
326 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Test streaming of simple large transaction
use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
use Test::More;
# Check that the parallel apply worker has finished applying the streaming
# transaction.
sub check_parallel_log
my ($node_subscriber, $offset, $is_parallel, $type) = @_;
if ($is_parallel)
qr/DEBUG: ( [A-Z0-9]+:)? finished processing the STREAM $type command/,
# Common test steps for both the streaming=on and streaming=parallel cases.
sub test_streaming
my ($node_publisher, $node_subscriber, $appname, $is_parallel) = @_;
# Interleave a pair of transactions, each exceeding the 64kB limit.
my $offset = 0;
my $h = $node_publisher->background_psql('postgres',
on_error_stop => 0);
# Check the subscriber log from now on.
$offset = -s $node_subscriber->logfile;
INSERT INTO test_tab SELECT i, md5(i::text) FROM generate_series(3, 5000) s(i);
UPDATE test_tab SET b = md5(b) WHERE mod(a,2) = 0;
DELETE FROM test_tab WHERE mod(a,3) = 0;
'postgres', q{
INSERT INTO test_tab SELECT i, md5(i::text) FROM generate_series(5001, 9999) s(i);
DELETE FROM test_tab WHERE a > 5000;
# errors make the next test fail, so ignore them here
check_parallel_log($node_subscriber, $offset, $is_parallel, 'COMMIT');
my $result =
"SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999) FROM test_tab");
is($result, qq(3334|3334|3334),
'check extra columns contain local defaults');
# Test the streaming in binary mode
"ALTER SUBSCRIPTION tap_sub SET (binary = on)");
# Check the subscriber log from now on.
$offset = -s $node_subscriber->logfile;
# Insert, update and delete enough rows to exceed the 64kB limit.
'postgres', q{
INSERT INTO test_tab SELECT i, md5(i::text) FROM generate_series(5001, 10000) s(i);
UPDATE test_tab SET b = md5(b) WHERE mod(a,2) = 0;
DELETE FROM test_tab WHERE mod(a,3) = 0;
check_parallel_log($node_subscriber, $offset, $is_parallel, 'COMMIT');
$result =
"SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999) FROM test_tab");
is($result, qq(6667|6667|6667),
'check extra columns contain local defaults');
# Change the local values of the extra columns on the subscriber,
# update publisher, and check that subscriber retains the expected
# values. This is to ensure that non-streaming transactions behave
# properly after a streaming transaction.
"UPDATE test_tab SET c = 'epoch'::timestamptz + 987654321 * interval '1s'"
# Check the subscriber log from now on.
$offset = -s $node_subscriber->logfile;
"UPDATE test_tab SET b = md5(a::text)");
check_parallel_log($node_subscriber, $offset, $is_parallel, 'COMMIT');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), count(extract(epoch from c) = 987654321), count(d = 999) FROM test_tab"
is($result, qq(6667|6667|6667),
'check extra columns contain locally changed data');
# Cleanup the test data
"DELETE FROM test_tab WHERE (a > 2)");
# Create publisher node
my $node_publisher = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('publisher');
$node_publisher->init(allows_streaming => 'logical');
'logical_decoding_work_mem = 64kB');
# Create subscriber node
my $node_subscriber = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('subscriber');
$node_subscriber->init(allows_streaming => 'logical');
# Create some preexisting content on publisher
"CREATE TABLE test_tab (a int primary key, b varchar)");
"INSERT INTO test_tab VALUES (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar')");
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE test_tab_2 (a int)");
# Setup structure on subscriber
"CREATE TABLE test_tab (a int primary key, b text, c timestamptz DEFAULT now(), d bigint DEFAULT 999)"
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE test_tab_2 (a int)");
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_tab on test_tab_2(a)");
# Setup logical replication
my $publisher_connstr = $node_publisher->connstr . ' dbname=postgres';
"CREATE PUBLICATION tap_pub FOR TABLE test_tab, test_tab_2");
my $appname = 'tap_sub';
# Test using streaming mode 'on'
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION tap_sub CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=$appname' PUBLICATION tap_pub WITH (streaming = on)"
# Wait for initial table sync to finish
$node_subscriber->wait_for_subscription_sync($node_publisher, $appname);
my $result =
"SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999) FROM test_tab");
is($result, qq(2|2|2), 'check initial data was copied to subscriber');
test_streaming($node_publisher, $node_subscriber, $appname, 0);
# Test using streaming mode 'parallel'
my $oldpid = $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT pid FROM pg_stat_replication WHERE application_name = '$appname' AND state = 'streaming';"
"ALTER SUBSCRIPTION tap_sub SET(streaming = parallel, binary = off)");
"SELECT pid != $oldpid FROM pg_stat_replication WHERE application_name = '$appname' AND state = 'streaming';"
or die
"Timed out while waiting for apply to restart after changing SUBSCRIPTION";
