Tom Lane b663f3443b Add a bunch of pseudo-types to replace the behavior formerly associated
with OPAQUE, as per recent pghackers discussion.  I still want to do some
more work on the 'cstring' pseudo-type, but I'm going to commit the bulk
of the changes now before the tree starts shifting under me ...
2002-08-22 00:01:51 +00:00

212 lines
6.0 KiB

<chapter id="xtypes">
<title>Extending <acronym>SQL</acronym>: Types</title>
<indexterm zone="xtypes">
<primary>data types</primary>
This chapter needs to be updated for the version-1 function manager
As previously mentioned, there are two kinds of types in
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname>: base types (defined in a
programming language) and composite types. This chapter describes
how to define new base types.
The examples in this section can be found in
<filename>complex.sql</filename> and <filename>complex.c</filename>
in the tutorial directory. Composite examples are in
<primary>input function</primary>
<primary>output function</primary>
A user-defined type must always have input and output functions.
These functions determine how the type appears in strings (for input
by the user and output to the user) and how the type is organized in
memory. The input function takes a null-terminated character string
as its input and returns the internal (in memory) representation of
the type. The output function takes the internal representation of
the type and returns a null-terminated character string.
Suppose we want to define a complex type which represents complex
numbers. Naturally, we would choose to represent a complex in memory
as the following <acronym>C</acronym> structure:
typedef struct Complex {
double x;
double y;
} Complex;
and a string of the form <literal>(x,y)</literal> as the external string
The functions are usually not hard to write, especially the output
function. However, there are a number of points to remember:
When defining your external (string) representation, remember
that you must eventually write a complete and robust parser for
that representation as your input function!
For instance:
Complex *
complex_in(char *str)
double x, y;
Complex *result;
if (sscanf(str, " ( %lf , %lf )", &amp;x, &amp;y) != 2) {
elog(ERROR, "complex_in: error in parsing %s", str);
return NULL;
result = (Complex *)palloc(sizeof(Complex));
result-&gt;x = x;
result-&gt;y = y;
return (result);
The output function can simply be:
char *
complex_out(Complex *complex)
char *result;
if (complex == NULL)
result = (char *) palloc(60);
sprintf(result, "(%g,%g)", complex-&gt;x, complex-&gt;y);
You should try to make the input and output functions inverses of
each other. If you do not, you will have severe problems when
you need to dump your data into a file and then read it back in
(say, into someone else's database on another computer). This is
a particularly common problem when floating-point numbers are
To define the <type>complex</type> type, we need to create the two
user-defined functions <function>complex_in</function> and
<function>complex_out</function> before creating the type:
CREATE FUNCTION complex_in(cstring)
RETURNS complex
AS '<replaceable>PGROOT</replaceable>/tutorial/complex'
CREATE FUNCTION complex_out(complex)
RETURNS cstring
AS '<replaceable>PGROOT</replaceable>/tutorial/complex'
Finally, we can declare the data type:
CREATE TYPE complex (
internallength = 16,
input = complex_in,
output = complex_out
Notice that the declarations of the input and output functions must
reference the not-yet-defined type. This is allowed, but will draw
warning messages that may be ignored.
As discussed earlier, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> fully
supports arrays of base types. Additionally,
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> supports arrays of
user-defined types as well. When you define a type,
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> automatically provides support
for arrays of that type. For historical reasons, the array type has
the same name as the user-defined type with the underscore character
<literal>_</> prepended.
Composite types do not need any function defined on them, since the
system already understands what they look like inside.
<secondary>and user-defined types</secondary>
If the values of your data type might exceed a few hundred bytes in
size (in internal form), you should be careful to mark them
TOAST-able. To do this, the internal representation must follow the
standard layout for variable-length data: the first four bytes must
be an <type>int32</type> containing the total length in bytes of the
datum (including itself). Then, all your functions that accept
values of the type must be careful to call
<function>pg_detoast_datum()</function> on the supplied values ---
after checking that the value is not NULL, if your function is not
strict. Finally, select the appropriate storage option when giving
the <command>CREATE TYPE</command> command.
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Local variables: