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Peter Eisentraut, Alexander Lakhin, Jürgen Purtz
2017-11-23 09:44:28 -05:00

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<!-- doc/src/sgml/trigger.sgml -->
<chapter id="triggers">
<indexterm zone="triggers">
This chapter provides general information about writing trigger functions.
Trigger functions can be written in most of the available procedural
languages, including
<application>PL/pgSQL</application> (<xref linkend="plpgsql"/>),
<application>PL/Tcl</application> (<xref linkend="pltcl"/>),
<application>PL/Perl</application> (<xref linkend="plperl"/>), and
<application>PL/Python</application> (<xref linkend="plpython"/>).
After reading this chapter, you should consult the chapter for
your favorite procedural language to find out the language-specific
details of writing a trigger in it.
It is also possible to write a trigger function in C, although
most people find it easier to use one of the procedural languages.
It is not currently possible to write a trigger function in the
plain SQL function language.
<sect1 id="trigger-definition">
<title>Overview of Trigger Behavior</title>
A trigger is a specification that the database should automatically
execute a particular function whenever a certain type of operation is
performed. Triggers can be attached to tables (partitioned or not),
views, and foreign tables.
On tables and foreign tables, triggers can be defined to execute either
before or after any <command>INSERT</command>, <command>UPDATE</command>,
or <command>DELETE</command> operation, either once per modified row,
or once per <acronym>SQL</acronym> statement.
<command>UPDATE</command> triggers can moreover be set to fire only if
certain columns are mentioned in the <literal>SET</literal> clause of
the <command>UPDATE</command> statement. Triggers can also fire
for <command>TRUNCATE</command> statements. If a trigger event occurs,
the trigger's function is called at the appropriate time to handle the
On views, triggers can be defined to execute instead of
<command>INSERT</command>, <command>UPDATE</command>, or
<command>DELETE</command> operations. <literal>INSTEAD OF</literal> triggers
are fired once for each row that needs to be modified in the view.
It is the responsibility of the
trigger's function to perform the necessary modifications to the
underlying base tables and, where appropriate, return the modified
row as it will appear in the view. Triggers on views can also be defined
to execute once per <acronym>SQL</acronym> statement, before or after
<command>INSERT</command>, <command>UPDATE</command>, or
<command>DELETE</command> operations.
The trigger function must be defined before the trigger itself can be
created. The trigger function must be declared as a
function taking no arguments and returning type <literal>trigger</literal>.
(The trigger function receives its input through a specially-passed
<structname>TriggerData</structname> structure, not in the form of ordinary function
Once a suitable trigger function has been created, the trigger is
established with
<xref linkend="sql-createtrigger"/>.
The same trigger function can be used for multiple triggers.
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> offers both <firstterm>per-row</firstterm>
triggers and <firstterm>per-statement</firstterm> triggers. With a per-row
trigger, the trigger function
is invoked once for each row that is affected by the statement
that fired the trigger. In contrast, a per-statement trigger is
invoked only once when an appropriate statement is executed,
regardless of the number of rows affected by that statement. In
particular, a statement that affects zero rows will still result
in the execution of any applicable per-statement triggers. These
two types of triggers are sometimes called <firstterm>row-level</firstterm>
triggers and <firstterm>statement-level</firstterm> triggers,
respectively. Triggers on <command>TRUNCATE</command> may only be
defined at statement level, not per-row.
Triggers are also classified according to whether they fire
<firstterm>before</firstterm>, <firstterm>after</firstterm>, or
<firstterm>instead of</firstterm> the operation. These are referred to
as <literal>BEFORE</literal> triggers, <literal>AFTER</literal> triggers, and
<literal>INSTEAD OF</literal> triggers respectively.
Statement-level <literal>BEFORE</literal> triggers naturally fire before the
statement starts to do anything, while statement-level <literal>AFTER</literal>
triggers fire at the very end of the statement. These types of
triggers may be defined on tables, views, or foreign tables. Row-level
<literal>BEFORE</literal> triggers fire immediately before a particular row is
operated on, while row-level <literal>AFTER</literal> triggers fire at the end of
the statement (but before any statement-level <literal>AFTER</literal> triggers).
