Tom Lane 6eeb95f0f5 Restructure representation of join alias variables. An explicit JOIN
now has an RTE of its own, and references to its outputs now are Vars
referencing the JOIN RTE, rather than CASE-expressions.  This allows
reverse-listing in ruleutils.c to use the correct alias easily, rather
than painfully reverse-engineering the alias namespace as it used to do.
Also, nested FULL JOINs work correctly, because the result of the inner
joins are simple Vars that the planner can cope with.  This fixes a bug
reported a couple times now, notably by Tatsuo on 18-Nov-01.  The alias
Vars are expanded into COALESCE expressions where needed at the very end
of planning, rather than during parsing.
Also, beginnings of support for showing plan qualifier expressions in
EXPLAIN.  There are probably still cases that need work.
initdb forced due to change of stored-rule representation.
2002-03-12 00:52:10 +00:00

1376 lines
43 KiB

* costsize.c
* Routines to compute (and set) relation sizes and path costs
* Path costs are measured in units of disk accesses: one sequential page
* fetch has cost 1. All else is scaled relative to a page fetch, using
* the scaling parameters
* random_page_cost Cost of a non-sequential page fetch
* cpu_tuple_cost Cost of typical CPU time to process a tuple
* cpu_index_tuple_cost Cost of typical CPU time to process an index tuple
* cpu_operator_cost Cost of CPU time to process a typical WHERE operator
* We also use a rough estimate "effective_cache_size" of the number of
* disk pages in Postgres + OS-level disk cache. (We can't simply use
* NBuffers for this purpose because that would ignore the effects of
* the kernel's disk cache.)
* Obviously, taking constants for these values is an oversimplification,
* but it's tough enough to get any useful estimates even at this level of
* detail. Note that all of these parameters are user-settable, in case
* the default values are drastically off for a particular platform.
* We compute two separate costs for each path:
* total_cost: total estimated cost to fetch all tuples
* startup_cost: cost that is expended before first tuple is fetched
* In some scenarios, such as when there is a LIMIT or we are implementing
* an EXISTS(...) sub-select, it is not necessary to fetch all tuples of the
* path's result. A caller can estimate the cost of fetching a partial
* result by interpolating between startup_cost and total_cost. In detail:
* actual_cost = startup_cost +
* (total_cost - startup_cost) * tuples_to_fetch / path->parent->rows;
* Note that a base relation's rows count (and, by extension, plan_rows for
* plan nodes below the LIMIT node) are set without regard to any LIMIT, so
* that this equation works properly. (Also, these routines guarantee not to
* set the rows count to zero, so there will be no zero divide.) The LIMIT is
* applied as a top-level plan node.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c,v 1.83 2002/03/12 00:51:42 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "catalog/pg_statistic.h"
#include "executor/nodeHash.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
#include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "utils/selfuncs.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#define LOG2(x) (log(x) / 0.693147180559945)
#define LOG6(x) (log(x) / 1.79175946922805)
double effective_cache_size = DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_CACHE_SIZE;
double random_page_cost = DEFAULT_RANDOM_PAGE_COST;
double cpu_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_TUPLE_COST;
double cpu_index_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_INDEX_TUPLE_COST;
double cpu_operator_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_OPERATOR_COST;
Cost disable_cost = 100000000.0;
bool enable_seqscan = true;
bool enable_indexscan = true;
bool enable_tidscan = true;
bool enable_sort = true;
bool enable_nestloop = true;
bool enable_mergejoin = true;
bool enable_hashjoin = true;
static Selectivity estimate_hash_bucketsize(Query *root, Var *var);
static bool cost_qual_eval_walker(Node *node, Cost *total);
static Selectivity approx_selectivity(Query *root, List *quals);
static void set_rel_width(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel);
static double relation_byte_size(double tuples, int width);
static double page_size(double tuples, int width);
* cost_seqscan
* Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation sequentially.
* Note: for historical reasons, this routine and the others in this module
* use the passed result Path only to store their startup_cost and total_cost
* results into. All the input data they need is passed as separate
* parameters, even though much of it could be extracted from the Path.
cost_seqscan(Path *path, Query *root,
RelOptInfo *baserel)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
/* Should only be applied to base relations */
Assert(length(baserel->relids) == 1);
if (!enable_seqscan)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
* disk costs
* The cost of reading a page sequentially is 1.0, by definition. Note
* that the Unix kernel will typically do some amount of read-ahead
* optimization, so that this cost is less than the true cost of
* reading a page from disk. We ignore that issue here, but must take
* it into account when estimating the cost of non-sequential
* accesses!
run_cost += baserel->pages; /* sequential fetches with cost 1.0 */
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + baserel->baserestrictcost;
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * baserel->tuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_nonsequential_access
* Estimate the cost of accessing one page at random from a relation
* (or sort temp file) of the given size in pages.
