Tom Lane 9d4ca01314 Ensure that a tsquery like '!foo' matches empty tsvectors.
!foo means "the tsvector does not contain foo", and therefore it should
match an empty tsvector.  ts_match_vq() overenthusiastically supposed
that an empty tsvector could never match any query, so it forcibly
returned FALSE, the wrong answer.  Remove the premature optimization.

Our behavior on this point was inconsistent, because while seqscans and
GIST index searches both failed to match empty tsvectors, GIN index
searches would find them, since GIN scans don't rely on ts_match_vq().
That makes this certainly a bug, not a debatable definition disagreement,
so back-patch to all supported branches.

Report and diagnosis by Tom Dunstan (bug #14515); added test cases by me.

2017-01-26 12:18:07 -05:00

241 lines
12 KiB

--Base tsvector test
SELECT '1'::tsvector;
SELECT '1 '::tsvector;
SELECT ' 1'::tsvector;
SELECT ' 1 '::tsvector;
SELECT '1 2'::tsvector;
SELECT '''1 2'''::tsvector;
SELECT E'''1 \\''2'''::tsvector;
SELECT E'''1 \\''2''3'::tsvector;
SELECT E'''1 \\''2'' 3'::tsvector;
SELECT E'''1 \\''2'' '' 3'' 4 '::tsvector;
SELECT $$'\\as' ab\c ab\\c AB\\\c ab\\\\c$$::tsvector;
SELECT tsvectorin(tsvectorout($$'\\as' ab\c ab\\c AB\\\c ab\\\\c$$::tsvector));
SELECT '''w'':4A,3B,2C,1D,5 a:8';
SELECT 'a:3A b:2a'::tsvector || 'ba:1234 a:1B';
--Base tsquery test
SELECT '1'::tsquery;
SELECT '1 '::tsquery;
SELECT ' 1'::tsquery;
SELECT ' 1 '::tsquery;
SELECT '''1 2'''::tsquery;
SELECT E'''1 \\''2'''::tsquery;
SELECT '!1'::tsquery;
SELECT '1|2'::tsquery;
SELECT '1|!2'::tsquery;
SELECT '!1|2'::tsquery;
SELECT '!1|!2'::tsquery;
SELECT '!(!1|!2)'::tsquery;
SELECT '!(!1|2)'::tsquery;
SELECT '!(1|!2)'::tsquery;
SELECT '!(1|2)'::tsquery;
SELECT '1&2'::tsquery;
SELECT '!1&2'::tsquery;
SELECT '1&!2'::tsquery;
SELECT '!1&!2'::tsquery;
SELECT '(1&2)'::tsquery;
SELECT '1&(2)'::tsquery;
SELECT '!(1)&2'::tsquery;
SELECT '!(1&2)'::tsquery;
SELECT '1|2&3'::tsquery;
SELECT '1|(2&3)'::tsquery;
SELECT '(1|2)&3'::tsquery;
SELECT '1|2&!3'::tsquery;
SELECT '1|!2&3'::tsquery;
SELECT '!1|2&3'::tsquery;
SELECT '!1|(2&3)'::tsquery;
SELECT '!(1|2)&3'::tsquery;
SELECT '(!1|2)&3'::tsquery;
SELECT '1|(2|(4|(5|6)))'::tsquery;
SELECT '1|2|4|5|6'::tsquery;
SELECT '1&(2&(4&(5&6)))'::tsquery;
SELECT '1&2&4&5&6'::tsquery;
SELECT '1&(2&(4&(5|6)))'::tsquery;
SELECT '1&(2&(4&(5|!6)))'::tsquery;
SELECT E'1&(''2''&('' 4''&(\\|5 | ''6 \\'' !|&'')))'::tsquery;
SELECT $$'\\as'$$::tsquery;
SELECT 'a:* & nbb:*ac | doo:a* | goo'::tsquery;
SELECT '!!b'::tsquery;
SELECT '!!!b'::tsquery;
SELECT '!(!b)'::tsquery;
SELECT 'a & !!b'::tsquery;
SELECT '!!a & b'::tsquery;
SELECT '!!a & !!b'::tsquery;
SELECT 'a' < 'b & c'::tsquery as "true";
SELECT 'a' > 'b & c'::tsquery as "false";
SELECT 'a | f' < 'b & c'::tsquery as "false";
SELECT 'a | ff' < 'b & c'::tsquery as "false";
SELECT 'a | f | g' < 'b & c'::tsquery as "false";
SELECT numnode( 'new'::tsquery );
SELECT numnode( 'new & york'::tsquery );
SELECT numnode( 'new & york | qwery'::tsquery );
SELECT 'foo & bar'::tsquery && 'asd';
SELECT 'foo & bar'::tsquery || 'asd & fg';
SELECT 'foo & bar'::tsquery || !!'asd & fg'::tsquery;
SELECT 'foo & bar'::tsquery && 'asd | fg';
SELECT 'a' <-> 'b & d'::tsquery;
SELECT 'a & g' <-> 'b & d'::tsquery;
SELECT 'a & g' <-> 'b | d'::tsquery;
SELECT 'a & g' <-> 'b <-> d'::tsquery;
SELECT tsquery_phrase('a <3> g', 'b & d', 10);
-- tsvector-tsquery operations
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & ca' as "true";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & ca:B' as "true";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & ca:A' as "true";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & ca:C' as "false";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & ca:CB' as "true";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & c:*C' as "false";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & c:*CB' as "true";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64b cb:80c d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & c:*C' as "true";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64c cb:80b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & c:*C' as "true";
SELECT 'a b:89 ca:23A,64c cb:80b d:34c'::tsvector @@ 'd:AC & c:*B' as "true";
SELECT 'supernova'::tsvector @@ 'super'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'supeanova supernova'::tsvector @@ 'super'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'supeznova supernova'::tsvector @@ 'super'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'supernova'::tsvector @@ 'super:*'::tsquery AS "true";
SELECT 'supeanova supernova'::tsvector @@ 'super:*'::tsquery AS "true";
SELECT 'supeznova supernova'::tsvector @@ 'super:*'::tsquery AS "true";
--phrase search
