Nathan Bossart ecb0fd3372 Reintroduce MAINTAIN privilege and pg_maintain predefined role.
Roles with MAINTAIN on a relation may run VACUUM, ANALYZE, REINDEX,
Roles with privileges of pg_maintain may run those same commands on
all relations.

This was previously committed for v16, but it was reverted in
commit 151c22deee due to concerns about search_path tricks that
could be used to escalate privileges to the table owner.  Commits
2af07e2f74, 59825d1639, and c7ea3f4229 resolved these concerns by
restricting search_path when running maintenance commands.

Bumps catversion.

Reviewed-by: Jeff Davis
2024-03-13 14:49:26 -05:00

692 lines
21 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2023-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
=head1 NAME
PostgreSQL::Test::AdjustUpgrade - helper module for cross-version upgrade tests
use PostgreSQL::Test::AdjustUpgrade;
# Build commands to adjust contents of old-version database before dumping
$statements = adjust_database_contents($old_version, %dbnames);
# Adjust contents of old pg_dumpall output file to match newer version
$dump = adjust_old_dumpfile($old_version, $dump);
# Adjust contents of new pg_dumpall output file to match older version
$dump = adjust_new_dumpfile($old_version, $dump);
C<PostgreSQL::Test::AdjustUpgrade> encapsulates various hacks needed to
compare the results of cross-version upgrade tests.
package PostgreSQL::Test::AdjustUpgrade;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Exporter 'import';
use PostgreSQL::Version;
our @EXPORT = qw(
=item $statements = adjust_database_contents($old_version, %dbnames)
Generate SQL commands to perform any changes to an old-version installation
that are needed before we can pg_upgrade it into the current PostgreSQL
Typically this involves dropping or adjusting no-longer-supported objects.
=item C<old_version>: Branch we are upgrading from, represented as a
PostgreSQL::Version object.
=item C<dbnames>: Hash of database names present in the old installation.
Returns a reference to a hash, wherein the keys are database names and the
values are arrayrefs to lists of statements to be run in those databases.
sub adjust_database_contents
my ($old_version, %dbnames) = @_;
my $result = {};
die "wrong type for \$old_version\n"
unless $old_version->isa("PostgreSQL::Version");
# The version tests can be sensitive if fixups have been applied in a
# recent version and pg_upgrade is run with a beta version, or such.
# Therefore, use a modified version object that only contains the major.
$old_version = PostgreSQL::Version->new($old_version->major);
# remove dbs of modules known to cause pg_upgrade to fail
# anything not builtin and incompatible should clean up its own db
foreach my $bad_module ('adminpack', 'test_ddl_deparse', 'tsearch2')
if ($dbnames{"contrib_regression_$bad_module"})
_add_st($result, 'postgres',
"drop database contrib_regression_$bad_module");
if ($dbnames{"regression_$bad_module"})
_add_st($result, 'postgres',
"drop database regression_$bad_module");
# avoid no-path-to-downgrade-extension-version issues
if ($dbnames{contrib_regression_test_extensions})
'drop extension if exists test_ext_cine',
'drop extension if exists test_ext7');
# we removed this test-support function in v17
if ($old_version >= 15 && $old_version < 17)
_add_st($result, 'regression',
'drop function get_columns_length(oid[])');
# stuff not supported from release 16
if ($old_version >= 12 && $old_version < 16)
# Can't upgrade aclitem in user tables from pre 16 to 16+.
_add_st($result, 'regression',
'alter table public.tab_core_types drop column aclitem');
