Tom Lane 584e646ad8 Fix a passel of problems with incorrect calls to typinput and typoutput
functions, which would lead to trouble with datatypes that paid attention
to the typelem or typmod parameters to these functions.  In particular,
incorrect code in pg_aggregate.c explains the platform-specific failures
that have been reported in NUMERIC avg().
2000-01-15 22:43:25 +00:00

1049 lines
26 KiB

* selfuncs.c
* Selectivity functions for system catalogs and builtin types
* These routines are registered in the operator catalog in the
* "oprrest" and "oprjoin" attributes.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c,v 1.48 2000/01/15 22:43:24 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/catname.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
#include "catalog/pg_statistic.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/int8.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
/* N is not a valid var/constant or relation id */
#define NONVALUE(N) ((N) == 0)
/* are we looking at a functional index selectivity request? */
#define FunctionalSelectivity(nIndKeys,attNum) ((attNum)==InvalidAttrNumber)
/* default selectivity estimate for equalities such as "A = b" */
#define DEFAULT_EQ_SEL 0.01
/* default selectivity estimate for inequalities such as "A < b" */
#define DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL (1.0 / 3.0)
static bool convert_to_scale(Datum value, Oid typid,
double *scaleval);
static void getattproperties(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum,
Oid *typid,
int *typlen,
bool *typbyval,
int32 *typmod);
static bool getattstatistics(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum,
Oid opid, Oid typid, int32 typmod,
double *nullfrac,
double *commonfrac,
Datum *commonval,
Datum *loval,
Datum *hival);
* eqsel - Selectivity of "=" for any data types.
* Note: this routine is also used to estimate selectivity for some
* operators that are not "=" but have comparable selectivity behavior,
* such as "~~" (text LIKE). Even for "=" we must keep in mind that
* the left and right datatypes may differ, so the type of the given
* constant "value" may be different from the type of the attribute.
eqsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attno,
Datum value,
int32 flag)
float64 result;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (NONVALUE(attno) || NONVALUE(relid))
*result = DEFAULT_EQ_SEL;
Oid typid;
int typlen;
bool typbyval;
int32 typmod;
double nullfrac;
double commonfrac;
Datum commonval;
double selec;
/* get info about the attribute */
getattproperties(relid, attno,
&typid, &typlen, &typbyval, &typmod);
/* get stats for the attribute, if available */
if (getattstatistics(relid, attno, opid, typid, typmod,
&nullfrac, &commonfrac, &commonval,
if (flag & SEL_CONSTANT)
/* Is the constant "=" to the column's most common value?
* (Although the operator may not really be "=",
* we will assume that seeing whether it returns TRUE
* for the most common value is useful information.
* If you don't like it, maybe you shouldn't be using
* eqsel for your operator...)
RegProcedure eqproc = get_opcode(opid);
bool mostcommon;
if (eqproc == (RegProcedure) NULL)
elog(ERROR, "eqsel: no procedure for operator %u",
/* be careful to apply operator right way 'round */
if (flag & SEL_RIGHT)
mostcommon = (bool)
DatumGetUInt8(fmgr(eqproc, commonval, value));
mostcommon = (bool)
DatumGetUInt8(fmgr(eqproc, value, commonval));
if (mostcommon)
/* Constant is "=" to the most common value. We know
* selectivity exactly (or as exactly as VACUUM could
* calculate it, anyway).
selec = commonfrac;
/* Comparison is against a constant that is neither the
* most common value nor null. Its selectivity cannot
* be more than this:
selec = 1.0 - commonfrac - nullfrac;
if (selec > commonfrac)
selec = commonfrac;
/* and in fact it's probably less, so apply a fudge
* factor.
selec *= 0.5;
/* Search is for a value that we do not know a priori,
* but we will assume it is not NULL. Selectivity
* cannot be more than this:
selec = 1.0 - nullfrac;
if (selec > commonfrac)
selec = commonfrac;
/* and in fact it's probably less, so apply a fudge
* factor.
selec *= 0.5;
/* result should be in range, but make sure... */
if (selec < 0.0)
selec = 0.0;
else if (selec > 1.0)
selec = 1.0;
if (! typbyval)
/* No VACUUM ANALYZE stats available, so make a guess using
* the disbursion stat (if we have that, which is unlikely
* for a normal attribute; but for a system attribute we may
* be able to estimate it).
selec = get_attdisbursion(relid, attno, 0.01);
*result = (float64data) selec;
return result;
* neqsel - Selectivity of "!=" for any data types.
