Tom Lane 6eeb95f0f5 Restructure representation of join alias variables. An explicit JOIN
now has an RTE of its own, and references to its outputs now are Vars
referencing the JOIN RTE, rather than CASE-expressions.  This allows
reverse-listing in ruleutils.c to use the correct alias easily, rather
than painfully reverse-engineering the alias namespace as it used to do.
Also, nested FULL JOINs work correctly, because the result of the inner
joins are simple Vars that the planner can cope with.  This fixes a bug
reported a couple times now, notably by Tatsuo on 18-Nov-01.  The alias
Vars are expanded into COALESCE expressions where needed at the very end
of planning, rather than during parsing.
Also, beginnings of support for showing plan qualifier expressions in
EXPLAIN.  There are probably still cases that need work.
initdb forced due to change of stored-rule representation.
2002-03-12 00:52:10 +00:00

645 lines
26 KiB

* relation.h
* Definitions for internal planner nodes.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: relation.h,v 1.63 2002/03/12 00:52:02 tgl Exp $
#ifndef RELATION_H
#define RELATION_H
#include "access/sdir.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
* Relids
* List of relation identifiers (indexes into the rangetable).
* Note: these are lists of integers, not Nodes.
typedef List *Relids;
* When looking for a "cheapest path", this enum specifies whether we want
* cheapest startup cost or cheapest total cost.
typedef enum CostSelector
} CostSelector;
* RelOptInfo
* Per-relation information for planning/optimization
* For planning purposes, a "base rel" is either a plain relation (a table)
* or the output of a sub-SELECT that appears in the range table.
* In either case it is uniquely identified by an RT index. A "joinrel"
* is the joining of two or more base rels. A joinrel is identified by
* the set of RT indexes for its component baserels. We create RelOptInfo
* nodes for each baserel and joinrel, and store them in the Query's
* base_rel_list and join_rel_list respectively.
* Note that there is only one joinrel for any given set of component
* baserels, no matter what order we assemble them in; so an unordered
* set is the right datatype to identify it with.
* We also have "other rels", which are like base rels in that they refer to
* single RT indexes; but they are not part of the join tree, and are stored
* in other_rel_list not base_rel_list. An otherrel is created for each
* join RTE as an aid in processing Vars that refer to the join's outputs,
* but it serves no other purpose in planning. It is important not to
* confuse this otherrel with the joinrel that represents the matching set
* of base relations.
* A second category of otherrels are those made for child relations of an
* inheritance scan (SELECT FROM foo*). The parent table's RTE and
* corresponding baserel represent the whole result of the inheritance scan.
* The planner creates separate RTEs and associated RelOptInfos for each child
* table (including the parent table, in its capacity as a member of the
* inheritance set). These RelOptInfos are physically identical to baserels,
* but are otherrels because they are not in the main join tree. These added
* RTEs and otherrels are used to plan the scans of the individual tables in
* the inheritance set; then the parent baserel is given an Append plan
* comprising the best plans for the individual child tables.
* Parts of this data structure are specific to various scan and join
* mechanisms. It didn't seem worth creating new node types for them.
* relids - List of base-relation identifiers; it is a base relation
* if there is just one, a join relation if more than one
* rows - estimated number of tuples in the relation after restriction
* clauses have been applied (ie, output rows of a plan for it)
* width - avg. number of bytes per tuple in the relation after the
* appropriate projections have been done (ie, output width)
* targetlist - List of TargetEntry nodes for the attributes we need
* to output from this relation
* pathlist - List of Path nodes, one for each potentially useful
* method of generating the relation
* cheapest_startup_path - the pathlist member with lowest startup cost
* (regardless of its ordering)
* cheapest_total_path - the pathlist member with lowest total cost
* (regardless of its ordering)
* pruneable - flag to let the planner know whether it can prune the
* pathlist of this RelOptInfo or not.
