.c,v 1.41 1999/10/01 04:08:24 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "parser/parse_clause.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
/* macros borrowed from expression_tree_mutator */
#define FLATCOPY(newnode, node, nodetype) \
( (newnode) = makeNode(nodetype), \
memcpy((newnode), (node), sizeof(nodetype)) )
#define MUTATE(newfield, oldfield, fieldtype, mutator, context) \
( (newfield) = (fieldtype) mutator((Node *) (oldfield), (context)) )
* OffsetVarNodes - adjust Vars when appending one query's RT to another
* Find all Var nodes in the given tree with varlevelsup == sublevels_up,
* and increment their varno fields (rangetable indexes) by 'offset'.
* The varnoold fields are adjusted similarly.
* NOTE: although this has the form of a walker, we cheat and modify the
* Var nodes in-place. The given expression tree should have been copied
* earlier to ensure that no unwanted side-effects occur!
typedef struct {
int offset;
int sublevels_up;
} OffsetVarNodes_context;
static bool
OffsetVarNodes_walker(Node *node, OffsetVarNodes_context *context)
if (node == NULL)
return false;
if (IsA(node, Var))
Var *var = (Var *) node;
if (var->varlevelsup == context->sublevels_up)
var->varno += context->offset;
var->varnoold += context->offset;
return false;
if (IsA(node, SubLink))
* Standard expression_tree_walker will not recurse into subselect,
* but here we must do so.
SubLink *sub = (SubLink *) node;
if (OffsetVarNodes_walker((Node *) (sub->lefthand),
return true;
OffsetVarNodes((Node *) (sub->subselect),
context->sublevels_up + 1);
return false;
if (IsA(node, Query))
/* Reach here after recursing down into subselect above... */
Query *qry = (Query *) node;
if (OffsetVarNodes_walker((Node *) (qry->targetList),
return true;
if (OffsetVarNodes_walker((Node *) (qry->qual),
return true;
if (OffsetVarNodes_walker((Node *) (qry->havingQual),
return true;
return false;
return expression_tree_walker(node, OffsetVarNodes_walker,
(void *) context);
OffsetVarNodes(Node *node, int offset, int sublevels_up)
OffsetVarNodes_context context;
context.offset = offset;
context.sublevels_up = sublevels_up;
OffsetVarNodes_walker(node, &context);
* ChangeVarNodes - adjust Var nodes for a specific change of RT index
* Find all Var nodes in the given tree belonging to a specific relation
* (identified by sublevels_up and rt_index), and change their varno fields
* to 'new_index'. The varnoold fields are changed too.
* NOTE: although this has the form of a walker, we cheat and modify the
* Var nodes in-place. The given expression tree should have been copied
* earlier to ensure that no unwanted side-effects occur!
typedef struct {
int rt_index;
int new_index;
int sublevels_up;
} ChangeVarNodes_context;
static bool
ChangeVarNodes_walker(Node *node, ChangeVarNodes_context *context)
if (node == NULL)
return false;
if (IsA(node, Var))
Var *var = (Var *) node;
if (var->varlevelsup == context->sublevels_up &&
var->varno == context->rt_index)
var->varno = context->new_index;
var->varnoold = context->new_index;
return false;
if (IsA(node, SubLink))
* Standard expression_tree_walker will not recurse into subselect,
* but here we must do so.
SubLink *sub = (SubLink *) node;
if (ChangeVarNodes_walker((Node *) (sub->lefthand),
return true;
ChangeVarNodes((Node *) (sub->subselect),
context->sublevels_up + 1);
return false;
if (IsA(node, Query))
/* Reach here after recursing down into subselect above... */
Query *qry = (Query *) node;
if (ChangeVarNodes_walker((Node *) (qry->targetList),
return true;
if (ChangeVarNodes_walker((Node *) (qry->qual),
return true;
if (ChangeVarNodes_walker((Node *) (qry->havingQual),
return true;
return false;
return expression_tree_walker(node, ChangeVarNodes_walker,
(void *) context);
ChangeVarNodes(Node *node, int rt_index, int new_index, int sublevels_up)
ChangeVarNodes_context context;
context.rt_index = rt_index;
context.new_index = new_index;
context.sublevels_up = sublevels_up;
ChangeVarNodes_walker(node, &context);
* Add the given qualifier condition to the query's WHERE clause
AddQual(Query *parsetree, Node *qual)
Node *copy,
if (qual == NULL)
/* INTERSECT want's the original, but we need to copy - Jan */
copy = copyObject(qual);
old = parsetree->qual;
if (old == NULL)
parsetree->qual = copy;
parsetree->qual = (Node *) make_andclause(makeList(old, copy, -1));
* Add the given havingQual to the one already contained in the parsetree
* just as AddQual does for the normal 'where' qual
AddHavingQual(Query *parsetree, Node *havingQual)
Node *copy,
if (havingQual == NULL)
/* INTERSECT want's the original, but we need to copy - Jan */
copy = copyObject(havingQual);
old = parsetree->havingQual;
if (old == NULL)
parsetree->havingQual = copy;
parsetree->havingQual = (Node *) make_andclause(makeList(old, copy, -1));
#ifdef NOT_USED
AddNotHavingQual(Query *parsetree, Node *havingQual)
Node *notqual;
if (havingQual == NULL)
/* Need not copy input qual, because AddHavingQual will... */
notqual = (Node *) make_notclause((Expr *) havingQual);
AddHavingQual(parsetree, notqual);
AddNotQual(Query *parsetree, Node *qual)
Node *notqual;
if (qual == NULL)
/* Need not copy input qual, because AddQual will... */
notqual = (Node *) make_notclause((Expr *) qual);
AddQual(parsetree, notqual);
* Add all expressions used by the given GroupClause list to the
* parsetree's targetlist and groupclause list.
