per-column options for btree indexes.  The planner's support for this is still
pretty rudimentary; it does not yet know how to plan mergejoins with
nondefault ordering options.  The documentation is pretty rudimentary, too.
I'll work on improving that stuff later.

Note incompatible change from prior behavior: ORDER BY ... USING will now be
rejected if the operator is not a less-than or greater-than member of some
btree opclass.  This prevents less-than-sane behavior if an operator that
doesn't actually define a proper sort ordering is selected.
2007-01-09 02:14:16 +00:00

1581 lines
48 KiB

* pathkeys.c
* Utilities for matching and building path keys
* See src/backend/optimizer/README for a great deal of information about
* the nature and use of path keys.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2007, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/pathkeys.c,v 1.81 2007/01/09 02:14:12 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
#include "optimizer/paths.h"
#include "optimizer/planmain.h"
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "optimizer/var.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
static PathKeyItem *makePathKeyItem(Node *key, Oid sortop, bool nulls_first,
bool checkType);
static void generate_outer_join_implications(PlannerInfo *root,
List *equi_key_set,
Relids *relids);
static void sub_generate_join_implications(PlannerInfo *root,
List *equi_key_set, Relids *relids,
Node *item1, Oid sortop1,
Relids item1_relids);
static void process_implied_const_eq(PlannerInfo *root,
List *equi_key_set, Relids *relids,
Node *item1, Oid sortop1,
Relids item1_relids,
bool delete_it);
static List *make_canonical_pathkey(PlannerInfo *root, PathKeyItem *item);
static Var *find_indexkey_var(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
AttrNumber varattno);
* makePathKeyItem
* create a PathKeyItem node
static PathKeyItem *
makePathKeyItem(Node *key, Oid sortop, bool nulls_first, bool checkType)
PathKeyItem *item = makeNode(PathKeyItem);
* Some callers pass expressions that are not necessarily of the same type
* as the sort operator expects as input (for example when dealing with an
* index that uses binary-compatible operators). We must relabel these
* with the correct type so that the key expressions will be seen as
* equal() to expressions that have been correctly labeled.
if (checkType)
Oid lefttype,
op_input_types(sortop, &lefttype, &righttype);
if (exprType(key) != lefttype)
key = (Node *) makeRelabelType((Expr *) key,
lefttype, -1,
item->key = key;
item->sortop = sortop;
item->nulls_first = nulls_first;
return item;
* add_equijoined_keys
* The given clause has a mergejoinable operator, so its two sides
* can be considered equal after restriction clause application; in
* particular, any pathkey mentioning one side (with the correct sortop)
* can be expanded to include the other as well. Record the exprs and
* associated sortops in the query's equi_key_list for future use.
* The query's equi_key_list field points to a list of sublists of PathKeyItem
* nodes, where each sublist is a set of two or more exprs+sortops that have
* been identified as logically equivalent (and, therefore, we may consider
* any two in a set to be equal). As described above, we will subsequently
* use direct pointers to one of these sublists to represent any pathkey
* that involves an equijoined variable.
add_equijoined_keys(PlannerInfo *root, RestrictInfo *restrictinfo)
Expr *clause = restrictinfo->clause;
PathKeyItem *item1 = makePathKeyItem(get_leftop(clause),
false, /* XXX nulls_first? */
PathKeyItem *item2 = makePathKeyItem(get_rightop(clause),
false, /* XXX nulls_first? */
List *newset;
ListCell *cursetlink;
/* We might see a clause X=X; don't make a single-element list from it */
if (equal(item1, item2))
* Our plan is to make a two-element set, then sweep through the existing
* equijoin sets looking for matches to item1 or item2. When we find one,
* we remove that set from equi_key_list and union it into our new set.
* When done, we add the new set to the front of equi_key_list.
* It may well be that the two items we're given are already known to be
* equijoin-equivalent, in which case we don't need to change our data
* structure. If we find both of them in the same equivalence set to
* start with, we can quit immediately.
* This is a standard UNION-FIND problem, for which there exist better
* data structures than simple lists. If this code ever proves to be a
* bottleneck then it could be sped up --- but for now, simple is
* beautiful.
newset = NIL;
/* cannot use foreach here because of possible lremove */
cursetlink = list_head(root->equi_key_list);
while (cursetlink)
List *curset = (List *) lfirst(cursetlink);
bool item1here = list_member(curset, item1);
bool item2here = list_member(curset, item2);
/* must advance cursetlink before lremove possibly pfree's it */
cursetlink = lnext(cursetlink);
if (item1here || item2here)
* If find both in same equivalence set, no need to do any more
if (item1here && item2here)
/* Better not have seen only one in an earlier set... */
Assert(newset == NIL);
/* Build the new set only when we know we must */
if (newset == NIL)
newset = list_make2(item1, item2);
/* Found a set to merge into our new set */
newset = list_concat_unique(newset, curset);
* Remove old set from equi_key_list.
root->equi_key_list = list_delete_ptr(root->equi_key_list, curset);
list_free(curset); /* might as well recycle old cons cells */
/* Build the new set only when we know we must */
if (newset == NIL)
newset = list_make2(item1, item2);
root->equi_key_list = lcons(newset, root->equi_key_list);
* generate_implied_equalities
* Scan the completed equi_key_list for the query, and generate explicit
* qualifications (WHERE clauses) for all the pairwise equalities not
* already mentioned in the quals; or remove qualifications found to be
* redundant.
