
320 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2023-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Test for pg_upgrade of logical subscription
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use File::Find qw(find);
use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
use Test::More;
# Can be changed to test the other modes.
my $mode = $ENV{PG_TEST_PG_UPGRADE_MODE} || '--copy';
# Initialize publisher node
my $publisher = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('publisher');
$publisher->init(allows_streaming => 'logical');
# Initialize the old subscriber node
my $old_sub = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('old_sub');
my $oldbindir = $old_sub->config_data('--bindir');
# Initialize the new subscriber
my $new_sub = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('new_sub');
my $newbindir = $new_sub->config_data('--bindir');
# In a VPATH build, we'll be started in the source directory, but we want
# to run pg_upgrade in the build directory so that any files generated finish
# in it, like delete_old_cluster.{sh,bat}.
chdir ${PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::tmp_check};
# Initial setup
'postgres', qq[
CREATE TABLE tab_upgraded1(id int);
CREATE TABLE tab_upgraded2(id int);
'postgres', qq[
CREATE TABLE tab_upgraded1(id int);
CREATE TABLE tab_upgraded2(id int);
# Setup logical replication
my $connstr = $publisher->connstr . ' dbname=postgres';
# Setup an enabled subscription to verify that the running status and failover
# option are retained after the upgrade.
$publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE PUBLICATION regress_pub1");
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub1 CONNECTION '$connstr' PUBLICATION regress_pub1 WITH (failover = true)"
$old_sub->wait_for_subscription_sync($publisher, 'regress_sub1');
# Verify that the upgrade should be successful with tables in 'ready'/'init'
# state along with retaining the replication origin's remote lsn, and
# subscription's running status.
"CREATE PUBLICATION regress_pub2 FOR TABLE tab_upgraded1");
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub2 CONNECTION '$connstr' PUBLICATION regress_pub2"
# Wait till the table tab_upgraded1 reaches 'ready' state
my $synced_query =
"SELECT count(1) = 1 FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubstate = 'r'";
$old_sub->poll_query_until('postgres', $synced_query)
or die "Timed out while waiting for the table to reach ready state";
"INSERT INTO tab_upgraded1 VALUES (generate_series(1,50))");
# Change configuration to prepare a subscription table in init state
"max_logical_replication_workers = 0");
"ALTER PUBLICATION regress_pub2 ADD TABLE tab_upgraded2");
# The table tab_upgraded2 will be in init state as the subscriber
# configuration for max_logical_replication_workers is set to 0.
my $result = $old_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(1) = 1 FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubstate = 'i'");
is($result, qq(t), "Check that the table is in init state");
# Get the replication origin's remote_lsn of the old subscriber
my $remote_lsn = $old_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT remote_lsn FROM pg_replication_origin_status os, pg_subscription s WHERE os.external_id = 'pg_' || s.oid AND s.subname = 'regress_sub2'"
# Have the subscription in disabled state before upgrade
$old_sub->safe_psql('postgres', "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub2 DISABLE");
my $tab_upgraded1_oid = $old_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'tab_upgraded1'");
my $tab_upgraded2_oid = $old_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'tab_upgraded2'");
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Check that pg_upgrade is successful when all tables are in ready or in
# init state (tab_upgraded1 table is in ready state and tab_upgraded2 table is
# in init state) along with retaining the replication origin's remote lsn
# and subscription's running status.
# ------------------------------------------------------
'pg_upgrade', '--no-sync', '-d', $old_sub->data_dir,
'-D', $new_sub->data_dir, '-b', $oldbindir,
'-B', $newbindir, '-s', $new_sub->host,
'-p', $old_sub->port, '-P', $new_sub->port,
'run of pg_upgrade for old instance when the subscription tables are in init/ready state'
ok( !-d $new_sub->data_dir . "/pg_upgrade_output.d",
"pg_upgrade_output.d/ removed after successful pg_upgrade");
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Check that the data inserted to the publisher when the new subscriber is down
# will be replicated once it is started. Also check that the old subscription
# states and relations origins are all preserved.
# ------------------------------------------------------
'postgres', qq[
INSERT INTO tab_upgraded1 VALUES(51);
INSERT INTO tab_upgraded2 VALUES(1);
