Tom Lane 874fe3aea1 Fix CREATE MATVIEW/CREATE TABLE AS ... WITH NO DATA to not plan the query.
Previously, these commands always planned the given query and went through
executor startup before deciding not to actually run the query if WITH NO
DATA is specified.  This behavior is problematic for pg_dump because it
may cause errors to be raised that we would rather not see before a
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command is issued.  See for example bug #13907
from Marian Krucina.  This change is not sufficient to fix that particular
bug, because we also need to tweak pg_dump to issue the REFRESH later,
but it's a necessary step on the way.

A user-visible side effect of doing things this way is that the returned
command tag for WITH NO DATA cases will now be "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW"
or "CREATE TABLE AS", not "SELECT 0".  We could preserve the old behavior
but it would take more code, and arguably that was just an implementation
artifact not intended behavior anyhow.

In 9.5 and HEAD, also get rid of the static variable CreateAsReladdr, which
was trouble waiting to happen; there is not any prohibition on nested
CREATE commands.

Back-patch to 9.3 where CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW was introduced.

Michael Paquier and Tom Lane

Report: <>
2016-06-27 15:57:50 -04:00

611 lines
13 KiB

* makefuncs.c
* creator functions for primitive nodes. The functions here are for
* the most frequently created nodes.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/nodes/makefuncs.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "catalog/pg_class.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
* makeA_Expr -
* makes an A_Expr node
A_Expr *
makeA_Expr(A_Expr_Kind kind, List *name,
Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr, int location)
A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr);
a->kind = kind;
a->name = name;
a->lexpr = lexpr;
a->rexpr = rexpr;
a->location = location;
return a;
* makeSimpleA_Expr -
* As above, given a simple (unqualified) operator name
A_Expr *
makeSimpleA_Expr(A_Expr_Kind kind, char *name,
Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr, int location)
A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr);
a->kind = kind;
a->name = list_make1(makeString((char *) name));
a->lexpr = lexpr;
a->rexpr = rexpr;
a->location = location;
return a;
* makeVar -
* creates a Var node
Var *
makeVar(Index varno,
AttrNumber varattno,
Oid vartype,
int32 vartypmod,
Oid varcollid,
Index varlevelsup)
Var *var = makeNode(Var);
var->varno = varno;
var->varattno = varattno;
var->vartype = vartype;
var->vartypmod = vartypmod;
var->varcollid = varcollid;
var->varlevelsup = varlevelsup;
* Since few if any routines ever create Var nodes with varnoold/varoattno
* different from varno/varattno, we don't provide separate arguments for
* them, but just initialize them to the given varno/varattno. This
* reduces code clutter and chance of error for most callers.
var->varnoold = varno;
var->varoattno = varattno;
/* Likewise, we just set location to "unknown" here */
var->location = -1;
return var;
* makeVarFromTargetEntry -
* convenience function to create a same-level Var node from a
* TargetEntry
Var *
makeVarFromTargetEntry(Index varno,
TargetEntry *tle)
return makeVar(varno,
exprType((Node *) tle->expr),
exprTypmod((Node *) tle->expr),
exprCollation((Node *) tle->expr),
* makeWholeRowVar -
* creates a Var node representing a whole row of the specified RTE
* A whole-row reference is a Var with varno set to the correct range
* table entry, and varattno == 0 to signal that it references the whole
* tuple. (Use of zero here is unclean, since it could easily be confused
* with error cases, but it's not worth changing now.) The vartype indicates
* a rowtype; either a named composite type, or RECORD. This function
* encapsulates the logic for determining the correct rowtype OID to use.
* If allowScalar is true, then for the case where the RTE is a single function
* returning a non-composite result type, we produce a normal Var referencing
* the function's result directly, instead of the single-column composite
* value that the whole-row notation might otherwise suggest.
Var *