* If the relation is a base relation it will have these fields set:
* issubquery - true if baserel is a subquery RTE rather than a table
* indexlist - list of IndexOptInfo nodes for relation's indexes
* (always NIL if it's a subquery)
* pages - number of disk pages in relation (zero if a subquery)
* tuples - number of tuples in relation (not considering restrictions)
* subplan - plan for subquery (NULL if it's a plain table)
* Note: for a subquery, tuples and subplan are not set immediately
* upon creation of the RelOptInfo object; they are filled in when
* set_base_rel_pathlist processes the object.
* For otherrels that are inheritance children, these fields are filled
* in just as for a baserel. In otherrels for join RTEs, these fields
* are empty --- the only useful field of a join otherrel is its
* outerjoinset.
* If the relation is a join relation it will have these fields set:
* joinrti - RT index of corresponding JOIN RTE, if any; 0 if none
* joinrteids - List of RT indexes of JOIN RTEs included in this join
* (including joinrti)
* The presence of the remaining fields depends on the restrictions
* and joins that the relation participates in:
* baserestrictinfo - List of RestrictInfo nodes, containing info about
* each qualification clause in which this relation
* participates (only used for base rels)
* baserestrictcost - Estimated cost of evaluating the baserestrictinfo
* clauses at a single tuple (only used for base rels)
* outerjoinset - For a base rel: if the rel appears within the nullable
* side of an outer join, the list of all relids
* participating in the highest such outer join; else NIL.
* For a join otherrel: the list of all baserel relids
* syntactically within the join. Otherwise, unused.
* joininfo - List of JoinInfo nodes, containing info about each join
* clause in which this relation participates
* innerjoin - List of Path nodes that represent indices that may be used
* as inner paths of nestloop joins. This field is non-null
* only for base rels, since join rels have no indices.
* Note: Keeping a restrictinfo list in the RelOptInfo is useful only for
* base rels, because for a join rel the set of clauses that are treated as
* restrict clauses varies depending on which sub-relations we choose to join.
* (For example, in a 3-base-rel join, a clause relating rels 1 and 2 must be
* treated as a restrictclause if we join {1} and {2 3} to make {1 2 3}; but
* if we join {1 2} and {3} then that clause will be a restrictclause in {1 2}
* and should not be processed again at the level of {1 2 3}.) Therefore,
* the restrictinfo list in the join case appears in individual JoinPaths
* (field joinrestrictinfo), not in the parent relation. But it's OK for
* the RelOptInfo to store the joininfo lists, because those are the same
* for a given rel no matter how we form it.
* We store baserestrictcost in the RelOptInfo (for base relations) because
* we know we will need it at least once (to price the sequential scan)
* and may need it multiple times to price index scans.
* outerjoinset is used to ensure correct placement of WHERE clauses that
* apply to outer-joined relations; we must not apply such WHERE clauses
* until after the outer join is performed.
typedef enum RelOptKind
} RelOptKind;
typedef struct RelOptInfo
NodeTag type;
RelOptKind reloptkind;
/* all relations included in this RelOptInfo */
Relids relids; /* integer list of base relids (RT
* indexes) */
/* size estimates generated by planner */
double rows; /* estimated number of result tuples */
int width; /* estimated avg width of result tuples */
/* materialization information */
List *targetlist;
List *pathlist; /* Path structures */
struct Path *cheapest_startup_path;
struct Path *cheapest_total_path;
bool pruneable;
/* information about a base rel (not set for join rels!) */
bool issubquery;
List *indexlist;
long pages;
double tuples;
struct Plan *subplan;
/* information about a join rel (not set for base rels!) */
Index joinrti;
List *joinrteids;
/* used by various scans and joins: */
List *baserestrictinfo; /* RestrictInfo structures (if
* base rel) */
Cost baserestrictcost; /* cost of evaluating the above */
Relids outerjoinset; /* integer list of base relids */
List *joininfo; /* JoinInfo structures */
List *innerjoin; /* potential indexscans for nestloop joins */
* innerjoin indexscans are not in the main pathlist because they are
* not usable except in specific join contexts; we have to test before
* seeing whether they can be used.
