Simon Riggs 96ef3b8ff1 Allow I/O reliability checks using 16-bit checksums
Checksums are set immediately prior to flush out of shared buffers
and checked when pages are read in again. Hint bit setting will
require full page write when block is dirtied, which causes various
infrastructure changes. Extensive comments, docs and README.

WARNING message thrown if checksum fails on non-all zeroes page;
ERROR thrown but can be disabled with ignore_checksum_failure = on.

Feature enabled by an initdb option, since transition from option off
to option on is long and complex and has not yet been implemented.
Default is not to use checksums.

Checksum used is WAL CRC-32 truncated to 16-bits.

Simon Riggs, Jeff Davis, Greg Smith
Wide input and assistance from many community members. Thank you.
2013-03-22 13:54:07 +00:00

1759 lines
52 KiB

* vacuumlazy.c
* Concurrent ("lazy") vacuuming.
* The major space usage for LAZY VACUUM is storage for the array of dead
* tuple TIDs, with the next biggest need being storage for per-disk-page
* free space info. We want to ensure we can vacuum even the very largest
* relations with finite memory space usage. To do that, we set upper bounds
* on the number of tuples and pages we will keep track of at once.
* We are willing to use at most maintenance_work_mem memory space to keep
* track of dead tuples. We initially allocate an array of TIDs of that size,
* with an upper limit that depends on table size (this limit ensures we don't
* allocate a huge area uselessly for vacuuming small tables). If the array
* threatens to overflow, we suspend the heap scan phase and perform a pass of
* index cleanup and page compaction, then resume the heap scan with an empty
* TID array.
* If we're processing a table with no indexes, we can just vacuum each page
* as we go; there's no need to save up multiple tuples to minimize the number
* of index scans performed. So we don't use maintenance_work_mem memory for
* the TID array, just enough to hold as many heap tuples as fit on one page.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2013, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/commands/vacuumlazy.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/heapam_xlog.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/multixact.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "access/visibilitymap.h"
#include "catalog/storage.h"
#include "commands/dbcommands.h"
#include "commands/vacuum.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "portability/instr_time.h"
#include "postmaster/autovacuum.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/freespace.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/pg_rusage.h"
#include "utils/timestamp.h"
#include "utils/tqual.h"
* Space/time tradeoff parameters: do these need to be user-tunable?
* To consider truncating the relation, we want there to be at least
* is less) potentially-freeable pages.
* Timing parameters for truncate locking heuristics.
* These were not exposed as user tunable GUC values because it didn't seem
* that the potential for improvement was great enough to merit the cost of
* supporting them.
* Guesstimation of number of dead tuples per page. This is used to
* provide an upper limit to memory allocated when vacuuming small
* tables.
#define LAZY_ALLOC_TUPLES MaxHeapTuplesPerPage
* Before we consider skipping a page that's marked as clean in
* visibility map, we must've seen at least this many clean pages.
#define SKIP_PAGES_THRESHOLD ((BlockNumber) 32)
typedef struct LVRelStats
/* hasindex = true means two-pass strategy; false means one-pass */
bool hasindex;
/* Overall statistics about rel */
BlockNumber old_rel_pages; /* previous value of pg_class.relpages */
BlockNumber rel_pages; /* total number of pages */
BlockNumber scanned_pages; /* number of pages we examined */
double scanned_tuples; /* counts only tuples on scanned pages */
double old_rel_tuples; /* previous value of pg_class.reltuples */
double new_rel_tuples; /* new estimated total # of tuples */
BlockNumber pages_removed;
double tuples_deleted;
BlockNumber nonempty_pages; /* actually, last nonempty page + 1 */
/* List of TIDs of tuples we intend to delete */
/* NB: this list is ordered by TID address */
int num_dead_tuples; /* current # of entries */
int max_dead_tuples; /* # slots allocated in array */
ItemPointer dead_tuples; /* array of ItemPointerData */
int num_index_scans;
TransactionId latestRemovedXid;
bool lock_waiter_detected;
} LVRelStats;
/* A few variables that don't seem worth passing around as parameters */
static int elevel = -1;
static TransactionId OldestXmin;
static TransactionId FreezeLimit;
static MultiXactId MultiXactFrzLimit;
static BufferAccessStrategy vac_strategy;
/* non-export function prototypes */
static void lazy_scan_heap(Relation onerel, LVRelStats *vacrelstats,
Relation *Irel, int nindexes, bool scan_all);
static void lazy_vacuum_heap(Relation onerel, LVRelStats *vacrelstats);
static bool lazy_check_needs_freeze(Buffer buf);
static void lazy_vacuum_index(Relation indrel,
IndexBulkDeleteResult **stats,
LVRelStats *vacrelstats);
static void lazy_cleanup_index(Relation indrel,
IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
LVRelStats *vacrelstats);
static int lazy_vacuum_page(Relation onerel, BlockNumber blkno, Buffer buffer,
int tupindex, LVRelStats *vacrelstats, Buffer *vmbuffer);
static void lazy_truncate_heap(Relation onerel, LVRelStats *vacrelstats);
static BlockNumber count_nondeletable_pages(Relation onerel,
LVRelStats *vacrelstats);
static void lazy_space_alloc(LVRelStats *vacrelstats, BlockNumber relblocks);
static void lazy_record_dead_tuple(LVRelStats *vacrelstats,
ItemPointer itemptr);
static bool lazy_tid_reaped(ItemPointer itemptr, void *state);
static int vac_cmp_itemptr(const void *left, const void *right);
static bool heap_page_is_all_visible(Buffer buf,
TransactionId *visibility_cutoff_xid);
* lazy_vacuum_rel() -- perform LAZY VACUUM for one heap relation
* This routine vacuums a single heap, cleans out its indexes, and
* updates its relpages and reltuples statistics.