* tlist is the old targetlist associated with the input groupclauses.
* XXX shouldn't we be checking to see if there are already matching
* entries in parsetree->targetlist?
AddGroupClause(Query *parsetree, List *group_by, List *tlist)
List *l;
foreach(l, group_by)
GroupClause *groupclause = (GroupClause *) copyObject(lfirst(l));
Index refnumber = groupclause->tleSortGroupRef;
TargetEntry *tle = NULL;
List *tl;
/* Find and copy the groupclause's TLE in the old tlist */
foreach(tl, tlist)
if (((TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl))->resdom->ressortgroupref ==
tle = (TargetEntry *) copyObject(lfirst(tl));
if (tle == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "AddGroupClause(): GROUP BY entry not found in rules targetlist");
/* The ressortgroupref number in the old tlist might be already
* taken in the new tlist, so force assignment of a new number.
tle->resdom->ressortgroupref = 0;
groupclause->tleSortGroupRef =
assignSortGroupRef(tle, parsetree->targetList);
/* Also need to set the resno and mark it resjunk. */
tle->resdom->resno = length(parsetree->targetList) + 1;
tle->resdom->resjunk = true;
parsetree->targetList = lappend(parsetree->targetList, tle);
parsetree->groupClause = lappend(parsetree->groupClause, groupclause);
static Node *
make_null(Oid type)
Const *c = makeNode(Const);
c->consttype = type;
c->constlen = get_typlen(type);
c->constvalue = PointerGetDatum(NULL);
c->constisnull = true;
c->constbyval = get_typbyval(type);
return (Node *) c;
#ifdef NOT_USED
FixResdomTypes(List *tlist)
List *i;
foreach(i, tlist)
TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(i);
if (nodeTag(tle->expr) == T_Var)
Var *var = (Var *) tle->expr;
tle->resdom->restype = var->vartype;
tle->resdom->restypmod = var->vartypmod;
/* Find a targetlist entry by resno */
static Node *
FindMatchingNew(List *tlist, int attno)
List *i;
foreach(i, tlist)
TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(i);
if (tle->resdom->resno == attno)
return tle->expr;
return NULL;
/* Find a targetlist entry by resname */
static Node *
FindMatchingTLEntry(List *tlist, char *e_attname)
List *i;
foreach(i, tlist)
TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(i);
char *resname;
resname = tle->resdom->resname;
if (!strcmp(e_attname, resname))
return tle->expr;
return NULL;
* ResolveNew - replace Vars with corresponding items from a targetlist
* Vars matching info->new_varno and sublevels_up are replaced by the
* entry with matching resno from targetlist, if there is one.
typedef struct {
RewriteInfo *info;
List *targetlist;
int sublevels_up;
} ResolveNew_context;
static Node *
ResolveNew_mutator(Node *node, ResolveNew_context *context)
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;
if (IsA(node, Var))
Var *var = (Var *) node;
int this_varno = (int) var->varno;
int this_varlevelsup = (int) var->varlevelsup;
if (this_varno == context->info->new_varno &&
this_varlevelsup == context->sublevels_up)
Node *n = FindMatchingNew(context->targetlist,
if (n == NULL)
if (context->info->event == CMD_UPDATE)
/* For update, just change unmatched var's varno */
n = copyObject(node);
((Var *) n)->varno = context->info->current_varno;
((Var *) n)->varnoold = context->info->current_varno;
return n;
/* Otherwise replace unmatched var with a null */
return make_null(var->vartype);
/* Make a copy of the tlist item to return */
n = copyObject(n);
if (IsA(n, Var))
((Var *) n)->varlevelsup = this_varlevelsup;
/* XXX what to do if tlist item is NOT a var?