} RelOptInfo;
* IndexOptInfo
* Per-index information for planning/optimization
* Prior to Postgres 7.0, RelOptInfo was used to describe both relations
* and indexes, but that created confusion without actually doing anything
* useful. So now we have a separate IndexOptInfo struct for indexes.
* indexoid - OID of the index relation itself
* pages - number of disk pages in index
* tuples - number of index tuples in index
* ncolumns - number of columns in index
* nkeys - number of keys used by index (input columns)
* classlist - List of PG_OPCLASS OIDs for the index
* indexkeys - List of base-relation attribute numbers that are index keys
* ordering - List of PG_OPERATOR OIDs which order the indexscan result
* relam - the OID of the pg_am of the index
* amcostestimate - OID of the relam's cost estimator
* indproc - OID of the function if a functional index, else 0
* indpred - index predicate if a partial index, else NULL
* unique - true if index is unique
* ncolumns and nkeys are the same except for a functional index,
* wherein ncolumns is 1 (the single function output) while nkeys
* is the number of table columns passed to the function. classlist[]
* and ordering[] have ncolumns entries, while indexkeys[] has nkeys
* entries.
* Note: for historical reasons, the arrays classlist, indexkeys and
* ordering have an extra entry that is always zero. Some code scans
* until it sees a zero rather than looking at ncolumns or nkeys.
typedef struct IndexOptInfo
NodeTag type;
Oid indexoid; /* OID of the index relation */
/* statistics from pg_class */
long pages;
double tuples;
/* index descriptor information */
int ncolumns; /* number of columns in index */
int nkeys; /* number of keys used by index */
Oid *classlist; /* AM operator classes for columns */
int *indexkeys; /* column numbers of index's keys */
Oid *ordering; /* OIDs of sort operators for each column */
Oid relam; /* OID of the access method (in pg_am) */
RegProcedure amcostestimate; /* OID of the access method's cost fcn */
Oid indproc; /* if a functional index */
List *indpred; /* if a partial index */
bool unique; /* if a unique index */
} IndexOptInfo;
* A Var is considered to belong to a relation if it's either from one
* of the actual base rels making up the relation, or it's a join alias
* var that is included in the relation.
#define VARISRELMEMBER(varno,rel) (intMember((varno), (rel)->relids) || \
intMember((varno), (rel)->joinrteids))
* PathKeys
* The sort ordering of a path is represented by a list of sublists of
* PathKeyItem nodes. An empty list implies no known ordering. Otherwise
* the first sublist represents the primary sort key, the second the
* first secondary sort key, etc. Each sublist contains one or more
* PathKeyItem nodes, each of which can be taken as the attribute that
* appears at that sort position. (See the top of optimizer/path/pathkeys.c
* for more information.)
typedef struct PathKeyItem
NodeTag type;
Node *key; /* the item that is ordered */
Oid sortop; /* the ordering operator ('<' op) */
* key typically points to a Var node, ie a relation attribute, but it
* can also point to a Func clause representing the value indexed by a
* functional index. Someday we might allow arbitrary expressions as
* path keys, so don't assume more than you must.
} PathKeyItem;
* Type "Path" is used as-is for sequential-scan paths. For other
* path types it is the first component of a larger struct.
typedef struct Path
NodeTag type;
RelOptInfo *parent; /* the relation this path can build */
/* estimated execution costs for path (see costsize.c for more info) */
Cost startup_cost; /* cost expended before fetching any
* tuples */
Cost total_cost; /* total cost (assuming all tuples
* fetched) */
NodeTag pathtype; /* tag identifying scan/join method */
/* XXX why is pathtype separate from the NodeTag? */
List *pathkeys; /* sort ordering of path's output */
/* pathkeys is a List of Lists of PathKeyItem nodes; see above */
} Path;
* IndexPath represents an index scan. Although an indexscan can only read
* a single relation, it can scan it more than once, potentially using a
* different index during each scan. The result is the union (OR) of all the
* tuples matched during any scan. (The executor is smart enough not to return
* the same tuple more than once, even if it is matched in multiple scans.)
