Tom Lane 5ebaaa4944 Implement SQL-standard LATERAL subqueries.
This patch implements the standard syntax of LATERAL attached to a
sub-SELECT in FROM, and also allows LATERAL attached to a function in FROM,
since set-returning function calls are expected to be one of the principal

The main change here is a rewrite of the mechanism for keeping track of
which relations are visible for column references while the FROM clause is
being scanned.  The parser "namespace" lists are no longer lists of bare
RTEs, but are lists of ParseNamespaceItem structs, which carry an RTE
pointer as well as some visibility-controlling flags.  Aside from
supporting LATERAL correctly, this lets us get rid of the ancient hacks
that required rechecking subqueries and JOIN/ON and function-in-FROM
expressions for invalid references after they were initially parsed.
Invalid column references are now always correctly detected on sight.

In passing, remove assorted parser error checks that are now dead code by
virtue of our having gotten rid of add_missing_from, as well as some
comments that are obsolete for the same reason.  (It was mainly
add_missing_from that caused so much fudging here in the first place.)

The planner support for this feature is very minimal, and will be improved
in future patches.  It works well enough for testing purposes, though.

catversion bump forced due to new field in RangeTblEntry.
2012-08-07 19:02:54 -04:00

919 lines
24 KiB

SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name LIKE 'enable%';
name | setting
enable_bitmapscan | on
enable_hashagg | on
enable_hashjoin | on
enable_indexonlyscan | on
enable_indexscan | on
enable_material | on
enable_mergejoin | on
enable_nestloop | on
enable_seqscan | on
enable_sort | on
enable_tidscan | on
(11 rows)
CREATE TABLE foo2(fooid int, f2 int);
INSERT INTO foo2 VALUES(1, 111);
CREATE FUNCTION foot(int) returns setof foo2 as 'SELECT * FROM foo2 WHERE fooid = $1;' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- supposed to fail with ERROR
select * from foo2, foot(foo2.fooid) z where foo2.f2 = z.f2;
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "foo2"
LINE 1: select * from foo2, foot(foo2.fooid) z where foo2.f2 = z.f2;
HINT: There is an entry for table "foo2", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
-- function in subselect
select * from foo2 where f2 in (select f2 from foot(foo2.fooid) z where z.fooid = foo2.fooid) ORDER BY 1,2;
fooid | f2
1 | 11
1 | 111
2 | 22
(3 rows)
-- function in subselect
select * from foo2 where f2 in (select f2 from foot(1) z where z.fooid = foo2.fooid) ORDER BY 1,2;
fooid | f2
1 | 11
1 | 111
(2 rows)
-- function in subselect
select * from foo2 where f2 in (select f2 from foot(foo2.fooid) z where z.fooid = 1) ORDER BY 1,2;
fooid | f2
1 | 11
1 | 111
(2 rows)
-- nested functions
select foot.fooid, foot.f2 from foot(sin(pi()/2)::int) ORDER BY 1,2;
fooid | f2
1 | 11
1 | 111
(2 rows)
CREATE TABLE foo (fooid int, foosubid int, fooname text, primary key(fooid,foosubid));
INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1,1,'Joe');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2,1,'Mary');
-- sql, proretset = f, prorettype = b
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
(1 row)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
(1 row)
-- sql, proretset = t, prorettype = b
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
CREATE FUNCTION getfoo(int) RETURNS setof int AS 'SELECT fooid FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1;' LANGUAGE SQL;
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
(2 rows)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
(2 rows)
-- sql, proretset = t, prorettype = b
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
CREATE FUNCTION getfoo(int) RETURNS setof text AS 'SELECT fooname FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1;' LANGUAGE SQL;
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
(2 rows)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
(2 rows)
-- sql, proretset = f, prorettype = c
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
(1 row)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