* Should we be using something like apply_RIR_adjust_sublevel?
return n;
/* otherwise fall through to copy the var normally */
* Since expression_tree_mutator won't touch subselects, we have to
* handle them specially.
if (IsA(node, SubLink))
SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) node;
SubLink *newnode;
FLATCOPY(newnode, sublink, SubLink);
MUTATE(newnode->lefthand, sublink->lefthand, List *,
ResolveNew_mutator, context);
MUTATE(newnode->subselect, sublink->subselect, Node *,
ResolveNew_mutator, context);
return (Node *) newnode;
if (IsA(node, Query))
Query *query = (Query *) node;
Query *newnode;
* XXX original code for ResolveNew only recursed into qual field
* of subquery. I'm assuming that was an oversight ... tgl 9/99
FLATCOPY(newnode, query, Query);
MUTATE(newnode->targetList, query->targetList, List *,
ResolveNew_mutator, context);
MUTATE(newnode->qual, query->qual, Node *,
ResolveNew_mutator, context);
MUTATE(newnode->havingQual, query->havingQual, Node *,
ResolveNew_mutator, context);
return (Node *) newnode;
return expression_tree_mutator(node, ResolveNew_mutator,
(void *) context);
static Node *
ResolveNew(Node *node, RewriteInfo *info, List *targetlist,
int sublevels_up)
ResolveNew_context context; = info;
context.targetlist = targetlist;
context.sublevels_up = sublevels_up;
return ResolveNew_mutator(node, &context);
FixNew(RewriteInfo *info, Query *parsetree)
info->rule_action->targetList = (List *)
ResolveNew((Node *) info->rule_action->targetList,
info, parsetree->targetList, 0);
info->rule_action->qual = ResolveNew(info->rule_action->qual,
info, parsetree->targetList, 0);
/* XXX original code didn't fix havingQual; presumably an oversight? */
info->rule_action->havingQual = ResolveNew(info->rule_action->havingQual,
info, parsetree->targetList, 0);
* HandleRIRAttributeRule
* Replace Vars matching a given RT index with copies of TL expressions.
* Handles 'on retrieve to relation.attribute
* do instead retrieve (attribute = expression) w/qual'
* XXX Why is this not unified with apply_RIR_view()?
typedef struct {
List *rtable;
List *targetlist;
int rt_index;
int attr_num;
int *modified;
int *badsql;
int sublevels_up;
} HandleRIRAttributeRule_context;
static Node *
HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator(Node *node,
HandleRIRAttributeRule_context *context)
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;
if (IsA(node, Var))
Var *var = (Var *) node;
int this_varno = var->varno;
int this_varattno = var->varattno;
int this_varlevelsup = var->varlevelsup;
if (this_varno == context->rt_index &&
this_varattno == context->attr_num &&
this_varlevelsup == context->sublevels_up)
if (var->vartype == 32)
{ /* HACK: disallow SET variables */
*context->modified = TRUE;
*context->badsql = TRUE;
return make_null(var->vartype);
NameData name_to_look_for;[0] = '\0';
(char *) get_attname(getrelid(this_varno,
if ([0])
Node *n;
*context->modified = TRUE;
n = FindMatchingTLEntry(context->targetlist,
(char *) &name_to_look_for);
if (n == NULL)
return make_null(var->vartype);
return copyObject(n);
/* otherwise fall through to copy the var normally */
* Since expression_tree_mutator won't touch subselects, we have to
* handle them specially.
if (IsA(node, SubLink))
SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) node;
SubLink *newnode;
FLATCOPY(newnode, sublink, SubLink);
MUTATE(newnode->lefthand, sublink->lefthand, List *,
HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator, context);
MUTATE(newnode->subselect, sublink->subselect, Node *,
HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator, context);
return (Node *) newnode;
if (IsA(node, Query))
Query *query = (Query *) node;
Query *newnode;
* XXX original code for HandleRIRAttributeRule only recursed into
* qual field of subquery. I'm assuming that was an oversight ...
FLATCOPY(newnode, query, Query);
MUTATE(newnode->targetList, query->targetList, List *,
HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator, context);
MUTATE(newnode->qual, query->qual, Node *,
HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator, context);
MUTATE(newnode->havingQual, query->havingQual, Node *,
HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator, context);
return (Node *) newnode;
return expression_tree_mutator(node, HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator,
(void *) context);
HandleRIRAttributeRule(Query *parsetree,
List *rtable,
List *targetlist,
int rt_index,
int attr_num,
int *modified,
int *badsql)
HandleRIRAttributeRule_context context;
context.rtable = rtable;
context.targetlist = targetlist;
context.rt_index = rt_index;
context.attr_num = attr_num;
context.modified = modified;
context.badsql = badsql;
context.sublevels_up = 0;
parsetree->targetList = (List *)
HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator((Node *) parsetree->targetList,
parsetree->qual = HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator(parsetree->qual,
/* XXX original code did not fix havingQual ... oversight? */
parsetree->havingQual = HandleRIRAttributeRule_mutator(parsetree->havingQual,