* The simplistic model that the cost is random_page_cost is what we want
* to use for large relations; but for small ones that is a serious
* overestimate because of the effects of caching. This routine tries to
* account for that.
* Unfortunately we don't have any good way of estimating the effective cache
* size we are working with --- we know that Postgres itself has NBuffers
* internal buffers, but the size of the kernel's disk cache is uncertain,
* and how much of it we get to use is even less certain. We punt the problem
* for now by assuming we are given an effective_cache_size parameter.
* Given a guesstimated cache size, we estimate the actual I/O cost per page
* with the entirely ad-hoc equations:
* for rel_size <= effective_cache_size:
* 1 + (random_page_cost/2-1) * (rel_size/effective_cache_size) ** 2
* for rel_size >= effective_cache_size:
* random_page_cost * (1 - (effective_cache_size/rel_size)/2)
* These give the right asymptotic behavior (=> 1.0 as rel_size becomes
* small, => random_page_cost as it becomes large) and meet in the middle
* with the estimate that the cache is about 50% effective for a relation
* of the same size as effective_cache_size. (XXX this is probably all
* wrong, but I haven't been able to find any theory about how effective
* a disk cache should be presumed to be.)
static Cost
cost_nonsequential_access(double relpages)
double relsize;
/* don't crash on bad input data */
if (relpages <= 0.0 || effective_cache_size <= 0.0)
return random_page_cost;
relsize = relpages / effective_cache_size;
if (relsize >= 1.0)
return random_page_cost * (1.0 - 0.5 / relsize);
return 1.0 + (random_page_cost * 0.5 - 1.0) * relsize * relsize;
* cost_index
* Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using an index.
* NOTE: an indexscan plan node can actually represent several passes,
* but here we consider the cost of just one pass.
* 'root' is the query root
* 'baserel' is the base relation the index is for
* 'index' is the index to be used
* 'indexQuals' is the list of applicable qual clauses (implicit AND semantics)
* 'is_injoin' is T if we are considering using the index scan as the inside
* of a nestloop join (hence, some of the indexQuals are join clauses)
* NOTE: 'indexQuals' must contain only clauses usable as index restrictions.
* Any additional quals evaluated as qpquals may reduce the number of returned
* tuples, but they won't reduce the number of tuples we have to fetch from
* the table, so they don't reduce the scan cost.
cost_index(Path *path, Query *root,
RelOptInfo *baserel,
IndexOptInfo *index,
List *indexQuals,
bool is_injoin)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost indexStartupCost;
Cost indexTotalCost;
Selectivity indexSelectivity;
double indexCorrelation,
Cost min_IO_cost,
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
double tuples_fetched;
double pages_fetched;
double T,
/* Should only be applied to base relations */
Assert(IsA(baserel, RelOptInfo) &&IsA(index, IndexOptInfo));
Assert(length(baserel->relids) == 1);
if (!enable_indexscan && !is_injoin)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
* Call index-access-method-specific code to estimate the processing
* cost for scanning the index, as well as the selectivity of the
* index (ie, the fraction of main-table tuples we will have to
* retrieve) and its correlation to the main-table tuple order.
/* all costs for touching index itself included here */
startup_cost += indexStartupCost;
run_cost += indexTotalCost - indexStartupCost;
* Estimate number of main-table tuples and pages fetched.
* When the index ordering is uncorrelated with the table ordering,
* we use an approximation proposed by Mackert and Lohman, "Index Scans
* Using a Finite LRU Buffer: A Validated I/O Model", ACM Transactions
* on Database Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 1989, Pages 401-424.
* The Mackert and Lohman approximation is that the number of pages
* fetched is
* PF =
* min(2TNs/(2T+Ns), T) when T <= b
* 2TNs/(2T+Ns) when T > b and Ns <= 2Tb/(2T-b)
* b + (Ns - 2Tb/(2T-b))*(T-b)/T when T > b and Ns > 2Tb/(2T-b)
* where
* T = # pages in table
* N = # tuples in table
* s = selectivity = fraction of table to be scanned
* b = # buffer pages available (we include kernel space here)
* When the index ordering is exactly correlated with the table ordering
* (just after a CLUSTER, for example), the number of pages fetched should
* be just sT. What's more, these will be sequential fetches, not the
* random fetches that occur in the uncorrelated case. So, depending on
* the extent of correlation, we should estimate the actual I/O cost
* somewhere between s * T * 1.0 and PF * random_cost. We currently
* interpolate linearly between these two endpoints based on the
* correlation squared (XXX is that appropriate?).