(1 row)
-- sql, proretset = t, prorettype = c
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
CREATE FUNCTION getfoo(int) RETURNS setof foo AS 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1;' LANGUAGE SQL;
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
1 | 2 | Ed
(2 rows)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
1 | 2 | Ed
(2 rows)
-- sql, proretset = f, prorettype = record
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1(fooid int, foosubid int, fooname text);
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
(1 row)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS
(fooid int, foosubid int, fooname text);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
(1 row)
-- sql, proretset = t, prorettype = record
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
CREATE FUNCTION getfoo(int) RETURNS setof record AS 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1;' LANGUAGE SQL;
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1(fooid int, foosubid int, fooname text);
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
1 | 2 | Ed
(2 rows)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS
(fooid int, foosubid int, fooname text);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
1 | 2 | Ed
(2 rows)
-- plpgsql, proretset = f, prorettype = b
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
CREATE FUNCTION getfoo(int) RETURNS int AS 'DECLARE fooint int; BEGIN SELECT fooid into fooint FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1; RETURN fooint; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
(1 row)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
(1 row)
-- plpgsql, proretset = f, prorettype = c
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
CREATE FUNCTION getfoo(int) RETURNS foo AS 'DECLARE footup foo%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * into footup FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1; RETURN footup; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
(1 row)
CREATE VIEW vw_getfoo AS SELECT * FROM getfoo(1);
SELECT * FROM vw_getfoo;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
1 | 1 | Joe
(1 row)
DROP VIEW vw_getfoo;
DROP FUNCTION getfoo(int);
DROP FUNCTION foot(int);
-- Rescan tests --
CREATE TABLE foorescan (fooid int, foosubid int, fooname text, primary key(fooid,foosubid));
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5000,1,'abc.5000.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5001,1,'abc.5001.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5002,1,'abc.5002.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5003,1,'abc.5003.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5004,1,'abc.5004.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5005,1,'abc.5005.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5006,1,'abc.5006.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5007,1,'abc.5007.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5008,1,'abc.5008.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5009,1,'abc.5009.1');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5000,2,'abc.5000.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5001,2,'abc.5001.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5002,2,'abc.5002.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5003,2,'abc.5003.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5004,2,'abc.5004.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5005,2,'abc.5005.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5006,2,'abc.5006.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5007,2,'abc.5007.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5008,2,'abc.5008.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5009,2,'abc.5009.2');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5000,3,'abc.5000.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5001,3,'abc.5001.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5002,3,'abc.5002.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5003,3,'abc.5003.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5004,3,'abc.5004.