* 'indexinfo' is a list of IndexOptInfo nodes, one per scan to be performed.
* 'indexqual' is a list of index qualifications, also one per scan.
* Each entry in 'indexqual' is a sublist of qualification expressions with
* implicit AND semantics across the sublist items. Only expressions that
* are usable as indexquals (as determined by indxpath.c) may appear here.
* NOTE that the semantics of the top-level list in 'indexqual' is OR
* combination, while the sublists are implicitly AND combinations!
* Also note that indexquals lists do not contain RestrictInfo nodes,
* just bare clause expressions.
* 'indexscandir' is one of:
* ForwardScanDirection: forward scan of an ordered index
* BackwardScanDirection: backward scan of an ordered index
* NoMovementScanDirection: scan of an unordered index, or don't care
* (The executor doesn't care whether it gets ForwardScanDirection or
* NoMovementScanDirection for an indexscan, but the planner wants to
* distinguish ordered from unordered indexes for building pathkeys.)
* 'joinrelids' is only used in IndexPaths that are constructed for use
* as the inner path of a nestloop join. These paths have indexquals
* that refer to values of other rels, so those other rels must be
* included in the outer joinrel in order to make a usable join.
* 'alljoinquals' is also used only for inner paths of nestloop joins.
* This flag is TRUE iff all the indexquals came from non-pushed-down
* JOIN/ON conditions, which means the path is safe to use for an outer join.
* 'rows' is the estimated result tuple count for the indexscan. This
* is the same as path.parent->rows for a simple indexscan, but it is
* different for a nestloop inner path, because the additional indexquals
* coming from join clauses make the scan more selective than the parent
* rel's restrict clauses alone would do.
typedef struct IndexPath
Path path;
List *indexinfo;
List *indexqual;
ScanDirection indexscandir;
Relids joinrelids; /* other rels mentioned in indexqual */
bool alljoinquals; /* all indexquals derived from JOIN conds? */
double rows; /* estimated number of result tuples */
} IndexPath;
* TidPath represents a scan by TID
typedef struct TidPath
Path path;
List *tideval;
Relids unjoined_relids; /* some rels not yet part of my Path */
} TidPath;
* AppendPath represents an Append plan, ie, successive execution of
* several member plans. Currently it is only used to handle expansion
* of inheritance trees.
typedef struct AppendPath
Path path;
List *subpaths; /* list of component Paths */
} AppendPath;
* All join-type paths share these fields.
typedef struct JoinPath
Path path;
JoinType jointype;
Path *outerjoinpath; /* path for the outer side of the join */
Path *innerjoinpath; /* path for the inner side of the join */
List *joinrestrictinfo; /* RestrictInfos to apply to join */
* See the notes for RelOptInfo to understand why joinrestrictinfo is
* needed in JoinPath, and can't be merged into the parent RelOptInfo.
} JoinPath;
* A nested-loop path needs no special fields.
typedef JoinPath NestPath;
* A mergejoin path has these fields.
* path_mergeclauses lists the clauses (in the form of RestrictInfos)
* that will be used in the merge. (Before 7.0, this was a list of bare
* clause expressions, but we can save on list memory and cost_qual_eval
* work by leaving it in the form of a RestrictInfo list.)
* Note that the mergeclauses are a subset of the parent relation's
* restriction-clause list. Any join clauses that are not mergejoinable
* appear only in the parent's restrict list, and must be checked by a
* qpqual at execution time.
