
116 lines
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-- Test random() and allies
-- Tests in this file may have a small probability of failure,
-- since we are dealing with randomness. Try to keep the failure
-- risk for any one test case under 1e-9.
-- There should be no duplicates in 1000 random() values.
-- (Assuming 52 random bits in the float8 results, we could
-- take as many as 3000 values and still have less than 1e-9 chance
-- of failure, per
SELECT r, count(*)
FROM (SELECT random() r FROM generate_series(1, 1000)) ss
GROUP BY r HAVING count(*) > 1;
-- The range should be [0, 1). We can expect that at least one out of 2000
-- random values is in the lowest or highest 1% of the range with failure
-- probability less than about 1e-9.
SELECT count(*) FILTER (WHERE r < 0 OR r >= 1) AS out_of_range,
(count(*) FILTER (WHERE r < 0.01)) > 0 AS has_small,
(count(*) FILTER (WHERE r > 0.99)) > 0 AS has_large
FROM (SELECT random() r FROM generate_series(1, 2000)) ss;
-- Check for uniform distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
CREATE FUNCTION ks_test_uniform_random()
RETURNS boolean AS
n int := 1000; -- Number of samples
c float8 := 1.94947; -- Critical value for 99.9% confidence
ok boolean;
ok := (
WITH samples AS (
SELECT random() r FROM generate_series(1, n) ORDER BY 1
), indexed_samples AS (
SELECT (row_number() OVER())-1.0 i, r FROM samples
SELECT max(abs(i/n-r)) < c / sqrt(n) FROM indexed_samples
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- As written, ks_test_uniform_random() returns true about 99.9%
-- of the time. To get down to a roughly 1e-9 test failure rate,
-- just run it 3 times and accept if any one of them passes.
SELECT ks_test_uniform_random() OR
ks_test_uniform_random() OR
ks_test_uniform_random() AS uniform;
-- now test random_normal()
-- As above, there should be no duplicates in 1000 random_normal() values.
SELECT r, count(*)
FROM (SELECT random_normal() r FROM generate_series(1, 1000)) ss
GROUP BY r HAVING count(*) > 1;
-- ... unless we force the range (standard deviation) to zero.
-- This is a good place to check that the mean input does something, too.
SELECT r, count(*)
FROM (SELECT random_normal(10, 0) r FROM generate_series(1, 100)) ss
SELECT r, count(*)
FROM (SELECT random_normal(-10, 0) r FROM generate_series(1, 100)) ss
-- Check standard normal distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
CREATE FUNCTION ks_test_normal_random()
RETURNS boolean AS
n int := 1000; -- Number of samples
c float8 := 1.94947; -- Critical value for 99.9% confidence
ok boolean;
ok := (
WITH samples AS (
SELECT random_normal() r FROM generate_series(1, n) ORDER BY 1
), indexed_samples AS (
SELECT (row_number() OVER())-1.0 i, r FROM samples
SELECT max(abs((1+erf(r/sqrt(2)))/2 - i/n)) < c / sqrt(n)
FROM indexed_samples
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- As above, ks_test_normal_random() returns true about 99.9%
-- of the time, so try it 3 times and accept if any test passes.
SELECT ks_test_normal_random() OR
ks_test_normal_random() OR
ks_test_normal_random() AS standard_normal;
-- setseed() should produce a reproducible series of random() values.
SELECT setseed(0.5);
SELECT random() FROM generate_series(1, 10);
-- Likewise for random_normal(); however, since its implementation relies
-- on libm functions that have different roundoff behaviors on different
-- machines, we have to round off the results a bit to get consistent output.
SET extra_float_digits = -1;
SELECT random_normal() FROM generate_series(1, 10);
SELECT random_normal(mean => 1, stddev => 0.1) r FROM generate_series(1, 10);