# Can't handle child tables with locally-generated columns.
$result, 'regression',
'drop table public.gtest_normal_child',
'drop table public.gtest_normal_child2');
# stuff not supported from release 14
if ($old_version < 14)
# postfix operators (some don't exist in very old versions)
'drop operator #@# (bigint,NONE)',
'drop operator #%# (bigint,NONE)',
'drop operator if exists !=- (bigint,NONE)',
'drop operator if exists #@%# (bigint,NONE)');
# get rid of dblink's dependencies on
my $regrdb =
$old_version le '9.4'
? 'contrib_regression'
: 'contrib_regression_dblink';
if ($dbnames{$regrdb})
$result, $regrdb,
'drop function if exists public.putenv(text)',
'drop function if exists public.wait_pid(integer)');
# user table OIDs are gone from release 12 on
if ($old_version < 12)
my $nooid_stmt = q{
DO $stmt$
rec text;
FOR rec in
select oid::regclass::text
from pg_class
where relname !~ '^pg_'
and relhasoids
and relkind in ('r','m')
order by 1
execute 'ALTER TABLE ' || rec || ' SET WITHOUT OIDS';
RAISE NOTICE 'removing oids from table %', rec;
END; $stmt$;
foreach my $oiddb ('regression', 'contrib_regression_btree_gist')
next unless $dbnames{$oiddb};
_add_st($result, $oiddb, $nooid_stmt);
# this table had OIDs too, but we'll just drop it
if ($old_version >= 10 && $dbnames{'contrib_regression_postgres_fdw'})
'drop foreign table ft_pg_type');
# abstime+friends are gone from release 12 on; but these tables
# might or might not be present depending on regression test vintage
if ($old_version < 12)
_add_st($result, 'regression',
'drop table if exists abstime_tbl, reltime_tbl, tinterval_tbl');
# some regression functions gone from release 11 on
if ($old_version < 11)
$result, 'regression',
'drop function if exists public.boxarea(box)',
'drop function if exists public.funny_dup17()');
# version-0 C functions are no longer supported
if ($old_version < 10)
_add_st($result, 'regression',
'drop function oldstyle_length(integer, text)');
if ($old_version lt '9.5')
# cope with changes of underlying functions
'drop operator @#@ (NONE, bigint)',
. 'PROCEDURE = factorial, RIGHTARG = bigint )',
'drop aggregate public.array_cat_accum(anyarray)',
'CREATE AGGREGATE array_larger_accum (anyarray) ' . ' ( '
. ' sfunc = array_larger, '
. ' stype = anyarray, '
. ' initcond = $${}$$ ' . ' ) ');
# "=>" is no longer valid as an operator name
_add_st($result, 'regression',
'drop operator if exists public.=> (bigint, NONE)');
return $result;
# Internal subroutine to add statement(s) to the list for the given db.
sub _add_st
my ($result, $db, @st) = @_;
$result->{$db} ||= [];
push(@{ $result->{$db} }, @st);
=item adjust_old_dumpfile($old_version, $dump)
Edit a dump output file, taken from the adjusted old-version installation
by current-version C<pg_dumpall -s>, so that it will match the results of
C<pg_dumpall -s> on the pg_upgrade'd installation.
Typically this involves coping with cosmetic differences in the output
of backend subroutines used by pg_dump.
=item C<old_version>: Branch we are upgrading from, represented as a
PostgreSQL::Version object.
=item C<dump>: Contents of dump file
Returns the modified dump text.
sub adjust_old_dumpfile
my ($old_version, $dump) = @_;
die "wrong type for \$old_version\n"
unless $old_version->isa("PostgreSQL::Version");
# See adjust_database_contents about this
$old_version = PostgreSQL::Version->new($old_version->major);
# use Unix newlines
$dump =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
# Version comments will certainly not match.
$dump =~ s/^-- Dumped from database version.*\n//mg;
if ($old_version < 16)
# Fix up some view queries that no longer require table-qualification.
$dump = _mash_view_qualifiers($dump);
if ($old_version >= 14 && $old_version < 17)
# Fix up some privilege-set discrepancies.
$dump =~
$dump =~
if ($old_version < 14)
