Amit Kapila f062cddafe Fix the ALTER SUBSCRIPTION to reflect the change in run_as_owner option.
Reported-by: Jeff Davis
Author: Hou Zhijie
Reviewed-by: Amit Kapila
Backpatch-through: 16
2023-09-13 09:34:30 +05:30

481 lines
36 KiB

CREATE ROLE regress_subscription_user LOGIN SUPERUSER;
CREATE ROLE regress_subscription_user2;
CREATE ROLE regress_subscription_user3 IN ROLE pg_create_subscription;
CREATE ROLE regress_subscription_user_dummy LOGIN NOSUPERUSER;
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION 'regress_subscription_user';
-- fail - no publications
ERROR: syntax error at or near ";"
-- fail - no connection
ERROR: syntax error at or near "PUBLICATION"
-- fail - cannot do CREATE SUBSCRIPTION CREATE SLOT inside transaction block
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'testconn' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (create_slot);
ERROR: CREATE SUBSCRIPTION ... WITH (create_slot = true) cannot run inside a transaction block
-- fail - invalid connection string
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'testconn' PUBLICATION testpub;
ERROR: invalid connection string syntax: missing "=" after "testconn" in connection info string
-- fail - duplicate publications
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION foo, testpub, foo WITH (connect = false);
ERROR: publication name "foo" used more than once
-- ok
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
COMMENT ON SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub IS 'test subscription';
SELECT obj_description(s.oid, 'pg_subscription') FROM pg_subscription s;
test subscription
(1 row)
-- Check if the subscription stats are created and stats_reset is updated
-- by pg_stat_reset_subscription_stats().
SELECT subname, stats_reset IS NULL stats_reset_is_null FROM pg_stat_subscription_stats WHERE subname = 'regress_testsub';
subname | stats_reset_is_null
regress_testsub | t
(1 row)
SELECT pg_stat_reset_subscription_stats(oid) FROM pg_subscription WHERE subname = 'regress_testsub';
(1 row)
SELECT subname, stats_reset IS NULL stats_reset_is_null FROM pg_stat_subscription_stats WHERE subname = 'regress_testsub';
subname | stats_reset_is_null
regress_testsub | f
(1 row)
-- Reset the stats again and check if the new reset_stats is updated.
SELECT stats_reset as prev_stats_reset FROM pg_stat_subscription_stats WHERE subname = 'regress_testsub' \gset
SELECT pg_stat_reset_subscription_stats(oid) FROM pg_subscription WHERE subname = 'regress_testsub';
(1 row)
SELECT :'prev_stats_reset' < stats_reset FROM pg_stat_subscription_stats WHERE subname = 'regress_testsub';
(1 row)
-- fail - name already exists
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false);
ERROR: subscription "regress_testsub" already exists
-- fail - must be superuser
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION 'regress_subscription_user2';
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION foo WITH (connect = false);
ERROR: permission denied to create subscription
DETAIL: Only roles with privileges of the "pg_create_subscription" role may create subscriptions.