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5005,3,'abc.5005.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5006,3,'abc.5006.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5007,3,'abc.5007.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5008,3,'abc.5008.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5009,3,'abc.5009.3');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5000,4,'abc.5000.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5001,4,'abc.5001.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5002,4,'abc.5002.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5003,4,'abc.5003.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5004,4,'abc.5004.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5005,4,'abc.5005.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5006,4,'abc.5006.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5007,4,'abc.5007.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5008,4,'abc.5008.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5009,4,'abc.5009.4');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5000,5,'abc.5000.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5001,5,'abc.5001.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5002,5,'abc.5002.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5003,5,'abc.5003.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5004,5,'abc.5004.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5005,5,'abc.5005.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5006,5,'abc.5006.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5007,5,'abc.5007.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5008,5,'abc.5008.5');
INSERT INTO foorescan values(5009,5,'abc.5009.5');
CREATE FUNCTION foorescan(int,int) RETURNS setof foorescan AS 'SELECT * FROM foorescan WHERE fooid >= $1 and fooid < $2 ;' LANGUAGE SQL;
--invokes ExecReScanFunctionScan
SELECT * FROM foorescan f WHERE f.fooid IN (SELECT fooid FROM foorescan(5002,5004)) ORDER BY 1,2;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
5002 | 1 | abc.5002.1
5002 | 2 | abc.5002.2
5002 | 3 | abc.5002.3
5002 | 4 | abc.5002.4
5002 | 5 | abc.5002.5
5003 | 1 | abc.5003.1
5003 | 2 | abc.5003.2
5003 | 3 | abc.5003.3
5003 | 4 | abc.5003.4
5003 | 5 | abc.5003.5
(10 rows)
CREATE VIEW vw_foorescan AS SELECT * FROM foorescan(5002,5004);
--invokes ExecReScanFunctionScan
SELECT * FROM foorescan f WHERE f.fooid IN (SELECT fooid FROM vw_foorescan) ORDER BY 1,2;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
5002 | 1 | abc.5002.1
5002 | 2 | abc.5002.2
5002 | 3 | abc.5002.3
5002 | 4 | abc.5002.4
5002 | 5 | abc.5002.5
5003 | 1 | abc.5003.1
5003 | 2 | abc.5003.2
5003 | 3 | abc.5003.3
5003 | 4 | abc.5003.4
5003 | 5 | abc.5003.5
(10 rows)
CREATE TABLE barrescan (fooid int primary key);
INSERT INTO barrescan values(5003);
INSERT INTO barrescan values(5004);
INSERT INTO barrescan values(5005);
INSERT INTO barrescan values(5006);
INSERT INTO barrescan values(5007);
INSERT INTO barrescan values(5008);
CREATE FUNCTION foorescan(int) RETURNS setof foorescan AS 'SELECT * FROM foorescan WHERE fooid = $1;' LANGUAGE SQL;
--invokes ExecReScanFunctionScan with chgParam != NULL
SELECT f.* FROM barrescan b, foorescan f WHERE f.fooid = b.fooid AND b.fooid IN (SELECT fooid FROM foorescan(b.fooid)) ORDER BY 1,2;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
5003 | 1 | abc.5003.1
5003 | 2 | abc.5003.2
5003 | 3 | abc.5003.3
5003 | 4 | abc.5003.4
5003 | 5 | abc.5003.5
5004 | 1 | abc.5004.1
5004 | 2 | abc.5004.2
5004 | 3 | abc.5004.3
5004 | 4 | abc.5004.4
5004 | 5 | abc.5004.5
5005 | 1 | abc.5005.1
5005 | 2 | abc.5005.2
5005 | 3 | abc.5005.3
5005 | 4 | abc.5005.4
5005 | 5 | abc.5005.5
5006 | 1 | abc.5006.1
5006 | 2 | abc.5006.2
5006 | 3 | abc.5006.3
5006 | 4 | abc.5006.4
5006 | 5 | abc.5006.5
5007 | 1 | abc.5007.1
5007 | 2 | abc.5007.2
5007 | 3 | abc.5007.3
5007 | 4 | abc.5007.4
5007 | 5 | abc.5007.5
5008 | 1 | abc.5008.1
5008 | 2 | abc.5008.2
5008 | 3 | abc.5008.3
5008 | 4 | abc.5008.4
5008 | 5 | abc.5008.5
(30 rows)
SELECT b.fooid, max(f.foosubid) FROM barrescan b, foorescan f WHERE f.fooid = b.fooid AND b.fooid IN (SELECT fooid FROM foorescan(b.fooid)) GROUP BY b.fooid ORDER BY 1,2;