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 1') @@ '1 <-> 2' AS "true";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 1') @@ '1 <2> 2' AS "false";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 1') @@ '1 <-> 3' AS "false";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 1') @@ '1 <2> 3' AS "true";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 1 2') @@ '1 <3> 2' AS "true";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 11 3') @@ '1 <-> 3' AS "false";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 11 3') @@ '1:* <-> 3' AS "true";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 4') @@ '1 <-> 2 <-> 3' AS "true";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 4') @@ '(1 <-> 2) <-> 3' AS "true";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 4') @@ '1 <-> (2 <-> 3)' AS "true";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 4') @@ '1 <2> (2 <-> 3)' AS "false";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 1 2 3 4') @@ '(1 <-> 2) <-> 3' AS "true";
SELECT to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 1 2 3 4') @@ '1 <-> 2 <-> 3' AS "true";
-- without position data, phrase search does not match
SELECT strip(to_tsvector('simple', '1 2 3 4')) @@ '1 <-> 2 <-> 3' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'q x q y') @@ 'q <-> (x & y)' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'q x') @@ 'q <-> (x | y <-> z)' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'q y') @@ 'q <-> (x | y <-> z)' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'q y z') @@ 'q <-> (x | y <-> z)' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'q y x') @@ 'q <-> (x | y <-> z)' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'q x y') @@ 'q <-> (x | y <-> z)' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'q x') @@ '(x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x q') @@ '(x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x y q') @@ '(x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x y z') @@ '(x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x y z q') @@ '(x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'y z q') @@ '(x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'y y q') @@ '(x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'y y q') @@ '(!x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x y q') @@ '(!x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'y y q') @@ '(x | y <-> !z) <-> q' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x q') @@ '(x | y <-> !z) <-> q' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x q') @@ '(!x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "false";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'z q') @@ '(!x | y <-> z) <-> q' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x y q y') @@ '!x <-> y' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', 'x y q y') @@ '!foo' AS "true";
select to_tsvector('simple', '') @@ '!foo' AS "true";
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 s:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a | s');
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 sa:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a | s');
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 sa:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a | s:*');
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 sa:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a | sa:*');
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 s:2B d g'::tsvector, 'a | s');
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 s:2 d g'::tsvector, 'a | s');
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 s:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a & s');
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 s:2B d g'::tsvector, 'a & s');
SELECT ts_rank(' a:1 s:2 d g'::tsvector, 'a & s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a | s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 sa:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a | s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 sa:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a | s:*');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 sa:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a | sa:*');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 sa:3C sab:2c d g'::tsvector, 'a | sa:*');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2B d g'::tsvector, 'a | s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2 d g'::tsvector, 'a | s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a & s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2B d g'::tsvector, 'a & s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2 d g'::tsvector, 'a & s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2A d g'::tsvector, 'a <-> s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2C d g'::tsvector, 'a <-> s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2 d g'::tsvector, 'a <-> s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2 d:2A g'::tsvector, 'a <-> s');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 s:2,3A d:2A g'::tsvector, 'a <2> s:A');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 b:2 s:3A d:2A g'::tsvector, 'a <2> s:A');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 sa:2D sb:2A g'::tsvector, 'a <-> s:*');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 sa:2A sb:2D g'::tsvector, 'a <-> s:*');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 sa:2A sb:2D g'::tsvector, 'a <-> s:* <-> sa:A');
