2001-10-12 23:32:34 +00:00

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$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Attic/libpq++.sgml,v 1.33 2001/10/12 23:32:34 momjian Exp $
<chapter id="libpqplusplus">
<title><application>libpq++</application> - C++ Binding Library</title>
<filename>libpq++</filename> is the C++ API to
<filename>libpq++</filename> is a set of classes that allow
client programs to connect to the
<productname>Postgres</productname> backend server. These connections
come in two forms: a Database Class and a Large Object class.
The Database Class is intended for manipulating a database. You can
send all sorts of SQL queries to the <productname>Postgres</productname>
backend server and retrieve the responses of the server.
The Large Object Class is intended for manipulating a large object
in a database. Although a Large Object instance can send normal
queries to the <productname>Postgres</productname> backend server
it is only intended for simple
queries that do not return any data. A large object should be seen
as a file stream. In the future it should behave much like the C++ file
This chapter is based on the documentation
for the <filename>libpq</filename> C library. Three
short programs are listed at the end of this section as examples of
<filename>libpq++</filename> programming
(though not necessarily of good programming).
There are several examples of <filename>libpq++</filename>
applications in
<filename>src/libpq++/examples</filename>, including the source
code for the three examples in this chapter.
<sect1 id="libpqpp-init">
<title>Control and Initialization</title>
<title>Environment Variables</title>
The following environment variables can be used to set up default
values for an environment and to avoid hard-coding database names into
an application program:
Refer to <xref linkend="libpq-envars"> for a complete
list of available connection options.
The following environment variables can be used to select default
connection parameter values, which will be used by
<function>PQconnectdb</> or
<function>PQsetdbLogin</> if no value is directly specified by the calling code.
These are useful to avoid hard-coding database names into simple
application programs.
<filename>libpq++</filename> uses only environment variables or
<filename>libpq</>'s <function>PQconnectdb</>
<parameter>conninfo</parameter> style strings.
<envar>PGHOST</envar> sets the default server name.
If this begins with a slash, it specifies Unix-domain communication
rather than TCP/IP communication; the value is the name of the
directory in which the socket file is stored (default <filename>/tmp</filename>).
<envar>PGPORT</envar> sets the default TCP port number or Unix-domain
socket file extension for communicating with the
<productname>Postgres</productname> backend.
<envar>PGDATABASE</envar> sets the default
<productname>Postgres</productname> database name.
sets the user name used to connect to the database and for authentication.
sets the password used if the backend demands password authentication.
<envar>PGREALM</envar> sets the Kerberos realm to use with
if it is different from the local realm. If
<envar>PGREALM</envar> is set, <productname>Postgres</productname>
applications will attempt
authentication with servers for this realm and use
separate ticket files to avoid conflicts with local
ticket files. This environment variable is only
used if Kerberos authentication is selected by the backend.
<envar>PGOPTIONS</envar> sets additional runtime options for
the <productname>Postgres</productname> backend.
<envar>PGTTY</envar> sets the file or <acronym>tty</acronym> on which debugging
messages from the backend server are displayed.
The following environment variables can be used to specify user-level default
behavior for every Postgres session:
sets the default style of date/time representation.
sets the default time zone.
The following environment variables can be used to specify default internal
behavior for every Postgres session:
sets the default mode for the genetic optimizer.
Refer to the <command>SET</command> <acronym>SQL</acronym> command
for information on correct values for these environment variables.
<sect1 id="libpqpp-classes">
<title><application>libpq++</application> Classes</title>
<title>Connection Class: <classname>PgConnection</classname></title>
The connection class makes the actual connection to the database and is inherited
by all of the access classes.
<title>Database Class: <classname>PgDatabase</classname></title>
The database class provides C++ objects that have a connection
to a backend server. To create such an object one first needs
the appropriate environment for the backend to access.
The following constructors deal with making a connection to a backend
server from a C++ program.
<sect1 id="libpqpp-connect">
<title>Database Connection Functions</title>
makes a new connection to a backend database server.
PgConnection::PgConnection(const char *conninfo)
Although typically called from one of the access classes, a connection to
a backend server is possible by creating a <classname>PgConnection</> object.
returns whether or not the connection to the backend server succeeded or
bool PgConnection::ConnectionBad() const
Returns true if the connection failed.
returns the status of the connection to the backend server.
ConnStatusType PgConnection::Status()
Returns either CONNECTION_OK or CONNECTION_BAD depending on the state
of the connection.
makes a new connection to a backend database server.
PgDatabase(const char *conninfo)
After a <classname>PgDatabase</classname> has been created it should be checked to make sure
the connection to the database succeeded before sending
queries to the object. This can easily be done by
retrieving the current status of the <classname>PgDatabase</classname> object with the
<function>Status</function> or <function>ConnectionBad</function> methods.
Returns the name of the current database.
const char *PgConnection::DBName()
Returns the next notification from a list of unhandled notification messages
received from the backend.
PGnotify* PgConnection::Notifies()
See <function>PQnotifies</function> for details.