These types of triggers may only be defined on non-partitioned tables and
foreign tables, not views. <literal>INSTEAD OF</literal> triggers may only be
defined on views, and only at row level; they fire immediately as each
row in the view is identified as needing to be operated on.
A statement that targets a parent table in an inheritance or partitioning
hierarchy does not cause the statement-level triggers of affected child
tables to be fired; only the parent table's statement-level triggers are
fired. However, row-level triggers of any affected child tables will be
If an <command>INSERT</command> contains an <literal>ON CONFLICT
DO UPDATE</literal> clause, it is possible that the effects of
row-level <literal>BEFORE</literal> <command>INSERT</command> triggers and
row-level <literal>BEFORE</literal> <command>UPDATE</command> triggers can
both be applied in a way that is apparent from the final state of
the updated row, if an <varname>EXCLUDED</varname> column is referenced.
There need not be an <varname>EXCLUDED</varname> column reference for
both sets of row-level <literal>BEFORE</literal> triggers to execute,
though. The
possibility of surprising outcomes should be considered when there
are both <literal>BEFORE</literal> <command>INSERT</command> and
<literal>BEFORE</literal> <command>UPDATE</command> row-level triggers
that change a row being inserted/updated (this can be
problematic even if the modifications are more or less equivalent, if
they're not also idempotent). Note that statement-level
<command>UPDATE</command> triggers are executed when <literal>ON
CONFLICT DO UPDATE</literal> is specified, regardless of whether or not
any rows were affected by the <command>UPDATE</command> (and
regardless of whether the alternative <command>UPDATE</command>
path was ever taken). An <command>INSERT</command> with an
<literal>ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE</literal> clause will execute
statement-level <literal>BEFORE</literal> <command>INSERT</command>
triggers first, then statement-level <literal>BEFORE</literal>
<command>UPDATE</command> triggers, followed by statement-level
<literal>AFTER</literal> <command>UPDATE</command> triggers and finally
statement-level <literal>AFTER</literal> <command>INSERT</command>
Trigger functions invoked by per-statement triggers should always
return <symbol>NULL</symbol>. Trigger functions invoked by per-row
triggers can return a table row (a value of
type <structname>HeapTuple</structname>) to the calling executor,
if they choose. A row-level trigger fired before an operation has
the following choices:
It can return <symbol>NULL</symbol> to skip the operation for the
current row. This instructs the executor to not perform the
row-level operation that invoked the trigger (the insertion,
modification, or deletion of a particular table row).
For row-level <command>INSERT</command>
and <command>UPDATE</command> triggers only, the returned row
becomes the row that will be inserted or will replace the row
being updated. This allows the trigger function to modify the
row being inserted or updated.
A row-level <literal>BEFORE</literal> trigger that does not intend to cause
either of these behaviors must be careful to return as its result the same
row that was passed in (that is, the <varname>NEW</varname> row
for <command>INSERT</command> and <command>UPDATE</command>
triggers, the <varname>OLD</varname> row for
<command>DELETE</command> triggers).
A row-level <literal>INSTEAD OF</literal> trigger should either return
<symbol>NULL</symbol> to indicate that it did not modify any data from
the view's underlying base tables, or it should return the view
row that was passed in (the <varname>NEW</varname> row
for <command>INSERT</command> and <command>UPDATE</command>
operations, or the <varname>OLD</varname> row for
<command>DELETE</command> operations). A nonnull return value is
used to signal that the trigger performed the necessary data
modifications in the view. This will cause the count of the number
of rows affected by the command to be incremented. For
<command>INSERT</command> and <command>UPDATE</command> operations, the trigger
may modify the <varname>NEW</varname> row before returning it. This will
change the data returned by
<command>INSERT RETURNING</command> or <command>UPDATE RETURNING</command>,
and is useful when the view will not show exactly the same data
that was provided.
The return value is ignored for row-level triggers fired after an
operation, and so they can return <symbol>NULL</symbol>.