SELECT ts_rank_cd(' a:1 sa:2A sb:2D g'::tsvector, 'a <-> s:* <-> sa:B');
SELECT 'a:1 b:2'::tsvector @@ 'a <-> b'::tsquery AS "true";
SELECT 'a:1 b:2'::tsvector @@ 'a <0> b'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'a:1 b:2'::tsvector @@ 'a <1> b'::tsquery AS "true";
SELECT 'a:1 b:2'::tsvector @@ 'a <2> b'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'a:1 b:3'::tsvector @@ 'a <-> b'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'a:1 b:3'::tsvector @@ 'a <0> b'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'a:1 b:3'::tsvector @@ 'a <1> b'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'a:1 b:3'::tsvector @@ 'a <2> b'::tsquery AS "true";
SELECT 'a:1 b:3'::tsvector @@ 'a <3> b'::tsquery AS "false";
SELECT 'a:1 b:3'::tsvector @@ 'a <0> a:*'::tsquery AS "true";
-- tsvector editing operations
SELECT strip('w:12B w:13* w:12,5,6 a:1,3* a:3 w asd:1dc asd'::tsvector);
SELECT strip('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector);
SELECT strip('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector);
SELECT ts_delete(to_tsvector('english', 'Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base'), 'spaceship');
SELECT ts_delete('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector, 'base');
SELECT ts_delete('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector, 'bas');
SELECT ts_delete('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector, 'bases');
SELECT ts_delete('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector, 'spaceship');
SELECT ts_delete('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector, 'spaceship');
SELECT ts_delete('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector, ARRAY['spaceship','rebel']);
SELECT ts_delete('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector, ARRAY['spaceships','rebel']);
SELECT ts_delete('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector, ARRAY['spaceshi','rebel']);
SELECT ts_delete('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector, ARRAY['spaceship','leya','rebel']);
SELECT ts_delete('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector, ARRAY['spaceship','leya','rebel']);
SELECT ts_delete('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector, ARRAY['spaceship','leya','rebel','rebel']);
SELECT ts_delete('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector, ARRAY['spaceship','leya','rebel', NULL]);
SELECT unnest('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector);
SELECT unnest('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector);
SELECT * FROM unnest('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector);
SELECT * FROM unnest('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector);
SELECT lexeme, positions[1] from unnest('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector);
SELECT tsvector_to_array('base:7 hidden:6 rebel:1 spaceship:2,33A,34B,35C,36D strike:3'::tsvector);
SELECT tsvector_to_array('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector);
SELECT array_to_tsvector(ARRAY['base','hidden','rebel','spaceship','strike']);
SELECT array_to_tsvector(ARRAY['base','hidden','rebel','spaceship', NULL]);
-- array_to_tsvector must sort and de-dup
SELECT array_to_tsvector(ARRAY['foo','bar','baz','bar']);
SELECT setweight('w:12B w:13* w:12,5,6 a:1,3* a:3 w asd:1dc asd zxc:81,567,222A'::tsvector, 'c');
SELECT setweight('a:1,3A asd:1C w:5,6,12B,13A zxc:81,222A,567'::tsvector, 'c');
SELECT setweight('a:1,3A asd:1C w:5,6,12B,13A zxc:81,222A,567'::tsvector, 'c', '{a}');
SELECT setweight('a:1,3A asd:1C w:5,6,12B,13A zxc:81,222A,567'::tsvector, 'c', '{a}');
SELECT setweight('a:1,3A asd:1C w:5,6,12B,13A zxc:81,222A,567'::tsvector, 'c', '{a,zxc}');
SELECT setweight('a asd w:5,6,12B,13A zxc'::tsvector, 'c', '{a,zxc}');
SELECT setweight('a asd w:5,6,12B,13A zxc'::tsvector, 'c', ARRAY['a', 'zxc', NULL]);
SELECT ts_filter('base:7A empir:17 evil:15 first:11 galact:16 hidden:6A rebel:1A spaceship:2A strike:3A victori:12 won:9'::tsvector, '{a}');
SELECT ts_filter('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector, '{a}');
SELECT ts_filter('base hidden rebel spaceship strike'::tsvector, '{a,b,NULL}');