
326 lines
9.2 KiB

# Generate wait events support files from wait_event_names.txt:
# - wait_event_types.h (if --code is passed)
# - pgstat_wait_event.c (if --code is passed)
# - wait_event_funcs_data.c (if --code is passed)
# - wait_event_types.sgml (if --docs is passed)
# Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# src/backend/utils/activity/
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my $output_path = '.';
my $gen_docs = 0;
my $gen_code = 0;
my $continue = "\n";
my %hashwe;
'outdir:s' => \$output_path,
'docs' => \$gen_docs,
'code' => \$gen_code) || usage();
die "Needs to specify --docs or --code"
if (!$gen_docs && !$gen_code);
die "Not possible to specify --docs and --code simultaneously"
if ($gen_docs && $gen_code);
open my $wait_event_names, '<', $ARGV[0] or die;
my @lines;
my $section_name;
my $note;
my $note_name;
# Remove comments and empty lines and add waitclassname based on the section
while (<$wait_event_names>)
# Skip comments
next if /^#/;
# Skip empty lines
next if /^\s*$/;
# Get waitclassname based on the section
if (/^Section: ClassName(.*)/)
$section_name = $_;
$section_name =~ s/^.*- //;
push(@lines, $section_name . "\t" . $_);
# Sort the lines based on the second column.
# uc() is being used to force the comparison to be case-insensitive.
my @lines_sorted =
sort { uc((split(/\t/, $a))[1]) cmp uc((split(/\t/, $b))[1]) } @lines;
# Read the sorted lines and populate the hash table
foreach my $line (@lines_sorted)
die "unable to parse wait_event_names.txt for line $line\n"
unless $line =~ /^(\w+)\t+(\w+)\t+("\w.*\.")$/;
(my $waitclassname, my $waiteventname, my $waitevendocsentence) =
split(/\t/, $line);
# Generate the element name for the enums based on the
# description. The C symbols are prefixed with "WAIT_EVENT_".
my $waiteventenumname = "WAIT_EVENT_$waiteventname";
# Build the descriptions. These are in camel-case.
# LWLock and Lock classes do not need any modifications.
my $waiteventdescription = '';
if ( $waitclassname eq 'WaitEventLWLock'
|| $waitclassname eq 'WaitEventLock')
$waiteventdescription = $waiteventname;
my @waiteventparts = split("_", $waiteventname);
foreach my $waiteventpart (@waiteventparts)
$waiteventdescription .= substr($waiteventpart, 0, 1)
. lc(substr($waiteventpart, 1, length($waiteventpart)));
# Store the event into the list for each class.
my @waiteventlist =
[ $waiteventenumname, $waiteventdescription, $waitevendocsentence ];
push(@{ $hashwe{$waitclassname} }, @waiteventlist);
# Generate the .c and .h files.
if ($gen_code)
# Include PID in suffix in case parallel make runs this script
# multiple times.
my $htmp = "$output_path/wait_event_types.h.tmp$$";
my $ctmp = "$output_path/pgstat_wait_event.c.tmp$$";
my $wctmp = "$output_path/wait_event_funcs_data.c.tmp$$";
open my $h, '>', $htmp or die "Could not open $htmp: $!";
open my $c, '>', $ctmp or die "Could not open $ctmp: $!";
open my $wc, '>', $wctmp or die "Could not open $wctmp: $!";
my $header_comment =
* %s
* Generated wait events infrastructure code
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* ******************************
* ******************************
* It has been GENERATED by src/backend/utils/activity/
printf $h $header_comment, 'wait_event_types.h';
printf $h "#ifndef WAIT_EVENT_TYPES_H\n";
printf $h "#define WAIT_EVENT_TYPES_H\n\n";
printf $h "#include \"utils/wait_event.h\"\n\n";
printf $c $header_comment, 'pgstat_wait_event.c';
printf $wc $header_comment, 'wait_event_funcs_data.c';
# Generate the pgstat_wait_event.c and wait_event_types.h files
# uc() is being used to force the comparison to be case-insensitive.
foreach my $waitclass (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %hashwe)