makeWholeRowVar(RangeTblEntry *rte,
Index varno,
Index varlevelsup,
bool allowScalar)
Var *result;
Oid toid;
Node *fexpr;
switch (rte->rtekind)
/* relation: the rowtype is a named composite type */
toid = get_rel_type_id(rte->relid);
if (!OidIsValid(toid))
elog(ERROR, "could not find type OID for relation %u",
result = makeVar(varno,
* If there's more than one function, or ordinality is requested,
* force a RECORD result, since there's certainly more than one
* column involved and it can't be a known named type.
if (rte->funcordinality || list_length(rte->functions) != 1)
/* always produces an anonymous RECORD result */
result = makeVar(varno,
fexpr = ((RangeTblFunction *) linitial(rte->functions))->funcexpr;
toid = exprType(fexpr);
if (type_is_rowtype(toid))
/* func returns composite; same as relation case */
result = makeVar(varno,
else if (allowScalar)
/* func returns scalar; just return its output as-is */
result = makeVar(varno,
/* func returns scalar, but we want a composite result */
result = makeVar(varno,
* RTE is a join, subselect, or VALUES. We represent this as a
* whole-row Var of RECORD type. (Note that in most cases the Var
* will be expanded to a RowExpr during planning, but that is not
* our concern here.)
result = makeVar(varno,
return result;
* makeTargetEntry -
* creates a TargetEntry node
TargetEntry *
makeTargetEntry(Expr *expr,
AttrNumber resno,
char *resname,
bool resjunk)
TargetEntry *tle = makeNode(TargetEntry);
tle->expr = expr;
tle->resno = resno;
tle->resname = resname;
* We always set these fields to 0. If the caller wants to change them he
* must do so explicitly. Few callers do that, so omitting these
* arguments reduces the chance of error.
tle->ressortgroupref = 0;
tle->resorigtbl = InvalidOid;
tle->resorigcol = 0;
tle->resjunk = resjunk;
return tle;
* flatCopyTargetEntry -
* duplicate a TargetEntry, but don't copy substructure
* This is commonly used when we just want to modify the resno or substitute
* a new expression.
TargetEntry *
flatCopyTargetEntry(TargetEntry *src_tle)
TargetEntry *tle = makeNode(TargetEntry);
Assert(IsA(src_tle, TargetEntry));
memcpy(tle, src_tle, sizeof(TargetEntry));
return tle;
* makeFromExpr -
* creates a FromExpr node
FromExpr *
makeFromExpr(List *fromlist, Node *quals)
FromExpr *f = makeNode(FromExpr);
f->fromlist = fromlist;
f->quals = quals;
return f;
* makeConst -
* creates a Const node
Const *
makeConst(Oid consttype,
int32 consttypmod,
Oid constcollid,
int constlen,
Datum constvalue,
bool constisnull,
bool constbyval)
Const *cnst = makeNode(Const);
* If it's a varlena value, force it to be in non-expanded (non-toasted)
* format; this avoids any possible dependency on external values and
* improves consistency of representation, which is important for equal().
if (!constisnull && constlen == -1)
constvalue = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM(constvalue));
cnst->consttype = consttype;
cnst->consttypmod = consttypmod;
cnst->constcollid = constcollid;
cnst->constlen = constlen;
cnst->constvalue = constvalue;
cnst->constisnull = constisnull;
cnst->constbyval = constbyval;
cnst->location = -1; /* "unknown" */
return cnst;
* makeNullConst -
* creates a Const node representing a NULL of the specified type/typmod
* This is a convenience routine that just saves a lookup of the type's
* storage properties.
Const *
makeNullConst(Oid consttype, int32 consttypmod, Oid constcollid)
int16 typLen;
bool typByVal;
get_typlenbyval(consttype, &typLen, &typByVal);
return makeConst(consttype,
(int) typLen,
(Datum) 0,
* makeBoolConst -
* creates a Const node representing a boolean value (can be NULL too)
Node *
makeBoolConst(bool value, bool isnull)
/* note that pg_type.h hardwires size of bool as 1 ... duplicate it */
return (Node *) makeConst(BOOLOID, -1, InvalidOid, 1,
BoolGetDatum(value), isnull, true);
* makeBoolExpr -
* creates a BoolExpr node
Expr *
makeBoolExpr(BoolExprType boolop, List *args, int location)
BoolExpr *b = makeNode(BoolExpr);
b->boolop = boolop;
b->args = args;
b->location = location;
return (Expr *) b;
* makeAlias -
* creates an Alias node
* NOTE: the given name is copied, but the colnames list (if any) isn't.
Alias *
makeAlias(const char *aliasname, List *colnames)
Alias *a = makeNode(Alias);
