Thomas G. Lockhart 93d80d3359 Define boolean functions and operators for lseg <, <=, <>, >=, >.
Define functions and operators for closest point to lseg on box,
 to line on lseg, to lseg on lseg.
Define function and operator for length of lseg.
Change length operator from '??' to '@-@'
 (currently defined for path and lseg).
1998-02-03 16:01:59 +00:00

357 lines
12 KiB

* geo_decls.h - Declarations for various 2D constructs.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: geo_decls.h,v 1.18 1998/02/03 16:01:06 thomas Exp $
* These routines do *not* use the float types from adt/.
* XXX These routines were not written by a numerical analyst.
* XXX I have made some attempt to flesh out the operators
* and data types. There are still some more to do. - tgl 97/04/19
#ifndef GEO_DECLS_H
#define GEO_DECLS_H
#include "access/attnum.h"
* Useful floating point utilities and constants.
#define EPSILON 1.0E-06
#ifdef EPSILON
#define FPzero(A) (fabs(A) <= EPSILON)
#define FPeq(A,B) (fabs((A) - (B)) <= EPSILON)
#define FPlt(A,B) ((B) - (A) > EPSILON)
#define FPle(A,B) ((A) - (B) <= EPSILON)
#define FPgt(A,B) ((A) - (B) > EPSILON)
#define FPge(A,B) ((B) - (A) <= EPSILON)
#define FPzero(A) (A == 0)
#define FPnzero(A) (A != 0)
#define FPeq(A,B) (A == B)
#define FPne(A,B) (A != B)
#define FPlt(A,B) (A < B)
#define FPle(A,B) (A <= B)
#define FPgt(A,B) (A > B)
#define FPge(A,B) (A >= B)
#define HYPOT(A, B) sqrt((A) * (A) + (B) * (B))
* Point - (x,y)
typedef struct
double x,
} Point;
* LSEG - A straight line, specified by endpoints.
typedef struct
Point p[2];
double m; /* precomputed to save time, not in tuple */
* PATH - Specified by vertex points.
typedef struct
int32 size; /* XXX varlena */
int32 npts;
int32 closed; /* is this a closed polygon? */
int32 dummy; /* padding to make it double align */
Point p[1]; /* variable length array of POINTs */
* LINE - Specified by its general equation (Ax+By+C=0).
* If there is a y-intercept, it is C, which
* incidentally gives a freebie point on the line
* (if B=0, then C is the x-intercept).
* Slope m is precalculated to save time; if
* the line is not vertical, m == A.
typedef struct
double A,
double m;
* BOX - Specified by two corner points, which are
* sorted to save calculation time later.
typedef struct
Point high,
low; /* corner POINTs */
} BOX;
* POLYGON - Specified by an array of doubles defining the points,
* keeping the number of points and the bounding box for
* speed purposes.
typedef struct
int32 size; /* XXX varlena */
int32 npts;
BOX boundbox;
Point p[1]; /* variable length array of POINTs */
* CIRCLE - Specified by a center point and radius.
typedef struct
Point center;
double radius;
* in geo_ops.h
/* public point routines */
extern Point *point_in(char *str);
extern char *point_out(Point *pt);
extern bool point_left(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern bool point_right(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern bool point_above(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern bool point_below(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern bool point_vert(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern bool point_horiz(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern bool point_eq(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern bool point_ne(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern int32 pointdist(Point *p1, Point *p2);
extern double *point_distance(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern double *point_slope(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
/* private routines */
extern double point_dt(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern double point_sl(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
extern Point *point(float8 *x, float8 *y);
extern Point *point_add(Point *p1, Point *p2);
extern Point *point_sub(Point *p1, Point *p2);
extern Point *point_mul(Point *p1, Point *p2);
extern Point *point_div(Point *p1, Point *p2);
/* public lseg routines */
extern LSEG *lseg_in(char *str);
extern char *lseg_out(LSEG *ls);
extern bool lseg_intersect(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern bool lseg_parallel(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern bool lseg_perp(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern bool lseg_vertical(LSEG *lseg);
extern bool lseg_horizontal(LSEG *lseg);
extern bool lseg_eq(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern bool lseg_ne(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern bool lseg_lt(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern bool lseg_le(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern bool lseg_gt(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern bool lseg_ge(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern double *lseg_length(LSEG *lseg);
extern double *lseg_distance(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern Point *lseg_center(LSEG *lseg);
extern Point *lseg_interpt(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern double *dist_pl(Point *pt, LINE *line);
extern double *dist_ps(Point *pt, LSEG *lseg);
extern double *dist_ppath(Point *pt, PATH *path);
extern double *dist_pb(Point *pt, BOX *box);
extern double *dist_sl(LSEG *lseg, LINE *line);
extern double *dist_sb(LSEG *lseg, BOX *box);
extern double *dist_lb(LINE *line, BOX *box);
extern Point *close_lseg(LSEG *l1, LSEG *l2);
extern Point *close_pl(Point *pt, LINE *line);
extern Point *close_ps(Point *pt, LSEG *lseg);
extern Point *close_pb(Point *pt, BOX *box);
extern Point *close_sl(LSEG *lseg, LINE *line);
extern Point *close_sb(LSEG *lseg, BOX *box);
extern Point *close_ls(LINE *line, LSEG *lseg);
extern Point *close_lb(LINE *line, BOX *box);
extern bool on_pl(Point *pt, LINE *line);
extern bool on_ps(Point *pt, LSEG *lseg);
extern bool on_pb(Point *pt, BOX *box);
extern bool on_ppath(Point *pt, PATH *path);
extern bool on_sl(LSEG *lseg, LINE *line);
extern bool on_sb(LSEG *lseg, BOX *box);
extern bool inter_sl(LSEG *lseg, LINE *line);
extern bool inter_sb(LSEG *lseg, BOX *box);
extern bool inter_lb(LINE *line, BOX *box);
/* private routines */
extern LSEG *lseg_construct(Point *pt1, Point *pt2);
/* public box routines */
extern BOX *box_in(char *str);
extern char *box_out(BOX *box);