* In any case the number of tuples fetched is Ns.
tuples_fetched = indexSelectivity * baserel->tuples;
/* Don't believe estimates less than 1... */
if (tuples_fetched < 1.0)
tuples_fetched = 1.0;
/* This part is the Mackert and Lohman formula */
T = (baserel->pages > 1) ? (double) baserel->pages : 1.0;
b = (effective_cache_size > 1) ? effective_cache_size : 1.0;
if (T <= b)
pages_fetched =
(2.0 * T * tuples_fetched) / (2.0 * T + tuples_fetched);
if (pages_fetched > T)
pages_fetched = T;
double lim;
lim = (2.0 * T * b) / (2.0 * T - b);
if (tuples_fetched <= lim)
pages_fetched =
(2.0 * T * tuples_fetched) / (2.0 * T + tuples_fetched);
pages_fetched =
b + (tuples_fetched - lim) * (T - b) / T;
* min_IO_cost corresponds to the perfectly correlated case
* (csquared=1), max_IO_cost to the perfectly uncorrelated case
* (csquared=0). Note that we just charge random_page_cost per page
* in the uncorrelated case, rather than using
* cost_nonsequential_access, since we've already accounted for
* caching effects by using the Mackert model.
min_IO_cost = ceil(indexSelectivity * T);
max_IO_cost = pages_fetched * random_page_cost;
* Now interpolate based on estimated index order correlation to get
* total disk I/O cost for main table accesses.
csquared = indexCorrelation * indexCorrelation;
run_cost += max_IO_cost + csquared * (min_IO_cost - max_IO_cost);
* Estimate CPU costs per tuple.
* Normally the indexquals will be removed from the list of restriction
* clauses that we have to evaluate as qpquals, so we should subtract
* their costs from baserestrictcost. XXX For a lossy index, not all
* the quals will be removed and so we really shouldn't subtract their
* costs; but detecting that seems more expensive than it's worth.
* Also, if we are doing a join then some of the indexquals are join
* clauses and shouldn't be subtracted. Rather than work out exactly
* how much to subtract, we don't subtract anything.
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + baserel->baserestrictcost;
if (!is_injoin)
cpu_per_tuple -= cost_qual_eval(indexQuals);
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * tuples_fetched;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_tidscan
* Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using TIDs.
cost_tidscan(Path *path, Query *root,
RelOptInfo *baserel, List *tideval)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
int ntuples = length(tideval);
if (!enable_tidscan)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
/* disk costs --- assume each tuple on a different page */
run_cost += random_page_cost * ntuples;
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + baserel->baserestrictcost;
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * ntuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_sort
* Determines and returns the cost of sorting a relation.
* The cost of supplying the input data is NOT included; the caller should
* add that cost to both startup and total costs returned from this routine!
* If the total volume of data to sort is less than SortMem, we will do
* an in-memory sort, which requires no I/O and about t*log2(t) tuple
* comparisons for t tuples.
* If the total volume exceeds SortMem, we switch to a tape-style merge
* algorithm. There will still be about t*log2(t) tuple comparisons in
* total, but we will also need to write and read each tuple once per
* merge pass. We expect about ceil(log6(r)) merge passes where r is the
* number of initial runs formed (log6 because tuplesort.c uses six-tape
* merging). Since the average initial run should be about twice SortMem,
* we have
* disk traffic = 2 * relsize * ceil(log6(p / (2*SortMem)))
* cpu = comparison_cost * t * log2(t)
* The disk traffic is assumed to be half sequential and half random
* accesses (XXX can't we refine that guess?)
* We charge two operator evals per tuple comparison, which should be in
* the right ballpark in most cases.
* 'pathkeys' is a list of sort keys
* 'tuples' is the number of tuples in the relation
* 'width' is the average tuple width in bytes
* NOTE: some callers currently pass NIL for pathkeys because they
* can't conveniently supply the sort keys. Since this routine doesn't
* currently do anything with pathkeys anyway, that doesn't matter...
* but if it ever does, it should react gracefully to lack of key data.
cost_sort(Path *path, Query *root,
List *pathkeys, double tuples, int width)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
double nbytes = relation_byte_size(tuples, width);
long sortmembytes = SortMem * 1024L;
if (!enable_sort)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
* We want to be sure the cost of a sort is never estimated as zero,
* even if passed-in tuple count is zero. Besides, mustn't do
* log(0)...
if (tuples < 2.0)
tuples = 2.0;
* CPU costs
* Assume about two operator evals per tuple comparison and N log2 N
* comparisons
startup_cost += 2.0 * cpu_operator_cost * tuples * LOG2(tuples);
/* disk costs */
if (nbytes > sortmembytes)
double npages = ceil(nbytes / BLCKSZ);
double nruns = nbytes / (sortmembytes * 2);
double log_runs = ceil(LOG6(nruns));
double npageaccesses;
if (log_runs < 1.0)
log_runs = 1.0;
npageaccesses = 2.0 * npages * log_runs;
/* Assume half are sequential (cost 1), half are not */
startup_cost += npageaccesses *
(1.0 + cost_nonsequential_access(npages)) * 0.5;
* Also charge a small amount (arbitrarily set equal to operator cost)
* per extracted tuple.
run_cost += cpu_operator_cost * tuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_nestloop
* Determines and returns the cost of joining two relations using the
* nested loop algorithm.