# Remove mentions of extended hash functions.
$dump =~ s {^(\s+OPERATOR\s1\s=\(integer,integer\))\s,\n
$dump =~ s {^(\s+OPERATOR\s1\s=\(text,text\))\s,\n
# Change trigger definitions to say ... EXECUTE FUNCTION ...
if ($old_version < 12)
# would like to use lookbehind here but perl complains
# so do it this way
$dump =~ s/
if ($old_version lt '9.6')
# adjust some places where we don't print so many parens anymore
my $prefix =
"'New York'\tnew & york | big & apple | nyc\t'new' & 'york'\t";
my $orig = "( 'new' & 'york' | 'big' & 'appl' ) | 'nyc'";
my $repl = "'new' & 'york' | 'big' & 'appl' | 'nyc'";
$dump =~ s/(?<=^\Q$prefix\E)\Q$orig\E/$repl/mg;
$prefix =
"'Sanct Peter'\tPeterburg | peter | 'Sanct Peterburg'\t'sanct' & 'peter'\t";
$orig = "( 'peterburg' | 'peter' ) | 'sanct' & 'peterburg'";
$repl = "'peterburg' | 'peter' | 'sanct' & 'peterburg'";
$dump =~ s/(?<=^\Q$prefix\E)\Q$orig\E/$repl/mg;
if ($old_version lt '9.5')
# adjust some places where we don't print so many parens anymore
my $prefix = "CONSTRAINT (?:sequence|copy)_con CHECK [(][(]";
my $orig = "((x > 3) AND (y <> 'check failed'::text))";
my $repl = "(x > 3) AND (y <> 'check failed'::text)";
$dump =~ s/($prefix)\Q$orig\E/$1$repl/mg;
$prefix = "CONSTRAINT insert_con CHECK [(][(]";
$orig = "((x >= 3) AND (y <> 'check failed'::text))";
$repl = "(x >= 3) AND (y <> 'check failed'::text)";
$dump =~ s/($prefix)\Q$orig\E/$1$repl/mg;
$orig = "DEFAULT ((-1) * currval('public.insert_seq'::regclass))";
$repl =
"DEFAULT ('-1'::integer * currval('public.insert_seq'::regclass))";
$dump =~ s/\Q$orig\E/$repl/mg;
my $expr =
"(rsl.sl_color = rsh.slcolor) AND (rsl.sl_len_cm >= rsh.slminlen_cm)";
$dump =~ s/WHERE \(\(\Q$expr\E\)/WHERE ($expr/g;
$expr =
"(rule_and_refint_t3.id3a = new.id3a) AND (rule_and_refint_t3.id3b = new.id3b)";
$dump =~ s/WHERE \(\(\Q$expr\E\)/WHERE ($expr/g;
$expr =
"(rule_and_refint_t3_1.id3a = new.id3a) AND (rule_and_refint_t3_1.id3b = new.id3b)";
$dump =~ s/WHERE \(\(\Q$expr\E\)/WHERE ($expr/g;
if ($old_version lt '9.3')
# CREATE VIEW/RULE statements were not pretty-printed before 9.3.
# To cope, reduce all whitespace sequences within them to one space.
# This must be done on both old and new dumps.
$dump = _mash_view_whitespace($dump);
# _mash_view_whitespace doesn't handle multi-command rules;
# rather than trying to fix that, just hack the exceptions manually.
my $prefix =
"CREATE RULE rtest_sys_del AS ON DELETE TO public.rtest_system DO (DELETE FROM public.rtest_interface WHERE (rtest_interface.sysname = old.sysname);";
my $line2 = " DELETE FROM public.rtest_admin";
my $line3 = " WHERE (rtest_admin.sysname = old.sysname);";
$dump =~
s/(?<=\Q$prefix\E)\Q$line2$line3\E \);/\n$line2\n $line3\n);/mg;
$prefix =
"CREATE RULE rtest_sys_upd AS ON UPDATE TO public.rtest_system DO (UPDATE public.rtest_interface SET sysname = new.sysname WHERE (rtest_interface.sysname = old.sysname);";
$line2 = " UPDATE public.rtest_admin SET sysname = new.sysname";
$line3 = " WHERE (rtest_admin.sysname = old.sysname);";
$dump =~
s/(?<=\Q$prefix\E)\Q$line2$line3\E \);/\n$line2\n $line3\n);/mg;
# and there's one place where pre-9.3 uses a different table alias
$dump =~ s {^(CREATE\sRULE\srule_and_refint_t3_ins\sAS\s
{$1 rule_and_refint_t3_1 $2_1$3_1$4_1}mx;
# Also fix old use of NATURAL JOIN syntax
$dump =~ s {NATURAL JOIN public\.credit_card r}
{JOIN public.credit_card r USING (cid)}mg;
$dump =~ s {NATURAL JOIN public\.credit_usage r}
{JOIN public.credit_usage r USING (cid)}mg;