* Adding deduced equalities is useful because the additional clauses help
* the selectivity-estimation code and may allow better joins to be chosen;
* and in fact it's *necessary* to ensure that sort keys we think are
* equivalent really are (see src/backend/optimizer/README for more info).
* If an equi_key_list set includes any constants then we adopt a different
* strategy: we record all the "var = const" deductions we can make, and
* actively remove all the "var = var" clauses that are implied by the set
* (including the clauses that originally gave rise to the set!). The reason
* is that given input like "a = b AND b = 42", once we have deduced "a = 42"
* there is no longer any need to apply the clause "a = b"; not only is
* it a waste of time to check it, but we will misestimate selectivity if the
* clause is left in. So we must remove it. For this purpose, any pathkey
* item that mentions no Vars of the current level can be taken as a constant.
* (The only case where this would be risky is if the item contains volatile
* functions; but we will never consider such an expression to be a pathkey
* at all, because check_mergejoinable() will reject it.)
* Also, when we have constants in an equi_key_list we can try to propagate
* the constants into outer joins; see generate_outer_join_implications
* for discussion.
* This routine just walks the equi_key_list to find all pairwise equalities.
* We call process_implied_equality (in plan/initsplan.c) to adjust the
* restrictinfo datastructures for each pair.
generate_implied_equalities(PlannerInfo *root)
ListCell *cursetlink;
foreach(cursetlink, root->equi_key_list)
List *curset = (List *) lfirst(cursetlink);
int nitems = list_length(curset);
Relids *relids;
bool have_consts;
ListCell *ptr1;
int i1;
* A set containing only two items cannot imply any equalities beyond
* the one that created the set, so we can skip it --- unless outer
* joins appear in the query.
if (nitems < 3 && !root->hasOuterJoins)
* Collect info about relids mentioned in each item. For this routine
* we only really care whether there are any at all in each item, but
* process_implied_equality() needs the exact sets, so we may as well
* pull them here.
relids = (Relids *) palloc(nitems * sizeof(Relids));
have_consts = false;
i1 = 0;
foreach(ptr1, curset)
PathKeyItem *item1 = (PathKeyItem *) lfirst(ptr1);
relids[i1] = pull_varnos(item1->key);
if (bms_is_empty(relids[i1]))
have_consts = true;
* Match each item in the set with all that appear after it (it's
* sufficient to generate A=B, need not process B=A too).
* A set containing only two items cannot imply any equalities beyond
* the one that created the set, so we can skip this processing in
* that case.
if (nitems >= 3)
i1 = 0;
foreach(ptr1, curset)
PathKeyItem *item1 = (PathKeyItem *) lfirst(ptr1);
bool i1_is_variable = !bms_is_empty(relids[i1]);
ListCell *ptr2;
int i2 = i1 + 1;
for_each_cell(ptr2, lnext(ptr1))
PathKeyItem *item2 = (PathKeyItem *) lfirst(ptr2);
bool i2_is_variable = !bms_is_empty(relids[i2]);
* If it's "const = const" then just ignore it altogether.
* There is no place in the restrictinfo structure to
* store it. (If the two consts are in fact unequal, then
* propagating the comparison to Vars will cause us to
* produce zero rows out, as expected.)
if (i1_is_variable || i2_is_variable)
* Tell process_implied_equality to delete the clause,
* not add it, if it's "var = var" and we have
* constants present in the list.
bool delete_it = (have_consts &&
i1_is_variable &&
item1->key, item2->key,
item1->sortop, item2->sortop,
relids[i1], relids[i2],
* If we have constant(s) and outer joins, try to propagate the
* constants through outer-join quals.
if (have_consts && root->hasOuterJoins)
generate_outer_join_implications(root, curset, relids);
* generate_outer_join_implications
* Generate clauses that can be deduced in outer-join situations.
* When we have mergejoinable clauses A = B that are outer-join clauses,
* we can't blindly combine them with other clauses A = C to deduce B = C,
* since in fact the "equality" A = B won't necessarily hold above the
* outer join (one of the variables might be NULL instead). Nonetheless
* there are cases where we can add qual clauses using transitivity.
* One case that we look for here is an outer-join clause OUTERVAR = INNERVAR
* combined with a pushed-down (valid everywhere) clause OUTERVAR = CONSTANT.
* It is safe and useful to push a clause INNERVAR = CONSTANT into the
* evaluation of the inner (nullable) relation, because any inner rows not
* meeting this condition will not contribute to the outer-join result anyway.
* (Any outer rows they could join to will be eliminated by the pushed-down
* clause.)
* Note that the above rule does not work for full outer joins, nor for
* pushed-down restrictions on an inner-side variable; nor is it very
* interesting to consider cases where the pushed-down clause involves
* relations entirely outside the outer join, since such clauses couldn't
* be pushed into the inner side's scan anyway. So the restriction to
* outervar = pseudoconstant is not really giving up anything.
