Robert Haas 07ab261ef3 Document auto_explain.log_timing.
Tomas Vondra
2013-05-29 07:12:14 -04:00

234 lines
7.9 KiB

<!-- doc/src/sgml/auto-explain.sgml -->
<sect1 id="auto-explain" xreflabel="auto_explain">
<indexterm zone="auto-explain">
The <filename>auto_explain</filename> module provides a means for
logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without
having to run <xref linkend="sql-explain">
by hand. This is especially helpful for tracking down un-optimized queries
in large applications.
The module provides no SQL-accessible functions. To use it, simply
load it into the server. You can load it into an individual session:
LOAD 'auto_explain';
(You must be superuser to do that.) More typical usage is to preload
it into all sessions by including <literal>auto_explain</> in
<xref linkend="guc-shared-preload-libraries"> in
<filename>postgresql.conf</>. Then you can track unexpectedly slow queries
no matter when they happen. Of course there is a price in overhead for
<title>Configuration Parameters</title>
There are several configuration parameters that control the behavior of
<filename>auto_explain</filename>. Note that the default behavior is
to do nothing, so you must set at least
<varname>auto_explain.log_min_duration</varname> if you want any results.
<varname>auto_explain.log_min_duration</varname> (<type>integer</type>)
<primary><varname>auto_explain.log_min_duration</> configuration parameter</primary>
<varname>auto_explain.log_min_duration</varname> is the minimum statement
execution time, in milliseconds, that will cause the statement's plan to
be logged. Setting this to zero logs all plans. Minus-one (the default)
disables logging of plans. For example, if you set it to
<literal>250ms</literal> then all statements that run 250ms or longer
will be logged. Only superusers can change this setting.
<varname>auto_explain.log_analyze</varname> (<type>boolean</type>)
<primary><varname>auto_explain.log_analyze</> configuration parameter</primary>
<varname>auto_explain.log_analyze</varname> causes <command>EXPLAIN ANALYZE</>
output, rather than just <command>EXPLAIN</> output, to be printed
when an execution plan is logged. This parameter is off by default.
Only superusers can change this setting.
When this parameter is on, per-plan-node timing occurs for all
statements executed, whether or not they run long enough to actually
get logged. This can have an extremely negative impact on performance.
<varname>auto_explain.log_verbose</varname> (<type>boolean</type>)
<primary><varname>auto_explain.log_verbose</> configuration parameter</primary>
<varname>auto_explain.log_verbose</varname> causes <command>EXPLAIN VERBOSE</>
output, rather than just <command>EXPLAIN</> output, to be printed
when an execution plan is logged. This parameter is off by default.
Only superusers can change this setting.
<varname>auto_explain.log_buffers</varname> (<type>boolean</type>)
<primary><varname>auto_explain.log_buffers</> configuration parameter</primary>
<varname>auto_explain.log_buffers</varname> causes <command>EXPLAIN
(ANALYZE, BUFFERS)</> output, rather than just <command>EXPLAIN</>
output, to be printed when an execution plan is logged. This parameter is
off by default. Only superusers can change this setting. This
parameter has no effect unless <varname>auto_explain.log_analyze</>
parameter is set.
<varname>auto_explain.log_format</varname> (<type>enum</type>)
<primary><varname>auto_explain.log_format</> configuration parameter</primary>
<varname>auto_explain.log_format</varname> selects the
<command>EXPLAIN</> output format to be used.
The allowed values are <literal>text</literal>, <literal>xml</literal>,
<literal>json</literal>, and <literal>yaml</literal>. The default is text.
Only superusers can change this setting.
<varname>auto_explain.log_timing</varname> (<type>boolean</type>)
<primary><varname>auto_explain.log_timing</> configuration parameter</primary>
<varname>auto_explain.log_timing</varname> causes <command>EXPLAIN
(ANALYZE, TIMING off)</> output, rather than just <command>EXPLAIN (ANALYZE)</>
output. The overhead of repeatedly reading the system clock can slow down the
query significantly on some systems, so it may be useful to set this
parameter to <literal>FALSE</literal> when only actual row counts, and not
exact times, are needed.
This parameter is only effective when <varname>auto_explain.log_analyze</varname>
is also enabled. It defaults to <literal>TRUE</literal>.
<varname>auto_explain.log_nested_statements</varname> (<type>boolean</type>)
<primary><varname>auto_explain.log_nested_statements</> configuration parameter</primary>
<varname>auto_explain.log_nested_statements</varname> causes nested
statements (statements executed inside a function) to be considered
for logging. When it is off, only top-level query plans are logged. This
parameter is off by default. Only superusers can change this setting.
These parameters must be set in <filename>postgresql.conf</>.
Typical usage might be:
# postgresql.conf
shared_preload_libraries = 'auto_explain'
auto_explain.log_min_duration = '3s'
postgres=# LOAD 'auto_explain';
postgres=# SET auto_explain.log_min_duration = 0;
postgres=# SELECT count(*)
FROM pg_class, pg_index
WHERE oid = indrelid AND indisunique;
This might produce log output such as:
LOG: duration: 3.651 ms plan:
Query Text: SELECT count(*)
FROM pg_class, pg_index
WHERE oid = indrelid AND indisunique;
Aggregate (cost=16.79..16.80 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=3.626..3.627 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Hash Join (cost=4.17..16.55 rows=92 width=0) (actual time=3.349..3.594 rows=92 loops=1)
Hash Cond: (pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid)
-> Seq Scan on pg_class (cost=0.00..9.55 rows=255 width=4) (actual time=0.016..0.140 rows=255 loops=1)
-> Hash (cost=3.02..3.02 rows=92 width=4) (actual time=3.238..3.238 rows=92 loops=1)
Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 4kB
-> Seq Scan on pg_index (cost=0.00..3.02 rows=92 width=4) (actual time=0.008..3.187 rows=92 loops=1)
Filter: indisunique
Takahiro Itagaki <email></email>