Tom Lane 2467394ee1 Tablespaces. Alternate database locations are dead, long live tablespaces.
There are various things left to do: contrib dbsize and oid2name modules
need work, and so does the documentation.  Also someone should think about
COMMENT ON TABLESPACE and maybe RENAME TABLESPACE.  Also initlocation is
dead, it just doesn't know it yet.

Gavin Sherry and Tom Lane.
2004-06-18 06:14:31 +00:00

84 lines
2.3 KiB

# ----------
# The first group of parallel test
# ----------
test: boolean char name varchar text int2 int4 int8 oid float4 float8 bit numeric
# Depends on things setup during char, varchar and text
test: strings
# Depends on int2, int4, int8, float4, float8
test: numerology
# ----------
# The second group of parallel test
# ----------
test: point lseg box path polygon circle date time timetz timestamp timestamptz interval abstime reltime tinterval inet comments oidjoins type_sanity opr_sanity
# Depends on point, lseg, box, path, polygon and circle
test: geometry
# Depends on interval, timetz, timestamp, timestamptz, reltime and abstime
test: horology
# ----------
# These four each depend on the previous one
# ----------
test: insert
test: create_function_1
test: create_type
test: create_table
test: create_function_2
# ----------
# Load huge amounts of data
# We should split the data files into single files and then
# execute two copy tests parallel, to check that copy itself
# is concurrent safe.
# ----------
test: copy
# ----------
# The third group of parallel test
# ----------
test: constraints triggers create_misc create_aggregate create_operator inherit vacuum
# Depends on the above
test: create_index create_view
# ----------
# sanity_check does a vacuum, affecting the sort order of SELECT *
# results. So it should not run parallel to other tests.
# ----------
test: sanity_check
# ----------
# Believe it or not, select creates a table, subsequent
# tests need.
# ----------
test: errors
test: select
ignore: random
# ----------
# The fourth group of parallel test
# ----------
test: select_into select_distinct select_distinct_on select_implicit select_having subselect union case join aggregates transactions random portals arrays btree_index hash_index update namespace
test: privileges
test: misc
# ----------
# The fifth group of parallel test
# ----------
test: select_views portals_p2 rules foreign_key cluster
# ----------
# The sixth group of parallel test
# ----------
# "plpgsql" cannot run concurrently with "rules"
test: limit plpgsql copy2 temp domain rangefuncs prepare without_oid conversion truncate alter_table sequence polymorphism rowtypes
# run stats by itself because its delay may be insufficient under heavy load
test: stats
# run tablespace by itself
test: tablespace