* For full-join cases, we can only do something useful if it's a FULL JOIN
* USING and a merged column has a restriction MERGEDVAR = CONSTANT. By
* the time it gets here, the restriction will look like
* and we will have a join clause LEFTVAR = RIGHTVAR that we can match the
* COALESCE expression to. In this situation we can push LEFTVAR = CONSTANT
* and RIGHTVAR = CONSTANT into the input relations, since any rows not
* meeting these conditions cannot contribute to the join result.
* Again, there isn't any traction to be gained by trying to deal with
* clauses comparing a mergedvar to a non-pseudoconstant. So we can make
* use of the equi_key_lists to quickly find the interesting pushed-down
* clauses. The interesting outer-join clauses were accumulated for us by
* distribute_qual_to_rels.
* equi_key_set: a list of PathKeyItems that are known globally equivalent,
* at least one of which is a pseudoconstant.
* relids: an array of Relids sets showing the relation membership of each
* PathKeyItem in equi_key_set.
static void
generate_outer_join_implications(PlannerInfo *root,
List *equi_key_set,
Relids *relids)
ListCell *l;
int i = 0;
/* Process each non-constant element of equi_key_set */
foreach(l, equi_key_set)
PathKeyItem *item1 = (PathKeyItem *) lfirst(l);
if (!bms_is_empty(relids[i]))
sub_generate_join_implications(root, equi_key_set, relids,
* sub_generate_join_implications
* Propagate a constant equality through outer join clauses.
* The item described by item1/sortop1/item1_relids has been determined
* to be equal to the constant(s) listed in equi_key_set. Recursively
* trace out the implications of this.
* equi_key_set and relids are as for generate_outer_join_implications.
static void
sub_generate_join_implications(PlannerInfo *root,
List *equi_key_set, Relids *relids,
Node *item1, Oid sortop1, Relids item1_relids)
ListCell *l;
* Examine each mergejoinable outer-join clause with OUTERVAR on left,
* looking for an OUTERVAR identical to item1
foreach(l, root->left_join_clauses)
RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(l);
Node *leftop = get_leftop(rinfo->clause);
if (equal(leftop, item1) && rinfo->left_sortop == sortop1)
* Match, so find constant member(s) of set and generate implied
Node *rightop = get_rightop(rinfo->clause);
process_implied_const_eq(root, equi_key_set, relids,
* We can remove explicit tests of this outer-join qual, too,
* since we now have tests forcing each of its sides to the same
* value.
leftop, rightop,
rinfo->left_sortop, rinfo->right_sortop,
rinfo->left_relids, rinfo->right_relids,
* And recurse to see if we can deduce anything from INNERVAR =
sub_generate_join_implications(root, equi_key_set, relids,
/* The same, looking at clauses with OUTERVAR on right */
foreach(l, root->right_join_clauses)
RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(l);
Node *rightop = get_rightop(rinfo->clause);
if (equal(rightop, item1) && rinfo->right_sortop == sortop1)
* Match, so find constant member(s) of set and generate implied
Node *leftop = get_leftop(rinfo->clause);
process_implied_const_eq(root, equi_key_set, relids,
* We can remove explicit tests of this outer-join qual, too,
* since we now have tests forcing each of its sides to the same
* value.
leftop, rightop,
rinfo->left_sortop, rinfo->right_sortop,
rinfo->left_relids, rinfo->right_relids,
* And recurse to see if we can deduce anything from INNERVAR =
sub_generate_join_implications(root, equi_key_set, relids,
* Only COALESCE(x,y) items can possibly match full joins
if (IsA(item1, CoalesceExpr))
CoalesceExpr *cexpr = (CoalesceExpr *) item1;
Node *cfirst;
Node *csecond;
if (list_length(cexpr->args) != 2)
cfirst = (Node *) linitial(cexpr->args);
csecond = (Node *) lsecond(cexpr->args);
* Examine each mergejoinable full-join clause, looking for a clause
* of the form "x = y" matching the COALESCE(x,y) expression
foreach(l, root->full_join_clauses)
RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(l);
Node *leftop = get_leftop(rinfo->clause);
Node *rightop = get_rightop(rinfo->clause);
* We can assume the COALESCE() inputs are in the same order as
* the join clause, since both were automatically generated in the
* cases we care about.
* XXX currently this may fail to match in cross-type cases
* because the COALESCE will contain typecast operations while the
* join clause may not (if there is a cross-type mergejoin
* operator available for the two column types). Is it OK to strip
* implicit coercions from the COALESCE arguments? What of the
* sortops in such cases?
if (equal(leftop, cfirst) &&
equal(rightop, csecond) &&
rinfo->left_sortop == sortop1 &&
rinfo->right_sortop == sortop1)
* Match, so find constant member(s) of set and generate
process_implied_const_eq(root, equi_key_set, relids,
/* ... and RIGHTVAR = CONSTANT */
process_implied_const_eq(root, equi_key_set, relids,
/* ... and remove COALESCE() = CONSTANT */
process_implied_const_eq(root, equi_key_set, relids,
* We can remove explicit tests of this outer-join qual, too,
* since we now have tests forcing each of its sides to the
* same value.
leftop, rightop,
* And recurse to see if we can deduce anything from LEFTVAR =
sub_generate_join_implications(root, equi_key_set, relids,
/* ... and RIGHTVAR = CONSTANT */
sub_generate_join_implications(root, equi_key_set, relids,
* process_implied_const_eq
* Apply process_implied_equality with the given item and each
* pseudoconstant member of equi_key_set.