* 'outer_path' is the path for the outer relation
* 'inner_path' is the path for the inner relation
* 'restrictlist' are the RestrictInfo nodes to be applied at the join
cost_nestloop(Path *path, Query *root,
Path *outer_path,
Path *inner_path,
List *restrictlist)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
double ntuples;
if (!enable_nestloop)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
/* cost of source data */
* NOTE: clearly, we must pay both outer and inner paths' startup_cost
* before we can start returning tuples, so the join's startup cost is
* their sum. What's not so clear is whether the inner path's
* startup_cost must be paid again on each rescan of the inner path.
* This is not true if the inner path is materialized, but probably is
* true otherwise. Since we don't yet have clean handling of the
* decision whether to materialize a path, we can't tell here which
* will happen. As a compromise, charge 50% of the inner startup cost
* for each restart.
startup_cost += outer_path->startup_cost + inner_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += outer_path->total_cost - outer_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += outer_path->parent->rows *
(inner_path->total_cost - inner_path->startup_cost);
if (outer_path->parent->rows > 1)
run_cost += (outer_path->parent->rows - 1) *
inner_path->startup_cost * 0.5;
* Number of tuples processed (not number emitted!). If inner path is
* an indexscan, be sure to use its estimated output row count, which
* may be lower than the restriction-clause-only row count of its
* parent.
if (IsA(inner_path, IndexPath))
ntuples = ((IndexPath *) inner_path)->rows;
ntuples = inner_path->parent->rows;
ntuples *= outer_path->parent->rows;
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + cost_qual_eval(restrictlist);
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * ntuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_mergejoin
* Determines and returns the cost of joining two relations using the
* merge join algorithm.
* 'outer_path' is the path for the outer relation
* 'inner_path' is the path for the inner relation
* 'restrictlist' are the RestrictInfo nodes to be applied at the join
* 'mergeclauses' are the RestrictInfo nodes to use as merge clauses
* (this should be a subset of the restrictlist)
* 'outersortkeys' and 'innersortkeys' are lists of the keys to be used
* to sort the outer and inner relations, or NIL if no explicit
* sort is needed because the source path is already ordered
cost_mergejoin(Path *path, Query *root,
Path *outer_path,
Path *inner_path,
List *restrictlist,
List *mergeclauses,
List *outersortkeys,
List *innersortkeys)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
RestrictInfo *firstclause;
Var *leftvar;
double outer_rows,
double ntuples;
Selectivity outerscansel,
Path sort_path; /* dummy for result of cost_sort */
if (!enable_mergejoin)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
* A merge join will stop as soon as it exhausts either input stream.
* Estimate fraction of the left and right inputs that will actually
* need to be scanned. We use only the first (most significant)
* merge clause for this purpose.
* Since this calculation is somewhat expensive, and will be the same
* for all mergejoin paths associated with the merge clause, we cache
* the results in the RestrictInfo node.
firstclause = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(mergeclauses);
if (firstclause->left_mergescansel < 0) /* not computed yet? */
mergejoinscansel(root, (Node *) firstclause->clause,
leftvar = get_leftop(firstclause->clause);
Assert(IsA(leftvar, Var));
if (VARISRELMEMBER(leftvar->varno, outer_path->parent))
/* left side of clause is outer */
outerscansel = firstclause->left_mergescansel;
innerscansel = firstclause->right_mergescansel;
/* left side of clause is inner */
outerscansel = firstclause->right_mergescansel;
innerscansel = firstclause->left_mergescansel;
outer_rows = outer_path->parent->rows * outerscansel;
inner_rows = inner_path->parent->rows * innerscansel;
/* cost of source data */
* Note we are assuming that each source tuple is fetched just once,
* which is not right in the presence of equal keys. If we had a way
* of estimating the proportion of equal keys, we could apply a
* correction factor...
if (outersortkeys) /* do we need to sort outer? */
startup_cost += outer_path->total_cost;
startup_cost += sort_path.startup_cost;
run_cost += (sort_path.total_cost - sort_path.startup_cost)
* outerscansel;
startup_cost += outer_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += (outer_path->total_cost - outer_path->startup_cost)
* outerscansel;
if (innersortkeys) /* do we need to sort inner? */
startup_cost += inner_path->total_cost;
startup_cost += sort_path.startup_cost;
run_cost += (sort_path.total_cost - sort_path.startup_cost)
* innerscansel;
startup_cost += inner_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += (inner_path->total_cost - inner_path->startup_cost)
* innerscansel;
* The number of tuple comparisons needed depends drastically on the
* number of equal keys in the two source relations, which we have no
* good way of estimating. (XXX could the MCV statistics help?)