a->aliasname = pstrdup(aliasname);
a->colnames = colnames;
return a;
* makeRelabelType -
* creates a RelabelType node
RelabelType *
makeRelabelType(Expr *arg, Oid rtype, int32 rtypmod, Oid rcollid,
CoercionForm rformat)
RelabelType *r = makeNode(RelabelType);
r->arg = arg;
r->resulttype = rtype;
r->resulttypmod = rtypmod;
r->resultcollid = rcollid;
r->relabelformat = rformat;
r->location = -1;
return r;
* makeRangeVar -
* creates a RangeVar node (rather oversimplified case)
RangeVar *
makeRangeVar(char *schemaname, char *relname, int location)
RangeVar *r = makeNode(RangeVar);
r->catalogname = NULL;
r->schemaname = schemaname;
r->relname = relname;
r->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT;
r->alias = NULL;
r->location = location;
return r;
* makeTypeName -
* build a TypeName node for an unqualified name.
* typmod is defaulted, but can be changed later by caller.
TypeName *
makeTypeName(char *typnam)
return makeTypeNameFromNameList(list_make1(makeString(typnam)));
* makeTypeNameFromNameList -
* build a TypeName node for a String list representing a qualified name.
* typmod is defaulted, but can be changed later by caller.
TypeName *
makeTypeNameFromNameList(List *names)
TypeName *n = makeNode(TypeName);
n->names = names;
n->typmods = NIL;
n->typemod = -1;
n->location = -1;
return n;
* makeTypeNameFromOid -
* build a TypeName node to represent a type already known by OID/typmod.
TypeName *
makeTypeNameFromOid(Oid typeOid, int32 typmod)
TypeName *n = makeNode(TypeName);
n->typeOid = typeOid;
n->typemod = typmod;
n->location = -1;
return n;
* makeColumnDef -
* build a ColumnDef node to represent a simple column definition.
* Type and collation are specified by OID.
* Other properties are all basic to start with.
ColumnDef *
makeColumnDef(const char *colname, Oid typeOid, int32 typmod, Oid collOid)
ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef);
n->colname = pstrdup(colname);
n->typeName = makeTypeNameFromOid(typeOid, typmod);
n->inhcount = 0;
n->is_local = true;
n->is_not_null = false;
n->is_from_type = false;
n->storage = 0;
n->raw_default = NULL;
n->cooked_default = NULL;
n->collClause = NULL;
n->collOid = collOid;
n->constraints = NIL;
n->fdwoptions = NIL;
n->location = -1;
return n;
* makeFuncExpr -
* build an expression tree representing a function call.
* The argument expressions must have been transformed already.
FuncExpr *
makeFuncExpr(Oid funcid, Oid rettype, List *args,
Oid funccollid, Oid inputcollid, CoercionForm fformat)
FuncExpr *funcexpr;
funcexpr = makeNode(FuncExpr);
funcexpr->funcid = funcid;
funcexpr->funcresulttype = rettype;
funcexpr->funcretset = false; /* only allowed case here */
funcexpr->funcvariadic = false; /* only allowed case here */
funcexpr->funcformat = fformat;
funcexpr->funccollid = funccollid;
funcexpr->inputcollid = inputcollid;
funcexpr->args = args;
funcexpr->location = -1;
return funcexpr;
* makeDefElem -
* build a DefElem node
* This is sufficient for the "typical" case with an unqualified option name
* and no special action.
DefElem *
makeDefElem(char *name, Node *arg)
DefElem *res = makeNode(DefElem);
res->defnamespace = NULL;
res->defname = name;
res->arg = arg;
res->defaction = DEFELEM_UNSPEC;
return res;
* makeDefElemExtended -
* build a DefElem node with all fields available to be specified
DefElem *
makeDefElemExtended(char *nameSpace, char *name, Node *arg,
DefElemAction defaction)
DefElem *res = makeNode(DefElem);
res->defnamespace = nameSpace;
res->defname = name;
res->arg = arg;
res->defaction = defaction;
return res;
* makeFuncCall -
* Initialize a FuncCall struct with the information every caller must
* supply. Any non-default parameters have to be inserted by the caller.
FuncCall *
makeFuncCall(List *name, List *args, int location)
FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall);
n->funcname = name;
n->args = args;
n->agg_order = NIL;
n->agg_filter = NULL;
n->agg_within_group = false;
n->agg_star = false;
n->agg_distinct = false;
n->func_variadic = false;
n->over = NULL;
n->location = location;
return n;
* makeGroupingSet
GroupingSet *
makeGroupingSet(GroupingSetKind kind, List *content, int location)
GroupingSet *n = makeNode(GroupingSet);
n->kind = kind;
n->content = content;
n->location = location;
return n;