If more than one trigger is defined for the same event on the same
relation, the triggers will be fired in alphabetical order by
trigger name. In the case of <literal>BEFORE</literal> and
<literal>INSTEAD OF</literal> triggers, the possibly-modified row returned by
each trigger becomes the input to the next trigger. If any
<literal>BEFORE</literal> or <literal>INSTEAD OF</literal> trigger returns
<symbol>NULL</symbol>, the operation is abandoned for that row and subsequent
triggers are not fired (for that row).
A trigger definition can also specify a Boolean <literal>WHEN</literal>
condition, which will be tested to see whether the trigger should
be fired. In row-level triggers the <literal>WHEN</literal> condition can
examine the old and/or new values of columns of the row. (Statement-level
triggers can also have <literal>WHEN</literal> conditions, although the feature
is not so useful for them.) In a <literal>BEFORE</literal> trigger, the
condition is evaluated just before the function is or would be executed,
so using <literal>WHEN</literal> is not materially different from testing the
same condition at the beginning of the trigger function. However, in
an <literal>AFTER</literal> trigger, the <literal>WHEN</literal> condition is evaluated
just after the row update occurs, and it determines whether an event is
queued to fire the trigger at the end of statement. So when an
<literal>AFTER</literal> trigger's
<literal>WHEN</literal> condition does not return true, it is not necessary
to queue an event nor to re-fetch the row at end of statement. This
can result in significant speedups in statements that modify many
rows, if the trigger only needs to be fired for a few of the rows.
<literal>INSTEAD OF</literal> triggers do not support
<literal>WHEN</literal> conditions.
Typically, row-level <literal>BEFORE</literal> triggers are used for checking or
modifying the data that will be inserted or updated. For example,
a <literal>BEFORE</literal> trigger might be used to insert the current time into a
<type>timestamp</type> column, or to check that two elements of the row are
consistent. Row-level <literal>AFTER</literal> triggers are most sensibly
used to propagate the updates to other tables, or make consistency
checks against other tables. The reason for this division of labor is
that an <literal>AFTER</literal> trigger can be certain it is seeing the final
value of the row, while a <literal>BEFORE</literal> trigger cannot; there might
be other <literal>BEFORE</literal> triggers firing after it. If you have no
specific reason to make a trigger <literal>BEFORE</literal> or
<literal>AFTER</literal>, the <literal>BEFORE</literal> case is more efficient, since
the information about
the operation doesn't have to be saved until end of statement.
If a trigger function executes SQL commands then these
commands might fire triggers again. This is known as cascading
triggers. There is no direct limitation on the number of cascade
levels. It is possible for cascades to cause a recursive invocation
of the same trigger; for example, an <command>INSERT</command>
trigger might execute a command that inserts an additional row
into the same table, causing the <command>INSERT</command> trigger
to be fired again. It is the trigger programmer's responsibility
to avoid infinite recursion in such scenarios.
<secondary>arguments for trigger functions</secondary>
When a trigger is being defined, arguments can be specified for
it. The purpose of including arguments in the
trigger definition is to allow different triggers with similar
requirements to call the same function. As an example, there
could be a generalized trigger function that takes as its
arguments two column names and puts the current user in one and
the current time stamp in the other. Properly written, this
trigger function would be independent of the specific table it is
triggering on. So the same function could be used for
<command>INSERT</command> events on any table with suitable
columns, to automatically track creation of records in a
transaction table for example. It could also be used to track
last-update events if defined as an <command>UPDATE</command>
Each programming language that supports triggers has its own method
for making the trigger input data available to the trigger function.
This input data includes the type of trigger event (e.g.,
<command>INSERT</command> or <command>UPDATE</command>) as well as any
arguments that were listed in <command>CREATE TRIGGER</command>.
For a row-level trigger, the input data also includes the
<varname>NEW</varname> row for <command>INSERT</command> and
<command>UPDATE</command> triggers, and/or the <varname>OLD</varname> row
for <command>UPDATE</command> and <command>DELETE</command> triggers.