* Somewhat arbitrarily, we charge one tuple
* comparison (one cpu_operator_cost) for each tuple in the two source
* relations. This is probably a lower bound.
run_cost += cpu_operator_cost * (outer_rows + inner_rows);
* For each tuple that gets through the mergejoin proper, we charge
* cpu_tuple_cost plus the cost of evaluating additional restriction
* clauses that are to be applied at the join. It's OK to use an
* approximate selectivity here, since in most cases this is a minor
* component of the cost. NOTE: it's correct to use the unscaled rows
* counts here, not the scaled-down counts we obtained above.
ntuples = approx_selectivity(root, mergeclauses) *
outer_path->parent->rows * inner_path->parent->rows;
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + cost_qual_eval(restrictlist);
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * ntuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_hashjoin
* Determines and returns the cost of joining two relations using the
* hash join algorithm.
* 'outer_path' is the path for the outer relation
* 'inner_path' is the path for the inner relation
* 'restrictlist' are the RestrictInfo nodes to be applied at the join
* 'hashclauses' is a list of the hash join clause (always a 1-element list)
* (this should be a subset of the restrictlist)
cost_hashjoin(Path *path, Query *root,
Path *outer_path,
Path *inner_path,
List *restrictlist,
List *hashclauses)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
double ntuples;
double outerbytes = relation_byte_size(outer_path->parent->rows,
double innerbytes = relation_byte_size(inner_path->parent->rows,
long hashtablebytes = SortMem * 1024L;
RestrictInfo *restrictinfo;
Var *left,
Selectivity innerbucketsize;
if (!enable_hashjoin)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
/* cost of source data */
startup_cost += outer_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += outer_path->total_cost - outer_path->startup_cost;
startup_cost += inner_path->total_cost;
/* cost of computing hash function: must do it once per input tuple */
startup_cost += cpu_operator_cost * inner_path->parent->rows;
run_cost += cpu_operator_cost * outer_path->parent->rows;
* Determine bucketsize fraction for inner relation. First we have to
* figure out which side of the hashjoin clause is the inner side.
Assert(length(hashclauses) == 1);
Assert(IsA(lfirst(hashclauses), RestrictInfo));
restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(hashclauses);
/* these must be OK, since check_hashjoinable accepted the clause */
left = get_leftop(restrictinfo->clause);
right = get_rightop(restrictinfo->clause);
* Since we tend to visit the same clauses over and over when planning
* a large query, we cache the bucketsize estimate in the RestrictInfo
* node to avoid repeated lookups of statistics.
if (VARISRELMEMBER(right->varno, inner_path->parent))
/* righthand side is inner */
innerbucketsize = restrictinfo->right_bucketsize;
if (innerbucketsize < 0)
/* not cached yet */
innerbucketsize = estimate_hash_bucketsize(root, right);
restrictinfo->right_bucketsize = innerbucketsize;
Assert(VARISRELMEMBER(left->varno, inner_path->parent));
/* lefthand side is inner */
innerbucketsize = restrictinfo->left_bucketsize;
if (innerbucketsize < 0)
/* not cached yet */
innerbucketsize = estimate_hash_bucketsize(root, left);
restrictinfo->left_bucketsize = innerbucketsize;
* The number of tuple comparisons needed is the number of outer
* tuples times the typical number of tuples in a hash bucket, which
* is the inner relation size times its bucketsize fraction. We charge
* one cpu_operator_cost per tuple comparison.
run_cost += cpu_operator_cost * outer_path->parent->rows *
ceil(inner_path->parent->rows * innerbucketsize);
* For each tuple that gets through the hashjoin proper, we charge
* cpu_tuple_cost plus the cost of evaluating additional restriction
* clauses that are to be applied at the join. It's OK to use an
* approximate selectivity here, since in most cases this is a minor
* component of the cost.
ntuples = approx_selectivity(root, hashclauses) *
outer_path->parent->rows * inner_path->parent->rows;
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + cost_qual_eval(restrictlist);
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * ntuples;
* if inner relation is too big then we will need to "batch" the join,
* which implies writing and reading most of the tuples to disk an
* extra time. Charge one cost unit per page of I/O (correct since it
* should be nice and sequential...). Writing the inner rel counts as
* startup cost, all the rest as run cost.
