Peter Eisentraut a2da77cdb4 Change return type of EXTRACT to numeric
The previous implementation of EXTRACT mapped internally to
date_part(), which returned type double precision (since it was
implemented long before the numeric type existed).  This can lead to
imprecise output in some cases, so returning numeric would be
preferrable.  Changing the return type of an existing function is a
bit risky, so instead we do the following:  We implement a new set of
functions, which are now called "extract", in parallel to the existing
date_part functions.  They work the same way internally but use
numeric instead of float8.  The EXTRACT construct is now mapped by the
parser to these new extract functions.  That way, dumps of views
etc. from old versions (which would use date_part) continue to work
unchanged, but new uses will map to the new extract functions.

Additionally, the reverse compilation of EXTRACT now reproduces the
original syntax, using the new mechanism introduced in

The following minor changes of behavior result from the new

- The column name from an isolated EXTRACT call is now "extract"
  instead of "date_part".

- Extract from date now rejects inappropriate field names such as
  HOUR.  It was previously mapped internally to extract from
  timestamp, so it would silently accept everything appropriate for

- Return values when extracting fields with possibly fractional
  values, such as second and epoch, now have the full scale that the
  value has internally (so, for example, '1.000000' instead of just

Reported-by: Petr Fedorov <>
Reviewed-by: Tom Lane <>
2021-04-06 07:20:42 +02:00

217 lines
6.6 KiB

-- \crosstabview
CREATE TABLE ctv_data (v, h, c, i, d) AS
('v1','h2','foo', 3, '2015-04-01'::date),
('v2','h1','bar', 3, '2015-01-02'),
('v1','h0','baz', NULL, '2015-07-12'),
('v0','h4','qux', 4, '2015-07-15'),
('v0','h4','dbl', -3, '2014-12-15'),
('v0',NULL,'qux', 5, '2014-07-15'),
('v1','h2','quux',7, '2015-04-04');
-- make plans more stable
ANALYZE ctv_data;
-- running \crosstabview after query uses query in buffer
SELECT v, EXTRACT(year FROM d), count(*)
FROM ctv_data
ORDER BY 1, 2;
v | extract | count
v0 | 2014 | 2
v0 | 2015 | 1
v1 | 2015 | 3
v2 | 2015 | 1
(4 rows)
-- basic usage with 3 columns
v | 2014 | 2015
v0 | 2 | 1
v1 | | 3
v2 | | 1
(3 rows)
-- ordered months in horizontal header, quoted column name
SELECT v, to_char(d, 'Mon') AS "month name", EXTRACT(month FROM d) AS num,
count(*) FROM ctv_data GROUP BY 1,2,3 ORDER BY 1
\crosstabview v "month name" 4 num
v | Jan | Apr | Jul | Dec
v0 | | | 2 | 1
v1 | | 2 | 1 |
v2 | 1 | | |
(3 rows)
-- ordered months in vertical header, ordered years in horizontal header
SELECT EXTRACT(year FROM d) AS year, to_char(d,'Mon') AS """month"" name",
EXTRACT(month FROM d) AS month,
format('sum=%s avg=%s', sum(i), avg(i)::numeric(2,1))
FROM ctv_data
GROUP BY EXTRACT(year FROM d), to_char(d,'Mon'), EXTRACT(month FROM d)
ORDER BY month
\crosstabview """month"" name" year format year
"month" name | 2014 | 2015
Jan | | sum=3 avg=3.0
Apr | | sum=10 avg=5.0
Jul | sum=5 avg=5.0 | sum=4 avg=4.0
Dec | sum=-3 avg=-3.0 |
(4 rows)
-- combine contents vertically into the same cell (V/H duplicates)
SELECT v, h, string_agg(c, E'\n') FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY 1,2,3
\crosstabview 1 2 3
v | h4 | | h0 | h2 | h1
v0 | qux+| qux | | |
| dbl | | | |
v1 | | | baz | foo +|
| | | | quux |
v2 | | | | | bar
(3 rows)
-- horizontal ASC order from window function
SELECT v,h, string_agg(c, E'\n') AS c, row_number() OVER(ORDER BY h) AS r
FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY 1,3,2
\crosstabview v h c r
v | h0 | h1 | h2 | h4 |
v0 | | | | qux+| qux
| | | | dbl |
v1 | baz | | foo +| |
| | | quux | |
v2 | | bar | | |
(3 rows)
-- horizontal DESC order from window function
SELECT v, h, string_agg(c, E'\n') AS c, row_number() OVER(ORDER BY h DESC) AS r
FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY 1,3,2
\crosstabview v h c r
v | | h4 | h2 | h1 | h0
v0 | qux | qux+| | |
| | dbl | | |
v1 | | | foo +| | baz
| | | quux | |
v2 | | | | bar |
(3 rows)
-- horizontal ASC order from window function, NULLs pushed rightmost
SELECT v,h, string_agg(c, E'\n') AS c, row_number() OVER(ORDER BY h NULLS LAST) AS r
FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY 1,3,2
\crosstabview v h c r
v | h0 | h1 | h2 | h4 |
v0 | | | | qux+| qux
| | | | dbl |
v1 | baz | | foo +| |
| | | quux | |
v2 | | bar | | |
(3 rows)
-- only null, no column name, 2 columns: error
SELECT null,null \crosstabview
\crosstabview: query must return at least three columns
-- only null, no column name, 3 columns: works
SELECT null,null,null \crosstabview
?column? |
(1 row)
-- null display
\pset null '#null#'
SELECT v,h, string_agg(i::text, E'\n') AS i FROM ctv_data
\crosstabview v h i
v | h0 | h1 | h2 | h4 | #null#
v1 | #null# | | 3 +| |
| | | 7 | |
v2 | | 3 | | |
v0 | | | | 4 +| 5
| | | | -3 |
(3 rows)
\pset null ''
-- refer to columns by position
SELECT v,h,string_agg(i::text, E'\n'), string_agg(c, E'\n')
FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY h,v
\crosstabview 2 1 4
h | v1 | v2 | v0
h0 | baz | |
h1 | | bar |
h2 | foo +| |
| quux | |
h4 | | | qux+
| | | dbl
| | | qux
(5 rows)
-- refer to columns by positions and names mixed
SELECT v,h, string_agg(i::text, E'\n') AS i, string_agg(c, E'\n') AS c
FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY h,v
\crosstabview 1 "h" 4
v | h0 | h1 | h2 | h4 |
v1 | baz | | foo +| |
| | | quux | |
v2 | | bar | | |
v0 | | | | qux+| qux
| | | | dbl |
(3 rows)
-- refer to columns by quoted names, check downcasing of unquoted name
SELECT 1 as "22", 2 as b, 3 as "Foo"
\crosstabview "22" B "Foo"
22 | 2
1 | 3
(1 row)
-- error: bad column name
SELECT v,h,c,i FROM ctv_data
\crosstabview v h j
\crosstabview: column name not found: "j"
-- error: need to quote name
SELECT 1 as "22", 2 as b, 3 as "Foo"
\crosstabview 1 2 Foo
\crosstabview: column name not found: "foo"
-- error: need to not quote name
SELECT 1 as "22", 2 as b, 3 as "Foo"
\crosstabview 1 "B" "Foo"
\crosstabview: column name not found: "B"
-- error: bad column number
SELECT v,h,i,c FROM ctv_data
\crosstabview 2 1 5
\crosstabview: column number 5 is out of range 1..4
-- error: same H and V columns
SELECT v,h,i,c FROM ctv_data
\crosstabview 2 h 4
\crosstabview: vertical and horizontal headers must be different columns
-- error: too many columns
SELECT a,a,1 FROM generate_series(1,3000) AS a
\crosstabview: maximum number of columns (1600) exceeded
-- error: only one column
SELECT 1 \crosstabview
\crosstabview: query must return at least three columns
DROP TABLE ctv_data;
-- check error reporting (bug #14476)
CREATE TABLE ctv_data (x int, y int, v text);
INSERT INTO ctv_data SELECT 1, x, '*' || x FROM generate_series(1,10) x;
SELECT * FROM ctv_data \crosstabview
x | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
1 | *1 | *2 | *3 | *4 | *5 | *6 | *7 | *8 | *9 | *10
(1 row)
INSERT INTO ctv_data VALUES (1, 10, '*'); -- duplicate data to cause error
SELECT * FROM ctv_data \crosstabview
\crosstabview: query result contains multiple data values for row "1", column "10"
DROP TABLE ctv_data;