extern bool box_same(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_overlap(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_overleft(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_left(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_right(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_overright(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_contained(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_contain(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_below(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_above(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_lt(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_gt(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_eq(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_le(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern bool box_ge(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern Point *box_center(BOX *box);
extern double *box_area(BOX *box);
extern double *box_width(BOX *box);
extern double *box_height(BOX *box);
extern double *box_distance(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern Point *box_center(BOX *box);
extern BOX *box_intersect(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern LSEG *box_diagonal(BOX *box);
/* private routines */
extern double box_dt(BOX *box1, BOX *box2);
extern BOX *box(Point *p1, Point *p2);
extern BOX *box_add(BOX *box, Point *p);
extern BOX *box_sub(BOX *box, Point *p);
extern BOX *box_mul(BOX *box, Point *p);
extern BOX *box_div(BOX *box, Point *p);
/* private line routines */
extern double *line_distance(LINE *l1, LINE *l2);
/* public path routines */
extern PATH *path_in(char *str);
extern char *path_out(PATH *path);
extern bool path_n_lt(PATH *p1, PATH *p2);
extern bool path_n_gt(PATH *p1, PATH *p2);
extern bool path_n_eq(PATH *p1, PATH *p2);
extern bool path_n_le(PATH *p1, PATH *p2);
extern bool path_n_ge(PATH *p1, PATH *p2);
extern bool path_inter(PATH *p1, PATH *p2);
extern double *path_distance(PATH *p1, PATH *p2);
extern double *path_length(PATH *path);
extern bool path_isclosed(PATH *path);
extern bool path_isopen(PATH *path);
extern int4 path_npoints(PATH *path);
extern PATH *path_close(PATH *path);
extern PATH *path_open(PATH *path);
extern PATH *path_add(PATH *p1, PATH *p2);
extern PATH *path_add_pt(PATH *path, Point *point);
extern PATH *path_sub_pt(PATH *path, Point *point);
extern PATH *path_mul_pt(PATH *path, Point *point);
extern PATH *path_div_pt(PATH *path, Point *point);
extern bool path_contain_pt(PATH *path, Point *p);
extern bool pt_contained_path(Point *p, PATH *path);
extern Point *path_center(PATH *path);
extern POLYGON *path_poly(PATH *path);
extern PATH *upgradepath(PATH *path);
extern bool isoldpath(PATH *path);
/* public polygon routines */
extern POLYGON *poly_in(char *s);
extern char *poly_out(POLYGON *poly);
extern bool poly_left(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern bool poly_overleft(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern bool poly_right(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern bool poly_overright(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern bool poly_same(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern bool poly_overlap(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern bool poly_contain(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern bool poly_contained(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern bool poly_contain_pt(POLYGON *poly, Point *p);
extern bool pt_contained_poly(Point *p, POLYGON *poly);
extern double *poly_distance(POLYGON *polya, POLYGON *polyb);
extern int4 poly_npoints(POLYGON *poly);
extern Point *poly_center(POLYGON *poly);
extern BOX *poly_box(POLYGON *poly);
extern PATH *poly_path(POLYGON *poly);
extern POLYGON *box_poly(BOX *box);
extern POLYGON *upgradepoly(POLYGON *poly);
extern POLYGON *revertpoly(POLYGON *poly);
/* private polygon routines */
/* public circle routines */
extern CIRCLE *circle_in(char *str);
extern char *circle_out(CIRCLE *circle);
extern bool circle_same(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_overlap(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_overleft(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_left(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_right(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_overright(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_contained(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_contain(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_below(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_above(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_eq(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_ne(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_lt(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_gt(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_le(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_ge(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern bool circle_contain_pt(CIRCLE *circle, Point *point);
extern bool pt_contained_circle(Point *point, CIRCLE *circle);
extern CIRCLE *circle_add_pt(CIRCLE *circle, Point *point);
extern CIRCLE *circle_sub_pt(CIRCLE *circle, Point *point);
extern CIRCLE *circle_mul_pt(CIRCLE *circle, Point *point);
extern CIRCLE *circle_div_pt(CIRCLE *circle, Point *point);
extern double *circle_diameter(CIRCLE *circle);
extern double *circle_radius(CIRCLE *circle);
extern double *circle_distance(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
extern double *dist_pc(Point *point, CIRCLE *circle);
extern double *dist_cpoly(CIRCLE *circle, POLYGON *poly);
extern Point *circle_center(CIRCLE *circle);
extern CIRCLE *circle(Point *center, float8 *radius);
extern CIRCLE *box_circle(BOX *box);
extern BOX *circle_box(CIRCLE *circle);
extern CIRCLE *poly_circle(POLYGON *poly);
extern POLYGON *circle_poly(int npts, CIRCLE *circle);
/* private routines */
extern double *circle_area(CIRCLE *circle);
extern double circle_dt(CIRCLE *circle1, CIRCLE *circle2);
/* geo_selfuncs.c */
extern float64 areasel(Oid opid, Oid relid, AttrNumber attno,
char *value, int32 flag);
extern float64 areajoinsel(Oid opid, Oid relid, AttrNumber attno,
char *value, int32 flag);
#endif /* GEO_DECLS_H */