* equi_key_set and relids are as for generate_outer_join_implications,
* the other parameters as for process_implied_equality.
static void
process_implied_const_eq(PlannerInfo *root, List *equi_key_set, Relids *relids,
Node *item1, Oid sortop1, Relids item1_relids,
bool delete_it)
ListCell *l;
bool found = false;
int i = 0;
foreach(l, equi_key_set)
PathKeyItem *item2 = (PathKeyItem *) lfirst(l);
if (bms_is_empty(relids[i]))
item1, item2->key,
sortop1, item2->sortop,
item1_relids, NULL,
found = true;
/* Caller screwed up if no constants in list */
* exprs_known_equal
* Detect whether two expressions are known equal due to equijoin clauses.
* Note: does not bother to check for "equal(item1, item2)"; caller must
* check that case if it's possible to pass identical items.
exprs_known_equal(PlannerInfo *root, Node *item1, Node *item2)
ListCell *cursetlink;
foreach(cursetlink, root->equi_key_list)
List *curset = (List *) lfirst(cursetlink);
bool item1member = false;
bool item2member = false;
ListCell *ptr;
foreach(ptr, curset)
PathKeyItem *pitem = (PathKeyItem *) lfirst(ptr);
if (equal(item1, pitem->key))
item1member = true;
else if (equal(item2, pitem->key))
item2member = true;
/* Exit as soon as equality is proven */
if (item1member && item2member)
return true;
return false;
* make_canonical_pathkey
* Given a PathKeyItem, find the equi_key_list subset it is a member of,
* if any. If so, return a pointer to that sublist, which is the
* canonical representation (for this query) of that PathKeyItem's
* equivalence set. If it is not found, add a singleton "equivalence set"
* to the equi_key_list and return that --- see compare_pathkeys.
* Note that this function must not be used until after we have completed
* scanning the WHERE clause for equijoin operators.
static List *
make_canonical_pathkey(PlannerInfo *root, PathKeyItem *item)
List *newset;
ListCell *cursetlink;
foreach(cursetlink, root->equi_key_list)
List *curset = (List *) lfirst(cursetlink);
if (list_member(curset, item))
return curset;
newset = list_make1(item);
root->equi_key_list = lcons(newset, root->equi_key_list);
return newset;
* canonicalize_pathkeys
* Convert a not-necessarily-canonical pathkeys list to canonical form.
* Note that this function must not be used until after we have completed
* scanning the WHERE clause for equijoin operators.
List *
canonicalize_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, List *pathkeys)
List *new_pathkeys = NIL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, pathkeys)
List *pathkey = (List *) lfirst(l);
PathKeyItem *item;
List *cpathkey;
* It's sufficient to look at the first entry in the sublist; if there
* are more entries, they're already part of an equivalence set by
* definition.
Assert(pathkey != NIL);
item = (PathKeyItem *) linitial(pathkey);
cpathkey = make_canonical_pathkey(root, item);
* Eliminate redundant ordering requests --- ORDER BY A,A is the same
* as ORDER BY A. We want to check this only after we have
* canonicalized the keys, so that equivalent-key knowledge is used
* when deciding if an item is redundant.
new_pathkeys = list_append_unique_ptr(new_pathkeys, cpathkey);
return new_pathkeys;
* count_canonical_peers
* Given a PathKeyItem, find the equi_key_list subset it is a member of,
* if any. If so, return the number of other members of the set.
* If not, return 0 (without actually adding it to our equi_key_list).
* This is a hack to support the rather bogus heuristics in
* convert_subquery_pathkeys.
static int
count_canonical_peers(PlannerInfo *root, PathKeyItem *item)
ListCell *cursetlink;
foreach(cursetlink, root->equi_key_list)
List *curset = (List *) lfirst(cursetlink);
if (list_member(curset, item))
return list_length(curset) - 1;
return 0;
* compare_pathkeys
* Compare two pathkeys to see if they are equivalent, and if not whether
* one is "better" than the other.
* This function may only be applied to canonicalized pathkey lists.
* In the canonical representation, sublists can be checked for equality
* by simple pointer comparison.
compare_pathkeys(List *keys1, List *keys2)
ListCell *key1,
forboth(key1, keys1, key2, keys2)
List *subkey1 = (List *) lfirst(key1);
List *subkey2 = (List *) lfirst(key2);
* XXX would like to check that we've been given canonicalized input,
* but PlannerInfo not accessible here...