* outersortkeys (resp. innersortkeys) is NIL if the outer path
* (resp. inner path) is already ordered appropriately for the
* mergejoin. If it is not NIL then it is a PathKeys list describing
* the ordering that must be created by an explicit sort step.
typedef struct MergePath
JoinPath jpath;
List *path_mergeclauses; /* join clauses to be used for
* merge */
List *outersortkeys; /* keys for explicit sort, if any */
List *innersortkeys; /* keys for explicit sort, if any */
} MergePath;
* A hashjoin path has these fields.
* The remarks above for mergeclauses apply for hashclauses as well.
* (But note that path_hashclauses will always be a one-element list,
* since we only hash on one hashable clause.)
* Hashjoin does not care what order its inputs appear in, so we have
* no need for sortkeys.
typedef struct HashPath
JoinPath jpath;
List *path_hashclauses; /* join clauses used for hashing */
} HashPath;
* Restriction clause info.
* We create one of these for each AND sub-clause of a restriction condition
* (WHERE or JOIN/ON clause). Since the restriction clauses are logically
* ANDed, we can use any one of them or any subset of them to filter out
* tuples, without having to evaluate the rest. The RestrictInfo node itself
* stores data used by the optimizer while choosing the best query plan.
* If a restriction clause references a single base relation, it will appear
* in the baserestrictinfo list of the RelOptInfo for that base rel.
* If a restriction clause references more than one base rel, it will
* appear in the JoinInfo lists of every RelOptInfo that describes a strict
* subset of the base rels mentioned in the clause. The JoinInfo lists are
* used to drive join tree building by selecting plausible join candidates.
* The clause cannot actually be applied until we have built a join rel
* containing all the base rels it references, however.
* When we construct a join rel that includes all the base rels referenced
* in a multi-relation restriction clause, we place that clause into the
* joinrestrictinfo lists of paths for the join rel, if neither left nor
* right sub-path includes all base rels referenced in the clause. The clause
* will be applied at that join level, and will not propagate any further up
* the join tree. (Note: the "predicate migration" code was once intended to
* push restriction clauses up and down the plan tree based on evaluation
* costs, but it's dead code and is unlikely to be resurrected in the
* foreseeable future.)
* Note that in the presence of more than two rels, a multi-rel restriction
* might reach different heights in the join tree depending on the join
* sequence we use. So, these clauses cannot be associated directly with
* the join RelOptInfo, but must be kept track of on a per-join-path basis.
* When dealing with outer joins we have to be very careful about pushing qual
* clauses up and down the tree. An outer join's own JOIN/ON conditions must
* be evaluated exactly at that join node, and any quals appearing in WHERE or
* in a JOIN above the outer join cannot be pushed down below the outer join.
* Otherwise the outer join will produce wrong results because it will see the
* wrong sets of input rows. All quals are stored as RestrictInfo nodes
* during planning, but there's a flag to indicate whether a qual has been
* pushed down to a lower level than its original syntactic placement in the
* join tree would suggest. If an outer join prevents us from pushing a qual
* down to its "natural" semantic level (the level associated with just the
* base rels used in the qual) then the qual will appear in JoinInfo lists
* that reference more than just the base rels it actually uses. By
* pretending that the qual references all the rels appearing in the outer
* join, we prevent it from being evaluated below the outer join's joinrel.
* When we do form the outer join's joinrel, we still need to distinguish
* those quals that are actually in that join's JOIN/ON condition from those
* that appeared higher in the tree and were pushed down to the join rel
* because they used no other rels. That's what the ispusheddown flag is for;
* it tells us that a qual came from a point above the join of the specific
* set of base rels that it uses (or that the JoinInfo structures claim it
* uses). A clause that originally came from WHERE will *always* have its
* ispusheddown flag set; a clause that came from an INNER JOIN condition,
* but doesn't use all the rels being joined, will also have ispusheddown set
* because it will get attached to some lower joinrel.
