
175 lines
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-- Tests for PL/pgSQL handling of array variables
-- We also check arrays of composites here, so this has some overlap
-- with the plpgsql_record tests.
create type complex as (r float8, i float8);
create type quadarray as (c1 complex[], c2 complex);
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := array[1,2]; a[3] := 4; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {1,2,4}
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a[3] := 4; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = [3:3]={4}
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a[1][4] := 4; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = [1:1][4:4]={{4}}
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a[1] := 23::text; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$; -- lax typing
NOTICE: a = {23}
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := array[1,2]; a[2:3] := array[3,4]; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {1,3,4}
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := array[1,2]; a[2] := a[2] + 1; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {1,3}
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a[1:2] := array[3,4]; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {3,4}
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a[1:2] := 4; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$; -- error
ERROR: malformed array literal: "4"
DETAIL: Array value must start with "{" or dimension information.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 2 at assignment
do $$ declare a complex[];
begin a[1] := (1,2); a[1].i := 11; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {"(1,11)"}
do $$ declare a complex[];
begin a[1].i := 11; raise notice 'a = %, a[1].i = %', a, a[1].i; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {"(,11)"}, a[1].i = 11
-- perhaps this ought to work, but for now it doesn't:
do $$ declare a complex[];
begin a[1:2].i := array[11,12]; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
ERROR: cannot assign to field "i" of column "a" because its type complex[] is not a composite type
LINE 1: a[1:2].i := array[11,12]
QUERY: a[1:2].i := array[11,12]
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 2 at assignment
do $$ declare a quadarray;
begin a.c1[1].i := 11; raise notice 'a = %, a.c1[1].i = %', a, a.c1[1].i; end$$;
NOTICE: a = ("{""(,11)""}",), a.c1[1].i = 11
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := array_agg(x) from (values(1),(2),(3)) v(x); raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {1,2,3}
create temp table onecol as select array[1,2] as f1;
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := f1 from onecol; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {1,2}
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := * from onecol for update; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {1,2}
-- error cases:
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := from onecol; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
ERROR: assignment source returned 0 columns
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL assignment "a := from onecol"
PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 2 at assignment
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := f1, f1 from onecol; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
ERROR: assignment source returned 2 columns
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL assignment "a := f1, f1 from onecol"
PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 2 at assignment
insert into onecol values(array[11]);
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := f1 from onecol; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
ERROR: query returned more than one row
CONTEXT: query: a := f1 from onecol
PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 2 at assignment
do $$ declare a int[];
begin a := f1 from onecol limit 1; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
NOTICE: a = {1,2}
do $$ declare a real;
begin a[1] := 2; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
ERROR: cannot subscript type real because it does not support subscripting
LINE 1: a[1] := 2
QUERY: a[1] := 2
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 2 at assignment
do $$ declare a complex;
begin a.r[1] := 2; raise notice 'a = %', a; end$$;
ERROR: cannot subscript type double precision because it does not support subscripting
LINE 1: a.r[1] := 2
QUERY: a.r[1] := 2
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 2 at assignment
-- test of %type[] and %rowtype[] syntax
-- check supported syntax
do $$
v int;
v1 v%type;
v2 v%type[];
v3 v%type[1];
v4 v%type[][];
v5 v%type[1][3];
v6 v%type array;
v7 v%type array[];
v8 v%type array[1];
v9 v%type array[1][1];
v10 pg_catalog.pg_class%rowtype[];
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v1);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v2);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v3);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v4);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v5);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v6);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v7);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v8);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v9);
raise notice '%', pg_typeof(v10);
NOTICE: integer
NOTICE: integer[]
NOTICE: integer[]
NOTICE: integer[]
NOTICE: integer[]
NOTICE: integer[]
NOTICE: integer[]
NOTICE: integer[]
NOTICE: integer[]
NOTICE: pg_class[]
-- some types don't support arrays
do $$
v pg_node_tree;
v1 v%type[];
ERROR: could not find array type for data type pg_node_tree
CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "inline_code_block" near line 4
-- check functionality
do $$
v1 int;
v2 varchar;
a1 v1%type[];
a2 v2%type[];
v1 := 10;
v2 := 'Hi';
a1 := array[v1,v1];
a2 := array[v2,v2];
raise notice '% %', a1, a2;
NOTICE: {10,10} {Hi,Hi}
create table array_test_table(a int, b varchar);
insert into array_test_table values(1, 'first'), (2, 'second');
do $$
declare tg array_test_table%rowtype[];
tg := array(select array_test_table from array_test_table);
raise notice '%', tg;
tg := array(select row(a,b) from array_test_table);
raise notice '%', tg;
NOTICE: {"(1,first)","(2,second)"}
NOTICE: {"(1,first)","(2,second)"}