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION 'regress_subscription_user';
-- fail - invalid option combinations
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, copy_data = true);
ERROR: connect = false and copy_data = true are mutually exclusive options
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, enabled = true);
ERROR: connect = false and enabled = true are mutually exclusive options
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, create_slot = true);
ERROR: connect = false and create_slot = true are mutually exclusive options
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (slot_name = NONE, enabled = true);
ERROR: slot_name = NONE and enabled = true are mutually exclusive options
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (slot_name = NONE, enabled = false, create_slot = true);
ERROR: slot_name = NONE and create_slot = true are mutually exclusive options
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (slot_name = NONE);
ERROR: subscription with slot_name = NONE must also set enabled = false
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (slot_name = NONE, enabled = false);
ERROR: subscription with slot_name = NONE must also set create_slot = false
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (slot_name = NONE, create_slot = false);
ERROR: subscription with slot_name = NONE must also set enabled = false
-- ok - with slot_name = NONE
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub3 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (slot_name = NONE, connect = false);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
-- fail
ERROR: cannot enable subscription that does not have a slot name
ERROR: ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... REFRESH is not allowed for disabled subscriptions
-- fail - origin must be either none or any
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub4 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (slot_name = NONE, connect = false, origin = foo);
ERROR: unrecognized origin value: "foo"
-- now it works
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub4 CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (slot_name = NONE, connect = false, origin = none);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
\dRs+ regress_testsub4
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub4 | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | d | f | none | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub4 SET (origin = any);
\dRs+ regress_testsub4
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub4 | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub3;
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub4;
-- fail, connection string does not parse
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub5 CONNECTION 'i_dont_exist=param' PUBLICATION testpub;
ERROR: invalid connection string syntax: invalid connection option "i_dont_exist"
-- fail, connection string parses, but doesn't work (and does so without
-- connecting, so this is reliable and safe)
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub5 CONNECTION 'port=-1' PUBLICATION testpub;
ERROR: could not connect to the publisher: invalid port number: "-1"
-- fail - invalid connection string during ALTER
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'foobar';
ERROR: invalid connection string syntax: missing "=" after "foobar" in connection info string
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET PUBLICATION testpub2, testpub3 WITH (refresh = false);
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist2';
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = 'newname');
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (password_required = false);
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (run_as_owner = true);
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub2,testpub3} | f | off | d | f | any | f | t | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist2 | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (password_required = true);
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (run_as_owner = false);
-- fail
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = '');
ERROR: replication slot name "" is too short
-- fail
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_doesnotexist CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist2';
ERROR: subscription "regress_doesnotexist" does not exist
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (create_slot = false);
ERROR: unrecognized subscription parameter: "create_slot"
-- ok
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SKIP (lsn = '0/12345');
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub2,testpub3} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist2 | 0/12345
(1 row)
-- ok - with lsn = NONE
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SKIP (lsn = NONE);
-- fail
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SKIP (lsn = '0/0');
ERROR: invalid WAL location (LSN): 0/0
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub2,testpub3} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist2 | 0/0
(1 row)
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | t | {testpub2,testpub3}
(1 row)
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub2,testpub3}
(1 row)
-- fail - must be owner of subscription
SET ROLE regress_subscription_user_dummy;
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub RENAME TO regress_testsub_dummy;
ERROR: must be owner of subscription regress_testsub
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub RENAME TO regress_testsub_foo;
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub_foo SET (synchronous_commit = local);
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub_foo SET (synchronous_commit = foobar);
ERROR: invalid value for parameter "synchronous_commit": "foobar"
HINT: Available values: local, remote_write, remote_apply, on, off.
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub_foo | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub2,testpub3} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | local | dbname=regress_doesnotexist2 | 0/0
(1 row)
-- rename back to keep the rest simple
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub_foo RENAME TO regress_testsub;
-- ok, we're a superuser
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub OWNER TO regress_subscription_user2;
-- fail - cannot do DROP SUBSCRIPTION inside transaction block with slot name
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
ERROR: DROP SUBSCRIPTION cannot run inside a transaction block
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = NONE);
-- now it works
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
NOTICE: subscription "regress_testsub" does not exist, skipping
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub; -- fail
ERROR: subscription "regress_testsub" does not exist
-- fail - binary must be boolean
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, binary = foo);
ERROR: binary requires a Boolean value
-- now it works
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, binary = true);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | t | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (binary = false);
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = NONE);
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
-- fail - streaming must be boolean or 'parallel'
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, streaming = foo);
ERROR: streaming requires a Boolean value or "parallel"
-- now it works
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, streaming = true);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | on | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (streaming = parallel);
