Teodor Sigaev 1bbd52cb9a Make unaccent handle all diacritics known to Unicode, and expand ligatures correctly
Add Python script for buiding unaccent.rules from Unicode data. Don't
backpatch because unaccent changes may require tsvector/index

Thomas Munro <>
2015-09-04 12:51:53 +03:00

124 lines
5.4 KiB

# This script builds unaccent.rules on standard output when given the
# contents of UnicodeData.txt[1] on standard input. Optionally includes
# ligature expansion, if --expand-ligatures is given on the command line.
# The approach is to use the Unicode decomposition data to identify
# precomposed codepoints that are equivalent to a ligature of several
# letters, or a base letter with any number of diacritical marks.
# There is also a small set of special cases for codepoints that we
# traditionally support even though Unicode doesn't consider them to
# be ligatures or letters with marks.
# [1]
import re
import sys
def print_record(codepoint, letter):
print (unichr(codepoint) + "\t" + letter).encode("UTF-8")
class Codepoint:
def __init__(self, id, general_category, combining_ids): = id
self.general_category = general_category
self.combining_ids = combining_ids
def is_plain_letter(codepoint):
"""Return true if codepoint represents a plain ASCII letter."""
return ( >= ord('a') and <= ord('z')) or \
( >= ord('A') and <= ord('Z'))
def is_mark(codepoint):
"""Returns true for diacritical marks (combining codepoints)."""
return codepoint.general_category in ("Mn", "Me", "Mc")
def is_letter_with_marks(codepoint, table):
"""Returns true for plain letters combined with one or more marks."""
# See
return len(codepoint.combining_ids) > 1 and \
is_plain_letter(table[codepoint.combining_ids[0]]) and \
all(is_mark(table[i]) for i in codepoint.combining_ids[1:])
def is_letter(codepoint, table):
"""Return true for letter with or without diacritical marks."""
return is_plain_letter(codepoint) or is_letter_with_marks(codepoint, table)
def get_plain_letter(codepoint, table):
"""Return the base codepoint without marks."""
if is_letter_with_marks(codepoint, table):
return table[codepoint.combining_ids[0]]
elif is_plain_letter(codepoint):
return codepoint
raise "mu"
def is_ligature(codepoint, table):
"""Return true for letters combined with letters."""
return all(is_letter(table[i], table) for i in codepoint.combining_ids)
def get_plain_letters(codepoint, table):
"""Return a list of plain letters from a ligature."""
assert(is_ligature(codepoint, table))
return [get_plain_letter(table[id], table) for id in codepoint.combining_ids]
def main(expand_ligatures):
decomposition_type_pattern = re.compile(" *<[^>]*> *")
table = {}
all = []
# read everything we need into memory
for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
fields = line.split(";")
if len(fields) > 5:
general_category = fields[2]
decomposition = fields[5]
decomposition = re.sub(decomposition_type_pattern, ' ', decomposition)
id = int(fields[0], 16)
combining_ids = [int(s, 16) for s in decomposition.split(" ") if s != ""]
codepoint = Codepoint(id, general_category, combining_ids)
table[id] = codepoint
# walk through all the codepoints looking for interesting mappings
for codepoint in all:
if codepoint.general_category.startswith('L') and \
len(codepoint.combining_ids) > 1:
if is_letter_with_marks(codepoint, table):
chr(get_plain_letter(codepoint, table).id))
elif expand_ligatures and is_ligature(codepoint, table):
for combining_codepoint \
in get_plain_letters(codepoint, table)))
# some special cases
print_record(0x00d8, "O") # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
print_record(0x00f8, "o") # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0110, "D") # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0111, "d") # LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0131, "i") # LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
print_record(0x0126, "H") # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0127, "h") # LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0141, "L") # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0142, "l") # LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0166, "T") # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0167, "t") # LATIN SMALL LETTER t WITH STROKE
print_record(0x0401, u"\u0415") # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
print_record(0x0451, u"\u0435") # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO
if expand_ligatures:
print_record(0x00c6, "AE") # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
print_record(0x00df, "ss") # LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
print_record(0x00e6, "ae") # LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
print_record(0x0152, "OE") # LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
print_record(0x0153, "oe") # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "--expand-ligatures")