* This routine is also used for some operators that are not "!="
* but have comparable selectivity behavior. See above comments
* for eqsel().
neqsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attno,
Datum value,
int32 flag)
float64 result;
result = eqsel(opid, relid, attno, value, flag);
*result = 1.0 - *result;
return result;
* intltsel - Selectivity of "<" (also "<=") for integers.
* Actually, this works and is used for all numeric types, so it should
* be renamed. In fact, it is also currently called for all manner of
* non-numeric types, for which it is NOT very helpful. That needs
* to be fixed.
intltsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attno,
Datum value,
int32 flag)
float64 result;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (! (flag & SEL_CONSTANT) || NONVALUE(attno) || NONVALUE(relid))
HeapTuple oprtuple;
Oid ltype,
Oid typid;
int typlen;
bool typbyval;
int32 typmod;
Datum hival,
double val,
/* Get left and right datatypes of the operator so we know
* what type the constant is.
oprtuple = get_operator_tuple(opid);
if (! HeapTupleIsValid(oprtuple))
elog(ERROR, "intltsel: no tuple for operator %u", opid);
ltype = ((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(oprtuple))->oprleft;
rtype = ((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(oprtuple))->oprright;
/* Convert the constant to a uniform comparison scale. */
if (! convert_to_scale(value,
((flag & SEL_RIGHT) ? rtype : ltype),
/* Ideally we'd produce an error here, on the grounds that
* the given operator shouldn't have intltsel registered as its
* selectivity func unless we can deal with its operand types.
* But currently, all manner of stuff is invoking intltsel,
* so give a default estimate until that can be fixed.
return result;
/* Now get info and stats about the attribute */
getattproperties(relid, attno,
&typid, &typlen, &typbyval, &typmod);
if (! getattstatistics(relid, attno, opid, typid, typmod,
&loval, &hival))
/* no stats available, so default result */
return result;
/* Convert the attribute's loval/hival to common scale. */
if (! convert_to_scale(loval, typid, &low) ||
! convert_to_scale(hival, typid, &high))
/* See above comments... */
if (! typbyval)
return result;
/* release temp storage if needed */
if (! typbyval)
if (high <= low)
/* If we trusted the stats fully, we could return a small or
* large selec depending on which side of the single data point
* the constant is on. But it seems better to assume that the
* stats are out of date and return a default...
else if (val <= low || val >= high)
/* If given value is outside the statistical range, return a
* small or large value; but not 0.0/1.0 since there is a chance
* the stats are out of date.
if (flag & SEL_RIGHT)
*result = (val <= low) ? 0.01 : 0.99;
*result = (val <= low) ? 0.99 : 0.01;
denominator = high - low;
if (flag & SEL_RIGHT)
numerator = val - low;
numerator = high - val;
*result = numerator / denominator;
return result;
* intgtsel - Selectivity of ">" (also ">=") for integers.
* See above comments for intltsel.
intgtsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attno,
Datum value,
int32 flag)
float64 result;
/* Compute selectivity of "<", then invert --- but only if we
* were able to produce a non-default estimate.
result = intltsel(opid, relid, attno, value, flag);
if (*result != DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL)
*result = 1.0 - *result;
return result;
* eqjoinsel - Join selectivity of "="
eqjoinsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid1,
AttrNumber attno1,
Oid relid2,
AttrNumber attno2)
float64 result;
float64data num1,
bool unknown1 = NONVALUE(relid1) || NONVALUE(attno1);
bool unknown2 = NONVALUE(relid2) || NONVALUE(attno2);
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (unknown1 && unknown2)
*result = DEFAULT_EQ_SEL;
num1 = unknown1 ? 1.0 : get_attdisbursion(relid1, attno1, 0.01);
num2 = unknown2 ? 1.0 : get_attdisbursion(relid2, attno2, 0.01);
* The join selectivity cannot be more than num2, since each
* tuple in table 1 could match no more than num2 fraction of
* tuples in table 2 (and that's only if the table-1 tuple
* matches the most common value in table 2, so probably it's
* less). By the same reasoning it is not more than num1.
* The min is therefore an upper bound.
* If we know the disbursion of only one side, use it; the reasoning
* above still works.