# Suppress blank lines, as some places in pg_dump emit more or fewer.
$dump =~ s/\n\n+/\n/g;
return $dump;
# Data for _mash_view_qualifiers
my @_unused_view_qualifiers = (
# Present at least since 9.2
{ obj => 'VIEW public.trigger_test_view', qual => 'trigger_test' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.domview', qual => 'domtab' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.my_property_normal', qual => 'customer' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.my_property_secure', qual => 'customer' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.pfield_v1', qual => 'pf' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.rtest_v1', qual => 'rtest_t1' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.rtest_vview1', qual => 'x' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.rtest_vview2', qual => 'rtest_view1' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.rtest_vview3', qual => 'x' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.rtest_vview5', qual => 'rtest_view1' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.shoelace_obsolete', qual => 'shoelace' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.shoelace_candelete', qual => 'shoelace_obsolete' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.toyemp', qual => 'emp' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.xmlview4', qual => 'emp' },
# Since 9.3 (some of these were removed in 9.6)
{ obj => 'VIEW', qual => 't' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW mvschema.tvm', qual => 'tv' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.tvv', qual => 'tv' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.tvvm', qual => 'tvv' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.tvvmv', qual => 'tvvm' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW', qual => 'tvvmv' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.nums', qual => 'nums' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.sums_1_100', qual => 't' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW', qual => 't' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.tmm', qual => 'tm' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.tvmm', qual => 'tvm' },
# Since 9.4
obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.citext_matview',
qual => 'citext_table'
obj => 'OR REPLACE VIEW public.key_dependent_view',
qual => 'view_base_table'
obj => 'OR REPLACE VIEW public.key_dependent_view_no_cols',
qual => 'view_base_table'
# Since 9.5
obj => 'VIEW public.dummy_seclabel_view1',
qual => 'dummy_seclabel_tbl2'
{ obj => 'VIEW public.vv', qual => 'test_tablesample' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.test_tablesample_v1', qual => 'test_tablesample' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.test_tablesample_v2', qual => 'test_tablesample' },
# Since 9.6
obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.test_pg_dump_mv1',
qual => 'test_pg_dump_t1'
{ obj => 'VIEW public.test_pg_dump_v1', qual => 'test_pg_dump_t1' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.mvtest_tv', qual => 'mvtest_t' },
obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW mvtest_mvschema.mvtest_tvm',
qual => 'mvtest_tv'
{ obj => 'VIEW public.mvtest_tvv', qual => 'mvtest_tv' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.mvtest_tvvm', qual => 'mvtest_tvv' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.mvtest_tvvmv', qual => 'mvtest_tvvm' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.mvtest_bb', qual => 'mvtest_tvvmv' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.mvtest_tm', qual => 'mvtest_t' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.mvtest_tmm', qual => 'mvtest_tm' },
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.mvtest_tvmm', qual => 'mvtest_tvm' },
# Since 10 (some removed in 12)
{ obj => 'VIEW public.itestv10', qual => 'itest10' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.itestv11', qual => 'itest11' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.xmltableview2', qual => '"xmltable"' },
# Since 12
obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.tableam_tblmv_heap2',
qual => 'tableam_tbl_heap2'
# Since 13
{ obj => 'VIEW public.limit_thousand_v_1', qual => 'onek' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.limit_thousand_v_2', qual => 'onek' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.limit_thousand_v_3', qual => 'onek' },
{ obj => 'VIEW public.limit_thousand_v_4', qual => 'onek' },
# Since 14
{ obj => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW public.compressmv', qual => 'cmdata1' });
# Internal subroutine to remove no-longer-used table qualifiers from
# CREATE [MATERIALIZED] VIEW commands. See list of targeted views above.
sub _mash_view_qualifiers
my ($dump) = @_;
for my $uvq (@_unused_view_qualifiers)
my $leader = "CREATE $uvq->{obj} ";
my $qualifier = $uvq->{qual};
# Note: we loop because there are presently some cases where the same
# view name appears in multiple databases. Fortunately, the same
# qualifier removal applies or is harmless for each instance ... but
# we might want to rename some things to avoid assuming that.
my @splitchunks = split $leader, $dump;
$dump = shift(@splitchunks);
foreach my $chunk (@splitchunks)
my @thischunks = split /;/, $chunk, 2;
my $stmt = shift(@thischunks);
my $ostmt = $stmt;
# now $stmt is just the body of the CREATE [MATERIALIZED] VIEW
$stmt =~ s/$qualifier\.//g;
$dump .= $leader . $stmt . ';' . $thischunks[0];
# Further hack a few cases where not all occurrences of the qualifier
# should be removed.
$dump =~ s {^(CREATE VIEW public\.rtest_vview1 .*?)(a\)\)\);)}
$dump =~ s {^(CREATE VIEW public\.rtest_vview3 .*?)(a\)\)\);)}
$dump =~
s {^(CREATE VIEW public\.shoelace_obsolete .*?)(sl_color\)\)\)\);)}
return $dump;