By default, statement-level triggers do not have any way to examine the
individual row(s) modified by the statement. But an <literal>AFTER
STATEMENT</literal> trigger can request that <firstterm>transition tables</firstterm>
be created to make the sets of affected rows available to the trigger.
<literal>AFTER ROW</literal> triggers can also request transition tables, so
that they can see the total changes in the table as well as the change in
the individual row they are currently being fired for. The method for
examining the transition tables again depends on the programming language
that is being used, but the typical approach is to make the transition
tables act like read-only temporary tables that can be accessed by SQL
commands issued within the trigger function.
<sect1 id="trigger-datachanges">
<title>Visibility of Data Changes</title>
If you execute SQL commands in your trigger function, and these
commands access the table that the trigger is for, then
you need to be aware of the data visibility rules, because they determine
whether these SQL commands will see the data change that the trigger
is fired for. Briefly:
Statement-level triggers follow simple visibility rules: none of
the changes made by a statement are visible to statement-level
<literal>BEFORE</literal> triggers, whereas all
modifications are visible to statement-level <literal>AFTER</literal>
The data change (insertion, update, or deletion) causing the
trigger to fire is naturally <emphasis>not</emphasis> visible
to SQL commands executed in a row-level <literal>BEFORE</literal> trigger,
because it hasn't happened yet.
However, SQL commands executed in a row-level <literal>BEFORE</literal>
trigger <emphasis>will</emphasis> see the effects of data
changes for rows previously processed in the same outer
command. This requires caution, since the ordering of these
change events is not in general predictable; a SQL command that
affects multiple rows can visit the rows in any order.
Similarly, a row-level <literal>INSTEAD OF</literal> trigger will see the
effects of data changes made by previous firings of <literal>INSTEAD
OF</literal> triggers in the same outer command.
When a row-level <literal>AFTER</literal> trigger is fired, all data
changes made
by the outer command are already complete, and are visible to
the invoked trigger function.
If your trigger function is written in any of the standard procedural
languages, then the above statements apply only if the function is
declared <literal>VOLATILE</literal>. Functions that are declared
<literal>STABLE</literal> or <literal>IMMUTABLE</literal> will not see changes made by
the calling command in any case.
Further information about data visibility rules can be found in
<xref linkend="spi-visibility"/>. The example in <xref
linkend="trigger-example"/> contains a demonstration of these rules.
<sect1 id="trigger-interface">
<title>Writing Trigger Functions in C</title>
<indexterm zone="trigger-interface">
<secondary>in C</secondary>
<primary>transition tables</primary>
<secondary>referencing from C trigger</secondary>
This section describes the low-level details of the interface to a
trigger function. This information is only needed when writing
trigger functions in C. If you are using a higher-level language then
these details are handled for you. In most cases you should consider
using a procedural language before writing your triggers in C. The
documentation of each procedural language explains how to write a
trigger in that language.
Trigger functions must use the <quote>version 1</quote> function manager
When a function is called by the trigger manager, it is not passed
any normal arguments, but it is passed a <quote>context</quote>
pointer pointing to a <structname>TriggerData</structname> structure. C
functions can check whether they were called from the trigger
manager or not by executing the macro:
which expands to:
((fcinfo)-&gt;context != NULL &amp;&amp; IsA((fcinfo)-&gt;context, TriggerData))
If this returns true, then it is safe to cast
<literal>fcinfo-&gt;context</literal> to type <literal>TriggerData
*</literal> and make use of the pointed-to
<structname>TriggerData</structname> structure. The function must
<emphasis>not</emphasis> alter the <structname>TriggerData</structname>
structure or any of the data it points to.
<structname>struct TriggerData</structname> is defined in
typedef struct TriggerData
NodeTag type;
TriggerEvent tg_event;
Relation tg_relation;
HeapTuple tg_trigtuple;
HeapTuple tg_newtuple;
Trigger *tg_trigger;
Buffer tg_trigtuplebuf;
Buffer tg_newtuplebuf;
Tuplestorestate *tg_oldtable;
Tuplestorestate *tg_newtable;
} TriggerData;
where the members are defined as follows:
Always <literal>T_TriggerData</literal>.