* XXX can we make a better estimate here? Using the nullfrac
* statistic might be helpful, for example. Assuming the operator
* is strict (does not succeed for null inputs) then the selectivity
* couldn't be more than (1-nullfrac1)*(1-nullfrac2), which might
* be usefully small if there are many nulls. How about applying
* the operator to the most common values?
min = (num1 < num2) ? num1 : num2;
*result = min;
return result;
* neqjoinsel - Join selectivity of "!="
neqjoinsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid1,
AttrNumber attno1,
Oid relid2,
AttrNumber attno2)
float64 result;
result = eqjoinsel(opid, relid1, attno1, relid2, attno2);
*result = 1.0 - *result;
return result;
* intltjoinsel - Join selectivity of "<" and "<="
intltjoinsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid1,
AttrNumber attno1,
Oid relid2,
AttrNumber attno2)
float64 result;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
return result;
* intgtjoinsel - Join selectivity of ">" and ">="
intgtjoinsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid1,
AttrNumber attno1,
Oid relid2,
AttrNumber attno2)
float64 result;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
return result;
* convert_to_scale
* Convert a given value of the indicated type to the comparison
* scale needed by intltsel(). Returns "true" if successful.
* All numeric datatypes are simply converted to their equivalent
* "double" values.
* Future extension: convert string-like types to some suitable scale.
static bool
convert_to_scale(Datum value, Oid typid,
double *scaleval)
/* Fast-path conversions for some built-in types */
switch (typid)
*scaleval = (double) DatumGetUInt8(value);
return true;
case INT2OID:
*scaleval = (double) DatumGetInt16(value);
return true;
case INT4OID:
*scaleval = (double) DatumGetInt32(value);
return true;
case INT8OID:
*scaleval = (double) (* i8tod((int64 *) DatumGetPointer(value)));
return true;
*scaleval = (double) (* DatumGetFloat32(value));
return true;
*scaleval = (double) (* DatumGetFloat64(value));
return true;
*scaleval = (double) (* numeric_float8((Numeric) DatumGetPointer(value)));
return true;
case OIDOID:
/* we can treat OIDs as integers... */
*scaleval = (double) DatumGetObjectId(value);
return true;
* Eventually this should get handled by somehow scaling as a
* string value. For now, we need to call it out to avoid
* falling into the default case, because there is a float8(text)
* function declared in pg_proc that will do the wrong thing :-(
/* See whether there is a registered type-conversion function,
* namely a procedure named "float8" with the right signature.
Oid oid_array[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
HeapTuple ftup;
MemSet(oid_array, 0, FUNC_MAX_ARGS * sizeof(Oid));
oid_array[0] = typid;
ftup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PROCNAME,
if (HeapTupleIsValid(ftup) &&
((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(ftup))->prorettype == FLOAT8OID)
RegProcedure convertproc = (RegProcedure) ftup->t_data->t_oid;
Datum converted = (Datum) fmgr(convertproc, value);
*scaleval = (double) (* DatumGetFloat64(converted));
return true;
/* Don't know how to convert */
return false;
* getattproperties
* Retrieve pg_attribute properties for an attribute,
* including type OID, type len, type byval flag, typmod.
static void
getattproperties(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum,
Oid *typid, int *typlen, bool *typbyval, int32 *typmod)
HeapTuple atp;
Form_pg_attribute att_tup;
atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(ATTNUM,
0, 0);
if (! HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
elog(ERROR, "getattproperties: no attribute tuple %u %d",
relid, (int) attnum);
att_tup = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atp);
*typid = att_tup->atttypid;
*typlen = att_tup->attlen;
*typbyval = att_tup->attbyval;
*typmod = att_tup->atttypmod;
* getattstatistics
* Retrieve the pg_statistic data for an attribute.
* Returns 'false' if no stats are available.
* Inputs:
* 'relid' and 'attnum' are the relation and attribute number.
* 'typid' and 'typmod' are the type and typmod of the column,
* which the caller must already have looked up.
* Outputs:
* The available stats are nullfrac, commonfrac, commonval, loval, hival.
* The caller need not retrieve all five --- pass NULL pointers for the
* unwanted values.
* commonval, loval, hival are returned as Datums holding the internal
* representation of the values. (Note that these should be pfree'd
* after use if the data type is not by-value.)
