
99 lines
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/* File: pgtypes.h
* Description: See "pgtypes.c"
* Comments: See "notice.txt" for copyright and license information.
#ifndef __PGTYPES_H__
#define __PGTYPES_H__
#include "psqlodbc.h"
/* the type numbers are defined by the OID's of the types' rows */
/* in table pg_type */
#if 0
#define PG_TYPE_LO ???? /* waiting for permanent type */
#define PG_TYPE_BOOL 16
#define PG_TYPE_BYTEA 17
#define PG_TYPE_CHAR 18
#define PG_TYPE_NAME 19
#define PG_TYPE_INT8 20
#define PG_TYPE_INT2 21
#define PG_TYPE_INT4 23
#define PG_TYPE_REGPROC 24
#define PG_TYPE_TEXT 25
#define PG_TYPE_OID 26
#define PG_TYPE_TID 27
#define PG_TYPE_XID 28
#define PG_TYPE_CID 29
#define PG_TYPE_SET 32
#define PG_TYPE_CHAR2 409
#define PG_TYPE_CHAR4 410
#define PG_TYPE_CHAR8 411
#define PG_TYPE_POINT 600
#define PG_TYPE_LSEG 601
#define PG_TYPE_PATH 602
#define PG_TYPE_BOX 603
#define PG_TYPE_POLYGON 604
#define PG_TYPE_FILENAME 605
#define PG_TYPE_FLOAT4 700
#define PG_TYPE_FLOAT8 701
#define PG_TYPE_ABSTIME 702
#define PG_TYPE_RELTIME 703
#define PG_TYPE_UNKNOWN 705
#define PG_TYPE_MONEY 790
#define PG_TYPE_OIDINT2 810
#define PG_TYPE_OIDINT4 910
#define PG_TYPE_OIDNAME 911
#define PG_TYPE_BPCHAR 1042
#define PG_TYPE_VARCHAR 1043
#define PG_TYPE_DATE 1082
#define PG_TYPE_TIME 1083
#define PG_TYPE_DATETIME 1184
#define PG_TYPE_TIMESTAMP 1296
#define PG_TYPE_NUMERIC 1700
/* extern Int4 pgtypes_defined[]; */
extern Int2 sqlTypes[];
/* Defines for pgtype_precision */
#define PG_STATIC -1
Int4 sqltype_to_pgtype(Int2 fSqlType);
Int2 pgtype_to_sqltype(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
Int2 pgtype_to_ctype(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
char *pgtype_to_name(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
/* These functions can use static numbers or result sets(col parameter) */
Int4 pgtype_precision(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type, int col, int handle_unknown_size_as);
Int4 pgtype_display_size(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type, int col, int handle_unknown_size_as);
Int4 pgtype_length(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type, int col, int handle_unknown_size_as);
Int2 pgtype_scale(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type, int col);
Int2 pgtype_radix(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
Int2 pgtype_nullable(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
Int2 pgtype_auto_increment(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
Int2 pgtype_case_sensitive(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
Int2 pgtype_money(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
Int2 pgtype_searchable(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
Int2 pgtype_unsigned(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
char *pgtype_literal_prefix(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
char *pgtype_literal_suffix(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
char *pgtype_create_params(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 type);
Int2 sqltype_to_default_ctype(Int2 sqltype);