Describes the event for which the function is called. You can use the
following macros to examine <literal>tg_event</literal>:
Returns true if the trigger fired before the operation.
Returns true if the trigger fired after the operation.
Returns true if the trigger fired instead of the operation.
Returns true if the trigger fired for a row-level event.
Returns true if the trigger fired for a statement-level event.
Returns true if the trigger was fired by an <command>INSERT</command> command.
Returns true if the trigger was fired by an <command>UPDATE</command> command.
Returns true if the trigger was fired by a <command>DELETE</command> command.
Returns true if the trigger was fired by a <command>TRUNCATE</command> command.
A pointer to a structure describing the relation that the trigger fired for.
Look at <filename>utils/rel.h</filename> for details about
this structure. The most interesting things are
<literal>tg_relation-&gt;rd_att</literal> (descriptor of the relation
tuples) and <literal>tg_relation-&gt;rd_rel-&gt;relname</literal>
(relation name; the type is not <type>char*</type> but
<type>NameData</type>; use
<literal>SPI_getrelname(tg_relation)</literal> to get a <type>char*</type> if you
need a copy of the name).
A pointer to the row for which the trigger was fired. This is
the row being inserted, updated, or deleted. If this trigger
was fired for an <command>INSERT</command> or
<command>DELETE</command> then this is what you should return
from the function if you don't want to replace the row with
a different one (in the case of <command>INSERT</command>) or
skip the operation. For triggers on foreign tables, values of system
columns herein are unspecified.
A pointer to the new version of the row, if the trigger was
fired for an <command>UPDATE</command>, and <symbol>NULL</symbol> if
it is for an <command>INSERT</command> or a
<command>DELETE</command>. This is what you have to return
from the function if the event is an <command>UPDATE</command>
and you don't want to replace this row by a different one or
skip the operation. For triggers on foreign tables, values of system
columns herein are unspecified.
A pointer to a structure of type <structname>Trigger</structname>,
defined in <filename>utils/reltrigger.h</filename>:
typedef struct Trigger
Oid tgoid;
char *tgname;
Oid tgfoid;
int16 tgtype;
char tgenabled;
bool tgisinternal;
Oid tgconstrrelid;
Oid tgconstrindid;
Oid tgconstraint;
bool tgdeferrable;
bool tginitdeferred;
int16 tgnargs;
int16 tgnattr;
int16 *tgattr;
char **tgargs;
char *tgqual;
char *tgoldtable;
char *tgnewtable;
} Trigger;
where <structfield>tgname</structfield> is the trigger's name,
<structfield>tgnargs</structfield> is the number of arguments in
<structfield>tgargs</structfield>, and <structfield>tgargs</structfield> is an array of
pointers to the arguments specified in the <command>CREATE
TRIGGER</command> statement. The other members are for internal use
The buffer containing <structfield>tg_trigtuple</structfield>, or <symbol>InvalidBuffer</symbol> if there
is no such tuple or it is not stored in a disk buffer.
The buffer containing <structfield>tg_newtuple</structfield>, or <symbol>InvalidBuffer</symbol> if there
is no such tuple or it is not stored in a disk buffer.
A pointer to a structure of type <structname>Tuplestorestate</structname>
containing zero or more rows in the format specified by
<structfield>tg_relation</structfield>, or a <symbol>NULL</symbol> pointer
if there is no <literal>OLD TABLE</literal> transition relation.
A pointer to a structure of type <structname>Tuplestorestate</structname>
containing zero or more rows in the format specified by
<structfield>tg_relation</structfield>, or a <symbol>NULL</symbol> pointer
if there is no <literal>NEW TABLE</literal> transition relation.
To allow queries issued through SPI to reference transition tables, see
<xref linkend="spi-spi-register-trigger-data"/>.
A trigger function must return either a
<structname>HeapTuple</structname> pointer or a <symbol>NULL</symbol> pointer
(<emphasis>not</emphasis> an SQL null value, that is, do not set <parameter>isNull</parameter> true).
