
285 lines
9.4 KiB

-- directory paths are passed to us in environment variables
\getenv abs_srcdir PG_ABS_SRCDIR
CREATE TABLE bt_i4_heap (
seqno int4,
random int4
CREATE TABLE bt_name_heap (
seqno name,
random int4
CREATE TABLE bt_txt_heap (
seqno text,
random int4
CREATE TABLE bt_f8_heap (
seqno float8,
random int4
\set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/'
COPY bt_i4_heap FROM :'filename';
\set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/'
COPY bt_name_heap FROM :'filename';
\set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/'
COPY bt_txt_heap FROM :'filename';
\set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/'
COPY bt_f8_heap FROM :'filename';
ANALYZE bt_i4_heap;
ANALYZE bt_name_heap;
ANALYZE bt_txt_heap;
ANALYZE bt_f8_heap;
-- BTREE ascending/descending cases
-- we load int4/text from pure descending data (each key is a new
-- low key) and name/f8 from pure ascending data (each key is a new
-- high key). we had a bug where new low keys would sometimes be
-- "lost".
CREATE INDEX bt_i4_index ON bt_i4_heap USING btree (seqno int4_ops);
CREATE INDEX bt_name_index ON bt_name_heap USING btree (seqno name_ops);
CREATE INDEX bt_txt_index ON bt_txt_heap USING btree (seqno text_ops);
CREATE INDEX bt_f8_index ON bt_f8_heap USING btree (seqno float8_ops);
-- test retrieval of min/max keys for each index
FROM bt_i4_heap b
WHERE b.seqno < 1;
FROM bt_i4_heap b
WHERE b.seqno >= 9999;
FROM bt_i4_heap b
WHERE b.seqno = 4500;
FROM bt_name_heap b
WHERE b.seqno < '1'::name;
FROM bt_name_heap b
WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::name;
FROM bt_name_heap b
WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::name;
FROM bt_txt_heap b
WHERE b.seqno < '1'::text;
FROM bt_txt_heap b
WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::text;
FROM bt_txt_heap b
WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::text;
FROM bt_f8_heap b
WHERE b.seqno < '1'::float8;
FROM bt_f8_heap b
WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::float8;
FROM bt_f8_heap b
WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::float8;
-- Add coverage for optimization of backwards scan index descents
-- Here we expect _bt_search to descend straight to a leaf page containing a
-- non-pivot tuple with the value '47', which comes last (after 11 similar
-- non-pivot tuples). Query execution should only need to visit a single
-- leaf page here.
-- Test case relies on tenk1_hundred index having a leaf page whose high key
-- is '(48, -inf)'. We use a low cardinality index to make our test case less
-- sensitive to implementation details that may change in the future.
set enable_seqscan to false;
set enable_indexscan to true;
set enable_bitmapscan to false;
explain (costs off)
select hundred, twenty from tenk1 where hundred < 48 order by hundred desc limit 1;
select hundred, twenty from tenk1 where hundred < 48 order by hundred desc limit 1;
-- This variant of the query need only return a single tuple located to the immediate
-- right of the '(48, -inf)' high key. It also only needs to scan one single
-- leaf page (the right sibling of the page scanned by the last test case):
explain (costs off)
select hundred, twenty from tenk1 where hundred <= 48 order by hundred desc limit 1;
select hundred, twenty from tenk1 where hundred <= 48 order by hundred desc limit 1;
-- Add coverage for ScalarArrayOp btree quals with pivot tuple constants
explain (costs off)
select distinct hundred from tenk1 where hundred in (47, 48, 72, 82);
select distinct hundred from tenk1 where hundred in (47, 48, 72, 82);
explain (costs off)
select distinct hundred from tenk1 where hundred in (47, 48, 72, 82) order by hundred desc;
select distinct hundred from tenk1 where hundred in (47, 48, 72, 82) order by hundred desc;
explain (costs off)
select thousand from tenk1 where thousand in (364, 366,380) and tenthous = 200000;
select thousand from tenk1 where thousand in (364, 366,380) and tenthous = 200000;
-- Check correct optimization of LIKE (special index operator support)
-- for both indexscan and bitmapscan cases
set enable_seqscan to false;
set enable_indexscan to true;
set enable_bitmapscan to false;
explain (costs off)
select proname from pg_proc where proname like E'RI\\_FKey%del' order by 1;
select proname from pg_proc where proname like E'RI\\_FKey%del' order by 1;
explain (costs off)
select proname from pg_proc where proname ilike '00%foo' order by 1;
select proname from pg_proc where proname ilike '00%foo' order by 1;
explain (costs off)
select proname from pg_proc where proname ilike 'ri%foo' order by 1;
set enable_indexscan to false;
set enable_bitmapscan to true;
explain (costs off)
select proname from pg_proc where proname like E'RI\\_FKey%del' order by 1;
select proname from pg_proc where proname like E'RI\\_FKey%del' order by 1;
explain (costs off)
select proname from pg_proc where proname ilike '00%foo' order by 1;
select proname from pg_proc where proname ilike '00%foo' order by 1;
explain (costs off)
select proname from pg_proc where proname ilike 'ri%foo' order by 1;
reset enable_seqscan;
reset enable_indexscan;
reset enable_bitmapscan;
-- Also check LIKE optimization with binary-compatible cases
create temp table btree_bpchar (f1 text collate "C");
create index on btree_bpchar(f1 bpchar_ops) WITH (deduplicate_items=on);
insert into btree_bpchar values ('foo'), ('fool'), ('bar'), ('quux');
-- doesn't match index:
explain (costs off)
select * from btree_bpchar where f1 like 'foo';
select * from btree_bpchar where f1 like 'foo';
explain (costs off)
select * from btree_bpchar where f1 like 'foo%';
select * from btree_bpchar where f1 like 'foo%';
-- these do match the index:
explain (costs off)
select * from btree_bpchar where f1::bpchar like 'foo';
select * from btree_bpchar where f1::bpchar like 'foo';
explain (costs off)
select * from btree_bpchar where f1::bpchar like 'foo%';
select * from btree_bpchar where f1::bpchar like 'foo%';
-- get test coverage for "single value" deduplication strategy:
insert into btree_bpchar select 'foo' from generate_series(1,1500);
-- Perform unique checking, with and without the use of deduplication
CREATE TABLE dedup_unique_test_table (a int) WITH (autovacuum_enabled=false);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dedup_unique ON dedup_unique_test_table (a) WITH (deduplicate_items=on);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX plain_unique ON dedup_unique_test_table (a) WITH (deduplicate_items=off);
-- Generate enough garbage tuples in index to ensure that even the unique index
-- with deduplication enabled has to check multiple leaf pages during unique
-- checking (at least with a BLCKSZ of 8192 or less)
DO $$
FOR r IN 1..1350 LOOP
DELETE FROM dedup_unique_test_table;
INSERT INTO dedup_unique_test_table SELECT 1;
-- Exercise the LP_DEAD-bit-set tuple deletion code with a posting list tuple.
-- The implementation prefers deleting existing items to merging any duplicate
-- tuples into a posting list, so we need an explicit test to make sure we get
-- coverage (note that this test also assumes BLCKSZ is 8192 or less):
DROP INDEX plain_unique;
DELETE FROM dedup_unique_test_table WHERE a = 1;
INSERT INTO dedup_unique_test_table SELECT i FROM generate_series(0,450) i;
-- Test B-tree fast path (cache rightmost leaf page) optimization.
-- First create a tree that's at least three levels deep (i.e. has one level
-- between the root and leaf levels). The text inserted is long. It won't be
-- TOAST compressed because we use plain storage in the table. Only a few
-- index tuples fit on each internal page, allowing us to get a tall tree with
-- few pages. (A tall tree is required to trigger caching.)
-- The text column must be the leading column in the index, since suffix
-- truncation would otherwise truncate tuples on internal pages, leaving us
-- with a short tree.
create table btree_tall_tbl(id int4, t text);
alter table btree_tall_tbl alter COLUMN t set storage plain;
create index btree_tall_idx on btree_tall_tbl (t, id) with (fillfactor = 10);
insert into btree_tall_tbl select g, repeat('x', 250)
from generate_series(1, 130) g;
-- Test for multilevel page deletion
CREATE TABLE delete_test_table (a bigint, b bigint, c bigint, d bigint);
INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,80000) i;
ALTER TABLE delete_test_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (a,b,c,d);
-- Delete most entries, and vacuum, deleting internal pages and creating "fast
-- root"
DELETE FROM delete_test_table WHERE a < 79990;
VACUUM delete_test_table;
-- Test B-tree insertion with a metapage update (XLOG_BTREE_INSERT_META
-- WAL record type). This happens when a "fast root" page is split. This
-- also creates coverage for nbtree FSM page recycling.
-- The vacuum above should've turned the leaf page into a fast root. We just
-- need to insert some rows to cause the fast root page to split.
INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,1000) i;
-- Test unsupported btree opclass parameters
create index on btree_tall_tbl (id int4_ops(foo=1));
-- Test case of ALTER INDEX with abuse of column names for indexes.
-- This grammar is not officially supported, but the parser allows it.
CREATE INDEX btree_tall_idx2 ON btree_tall_tbl (id);
ALTER INDEX btree_tall_idx2 ALTER COLUMN id SET (n_distinct=100);
DROP INDEX btree_tall_idx2;
-- Partitioned index
CREATE TABLE btree_part (id int4) PARTITION BY RANGE (id);
CREATE INDEX btree_part_idx ON btree_part(id);
ALTER INDEX btree_part_idx ALTER COLUMN id SET (n_distinct=100);
DROP TABLE btree_part;