* At entry, we have already established a transaction and opened
* and locked the relation.
lazy_vacuum_rel(Relation onerel, VacuumStmt *vacstmt,
BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
LVRelStats *vacrelstats;
Relation *Irel;
int nindexes;
BlockNumber possibly_freeable;
PGRUsage ru0;
TimestampTz starttime = 0;
long secs;
int usecs;
double read_rate,
bool scan_all;
TransactionId freezeTableLimit;
BlockNumber new_rel_pages;
double new_rel_tuples;
BlockNumber new_rel_allvisible;
TransactionId new_frozen_xid;
MultiXactId new_min_multi;
/* measure elapsed time iff autovacuum logging requires it */
if (IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess() && Log_autovacuum_min_duration >= 0)
starttime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
if (vacstmt->options & VACOPT_VERBOSE)
elevel = INFO;
elevel = DEBUG2;
vac_strategy = bstrategy;
vacuum_set_xid_limits(vacstmt->freeze_min_age, vacstmt->freeze_table_age,
&OldestXmin, &FreezeLimit, &freezeTableLimit,
scan_all = TransactionIdPrecedesOrEquals(onerel->rd_rel->relfrozenxid,
vacrelstats = (LVRelStats *) palloc0(sizeof(LVRelStats));
vacrelstats->old_rel_pages = onerel->rd_rel->relpages;
vacrelstats->old_rel_tuples = onerel->rd_rel->reltuples;
vacrelstats->num_index_scans = 0;
vacrelstats->pages_removed = 0;
vacrelstats->lock_waiter_detected = false;
/* Open all indexes of the relation */
vac_open_indexes(onerel, RowExclusiveLock, &nindexes, &Irel);
vacrelstats->hasindex = (nindexes > 0);
/* Do the vacuuming */
lazy_scan_heap(onerel, vacrelstats, Irel, nindexes, scan_all);
/* Done with indexes */
vac_close_indexes(nindexes, Irel, NoLock);
* Optionally truncate the relation.
* Don't even think about it unless we have a shot at releasing a goodly
* number of pages. Otherwise, the time taken isn't worth it.
possibly_freeable = vacrelstats->rel_pages - vacrelstats->nonempty_pages;
if (possibly_freeable > 0 &&
(possibly_freeable >= REL_TRUNCATE_MINIMUM ||
possibly_freeable >= vacrelstats->rel_pages / REL_TRUNCATE_FRACTION))
lazy_truncate_heap(onerel, vacrelstats);
/* Vacuum the Free Space Map */
* Update statistics in pg_class.
* A corner case here is that if we scanned no pages at all because every
* page is all-visible, we should not update relpages/reltuples, because
* we have no new information to contribute. In particular this keeps us
* from replacing relpages=reltuples=0 (which means "unknown tuple
* density") with nonzero relpages and reltuples=0 (which means "zero
* tuple density") unless there's some actual evidence for the latter.
* We do update relallvisible even in the corner case, since if the table
* is all-visible we'd definitely like to know that. But clamp the value
* to be not more than what we're setting relpages to.
* Also, don't change relfrozenxid if we skipped any pages, since then we
* don't know for certain that all tuples have a newer xmin.
new_rel_pages = vacrelstats->rel_pages;
new_rel_tuples = vacrelstats->new_rel_tuples;
if (vacrelstats->scanned_pages == 0 && new_rel_pages > 0)
new_rel_pages = vacrelstats->old_rel_pages;
new_rel_tuples = vacrelstats->old_rel_tuples;
new_rel_allvisible = visibilitymap_count(onerel);
if (new_rel_allvisible > new_rel_pages)
new_rel_allvisible = new_rel_pages;
new_frozen_xid = FreezeLimit;
if (vacrelstats->scanned_pages < vacrelstats->rel_pages)
new_frozen_xid = InvalidTransactionId;
new_min_multi = MultiXactFrzLimit;
if (vacrelstats->scanned_pages < vacrelstats->rel_pages)
new_min_multi = InvalidMultiXactId;
* Report results to the stats collector, too. An early terminated
* lazy_truncate_heap attempt suppresses the message and also cancels the
* execution of ANALYZE, if that was ordered.
if (!vacrelstats->lock_waiter_detected)
vacstmt->options &= ~VACOPT_ANALYZE;
/* and log the action if appropriate */
if (IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess() && Log_autovacuum_min_duration >= 0)
TimestampTz endtime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
if (Log_autovacuum_min_duration == 0 ||
TimestampDifferenceExceeds(starttime, endtime,
TimestampDifference(starttime, endtime, &secs, &usecs);
read_rate = 0;
write_rate = 0;
if ((secs > 0) || (usecs > 0))
read_rate = (double) BLCKSZ *VacuumPageMiss / (1024 * 1024) /
(secs + usecs / 1000000.0);
write_rate = (double) BLCKSZ *VacuumPageDirty / (1024 * 1024) /
(secs + usecs / 1000000.0);
(errmsg("automatic vacuum of table \"%s.%s.%s\": index scans: %d\n"
"pages: %d removed, %d remain\n"
"tuples: %.0f removed, %.0f remain\n"
"buffer usage: %d hits, %d misses, %d dirtied\n"
"avg read rate: %.3f MB/s, avg write rate: %.3f MB/s\n"
"system usage: %s",
read_rate, write_rate,
* For Hot Standby we need to know the highest transaction id that will
* be removed by any change. VACUUM proceeds in a number of passes so
* we need to consider how each pass operates. The first phase runs
* heap_page_prune(), which can issue XLOG_HEAP2_CLEAN records as it
* progresses - these will have a latestRemovedXid on each record.
* In some cases this removes all of the tuples to be removed, though
* often we have dead tuples with index pointers so we must remember them
* for removal in phase 3. Index records for those rows are removed
* in phase 2 and index blocks do not have MVCC information attached.
* So before we can allow removal of any index tuples we need to issue
* a WAL record containing the latestRemovedXid of rows that will be
* removed in phase three. This allows recovery queries to block at the
* correct place, i.e. before phase two, rather than during phase three
* which would be after the rows have become inaccessible.
static void
vacuum_log_cleanup_info(Relation rel, LVRelStats *vacrelstats)
* Skip this for relations for which no WAL is to be written, or if we're
* not trying to support archive recovery.
if (!RelationNeedsWAL(rel) || !XLogIsNeeded())
* No need to write the record at all unless it contains a valid value
if (TransactionIdIsValid(vacrelstats->latestRemovedXid))
(void) log_heap_cleanup_info(rel->rd_node, vacrelstats->latestRemovedXid);
* lazy_scan_heap() -- scan an open heap relation
* This routine prunes each page in the heap, which will among other
* things truncate dead tuples to dead line pointers, defragment the
* page, and set commit status bits (see heap_page_prune). It also builds
* lists of dead tuples and pages with free space, calculates statistics
* on the number of live tuples in the heap, and marks pages as
* all-visible if appropriate. When done, or when we run low on space for
* dead-tuple TIDs, invoke vacuuming of indexes and call lazy_vacuum_heap
* to reclaim dead line pointers.
* If there are no indexes then we can reclaim line pointers on the fly;
* dead line pointers need only be retained until all index pointers that
* reference them have been killed.
static void
lazy_scan_heap(Relation onerel, LVRelStats *vacrelstats,
Relation *Irel, int nindexes, bool scan_all)
BlockNumber nblocks,
HeapTupleData tuple;
char *relname;
BlockNumber empty_pages,
double num_tuples,
IndexBulkDeleteResult **indstats;
int i;
PGRUsage ru0;
Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
BlockNumber next_not_all_visible_block;
bool skipping_all_visible_blocks;
relname = RelationGetRelationName(onerel);
(errmsg("vacuuming \"%s.%s\"",
empty_pages = vacuumed_pages = 0;
num_tuples = tups_vacuumed = nkeep = nunused = 0;
indstats = (IndexBulkDeleteResult **)
palloc0(nindexes * sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult *));
nblocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(onerel);
vacrelstats->rel_pages = nblocks;
vacrelstats->scanned_pages = 0;
vacrelstats->nonempty_pages = 0;
vacrelstats->latestRemovedXid = InvalidTransactionId;
lazy_space_alloc(vacrelstats, nblocks);
* We want to skip pages that don't require vacuuming according to the
* visibility map, but only when we can skip at least SKIP_PAGES_THRESHOLD
* consecutive pages. Since we're reading sequentially, the OS should be
* doing readahead for us, so there's no gain in skipping a page now and
* then; that's likely to disable readahead and so be counterproductive.
* Also, skipping even a single page means that we can't update
* relfrozenxid, so we only want to do it if we can skip a goodly number
* of pages.
* Before entering the main loop, establish the invariant that
* next_not_all_visible_block is the next block number >= blkno that's not
* all-visible according to the visibility map, or nblocks if there's no
* such block. Also, we set up the skipping_all_visible_blocks flag,
* which is needed because we need hysteresis in the decision: once we've
* started skipping blocks, we may as well skip everything up to the next
* not-all-visible block.
* Note: if scan_all is true, we won't actually skip any pages; but we
* maintain next_not_all_visible_block anyway, so as to set up the
* all_visible_according_to_vm flag correctly for each page.
* Note: The value returned by visibilitymap_test could be slightly
* out-of-date, since we make this test before reading the corresponding
* heap page or locking the buffer. This is OK. If we mistakenly think
* that the page is all-visible when in fact the flag's just been cleared,
* we might fail to vacuum the page. But it's OK to skip pages when
* scan_all is not set, so no great harm done; the next vacuum will find
* them. If we make the reverse mistake and vacuum a page unnecessarily,
* it'll just be a no-op.
for (next_not_all_visible_block = 0;
next_not_all_visible_block < nblocks;
if (!visibilitymap_test(onerel, next_not_all_visible_block, &vmbuffer))
if (next_not_all_visible_block >= SKIP_PAGES_THRESHOLD)
skipping_all_visible_blocks = true;
skipping_all_visible_blocks = false;
for (blkno = 0; blkno < nblocks; blkno++)
Buffer buf;
Page page;
OffsetNumber offnum,
bool tupgone,
int prev_dead_count;
OffsetNumber frozen[MaxOffsetNumber];
int nfrozen;
Size freespace;
bool all_visible_according_to_vm;
bool all_visible;
bool has_dead_tuples;
TransactionId visibility_cutoff_xid = InvalidTransactionId;
if (blkno == next_not_all_visible_block)
/* Time to advance next_not_all_visible_block */
for (next_not_all_visible_block++;
next_not_all_visible_block < nblocks;
if (!visibilitymap_test(onerel, next_not_all_visible_block,
* We know we can't skip the current block. But set up
* skipping_all_visible_blocks to do the right thing at the
* following blocks.
if (next_not_all_visible_block - blkno > SKIP_PAGES_THRESHOLD)
skipping_all_visible_blocks = true;
skipping_all_visible_blocks = false;
all_visible_according_to_vm = false;
/* Current block is all-visible */
if (skipping_all_visible_blocks && !scan_all)
all_visible_according_to_vm = true;
* If we are close to overrunning the available space for dead-tuple
* TIDs, pause and do a cycle of vacuuming before we tackle this page.
if ((vacrelstats->max_dead_tuples - vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples) < MaxHeapTuplesPerPage &&
vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples > 0)
* Before beginning index vacuuming, we release any pin we may
* hold on the visibility map page. This isn't necessary for
* correctness, but we do it anyway to avoid holding the pin
* across a lengthy, unrelated operation.
if (BufferIsValid(vmbuffer))
vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
/* Log cleanup info before we touch indexes */
vacuum_log_cleanup_info(onerel, vacrelstats);
/* Remove index entries */
for (i = 0; i < nindexes; i++)
/* Remove tuples from heap */
lazy_vacuum_heap(onerel, vacrelstats);
* Forget the now-vacuumed tuples, and press on, but be careful
* not to reset latestRemovedXid since we want that value to be
* valid.
vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples = 0;
* Pin the visibility map page in case we need to mark the page
* all-visible. In most cases this will be very cheap, because we'll
* already have the correct page pinned anyway. However, it's
* possible that (a) next_not_all_visible_block is covered by a
* different VM page than the current block or (b) we released our pin
* and did a cycle of index vacuuming.
visibilitymap_pin(onerel, blkno, &vmbuffer);
buf = ReadBufferExtended(onerel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno,
RBM_NORMAL, vac_strategy);
/* We need buffer cleanup lock so that we can prune HOT chains. */
if (!ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(buf))
* If we're not scanning the whole relation to guard against XID
* wraparound, it's OK to skip vacuuming a page. The next vacuum
* will clean it up.
if (!scan_all)
* If this is a wraparound checking vacuum, then we read the page
* with share lock to see if any xids need to be frozen. If the
* page doesn't need attention we just skip and continue. If it
* does, we wait for cleanup lock.
* We could defer the lock request further by remembering the page
* and coming back to it later, or we could even register
* ourselves for multiple buffers and then service whichever one
* is received first. For now, this seems good enough.
LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
if (!lazy_check_needs_freeze(buf))
LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
/* drop through to normal processing */
page = BufferGetPage(buf);
if (PageIsNew(page))
* An all-zeroes page could be left over if a backend extends the
* relation but crashes before initializing the page. Reclaim such
* pages for use.
* We have to be careful here because we could be looking at a
* page that someone has just added to the relation and not yet
* been able to initialize (see RelationGetBufferForTuple). To
* protect against that, release the buffer lock, grab the
* relation extension lock momentarily, and re-lock the buffer. If
* the page is still uninitialized by then, it must be left over
* from a crashed backend, and we can initialize it.
* We don't really need the relation lock when this is a new or
* temp relation, but it's probably not worth the code space to
* check that, since this surely isn't a critical path.
* Note: the comparable code in vacuum.c need not worry because
* it's got exclusive lock on the whole relation.
LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
LockRelationForExtension(onerel, ExclusiveLock);
UnlockRelationForExtension(onerel, ExclusiveLock);
if (PageIsNew(page))
(errmsg("relation \"%s\" page %u is uninitialized --- fixing",
relname, blkno)));
PageInit(page, BufferGetPageSize(buf), 0);
freespace = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page);
RecordPageWithFreeSpace(onerel, blkno, freespace);
if (PageIsEmpty(page))
freespace = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page);
/* empty pages are always all-visible */
if (!PageIsAllVisible(page))
visibilitymap_set(onerel, blkno, buf, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
vmbuffer, InvalidTransactionId);
RecordPageWithFreeSpace(onerel, blkno, freespace);
* Prune all HOT-update chains in this page.
* We count tuples removed by the pruning step as removed by VACUUM.
tups_vacuumed += heap_page_prune(onerel, buf, OldestXmin, false,
* Now scan the page to collect vacuumable items and check for tuples
* requiring freezing.
all_visible = true;
has_dead_tuples = false;
nfrozen = 0;
hastup = false;
prev_dead_count = vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples;
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
* Note: If you change anything in the loop below, also look at
* heap_page_is_all_visible to see if that needs to be changed.
for (offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
offnum <= maxoff;
offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
ItemId itemid;
itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
/* Unused items require no processing, but we count 'em */
if (!ItemIdIsUsed(itemid))
nunused += 1;
/* Redirect items mustn't be touched */
if (ItemIdIsRedirected(itemid))
hastup = true; /* this page won't be truncatable */
ItemPointerSet(&(tuple.t_self), blkno, offnum);
* DEAD item pointers are to be vacuumed normally; but we don't
* count them in tups_vacuumed, else we'd be double-counting (at
* least in the common case where heap_page_prune() just freed up
* a non-HOT tuple).
if (ItemIdIsDead(itemid))
lazy_record_dead_tuple(vacrelstats, &(tuple.t_self));
all_visible = false;
tuple.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
tuple.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(itemid);
tupgone = false;
switch (HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(tuple.t_data, OldestXmin, buf))
* Ordinarily, DEAD tuples would have been removed by
* heap_page_prune(), but it's possible that the tuple
* state changed since heap_page_prune() looked. In
* particular an INSERT_IN_PROGRESS tuple could have
* changed to DEAD if the inserter aborted. So this
* cannot be considered an error condition.
* If the tuple is HOT-updated then it must only be
* removed by a prune operation; so we keep it just as if
* it were RECENTLY_DEAD. Also, if it's a heap-only
* tuple, we choose to keep it, because it'll be a lot
* cheaper to get rid of it in the next pruning pass than
* to treat it like an indexed tuple.
if (HeapTupleIsHotUpdated(&tuple) ||
nkeep += 1;
tupgone = true; /* we can delete the tuple */
all_visible = false;
/* Tuple is good --- but let's do some validity checks */
if (onerel->rd_rel->relhasoids &&
elog(WARNING, "relation \"%s\" TID %u/%u: OID is invalid",
relname, blkno, offnum);
* Is the tuple definitely visible to all transactions?
* NB: Like with per-tuple hint bits, we can't set the
* PD_ALL_VISIBLE flag if the inserter committed
* asynchronously. See SetHintBits for more info. Check
* that the HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED hint bit is set because of
* that.
if (all_visible)
TransactionId xmin;
if (!(tuple.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED))
all_visible = false;
* The inserter definitely committed. But is it old
* enough that everyone sees it as committed?
xmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple.t_data);
if (!TransactionIdPrecedes(xmin, OldestXmin))
all_visible = false;
/* Track newest xmin on page. */
if (TransactionIdFollows(xmin, visibility_cutoff_xid))
visibility_cutoff_xid = xmin;
* If tuple is recently deleted then we must not remove it
* from relation.
nkeep += 1;
all_visible = false;
/* This is an expected case during concurrent vacuum */
all_visible = false;
/* This is an expected case during concurrent vacuum */
all_visible = false;
elog(ERROR, "unexpected HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum result");
if (tupgone)
lazy_record_dead_tuple(vacrelstats, &(tuple.t_self));
tups_vacuumed += 1;
has_dead_tuples = true;
num_tuples += 1;
hastup = true;
* Each non-removable tuple must be checked to see if it needs
* freezing. Note we already have exclusive buffer lock.
if (heap_freeze_tuple(tuple.t_data, FreezeLimit,
frozen[nfrozen++] = offnum;
} /* scan along page */
* If we froze any tuples, mark the buffer dirty, and write a WAL
* record recording the changes. We must log the changes to be
* crash-safe against future truncation of CLOG.
if (nfrozen > 0)
if (RelationNeedsWAL(onerel))
XLogRecPtr recptr;
recptr = log_heap_freeze(onerel, buf, FreezeLimit,
MultiXactFrzLimit, frozen, nfrozen);
PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
* If there are no indexes then we can vacuum the page right now
* instead of doing a second scan.
if (nindexes == 0 &&
vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples > 0)
/* Remove tuples from heap */
lazy_vacuum_page(onerel, blkno, buf, 0, vacrelstats, &vmbuffer);
* Forget the now-vacuumed tuples, and press on, but be careful
* not to reset latestRemovedXid since we want that value to be
* valid.
vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples = 0;
freespace = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page);
/* mark page all-visible, if appropriate */
if (all_visible)
if (!PageIsAllVisible(page))
visibilitymap_set(onerel, blkno, buf, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
vmbuffer, visibility_cutoff_xid);
else if (!all_visible_according_to_vm)
* It should never be the case that the visibility map page is
* set while the page-level bit is clear, but the reverse is
* allowed. Set the visibility map bit as well so that we get
* back in sync.
visibilitymap_set(onerel, blkno, buf, InvalidXLogRecPtr,
vmbuffer, visibility_cutoff_xid);
* As of PostgreSQL 9.2, the visibility map bit should never be set if
* the page-level bit is clear. However, it's possible that the bit
* got cleared after we checked it and before we took the buffer
* content lock, so we must recheck before jumping to the conclusion
* that something bad has happened.
else if (all_visible_according_to_vm && !PageIsAllVisible(page)
&& visibilitymap_test(onerel, blkno, &vmbuffer))
elog(WARNING, "page is not marked all-visible but visibility map bit is set in relation \"%s\" page %u",
relname, blkno);
visibilitymap_clear(onerel, blkno, vmbuffer);
* It's possible for the value returned by GetOldestXmin() to move
* backwards, so it's not wrong for us to see tuples that appear to
* not be visible to everyone yet, while PD_ALL_VISIBLE is already
* set. The real safe xmin value never moves backwards, but
* GetOldestXmin() is conservative and sometimes returns a value
* that's unnecessarily small, so if we see that contradiction it just
* means that the tuples that we think are not visible to everyone yet
* actually are, and the PD_ALL_VISIBLE flag is correct.
* There should never be dead tuples on a page with PD_ALL_VISIBLE
* set, however.
else if (PageIsAllVisible(page) && has_dead_tuples)
elog(WARNING, "page containing dead tuples is marked as all-visible in relation \"%s\" page %u",
relname, blkno);
visibilitymap_clear(onerel, blkno, vmbuffer);
/* Remember the location of the last page with nonremovable tuples */
if (hastup)
vacrelstats->nonempty_pages = blkno + 1;
* If we remembered any tuples for deletion, then the page will be
* visited again by lazy_vacuum_heap, which will compute and record
* its post-compaction free space. If not, then we're done with this
* page, so remember its free space as-is. (This path will always be
* taken if there are no indexes.)
if (vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples == prev_dead_count)
RecordPageWithFreeSpace(onerel, blkno, freespace);
/* save stats for use later */
vacrelstats->scanned_tuples = num_tuples;
vacrelstats->tuples_deleted = tups_vacuumed;
/* now we can compute the new value for pg_class.reltuples */
vacrelstats->new_rel_tuples = vac_estimate_reltuples(onerel, false,
* Release any remaining pin on visibility map page.
if (BufferIsValid(vmbuffer))
vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
/* If any tuples need to be deleted, perform final vacuum cycle */
/* XXX put a threshold on min number of tuples here? */
if (vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples > 0)
/* Log cleanup info before we touch indexes */
vacuum_log_cleanup_info(onerel, vacrelstats);
/* Remove index entries */
for (i = 0; i < nindexes; i++)
/* Remove tuples from heap */
lazy_vacuum_heap(onerel, vacrelstats);
/* Do post-vacuum cleanup and statistics update for each index */
for (i = 0; i < nindexes; i++)
lazy_cleanup_index(Irel[i], indstats[i], vacrelstats);
/* If no indexes, make log report that lazy_vacuum_heap would've made */
if (vacuumed_pages)
(errmsg("\"%s\": removed %.0f row versions in %u pages",
tups_vacuumed, vacuumed_pages)));
(errmsg("\"%s\": found %.0f removable, %.0f nonremovable row versions in %u out of %u pages",
tups_vacuumed, num_tuples,
vacrelstats->scanned_pages, nblocks),
errdetail("%.0f dead row versions cannot be removed yet.\n"
"There were %.0f unused item pointers.\n"
"%u pages are entirely empty.\n"
* lazy_vacuum_heap() -- second pass over the heap
* This routine marks dead tuples as unused and compacts out free
* space on their pages. Pages not having dead tuples recorded from
* lazy_scan_heap are not visited at all.
* Note: the reason for doing this as a second pass is we cannot remove
* the tuples until we've removed their index entries, and we want to
* process index entry removal in batches as large as possible.
static void
lazy_vacuum_heap(Relation onerel, LVRelStats *vacrelstats)
int tupindex;
int npages;
PGRUsage ru0;
Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
npages = 0;
tupindex = 0;
while (tupindex < vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples)
BlockNumber tblk;
Buffer buf;
Page page;
Size freespace;
tblk = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&vacrelstats->dead_tuples[tupindex]);
buf = ReadBufferExtended(onerel, MAIN_FORKNUM, tblk, RBM_NORMAL,
if (!ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(buf))
tupindex = lazy_vacuum_page(onerel, tblk, buf, tupindex, vacrelstats,
/* Now that we've compacted the page, record its available space */
page = BufferGetPage(buf);
freespace = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page);
RecordPageWithFreeSpace(onerel, tblk, freespace);
if (BufferIsValid(vmbuffer))
vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
(errmsg("\"%s\": removed %d row versions in %d pages",
tupindex, npages),
* lazy_vacuum_page() -- free dead tuples on a page
* and repair its fragmentation.
* Caller must hold pin and buffer cleanup lock on the buffer.
* tupindex is the index in vacrelstats->dead_tuples of the first dead
* tuple for this page. We assume the rest follow sequentially.
* The return value is the first tupindex after the tuples of this page.
static int
lazy_vacuum_page(Relation onerel, BlockNumber blkno, Buffer buffer,
int tupindex, LVRelStats *vacrelstats, Buffer *vmbuffer)
Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
OffsetNumber unused[MaxOffsetNumber];
int uncnt = 0;
TransactionId visibility_cutoff_xid;
for (; tupindex < vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples; tupindex++)
BlockNumber tblk;
OffsetNumber toff;
ItemId itemid;
tblk = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&vacrelstats->dead_tuples[tupindex]);
if (tblk != blkno)
break; /* past end of tuples for this block */
toff = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&vacrelstats->dead_tuples[tupindex]);
itemid = PageGetItemId(page, toff);
unused[uncnt++] = toff;
* Now that we have removed the dead tuples from the page, once again check
* if the page has become all-visible.
if (!visibilitymap_test(onerel, blkno, vmbuffer) &&
heap_page_is_all_visible(buffer, &visibility_cutoff_xid))
visibilitymap_set(onerel, blkno, buffer, InvalidXLogRecPtr, *vmbuffer,
/* XLOG stuff */
if (RelationNeedsWAL(onerel))
XLogRecPtr recptr;
recptr = log_heap_clean(onerel, buffer,
NULL, 0, NULL, 0,
unused, uncnt,
PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
return tupindex;
* lazy_check_needs_freeze() -- scan page to see if any tuples
* need to be cleaned to avoid wraparound
* Returns true if the page needs to be vacuumed using cleanup lock.
static bool
lazy_check_needs_freeze(Buffer buf)
Page page;
OffsetNumber offnum,
HeapTupleHeader tupleheader;
page = BufferGetPage(buf);
if (PageIsNew(page) || PageIsEmpty(page))
/* PageIsNew probably shouldn't happen... */
return false;
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
for (offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
offnum <= maxoff;
offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
ItemId itemid;
itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
if (!ItemIdIsNormal(itemid))
tupleheader = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
if (heap_tuple_needs_freeze(tupleheader, FreezeLimit,
MultiXactFrzLimit, buf))
return true;
} /* scan along page */
return false;
* lazy_vacuum_index() -- vacuum one index relation.
* Delete all the index entries pointing to tuples listed in
* vacrelstats->dead_tuples, and update running statistics.
static void
lazy_vacuum_index(Relation indrel,
IndexBulkDeleteResult **stats,
LVRelStats *vacrelstats)
IndexVacuumInfo ivinfo;
PGRUsage ru0;
ivinfo.index = indrel;
ivinfo.analyze_only = false;
ivinfo.estimated_count = true;
ivinfo.message_level = elevel;
ivinfo.num_heap_tuples = vacrelstats->old_rel_tuples;
ivinfo.strategy = vac_strategy;
/* Do bulk deletion */
*stats = index_bulk_delete(&ivinfo, *stats,
lazy_tid_reaped, (void *) vacrelstats);
(errmsg("scanned index \"%s\" to remove %d row versions",
errdetail("%s.", pg_rusage_show(&ru0))));
* lazy_cleanup_index() -- do post-vacuum cleanup for one index relation.
static void
lazy_cleanup_index(Relation indrel,
IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
LVRelStats *vacrelstats)
IndexVacuumInfo ivinfo;
PGRUsage ru0;
ivinfo.index = indrel;
ivinfo.analyze_only = false;
ivinfo.estimated_count = (vacrelstats->scanned_pages < vacrelstats->rel_pages);
ivinfo.message_level = elevel;
ivinfo.num_heap_tuples = vacrelstats->new_rel_tuples;
ivinfo.strategy = vac_strategy;
stats = index_vacuum_cleanup(&ivinfo, stats);
if (!stats)
* Now update statistics in pg_class, but only if the index says the count
* is accurate.
if (!stats->estimated_count)
(errmsg("index \"%s\" now contains %.0f row versions in %u pages",
errdetail("%.0f index row versions were removed.\n"
"%u index pages have been deleted, %u are currently reusable.\n"
stats->pages_deleted, stats->pages_free,
* lazy_truncate_heap - try to truncate off any empty pages at the end
static void
lazy_truncate_heap(Relation onerel, LVRelStats *vacrelstats)
BlockNumber old_rel_pages = vacrelstats->rel_pages;
BlockNumber new_rel_pages;
PGRUsage ru0;
int lock_retry;
* Loop until no more truncating can be done.
* We need full exclusive lock on the relation in order to do
* truncation. If we can't get it, give up rather than waiting --- we
* don't want to block other backends, and we don't want to deadlock
* (which is quite possible considering we already hold a lower-grade
* lock).
vacrelstats->lock_waiter_detected = false;
lock_retry = 0;
while (true)
if (ConditionalLockRelation(onerel, AccessExclusiveLock))
* Check for interrupts while trying to (re-)acquire the exclusive
* lock.
* We failed to establish the lock in the specified number of
* retries. This means we give up truncating. Suppress the
* ANALYZE step. Doing an ANALYZE at this point will reset the
* dead_tuple_count in the stats collector, so we will not get
* called by the autovacuum launcher again to do the truncate.
vacrelstats->lock_waiter_detected = true;
(errmsg("automatic vacuum of table \"%s.%s.%s\": "
"could not (re)acquire exclusive "
"lock for truncate scan",
* Now that we have exclusive lock, look to see if the rel has grown
* whilst we were vacuuming with non-exclusive lock. If so, give up;
* the newly added pages presumably contain non-deletable tuples.
new_rel_pages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(onerel);
if (new_rel_pages != old_rel_pages)
* Note: we intentionally don't update vacrelstats->rel_pages with
* the new rel size here. If we did, it would amount to assuming
* that the new pages are empty, which is unlikely. Leaving the
* numbers alone amounts to assuming that the new pages have the
* same tuple density as existing ones, which is less unlikely.
UnlockRelation(onerel, AccessExclusiveLock);
* Scan backwards from the end to verify that the end pages actually
* contain no tuples. This is *necessary*, not optional, because
* other backends could have added tuples to these pages whilst we
* were vacuuming.
new_rel_pages = count_nondeletable_pages(onerel, vacrelstats);
if (new_rel_pages >= old_rel_pages)
/* can't do anything after all */
UnlockRelation(onerel, AccessExclusiveLock);
* Okay to truncate.
RelationTruncate(onerel, new_rel_pages);
* We can release the exclusive lock as soon as we have truncated.
* Other backends can't safely access the relation until they have
* processed the smgr invalidation that smgrtruncate sent out ... but
* that should happen as part of standard invalidation processing once
* they acquire lock on the relation.
UnlockRelation(onerel, AccessExclusiveLock);
* Update statistics. Here, it *is* correct to adjust rel_pages
* without also touching reltuples, since the tuple count wasn't
* changed by the truncation.
vacrelstats->pages_removed += old_rel_pages - new_rel_pages;
vacrelstats->rel_pages = new_rel_pages;
(errmsg("\"%s\": truncated %u to %u pages",
old_rel_pages, new_rel_pages),
old_rel_pages = new_rel_pages;
} while (new_rel_pages > vacrelstats->nonempty_pages &&
* Rescan end pages to verify that they are (still) empty of tuples.
* Returns number of nondeletable pages (last nonempty page + 1).
static BlockNumber
count_nondeletable_pages(Relation onerel, LVRelStats *vacrelstats)
BlockNumber blkno;
instr_time starttime;
instr_time currenttime;
instr_time elapsed;
/* Initialize the starttime if we check for conflicting lock requests */
/* Strange coding of loop control is needed because blkno is unsigned */
blkno = vacrelstats->rel_pages;
while (blkno > vacrelstats->nonempty_pages)
Buffer buf;
Page page;
OffsetNumber offnum,
bool hastup;
* Check if another process requests a lock on our relation. We are
* holding an AccessExclusiveLock here, so they will be waiting. We
* only do this in autovacuum_truncate_lock_check millisecond
* intervals, and we only check if that interval has elapsed once
* every 32 blocks to keep the number of system calls and actual
* shared lock table lookups to a minimum.
if ((blkno % 32) == 0)
elapsed = currenttime;
INSTR_TIME_SUBTRACT(elapsed, starttime);
if ((INSTR_TIME_GET_MICROSEC(elapsed) / 1000)
if (LockHasWaitersRelation(onerel, AccessExclusiveLock))
(errmsg("\"%s\": suspending truncate "
"due to conflicting lock request",
vacrelstats->lock_waiter_detected = true;
return blkno;
starttime = currenttime;
* We don't insert a vacuum delay point here, because we have an
* exclusive lock on the table which we want to hold for as short a
* time as possible. We still need to check for interrupts however.
buf = ReadBufferExtended(onerel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno,
RBM_NORMAL, vac_strategy);
/* In this phase we only need shared access to the buffer */
LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
page = BufferGetPage(buf);
if (PageIsNew(page) || PageIsEmpty(page))
/* PageIsNew probably shouldn't happen... */
hastup = false;
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
for (offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
offnum <= maxoff;
offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
ItemId itemid;
itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
* Note: any non-unused item should be taken as a reason to keep
* this page. We formerly thought that DEAD tuples could be
* thrown away, but that's not so, because we'd not have cleaned
* out their index entries.
if (ItemIdIsUsed(itemid))
hastup = true;
break; /* can stop scanning */
} /* scan along page */
/* Done scanning if we found a tuple here */
if (hastup)
return blkno + 1;
* If we fall out of the loop, all the previously-thought-to-be-empty
* pages still are; we need not bother to look at the last known-nonempty
* page.
return vacrelstats->nonempty_pages;
* lazy_space_alloc - space allocation decisions for lazy vacuum
* See the comments at the head of this file for rationale.
static void
lazy_space_alloc(LVRelStats *vacrelstats, BlockNumber relblocks)
long maxtuples;
if (vacrelstats->hasindex)
maxtuples = (maintenance_work_mem * 1024L) / sizeof(ItemPointerData);
maxtuples = Min(maxtuples, INT_MAX);
maxtuples = Min(maxtuples, MaxAllocSize / sizeof(ItemPointerData));
/* curious coding here to ensure the multiplication can't overflow */
if ((BlockNumber) (maxtuples / LAZY_ALLOC_TUPLES) > relblocks)
maxtuples = relblocks * LAZY_ALLOC_TUPLES;
/* stay sane if small maintenance_work_mem */
maxtuples = Max(maxtuples, MaxHeapTuplesPerPage);
maxtuples = MaxHeapTuplesPerPage;
vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples = 0;
vacrelstats->max_dead_tuples = (int) maxtuples;
vacrelstats->dead_tuples = (ItemPointer)
palloc(maxtuples * sizeof(ItemPointerData));
* lazy_record_dead_tuple - remember one deletable tuple
static void
lazy_record_dead_tuple(LVRelStats *vacrelstats,
ItemPointer itemptr)
* The array shouldn't overflow under normal behavior, but perhaps it
* could if we are given a really small maintenance_work_mem. In that
* case, just forget the last few tuples (we'll get 'em next time).
if (vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples < vacrelstats->max_dead_tuples)
vacrelstats->dead_tuples[vacrelstats->num_dead_tuples] = *itemptr;
* lazy_tid_reaped() -- is a particular tid deletable?
* This has the right signature to be an IndexBulkDeleteCallback.
* Assumes dead_tuples array is in sorted order.
static bool
lazy_tid_reaped(ItemPointer itemptr, void *state)
LVRelStats *vacrelstats = (LVRelStats *) state;
ItemPointer res;
res = (ItemPointer) bsearch((void *) itemptr,
(void *) vacrelstats->dead_tuples,
return (res != NULL);
* Comparator routines for use with qsort() and bsearch().
static int
vac_cmp_itemptr(const void *left, const void *right)
BlockNumber lblk,
OffsetNumber loff,
lblk = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber((ItemPointer) left);
rblk = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber((ItemPointer) right);
if (lblk < rblk)
return -1;
if (lblk > rblk)
return 1;
loff = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber((ItemPointer) left);
roff = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber((ItemPointer) right);
if (loff < roff)
return -1;
if (loff > roff)
return 1;
return 0;
* Check if every tuple in the given page is visible to all current and future
* transactions. Also return the visibility_cutoff_xid which is the highest
* xmin amongst the visible tuples.
static bool
heap_page_is_all_visible(Buffer buf, TransactionId *visibility_cutoff_xid)
Page page = BufferGetPage(buf);
OffsetNumber offnum,
bool all_visible = true;
*visibility_cutoff_xid = InvalidTransactionId;
* This is a stripped down version of the line pointer scan in
* lazy_scan_heap(). So if you change anything here, also check that
* code.
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
for (offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
offnum <= maxoff && all_visible;
offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
ItemId itemid;
HeapTupleData tuple;
itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
/* Unused or redirect line pointers are of no interest */
if (!ItemIdIsUsed(itemid) || ItemIdIsRedirected(itemid))
ItemPointerSet(&(tuple.t_self), BufferGetBlockNumber(buf), offnum);
* Dead line pointers can have index pointers pointing to them. So they
* can't be treated as visible
if (ItemIdIsDead(itemid))
all_visible = false;
tuple.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
switch (HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(tuple.t_data, OldestXmin, buf))
TransactionId xmin;
/* Check comments in lazy_scan_heap. */
if (!(tuple.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED))
all_visible = false;
* The inserter definitely committed. But is it old
* enough that everyone sees it as committed?
xmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple.t_data);
if (!TransactionIdPrecedes(xmin, OldestXmin))
all_visible = false;
/* Track newest xmin on page. */
if (TransactionIdFollows(xmin, *visibility_cutoff_xid))
*visibility_cutoff_xid = xmin;
all_visible = false;
elog(ERROR, "unexpected HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum result");
} /* scan along page */
return all_visible;