# Don't generate the pgstat_wait_event.c and wait_event_types.h files
# for Extension, LWLock and Lock, these are handled independently.
if ( $waitclass eq 'WaitEventExtension'
|| $waitclass eq 'WaitEventLWLock'
|| $waitclass eq 'WaitEventLock');
my $last = $waitclass;
$last =~ s/^WaitEvent//;
my $lastuc = uc $last;
my $lastlc = lc $last;
my $firstpass = 1;
my $pg_wait_class;
printf $c
"static const char *\npgstat_get_wait_$lastlc($waitclass w)\n{\n";
printf $c "\tconst char *event_name = \"unknown wait event\";\n\n";
printf $c "\tswitch (w)\n\t{\n";
foreach my $wev (@{ $hashwe{$waitclass} })
if ($firstpass)
printf $h "typedef enum\n{\n";
$pg_wait_class = "PG_WAIT_" . $lastuc;
printf $h "\t%s = %s", $wev->[0], $pg_wait_class;
$continue = ",\n";
printf $h "%s\t%s", $continue, $wev->[0];
$continue = ",\n";
$firstpass = 0;
printf $c "\t\t case %s:\n", $wev->[0];
# Apply quotes to the wait event name string.
printf $c "\t\t\t event_name = \"%s\";\n\t\t\t break;\n",
printf $h "\n} $waitclass;\n\n";
printf $c
"\t\t\t /* no default case, so that compiler will warn */\n";
printf $c "\t}\n\n";
printf $c "\treturn event_name;\n";
printf $c "}\n\n";
# Generate wait_event_funcs_data.c, building the contents of a static
# C structure holding all the information about the wait events.
# uc() is being used to force the comparison to be case-insensitive,
# even though it is not required here.
foreach my $waitclass (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %hashwe)
my $last = $waitclass;
$last =~ s/^WaitEvent//;
foreach my $wev (@{ $hashwe{$waitclass} })
my $new_desc = substr $wev->[2], 1, -2;
# Escape single quotes.
$new_desc =~ s/'/\\'/g;
# Replace the "quote" markups by real ones.
$new_desc =~ s/<quote>(.*?)<\/quote>/\\"$1\\"/g;
# Remove SGML markups.
$new_desc =~ s/<.*?>(.*?)<.*?>/$1/g;
# Tweak contents about links <xref linkend="text"/>
# on GUCs,
while (my ($capture) =
$new_desc =~ m/<xref linkend="guc-(.*?)"\/>/g)
$capture =~ s/-/_/g;
$new_desc =~ s/<xref linkend="guc-.*?"\/>/$capture/g;
# Then remove any reference to
# "see <xref linkend="text"/>".
$new_desc =~ s/; see.*$//;
# Build one element of the C structure holding the
# wait event info, as of (type, name, description).
printf $wc "\t{\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"},\n", $last, $wev->[1],
printf $h "#endif /* WAIT_EVENT_TYPES_H */\n";
close $h;
close $c;
close $wc;
rename($htmp, "$output_path/wait_event_types.h")
|| die "rename: $htmp to $output_path/wait_event_types.h: $!";
rename($ctmp, "$output_path/pgstat_wait_event.c")
|| die "rename: $ctmp to $output_path/pgstat_wait_event.c: $!";
rename($wctmp, "$output_path/wait_event_funcs_data.c")
|| die "rename: $wctmp to $output_path/wait_event_funcs_data.c: $!";
# Generate the .sgml file.
elsif ($gen_docs)
# Include PID in suffix in case parallel make runs this multiple times.
my $stmp = "$output_path/wait_event_names.s.tmp$$";
open my $s, '>', $stmp or die "Could not open $stmp: $!";
# uc() is being used to force the comparison to be case-insensitive.
foreach my $waitclass (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %hashwe)
my $last = $waitclass;
$last =~ s/^WaitEvent//;
my $lastlc = lc $last;
printf $s " <table id=\"wait-event-%s-table\">\n", $lastlc;
printf $s
" <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>%s</literal></title>\n",
printf $s " <tgroup cols=\"2\">\n";
printf $s " <thead>\n";
printf $s " <row>\n";
printf $s
" <entry><literal>$last</literal> Wait Event</entry>\n";
printf $s " <entry>Description</entry>\n";
printf $s " </row>\n";
printf $s " </thead>\n\n";
printf $s " <tbody>\n";
foreach my $wev (@{ $hashwe{$waitclass} })
printf $s " <row>\n";
printf $s " <entry><literal>%s</literal></entry>\n",
printf $s " <entry>%s</entry>\n", substr $wev->[2], 1, -1;
printf $s " </row>\n";
printf $s " </tbody>\n";
printf $s " </tgroup>\n";
printf $s " </table>\n\n";
close $s;
rename($stmp, "$output_path/wait_event_types.sgml")
|| die "rename: $stmp to $output_path/wait_event_types.sgml: $!";
close $wait_event_names;
sub usage
die <<EOM;
Usage: perl [--output <path>] [--code ] [ --sgml ] input_file
--outdir Output directory (default '.')
--code Generate C and header files.
--sgml Generate wait_event_types.sgml. generates the SGML documentation and code
related to wait events. This should use wait_event_names.txt in input, or
an input file with a compatible format.
Report bugs to <pgsql-bugs\>.