<sect1 id="libpqpp-exec">
<title>Query Execution Functions</title>
<sect2 id="libpqpp-exec-main">
<title>Main Routines</title>
Sends a query to the backend server. It's probably more desirable to
use one of the next two functions.
ExecStatusType PgConnection::Exec(const char* query)
Returns the result of the query. The following status results can be expected:
<symbol>PGRES_COMMAND_OK</symbol>, if the query was a command
<symbol>PGRES_TUPLES_OK</symbol>, if the query successfully returned tuples
<symbol>PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE</symbol>, if an unexpected response was received
Sends a command query to the backend server.
int PgConnection::ExecCommandOk(const char *query)
Returns TRUE if the command query succeeds.
Sends a command query to the backend server.
int PgConnection::ExecTuplesOk(const char *query)
Returns TRUE if the command query succeeds.
Returns the last error message text.
const char *PgConnection::ErrorMessage()
<sect2 id="libpqpp-exec-select-info">
<title>Retrieving SELECT Result Information</title>
Returns the number of tuples (rows) in the query result.
int PgDatabase::Tuples() const
Returns the number of fields (attributes) in each tuple of the query result.
int PgDatabase::Fields()
Returns the field (attribute) name associated with the given field index.
Field indices start at 0.
const char *PgDatabase::FieldName(int field_num) const
<function>PQfnumber</function> Returns the field (attribute) index associated with
the given field name.
int PgDatabase::FieldNum(const char* field_name) const
-1 is returned if the given name does not match any field.
Returns the field type associated with the given field index. The
integer returned is an internal coding of the type. Field indices
start at 0.
Oid PgDatabase::FieldType(int field_num) const
Returns the field type associated with the given field name. The
integer returned is an internal coding of the type. Field indices
start at 0.
Oid PgDatabase::FieldType(const char* field_name) const
Returns the size in bytes of the field associated with the given
field index. Field indices start at 0.
int PgDatabase::FieldSize(int field_num) const
Returns the space allocated for this field in a database tuple given
the field number. In other words the size of the server's binary
representation of the data type. -1 is returned if the field is
variable size.
Returns the size in bytes of the field associated with the given
field index. Field indices start at 0.
int PgDatabase::FieldSize(const char *field_name) const
Returns the space allocated for this field in a database tuple given
the field name. In other words the size of the server's binary
representation of the data type. -1 is returned if the field is
variable size.
<sect2 id="libpqpp-exec-select-values">
<title>Retrieving SELECT Result Values</title>
Returns a single field (attribute) value of one tuple of a <structname>PGresult</structname>.
Tuple and field indices start at 0.
const char *PgDatabase::GetValue(int tup_num, int field_num) const
For most queries, the value returned by <function>GetValue</function> is a null-terminated
string representation of the attribute value. But if <function>BinaryTuples</function>
is TRUE, the value returned by <function>GetValue</function> is the binary representation
of the type in the internal format of the backend server (but not including
the size word, if the field is variable-length). It is then the programmer's
responsibility to cast and convert the data to the correct C type. The
pointer returned by <function>GetValue</function> points to storage that is part of the
<structname>PGresult</structname> structure. One should not modify it, and one must explicitly
copy the value into other storage if it is to be used past the lifetime
of the <structname>PGresult</structname> structure itself. <function>BinaryTuples</function> is not yet implemented.
Returns a single field (attribute) value of one tuple of a <structname>PGresult</structname>.
Tuple and field indices start at 0.
const char *PgDatabase::GetValue(int tup_num, const char *field_name) const
For most queries, the value returned by <function>GetValue</function> is a null-terminated
string representation of the attribute value. But if <function>BinaryTuples</function>
is TRUE, the value returned by <function>GetValue</function> is the binary representation
of the type in the internal format of the backend server (but not including
the size word, if the field is variable-length). It is then the programmer's
responsibility to cast and convert the data to the correct C type. The
pointer returned by <function>GetValue</function> points to storage that is part of the
<structname>PGresult</structname> structure. One should not modify it, and one must explicitly
copy the value into other storage if it is to be used past the lifetime
of the <structname>PGresult</structname> structure itself. <function>BinaryTuples</function> is not yet implemented.
Returns the length of a field (attribute) in bytes. Tuple and field
indices start at 0.
int PgDatabase::GetLength(int tup_num, int field_num) const
This is the actual data length for the particular data value, that
is the size of the object pointed to by <function>GetValue</function>. Note that for
ASCII-represented values, this size has little to do with the binary
size reported by <function>PQfsize</function>.
Returns the length of a field (attribute) in bytes. Tuple and field
indices start at 0.
int PgDatabase::GetLength(int tup_num, const char* field_name) const
This is the actual data length for the particular data value, that
is the size of the object pointed to by <function>GetValue</function>. Note that for
ASCII-represented values, this size has little to do with the binary
size reported by <function>PQfsize</function>.