fooid | max
5003 | 5
5004 | 5
5005 | 5
5006 | 5
5007 | 5
5008 | 5
(6 rows)
CREATE VIEW fooview1 AS SELECT f.* FROM barrescan b, foorescan f WHERE f.fooid = b.fooid AND b.fooid IN (SELECT fooid FROM foorescan(b.fooid)) ORDER BY 1,2;
SELECT * FROM fooview1 AS fv WHERE fv.fooid = 5004;
fooid | foosubid | fooname
5004 | 1 | abc.5004.1
5004 | 2 | abc.5004.2
5004 | 3 | abc.5004.3
5004 | 4 | abc.5004.4
5004 | 5 | abc.5004.5
(5 rows)
CREATE VIEW fooview2 AS SELECT b.fooid, max(f.foosubid) AS maxsubid FROM barrescan b, foorescan f WHERE f.fooid = b.fooid AND b.fooid IN (SELECT fooid FROM foorescan(b.fooid)) GROUP BY b.fooid ORDER BY 1,2;
SELECT * FROM fooview2 AS fv WHERE fv.maxsubid = 5;
fooid | maxsubid
5003 | 5
5004 | 5
5005 | 5
5006 | 5
5007 | 5
5008 | 5
(6 rows)
DROP VIEW vw_foorescan;
DROP VIEW fooview1;
DROP VIEW fooview2;
DROP FUNCTION foorescan(int,int);
DROP FUNCTION foorescan(int);
DROP TABLE foorescan;
DROP TABLE barrescan;
-- Test cases involving OUT parameters
CREATE FUNCTION foo(in f1 int, out f2 int)
AS 'select $1+1' LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT foo(42);
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM foo(42);
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM foo(42) AS p(x);
(1 row)
-- explicit spec of return type is OK
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo(in f1 int, out f2 int) RETURNS int
AS 'select $1+1' LANGUAGE sql;
-- error, wrong result type
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo(in f1 int, out f2 int) RETURNS float
AS 'select $1+1' LANGUAGE sql;
ERROR: function result type must be integer because of OUT parameters
-- with multiple OUT params you must get a RECORD result
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo(in f1 int, out f2 int, out f3 text) RETURNS int
AS 'select $1+1' LANGUAGE sql;
ERROR: function result type must be record because of OUT parameters
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo(in f1 int, out f2 int, out f3 text)
RETURNS record
AS 'select $1+1' LANGUAGE sql;
ERROR: cannot change return type of existing function
HINT: Use DROP FUNCTION foo(integer) first.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foor(in f1 int, out f2 int, out text)
AS $$select $1-1, $1::text || 'z'$$ LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT f1, foor(f1) FROM int4_tbl;
f1 | foor
0 | (-1,0z)
123456 | (123455,123456z)
-123456 | (-123457,-123456z)
2147483647 | (2147483646,2147483647z)
-2147483647 | (-2147483648,-2147483647z)
(5 rows)
SELECT * FROM foor(42);
f2 | column2
41 | 42z
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM foor(42) AS p(a,b);
a | b
41 | 42z
(1 row)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foob(in f1 int, inout f2 int, out text)
AS $$select $2-1, $1::text || 'z'$$ LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT f1, foob(f1, f1/2) FROM int4_tbl;
f1 | foob
0 | (-1,0z)
123456 | (61727,123456z)
-123456 | (-61729,-123456z)
2147483647 | (1073741822,2147483647z)
-2147483647 | (-1073741824,-2147483647z)
(5 rows)
SELECT * FROM foob(42, 99);
f2 | column2
98 | 42z
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM foob(42, 99) AS p(a,b);
a | b
98 | 42z
(1 row)
-- Can reference function with or without OUT params for DROP, etc
DROP FUNCTION foor(in f2 int, out f1 int, out text);
DROP FUNCTION foob(in f1 int, inout f2 int);
-- For my next trick, polymorphic OUT parameters
CREATE FUNCTION dup (f1 anyelement, f2 out anyelement, f3 out anyarray)
AS 'select $1, array[$1,$1]' LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT dup(22);
(1 row)
SELECT dup('xyz'); -- fails
ERROR: could not determine polymorphic type because input has type "unknown"
SELECT dup('xyz'::text);
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM dup('xyz'::text);
f2 | f3
xyz | {xyz,xyz}
(1 row)
-- fails, as we are attempting to rename first argument
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dup (inout f2 anyelement, out f3 anyarray)
AS 'select $1, array[$1,$1]' LANGUAGE sql;
ERROR: cannot change name of input parameter "f1"
HINT: Use DROP FUNCTION dup(anyelement) first.