# We need to check DEBUG logs to ensure that the parallel apply worker has
# applied the transaction. So, bump up the log verbosity.
$node_subscriber->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "log_min_messages = debug1");
# Run a query to make sure that the reload has taken effect.
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT 1});
test_streaming($node_publisher, $node_subscriber, $appname, 1);
# Test that the deadlock is detected among the leader and parallel apply
# workers.
$node_subscriber->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "deadlock_timeout = 10ms");
# Run a query to make sure that the reload has taken effect.
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT 1});
# Interleave a pair of transactions, each exceeding the 64kB limit.
my $h = $node_publisher->background_psql('postgres',
on_error_stop => 0);
# Confirm if a deadlock between the leader apply worker and the parallel apply
# worker can be detected.
my $offset = -s $node_subscriber->logfile;
INSERT INTO test_tab_2 SELECT i FROM generate_series(1, 5000) s(i);
# Ensure that the parallel apply worker executes the insert command before the
# leader worker.
qr/DEBUG: ( [A-Z0-9]+:)? applied [0-9]+ changes in the streaming chunk/,
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO test_tab_2 values(1)");
$node_subscriber->wait_for_log(qr/ERROR: ( [A-Z0-9]+:)? deadlock detected/,
# In order for the two transactions to be completed normally without causing
# conflicts due to the unique index, we temporarily drop it.
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP INDEX idx_tab");
# Wait for this streaming transaction to be applied in the apply worker.
$result =
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM test_tab_2");
is($result, qq(5001), 'data replicated to subscriber after dropping index');
# Clean up test data from the environment.
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "TRUNCATE TABLE test_tab_2");
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_tab on test_tab_2(a)");
# Confirm if a deadlock between two parallel apply workers can be detected.
# Check the subscriber log from now on.
$offset = -s $node_subscriber->logfile;
INSERT INTO test_tab_2 SELECT i FROM generate_series(1, 5000) s(i);
# Ensure that the first parallel apply worker executes the insert command
# before the second one.
qr/DEBUG: ( [A-Z0-9]+:)? applied [0-9]+ changes in the streaming chunk/,
"INSERT INTO test_tab_2 SELECT i FROM generate_series(1, 5000) s(i)");
$node_subscriber->wait_for_log(qr/ERROR: ( [A-Z0-9]+:)? deadlock detected/,
# In order for the two transactions to be completed normally without causing
# conflicts due to the unique index, we temporarily drop it.
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP INDEX idx_tab");
# Wait for this streaming transaction to be applied in the apply worker.
$result =
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM test_tab_2");
is($result, qq(10000), 'data replicated to subscriber after dropping index');
# Test serializing changes to files and notify the parallel apply worker to
# apply them at the end of the transaction.
'logical_replication_mode = immediate');
# Reset the log_min_messages to default.
$node_subscriber->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "log_min_messages = warning");
# Run a query to make sure that the reload has taken effect.
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT 1});
$offset = -s $node_subscriber->logfile;
"INSERT INTO test_tab_2 SELECT i FROM generate_series(1, 5000) s(i)");
# Ensure that the changes are serialized.
qr/LOG: ( [A-Z0-9]+:)? logical replication apply worker will serialize the remaining changes of remote transaction \d+ to a file/,
# Check that transaction is committed on subscriber
$result =
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM test_tab_2");
is($result, qq(15000), 'parallel apply worker replayed all changes from file');