# Internal subroutine to mangle whitespace within view/rule commands.
# Any consecutive sequence of whitespace is reduced to one space.
sub _mash_view_whitespace
my ($dump) = @_;
foreach my $leader ('CREATE VIEW', 'CREATE RULE')
my @splitchunks = split $leader, $dump;
$dump = shift(@splitchunks);
foreach my $chunk (@splitchunks)
my @thischunks = split /;/, $chunk, 2;
my $stmt = shift(@thischunks);
# now $stmt is just the body of the CREATE VIEW/RULE
$stmt =~ s/\s+/ /sg;
# we also need to smash these forms for sub-selects and rules
$stmt =~ s/\( SELECT/(SELECT/g;
$stmt =~ s/\( INSERT/(INSERT/g;
$stmt =~ s/\( UPDATE/(UPDATE/g;
$stmt =~ s/\( DELETE/(DELETE/g;
$dump .= $leader . $stmt . ';' . $thischunks[0];
return $dump;
=item adjust_new_dumpfile($old_version, $dump)
Edit a dump output file, taken from the pg_upgrade'd installation
by current-version C<pg_dumpall -s>, so that it will match the old
dump output file as adjusted by C<adjust_old_dumpfile>.
Typically this involves deleting data not present in the old installation.
=item C<old_version>: Branch we are upgrading from, represented as a
PostgreSQL::Version object.
=item C<dump>: Contents of dump file
Returns the modified dump text.
sub adjust_new_dumpfile
my ($old_version, $dump) = @_;
die "wrong type for \$old_version\n"
unless $old_version->isa("PostgreSQL::Version");
# See adjust_database_contents about this
$old_version = PostgreSQL::Version->new($old_version->major);
# use Unix newlines
$dump =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
# Version comments will certainly not match.
$dump =~ s/^-- Dumped from database version.*\n//mg;
if ($old_version < 14)
# Suppress noise-word uses of IN in CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE.
$dump =~ s/^(CREATE PROCEDURE .*?)\(IN /$1(/mg;
$dump =~ s/^(ALTER PROCEDURE .*?)\(IN /$1(/mg;
$dump =~ s/^(CREATE PROCEDURE .*?), IN /$1, /mg;
$dump =~ s/^(ALTER PROCEDURE .*?), IN /$1, /mg;
$dump =~ s/^(CREATE PROCEDURE .*?), IN /$1, /mg;
$dump =~ s/^(ALTER PROCEDURE .*?), IN /$1, /mg;
# Remove SUBSCRIPT clauses in CREATE TYPE.
$dump =~ s/^\s+SUBSCRIPT = raw_array_subscript_handler,\n//mg;
# Remove multirange_type_name clauses in CREATE TYPE AS RANGE.
$dump =~ s {,\n\s+multirange_type_name = .*?(,?)$} {$1}mg;
# Remove mentions of extended hash functions.
$dump =~
s {^ALTER\sOPERATOR\sFAMILY\spublic\.part_test_int4_ops\sUSING\shash\sADD\n
\s+FUNCTION\s2\s\(integer,\sinteger\)\spublic\.part_hashint4_noop\(integer,bigint\);} {}mxg;
$dump =~
s {^ALTER\sOPERATOR\sFAMILY\spublic\.part_test_text_ops\sUSING\shash\sADD\n
\s+FUNCTION\s2\s\(text,\stext\)\spublic\.part_hashtext_length\(text,bigint\);} {}mxg;
# pre-v12 dumps will not say anything about default_table_access_method.
if ($old_version < 12)
$dump =~ s/^SET default_table_access_method = heap;\n//mg;
# dumps from pre-9.6 dblink may include redundant ACL settings
if ($old_version lt '9.6')
my $comment =
"-- Name: FUNCTION dblink_connect_u\(.*?\); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: .*";
my $sql =
"REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION public\.dblink_connect_u\(.*?\) FROM PUBLIC;";
$dump =~ s/^--\n$comment\n--\n+$sql\n+//mg;
if ($old_version lt '9.3')
# CREATE VIEW/RULE statements were not pretty-printed before 9.3.
# To cope, reduce all whitespace sequences within them to one space.
# This must be done on both old and new dumps.
$dump = _mash_view_whitespace($dump);
# Suppress blank lines, as some places in pg_dump emit more or fewer.
$dump =~ s/\n\n+/\n/g;
return $dump;