DROP FUNCTION dup(anyelement);
-- equivalent behavior, though different name exposed for input arg
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dup (inout f2 anyelement, out f3 anyarray)
AS 'select $1, array[$1,$1]' LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT dup(22);
(1 row)
DROP FUNCTION dup(anyelement);
-- fails, no way to deduce outputs
CREATE FUNCTION bad (f1 int, out f2 anyelement, out f3 anyarray)
AS 'select $1, array[$1,$1]' LANGUAGE sql;
ERROR: cannot determine result data type
DETAIL: A function returning a polymorphic type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- table functions
AS $$ SELECT a FROM generate_series(1,5) a(a) $$ LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT * FROM foo();
(5 rows)
RETURNS TABLE(a int, b int)
AS $$ SELECT a, b
FROM generate_series(1,$1) a(a),
generate_series(1,$1) b(b) $$ LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT * FROM foo(3);
a | b
1 | 1
1 | 2
1 | 3
2 | 1
2 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 1
3 | 2
3 | 3
(9 rows)
-- some tests on SQL functions with RETURNING
create temp table tt(f1 serial, data text);
create function insert_tt(text) returns int as
$$ insert into tt(data) values($1) returning f1 $$
language sql;
select insert_tt('foo');
(1 row)
select insert_tt('bar');
(1 row)
select * from tt;
f1 | data
1 | foo
2 | bar
(2 rows)
-- insert will execute to completion even if function needs just 1 row
create or replace function insert_tt(text) returns int as
$$ insert into tt(data) values($1),($1||$1) returning f1 $$
language sql;
select insert_tt('fool');
(1 row)
select * from tt;
f1 | data
1 | foo
2 | bar
3 | fool
4 | foolfool
(4 rows)
-- setof does what's expected
create or replace function insert_tt2(text,text) returns setof int as
$$ insert into tt(data) values($1),($2) returning f1 $$
language sql;
select insert_tt2('foolish','barrish');
(2 rows)
select * from insert_tt2('baz','quux');
(2 rows)
select * from tt;
f1 | data
1 | foo
2 | bar
3 | fool
4 | foolfool
5 | foolish
6 | barrish
7 | baz
8 | quux
(8 rows)
-- limit doesn't prevent execution to completion
select insert_tt2('foolish','barrish') limit 1;
(1 row)
select * from tt;
f1 | data
1 | foo
2 | bar
3 | fool
4 | foolfool
5 | foolish
6 | barrish
7 | baz
8 | quux
9 | foolish
10 | barrish
(10 rows)
-- triggers will fire, too
create function noticetrigger() returns trigger as $$
raise notice 'noticetrigger % %', new.f1,;
return null;
end $$ language plpgsql;
create trigger tnoticetrigger after insert on tt for each row
execute procedure noticetrigger();
select insert_tt2('foolme','barme') limit 1;
NOTICE: noticetrigger 11 foolme
CONTEXT: SQL function "insert_tt2" statement 1
NOTICE: noticetrigger 12 barme
CONTEXT: SQL function "insert_tt2" statement 1
(1 row)
select * from tt;
f1 | data
1 | foo
2 | bar
3 | fool
4 | foolfool
5 | foolish
6 | barrish
7 | baz
8 | quux
9 | foolish
10 | barrish
11 | foolme
12 | barme
(12 rows)
-- and rules work
create temp table tt_log(f1 int, data text);
create rule insert_tt_rule as on insert to tt do also
insert into tt_log values(new.*);
select insert_tt2('foollog','barlog') limit 1;
NOTICE: noticetrigger 13 foollog
CONTEXT: SQL function "insert_tt2" statement 1
NOTICE: noticetrigger 14 barlog
CONTEXT: SQL function "insert_tt2" statement 1
(1 row)
select * from tt;
f1 | data
1 | foo
2 | bar
3 | fool
4 | foolfool
5 | foolish
6 | barrish
7 | baz
8 | quux
9 | foolish
10 | barrish
11 | foolme
12 | barme
13 | foollog
14 | barlog
(14 rows)
-- note that nextval() gets executed a second time in the rule expansion,
-- which is expected.