if (innerbytes > hashtablebytes)
double outerpages = page_size(outer_path->parent->rows,
double innerpages = page_size(inner_path->parent->rows,
startup_cost += innerpages;
run_cost += innerpages + 2 * outerpages;
* Bias against putting larger relation on inside. We don't want an
* absolute prohibition, though, since larger relation might have
* better bucketsize --- and we can't trust the size estimates
* unreservedly, anyway. Instead, inflate the startup cost by the
* square root of the size ratio. (Why square root? No real good
* reason, but it seems reasonable...)
if (innerbytes > outerbytes && outerbytes > 0)
startup_cost *= sqrt(innerbytes / outerbytes);
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* Estimate hash bucketsize fraction (ie, number of entries in a bucket
* divided by total tuples in relation) if the specified Var is used
* as a hash key.
* XXX This is really pretty bogus since we're effectively assuming that the
* distribution of hash keys will be the same after applying restriction
* clauses as it was in the underlying relation. However, we are not nearly
* smart enough to figure out how the restrict clauses might change the
* distribution, so this will have to do for now.
* We can get the number of buckets the executor will use for the given
* input relation. If the data were perfectly distributed, with the same
* number of tuples going into each available bucket, then the bucketsize
* fraction would be 1/nbuckets. But this happy state of affairs will occur
* only if (a) there are at least nbuckets distinct data values, and (b)
* we have a not-too-skewed data distribution. Otherwise the buckets will
* be nonuniformly occupied. If the other relation in the join has a key
* distribution similar to this one's, then the most-loaded buckets are
* exactly those that will be probed most often. Therefore, the "average"
* bucket size for costing purposes should really be taken as something close
* to the "worst case" bucket size. We try to estimate this by adjusting the
* fraction if there are too few distinct data values, and then scaling up
* by the ratio of the most common value's frequency to the average frequency.
* If no statistics are available, use a default estimate of 0.1. This will
* discourage use of a hash rather strongly if the inner relation is large,
* which is what we want. We do not want to hash unless we know that the
* inner rel is well-dispersed (or the alternatives seem much worse).
static Selectivity
estimate_hash_bucketsize(Query *root, Var *var)
Oid relid;
RelOptInfo *rel;
int virtualbuckets;
int physicalbuckets;
int numbatches;
HeapTuple tuple;
Form_pg_statistic stats;
double estfract,
float4 *numbers;
int nnumbers;
* Lookup info about var's relation and attribute; if none available,
* return default estimate.
if (!IsA(var, Var))
return 0.1;
relid = getrelid(var->varno, root->rtable);
if (relid == InvalidOid)
return 0.1;
rel = find_base_rel(root, var->varno);
if (rel->tuples <= 0.0 || rel->rows <= 0.0)
return 0.1; /* ensure we can divide below */
/* Get hash table size that executor would use for this relation */
ExecChooseHashTableSize(rel->rows, rel->width,
tuple = SearchSysCache(STATRELATT,
0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
* Perhaps the Var is a system attribute; if so, it will have no
* entry in pg_statistic, but we may be able to guess something
* about its distribution anyway.
switch (var->varattno)
case ObjectIdAttributeNumber:
case SelfItemPointerAttributeNumber:
/* these are unique, so buckets should be well-distributed */
return 1.0 / (double) virtualbuckets;
case TableOidAttributeNumber:
/* hashing this is a terrible idea... */
return 1.0;
return 0.1;
stats = (Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
* Obtain number of distinct data values in raw relation.
ndistinct = stats->stadistinct;
if (ndistinct < 0.0)
ndistinct = -ndistinct * rel->tuples;
if (ndistinct <= 0.0) /* ensure we can divide */
return 0.1;
/* Also compute avg freq of all distinct data values in raw relation */
avgfreq = (1.0 - stats->stanullfrac) / ndistinct;
* Adjust ndistinct to account for restriction clauses. Observe we
* are assuming that the data distribution is affected uniformly by
* the restriction clauses!
* XXX Possibly better way, but much more expensive: multiply by
* selectivity of rel's restriction clauses that mention the target
* Var.
ndistinct *= rel->rows / rel->tuples;
* Initial estimate of bucketsize fraction is 1/nbuckets as long as
* the number of buckets is less than the expected number of distinct
* values; otherwise it is 1/ndistinct.
if (ndistinct > (double) virtualbuckets)
estfract = 1.0 / (double) virtualbuckets;
estfract = 1.0 / ndistinct;
* Look up the frequency of the most common value, if available.
mcvfreq = 0.0;
if (get_attstatsslot(tuple, var->vartype, var->vartypmod,
NULL, NULL, &numbers, &nnumbers))
* The first MCV stat is for the most common value.
if (nnumbers > 0)
mcvfreq = numbers[0];
free_attstatsslot(var->vartype, NULL, 0,
numbers, nnumbers);
* Adjust estimated bucketsize upward to account for skewed
* distribution.
if (avgfreq > 0.0 && mcvfreq > avgfreq)
estfract *= mcvfreq / avgfreq;
return (Selectivity) estfract;
* cost_qual_eval
* Estimate the CPU cost of evaluating a WHERE clause (once).