#ifdef NOT_USED
Assert(list_member_ptr(root->equi_key_list, subkey1));
Assert(list_member_ptr(root->equi_key_list, subkey2));
* We will never have two subkeys where one is a subset of the other,
* because of the canonicalization process. Either they are equal or
* they ain't. Furthermore, we only need pointer comparison to detect
* equality.
if (subkey1 != subkey2)
return PATHKEYS_DIFFERENT; /* no need to keep looking */
* If we reached the end of only one list, the other is longer and
* therefore not a subset. (We assume the additional sublist(s) of the
* other list are not NIL --- no pathkey list should ever have a NIL
* sublist.)
if (key1 == NULL && key2 == NULL)
if (key1 != NULL)
return PATHKEYS_BETTER1; /* key1 is longer */
return PATHKEYS_BETTER2; /* key2 is longer */
* pathkeys_contained_in
* Common special case of compare_pathkeys: we just want to know
* if keys2 are at least as well sorted as keys1.
pathkeys_contained_in(List *keys1, List *keys2)
switch (compare_pathkeys(keys1, keys2))
return true;
return false;
* get_cheapest_path_for_pathkeys
* Find the cheapest path (according to the specified criterion) that
* satisfies the given pathkeys. Return NULL if no such path.
* 'paths' is a list of possible paths that all generate the same relation
* 'pathkeys' represents a required ordering (already canonicalized!)
* 'cost_criterion' is STARTUP_COST or TOTAL_COST
Path *
get_cheapest_path_for_pathkeys(List *paths, List *pathkeys,
CostSelector cost_criterion)
Path *matched_path = NULL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, paths)
Path *path = (Path *) lfirst(l);
* Since cost comparison is a lot cheaper than pathkey comparison, do
* that first. (XXX is that still true?)
if (matched_path != NULL &&
compare_path_costs(matched_path, path, cost_criterion) <= 0)
if (pathkeys_contained_in(pathkeys, path->pathkeys))
matched_path = path;
return matched_path;
* get_cheapest_fractional_path_for_pathkeys
* Find the cheapest path (for retrieving a specified fraction of all
* the tuples) that satisfies the given pathkeys.
* Return NULL if no such path.
* See compare_fractional_path_costs() for the interpretation of the fraction
* parameter.
* 'paths' is a list of possible paths that all generate the same relation
* 'pathkeys' represents a required ordering (already canonicalized!)
* 'fraction' is the fraction of the total tuples expected to be retrieved
Path *
get_cheapest_fractional_path_for_pathkeys(List *paths,
List *pathkeys,
double fraction)
Path *matched_path = NULL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, paths)
Path *path = (Path *) lfirst(l);
* Since cost comparison is a lot cheaper than pathkey comparison, do
* that first.
if (matched_path != NULL &&
compare_fractional_path_costs(matched_path, path, fraction) <= 0)
if (pathkeys_contained_in(pathkeys, path->pathkeys))
matched_path = path;
return matched_path;
* build_index_pathkeys
* Build a pathkeys list that describes the ordering induced by an index
* scan using the given index. (Note that an unordered index doesn't
* induce any ordering; such an index will have no sortop OIDS in
* its sortops arrays, and we will return NIL.)
* If 'scandir' is BackwardScanDirection, attempt to build pathkeys
* representing a backwards scan of the index. Return NIL if can't do it.
* If 'canonical' is TRUE, we remove duplicate pathkeys (which can occur
* if two index columns are equijoined, eg WHERE x = 1 AND y = 1). This
* is required if the result is to be compared directly to a canonical query
* pathkeys list. However, some callers want a list with exactly one entry
* per index column, and they must pass FALSE.
* We generate the full pathkeys list whether or not all are useful for the
* current query. Caller should do truncate_useless_pathkeys().
List *
build_index_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root,
IndexOptInfo *index,
ScanDirection scandir,
bool canonical)
List *retval = NIL;
ListCell *indexprs_item = list_head(index->indexprs);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < index->ncolumns; i++)
Oid sortop;
bool nulls_first;
int ikey;
Node *indexkey;
PathKeyItem *item;
List *cpathkey;
if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(scandir))
sortop = index->revsortop[i];
nulls_first = !index->nulls_first[i];
sortop = index->fwdsortop[i];
nulls_first = index->nulls_first[i];
if (!OidIsValid(sortop))
break; /* no more orderable columns */
ikey = index->indexkeys[i];
if (ikey != 0)
/* simple index column */
indexkey = (Node *) find_indexkey_var(root, index->rel, ikey);
/* expression --- assume we need not copy it */
if (indexprs_item == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "wrong number of index expressions");
indexkey = (Node *) lfirst(indexprs_item);
indexprs_item = lnext(indexprs_item);
/* OK, make a sublist for this sort key */
item = makePathKeyItem(indexkey, sortop, nulls_first, true);
cpathkey = make_canonical_pathkey(root, item);
/* Eliminate redundant ordering info if requested */
if (canonical)
retval = list_append_unique_ptr(retval, cpathkey);
retval = lappend(retval, cpathkey);
return retval;
* Find or make a Var node for the specified attribute of the rel.
* We first look for the var in the rel's target list, because that's
* easy and fast. But the var might not be there (this should normally
* only happen for vars that are used in WHERE restriction clauses,
* but not in join clauses or in the SELECT target list). In that case,
* gin up a Var node the hard way.
static Var *
find_indexkey_var(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, AttrNumber varattno)
ListCell *temp;
Index relid;
Oid reloid,
int32 type_mod;
foreach(temp, rel->reltargetlist)
Var *var = (Var *) lfirst(temp);
if (IsA(var, Var) &&
var->varattno == varattno)
return var;
relid = rel->relid;
reloid = getrelid(relid, root->parse->rtable);
get_atttypetypmod(reloid, varattno, &vartypeid, &type_mod);
return makeVar(relid, varattno, vartypeid, type_mod, 0);
* convert_subquery_pathkeys
* Build a pathkeys list that describes the ordering of a subquery's
* result, in the terms of the outer query. This is essentially a
* task of conversion.