# The subscription's running status and failover option should be preserved.
# Old subscription regress_sub1 should have enabled and failover as true while
# old subscription regress_sub2 should have enabled and failover as false.
$result =
"SELECT subname, subenabled, subfailover FROM pg_subscription ORDER BY subname");
is( $result, qq(regress_sub1|t|t
"check that the subscription's running status are preserved");
my $sub_oid = $new_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT oid FROM pg_subscription WHERE subname = 'regress_sub2'");
# Subscription relations should be preserved
$result = $new_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT srrelid, srsubstate FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubid = $sub_oid ORDER BY srrelid"
is( $result, qq($tab_upgraded1_oid|r
"there should be 2 rows in pg_subscription_rel(representing tab_upgraded1 and tab_upgraded2)"
# The replication origin's remote_lsn should be preserved
$result = $new_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT remote_lsn FROM pg_replication_origin_status WHERE external_id = 'pg_' || $sub_oid"
is($result, qq($remote_lsn), "remote_lsn should have been preserved");
# Enable the subscription
$new_sub->safe_psql('postgres', "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub2 ENABLE");
# Wait until all tables of subscription 'regress_sub2' are synchronized
$new_sub->wait_for_subscription_sync($publisher, 'regress_sub2');
# Rows on tab_upgraded1 and tab_upgraded2 should have been replicated
$result =
$new_sub->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_upgraded1");
is($result, qq(51), "check replicated inserts on new subscriber");
$result =
$new_sub->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_upgraded2");
is($result, qq(1),
"check the data is synced after enabling the subscription for the table that was in init state"
# cleanup
"max_logical_replication_workers = 4");
'postgres', qq[
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub1 SET (slot_name = none);
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Check that pg_upgrade fails when max_replication_slots configured in the new
# cluster is less than the number of subscriptions in the old cluster.
# ------------------------------------------------------
my $new_sub1 = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('new_sub1');
$new_sub1->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "max_replication_slots = 0");
# pg_upgrade will fail because the new cluster has insufficient
# max_replication_slots.
'pg_upgrade', '--no-sync',
'-d', $old_sub->data_dir,
'-D', $new_sub1->data_dir,
'-b', $oldbindir,
'-B', $newbindir,
'-s', $new_sub1->host,
'-p', $old_sub->port,
'-P', $new_sub1->port,
$mode, '--check',
qr/max_replication_slots \(0\) must be greater than or equal to the number of subscriptions \(1\) on the old cluster/
'run of pg_upgrade where the new cluster has insufficient max_replication_slots'
# Reset max_replication_slots
$new_sub1->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "max_replication_slots = 10");
# Drop the subscription
$old_sub->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub2");
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Check that pg_upgrade refuses to run if:
# a) there's a subscription with tables in a state other than 'r' (ready) or
# 'i' (init) and/or
# b) the subscription has no replication origin.
# ------------------------------------------------------
'postgres', qq[
CREATE TABLE tab_primary_key(id serial PRIMARY KEY);
INSERT INTO tab_primary_key values(1);
CREATE PUBLICATION regress_pub3 FOR TABLE tab_primary_key;
# Insert the same value that is already present in publisher to the primary key
# column of subscriber so that the table sync will fail.
'postgres', qq[
CREATE TABLE tab_primary_key(id serial PRIMARY KEY);
INSERT INTO tab_primary_key values(1);
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub3 CONNECTION '$connstr' PUBLICATION regress_pub3;
# Table will be in 'd' (data is being copied) state as table sync will fail
# because of primary key constraint error.
my $started_query =
"SELECT count(1) = 1 FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubstate = 'd'";
$old_sub->poll_query_until('postgres', $started_query)
or die
"Timed out while waiting for the table state to become 'd' (datasync)";
# Create another subscription and drop the subscription's replication origin
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub4 CONNECTION '$connstr' PUBLICATION regress_pub3 WITH (enabled = false)"
$sub_oid = $old_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT oid FROM pg_subscription WHERE subname = 'regress_sub4'");
my $reporigin = 'pg_' . qq($sub_oid);
"SELECT pg_replication_origin_drop('$reporigin')");
'pg_upgrade', '--no-sync',
'-d', $old_sub->data_dir,
'-D', $new_sub1->data_dir,
'-b', $oldbindir,
'-B', $newbindir,
'-s', $new_sub1->host,
'-p', $old_sub->port,
'-P', $new_sub1->port,
$mode, '--check',
'run of pg_upgrade --check for old instance with relation in \'d\' datasync(invalid) state and missing replication origin'
# Verify the reason why the subscriber cannot be upgraded
my $sub_relstate_filename;
# Find a txt file that contains a list of tables that cannot be upgraded. We
# cannot predict the file's path because the output directory contains a
# milliseconds timestamp. File::Find::find must be used.
sub {
if ($File::Find::name =~ m/subs_invalid\.txt/)
$sub_relstate_filename = $File::Find::name;
$new_sub1->data_dir . "/pg_upgrade_output.d");
# Check the file content which should have tab_primary_key table in invalid
# state.
qr/The table sync state \"d\" is not allowed for database:\"postgres\" subscription:\"regress_sub3\" schema:\"public\" relation:\"tab_primary_key\"/m,
'the previous test failed due to subscription table in invalid state');
# Check the file content which should have regress_sub4 subscription.
qr/The replication origin is missing for database:\"postgres\" subscription:\"regress_sub4\"/m,
'the previous test failed due to missing replication origin');