* The input can be either an implicitly-ANDed list of boolean
* expressions, or a list of RestrictInfo nodes.
cost_qual_eval(List *quals)
Cost total = 0;
List *l;
/* We don't charge any cost for the implicit ANDing at top level ... */
foreach(l, quals)
Node *qual = (Node *) lfirst(l);
* RestrictInfo nodes contain an eval_cost field reserved for this
* routine's use, so that it's not necessary to evaluate the qual
* clause's cost more than once. If the clause's cost hasn't been
* computed yet, the field will contain -1.
if (qual && IsA(qual, RestrictInfo))
RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) qual;
if (restrictinfo->eval_cost < 0)
restrictinfo->eval_cost = 0;
cost_qual_eval_walker((Node *) restrictinfo->clause,
total += restrictinfo->eval_cost;
/* If it's a bare expression, must always do it the hard way */
cost_qual_eval_walker(qual, &total);
return total;
static bool
cost_qual_eval_walker(Node *node, Cost *total)
if (node == NULL)
return false;
* Our basic strategy is to charge one cpu_operator_cost for each
* operator or function node in the given tree. Vars and Consts are
* charged zero, and so are boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).
* Simplistic, but a lot better than no model at all.
* Should we try to account for the possibility of short-circuit
* evaluation of AND/OR?
if (IsA(node, Expr))
Expr *expr = (Expr *) node;
switch (expr->opType)
case OP_EXPR:
*total += cpu_operator_cost;
case OR_EXPR:
case AND_EXPR:
case NOT_EXPR:
* A subplan node in an expression indicates that the
* subplan will be executed on each evaluation, so charge
* accordingly. (We assume that sub-selects that can be
* executed as InitPlans have already been removed from
* the expression.)
* NOTE: this logic should agree with the estimates used by
* make_subplan() in plan/subselect.c.
SubPlan *subplan = (SubPlan *) expr->oper;
Plan *plan = subplan->plan;
Cost subcost;
if (subplan->sublink->subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK)
/* we only need to fetch 1 tuple */
subcost = plan->startup_cost +
(plan->total_cost - plan->startup_cost) / plan->plan_rows;
else if (subplan->sublink->subLinkType == ALL_SUBLINK ||
subplan->sublink->subLinkType == ANY_SUBLINK)
/* assume we need 50% of the tuples */
subcost = plan->startup_cost +
0.50 * (plan->total_cost - plan->startup_cost);
/* XXX what if subplan has been materialized? */
/* assume we need all tuples */
subcost = plan->total_cost;
*total += subcost;
/* fall through to examine args of Expr node */
return expression_tree_walker(node, cost_qual_eval_walker,
(void *) total);
* approx_selectivity
* Quick-and-dirty estimation of clause selectivities.
* The input can be either an implicitly-ANDed list of boolean
* expressions, or a list of RestrictInfo nodes (typically the latter).
* The "quick" part comes from caching the selectivity estimates so we can
* avoid recomputing them later. (Since the same clauses are typically
* examined over and over in different possible join trees, this makes a
* big difference.)
* The "dirty" part comes from the fact that the selectivities of multiple
* clauses are estimated independently and multiplied together. Now
* clauselist_selectivity often can't do any better than that anyhow, but
* for some situations (such as range constraints) it is smarter.
* Since we are only using the results to estimate how many potential
* output tuples are generated and passed through qpqual checking, it
* seems OK to live with the approximation.
static Selectivity
approx_selectivity(Query *root, List *quals)
Selectivity total = 1.0;
List *l;
foreach(l, quals)
Node *qual = (Node *) lfirst(l);
Selectivity selec;
* RestrictInfo nodes contain a this_selec field reserved for this
* routine's use, so that it's not necessary to evaluate the qual
* clause's selectivity more than once. If the clause's
* selectivity hasn't been computed yet, the field will contain
* -1.
if (qual && IsA(qual, RestrictInfo))
RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) qual;
if (restrictinfo->this_selec < 0)
restrictinfo->this_selec =
(Node *) restrictinfo->clause,
selec = restrictinfo->this_selec;
/* If it's a bare expression, must always do it the hard way */
selec = clause_selectivity(root, qual, 0);
total *= selec;
return total;
* set_baserel_size_estimates
* Set the size estimates for the given base relation.