* 'rel': outer query's RelOptInfo for the subquery relation.
* 'subquery_pathkeys': the subquery's output pathkeys, in its terms.
* It is not necessary for caller to do truncate_useless_pathkeys(),
* because we select keys in a way that takes usefulness of the keys into
* account.
List *
convert_subquery_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
List *subquery_pathkeys)
List *retval = NIL;
int retvallen = 0;
int outer_query_keys = list_length(root->query_pathkeys);
List *sub_tlist = rel->subplan->targetlist;
ListCell *i;
foreach(i, subquery_pathkeys)
List *sub_pathkey = (List *) lfirst(i);
ListCell *j;
PathKeyItem *best_item = NULL;
int best_score = 0;
List *cpathkey;
* The sub_pathkey could contain multiple elements (representing
* knowledge that multiple items are effectively equal). Each element
* might match none, one, or more of the output columns that are
* visible to the outer query. This means we may have multiple
* possible representations of the sub_pathkey in the context of the
* outer query. Ideally we would generate them all and put them all
* into a pathkey list of the outer query, thereby propagating
* equality knowledge up to the outer query. Right now we cannot do
* so, because the outer query's canonical pathkey sets are already
* frozen when this is called. Instead we prefer the one that has the
* highest "score" (number of canonical pathkey peers, plus one if it
* matches the outer query_pathkeys). This is the most likely to be
* useful in the outer query.
foreach(j, sub_pathkey)
PathKeyItem *sub_item = (PathKeyItem *) lfirst(j);
Node *sub_key = sub_item->key;
Expr *rtarg;
ListCell *k;
* We handle two cases: the sub_pathkey key can be either an exact
* match for a targetlist entry, or a RelabelType of a targetlist
* entry. (The latter case is worth extra code because it arises
* frequently in connection with varchar fields.)
if (IsA(sub_key, RelabelType))
rtarg = ((RelabelType *) sub_key)->arg;
rtarg = NULL;
foreach(k, sub_tlist)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(k);
Node *outer_expr;
PathKeyItem *outer_item;
int score;
/* resjunk items aren't visible to outer query */
if (tle->resjunk)
if (equal(tle->expr, sub_key))
/* Exact match */
outer_expr = (Node *)
exprType((Node *) tle->expr),
exprTypmod((Node *) tle->expr),
else if (rtarg && equal(tle->expr, rtarg))
/* Match after discarding RelabelType */
outer_expr = (Node *)
exprType((Node *) tle->expr),
exprTypmod((Node *) tle->expr),
outer_expr = (Node *)
makeRelabelType((Expr *) outer_expr,
((RelabelType *) sub_key)->resulttype,
((RelabelType *) sub_key)->resulttypmod,
((RelabelType *) sub_key)->relabelformat);
/* Found a representation for this sub_key */
outer_item = makePathKeyItem(outer_expr,
/* score = # of mergejoin peers */
score = count_canonical_peers(root, outer_item);
/* +1 if it matches the proper query_pathkeys item */
if (retvallen < outer_query_keys &&
list_member(list_nth(root->query_pathkeys, retvallen), outer_item))
if (score > best_score)
best_item = outer_item;
best_score = score;
* If we couldn't find a representation of this sub_pathkey, we're
* done (we can't use the ones to its right, either).
if (!best_item)
/* Canonicalize the chosen item (we did not before) */
cpathkey = make_canonical_pathkey(root, best_item);
* Eliminate redundant ordering info; could happen if outer query
* equijoins subquery keys...
if (!list_member_ptr(retval, cpathkey))
retval = lappend(retval, cpathkey);
return retval;
* build_join_pathkeys
* Build the path keys for a join relation constructed by mergejoin or
* nestloop join. These keys should include all the path key vars of the
* outer path (since the join will retain the ordering of the outer path)
* plus any vars of the inner path that are equijoined to the outer vars.
* Per the discussion in backend/optimizer/README, equijoined inner vars
* can be considered path keys of the result, just the same as the outer
* vars they were joined with; furthermore, it doesn't matter what kind
* of join algorithm is actually used.
* EXCEPTION: in a FULL or RIGHT join, we cannot treat the result as
* having the outer path's path keys, because null lefthand rows may be
* inserted at random points. It must be treated as unsorted.
* 'joinrel' is the join relation that paths are being formed for
* 'jointype' is the join type (inner, left, full, etc)
* 'outer_pathkeys' is the list of the current outer path's path keys
* Returns the list of new path keys.
List *
build_join_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root,
RelOptInfo *joinrel,
JoinType jointype,
List *outer_pathkeys)
if (jointype == JOIN_FULL || jointype == JOIN_RIGHT)
return NIL;
* This used to be quite a complex bit of code, but now that all pathkey
* sublists start out life canonicalized, we don't have to do a darn thing
* here! The inner-rel vars we used to need to add are *already* part of
* the outer pathkey!
