Tom Lane bf56f0759b Make OIDs optional, per discussions in pghackers. WITH OIDS is still the
default, but OIDS are removed from many system catalogs that don't need them.
Some interesting side effects: TOAST pointers are 20 bytes not 32 now;
pg_description has a three-column key instead of one.

Bugs fixed in passing: BINARY cursors work again; pg_class.relhaspkey
has some usefulness; pg_dump dumps comments on indexes, rules, and
triggers in a valid order.

initdb forced.
2001-08-10 18:57:42 +00:00

167 lines
5.6 KiB

-- Sanity checks for common errors in making type-related system tables:
-- pg_type, pg_class, pg_attribute.
-- None of the SELECTs here should ever find any matching entries,
-- so the expected output is easy to maintain ;-).
-- A test failure indicates someone messed up an entry in the system tables.
-- NB: we assume the oidjoins test will have caught any dangling links,
-- that is OID or REGPROC fields that are not zero and do not match some
-- row in the linked-to table. However, if we want to enforce that a link
-- field can't be 0, we have to check it here.
-- **************** pg_type ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_type fields.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname
FROM pg_type as p1
WHERE (p1.typlen <= 0 AND p1.typlen != -1) OR
(p1.typtype != 'b' AND p1.typtype != 'c') OR
NOT p1.typisdefined OR
(p1.typalign != 'c' AND p1.typalign != 's' AND
p1.typalign != 'i' AND p1.typalign != 'd');
oid | typname
(0 rows)
-- Look for "pass by value" types that can't be passed by value.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname
FROM pg_type as p1
WHERE p1.typbyval AND
(p1.typlen != 1 OR p1.typalign != 'c') AND
(p1.typlen != 2 OR p1.typalign != 's') AND
(p1.typlen != 4 OR p1.typalign != 'i');
oid | typname
(0 rows)
-- Look for complex types that do not have a typrelid entry,
-- or basic types that do.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname
FROM pg_type as p1
WHERE (p1.typtype = 'c' AND p1.typrelid = 0) OR
(p1.typtype != 'c' AND p1.typrelid != 0);
oid | typname
(0 rows)
-- Conversion routines must be provided except in 'c' entries.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname
FROM pg_type as p1
WHERE p1.typtype != 'c' AND
(p1.typinput = 0 OR p1.typoutput = 0 OR
p1.typreceive = 0 OR p1.typsend = 0);
oid | typname
(0 rows)
-- Check for bogus typinput routines
-- FIXME: ought to check prorettype, but there are special cases that make it
-- hard: prorettype might be binary-compatible with the type but not the same,
-- and for array types array_in's result has nothing to do with anything.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_type AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.typinput = p2.oid AND p1.typtype = 'b' AND
(p2.pronargs != 1 OR p2.proretset) AND
(p2.pronargs != 3 OR p2.proretset OR p2.proargtypes[2] != 23);
oid | typname | oid | proname
(0 rows)
-- Check for bogus typoutput routines
-- The first OR subclause detects bogus non-array cases,
-- the second one detects bogus array cases.
-- FIXME: ought to check prorettype, but not clear what it should be.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_type AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.typoutput = p2.oid AND p1.typtype = 'b' AND
(p2.pronargs != 1 OR p2.proretset) AND
(p2.pronargs != 2 OR p2.proretset OR p1.typelem = 0);
oid | typname | oid | proname
(0 rows)
-- Check for bogus typreceive routines
-- FIXME: ought to check prorettype, but there are special cases that make it
-- hard: prorettype might be binary-compatible with the type but not the same,
-- and for array types array_in's result has nothing to do with anything.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_type AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.typreceive = p2.oid AND p1.typtype = 'b' AND
(p2.pronargs != 1 OR p2.proretset) AND
(p2.pronargs != 3 OR p2.proretset OR p2.proargtypes[2] != 23);
oid | typname | oid | proname
(0 rows)
-- Check for bogus typsend routines
-- The first OR subclause detects bogus non-array cases,
-- the second one detects bogus array cases.
-- FIXME: ought to check prorettype, but not clear what it should be.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_type AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.typsend = p2.oid AND p1.typtype = 'b' AND
(p2.pronargs != 1 OR p2.proretset) AND
(p2.pronargs != 2 OR p2.proretset OR p1.typelem = 0);
oid | typname | oid | proname
(0 rows)
-- **************** pg_class ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_class fields
SELECT p1.oid, p1.relname
FROM pg_class as p1
WHERE p1.relkind NOT IN ('r', 'i', 's', 'S', 't', 'v');
oid | relname
(0 rows)
-- Indexes should have an access method, others not.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.relname
FROM pg_class as p1
WHERE (p1.relkind = 'i' AND p1.relam = 0) OR
(p1.relkind != 'i' AND p1.relam != 0);
oid | relname
(0 rows)
-- **************** pg_attribute ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_attribute fields
SELECT p1.attrelid, p1.attname
FROM pg_attribute as p1
WHERE p1.attrelid = 0 OR p1.atttypid = 0 OR p1.attnum = 0 OR
p1.attcacheoff != -1;
attrelid | attname
(0 rows)
-- Cross-check attnum against parent relation
SELECT p1.attrelid, p1.attname, p2.oid, p2.relname
FROM pg_attribute AS p1, pg_class AS p2
WHERE p1.attrelid = p2.oid AND p1.attnum > p2.relnatts;
attrelid | attname | oid | relname
(0 rows)
-- Detect missing pg_attribute entries: should have as many non-system
-- attributes as parent relation expects
SELECT p1.oid, p1.relname
FROM pg_class AS p1
WHERE p1.relnatts != (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_attribute AS p2
WHERE p2.attrelid = p1.oid AND p2.attnum > 0);
oid | relname
(0 rows)
-- Cross-check against pg_type entry
SELECT p1.attrelid, p1.attname, p2.oid, p2.typname
FROM pg_attribute AS p1, pg_type AS p2
WHERE p1.atttypid = p2.oid AND
(p1.attlen != p2.typlen OR
p1.attalign != p2.typalign OR
p1.attbyval != p2.typbyval);
attrelid | attname | oid | typname
(0 rows)