* The rel's targetlist and restrictinfo list must have been constructed
* already.
* We set the following fields of the rel node:
* rows: the estimated number of output tuples (after applying
* restriction clauses).
* width: the estimated average output tuple width in bytes.
* baserestrictcost: estimated cost of evaluating baserestrictinfo clauses.
set_baserel_size_estimates(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel)
/* Should only be applied to base relations */
Assert(length(rel->relids) == 1);
rel->rows = rel->tuples *
* Force estimate to be at least one row, to make explain output look
* better and to avoid possible divide-by-zero when interpolating
* cost.
if (rel->rows < 1.0)
rel->rows = 1.0;
rel->baserestrictcost = cost_qual_eval(rel->baserestrictinfo);
set_rel_width(root, rel);
* set_joinrel_size_estimates
* Set the size estimates for the given join relation.
* The rel's targetlist must have been constructed already, and a
* restriction clause list that matches the given component rels must
* be provided.
* Since there is more than one way to make a joinrel for more than two
* base relations, the results we get here could depend on which component
* rel pair is provided. In theory we should get the same answers no matter
* which pair is provided; in practice, since the selectivity estimation
* routines don't handle all cases equally well, we might not. But there's
* not much to be done about it. (Would it make sense to repeat the
* calculations for each pair of input rels that's encountered, and somehow
* average the results? Probably way more trouble than it's worth.)
* We set the same relnode fields as set_baserel_size_estimates() does.
set_joinrel_size_estimates(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
RelOptInfo *outer_rel,
RelOptInfo *inner_rel,
JoinType jointype,
List *restrictlist)
double temp;
/* Start with the Cartesian product */
temp = outer_rel->rows * inner_rel->rows;
* Apply join restrictivity. Note that we are only considering
* clauses that become restriction clauses at this join level; we are
* not double-counting them because they were not considered in
* estimating the sizes of the component rels.
temp *= restrictlist_selectivity(root,
* If we are doing an outer join, take that into account: the output
* must be at least as large as the non-nullable input. (Is there any
* chance of being even smarter?)
switch (jointype)
if (temp < outer_rel->rows)
temp = outer_rel->rows;
if (temp < inner_rel->rows)
temp = inner_rel->rows;
if (temp < outer_rel->rows)
temp = outer_rel->rows;
if (temp < inner_rel->rows)
temp = inner_rel->rows;
elog(ERROR, "set_joinrel_size_estimates: unsupported join type %d",
(int) jointype);
* Force estimate to be at least one row, to make explain output look
* better and to avoid possible divide-by-zero when interpolating
* cost.
if (temp < 1.0)
temp = 1.0;
rel->rows = temp;
* We could apply set_rel_width() to compute the output tuple width
* from scratch, but at present it's always just the sum of the input
* widths, so why work harder than necessary? If relnode.c is ever
* taught to remove unneeded columns from join targetlists, go back to
* using set_rel_width here.
rel->width = outer_rel->width + inner_rel->width;
* set_rel_width
* Set the estimated output width of the relation.
* NB: this works best on base relations because it prefers to look at
* real Vars. It will fail to make use of pg_statistic info when applied
* to a subquery relation, even if the subquery outputs are simple vars
* that we could have gotten info for. Is it worth trying to be smarter
* about subqueries?
static void
set_rel_width(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel)
int32 tuple_width = 0;
List *tllist;
foreach(tllist, rel->targetlist)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tllist);
int32 item_width;
* If it's a Var, try to get statistical info from pg_statistic.
if (tle->expr && IsA(tle->expr, Var))
Var *var = (Var *) tle->expr;
Oid relid;
relid = getrelid(var->varno, root->rtable);
if (relid != InvalidOid)
item_width = get_attavgwidth(relid, var->varattno);
if (item_width > 0)
tuple_width += item_width;
* Not a Var, or can't find statistics for it. Estimate using
* just the type info.
item_width = get_typavgwidth(tle->resdom->restype,
Assert(item_width > 0);
tuple_width += item_width;
Assert(tuple_width >= 0);
rel->width = tuple_width;
* relation_byte_size
* Estimate the storage space in bytes for a given number of tuples
* of a given width (size in bytes).
static double
relation_byte_size(double tuples, int width)
return tuples * ((double) MAXALIGN(width + sizeof(HeapTupleData)));
* page_size
* Returns an estimate of the number of pages covered by a given
* number of tuples of a given width (size in bytes).
static double
page_size(double tuples, int width)
return ceil(relation_byte_size(tuples, width) / BLCKSZ);