* We do, however, need to truncate the pathkeys list, since it may
* contain pathkeys that were useful for forming this joinrel but are
* uninteresting to higher levels.
return truncate_useless_pathkeys(root, joinrel, outer_pathkeys);
* make_pathkeys_for_sortclauses
* Generate a pathkeys list that represents the sort order specified
* by a list of SortClauses (GroupClauses will work too!)
* NB: the result is NOT in canonical form, but must be passed through
* canonicalize_pathkeys() before it can be used for comparisons or
* labeling relation sort orders. (We do things this way because
* grouping_planner needs to be able to construct requested pathkeys
* before the pathkey equivalence sets have been created for the query.)
* 'sortclauses' is a list of SortClause or GroupClause nodes
* 'tlist' is the targetlist to find the referenced tlist entries in
List *
make_pathkeys_for_sortclauses(List *sortclauses,
List *tlist)
List *pathkeys = NIL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, sortclauses)
SortClause *sortcl = (SortClause *) lfirst(l);
Node *sortkey;
PathKeyItem *pathkey;
sortkey = get_sortgroupclause_expr(sortcl, tlist);
pathkey = makePathKeyItem(sortkey, sortcl->sortop, sortcl->nulls_first,
* The pathkey becomes a one-element sublist, for now;
* canonicalize_pathkeys() might replace it with a longer sublist
* later.
pathkeys = lappend(pathkeys, list_make1(pathkey));
return pathkeys;
* cache_mergeclause_pathkeys
* Make the cached pathkeys valid in a mergeclause restrictinfo.
* RestrictInfo contains fields in which we may cache the result
* of looking up the canonical pathkeys for the left and right sides
* of the mergeclause. (Note that in normal cases they will be the
* same, but not if the mergeclause appears above an OUTER JOIN.)
* This is a worthwhile savings because these routines will be invoked
* many times when dealing with a many-relation query.
* We have to be careful that the cached values are palloc'd in the same
* context the RestrictInfo node itself is in. This is not currently a
* problem for normal planning, but it is an issue for GEQO planning.
cache_mergeclause_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, RestrictInfo *restrictinfo)
Node *key;
PathKeyItem *item;
MemoryContext oldcontext;
Assert(restrictinfo->mergejoinoperator != InvalidOid);
if (restrictinfo->left_pathkey == NIL)
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(GetMemoryChunkContext(restrictinfo));
key = get_leftop(restrictinfo->clause);
item = makePathKeyItem(key, restrictinfo->left_sortop,
false, /* XXX nulls_first? */
restrictinfo->left_pathkey = make_canonical_pathkey(root, item);
if (restrictinfo->right_pathkey == NIL)
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(GetMemoryChunkContext(restrictinfo));
key = get_rightop(restrictinfo->clause);
item = makePathKeyItem(key, restrictinfo->right_sortop,
false, /* XXX nulls_first? */
restrictinfo->right_pathkey = make_canonical_pathkey(root, item);
* find_mergeclauses_for_pathkeys
* This routine attempts to find a set of mergeclauses that can be
* used with a specified ordering for one of the input relations.
* If successful, it returns a list of mergeclauses.
* 'pathkeys' is a pathkeys list showing the ordering of an input path.
* It doesn't matter whether it is for the inner or outer path.
* 'restrictinfos' is a list of mergejoinable restriction clauses for the
* join relation being formed.
* The result is NIL if no merge can be done, else a maximal list of
* usable mergeclauses (represented as a list of their restrictinfo nodes).
* XXX Ideally we ought to be considering context, ie what path orderings
* are available on the other side of the join, rather than just making
* an arbitrary choice among the mergeclauses that will work for this side
* of the join.
List *
find_mergeclauses_for_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root,
List *pathkeys,
List *restrictinfos)
List *mergeclauses = NIL;
ListCell *i;
/* make sure we have pathkeys cached in the clauses */
foreach(i, restrictinfos)
RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(i);
cache_mergeclause_pathkeys(root, restrictinfo);
foreach(i, pathkeys)
List *pathkey = (List *) lfirst(i);
List *matched_restrictinfos = NIL;
ListCell *j;
* We can match a pathkey against either left or right side of any
* mergejoin clause. (We examine both sides since we aren't told if
* the given pathkeys are for inner or outer input path; no confusion
* is possible.) Furthermore, if there are multiple matching clauses,
* take them all. In plain inner-join scenarios we expect only one
* match, because redundant-mergeclause elimination will have removed
* any redundant mergeclauses from the input list. However, in
* outer-join scenarios there might be multiple matches. An example is
* select * from a full join b on a.v1 = b.v1 and a.v2 = b.v2 and a.v1
* = b.v2;
* Given the pathkeys ((a.v1), (a.v2)) it is okay to return all three
* clauses (in the order a.v1=b.v1, a.v1=b.v2, a.v2=b.v2) and indeed
* we *must* do so or we will be unable to form a valid plan.
foreach(j, restrictinfos)
RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(j);
* We can compare canonical pathkey sublists by simple pointer
* equality; see compare_pathkeys.
if ((pathkey == restrictinfo->left_pathkey ||
pathkey == restrictinfo->right_pathkey) &&
!list_member_ptr(mergeclauses, restrictinfo))
matched_restrictinfos = lappend(matched_restrictinfos,
* If we didn't find a mergeclause, we're done --- any additional
* sort-key positions in the pathkeys are useless. (But we can still
* mergejoin if we found at least one mergeclause.)
if (matched_restrictinfos == NIL)
* If we did find usable mergeclause(s) for this sort-key position,
* add them to result list.
mergeclauses = list_concat(mergeclauses, matched_restrictinfos);
return mergeclauses;
* make_pathkeys_for_mergeclauses
* Builds a pathkey list representing the explicit sort order that
* must be applied to a path in order to make it usable for the
* given mergeclauses.