Returns whether a field has the null value.
bool GetIsNull(int tup_num, int field_num) const
Note that <function>GetValue</function> will return the empty string for null fields, not
the NULL pointer.
Returns whether a field has the null value.
bool GetIsNull(int tup_num, const char *field_name) const
Note that <function>GetValue</function> will return the empty string for null fields, not
the NULL pointer.
OBSOLESCENT: Prints out all the tuples and, optionally, the attribute names to the
specified output stream.
void PgDatabase::DisplayTuples(FILE *out = 0, bool fillAlign = true,
const char* fieldSep = "|",bool printHeader = true, bool quiet = false) const
OBSOLESCENT: Prints out all the tuples and, optionally, the attribute names to the
specified output stream.
void PgDatabase::PrintTuples(FILE *out = 0, bool printAttName = true,
bool terseOutput = false, bool fillAlign = false) const
<sect2 id="libpqpp-exec-nonselect">
<title>Retrieving Non-SELECT Result Information</title>
Returns the number of rows affected after an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.
If the command was anything else, it returns -1.
int PgDatabase::CmdTuples() const
const char *PgDatabase::OidStatus() const
<sect2 id="libpqpp-exec-copy">
<title>Handling COPY Queries</title>
int PgDatabase::GetLine(char* string, int length)
void PgDatabase::PutLine(const char* string)
int PgDatabase::EndCopy()
<sect1 id="libpqpp-notify">
<title>Asynchronous Notification</title>
<productname>Postgres</productname> supports asynchronous notification
via the <command>LISTEN</command> and <command>NOTIFY</command>
commands. A backend registers its interest in a particular semaphore
with the <command>LISTEN</command> command.
All backends that are listening on a
particular named semaphore will be notified asynchronously when
a <command>NOTIFY</command> of
that name is executed by another backend. No additional
information is passed from the notifier to the listener. Thus,
typically, any actual data that needs to be communicated is transferred
through the relation.
In the past, the documentation has associated the names used for asynchronous
notification with relations or classes. However, there is in fact no
direct linkage of the two concepts in the implementation, and the
named semaphore in fact does not need to have a corresponding relation
previously defined.
<filename>libpq++</filename> applications are notified whenever a
connected backend has
received an asynchronous notification. However, the communication from
the backend to the frontend is not asynchronous.
The <filename>libpq++</filename> application
must poll the backend to see if there is any pending notification
information. After the execution of a query, a frontend may call
to see if any notification data is currently available from the backend.
returns the notification from a list of unhandled notifications from the
backend. The function returns NULL if there are no pending notifications
from the backend.
behaves like the popping of a stack. Once a notification is returned
from <function>PgDatabase::Notifies</function>,
it is considered handled and will be removed from the list of
retrieves pending notifications from the server.
PGnotify* PgDatabase::Notifies()
The second sample program gives an example of the use of asynchronous
<sect1 id="libpqpp-copy">
<title>Functions Associated with the COPY Command</title>
The <command>copy</command> command in <productname>Postgres</productname>
has options to read from or write to the network
connection used by <filename>libpq++</filename>.
Therefore, functions are necessary to
access this network connection directly so applications may take full
advantage of this capability.
reads a newline-terminated line of characters (transmitted by the
backend server) into a buffer
<replaceable class="parameter">string</replaceable>
of size <replaceable class="parameter">length</replaceable>.
int PgDatabase::GetLine(char* string, int length)
Like the Unix system routine
<function>fgets (3)</function>,
this routine copies up to
<literal><replaceable class="parameter">length</replaceable>-1</literal>
characters into
<replaceable class="parameter">string</replaceable>.
It is like
<function>gets (3)</function>,
however, in that it converts the terminating newline into a null
returns EOF at end of file, 0 if the entire line has been read, and 1 if the
buffer is full but the terminating newline has not yet been read.
Notice that the application must check to see if a new line consists
of a single period ("."), which indicates that the backend
server has finished sending the results of the
Therefore, if the application ever expects to receive lines
that are more than
<literal><replaceable class="parameter">length</replaceable>-1</literal>
characters long, the application must be sure to check the return
value of <function>PgDatabase::GetLine</function> very carefully.
Sends a null-terminated <replaceable class="parameter">string</replaceable>
to the backend server.
void PgDatabase::PutLine(char* string)
The application must explicitly send a single period character (".")
to indicate to the backend that it has finished sending its data.
syncs with the backend.
int PgDatabase::EndCopy()
This function waits until the backend has
finished processing the <command>copy</command>.
It should either be issued when the
last string has been sent to the backend using
or when the last string has been received from the backend using
It must be issued or the backend may get <quote>out of sync</quote> with
the frontend. Upon return from this function, the backend is ready to
receive the next query.
The return value is 0 on successful completion, nonzero otherwise.
As an example:
PgDatabase data;
data.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo (a int4, b char(16), d double precision)");
data.Exec("COPY foo FROM STDIN");
data.PutLine("3\tHello World\t4.5\n");
data.PutLine("4\tGoodbye World\t7.11\n");
<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables: