Peter Eisentraut 8137f2c323 Hide most variable-length fields from Form_pg_* structs
Those fields only appear in the structs so that can create
the BKI bootstrap files for the catalogs.  But they are not actually
usable from C.  So hiding them can prevent coding mistakes, saves
stack space, and can help the compiler.

In certain catalogs, the first variable-length field has been kept
visible after manual inspection.  These exceptions are noted in C

reviewed by Tom Lane
2012-01-27 20:16:17 +02:00

188 lines
6.5 KiB

# Perl module that extracts info from catalog headers into Perl
# data structures
# Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2012, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# src/backend/catalog/
package Catalog;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(Catalogs RenameTempFile);
# Call this function with an array of names of header files to parse.
# Returns a nested data structure describing the data in the headers.
sub Catalogs
my (%catalogs, $catname, $declaring_attributes, $most_recent);
$catalogs{names} = [];
# There are a few types which are given one name in the C source, but a
# different name at the SQL level. These are enumerated here.
'Oid' => 'oid',
'NameData' => 'name',
'TransactionId' => 'xid'
foreach my $input_file (@_)
my %catalog;
$catalog{columns} = [];
$catalog{data} = [];
open(INPUT_FILE, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!";
# Scan the input file.
while (<INPUT_FILE>)
# Strip C-style comments.
if (m;/\*;)
# handle multi-line comments properly.
my $next_line = <INPUT_FILE>;
die "$input_file: ends within C-style comment\n"
if !defined $next_line;
$_ .= $next_line;
# Strip useless whitespace and trailing semicolons.
s/\s+/ /g;
# Push the data into the appropriate data structure.
if (/^DATA\(insert(\s+OID\s+=\s+(\d+))?\s+\(\s*(.*)\s*\)\s*\)$/)
push @{ $catalog{data} }, {oid => $2, bki_values => $3};
elsif (/^DESCR\(\"(.*)\"\)$/)
$most_recent = $catalog{data}->[-1];
# this tests if most recent line is not a DATA() statement
if (ref $most_recent ne 'HASH')
die "DESCR() does not apply to any catalog ($input_file)";
if (!defined $most_recent->{oid})
die "DESCR() does not apply to any oid ($input_file)";
elsif ($1 ne '')
$most_recent->{descr} = $1;
elsif (/^SHDESCR\(\"(.*)\"\)$/)
$most_recent = $catalog{data}->[-1];
# this tests if most recent line is not a DATA() statement
if (ref $most_recent ne 'HASH')
die "SHDESCR() does not apply to any catalog ($input_file)";
if (!defined $most_recent->{oid})
die "SHDESCR() does not apply to any oid ($input_file)";
elsif ($1 ne '')
$most_recent->{shdescr} = $1;
elsif (/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/)
$catname = 'toasting';
my ($toast_name, $toast_oid, $index_oid) = ($1, $2, $3);
push @{ $catalog{data} }, "declare toast $toast_oid $index_oid on $toast_name\n";
elsif (/^DECLARE_(UNIQUE_)?INDEX\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(.+)\)/)
$catname = 'indexing';
my ($is_unique, $index_name, $index_oid, $using) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
push @{ $catalog{data} },
"declare %sindex %s %s %s\n",
$is_unique ? 'unique ' : '',
$index_name, $index_oid, $using
elsif (/^BUILD_INDICES/)
push @{ $catalog{data} }, "build indices\n";
elsif (/^CATALOG\(([^,]*),(\d+)\)/)
$catname = $1;
$catalog{relation_oid} = $2;
# Store pg_* catalog names in the same order we receive them
push @{ $catalogs{names} }, $catname;
$catalog{bootstrap} = /BKI_BOOTSTRAP/ ? ' bootstrap' : '';
$catalog{shared_relation} = /BKI_SHARED_RELATION/ ? ' shared_relation' : '';
$catalog{without_oids} = /BKI_WITHOUT_OIDS/ ? ' without_oids' : '';
$catalog{rowtype_oid} = /BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+)\)/ ? " rowtype_oid $1" : '';
$catalog{schema_macro} = /BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO/ ? 'True' : '';
$declaring_attributes = 1;
elsif ($declaring_attributes)
next if (/^{|^$/);
next if (/^#/);
if (/^}/)
undef $declaring_attributes;
my ($atttype, $attname) = split /\s+/, $_;
die "parse error ($input_file)" unless $attname;
if (exists $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype})
$atttype = $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype};
if ($attname =~ /(.*)\[.*\]/) # array attribute
$attname = $1;
$atttype .= '[]'; # variable-length only
push @{ $catalog{columns} }, {$attname => $atttype};
$catalogs{$catname} = \%catalog;
return \%catalogs;
# Rename temporary files to final names.
# Call this function with the final file name and the .tmp extension
# Note: recommended extension is ".tmp$$", so that parallel make steps
# can't use the same temp files
sub RenameTempFile
my $final_name = shift;
my $extension = shift;
my $temp_name = $final_name . $extension;
print "Writing $final_name\n";
rename($temp_name, $final_name) || die "rename: $temp_name: $!";