* XXX currently, this does a linear search of pg_statistic because there
* is no index nor syscache for pg_statistic. FIX THIS!
static bool
getattstatistics(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum, Oid opid, Oid typid,
int32 typmod,
double *nullfrac,
double *commonfrac,
Datum *commonval,
Datum *loval,
Datum *hival)
Relation rel;
bool isnull;
HeapTuple tuple;
HeapTuple typeTuple;
FmgrInfo inputproc;
Oid typelem;
rel = heap_openr(StatisticRelationName, AccessShareLock);
tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(STATRELID,
Int16GetDatum((int16) attnum),
opid, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
/* no such stats entry */
heap_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
return false;
/* We assume that there will only be one entry in pg_statistic
* for the given rel/att. Someday, VACUUM might store more than one...
if (nullfrac)
*nullfrac = ((Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->stanullfrac;
if (commonfrac)
*commonfrac = ((Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->stacommonfrac;
/* Get the type input proc for the column datatype */
typeTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(TYPEOID,
0, 0, 0);
if (! HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple))
elog(ERROR, "getattstatistics: Cache lookup failed for type %u",
fmgr_info(((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typinput, &inputproc);
typelem = ((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typelem;
/* Values are variable-length fields, so cannot access as struct fields.
* Must do it the hard way with heap_getattr.
if (commonval)
text *val = (text *) heap_getattr(tuple,
if (isnull)
elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: stacommonval is null");
*commonval = PointerGetDatum(NULL);
char *strval = textout(val);
*commonval = (Datum)
(*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typelem, typmod);
if (loval)
text *val = (text *) heap_getattr(tuple,
if (isnull)
elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: staloval is null");
*loval = PointerGetDatum(NULL);
char *strval = textout(val);
*loval = (Datum)
(*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typelem, typmod);
if (hival)
text *val = (text *) heap_getattr(tuple,
if (isnull)
elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: stahival is null");
*hival = PointerGetDatum(NULL);
char *strval = textout(val);
*hival = (Datum)
(*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typelem, typmod);
heap_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
return true;
btreesel(Oid operatorObjectId,
Oid indrelid,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *constValue,
int32 constFlag,
int32 nIndexKeys,
Oid indexrelid)
float64 result;
if (FunctionalSelectivity(nIndexKeys, attributeNumber))
* Need to call the functions selectivity function here. For now
* simply assume it's 1/3 since functions don't currently have
* selectivity functions
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
*result = 1.0 / 3.0;
RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorObjectId);
* Operators used for indexes should have selectivity estimators.
* (An alternative is to default to 0.5, as the optimizer does in
* dealing with operators occurring in WHERE clauses, but if you
* are going to the trouble of making index support you probably
* don't want to miss the benefits of a good selectivity estimate.)
if (!oprrest)
#if 1
* XXX temporary fix for 6.5: rtree operators are missing their
* selectivity estimators, so return a default estimate instead.
* Ugh.
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
*result = 0.5;
"Operator %u must have a restriction selectivity estimator to be used in an index",
result = (float64) fmgr(oprrest,
(char *) operatorObjectId,
(char *) indrelid,
(char *) (int) attributeNumber,
(char *) constValue,
(char *) constFlag,
if (!PointerIsValid(result))
elog(ERROR, "Btree Selectivity: bad pointer");
if (*result < 0.0 || *result > 1.0)
elog(ERROR, "Btree Selectivity: bad value %f", *result);
return result;
btreenpage(Oid operatorObjectId,
Oid indrelid,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *constValue,
int32 constFlag,
int32 nIndexKeys,
Oid indexrelid)
float64 temp,
float64data tempData;
HeapTuple atp;
int npage;
if (FunctionalSelectivity(nIndexKeys, attributeNumber))
* Need to call the functions selectivity function here. For now
* simply assume it's 1/3 since functions don't currently have
* selectivity functions
tempData = 1.0 / 3.0;
temp = &tempData;
RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorObjectId);
* Operators used for indexes should have selectivity estimators.
* (An alternative is to default to 0.5, as the optimizer does in
* dealing with operators occurring in WHERE clauses, but if you
* are going to the trouble of making index support you probably
* don't want to miss the benefits of a good selectivity estimate.)
if (!oprrest)
#if 1
* XXX temporary fix for 6.5: rtree operators are missing their
* selectivity estimators, so return a default estimate instead.