Be careful to return either
<structfield>tg_trigtuple</structfield> or <structfield>tg_newtuple</structfield>,
as appropriate, if you don't want to modify the row being operated on.
<sect1 id="trigger-example">
<title>A Complete Trigger Example</title>
Here is a very simple example of a trigger function written in C.
(Examples of triggers written in procedural languages can be found
in the documentation of the procedural languages.)
The function <function>trigf</function> reports the number of rows in the
table <structname>ttest</structname> and skips the actual operation if the
command attempts to insert a null value into the column
<structfield>x</structfield>. (So the trigger acts as a not-null constraint but
doesn't abort the transaction.)
First, the table definition:
x integer
This is the source code of the trigger function:
#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "executor/spi.h" /* this is what you need to work with SPI */
#include "commands/trigger.h" /* ... triggers ... */
#include "utils/rel.h" /* ... and relations */
TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
TupleDesc tupdesc;
HeapTuple rettuple;
char *when;
bool checknull = false;
bool isnull;
int ret, i;
/* make sure it's called as a trigger at all */
if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
elog(ERROR, "trigf: not called by trigger manager");
/* tuple to return to executor */
if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event))
rettuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple;
rettuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
/* check for null values */
if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)
&& TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event))
checknull = true;
if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event))
when = "before";
when = "after ";
tupdesc = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att;
/* connect to SPI manager */
if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
elog(ERROR, "trigf (fired %s): SPI_connect returned %d", when, ret);
/* get number of rows in table */
ret = SPI_exec("SELECT count(*) FROM ttest", 0);
if (ret < 0)
elog(ERROR, "trigf (fired %s): SPI_exec returned %d", when, ret);
/* count(*) returns int8, so be careful to convert */
i = DatumGetInt64(SPI_getbinval(SPI_tuptable->vals[0],
elog (INFO, "trigf (fired %s): there are %d rows in ttest", when, i);
if (checknull)
SPI_getbinval(rettuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull);
if (isnull)
rettuple = NULL;
return PointerGetDatum(rettuple);
After you have compiled the source code (see <xref
linkend="dfunc"/>), declare the function and the triggers:
AS '<replaceable>filename</replaceable>'
Now you can test the operation of the trigger:
INFO: trigf (fired before): there are 0 rows in ttest
-- Insertion skipped and AFTER trigger is not fired
=&gt; SELECT * FROM ttest;
(0 rows)
=&gt; INSERT INTO ttest VALUES (1);
INFO: trigf (fired before): there are 0 rows in ttest
INFO: trigf (fired after ): there are 1 rows in ttest
remember what we said about visibility.
INSERT 167793 1
vac=&gt; SELECT * FROM ttest;
(1 row)
=&gt; INSERT INTO ttest SELECT x * 2 FROM ttest;
INFO: trigf (fired before): there are 1 rows in ttest
INFO: trigf (fired after ): there are 2 rows in ttest
remember what we said about visibility.
INSERT 167794 1
=&gt; SELECT * FROM ttest;
(2 rows)
=&gt; UPDATE ttest SET x = NULL WHERE x = 2;
INFO: trigf (fired before): there are 2 rows in ttest
=&gt; UPDATE ttest SET x = 4 WHERE x = 2;
INFO: trigf (fired before): there are 2 rows in ttest
INFO: trigf (fired after ): there are 2 rows in ttest
vac=&gt; SELECT * FROM ttest;
(2 rows)
=&gt; DELETE FROM ttest;
INFO: trigf (fired before): there are 2 rows in ttest
INFO: trigf (fired before): there are 1 rows in ttest
INFO: trigf (fired after ): there are 0 rows in ttest
INFO: trigf (fired after ): there are 0 rows in ttest
remember what we said about visibility.
=&gt; SELECT * FROM ttest;
(0 rows)
There are more complex examples in
<filename>src/test/regress/regress.c</filename> and
in <xref linkend="contrib-spi"/>.