select * from tt_log;
f1 | data
15 | foollog
16 | barlog
(2 rows)
-- test case for a whole-row-variable bug
create function foo1(n integer, out a text, out b text)
returns setof record
language sql
as $$ select 'foo ' || i, 'bar ' || i from generate_series(1,$1) i $$;
set work_mem='64kB';
select t.a, t, t.a from foo1(10000) t limit 1;
a | t | a
foo 1 | ("foo 1","bar 1") | foo 1
(1 row)
reset work_mem;
select t.a, t, t.a from foo1(10000) t limit 1;
a | t | a
foo 1 | ("foo 1","bar 1") | foo 1
(1 row)
drop function foo1(n integer);
-- test use of SQL functions returning record
-- this is supported in some cases where the query doesn't specify
-- the actual record type ...
create function array_to_set(anyarray) returns setof record as $$
select i AS "index", $1[i] AS "value" from generate_subscripts($1, 1) i
$$ language sql strict immutable;
select array_to_set(array['one', 'two']);
(2 rows)
select * from array_to_set(array['one', 'two']) as t(f1 int,f2 text);
f1 | f2
1 | one
2 | two
(2 rows)
select * from array_to_set(array['one', 'two']); -- fail
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
LINE 1: select * from array_to_set(array['one', 'two']);
create temp table foo(f1 int8, f2 int8);
create function testfoo() returns record as $$
insert into foo values (1,2) returning *;
$$ language sql;
select testfoo();
(1 row)
select * from testfoo() as t(f1 int8,f2 int8);
f1 | f2
1 | 2
(1 row)
select * from testfoo(); -- fail
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
LINE 1: select * from testfoo();
drop function testfoo();
create function testfoo() returns setof record as $$
insert into foo values (1,2), (3,4) returning *;
$$ language sql;
select testfoo();
(2 rows)
select * from testfoo() as t(f1 int8,f2 int8);
f1 | f2
1 | 2
3 | 4
(2 rows)
select * from testfoo(); -- fail
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
LINE 1: select * from testfoo();
drop function testfoo();
-- Check some cases involving dropped columns in a rowtype result
create temp table users (userid text, email text, todrop bool, enabled bool);
insert into users values ('id','email',true,true);
insert into users values ('id2','email2',true,true);
alter table users drop column todrop;
create or replace function get_first_user() returns users as
$$ SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY userid LIMIT 1; $$
language sql stable;
SELECT get_first_user();
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM get_first_user();
userid | email | enabled
id | email | t
(1 row)
create or replace function get_users() returns setof users as
$$ SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY userid; $$
language sql stable;
SELECT get_users();
(2 rows)
SELECT * FROM get_users();
userid | email | enabled
id | email | t
id2 | email2 | t
(2 rows)
drop function get_first_user();
drop function get_users();
drop table users;
-- this won't get inlined because of type coercion, but it shouldn't fail
create or replace function foobar() returns setof text as
$$ select 'foo'::varchar union all select 'bar'::varchar ; $$
language sql stable;
select foobar();
(2 rows)
select * from foobar();
(2 rows)
drop function foobar();
-- check handling of a SQL function with multiple OUT params (bug #5777)
create or replace function foobar(out integer, out numeric) as
$$ select (1, 2.1) $$ language sql;
select * from foobar();
column1 | column2
1 | 2.1
(1 row)
create or replace function foobar(out integer, out numeric) as
$$ select (1, 2) $$ language sql;
select * from foobar(); -- fail
ERROR: function return row and query-specified return row do not match
DETAIL: Returned type integer at ordinal position 2, but query expects numeric.
create or replace function foobar(out integer, out numeric) as
$$ select (1, 2.1, 3) $$ language sql;
select * from foobar(); -- fail
ERROR: function return row and query-specified return row do not match
DETAIL: Returned row contains 3 attributes, but query expects 2.
drop function foobar();