* 'mergeclauses' is a list of RestrictInfos for mergejoin clauses
* that will be used in a merge join.
* 'rel' is the relation the pathkeys will apply to (ie, either the inner
* or outer side of the proposed join rel).
* Returns a pathkeys list that can be applied to the indicated relation.
* Note that it is not this routine's job to decide whether sorting is
* actually needed for a particular input path. Assume a sort is necessary;
* just make the keys, eh?
List *
make_pathkeys_for_mergeclauses(PlannerInfo *root,
List *mergeclauses,
RelOptInfo *rel)
List *pathkeys = NIL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, mergeclauses)
RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(l);
List *pathkey;
cache_mergeclause_pathkeys(root, restrictinfo);
if (bms_is_subset(restrictinfo->left_relids, rel->relids))
/* Rel is left side of mergeclause */
pathkey = restrictinfo->left_pathkey;
else if (bms_is_subset(restrictinfo->right_relids, rel->relids))
/* Rel is right side of mergeclause */
pathkey = restrictinfo->right_pathkey;
elog(ERROR, "could not identify which side of mergeclause to use");
pathkey = NIL; /* keep compiler quiet */
* When we are given multiple merge clauses, it's possible that some
* clauses refer to the same vars as earlier clauses. There's no
* reason for us to specify sort keys like (A,B,A) when (A,B) will do
* --- and adding redundant sort keys makes add_path think that this
* sort order is different from ones that are really the same, so
* don't do it. Since we now have a canonicalized pathkey, a simple
* ptrMember test is sufficient to detect redundant keys.
pathkeys = list_append_unique_ptr(pathkeys, pathkey);
return pathkeys;
* We only want to remember as many of the pathkeys of a path as have some
* potential use, either for subsequent mergejoins or for meeting the query's
* requested output ordering. This ensures that add_path() won't consider
* a path to have a usefully different ordering unless it really is useful.
* These routines check for usefulness of given pathkeys.
* pathkeys_useful_for_merging
* Count the number of pathkeys that may be useful for mergejoins
* above the given relation (by looking at its joininfo list).
* We consider a pathkey potentially useful if it corresponds to the merge
* ordering of either side of any joinclause for the rel. This might be
* overoptimistic, since joinclauses that require different other relations
* might never be usable at the same time, but trying to be exact is likely
* to be more trouble than it's worth.
pathkeys_useful_for_merging(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, List *pathkeys)
int useful = 0;
ListCell *i;
foreach(i, pathkeys)
List *pathkey = (List *) lfirst(i);
bool matched = false;
ListCell *j;
foreach(j, rel->joininfo)
RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(j);
if (restrictinfo->mergejoinoperator == InvalidOid)
cache_mergeclause_pathkeys(root, restrictinfo);
* We can compare canonical pathkey sublists by simple pointer
* equality; see compare_pathkeys.
if (pathkey == restrictinfo->left_pathkey ||
pathkey == restrictinfo->right_pathkey)
matched = true;
* If we didn't find a mergeclause, we're done --- any additional
* sort-key positions in the pathkeys are useless. (But we can still
* mergejoin if we found at least one mergeclause.)
if (matched)
return useful;
* pathkeys_useful_for_ordering
* Count the number of pathkeys that are useful for meeting the
* query's requested output ordering.
* Unlike merge pathkeys, this is an all-or-nothing affair: it does us
* no good to order by just the first key(s) of the requested ordering.
* So the result is always either 0 or list_length(root->query_pathkeys).
pathkeys_useful_for_ordering(PlannerInfo *root, List *pathkeys)
if (root->query_pathkeys == NIL)
return 0; /* no special ordering requested */
if (pathkeys == NIL)
return 0; /* unordered path */
if (pathkeys_contained_in(root->query_pathkeys, pathkeys))
/* It's useful ... or at least the first N keys are */
return list_length(root->query_pathkeys);
return 0; /* path ordering not useful */
* truncate_useless_pathkeys
* Shorten the given pathkey list to just the useful pathkeys.
List *
truncate_useless_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root,
RelOptInfo *rel,
List *pathkeys)
int nuseful;
int nuseful2;
nuseful = pathkeys_useful_for_merging(root, rel, pathkeys);
nuseful2 = pathkeys_useful_for_ordering(root, pathkeys);
if (nuseful2 > nuseful)
nuseful = nuseful2;
* Note: not safe to modify input list destructively, but we can avoid
* copying the list if we're not actually going to change it
if (nuseful == list_length(pathkeys))
return pathkeys;
return list_truncate(list_copy(pathkeys), nuseful);