* In general, the referenced clause might be arbitrarily complex. The
* kinds of clauses we can handle as indexscan quals, mergejoin clauses,
* or hashjoin clauses are fairly limited --- the code for each kind of
* path is responsible for identifying the restrict clauses it can use
* and ignoring the rest. Clauses not implemented by an indexscan,
* mergejoin, or hashjoin will be placed in the plan qual or joinqual field
* of the finished Plan node, where they will be enforced by general-purpose
* qual-expression-evaluation code. (But we are still entitled to count
* their selectivity when estimating the result tuple count, if we
* can guess what it is...)
typedef struct RestrictInfo
NodeTag type;
Expr *clause; /* the represented clause of WHERE or JOIN */
bool ispusheddown; /* TRUE if clause was pushed down in level */
/* only used if clause is an OR clause: */
List *subclauseindices; /* indexes matching subclauses */
/* subclauseindices is a List of Lists of IndexOptInfos */
/* cache space for costs (currently only used for join clauses) */
Cost eval_cost; /* eval cost of clause; -1 if not yet set */
Selectivity this_selec; /* selectivity; -1 if not yet set */
/* valid if clause is mergejoinable, else InvalidOid: */
Oid mergejoinoperator; /* copy of clause operator */
Oid left_sortop; /* leftside sortop needed for mergejoin */
Oid right_sortop; /* rightside sortop needed for mergejoin */
/* cache space for mergeclause processing; NIL if not yet set */
List *left_pathkey; /* canonical pathkey for left side */
List *right_pathkey; /* canonical pathkey for right side */
/* cache space for mergeclause processing; -1 if not yet set */
Selectivity left_mergescansel; /* fraction of left side to scan */
Selectivity right_mergescansel; /* fraction of right side to scan */
/* valid if clause is hashjoinable, else InvalidOid: */
Oid hashjoinoperator; /* copy of clause operator */
/* cache space for hashclause processing; -1 if not yet set */
Selectivity left_bucketsize; /* avg bucketsize of left side */
Selectivity right_bucketsize; /* avg bucketsize of right side */
} RestrictInfo;
* Join clause info.
* We make a list of these for each RelOptInfo, containing info about
* all the join clauses this RelOptInfo participates in. (For this
* purpose, a "join clause" is a WHERE clause that mentions both vars
* belonging to this relation and vars belonging to relations not yet
* joined to it.) We group these clauses according to the set of
* other base relations (unjoined relations) mentioned in them.
* There is one JoinInfo for each distinct set of unjoined_relids,
* and its jinfo_restrictinfo lists the clause(s) that use that set
* of other relations.
typedef struct JoinInfo
NodeTag type;
Relids unjoined_relids; /* some rels not yet part of my RelOptInfo */
List *jinfo_restrictinfo; /* relevant RestrictInfos */
} JoinInfo;
* Stream:
* A stream represents a root-to-leaf path in a plan tree (i.e. a tree of
* JoinPaths and Paths). The stream includes pointers to all Path nodes,
* as well as to any clauses that reside above Path nodes. This structure
* is used to make Path nodes and clauses look similar, so that Predicate
* Migration can run.
* XXX currently, Predicate Migration is dead code, and so is this node type.
* Probably should remove support for it.
* pathptr -- pointer to the current path node
* cinfo -- if NULL, this stream node referes to the path node.
* Otherwise this is a pointer to the current clause.
* clausetype -- whether cinfo is in loc_restrictinfo or pathinfo in the
* path node (XXX this is now used only by dead code, which is
* good because the distinction no longer exists...)
* upstream -- linked list pointer upwards
* downstream -- ditto, downwards
* groupup -- whether or not this node is in a group with the node upstream
* groupcost -- total cost of the group that node is in
* groupsel -- total selectivity of the group that node is in
typedef struct Stream *StreamPtr;
typedef struct Stream
NodeTag type;
Path *pathptr;
RestrictInfo *cinfo;
int *clausetype;
StreamPtr upstream;
StreamPtr downstream;
bool groupup;
Cost groupcost;
Selectivity groupsel;
} Stream;
#endif /* RELATION_H */