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | parallel | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (streaming = false);
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = NONE);
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
-- fail - publication already exists
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub ADD PUBLICATION testpub WITH (refresh = false);
ERROR: publication "testpub" is already in subscription "regress_testsub"
-- fail - publication used more than once
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub ADD PUBLICATION testpub1, testpub1 WITH (refresh = false);
ERROR: publication name "testpub1" used more than once
-- ok - add two publications into subscription
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub ADD PUBLICATION testpub1, testpub2 WITH (refresh = false);
-- fail - publications already exist
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub ADD PUBLICATION testpub1, testpub2 WITH (refresh = false);
ERROR: publication "testpub1" is already in subscription "regress_testsub"
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub,testpub1,testpub2} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
-- fail - publication used more than once
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub DROP PUBLICATION testpub1, testpub1 WITH (refresh = false);
ERROR: publication name "testpub1" used more than once
-- fail - all publications are deleted
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub DROP PUBLICATION testpub, testpub1, testpub2 WITH (refresh = false);
ERROR: cannot drop all the publications from a subscription
-- fail - publication does not exist in subscription
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub DROP PUBLICATION testpub3 WITH (refresh = false);
ERROR: publication "testpub3" is not in subscription "regress_testsub"
-- ok - delete publications
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub DROP PUBLICATION testpub1, testpub2 WITH (refresh = false);
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION mypub
WITH (connect = false, create_slot = false, copy_data = false);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
-- fail - ALTER SUBSCRIPTION with refresh is not allowed in a transaction
-- block or function
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET PUBLICATION mypub WITH (refresh = true);
ERROR: ALTER SUBSCRIPTION with refresh cannot run inside a transaction block
ERROR: ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... REFRESH cannot run inside a transaction block
$$ ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET PUBLICATION mypub WITH (refresh = true) $$ LANGUAGE SQL;
SELECT func();
ERROR: ALTER SUBSCRIPTION with refresh cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL function "func" statement 1
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = NONE);
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
-- fail - two_phase must be boolean
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, two_phase = foo);
ERROR: two_phase requires a Boolean value
-- now it works
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, two_phase = true);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | p | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
--fail - alter of two_phase option not supported.
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (two_phase = false);
ERROR: unrecognized subscription parameter: "two_phase"
-- but can alter streaming when two_phase enabled
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (streaming = true);
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | on | p | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = NONE);
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
-- two_phase and streaming are compatible.
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, streaming = true, two_phase = true);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | on | p | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = NONE);
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
-- fail - disable_on_error must be boolean
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, disable_on_error = foo);
ERROR: disable_on_error requires a Boolean value
-- now it works
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, disable_on_error = false);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | d | f | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (disable_on_error = true);
List of subscriptions
Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Binary | Streaming | Two-phase commit | Disable on error | Origin | Password required | Run as owner? | Synchronous commit | Conninfo | Skip LSN
regress_testsub | regress_subscription_user | f | {testpub} | f | off | d | t | any | t | f | off | dbname=regress_doesnotexist | 0/0
(1 row)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = NONE);
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
-- let's do some tests with pg_create_subscription rather than superuser
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_subscription_user3;
-- fail, not enough privileges
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false);
ERROR: permission denied for database regression
-- fail, must specify password
GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE REGRESSION TO regress_subscription_user3;
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_subscription_user3;
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false);
ERROR: password is required
DETAIL: Non-superusers must provide a password in the connection string.
-- fail, can't set password_required=false
GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE REGRESSION TO regress_subscription_user3;
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_subscription_user3;
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false, password_required = false);
ERROR: password_required=false is superuser-only
HINT: Subscriptions with the password_required option set to false may only be created or modified by the superuser.
-- ok
GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE REGRESSION TO regress_subscription_user3;
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_subscription_user3;
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'dbname=regress_doesnotexist password=regress_fakepassword' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect = false);
WARNING: subscription was created, but is not connected
HINT: To initiate replication, you must manually create the replication slot, enable the subscription, and refresh the subscription.
-- we cannot give the subscription away to some random user
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub OWNER TO regress_subscription_user;
ERROR: must be able to SET ROLE "regress_subscription_user"
-- but we can rename the subscription we just created
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub RENAME TO regress_testsub2;
-- ok, even after losing pg_create_subscription we can still rename it
REVOKE pg_create_subscription FROM regress_subscription_user3;
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_subscription_user3;
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub2 RENAME TO regress_testsub;
-- fail, after losing CREATE on the database we can't rename it any more
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_subscription_user3;
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub RENAME TO regress_testsub2;
ERROR: permission denied for database regression
-- ok, owning it is enough for this stuff
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub SET (slot_name = NONE);
DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub;
DROP ROLE regress_subscription_user;
DROP ROLE regress_subscription_user2;
DROP ROLE regress_subscription_user3;
DROP ROLE regress_subscription_user_dummy;