* Ugh.
tempData = 0.5;
temp = &tempData;
"Operator %u must have a restriction selectivity estimator to be used in an index",
temp = (float64) fmgr(oprrest,
(char *) operatorObjectId,
(char *) indrelid,
(char *) (int) attributeNumber,
(char *) constValue,
(char *) constFlag,
atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELOID,
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
elog(ERROR, "btreenpage: no index tuple %u", indexrelid);
return 0;
npage = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->relpages;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
*result = *temp * npage;
return result;
hashsel(Oid operatorObjectId,
Oid indrelid,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *constValue,
int32 constFlag,
int32 nIndexKeys,
Oid indexrelid)
float64 result;
float64data resultData;
HeapTuple atp;
int ntuples;
if (FunctionalSelectivity(nIndexKeys, attributeNumber))
* Need to call the functions selectivity function here. For now
* simply use 1/Number of Tuples since functions don't currently
* have selectivity functions
atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELOID,
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
elog(ERROR, "hashsel: no index tuple %u", indexrelid);
return 0;
ntuples = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->reltuples;
if (ntuples > 0)
resultData = 1.0 / (float64data) ntuples;
resultData = (float64data) (1.0 / 100.0);
result = &resultData;
RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorObjectId);
* Operators used for indexes should have selectivity estimators.
* (An alternative is to default to 0.5, as the optimizer does in
* dealing with operators occurring in WHERE clauses, but if you
* are going to the trouble of making index support you probably
* don't want to miss the benefits of a good selectivity estimate.)
if (!oprrest)
"Operator %u must have a restriction selectivity estimator to be used in a hash index",
result = (float64) fmgr(oprrest,
(char *) operatorObjectId,
(char *) indrelid,
(char *) (int) attributeNumber,
(char *) constValue,
(char *) constFlag,
if (!PointerIsValid(result))
elog(ERROR, "Hash Table Selectivity: bad pointer");
if (*result < 0.0 || *result > 1.0)
elog(ERROR, "Hash Table Selectivity: bad value %f", *result);
return result;
hashnpage(Oid operatorObjectId,
Oid indrelid,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *constValue,
int32 constFlag,
int32 nIndexKeys,
Oid indexrelid)
float64 temp,
float64data tempData;
HeapTuple atp;
int npage;
int ntuples;
atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELOID,
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
elog(ERROR, "hashsel: no index tuple %u", indexrelid);
return 0;
if (FunctionalSelectivity(nIndexKeys, attributeNumber))
* Need to call the functions selectivity function here. For now,
* use 1/Number of Tuples since functions don't currently have
* selectivity functions
ntuples = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->reltuples;
if (ntuples > 0)
tempData = 1.0 / (float64data) ntuples;
tempData = (float64data) (1.0 / 100.0);
temp = &tempData;
RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorObjectId);
* Operators used for indexes should have selectivity estimators.
* (An alternative is to default to 0.5, as the optimizer does in
* dealing with operators occurring in WHERE clauses, but if you
* are going to the trouble of making index support you probably
* don't want to miss the benefits of a good selectivity estimate.)
if (!oprrest)
"Operator %u must have a restriction selectivity estimator to be used in a hash index",
temp = (float64) fmgr(oprrest,
(char *) operatorObjectId,
(char *) indrelid,
(char *) (int) attributeNumber,
(char *) constValue,
(char *) constFlag,
npage = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->relpages;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
*result = *temp * npage;
return result;
rtsel(Oid operatorObjectId,
Oid indrelid,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *constValue,
int32 constFlag,
int32 nIndexKeys,
Oid indexrelid)
return (btreesel(operatorObjectId, indrelid, attributeNumber,
constValue, constFlag, nIndexKeys, indexrelid));
rtnpage(Oid operatorObjectId,
Oid indrelid,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *constValue,
int32 constFlag,
int32 nIndexKeys,
Oid indexrelid)
return (btreenpage(operatorObjectId, indrelid, attributeNumber,
constValue, constFlag, nIndexKeys, indexrelid));
gistsel(Oid operatorObjectId,
Oid indrelid,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *constValue,
int32 constFlag,
int32 nIndexKeys,
Oid indexrelid)
return (btreesel(operatorObjectId, indrelid, attributeNumber,
constValue, constFlag, nIndexKeys, indexrelid));
gistnpage(Oid operatorObjectId,
Oid indrelid,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *constValue,
int32 constFlag,
int32 nIndexKeys,
Oid indexrelid)
return (btreenpage(operatorObjectId, indrelid, attributeNumber,
constValue, constFlag, nIndexKeys, indexrelid));