Tom Lane c2dc1a7976 Disable vacuum page skipping in selected test cases.
By default VACUUM will skip pages that it can't immediately get
exclusive access to, which means that even activities as harmless
and unpredictable as checkpoint buffer writes might prevent a page
from being processed.  Ordinarily this is no big deal, but we have
a small number of test cases that examine the results of VACUUM's
processing and therefore will fail if the page of interest is skipped.
This seems to be the explanation for some rare buildfarm failures.
To fix, add the DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING option to the VACUUM commands
in tests where this could be an issue.

In passing, remove a duplicated query in pageinspect/sql/page.sql.

Back-patch as necessary (some of these cases are as old as v10).

2021-01-20 11:49:29 -05:00

197 lines
5.0 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 79;
my ($node, $result);
# Test set-up
$node = get_new_node('test');
$node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', 'autovacuum=off');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', q(CREATE EXTENSION amcheck));
# Check a table with data loaded but no corruption, freezing, etc.
check_all_options_uncorrupted('test', 'plain');
# Check a corrupt table
detects_heap_corruption("verify_heapam('test')", "plain corrupted table");
"verify_heapam('test', skip := 'all-visible')",
"plain corrupted table skipping all-visible");
"verify_heapam('test', skip := 'all-frozen')",
"plain corrupted table skipping all-frozen");
"verify_heapam('test', check_toast := false)",
"plain corrupted table skipping toast");
"verify_heapam('test', startblock := 0, endblock := 0)",
"plain corrupted table checking only block zero");
# Check a corrupt table with all-frozen data
$node->safe_psql('postgres', q(VACUUM (FREEZE, DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING) test));
"all-frozen corrupted table");
"verify_heapam('test', skip := 'all-frozen')",
"all-frozen corrupted table skipping all-frozen");
# Returns the filesystem path for the named relation.
sub relation_filepath
my ($relname) = @_;
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
my $rel = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
qq(SELECT pg_relation_filepath('$relname')));
die "path not found for relation $relname" unless defined $rel;
return "$pgdata/$rel";
# Returns the fully qualified name of the toast table for the named relation
sub get_toast_for
my ($relname) = @_;
return $node->safe_psql(
'postgres', qq(
SELECT 'pg_toast.' || t.relname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_class t
WHERE c.relname = '$relname'
AND c.reltoastrelid = t.oid));
# (Re)create and populate a test table of the given name.
sub fresh_test_table
my ($relname) = @_;
return $node->safe_psql(
'postgres', qq(
CREATE TABLE $relname (a integer, b text);
ALTER TABLE $relname SET (autovacuum_enabled=false);
ALTER TABLE $relname ALTER b SET STORAGE external;
INSERT INTO $relname (a, b)
(SELECT gs, repeat('b',gs*10) FROM generate_series(1,1000) gs);
# Stops the test node, corrupts the first page of the named relation, and
# restarts the node.
sub corrupt_first_page
my ($relname) = @_;
my $relpath = relation_filepath($relname);
my $fh;
open($fh, '+<', $relpath)
or BAIL_OUT("open failed: $!");
binmode $fh;
# Corrupt some line pointers. The values are chosen to hit the
# various line-pointer-corruption checks in verify_heapam.c
# on both little-endian and big-endian architectures.
seek($fh, 32, 0)
or BAIL_OUT("seek failed: $!");
0xAAA15550, 0xAAA0D550, 0x00010000,
0x00008000, 0x0000800F, 0x001e8000)
) or BAIL_OUT("syswrite failed: $!");
or BAIL_OUT("close failed: $!");
sub detects_heap_corruption
my ($function, $testname) = @_;
qr/line pointer redirection to item at offset \d+ precedes minimum offset \d+/,
qr/line pointer redirection to item at offset \d+ exceeds maximum offset \d+/,
qr/line pointer to page offset \d+ is not maximally aligned/,
qr/line pointer length \d+ is less than the minimum tuple header size \d+/,
qr/line pointer to page offset \d+ with length \d+ ends beyond maximum page offset \d+/,
sub detects_corruption
my ($function, $testname, @re) = @_;
my $result = $node->safe_psql('postgres', qq(SELECT * FROM $function));
like($result, $_, $testname) for (@re);
sub detects_no_corruption
my ($function, $testname) = @_;
my $result = $node->safe_psql('postgres', qq(SELECT * FROM $function));
is($result, '', $testname);
# Check various options are stable (don't abort) and do not report corruption
# when running verify_heapam on an uncorrupted test table.
# The relname *must* be an uncorrupted table, or this will fail.
# The prefix is used to identify the test, along with the options,
# and should be unique.
sub check_all_options_uncorrupted
my ($relname, $prefix) = @_;
for my $stop (qw(true false))
for my $check_toast (qw(true false))
for my $skip ("'none'", "'all-frozen'", "'all-visible'")
for my $startblock (qw(NULL 0))
for my $endblock (qw(NULL 0))
my $opts =
"on_error_stop := $stop, "
. "check_toast := $check_toast, "
. "skip := $skip, "
. "startblock := $startblock, "
. "endblock := $endblock";
"verify_heapam('$relname', $opts)",
"$prefix: $opts");